10 Minutes Council January 26, 2009

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BC CIT Stude ent Asso ociation Council Meeting M Miinutes Monday, January J 26 6, 2009 Exec cutives:

Peter P Orland di, Presidentt Christine C Joh hnson, VP Finance F & Ad dministration n Christine C Ra ampage, VP Public Relations & Markketing Peacock, Manufacturing Christopher C M g, Electroniccs and Industrial I Processes Chair Doug D Holdga ate, Transpo ortation, Con nstruction & the Environment E t Chair Merima M Kosttecki, Health h Sciences Chair C Billy B Moore, Business Chair

Coun ncillors: Angela A Meyer Upkar Rai Daniel D Chan Aman A Khangu ura Jo osh Nelson Peter Petkov Jo oshua Smith h Jo oseph Proph het Ja acob Barkerr


Caroline C Gagnon, Directo or

Abse entee:

Hui Hang Peter Kemp Pulkit Jain Manny M Alamw wala Greg G Frisque

Gues st:

Mario M Mazzio otti Eileen Fitzpattrick

Kevin Preston P Mathew w Brownell Erika Diaz Hardeep Dhillon Charless Wice Stacy Lowe L Alec Le ee Jamie Bentien B Birdie Hamilton H

10.1. Meeting Called C to Order The Chairperson , Peter Orlandi, calls the C e meeting to o order at 5:4 45 pm. (21 voting v members). nce of the Agenda A 10.2. Acceptan It wass moved tha at the following agenda be b accepted with the folllowing additions: Executive Reportts: Christop pher Peacocck

Merima Kostecki Moved by: Christine Johnson 21/0/0 Carried

Seconded by: Kevin Preston

10.3. Acceptance of the Minutes from January 12, 2009 Be it resolved that that the minutes from January 12, 2009 be accepted as distributed. Moved by: Joshua Smith Seconded by: Chris Peacock 21/0/0 Carried 10.4 Guest Speaker Mario Mazziotti, Director, and Eileen Fitzpatrick,Research Assistant from BCIT Institutional Planning and Analysis Office. Mario explains the process surrounding the new BCIT Strategic plan initiatives. A new vision has been established, which will be the foundation of this new strategic plan. The plan will detail the organizational goals and objectives for the institute for 3 to 5 years. In order to collect an appropriate level of data, BCIT requires students’ input. There will be some town hall meetings and focus groups that will target staff, while focus groups, questionnaires and blog will target students’ input. BCIT requires the participation of approximately 60 students (10 students for 6 focus groups) from different programs, Schools and status. These focus groups are scheduled to meet between February 16 to March 6. Students will be asked questions on very specific themes. They should last about one and 1/2 hour. BCITSA and the Institutional Planning and Analysis Office will work together on recruiting students. 10.5 Progress Reports: Executives Peter Orlandi: • As presented. Hui Hang: (read by Christine Ramage) • “Give Change A Chance” is happening on January 29, still working on recruiting volunteers • New clubs space opened last week, and the next committee meeting is on February 12th. • Spirit Week has been delayed until February. Christine Johnson: • Business committee is working on different marketing initiatives. • Working on the By-law committee, it will be discussed later. Doug Holdgate: • As presented Christopher Peacock: • Endowment committee is meeting tonight and recommendations will be brought forward at the next Council meeting.

Merima Kostecki: • She will be attending a faculty meeting on February 11 to present the set and tech reps and also promote the SA • Her next set and tech meeting is scheduled next Wednesday. Two (2) guest speakers will be attending; Parastoo from the Advocacy Office, and Hui Hang to discuss the Toonie Campaign. Billy Moore: • Working on a marketing plan for the pub Christine Ramage • 4 people have successfully complete the PEAK program • She invites student to take a look at the student awareness page in the Link 10.6 Councillors’ Open Forum • Erika would like to know what is the process BCIT is taking to handle theft on campus? There have been a couple of lockers broken into this weekend. Are the buildings secured? • Josh would like to know if Safety and Security is doing anything with the recording. Do they try to track down the people or do they give it to the RCMP. • Peter will ask Glen Magel about these issues. • Why would BCIT not use a better way to tracking student access (i.e. card access). • Angela what are the ideas that BCIT is looking for in the strategic plan process? Peter mentions that it is a great opportunity to address all sorts of issues such as gym programs, green initiatives. 10.7. Question Period No question. 10.8. Unfinished Business No Unfinished Business 10.9.

New Business

10.9.1 Bylaw Committee Christine is looking for volunteers for the By-law committee. It is anticipated that the committee will meet approximately 2 or 3 times. The first meeting is tonight. Volunteers: Joshua Smith, Mathew Brownell, Joseph Prophet, Joshua Nelson, Hui Hang, Christine Ramage 10.10. Next Meeting Next meeting is scheduled for Monday, February 9, 2009 at 5:45pm in the Council Chamber. 10.11. Meeting adjourned It was moved Josh Smith and seconded by Joseph Prophet that the meeting be adjourned at 6:30. Carried

Building BCIT’s Strategic Plan 2009 - 2014.

It is following John English’s Visioning project which has identified BCIT’s vision, mission and commitment statements. The Strategic Plan is to provide BCIT with a future direction, 2009 – 2014. The development of these statements forms the first step of the Strategic Planning development process. In addition to the vision, mission and commitments statements a list of strategic initiatives will be developed. From these initiatives a road map will be developed in order to guide the BCIT community to achieve our desired future state in 2014. The Strategic Planning Team: is to prepare the Strategic Plan The Strategic Planning Council: to guide the Strategic Planning Team on preparing the Strategic Plan. The Leadership Team: will approve the Strategic Plan The Board of Governors will endorse the Strategic Plan Engaging the BCIT community Townhall meetings Faculty focus groups Student focus groups Website:Blog

Student Association Involvement: • • •

Recruit 10 students for each of the 6 focus groups. One key contact person at the SA Use of the SA boardroom for each of the focus groups.

Focus Groups to gather feedback on a number of issues: 1. SA staff and executive focus group / meeting 2. Student focus group/s: • a cross section of each of the 6 schools (Technology/Trades - including Apprentice) • students from each of the years of study • full-time and part-time Students • from the Burnaby Campus

Number of student focus groups: 6 Number of attendees for each group: 10 Focus Group for 1.5 hours SA to provide the students and the SA boardroom (dates – between Monday, Feb. 16 and Friday, Mar. 6) exact dates and times to be determined. IPAO to provide the Pizza and drinks. Institutional Planning & Analysis Office (IPAO) contact: Eileen Fitzpatrick, 432-8715, email: Eileen_Fitzpatrick@bcit.ca

British Columbia Institute of Technology The Planning Framework A Strategic Plan is a document that states the decisions and priorities made that will move the organization closer to its vision. The plan describes the current reality and should contain the rationales, analyses and background information supporting the decisions that will shape the future direction. A good strategic planning framework is one that facilitates the creation of strategies and action plans, and key indicators that will be used to measure and evaluate performance. The strategic planning process involves system thinking, setting ambitious goals and developing realistic strategies for moving forward. Diagram 1 Achieving the Compelling Vision



PLAN As shown by the above diagram, planning is an iterative process – always being reviewed to confirm the vision and strategic objectives. The vision and institute mandate, once developed, do not remain static, and may change due to external forces, such as government legislation, economic conditions, new global opportunities or new technologies. Therefore the planning framework must embed the review and confirmation of the vision, mandate and strategic objectives at the start of every planning cycle. The planning framework being proposed for BCIT utilizes a strategic planning team within the Institutional Planning and Analysis Office, a Planning Council and Campus Planning Committees to guide and evolve the strategies and action plans.

The planning framework, illustrated in the diagram below, follows a value-chain model – with inputs converted to outputs (strategic objectives and action plans), through a process of reviews. It is this framework of inputs and processes that will not only allow BCIT to realize its vision, but with the use of performance measures, support the continuous improvement of programs and services. Diagram 2 The Planning Framework

Input to the Process Vision, mission & mandate Values & principles Key performance indicators Environmental scan Stakeholder input Stakeholder analysis Ancillary plans Quality reviews Evaluation of prior planning cycle

Governance Board of Governors BCIT Leadership Team Strategic Planning Council Campus Planning Committees (BBY, DTC, BMC & ATC) IPAO Strategic Planning Team

Output Strategic Plan Institute Action Plan Institutional Service Plan Department Operational Planning Framework Evaluation of Planning Cycle

Implementation Action Items Project Plans Operational Plans Budget Plans

Council Meeting Agenda Monday January 26th 2009 5:30-7:30pm 10.1 Meeting called to order 10.2 Acceptance of the Agenda 10.3 Acceptance of the Minutes from January 12th 2009 10.4 Guest Speakers 10.4.1 Mario Mazziotti, Director, and Eileen Fitzpatrick, Research Assistant from BCIT Institutional Planning and Analysis Office 10.5 Progress Reports: Executives 10.6 Councillor Forum 10.7 Question Period 10.8 Unfinished Business 10.9 New Business 10.9.1 Bylaw Committee 10.10 Next meeting February 9th 2009 10.11 Meeting Adjourned

Last updated: January 20, 2009 Date of Introduction

Action or Outstanding Issue SA Events/related events

January 2009

Status • • •

Assisting for last Peak Leadership (Jan 21st) Attending Board of Governors (Jan 27th ) Attending Edco (Jan 28th )

PROGRESS REPORT FOR –Christine Johnson Last updated: January 20, 2009 Date of Introduction

Action or Outstanding Issue


January 2009

By-law Committee

Gathering data regarding by-laws that need to be revised

January 2009

Business Services Committee

Using annual budget to create a survey to enhance services at the pub

PROGRESS REPORT FOR – Bill Moore Last updated: 2009-01-19 Date of Introduction

Action or Outstanding Issue




Set and Tech

December, January

U-Pass Issues

Status Second meeting with admin, figuring out a long-term strategy for BCIT’s diverse student backgrounds Performing quantitative research for pub’s marketing plan, the dean will appear to discuss a SoB Sun Run Team Transit coalition… Not for joining, but meeting with the Student Union coalition against U-Pass to strictly

discuss the ins and outs of the program October- A future date


Have arrived and have been added to the great hall and soon to be disbursed to other regions of the campus

PROGRESS REPORT FOR – Christine Ramage Last updated: Jan 19th 2009 Date of Introduction

Action or Outstanding Issue


September 17 2008

PEAK Leadership Wrap up


September 22 2008 Jan 20, 2009

Increase Student Awareness Through use of SA page in Link

In progress

Re-evaluation of VP PR&MKTG and VP SA portfolios


PROGRESS REPORT FOR - Hui Hang Last updated: January 19, 2008 Date of Introduction

Action or Outstanding Issue



Toon In Fundraising Campaign

Starts January 26th! Bring your change to school!


Spirit Week

Delayed, will be launched next month during week of Valentines instead.


Clubs Space

Completed, will open January 28th


Clubs Committee Meeting

Next one on February 12th at 5:30pm in SA Council Chambers

PROGRESS REPORT FOR – DOUG HOLDGATE – Chair of the School of Transportation, Construction and the Environment Last updated: January 20, 2009 Date of Introduction

Action or Outstanding Issue


September 2008


I now have 5 councilors for the School of Construction!

January 2009

Set/Tech Reps

January 2009

Covered Outdoor Space for Students

Had a Set/Tech Rep Meeting on Friday, January 23, 2009. Looking into whether or not BCIT will allow the use of space.

PROGRESS REPORT FOR – Christopher Peacock Last updated: January 25th 2009 Date of Introduction

Action or Outstanding Issue


Sep 2008

Set/Tech rep

Last set and tech rep meeting held Jan 7th, will be holding them regularly on the first Wednesday of every month until May.

Sep 2008

Councillor package


January 2009

Endowment Committee

Meeting after council meeting, will be presenting to council next meeting.

School of Health Sciences Progress report: School of Health – Set/Tech Rep meeting this Wednesday January 28th. Promotion of Set/Tech Rep system at the next faculty meeting on Feb 11th

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