1 Minutes Executive July 16, 2008

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Executive Meeting Wednesday, July 16, 2008 Minutes Executives:

Peter Orlandi, President Christine Johnson, VP Finances & Administration Christine Rampage, VP Public Relations & Marketing Hui Hang, VP Campus Life Pulkit Jain, VP of Student Affairs Christopher Peacock, Manufacturing, Electronics and Industrial Process Chair Doug Holdgate, Transportation, Construction & the Environment Chair Merima Kostecki, Health Sciences Chair


Caroline Gagnon, Director


Lusia Kurk, ATC Chair Billy Moore, Business Chair Peter Kemp, Computing & Academic Studies Chair

1.1. Meeting Called to Order The Chairperson, Peter Orlandi, calls the meeting to order at 6:00 pm. (8 voting members). 1.2 Acceptance of the Agenda It was moved that the following agenda be accepted with the following additions: 1.6.1 Pub Video Entertainment Moved by: Christine Ramage Seconded by: Hui Hang 7/0/0 Carried


Progress Reports


Hui Hang, VP Campus Life • Everything is going well for Orientation scheduled for September 2, 2008. • The role of the executives will be to increase awareness to the SA through their role as greeters.


Peter Orlandi, President • Working on the Set and Tech rep document and bring it out to the BCIT community. • Reviewed the Policy 5200 – Student Conduct. • Attended the Gallivan and Associate conference, and discussed the review of their contract. • Reviewed and handled different issues such as parking, student fees for Kelowna campus.



Christine Ramage, VP PR and Marketing • Shinerama has been revamped to be changed to a leadership program. This program will be offered through the Uconnect. It will be a series of 3 events focusing on volunteerism starting on September 17th.


Caroline Gagnon, Director • Renovations of the convenience store are underway. • Working on hiring new staff for the season and evaluating existing ones.

1.4 Question Period • Are the councillor and set & tech rep documents on the share drive? Yes. 1.5

Unfinished Business

1.6 New Business 1.6.1 Pub Interactive Entertainment Based on the information that was sent to every executive on Interactive entertainment for the pub, Peter would like to know what everyone thinks about it. • Pulkit discussed it with other students. He believes that it is a good idea. Other executive confirms this feeling. • There are some issues around the length of the contract. Would it be possible to cancel the contract if not popular with students? Peter will look into this and will inform management. 1.7. Meeting Adjourned The meeting was adjourned at 7:10pm.


Executive Meeting Monday July 09, 2007 at 6:00pm Location: “Fish Bowl” Room 264 of SA Offices AGENDA 1.1

Meeting called to order


Acceptance of the Agenda


Progress Reports 1.3.1

Hui • Orientation Update • Clubs


Peter • Projects o Set and Tech Rep Initiative o Student Code of Conduct Policy –Draft 5102 No final decision from EdCo will be made until Nov. 5th at the earliest • Gallivan Conference • Parking • Student Edge Conference • Resident move in weekend – no progress • In contact with a MLA regarding SA fees for post secondary institutions • Mike from the Pub is curious about what the executives may think about


Christine R. • Annual Charity Campaign Update

1.3.4 Caroline • Renovations of Main Convenience Store • Fall Retreat 1.4

Question Period


Unfinished Business


New Business. 1.6.1 1.6.2 1.6.3



Meeting adjourned

Important Dates •

Friday August 22nh leaving between 3-5pm (TBA) to Thursday August 27th, all executives must be available!!!

BCIT & BCITSA Meetings These meetings are the meetings where we can present cases to Administration. It is crucial for us to be prepared as our time with them is limited. Some chairs may have already booked the SA board room. Sorry, these meetings have booking priority. The dates for the meetings are as follows: All meetings run from 2:30 to 3:30pm Wed. September 10th Executive Boardroom (3rd floor) th Wed. October 8 Executive Boardroom Wed. November 12th SA Council Chambers th Wed. January 14 SA Council Chambers Wed. February 11th Executive Boardroom th Wed. March 25 SA Council Chambers Wed. April 29th Executive Boardroom

Other Dates of Interest •

As a result from last year’s referendum, the VP of Student Affairs, Pulkit Jain, will sit and vote on Education Council. The SA President, Peter Orlandi, participates as a non-voting member (ex-officio). Besides learning about Education Policy and Course Programming, you may also be interested in how Robert’s Rule of Order is used and the style of how the meeting is run. You are all welcome to attend the EdCo Meetings. All Education Council meetings are held in the Royal Oak Boardroom SE40 from 2:30 to 4:30 on the following days: Wednesday 24th , 2008 November 5th . 2008 December 10th , 2008 January 27th ,2009 March 11th , 2009 April 22nd , 2009 June 3rd , 2009

SE40 is the Red Brick Building located at the South-East corner of the Burnaby Campus


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