3 Council Meeting minutes Oct 7-02

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Council Meeting Monday, October 7, 2002 Minutes Present: Executives:

Samantha Yeung, President Jay Selinger, VP Finances & Administration John Alexander, VP Student Affairs Daniel Boffo, VP Campus Life Patricia Stefani, VP Public Relations & Marketing Cristina Roman, Business/ Health Chair Winston Tong, Transportation / Construction Chair Jeff Patton, Electrical / Electronics & CST Chair Monica Sparks, Man., Mech., & Process Energy & Natural Res. Chair


Teri Almas Will Heller Driss Adrao Rebecca Montgomery Vince Chabot


Caroline Gagnon, Director

Tindy Bassi Angela Gleeson Carla Megeth John White Bhart Jaswal


Meeting Called to Order The meeting was called to order by the Chairperson, Samantha Yeung at 5:45 pm. (19 voting members)


Acceptance of the Agenda It was moved by Jay Selinger and seconded by Cristina Roman that the agenda be accepted without any changes.


Acceptance of the Minutes – September 23, 2002 It was moved by Jay Selinger and seconded by Driss Adrao that the minutes of September 23, 2002 be accepted as read.

4.4. •


Guest Speakers Wendy Stowell from Gallivan & Associates presents the new copy of the Student Extended Health and Dental Plan card. The card can be downloaded from the website (ww.gallivan.ca/student networks/members/bcit). If they are aware of students requesting help or having questions on the plan, Wendy invites Council to phone her directly. Reports Executive & Director

Jay Selinger, VP Finances & Administration • Jay welcomes Monica Sparks as the new Chair of Manufacture, Mechanical, & Process Energy & Natural Resources. Winston Tang, Transportation / Construction Chair • Nothing to report 1

Jeff Patton, Electrical/Electronics /CST Chair • Nothing to report. Patricia Stefani, VP Public Relations & Marketing • Patricia informs Council that David Bernard, BCIT Director of Marketing, needs a student representative which is not in the School of Business. Daniel Boffo or Rebecca Montgomery might be interested. Cristina Roman, Business/Health Chair • Nothing to report. Daniel Boffo, VP Campus Life As submitted.

John Alexander, VP Student Affairs • Attended a meeting with student representatives from EdCo & BOG. • John is still working on the Alcohol Awareness Event. Next meeting is scheduled for October 18th at 3:30 pm in the Council Chamber. • Met with the Tenant Right Advocacy Association. The group would like to be invited as guest speakers to a future meeting. Samantha Yeung, President • Samantha might have found a Chair of Trades. Sanjay D’lima will be attending the next Council meeting for appointment. Caroline Gagnon, Director • Nothing to report. 4.6.

Review of Actions from September 9th & 23rd meetings. Not reviewed. Actions will be revised next meeting.



Question Period No question. Unfinished Business 4.8.1 Furniture SW3 & NE1 – Jay & Winston Jay asks each Councillors and Chairs to investigate the students’ needs in their specific Schools. Chairs could ask their Tech representatives at their next meeting. Jay states that only 2 locations were looked at, however if other Schools are in need of furniture to let them know. Vince asks why BCIT is not paying for the purchase of all this furniture. Caroline states that BCIT did not see it as a priority and with the co-funding of the furniture by SA, BCIT now wants to make it a priority.



New Business 4.9.1 Student Group Funding – John John distributes the summary of the Student Group Funding Applications. 4 groups applied for funding (BCIT MA, Toastmaster, ACE, AIM). John recommends that each group be allocated $1000 each and that a second deadline application be open to other sanctioned groups for November 30th. Questions & Comments: •

• • • • •

Rebecca has some issues with the proposed deadline for the existing groups. John confirms that money be given to the 4 aforementioned groups right away, while the second deadline would open it to other groups. Patricia states that ACE and BCIT MA usually host events during Shinerama for their organizational funding. However both groups were not allowed this year due to a change in policies. Both groups have helped tremendously with the Shinerama event. Winston asks if ACE received money last year. Caroline confirms that no. Will wants to see that a formal funding application package be available for sanctioned groups. Dan suggests that money be given according to the number of members in each groups. John states the purpose of offering a second funding deadline might give other groups time to organize. Funding should not only go to the School of Business. Patricia states that these groups have made a lot of effort for these proposals.

Motion: Be it resolved that BCITSA endorses the recommendations as proposed in the report and extend the deadlines for the remainder of the money to November 30th, 2002 after the development of a formal application process. Moved by: John Alexander Seconded by: Driss Adrao 15/2/0 Carried • •

Rebecca wants to know if selection criteria were used for this selection. John confirms that yes. Patricia states that only John made these recommendations and took a look at the proposals. Samantha states that this is part of John’s job description and due process was followed. Daniel would like to see that the format be clarified for future applications.

Motion: Be it resolved that BCITSA moves this issue to a Committee with a deadline of October 21st. Moved by: Will Heller Seconded by: Rebecca Montgomery 2/12/3 Rejected Motion: Be it resolved that debate be closed. Moved by: Jay Selinger Carried

Seconded by: Winston Tong


Amendment to Motion: Money be allocated following ratio for requested funding. Moved by: Rebecca Montgomery Seconded by: Teri Almas Carried Motion: Be it resolved that debate be closed. Moved by: Vince Chabot Carried

Seconded by: Jeff Patton

Amendment to the Amendment: Money be allocated as follow: BCIT $1000, ACE $1000, Toastmaster $750, AIM $500. Moved by: Patricia Stefani Seconded by: Jay Selinger 15/2/0 Carried Motion: Be it resolved that debate be closed. Moved by: Jay Selinger Carried

Seconded by: Rebecca Montgomery

Action: John, Will & Rebecca will develop the formal funding application for sanctioned group. 4.10 Next Meeting AGM is scheduled for October 21st, 2002 at 5:45pm, and regular Council meeting will be help after. 4.11 Meeting adjourned It was moved by Cristina Roman and seconded by Driss Adrao that the meeting be adjourned. (6:55 pm.).




Meeting called to order


Acceptance of the Agenda


Acceptance of the minutes from September 23, 2002


Guest Speakers Wendy Stowell – Gallivan & Associates


Reports: Executive & Director


Review of Actions


Question Period (5 min.)


Unfinished Business 4.8.1. Furniture SW3 & NE 1 (Jay / Winston) 4.8.2. 4.8.3.


New Business 4.9.1. Student Group Funding (John) 4.9.2. 4.9.3.

4.10. Next Meeting 4.11.

Meeting adjourned


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