1 Council Meeting minutes Sept 09-02

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Council Meeting Monday, September 9, 2002 Minutes Present: Executives:

Samantha Yeung, President Jay Selinger, VP Finances & Administration John Alexander, VP Student Affairs Daniel Boffo, VP Campus Life Patricia Stefani, VP Public Relations & Marketing Cristina Roman, Business/ Health Chair Winston Tong, Transportation / Construction Chair Jeff Patton, Electrical / Electronics & CST Chair


Teri Almas Will Heller Tindy Bassi


Mike Nickel, Sea Island President Bhary Jaswal, Sea Island Secretary


Caroline Gagnon, Director


Meeting Called to order The meeting was called to order by the Chairperson, Samantha Yeung at 5:44 pm. (8 voting members)


Acceptance of the Agenda It was moved by Jay Selinger and seconded by Daniel Boffo that the agenda be accepted without changes.


Acceptance of the Minutes – July 10, 2002 It was moved by Jay Selinger and seconded by Daniel Boffo that the minutes of July 10, 2002 be accepted as read.


Guest Speakers

No guest speakers. 2.5.

Reports Executive & Director

Jay Selinger, VP Finances & Administration Jay congratulates everyone for Orientation and Shinerama and welcomes Sea Island Representatives.

John Alexander, VP Student Affairs • John is working on the Alcohol Awareness Week scheduled for early November. 2 groups have been invited; MADD and AA. Other groups will be invited to participate in the event. • From the literature read from Bachus, John is not really impressed with their soft approach. • John will be looking for volunteer to host this event. 1

Cristina Roman, Business/Health Chair • Cristina is in the process of recruiting volunteers for Shinerama and the Tech/Set Reps. Daniel Boffo, VP Campus Life • Daniel thanked all volunteers that have help during Orientation. Winston Tang, Transportation / Construction Chair • Winston has met with Allison Dewhurst to discuss about the Educational Council. Winston will be attending the first meeting on September 25th. Jeff Patton, Electrical/Electronics /CST Chair • Jeff and Daniel met with Tony Tanner, BCIT VP of Education, to discuss about the 3-hour break, and their past promises of no classes after 4:30 pm on M-Th and 2:30 pm on Friday. Tony stated that they could not deliver what was promised because of computer problems. Consequently the 3- hour break was moved to 2:30 pm to 5:30 pm. Patricia Stefani, VP Public Relations & Marketing • Patricia states the need to recruit more volunteers for Shinerama and asks that all promote the Amazing Race to all their classes. Caroline Gagnon, Director • As submitted. 2.6. Review of Actions from July 10th meeting. This new accountability method will ensure that all executives and councillors are responsible for actions stated during the meetings.

p.3 – 1.8.6.

Action Environmental Brochure

Follow-up Jeff contacted the instructor of the plastic program. He confirmed that it would be difficult to have students accomplish the project. Jeff recommends that we purchase the rack according to the quote that was provided on July 10th.

Motion: Be it resolved that BCITSA purchases the environmental brochure rack as per the quote. Moved by: Jeff Patton Seconded by: Patricia Stefani 7/0/0 Carried

p.2 – 1.8.7.


Action Program Review

Follow-up Caroline sent a copy of the e-mail to all executives. Completed.

Question Period Caroline asks more details about the meeting with Tony Tanner regarding the 3-hour break. After further discussion it is decided to include this topic on the agenda.

Motion: Be it resolved to add to the agenda the topic of 3-hour break under unfinished business. Moved by: John Alexander Seconded by: Winston Tong 7/0/0 Carried 2

Cristina asked if the BCIT SA Handbook has always been charged to second year students. Caroline confirms that only first year students receive the Handbook for free during Orientation and second year can purchase the Handbook at any TNT stores for $5.00. 2.8.

Unfinished Business 2.8.1 My BCIT.CA - Samantha Sam gives an overview of the new application offered by BCIT which provides an e-mail address to all students. It is also a great way to communicate with other students and instructors. She states that the program is new and might still have some bugs to it. Everyone receive a copy of the “How to” handbook. 2.8.2 SA Plotter with School of Construction – Daniel Daniel gives an update about the work done by previous executive Brian Simpson with regard to the acquisition of a plotter. Following a survey conducted at the School of Construction, students have requested that a plotter be accessible on campus. Daniel met with the Dean of Construction. The School of Construction would be favourable in acquiring a plotter if SA would be interested in operating it. Daniel will meet with all various players from the School of Construction and SA, once a business plan is developed. Jay inquires about the cost of operating this plotter. Dan confirms that it is not intended for SA to subsidize this service, but to have a fast and cheap service on campus. John asks about the accessibility of the service. Daniel confirms that the service will be available to all students, and represent a great way of advertising for student groups.

Action: Daniel will develop a business plan in conjunction with the SA controller. 2.8.3 Purchase of Furniture in SW 3 – Review of Motion - Jay Jay reads a motion from last year regarding SW3 which proposes the purchase of furniture. It is proposed that the value be upgraded in order to include NE1 and SW9. Winston talked with Terri Milligan and confirmed that furniture at NE1 was not purchased. Action: Jay and Winston will investigate this issue by assessing the needs of furniture and its cost. Dan asks if BCIT is preparing to match the SA investment. Jay confirms that they will work with BCIT. Dan proposes that we approach the Schools of this area, given that student fees have increased and Schools might have extra funds for these types of projects. Motion: Be it resolved that last year’s motion regarding the furnishing of student lounges at SW3 be cancelled pending further research on this issue. Moved by: Jay Selinger Seconded by: Winston Tong 7/0/0 Carried 2.8.4 3-hour Break Caroline updates the executives regarding the decisions of last Executives. Terry asks about if SA knows what the students really want. Some students in her program did not mind changing the 3-hour break. 3

Motion: Be it resolved that a letter of protest be sent objecting the matter which the 3-hour break was eliminating and be reinstated as per the Student Association position back in April. Moved by: John Alexander Seconded by: Cristina Roman 1/4/2 Defeated More discussion and comments are offered by all Executives about this issue. Motion: Be it resolved that the question be called. Moved by: Jay Selinger 7/0/0 Carried

Seconded by: Patricia Stefani

Motion: Be it resolved that a committee consisted of 3 members of Council be appointed for the purpose of formulating a position on the 3-hour break. Moved by: John Alexander Seconded by: Patricia Stefani 6/1/0 Carried The ad-hoc committee will be chaired by John Alexander. Winston Tong and another undetermined councillor will compose the committee. 2.9.

New Business 2.9.1 Election - Jay Jay informs the Council regarding the bi-election coming this fall for the position of Chair of Manufacturing, Mechanical & Process Energy & Natural Resources. Nomination cut-off date: September 18 Newspaper cut-off date: September 20 Election: October 1 & 2 (4 hours / day) 2.9.2 ACE Social Functions at BCIT - John John was approached by Bettine Wolff Von Guttenberg, ACE representative, regarding organizing social functions and promoting them on campus. John discusses about the inappropriateness of some posters and that they advertised an event before September 20th. John will meet with ACE regarding this issue. 2.9.3 Councillors - Caroline Caroline provides the number of Councillors allowed per school. It is decided to round up the number of Councillors is some schools. The numbers are: Business Construction Manufacturing Electrical Health Computing

6 2 2 1 2 1


Action: Caroline will forward the number for the School of Transportation. From now on, councillors from Sea Island and PMTC will be invited to participate. 2.9.4 Chair of Trades - Winston Winston proposes that we look at the position of Chair of Trades. Caroline proposes that an ad-hoc committee be struck to establish recommendations for Council. The committee will be consisted of Teri, Caroline and Daniel. 2.10 Next Meeting Next meeting is scheduled for September 23rd after the training session on Robert’s Rules of Order. All Chairs should have all their councillors for next meeting. 16.10 Meeting adjourned It was moved by Jay Selinger and seconded by Patricia Stefani that the meeting be adjourned. (7:15 pm.)




Meeting called to order


Acceptance of the Agenda


Acceptance of the minutes from July 10, 2002


Guest Speakers No Guest Speakers


Reports: Executive & Director


Review of Actions


Question Period (5 min.)


Unfinished Business 2.8.1. My BCIT.CA (Samantha) 2.8.2. SA Plotter with School of Construction (Dan) 2.8.3. Purchase of Furniture in SW3 – Review of Motion (Jay) 2.8.4.


New Business 2.9.1. Elections (Jay) 2.9.2. ACE Social Functions at BCIT (John) 2.9.3. Councillors (Caroline) 2.9.4. Chair of Trades (Winston) 2.9.5.

2.10. Next Meeting 2.11.

Meeting adjourned


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