BCIT Student Association
Council Meeting Minutes Monday, February 8, 2010 Executives:
Christina Ramage, President Joseph Prophet, VP Finance & Administration Peter Smith, VP Campus Life Amanda Eyolfson, VP Public Relations & Marketing Aman Khangura, VP Student Affairs Robby Basi, Transportation, Construction & the Environment Chair Billy Moore, Business Chair Kristina Gao, Chair of Health Sciences Upkar, Rai, Chair of School of Computing & Academic Studies Tim DeVolder, ATC Chair
Scott Larson-Zutter Serina Khangura Michal Harrison Jeff Chen Jill Hidalgo Aaron Kool Marc Edgett
Caroline Gagnon, Director
Mathew Brownell Jamie Bentien Dillon Zolnierczyk Manny Sangha
Sean Owen Clayton Sayer Patrick Switzer Jim Moore Karly Hepditch Nicola Gardner Kathryn Cleven Lei Mo
Gurnoor Grewal Josh Nelson Christopher Peacock Shayne Laye
10.1. Meeting Called to Order The Chairperson, Christine Ramage, called the meeting to order at 5:45pm. (25 voting members). Christine reminds everyone that this week is referendum week. Please spread the word to ensure high turn-out level. 10.2. Acceptance of the Agenda It was moved that the following agenda be accepted as distributed Moved by: Upkar Rai Seconded by: Tim De Volder 25/0/0 Carried
10.3. Acceptance of the Minutes from January 25, 2010 Be it resolved that the minutes from January 25, 2010 be accepted as distributed. Moved by: Clayton Sayer Seconded by: Kristina Gao 23/0/2 Carried
Guest Speaker
No guest speaker 10.5.
Executive Progress Report
Tim: • Improving gym equipment is completed • Games station should be completed in a couple of days • Meeting with Associate Dean was reported to the next Set and Tech Rep meeting Upkar: • Planning the gaming event and working towards the development of the “Adopt a Set” program • Will be looking at different BCIT policies that appear to be unknown to some faculty and staff Robby: • Had an event in the pub for the School of Construction with over 160 people attending the event Kristina: • Encourages students to join a Facebook to improve communication Amanda: • The committee for establishing a marketing screen is well underway. The last meeting is this week and guidelines will be written shortly. • Working to revising the role as the VP Marketing and Public Relations • Working on revamping a section of the BCIT website Peter: • During the last clubs meeting, the topic of sponsorship was discussed with Scott Blythe, Marketing and Communication Manager • A survey was distributed to investigate the relationship between the clubs and the S.A. • Creation of a sponsorship committee to create the framework around the sponsorship and clubs Bill: • Discusses the new Set and Tech Rep Award 10.6. Councillor Forum • Jeff – There may be some confusion with the voting process. Christine stated that it was fixed around 9:00am. • Aaron – Is it possible to get a change machine in residence? Christine will contact Tom Moore, BCIT Housing Manager, about this issue • Jill – Are there 2 awards of $250 per School? Christine - Last final package will be distributed by Friday, and will be sent to Councillors. • Serina – What is the timeline for the awards? Information will be available in the package
10.7. Question Period • Sean asked about an update regarding the third floor proposal. Caroline explains the status of the project. • Clayton – Has BCIT agreed on a price for relocation? No. The topic has not yet been discussed.
10.8. Unfinished Business No unfinished business 10.9
New Business
Election Committee
Christine explains that according to the bylaws, Council needs to vote the election committee. The committee is composed of the CRO, who is the VP Administration and Finance, a Deputy Returning Officer and two Councillors. Motion: Be it resolved that Student Council accepts Joseph Prophet (CRO), Patrick Switzer (DRO), Jeff Chen, and Scott Larson Zutter as the election committee. Moved by: Joseph Prophet Seconded by: Upkar Rai 24/0/0 Carried 10.10. Next Meeting Next meeting is scheduled for Monday March 1, 2010 at 5:45pm in the Council Chamber. 10.11. Meeting adjourned It was moved by Tim De Volder and seconded by Clayton Sayer that the meeting be adjourned at 6:12pm. Carried
Council Meeting Agenda Monday February 8th, 2010 5:30-7:30pm 10.1 Meeting called to order 10.2 Acceptance of the Agenda 10.3 Acceptance of the Minutes from January 25th, 2010 10.4 Guest Speakers 10.5 Progress Reports: Executives 10.6 Councillor Forum 10.7 Question Period 10.8 Unfinished Business 10.9 New Business 10.9.1 Elections Committee 10.10 Next Meeting March 1st, 2010 10.11 Meeting Adjourned
BCIT Student Association
Executive Objectives 2009/2010 President, Christine Ramage Tasks Description SA elections To increase Student Executive election participation i.e.; candidates and voters Working with Outreach To work with Outreach Coordinator to help support the SA presence on other campuses Transition packages To revive Transition packages Objective support
Chair ATC, Tim De Volder Tasks Industry Leaders Relations
Gym Equipment
To support all Student Executives with their objectives
Status as of February 5th, 2010 No update On-going Using a starter document; going to oversee and help with creation of transition documents by their Chairs. On-going
Description Bringing in more guest speakers from the industry To create & maintain good relations between BCIT faculty and the SA
Status as of February 5th, 2010 On-going.
To improve the Gym Equipment
Presently talking with Larry Vezina, Director of Student Services.
Glider Event To continue and improve the Glider Event Transition and Training Create a package and training specific to ATC Implement a games station work with set reps to develop guideline around the establishment of a new games station (i.e. Wii)
Conducted and will continue to conduct orientation for all new classes. BCIT is very supportive of this initiative; consequently issues have been raised to Tim. Tim is having regular meetings with Associate Dean.
Postponed until end of April because of Olympics. No new update. No new update.
VP Student Affairs, Aman Khangura Tasks Description Student Space To update 3 student lounges on campus, and convert them to SA spaces Increase Awareness To increase awareness of BCITSA via different marketing initiatives (i.e., mission & advocacy promotion)
Review Toon-In Campaign processes
International Students
Integrate the International Student community through establishing one event Expanding the duties and responibilities of the VP Student Affairs.
VPSA Expansion
Status as of February 5th, 2010 Depends on referendum. Planning a program with Christina Batstone to bring mental health programming to BCIT. Met with 2 students and an instructor from School of Health Sciences last Wednesday. Applied for a program grant through the Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) – offered to students for additional program funding ($1500) Postponed until March or April. Not to conflict with midterm and elections. Unlikely unless SA pays for all cost associated with event. BCIT is pulling out due to budget cuts. Revision of Policy 5104 to include VPSA and Student Associations Advocate. This revision will allow a student to have either party speak on their behalf during an appeal. Met with policy committee on Wednesday 27th to discuss white paper from focus group session held in December.
VP Finance and Administration, Joseph Prophet Tasks Description Executive Transition To improve Executive Transition Environmental Sustainably To complete the Environmental Sustainably Project Project
Status as of February 5th, 2010 In progress. Postponed definitely
Monthly Finance Report
To be presented at next council meeting.
Reporting monthly finances to Council
Chair School of Transportation, Construction & Env., Robby Basi Tasks Description Set & Tech reps Increase Set & Tech Rep involvement Guest speakers Event specific to School
Bring people from the industry. party type of events
VP Campus Life, Peter Smith Tasks Description Strengthen relations To strengthen relationships between the SA and student clubs as well as improve communications & awareness about operations/goals and events Transition
Clubs package, Orientation, Toon-in
Status as of February 5th, 2010 Had our event on Friday, with 90 tickets already sold and the remaining will be sold at the door. Scheduled for next semester. Successful.
Status as of February 5th, 2010 No new update.
No new update.
Chair School of Business, Bill Moore Tasks Description Cohesiveness Cohesiveness with the BCIT Administration Business programs To bring all programs in the School of Business together‌choosing the right people. Spreading the word about each position to ensure candidates run for positions.
Status as of February 5th, 2010 No new update. Looking into training and succession for next year. In progress.
Complete Translink School of Business, Dean
No new update. No new update.
Revamp the set/tech rep structure
To complete my Translink objectives Working closer with the School of Business, Dean Robin Hemmingsen working with VP Education to redefine the set/tech role on campus
Talk with Paul Dangerfield, ball is in motion.
Chair Sch. Of Man., Elec. & Ind. Proc., Mathew Brownell Tasks Description Lounge Space To improve student lounge space, specifically Improvement in SW9 Inter-school Relations To increase Inter-school relations by organizing social-networking events Student-Led Event To work with staff to develop a package that Package would help student executives organize events on campus
Status as of February 5th, 2010 Depending on referendum. Postponed until 2011. Based on the success of the first event, another one is scheduled for March. New initiative - to be completed by April 2010.
Chair Sch. Of Comp. & Aca. Studies, Upkar Rai Tasks Description Mentorship (Btech) Work with Amanda/ BCIT alumni/ Program head (School of computing ) to establish a pilot Mentorship program
Status as of February 5th, 2010 No new update.
Networking Events
Promote BCITSA and Student Executive positions. Increase Students and strep turnout during election and volunteer events. Break ice between students of different schools / set / semester.
No new update.
Adopt a SET" Program
Work with BCIT alumni association to Start a Program to Get BCIT alumni to come and network with a given set from the diploma Program over the period of one semester. Note: Subset of the Mentorship program.
No new update.
VP Public Relations & Marketing, Amanda Eyolfson
Tasks Increase connectivity
Description To increase connectivity between student with in different departments (through new events, etc.)
Status as of February 5th, 2010 no new update.
Alumni Relations
Build on the relationship between SA and Alumni Association Help to make students more aware of services available to them To add more recycling bins to facilities To increase Link readership Continue to define the roles and responsibilities of the position to work closer with the managers of Marketing and Communication
no new update.
Increase student awareness Recycling Bins Link readership Redefine role of VP PR
On-going. No new update. No new update. No new update.
Chair Sch. Of Health Sciences, Kristina Gao Tasks Description Sense of Community Continue to build a sense of community among the students of SOHS - a Meet and Greet for the Set and Tech Reps in Sept/Oct, and pub events for students, as tasks.
Status as of February 5th, 2010 Focus group on HS education in the future at the next Set Rep meeting on Feb. 10. Set Reps have been encouraged to bring along a student from their class for participation and rapport building
Food Drive
Finishing between Feb. 8-9 for the final tally.
Transition Relationships
Organize a food drive in the winter term and double last year's donation. Develop package to ensure that success is repeated Build a relationship with the new Dean
Will be completed by April. No new update.