Executive Meeting Thursday, July 15, 2010 Minutes Executives:
Jordan Harris, President Rachael Radford, VP Finance & Administration Dan Smith, VP Campus Life Nicola Gardner, VP of Student Affairs Ciara Hamagishi, VP Public Relations & Marketing Robby Basi, Transportation, Construction & the Environment Chair Michal Harrison, Computing & Academic Studies Chair Dom Audette, ATC Chair Dillon Zolnierczyk, Business Chair Jim Moore, Health Sciences Chair Andrew Io, Manufacturing, Electronics and Industrial Processes Chair
Caroline Gagnon, Director
1.1. Meeting Called to Order The Chairperson, Jordan Harris, calls the meeting to order at 5:45 pm. (11 voting members). 1.2 Acceptance of the Agenda The Agenda was approved as presented. Moved by: Nicola Gardner Seconded by: Michal Harrison 11/0/0 Carried 1.3 Progress Reports 1.3.1 Set/Class Reps • Rachael has been working on updating the Set Rep document. The new document will be used to recruit student for these positions. The document will be emailed to all students early September. • One of the significant changes is related to the role of the Set/Class Reps they can now represent students at the Decision Review Board (DRB). However if they feel uncomfortable, they still can use the services of the BCITSA Advocate. • The Representative Award was also modified. A $500 Award per school will be given to one representative that has distinguished him/herself during the year. Question: • Dominique clarifies that any Rep can represent students for DRB. Yes.
• Rachael goes over the new selection process for councillors. The document will be sent to Chairs. The goal is to recruit Councillors representing students from different programs and years. Job posting will go out to all students. Questions: • Michal - What if no one applies for the position? Having access to all students’ email should eliminate this problem. In addition, with a better communication via the Set Rep committees will help the recruitment of Councillors. • Jim mentions that he has started the recruitment. Rachael will be sending the document, which should help facilitate the recruitment. 1.3.3
Orientation Weeks
• Dan has been working on the Orientation Day scheduled for September 7. The event is a chance for new students to get orientated. They are expecting 2800 students who will come in 4 different waves. Students will start in the SAC building and then go to their program orientation to be followed by a tour campus, and to end in the Great Hall. • 50 volunteers have been recruited, but still looking for 50 volunteers. If Chairs have access to their 1st year Set Reps list, please send them to Dan. Six (6) training sessions will be available. The event will start at 6:45am. • There will be entrainment, BBQ, DJ and street performers. 1.3.4
Frosh Week Party
• Jordan inquires if members are interested in hosting a frosh week party for Friday 10, 2010. It will be a good opportunity to get the SA name out to the students. This will be a theme party. Questions: • Michal inquires about using the pub and the exclusion of minors. The pub is the easiest to control. • Andrew mentions that the MES Club is planning to host a BBQ for 1st year. • Rachael recommends that a BBQ be hosted for minors who cannot enter the pub and then for the rest of the student population to go to the pub. • Jordan will move forward and start organizing it. • Jordan informs the Executives that a $2500 expense account as been set up for events for the year. He asks about how it should be spent. Comments: • Rachael would like to see that the money be spent for 2 events. Charge at the door to recover some of the cost, so the money can go further. • Dan mentions that charging at the door would get a commitment from students. • Michal states that we have to be aware of the cost. • Caroline recommends that we charge and give them something in exchange (i.e. beverage).
1.3.5 Transition Document • Rachael is working on a transition document to help the incoming Executives get ready for their new position. She is collecting information from the outgoing Executives. • The document is designed for this year’s Executive to be the first group to work on it, so that next year executives are better equipped to do their job. She recommends that Executives start completing the document as soon as possible. • Rachael will send the document as a PDF and Word Document to the Executives. 1.3.6 U-Pass • Jordan mentions that since the announcement of the Ministry of Transportation, they have been receiving many questions. Although students were told that the program would start in September, it is anticipated that BCIT will go to referendum only in October. The start of the program could be as early as January 2011 or as late as September 2011. • BCITSA has been involved in a coalition with the other schools to ensure that Student Societies are included in the contract with Translink. If student societies are not included as part of the contract, we will not be able to influence the contract/ services. A letter will be sent to the Ministry and Translink to ask to include student societies. Four (4) existing contract include student societies so it is not out of scope to ask. Part of the letter is to include that the carbon credit be transferred to the Institutes to mitigate the cost of running the program. • There have been many discussions about who will qualify for the program. BCIT has informed Student Association that they will do everything in their power to oppose the program if part-time students are included in the program, because of the cost associated with including them. • VCC, Emily Carr will host their referendum first to be followed by Kwantlen and BCIT. • Rachael reminds people that we have the responsibility to represent all students, so we need to inform all students to ensure that we get a high voters turnout. Questions: • Nicola – How can Translink justify getting all the funding without increasing services. • Michal inquires about if Translink understands that we do not have 48 000 students. Rachael informs that Translink is not getting the difference between schools. We need to get Translink on the same page before selecting who qualifies. 1.4 1.4.1
Unfinished Business 3rd Floor and day care update
Last year, a proposal was sent to BCIT giving them $2.5 million to gain access to the 3rd floor, including a Daycare. BOG has agreed in principle to the Daycare. They have presented a new location - NW1. BCIT VP Student Services is working on a proposal for the Daycare. The proposal will go to the Board in September.
New Business
1.5.1 Whistler Retreat • Whistler room arrangements- please email Bev at mainoffice@bcitsa.ca for room requests • Whistler carpools- 2 or 3 cars leave at 3pm on Friday August 27. • Driving volunteers: Rachael, Dan, Robby, Michal, Andrew • Training schedule will be provided to you in August • What to pack: o Comfy clothes for inside day training for three days o A pair of active wear- dress for the weather- must bring runners- outdoor activity o Restaurant dinner wear for three nights o Bathing suit if you want to swim/hot tub at hotel o other activity clothes if you plan to do “other activities” 1.6 Question Period • Nicola asks about Lounge Agreement. Jordan informs that a Standing Committee will be created in the fall to start planning for the renovations. It is expected that around $75,000 will be available for renovations this school year. •
Nicola inquires about voting booth for referendum. The difficulty is about staffing them. Student Association will host information sessions about the U-pass and voting period will be 2 weeks.
1.7 Next Meeting Next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, September 2nd at 1:00pm in the Council Chamber. 1.8 Meeting adjourned The meeting is adjourned at 7:25 pm.
BCITSA Executive Meeting Thursday, July 15, 2010 AGENDA 1.1
Meeting called to order
Acceptance of the Agenda
Current projects 1.3.1 Set/Class Reps 1.3.2 Councillors 1.3.3 Orientation Week 1.3.4 Frosh week Party 1.3.5 Transition document 1.3.6 U-Pass
Rachael Rachael Dan Jordan / Dan Rachael Jordan
Old Business 1.4.1 3rd floor and daycare update
New Business 1.5.1 Whistler retreat
Next Meeting
Meeting adjournment