Council Meeting Minutes Monday, March 16, 2009
Peter Orlandi, President Christine Johnson, VP Finance & Administration Christopher Peacock, Manufacturing, Electronics and Industrial Processes Chair Billy Moore, School of Business Chair
Councillors: Serina Khangura Daniel Chan Aman Khangura Charles Wice Alec Lee Jill Hidalgo Peter Petkov
Mathew Brownell Erika Diaz Stephan Tschurtschenthaler Arun Randhawa Vik Binning Greg Frisque Upkar Rai
Staff: Absentee:
Stacy Lowe Joseph Prophet
Jennifer Leaman, Alumni Assoc. Bob Ostle, Alumni Assoc.
Josh Nelson Kevin Preston Joshua Smith
13.1. Meeting Called to Order The Chairperson, Peter Orlandi, calls the meeting to order at 5:45 pm. (20 voting members). 13.2. Acceptance of the Agenda It was moved that the following agenda be accepted with the following additions: Under Unfinished business 13.8.2. Endowment Update Under new business 13.9.2 Comparing SA’s from across Canada 13.3.
Acceptance of the Minutes from February 23, 2009
13.4 Guest Speaker – Alumni Association: Jennifer Leaman and Bob Ostle Guest Speakers talked about the BCIT alumni. Brief overview of what they do and how they operate. Alumni would like to know what the students want from the Alumni Assoc.
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Kevin wants to know about ideas for mentoring programs. How to give value to the students? Peter talked about things that the Alumni Association does and the planning process that they have gone through Bob talked about benefits of alumni Bob would like to forward information to president and use that position as a communication channel between students and the alumni. Peter agrees. Billy talked about the golf tournament that AIM used to hold. Billy would like to know if they could have tournaments tailored to specific programs for networking opportunities Bob said that the golf tournaments are fundraisers and to hold them for each school would be not be as effective Peter Kemp adds to Billy’s point about having a small and simple event for networking opportunities and that they could be held on a smaller scale then a golf tournament. Christine Ramage wants to know about different ways to connect students to Alumni via the internet- ex forum. Bob replies by saying that they have been spending time investing in their website; but the process is slow and though they are keen to provide a service like that, it might take some time. Kevin suggests that the alumni works on better web presence as well as an introduction to what Alumni is. Bob adds to Kevin’s point by suggesting that they add to information sessions on campus. Jill asks how the Alumni currently communicates with students. Bob talks about the e-blast, the PDF, Peter Kemp talks about how busy BCIT are and says that they should showcase how the Alumni can help them now. Bob asks if students are looking at the BCIT website or the mybcit website. Billy says mybcit. Kemp adds that maybe communicating via Set Rep or Tech Reps might be more effective than just using the website. Jennifer would really like any feedback about what you could use from your Alumni association
13.5 Progress Reports: Executives Merima Kostecki • Introduced new councilor Peter Orlandi • Talked about policy 5102 Pulkit Jain • Mentioned the new advocate Janet Peter Kemp • Career fair, student research lab, pub night for computing students, Christine Johnson • Transmittal package
13.6 Councillors’ Open Forum • Alec thinks that admin window is difficult to hear the secretary 13.7. Question Period • Concerns that the pub is understaffed –Serina. Christine Johnson responds by saying that the pub has recently been going through some staffing changes and hopefully that will not be a problem once they have hired more people. • Greg wants to go to Kemp’s computer pub party. Kemp says maybe • Mat asks about the vending machine in SW 9. Chris talks about the security issues, and talks about the new vending machine that was installed, but was then broken into and removed. • Kevin asks if putting a new microwave in SW9 is a good idea. President says that the Director has been looking for a way to bolt down. Erica adds that security doesn’t visit there and it makes them an easy target • Serina wants to know if there is a way to have hot water available on Sundays in the Library. • Joseph wants to know what happened to all of the payphones on campus. Chris responds by saying that the provider, Bell has pulled them. Christine R. adds that there is a courtesy phone by the SA. • Kemp wants to know about the toilet paper. • Kemp wants to know about security, and how it is being addressed. Mat wants to know who finances security. Josh wants to know why the security on BCIT is not the same as on other secondary campuses. 13.8. Unfinished Business 13.8.1 Prison Issue Letters have been sent out to members of government to address our concerns. Do we need to send out a petition? Motion: Be it resolved that the BCITSA creates a petition against the proposed prison across the street. Moved by: Christine Ramage Seconded by: Hui Hang 22/0/0 Carried Discussion: • Greg wants to know whom the petition would go to. Billy says it would be sent to Ministry • What does a petition do? (Kevin). Hui responds by saying that having a petition could lead to something called not in my back yard (NIMBY) , so that students wouldn’t have to sit on committees to discuss the prison issue; but can still be represented. • Kevin wants to know how the petition would be distributed. Christine R. states through various forms. • Upkar wants to move a friendly motion to learn more about students’ feelings before creating a motion. -Hui says that we will find out how the students feel by them responding to whether or not they sign the petition. Merima would like to see the motion happen. Call the Question Moved by: Christine Ramage
Seconded by: 22/0/0
13.8.2 Endowment Fund Motion: Be it resolved that the BCITSA accept the recommendations proposed by the endowment fund committee Moved by: Christopher Peacock Seconded by: Christine Ramage 22/0/0 Carried Call the Question Moved by: Christine Ramage 21/0/1 Carried 13.9.
Seconded by:
New Business
13.9.1 Election Committee CRO needs two councilors for the committee Committee Members: Erica and Jamie 13 .9.2
Comparing SA’s from across Canada
Billy talks about the different SA’s in Calgary and Manitoba 13.10. Next Meeting Next meeting is scheduled for Monday, March 23, 2009 at 5:45pm in the Council Chamber. 13.11. Meeting adjourned It was moved Kevin Preston and seconded by Greg Frisque that the meeting be adjourned. Carried
Council Meeting Agenda Monday March 16th 2009 5:30-7:30pm 13.1 Meeting called to order 13.2 Acceptance of the Agenda 13.3 Acceptance of the Minutes from February 23rd 2009 13.4 Guest Speakers -Alumni Association: Jennifer Leaman and Bob Ostle 13.5 Progress Reports: Executives 13.6 Councilor Forum 13.7 Question Period 13.8 Unfinished Business 13.8.1 Prison Issue 13.9 New Business 13.9.1 Election Committee 13.10 Next meeting March 30th 2009 13.11 Meeting Adjourned
PROGRESS REPORT FOR Merima Kostecki Last updated: March 9, 2009 Date of Introduction
Action or Outstanding Issue
March 16, 2009
New councillor
Status •
Jill Hidalgo, Nursing level 3
PROGRESS REPORT FOR – Christopher Peacock Last updated: Mar 6nd 2009 Date of Introduction
Action or Outstanding Issue
Sep 2008
Set/Tech rep
January 2009
Endowment Committee
January 2009
Set and Tech Rep folder for next executives
Set and Tech rep meetings will be held on the first Wednesday of every month until May. Held 2 meetings, presented to council, and passed the motion to give $90,000 to endowment. Met with BCIT and am working on finalization of endowment Will be starting to put together a folder for next Executives to use. Will be working with Bill and Merima.
PROGRESS REPORT FOR – PETER ORLANDI Last updated: March 3, 2009 Date of Introduction
Action or Outstanding Issue
Status •
January 2009
SA Events/related events
Alumni Sub Committee Meeting (Feb 27th ) o Interested in student input for their strategic planning Attending Edco (March 11th ) o Interested in student input regarding 5104
January 2009
Library Committee (ongoing)
Interested in any ideas about the library (dis/likes, improvements…)
February 2009
Prison Across Willingdon
• •
Working with Christine Ramage on letter / course of action Should be ready in week of March 9th
March 2009
SA Elections
• •
Chief Returning Officer (CRO) for SA elections Need to strike a committee as per the Bylaws (at March 16th Council)
PROGRESS REPORT FOR – PULKIT JAIN Last updated: Date of Introduction March February February February
Action or Outstanding Issue
Updates from Advocacy
New advocate hired, will be working on advocacy promotion with her
Updates from U-Connect
Latex Luau was completed successfully, ideas for promotions of various u-connect programs passed on
Day for raising mental health awareness
Working on the idea of a day to promote mental health awareness amongst youngsters
Gender neutral washroom
Working on the promotion of the idea, passed on the ideas to uconnect, got to work on presenting idea to admin
PROGRESS REPORT FOR – Peter Kemp Last updated: 03 Mar 09 Date of Introduction
Action or Outstanding Issue
Student Research Lab
Career Fair
Status Kenneth Wong has passed me on to Linda Ashton who is going to talk to me about setting up a bank account for the research lab and making sure no double dipping occures As most of our 20 volunteers are in the middle of midterms, myself and the program head have been working hard to finish recruiting the last set of companies to come to the career fair.
We have 20 companies registered and are aiming for 6 more.
March March
BCIT blog has been looking for computing students to talk with them. We have 4 students prepared to talk to them
BCIT Marketing
BCIT marketing has asked for 4 student to be narrators in the new marketing video. The students have been selected.
PROGRESS REPORT FOR – Christine Johnson Last updated: 03 Mar 09 Date of Introduction
Action or Outstanding Issue
Transmittal Package
Gathered data from current executives regarding best transition practices between past and future executives.