Annual General Meeting Monday, November 26, 2007 Minutes Executives:
Brenda Corbett, President Jennette Leung, VP Finances & Administration Irina Osipova, VP Public Relations & Marketing Thomas Nguyen, VP Campus Life Christopher Peacock, Manufacturing, Electronics and Industrial Process Chair Thomas Trowbridge, Business Chair Roan Hidalgo, Computing & Academic Studies Chair Emily Ho, Health Sciences Chair Leanne Atienza, VP of Student Affairs Doug Holdgate, Transportation, Construction & the Environment Chair
Angela Meyer Tod Fraser Neil Dorais Billy Moore Pulkit Jain Manjot Mattu Alec Lee
Geoff Gauthier, Editor Caroline Gagnon, Director Roland Gagel, Controller
Aga Khan Simon Woo Heidi Barker Alec Lee
Justin Lou, School of Business Charan Sidhu, School of Business Sam Hodson, School of Business Edward Chin, School of Business Baljinder Grewal, School of Business Adam McNab, ATC President Corey Shaw, ATC, Treasurer
Konstantin Kleiner Joshua Smith Robby Basi Arun Randhawa Eugene Park Anmar Stephan-Tozy
Wendy Ngo Baljinder Grewal Jennah Stavroff
1. Meeting Called to Order The meeting was called to order by the Chairperson, Brenda Corbett at 5:38 pm. (30 voting members) 2. Acceptance of the Agenda It was moved that the agenda be accepted with the following deletion: • Delete section 7. Strategic Plan Moved by: Jennette Leung Seconded by: Emily Ho 18/0/1 Carried
3. President’s Report Brenda Corbett explains that last year Orientation and Shinerama were successful, Advocacy, By-laws, Referendum giving a voting position on Board of Governors. 4. Report on Audited Financial Statements Brenda Corbett introduces Mr Roland Gagel, BCITSA Controller. He presents various highlights surrounding the 2006-2007 Year End Financial Statements. Issues such as investments, bank indebtedness, revenues, and operating expenses. Motion: Be it resolved that BCITSA accepts the 2006-2007 audited year-end Financial Statements as presented. Moved by: Jennette Leung Seconded by: Thomas Trowbridge 30/0/0 Carried 5. Auditor’s Appointment for 2007/2008 Jennette Leung explains that last years business committee selected Reid Hurst Nagy as the auditors following an increase in cost from the predecessor accounting firm. Their services were good and met the contractual obligations. Motion: Be it resolved that BCITSA appoints Reid Hurst Nagy Accounting Firm as the auditors for the 2007-2008 fiscal year. Moved by: Jennette Leung Seconded by: Christopher Peacock 29/0/0 Carried Questions: • How did the committee select firms to quote on the audit? Roland explains that he selected firms based on reputation and past work. The committee then selected Reid Hurst Nagy based on service and price. • Can a firm be appointed past their 5-year commitment? No. According to the bylaws, a new firm will need to be appointed to increase transparency. 6. Bylaws Jennette explains that the bylaw committee proposes the following changes. She also thanks those involved in the committee. Motion: Be it resolved that BCITSA accepts the proposed bylaw interpretation changes as presented. Moved by: Jennette Leung Seconded by: Roan Hidalgo 28/0/0 Carried Motion: Be it resolved that BCITSA accepts the proposed changes under Bylaw 2 as presented. Moved by: Roan Hidalgo Seconded by: Thomas Nguyen 28/0/0 Carried Motion: Be it resolved that BCITSA accepts the proposed changes under Bylaw 3 as presented. Moved by: Thomas Nguyen Seconded by: Emily Ho
Motion: Be it resolved that BCITSA accepts the proposed changes under Bylaw 4 as presented. Moved by: Emily Ho Seconded by: Leanne Atienza 28/0/0 Carried Motion: Be it resolved that BCITSA accepts the proposed changes under Bylaw 5 as presented. Moved by: Leanne Atienza Seconded by: Thomas Trowbridge 28/0/0 Carried Motion: Be it resolved that BCITSA accepts the proposed changes under Bylaw 6 as presented. Moved by: Thomas Trowbridge Seconded by: Doug Holdgate 27/0/0 Carried Motion: Be it resolved that BCITSA accepts the proposed changes under Bylaw 7 covering the business, services, and club committee as presented. Moved by: Doug Holdgate Seconded by: Christopher Peacock 28/0/0 Carried Motion: Be it resolved that BCITSA accepts the proposed changes under Bylaw 8 as presented. Moved by: Christopher Peacock Seconded by: Irina Osipova 27/0/0 Carried Motion: Be it resolved that BCITSA accepts the proposed changes under Bylaw 11 as presented. Moved by: Irina Osipova Seconded by: Jennette Leung 27/0/0 Carried Motion: Be it resolved that BCITSA accepts the proposed changes under Bylaw 12 as presented. Moved by: Adam Seconded by: Corey 27/0/0 Carried Amendment to the Motion: Be it resolved that bylaw 12 read, all fees for admission to the Association are to be collected by BCIT at the time of payment of fees. Moved by: Jennette Leung Seconded by: Roan Hidalgo 26/0/0/ Carried Debate: • Jennette informs that the amendment was the result of a misunderstanding from the committee, and information should reflect the new information. Motion:
Be it resolved that BCITSA accepts the proposed changes under Bylaw 16 as presented. Moved by: Corey Shaw Seconded by: Adam McNab 26/0/0 Carried Motion: Be it resolved that BCITSA accepts the proposed changes under Bylaw 20 as presented. Moved by: Thomas Nguyen Seconded by: Emily Ho 27/0/0 Carried
Meeting adjourned It was moved by Doug Holdgate and seconded by Emily Ho that the meeting be adjourned. (7:13 pm) 27/0/0 Carried
Annual General Meeting Agenda Monday November 26, 2007 5:30-7:30pm 1.
Meeting Called to Order
Acceptance of the Agenda
President’s Report
Report on Audited Financial Statements Roland Gagel, Controller
Auditor’s Appointment for 2007/2008 Jennette Leung, VP Finance & Administration
Strategic Plan
Meeting Adjourned
Proposed Bylaw Changes Submitted by: Bylaw Committee 2007
ATC – shall refer to the Aerospace Technology Campus. Clubs – shall refer to student organizations that have been recognized by the BCITSA pursuant to the procedures set out in Bylaw 16. Satellite Campus – shall refer to the BCIT Campuses other than Burnaby Campus (ie. Aerospace Campus, Marine Campus, and Great Northern Way Campus). Rationale: To include ATC and other BCIT satellite campuses in the BCITSA bylaws. Clubs was moved to keep the interpretations in alphabetical order
6 School Chairs Tech/Set or Class Representatives report to School Chairs
Rationale: The new ATC Chair will be introduced replacing the ATC President and Treasurer position. Class Representatives refer to the “set/tech reps” at the ATC campus.
The elected members on Council shall consist of:
Vice President Administration & Finance
Vice President Student Affairs
Vice President Public Relations & Marketing
Vice President Campus Life
Chair of the School of Business
Chair of the School of Health Sciences
Chair of the School of Manufacturing, Electronics & Industrial Processes
Chair of the School of Computing & Academic Studies
Chair of the School of Transportation, Construction & the Environment, from here after shall exclude Chair of ATC
Chair of ATC
These 11 elected members shall be the BCITSA directors as defined by the Society Act. 3.2.2
The appointed members on Council shall consist of:
Councilors from the School of Business
Councilors from the School of Health Sciences
Councilors from the School of Manufacturing, Electronics & Industrial Processes
Councilors from the School of Transportation, Construction & the Environment
Councilors from the School of Computing & Academic Studies
Councilors from ATC
International Student Councilor
Residence Student Councilor
To conduct all meetings of the Association according to the latest edition of Robert’s Rules of Order.
Rationale “By law 3” should not have a space in between. Section 3.2.1 and 3.2.2 now include the ATC chair position hereby removing ATC from the Chair of School of Transportation, Construction, and the environment’s portfolio. Section 3.3.3 wording is now grammatically correct.
BYLAW 4 – DUTIES OF THE MEMBERS OF COUNCIL ATC Councilors shall be entitled to alternate participation in all Council meeting at Burnaby Campus with ATC Chair and are required to attend the Annual General Meeting and Special General Meetings. 4.1.3
Provide direct communication between the Council and their respective Schools or Community (students, faculty, and staff). Councilors are not required to sit on an Association or Institute committee. Councilors shall receive a monthly honorarium in accordance to their attendance at ATC Class Representative Committees. and understand the Association’s Constitution and Bylaws to abide by Constitution and Bylaws and/or regulation shall lead to a verbal warning followed by a written warning before termination of position. Serious offences are subject to immediate termination. and understand the Association’s Constitution and Bylaws
Assume the role of Chief Returning Officer should the Vice President of Finance and Administration not be able to fulfill the role.
Sit on, or be represented on, all committees struck by the Association, Administration, Staff, BCIT Board of Governors, BCIT Educational Council and Alumni where it is deemed of importance to students. If an invitation is not extended by outside groups to sit on such committees, it will be the President’s duty to negotiate for such representation.
Ensure that Executives and Councilors receive minutes from all Council Meetings. Preside as Chair of the Business Committee (See Bylaw 7).
Promote student organized events, fundraising and charities on and off campus in conjunction with Vice President Campus Life.
Preside as Co-Chair of the Business Committee (See Bylaw 7)
Promote good public relations between the BCIT community (students, faculty, and staff), post secondary institutions, municipality, and industry.
Be responsible for implementing the Annual Charity Campaign (with cooperation of the Vice President Campus Life).
The charity for the Annual Charity Campaign shall be announced to the council no later than January
Oversee any Association-related conferences to take place on and off campus, and should handle inquiries from external student unions in consultation with the Executive and/or Council.
Must be informed of all campus events put on by the Schools, Technologies, Clubs, etc. through open communication with Vice President Campus Life and BCIT Be responsible for handling student issues and concerns.
Preside as Chair of the Student Services Committee and Co-chair of the Clubs Committee.(See Bylaw 7)
Organize events for special celebrations, such as Halloween and Valentines Day. (DELETED) Solicit and appoint a Councilor from residence students, and submit the name of the Councilor to the Vice President Finance & Administration by the end of September. (DELETED) Preside as Chair of the Clubs Committee 4.3.6. Chair of the School of Business Chair of the School of Health Sciences
Chair of the School of Manufacturing, Electronics & Industrial Processes Chair of the School of Computing & Academic Studies Chair of the School of Transportation, Construction & the Environment Chair of ATC
To liaise with BCIT, to ensure that Set and Technology Representatives are elected. (DELETED)
Participating in Council meetings, whether that is in attendance or electronically.
Attending Annual and General Meetings and Special General Meetings
Liaising with BCIT, to ensure that Set, Technology, or Class Representatives are elected
Acting as a liaison between Council and their respective School or Satellite Campus. Expressing the viewpoint of the Schools or Satellite Campus at Executive or Council meetings. Maintaining an equal balance of first and second year Councilors. In the event of an uneven number of Councilors, the Chair of that School shall decide if the additional person will be from the 1st or 2nd year.
ATC Chair to solicit and appoint ATC Councilors from the membership of ATC and submit the list of Councilors to the Vice President Finance & Administration within two weeks of election or new intake.
The ATCE Councilors shall consist of Level 1 and 2 students in first term and Level 3 students in second term.
Rationale: To include ATC positions in the bylaws. Section 4.1.3, “community” was clarified. Section defines that executives must read the constitution and bylaws. Section was added to keep it consistent to what is noted in Bylaw 8: Elections. Section to no longer tie VP Marketing and PR to Shinerama Section Original- responsibility passed to Chair of School of Computing and Academic Studies. New-- standing committee – Clubs Committee 4. 5.
Technology, Set and Class Representatives Committee 5.1.1
One Committee will be formed for each School or Satellite Campus and the Chair of that School or Satellite Campus shall be the Chair of the Committee:
The Committee will consist of: a. Technology Representatives, b. Set Representatives, or c. Class Representatives
Shall meet at the call of the Chair, at least every four to six weeks.
Set Representatives shall report to their Technology Representatives continuously throughout the term.
Technology and Class Representatives shall report to their Chairs.
Set, Technology, and Class Representatives shall establish and maintain communications between their student body, and the Chair of their respective School or Satellite Campus.
Rationale: Includes ATC Section allows flexibility for meetings to occur every month or month and a half to reduce meetings deemed unnecessary. 6. 7.
Council Meeting shall be held bi-weekly during the school year, with the exception of statutory holidays. (a)
The Vice President Finance & Administration shall chair and the Vice President Public Relations & Marketing shall co-chair the Business Committee.
The Committee shall be made up of the Vice President Administration & Finance and Vice President Public Relations and Marketing as the Chair, and at least three (3) additional Council Members as appointed by Council. The Association Director or designate shall sit as an ex-officio member of the Committee.
The Committee shall meet at least quarterly to discuss any issues related the ongoing businesses of the Association. At which time, necessary policies or actions will take place by the Committee.
Rationale: Section 7.2.1 Defining chair position more clearly. (b) SERVICES COMMITTEE
The Vice President Student Affairs chair and the Vice President Campus Life shall co-chair the Service Committee.
The Committee shall be made up of the Vice President Student Affairs and the Vice President Campus Life, at least three (3) council members as appointed by Council. The Association Director or designate shall sit as an ex-officio member of the Committee.
The Committee shall meet at least quarterly to discuss any issues related to the on-going student services of the Association. At which time, necessary policies or actions will take place by the Committee
Rationale: Services Committee is not longer referred to as Support Services Committee. Section 7.2.4 Defining chair position more clearly. A co-chair has the authority of the chair should the chair be absent from the meeting. (c)
7.3 The Clubs Committee mandate shall encompass all Association’s Clubs. 7.3.1
The Vice President Campus Life shall chair and the Vice President Student Affairs shall co-chair the Clubs Committee.
The Committee shall be made up of the Vice President Campus Life and/or the Vice President Student Affairs as well as a representative from each club. The Association Director or designate shall sit as an ex-officio member of the Committee.
The Committee shall meet at least one a month to discuss any issues related to club activities and events affecting student life. Emergency meetings may be held at the call of the VP Campus Life with a 24 hour notice.
The Committee shall facilitate in determining the distribution of the annual club funds provided by the Student Association in March.
The Committee shall work by co-operation and consensus and not by vote, and when a resolution cannot be made at the Clubs Committee level, the Council should be asked to make the necessary decisions.
The Committee will report at Council Meetings any appropriate information.
Rationale: Clubs should report to VP Campus Life to update SA about events and activities to build better relationship and support.
The elections of the ATC Chair shall be conducted annually in the first week of April.
The Election Committee, chaired by the CRO or Vice President Administration and Finance shall be composed of: a. b.
Deputy Returning Officer Two (2) Councilors
The ATC Election Committee, chaired by the ATC Deputy Returning Officer shall be composed of: a. Two (2) Councilors
8.3.4. The Elections Committee shall make decisions by consensus. If no consensus can be reached, the Committee shall bring the issue to the Executive for ratification. 8.4
The ATC Chair shall serve as the Deputy Returning Officer, hereinafter referred to as the ATC DRO. The ATC DRO will report to the CRO on election activities and shall chair the ATC Elections Committee and be responsible for the administration and conduct of the ATC elections. The location(s) and method(s) of the polling.
Members of the Association
Full-time students based on BCIT criteria
In good standing with the Association
With a minimum of sixty-five percent (65%) previous term standing GPA
ATC candidates must be full-time students within Level 1 or 2 of first term
Election posts at ATC shall be as follows: a. Chair of ATC
In the event of manual ballot casting, candidates shall not campaign within 10 meters of a polling station.
Vote count should occur immediately upon the closing of the last poll station or termination of electronic voting system. Once counting has begun, no scrutineers, counters or members of the committee shall leave the count without the CRO.
ATC count is done by the ATC DRO who shall then report to the CRO.
8.10.1 The students of the five (5) Schools and the ATC Chair listed in the Bylaws shall be represented on the Association Council according to the following method based on enrollment figures as of September 15th of that academic year. Council ratio is one Councilor per every 300 full-time students.
8.10.4 The Residence Student Councilor and International Student Councilor shall be selected by the Chair of the School of Computing and Academic Studies. Rationale: Includes ATC Section 8.10.4 the Chair of School of Computing and Academic studies only needs to select one councilor and should be able to select two other councilors for residence and international. 9. 10. 11.
11.1.2 In the event of the resignation or impeachment of the ATC Chair, an ATC Councilor shall assume the office of the ATC Chair on a part-time basis, until the ATC Class Representative Committee selects a new full-time ATC Chair. The selection of the new ATC Chair shall be two-thirds majority vote by the Class Representative Committee and the selection shall be made within one month of the office becoming vacant. The ATC Councilor appointed by the ATC Class Representative Committee will become the ATC DRO for the oncoming election for a full-time ATC Chair. Rationale: Needs to have procedures for ATC
BYLAW 12 – FUNDS 12.1.1 All fees for admission to the Association are to be collected by the Vice President Finance & Administration of BCIT at the time of payment of fees.
16.5 All Clubs which propose to organize special functions, fundraising drives or appeals on or off the campus shall first secure the permission of the VP Campus Life before organizing or conducting such functions, drives or appeals. In the event of the loss incurred by Clubs in sponsoring such an event, the Association shall not be held liable for the loss. 16.9
The Vice President Campus Life shall review all Clubs by the last Council meeting before the year end (May 31st) and may recommend to Council to revoke sanctioned Club status due to:
20.1 The Association shall have the power to make such regulations from time to time as it may deem necessary or advisable concerning the activities of the Council, its Clubs, and members and to repeal, vary, alter, or amend the same in such a manner as it may seem fit. Such regulations shall be made by a resolution at Council or Executive meetings.