Council Meeting Monday, March 3, 2003 Minutes Present: Executives:
-Samantha Yeung, President Jay Selinger, VP Finances & Administration -John Alexander, VP Student Affairs -Daniel Boffo, VP Campus Life -Winston Tong, Transportation / Construction Chair -Monica Sparks, Man., Mech., & Process Energy & Natural Res. Chair -Tony Do, Electrical / Electronics & CST Chair -Patricia Stefani, VP Public Relations & Marketing -Cristina Roman, Business/ Health Chair -Sean McGookin, Trades Chair -John White -Deep Thind -Gabe Hoye
-Jeanneth Jacome Jag Uppal -Angela Gleeson -Will Heller
Caroline Gagnon, Executive Director Tindy Bassi Driss Adrao Rebecca Montgomery Marina Reimer Mike Klein
13.1. Meeting Called to Order The meeting was called to order by the Chairperson, Samantha Yeung at 5:50 pm. (15 voting members) 13.2. Acceptance of the Agenda The agenda was accepted with the addition of “Amendments to the Constitution” under item 13.9.2 of New Business. 13.3. Acceptance of the Minutes – February 3, 2003 John Alexander wished to clarify the motion results from the Motion 12.2 from the previous meeting. Samantha informed that the motion was approved and that there is a mistake to the number of votes. It was moved by Daniel Boffo and seconded by John Alexander that the minutes of February 17, 2003 be accepted. 15/0/0
13.4. Guest Speakers Sean McGookin • • • • • • • •
Sean McGookin informed us that ITAC – Industry Training and Apprenticeship would be closed down. He stated that Programs would be closed down and students would be negatively impacted. The current trades’ workers would also be affected and be put out of work due to this change by the Ministry. He would like to find out a satisfactory answer on how it would influence the trade students/workers. For more information: Samantha brought the Council to attention that Sanjay resigned from his position. Sean McGookin would also wish to run for the position as the Chair of Trades for the BCIT Student Association. He is confident that he would be able to get trades representatives and councilors in order to have trades representation in BCIT.
Motion: Be it resolved that the Student Association appoint Sean McGookin as the Chair of Trades. Moved by: Daniel Boffo Seconded by: 11/1/3
12.5. Reports Executive & Director Daniel Boffo, VP Campus Life Daniel Boffo reports that the plotter is in the Copy Centre and is going to be operational after Spring Break.
Patricia Stefani, VP Public Relations & Marketing • Patricia Stefani reports that the colour photocopier is in the Copy Centre and in occupation. • She also informs that Cut for Cure needs more volunteers to shave their head. Tony Do, Electrical / Electronics & CST Chair Tony Do reports that packages for the Cut for Cure would be ready by the end of this week for pick up at the reception. • He was also able to invite The Beat 94.5 radio station to come during the day of the Cut. •
John Alexander, VP Student Affairs • John Alexander reports that the fence for the Childcare is up. • He had also been working on the Academic Standing Appeal. 2
He will update on the U-Pass issue in next Council Meeting.
Monica Sparks, Manufacture, Mechanical, & Process Energy & Natural Resources Chair • Monica Sparks reports that she is currently working on the Parking Survey and is collecting all surveys to determine best possible solutions. Cristina Roman, Business/ Health Chair • Nothing to report Samantha Yeung, President • Samantha is currently working on the issue that some of the Full Time Equivalent students are not able to be in the Health and Dental Plan due definitions by BCIT. • She reports that the fund raising event would be cancelled since the victim of the beating would not like to have a fund raising event for her. Winston Tong, Transportation / Construction Chair • Winston Tong reports that he had an Education Council Meeting and informed that the there will be a new Student Regulation and Appeal Process Policy. 13.6. Progress Report Progress report is clean except for the furniture, which will be discussed in the next meeting. 11.7. Question Period No question 12.8. Unfinished Business No unfinished business 12.9. New Business 12.9.1. – Chair of Trades – Samantha Yeung Item had already being addressed. 12.9.2. – Amendments to the BCIT Student Association By-Law The amendments are to be as follows: Existing By-Law # 9.6.1 concerning methods of voting shall be written to read:
“The elections shall be by secret ballot and a single “X” or “√” shall be the system of voting employed. This procedure will be posted on each ballot slip.” Existing By-Law # 6.3.4 concerning the percentage of student votes required as a quorum in times of referendums shall be written to read: “Never less than twenty-one hundred & forty two (2,142) members representing fifteen percent of the active membership of the Association shall constitute a quorum at any Special General Meeting of the Association. A decision of the Association may be brought about by a majority vote of the active Members present, unless as otherwise stipulated in the Constitution and its Bylaws.” A new By-Law # 9.1.5 concerning polling clerks shall be written to read: “Campaign Managers shall not be permitted to act as polling clerks during times of elections.” John is concerned about the fact that a 15% turn out might be difficult to come to reality. John also mentions the fact that the referendum vote is nonbinding. Patricia states that if the outcome would not represent the student body if the outcome were less than 15%. Jay explains that increase the quorum for referendum is so to reduce complains from the students. Deep wants to know the previous voting turnouts in order to determine the percentage number. Gabe states that the SA should increase the voting turnout percentage prior to this amendment are to be followed. Will stated that 15% is a reasonable turnout to represent the student body. Cristina wants clarification as to why the number is 2142 students and Jay responded that it was from an addition from the previous 10% number. Patricia called the question. 15/1/0
Motion: Be it resolved that the BCIT SA accepts and supports the proposed amendments to the BCIT Student Association Constitutional By-Laws. Moved by: Daniel Boffo 14/1/1 Carried
Seconded by: Patricia Stefani
13.10. Next Meeting Next meeting is scheduled for March 17, 2003 at 5:45pm. 12.11. Meeting adjourned It was moved by Patricia Stefani and seconded by Cristina Roman that the meeting be adjourned. (6:45 pm.).