Council Meeting Minutes March 31, 2003

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BCIT Student Association Council Meeting Minutes March 31, 2003 Present: Executives:



-Samantha Yeung, President -Jay Selinger, VP Finances & Administration -John Alexander, VP Student Affairs -Daniel Boffo, VP Campus Life -Winston Tong, Transportation / Construction Chair -Monica Sparks, Man., Mech., & Process Energy & Natural Res. Chair -Tony Do, Electrical / Electronics & CST Chair -Patricia Stefani, VP Public Relations & Marketing -Cristina Roman, Business/ Health Chair -Jeanneth Jacome -Deep Thind -Jag Uppal -Gabe Hoye -Will Heller -Driss Adrao -Mike Klein -Doug Reed -Rebecca Montgomery -Aharon Arnstein -Caroline Gagnon, Executive Director -Sean McGookin, Trades Chair -Angela Gleeson -John White -Marina Reimer

15.1. Meeting Called to Order The meeting was called to order by the Chairperson, Samantha Yeung at 5:45 pm. (19 voting members) 15.2.

Acceptance of the Agenda

John adds the topic of the Iraqi war to the agenda under new business. It was moved by Driss Adrao and seconded by Rebecca Montgomery that the agenda be accepted. 15.3.

Acceptance of the Minutes – March 17, 2003

It was moved by Will Heller and seconded by Tony Do that the minutes of March 17, 2003 be accepted. 15.4.

Guest Speakers

No guest speakers


Reports Executive & Director

Winston Tong, Transportation / Construction Chair • Winston is raising funds for Cuts For the Cure by shaving his head. Tony Do, Electrical / Electronics & CST Chair • Tony has been able to confirm an appearance by 94.5 The Beat for Cuts for the Cure, and also has Mike and Fiona coming from City TV. Patricia Stefani, VP Public Relations & Marketing • Today is the last day for cheap tickets to the Graduation Gala. • Patricia would like to see a lot of promotion for Cuts For The Cure, there will be a BBQ and the BEAT will be here as well. Volunteers are still needed. • Patricia is working with the BCIT Alumni to bring a mingler to BCIT. The mingler will be April 22 in Townsquares A & B from 6-9 p.m. • Patricia will be attending the BCIT Alumni’s AGM to speak about the SA’s strategic plan. John Alexander, VP Student Affairs John states that Translink would like to speak at our next council meeting about the U-PASS. John has a marketing student working on a survey for the students, and is working with UBC to learn about their referendum procedures.

Cristina Roman, Business/ Health Chair • Cristina has a new international student representative. • Cristina would like to introduce two new councilors, Doug Reed from Fin-Man, and Aharon Arnstein from Nursing. • Cristina had a meeting with Terry Milligan regarding the shortage of classroom chairs in SE12, and an agreement was reached that BCIT would do monthly audits of the chairs. • Cristina is also working on the April 24 Tech Rep recognition dinner. Samantha Yeung, President • Samantha has been working towards getting a computer for each Executive for next year. • Samantha is also trying to build up the communication channel with CST, who have been missing out on some information lately. • The BCIT Foundation may be looking for a donation from the BCIT SA to support an appreciation dinner for sponsors who donate money and bursaries to BCIT. Jay Selinger, VP Finances & Administration • Jay states that the nomination period is over for 2004 SA council, and that every position has been filled. It’s now up to everyone to promote the elections and to get their programs out to vote.

Monica Sparks, Manufacture, Mechanical, & Process Energy & Natural Resources Chair • Monica is still working on the parking situation.


Progress Report

Progress report is clean. 15.7. Question Period Driss asked how many volunteers are needed for Cuts for the Cure on Tuesday, to which Patricia replied the 5 people needed for the BBQ and 4-5 to blow up balloons. Rebecca asked why there are no advertisements in NE1 for the new plotter, and why can’t students plot their AutoCAD files. Dan answered that as of 2 Fridays ago, the system has been fully functional and shouldn’t have any trouble printing AutoCAD files if they are the correct file type. The plotter wasn’t advertised in NE1 yet, because Dan wanted to be sure that the plotter services would be fully complete first. Aharon wanted to know more about the RBC investment policy regarding choosing only fund vehicles that benefit students directly through their businesses. Jay replied that the investment policy was set up conservatively (as is the norm for not-for-profit societies) and that our main criteria for selection of fund vehicles is that they are ethical, and that they fit into our policy as per quality of investment. Aharon wanted to know about getting a bursary from RBC, which Jay replied is a great question, and something we can look into. 15.8.

Unfinished Business

15.8.1. – By-Law Amendments - Jay Jay states that the proposed by-law amendments made a clean run through the Link newspaper as required, and that there was no feedback at all from the issues. Therefore, with no negative issues he would like to have the changes passed by the SA council. Jay made a friendly amendment to his original motion to split the motion into separate motions for each by-law. Existing By-Law # 9.6.1 concerning methods of voting currently reads: “The elections shall be by secret ballot and a single “X” shall be the system of voting employed. This procedure will be posted on each ballot slip.” Requested amendment to By-Law # 9.6.1 shall be written to read: “The elections shall be by secret ballot and a single “X” or “√” shall be the system of voting employed. This procedure will be posted on each ballot slip.”

Motion: Be it resolved that BCIT Student Association adopt the amendment to By-Law 9.6.1. as submitted. Moved by: Jay Selinger 17/0/0 Carried

Seconded by: Dan Boffo

Existing By-Law # 9.7.2.i concerning validity of ballots currently reads: “The C.R.O. shall decide on the validity of all ballots and once a ballot has been declared invalid, it shall remain as such. Ballots shall be declared invalid for the following reasons: i. If any mark other than “X” is used to show choices.” Requested amendment to By-Law # 9.7.2.i shall be written to read: “The C.R.O. shall decide on the validity of all ballots and once a ballot has been declared invalid, it shall remain as such. Ballots shall be declared invalid for the following reasons: i. If any mark other than “X” or “√” is used to show choices.”

Motion: Be it resolved that BCIT Student Association adopt the amendment to By-Law 9.7.2.i. as submitted. Moved by: Jay Selinger 17/0/0 Carried

Seconded by: Will Heller

Jay would like to add a new by-law concerning campaign managers and polling clerks. A new By-Law # 9.1.5 concerning polling clerks shall be written to read: “Campaign Managers shall not be permitted to act as polling clerks during times of elections.”

Motion: Be it resolved that BCIT Student Association adopt the new By-Law 9.1.5. as submitted. Moved by: Jay Selinger 17/0/0 Carried

Seconded by: Rebecca Montgomery

Existing By-Law # 6.3.4 concerning the percentage of student votes required as a quorum in times of referendums currently reads: “Never less than fourteen hundred & twenty eight (1,428) members representing ten per cent of the active membership of the Association shall constitute a quorum at any Special General Meeting of the Association. A decision of the Association may be brought about by a majority vote of the active Members present, unless as otherwise stipulated in the Constitution and its ByLaws.” Requested amendment to By-Law # 6.3.4 shall be written to read: “Never less than twenty-one hundred & forty-two (2,142) members representing fifteen per cent of the active membership of the Association shall constitute a quorum at any Special General Meeting of the Association. A decision of the Association may be brought about by a majority vote of the active Members present, unless as otherwise stipulated in the Constitution and its ByLaws.”

Motion: Be it resolved that BCIT Student Association adopt the amendment to By-Law 6.3.4. as submitted. Moved by: Jay Selinger Dropped

Seconded by: Driss Adrao

Discussion occurred concerning why there is a number of students listed in the by-law, when as a percentage of the population, that number would change year to year. Jay stated that he had not been able to determine why a percentage was not flat-out accepted previously, and states that it may be due to avoiding loopholes that could form due to the changing number of students. Will called the question. Rebecca seconded. Vote: 9/3/5 – Not carried Jay dropped the motion off the floor, and asked to enter another motion for the SA to back the following change to the by-law, and that he would do the entire process of introducing the amendment through the link and getting the required preliminary work done. Requested amendment to By-Law # 6.3.4 shall be written to read: “Never less than fifteen per cent of the active membership of the Association on the date of the specific Special General Meeting shall constitute a quorum at any Special General Meeting of the Association. A decision of the Association may be brought about by a majority vote of the active Members present, unless as otherwise stipulated in the Constitution and its ByLaws.”

Motion: Be it resolved that BCIT Student Association support the amendment to By-Law 9.6.1. as submitted. Moved by: Jay Selinger 16/1/0 Carried

Seconded by: Will Heller

15.9. – New Business 15.9.1. – Stage Funding - Marie Marie Halfnights presented her research on performing stages and described the BCIT SA’s need for its own stage. Questions concerning the origin of the stage and results of her research into foreign and domestic stage companies were asked and answered. Motion: Be it resolved that the BCIT Student Association purchase a new 12’ x 20’ stage in 4’ x 4’ pieces from Staging Canadell for $11,400 including taxes. Moved by: Jay Selinger 16/0/1 Carried

Seconded by: Will Heller

Discussions concerning the value of spending $4000 extra on a new stage when BCIT could build us one ensued. Needs and usage ideas were shared around the table. Rebecca called the question. Dan seconded. Vote – 17/0/0 Question called 15.9.2. – Letter for Trades – Jay Jay states that Sean McGookin has been working on this letter with the intent of sending it to several MLAs and trade industry reps concerning new training methods for trades workers. Motion: Be it resolved that the BCIT Student Association support and back sending this letter to various trade reps and MLAs. Moved by: Jay Selinger Dropped

Seconded by: Driss Adrao

Jeannette feels that the letter should be more formalized. It’s pointed out by others that this is not so much meant to be a formal business letter; it’s good that we can see emotion in the letter. It is agreed that the letter needs a little refining to give it a slightly more professional look because of the positions of the intended readers. Jay states that he will work with Sean to come up with another letter for submittal to the council next meeting. Jay also drops the motion. 15.9.2. – Iraqi War – John John states that it is important to give this topic time for discussion, and offers reasons why the war will affect everyone’s quality of life. John states that these disputes should be settled in the UN, the war should be stopped and weapons inspectors should resume their duties. Motion: Be it resolved that the BCIT Student Association express its opposition to the US-led invasion of Iraq by writing a letter to the Prime Minister of Canada, calling on him to continue and to strengthen Canada’s commitment to a peaceful resolution to the dispute between the US and Iraq through the UN. Moved by: John Alexander 3/13/1 Motion Defeated

Seconded by: Aharon Arnstein

Will states that he is opposed to the motion. The SA is not in a position to make a decision for the student body concerning the war. We didn’t take a stand for or against the Olympics either. SFU SA took a pro-Palestine stand and received a huge outcry from the Israeli community. We can’t put ourselves in that position.

Other speakers share concerns over the BCIT SA’s position or role in political topics and debates. Issues such as a lack of information and true knowledge of this situation really put the SA in a difficult spot to take a truly informed stand; and that stand could really displease some of our students. Rebecca called the question. Gabe seconded. Vote – 12/3/2 – Question Called Motion: Be it resolved that the BCIT Student Association lend its support to student organizations who work for peaceful solutions to international disputes. Moved by: John Alexander 5/9/3 Motion Defeated

Seconded by: Driss Adrao

Will points out that supporting this motion would really be the same as supporting the first motion on this topic. Others feel that the motion is very ambiguous. Some feel that such a blanket statement as stated in the motion could get the BCIT SA involved in some issues or actions that we would otherwise regret. Aharon states that it’s important for himself to say that peaceful resolutions are the way to deal with disputes, and that this motion is really just supporting that principle; the principle is important. Discussions ensue concerning the ambiguity of the motion and the SA’s risks of lending blind support to other student organizations. John states that this motion “doesn’t tie us to anything, it just puts us on the side of peace… that we are committed to the idea of peace.” Will calls the question. Deep seconded. Vote – 12/2/3 - Question called. 15.10. Next Meeting Next meeting is scheduled for April 14, 2003 at 5:45pm. 15.11. Meeting adjourned It was moved by Will Heller and seconded by Cristina Roman that the meeting be adjourned. Vote – 17/0/0 Meeting adjourned

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