14 CouncilMeetingminutes April 13-04

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BCIT Student Association Council Meeting Minutes April 13, 2004 Present: Executives:

Samantha Yeung, President Erin Smith, VP Finances & Administration George Nicolaou, VP Student Affairs Renee Geronimo, VP Public Relations & Marketing Angelia Harris Gray, Business/ Health Chair Michael Klein, Electrical / Electronics & CST Chair Deep Thind, Man., Mech., & Process Energy & Natural Res. Chair Woon Manning, Transportation & Construction Chair Michael Kahn Mona David Tallis Stevenson Paul Condon Farzan Al Marzooqi Leon Farasati


Teddy Diress Matt Fitzmaurice Sarah Ellis Jag Uppal Owen Fu Misaki Kobayashi


Caroline Gagnon, Director Geoff Gauthier, Link Editor


John Levey Tennille Evelyn Susie da Silva

Karen Leung Fred Haiderzada Thu Huynh


Elfina Luk, VP Campus Life Ariane Saunders Aharon Arnstein Jeanneth Jacome

Brent Cote Bhu Bains Nathan Mahan

15.1. Meeting Called to Order The meeting was called to order by the Chairperson, Samantha Yeung, at 5:45. (21 voting members) 15.2. Acceptance of the Agenda It was moved by Erin Smith and seconded by Michael Klein that the agenda of April 13, 2004 be accepted with the following changes. Guest Speakers: John Levey (BOG Bylaws & Policies) Carried 19/0/0 15.3. Acceptance of the Minutes It was moved by Michael Klein and seconded by George Nicolaou that the minutes of March 29, 2004 be accepted as distributed. Carried 19/0/0 15.4. Guest Speakers John Levey – Board of Governors Bylaws & Policies John presents to Council various bylaws and especially the Employment and Educational Policy that have not been respected by the BOG. John questions the


value of the Board of Governors Bylaws and Policies if they are not followed. He invites Council to bring this issue to the BOG directly so that they can be addressed, especially if they are put in place to dictate the actions of the Institute. Erin states that the SA has already used for some of these concerns to the BOG. All these points were addressed in the childcare proposal which was presented to the open session on March 30th. She thanks John to have brought forward his concerns given that they were passed through Deep and well utilized. 15.5.

Reports Executive & Director

Samantha Yeung, President • Nothing to report. Erin Smith, VP Finances & Administration • ATM machines are doing well. There is a constant growth. CIBC has decided not to place their bank machines in the SE 12 underway. SA is waiting for quotes to install a permanent at SW1 and at SE 12. The only machine that might not do as well and might be evaluated is the one located in the recreation centre. We will also investigate putting a change machine in NE1. • Working on the new on-line registration system for the tutoring program. • Working with George on the video for the ATM machines. George Nicolaou, VP Student Affairs • Working on the video for the ATM machines. • Working on acquire new microwaves in SE 12 and NE 1. Should have more details by next meeting. • Working with student on solving their complaints. Michael Klein, Electrical & Electronics & CST Chair • Nothing to report. Deep Thind, Man., Mech., & Process Energy & Natural Res. Chair • Had a Tech rep meeting, and as a result, students from the mining programs feel left out of SA main activities (Shinerama, Orientation) given that their schedule is different than most students. Deep is looking at other events that would meet their needs. Angelia Harris Gray, Business & Health Chair • All of the positions are closed for the exception of the position of Chair of School of Health. She will contact instructors in the School of Health trying to promote the election, especially that now the School receive one position to represent them. Renee Geronimo, VP Marketing and PR • Cut for the Cure is scheduled for tomorrow. 15 people are collecting funds. It is projected to raise approximately $5,000. Funds will be donated to the Cancer Society. If you are interested in helping please contact Renee. • Working on the year end event. Looking at a performer and a dance. If any idea, please contact Renee directly. Woon Manning, Transportation & Construction Chair • Nothing to report


Caroline Gagnon, Director • On March 31, BOG answered our childcare presentation by the following motion: “It was duly MOVED, SECONDED and CARRIED to refer the matter back to the President’s Executive Committee (PEC) to dialogue with the Student Association, and in addition to analyze what is happening at other institutions in the Lower Mainland concerning costs and benefits and how they would relate to BCIT with regard to the childcare issue, prior to responding to the Student Association’s recommendation for a committee.” Following the BOG’s decision regarding the Daycare, an overall student services proposal was sent to BCIT administration. • Working on 2004/05 budgets and Strategic Actions. 15.6. Progress Report • No progress. 15.7. Question Period • Renee asks about the starting dates for the mining program. Deep states that they start on the last week of September. George informs that students should receive promotional information in their registration package regarding Orientation and Shinerama. Sam recommends that they link with ACE given that they have events throughout the year for all students. Many others councilors provide ideas to Deep to include mining students in SA activities. 15.8. Unfinished Business 15.8.1. Election – Angelia Harris Gray Woon Manning will take on the responsibilities as Deputy Returning Officer. Candidates will have the opportunity to address the student population on April 22 between 11:00 and 12:00pm. Volunteers are still needed for election week. After the first volunteer call, only ONE person volunteered. Given the low response and councilors duties, everybody will need to sign up for 2 hours mandatory. Two other elections will be held at BCIT at the same time as the SA election; educational Council (4 positions) and Board of Governors (2 positions). If anyone is interested to run for these positions, please contact Sandy Moonie. Angelia goes over the list of the candidates. Only the position of Chair of School of Health is still vacant. All rules have been distributed to all candidates and it is important that candidates obey these rules. Deep wants to know why not all the candidates present tonight. Angelia reiterates that all candidates received the notice. 15.9. New Business No new business 15.10 Further Business No further business. 15.11. Next Meeting The meeting is scheduled for Monday April 29, 2004 at 5:45 pm 15.12. Meeting adjourned It was moved by Michael Klein and seconded by Deep Thind that the meeting be adjourned. (6:40pm). Carried


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