17 Minutes Executive - June 20, 2011

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Executive Meeting Monday, June 20, 2011 Minutes Executives:

Nicola Gardner, President Ricky Dasgupta, VP Finance & Administration Matthew Nolletti, VP Campus Life Tara Johnson, VP External Brian Harvey, Transportation, Construction & the Environment Chair Marwan Marwan, Computing & Academic Studies Chair Keith Miller, ATC Chair Gordon Newby, Business Chair Laura Chow, Health Sciences Chair Amy Erskine, Manufacturing, Electronics and Industrial Processes Chair


Caroline Gagnon, Director


Tylan Fraser, VP of Student Affairs

1.1. Meeting Called to Order The Chairperson, Nicola Gardner, calls the meeting to order at 5:35 pm. (10 voting members). 1.2 Acceptance of the Agenda The Agenda was approved as presented. Moved by: Brian Harvey Seconded by: Keith Miller 9/0/0 Carried 1.3 U-pass Nicola informs the Executives that the U-pass has been approved in principle by all parties. Students starting tomorrow will be charged the U-pass fee of $30 / month on their tuition if they are eligible. We will be working on the marketing component to ensure that students are informed. The pass will be distributed via 5 vending machines. Question:  Location of machines: Still in discussion, but BCIT is looking at the foyer of the Library, SW1, ATC, Great Hall. The machines need to be secured given the value of the cards in the machine.  When will it start? Students will be able to collect their September card starting August 20th. 1.4 Student Initiatives Nicola reminds the Executives about their Student Initiatives for the up-coming year. They should be coming with 2-3 initiatives. If they have questions, they should contact Nicola or Caroline.


1.5 3rd Floor and Daycare As a reminder, the proposal for the third floor and childcare will be presented tomorrow at the BOG meeting. 1.6 Set Reps Nicola encourages all Chairs to start recruiting their set representatives. It will be expected that a first meeting be scheduled by the end of September. A new system of registration will be implemented for the fall. Reps will be able to sign-in on our website. Brian recommends that Chairs go in person to talk to their program heads. BCIT timetabling is another good source to help determine how many sets per programs. New training sessions will be offered. 1.7 Orientation Matthew is recruiting approximately 90 volunteers for Orientation on Tuesday, September 6. He has presently 30 volunteers. He asks that Executive try to recruit between 3-5 people. Volunteers receive great prizes, meals, and reference letter. Training sessions will be offered. Give contact information directly to Matthew. Questions:     

How long will the training be? Session will be 1 hour and will be offered mid to end of August. How long do they have to volunteer for? Orientation schedule is from 8:00 am to 2:30pm. Award ceremony will follow. What about parking? Matthew will investigate It is proposed that Matthew contacts students living in residence first. What are the jobs? Greeters, floaters, program guides, expo guides, campus tour guides.

1.8 Next Meeting Next meeting is scheduled on July 26 at 5:30 in the Council Chamber. 1.9 Meeting adjourned The meeting is adjourned at 6:30 pm.



Executive Meeting Monday, June 20, 2011 AGENDA


Meeting called to order


Acceptance of the Agenda




Student Initiatives


3rd floor and daycare


Set Reps




Next Meeting


Meeting adjourned


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