4 CouncilMeetingminutesOct20-03

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BCIT Student Association Council Meeting Minutes October 20, 2003 Present: Executives:

Samantha Yeung, President Erin Smith, VP Finances & Administration George Nicolaou, VP Student Affairs Elfina Luk, VP Campus Life Renee Geronimo, VP Public Relations & Marketing Deep Thind, Man., Mech., & Process Energy & Natural Res. Chair Michael Klein, Electrical / Electronics & CST Chair Jamie Higgins, Transportation / Construction Chair Angelia Harris Gray, Business/ Health Chair Anthony Vanderhoek, Chair of Trades Julie Win Ben Lytwyn Michael Kahn Paul Condon Mona David Tallis Stevenson


Jeanneth Jacome Aharon Arnstein Ariane Saunders Norman Dyck Matt Fitzmaurice Nathan Mahan Teddy Diress


Caroline Gagnon


Joanne Edwards – BCIT International Students Lexis Artherton – BCIT International Students Ryan Malcom – BCITMA president


Sarah Ellis Bhu Bains

Mike Mui Woon Manning

4.1. Meeting Called to Order The meeting was called to order by the Chairperson, Samantha Yeung, at pm. (23 voting members) 5:45 4.2. Acceptance of the Agenda It was moved by Michael Klein and seconded by Deep Thind that the agenda of October 20, 2003 be accepted with the following changes: To add in “Unfinished Business” 4.8.2. Alcohol Awareness week Carried 19/0/4 4.3. Acceptance of the Minutes It was moved by Elfina Luk and seconded by Renee Geronimo that the minutes of October 6, 2003 be changed to read; 1

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Page 2, report, Elfina; There is no contest being organized. Dates for the meeting should read October 20 and not October 22. Page 4, New Business 3.11.2; The motion should read “tabled” and not “Carried”. Guest Speakers

International Students (Joanne Edwards & Lexis Artherton) Lexis Artherton states the importance of having a voice on the Student Association Council given that BCIT has a new mandate to increase the number of international students from 54 -98 this year and to 175 next year. Many issues are specifically related to international students such as; home sickness, and culture adaptation. With BCIT’s new vision of being the best poly-technique in Canada, it will result in an increase of international students in years to come. Joanne Ewards, an international student herself, states various issues that need to be addressed: increase tuition from 8k to 17k, not access to student loans and bursaries, financial services client, work ability, cultural and language, difference in admission policies. She recognizes that SA can not solve all problems, however can be a supporter for international students. 4.5.

Reports Executive & Director

Samantha Yeung, President • Working on the hiring of BCIT Vice President of Student Services. • Went to 2 high schools to talk about the Business Program. Erin Smith, VP Finances & Administration • A fashion show has been scheduled for November 5. We are presently looking for male models. • If anyone has comments about the pub, please direct them to Erin or Sam. • If councilors need to miss a meeting please contact your chair. George Nicolaou, VP Student Affairs • Alcohol Awareness Week is this week. Various activities have been planned for the week. See calendar for further details. Elfina Luk, VP Campus Life • She is still working on the climbing wall. • There will be a special event celebrating the different ethnicities on campus. It is scheduled for November 4 or 12 at 3:00pm. Renee Geronimo, VP Public Relations & Marketing • Still wrapping up Shinerama. • Planning a mingler with the Alumni in January. She is also working on how the Alumni Association can be more involved. • Presently working on a year round food bank project on campus. 2

Deep Thind, Man., Mech., & Process Energy & Natural Res. Chair Noting to report • He has recruited all tech. representatives and his councilors. Jamie Higgins, Transportation / Construction Chair • Working on a Trades Auction Event, so trade students can auction their school projects for charity. • The meeting with Chartwells was postponed until next week. Michael Klein, Electrical / Electronics & CST Chair • He has recruited all his councilors. Angelia Harris Gray, Business/ Health Chair • She had a Chair meeting. • She worked with Joanne Edwards to present a motion (4.8.1). Anthony Vanderhoek, Chair of Trades • He helped in the organization of the Alcohol Awareness Week. • Familiarized himself with his duties. • Working with Jamie on the Trade Auction Event. 4.6. Progress Report No progress report. 4.7. Question Period • Deep mentioned that he has only heard good things about the Pub. • Elfina inquires about the time which the fashion show will be held. Erin confirms that it has been scheduled between the hours of 11:30 and 1:00 pm. • Aharon wants to know if there is an evaluation after each special event, such as questionnaires or counting of student participation. Sam mentions that only annual events are evaluated. Aharon would like to see proper evaluation conducted to assess the success of each event. 4.8.

Unfinished Business

4.8.1. International Students Representation - Angelia Jeanneth withdraws her motion from last meeting that read: Be it resolved we should have a councilor position made for Int’l student representation on the S.A. Moved by: Jeanneth Seconded by: Renee 13/5/2 Carried


Motions: Be it resolved that the student Association of BCIT create the position of International Student Councilor, which would be facilitated be the VP of Student Affairs. This would be an appointed member, with any candidates having to be a full time BCIT International student. Moved by: Angelia Harris Gray Seconded by: Renee Geronimo 16/3/3 Carried • • • • •

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Angelia believes that as an advocate of students, the SA needs to have a link to the international student body. George asks about honorarium. Angelia confirms that it would be the same as other councilors. Angelia confirms that all above duties are similar to the ones of other councilors. Michael wants to clarify about existing representation. He has some issues about having a voice for only 100 students, while under the constitution other councilors represent 300. Aharon wants to support the motion but would like to ad to the responsibilities to have international students form a student club. The club would be responsible for liaising to the SA through their councilor. Erin wants to know if a full-time staff is working with International students to ensure continuity, and if the VP of student affairs would be responsible to recruit the councilor. Joanne from International Students states that staff are very involved with these issues and would work closely with this position. Jamie wants to know if a Chair position was considered. Sam states that various options were considered. Teddy states that International students would have double representation, one through the Chair of Business and one through the new position. Angelia states that Chairs usually deals with program issues while this new position would deal with specific issues. Motion: Be it resolved that the question be called. Moved by: George Nicholaou Seconded by: Erin Smith 12/2/7 Carried 4.8.2. Alcohol Awareness Week – George Nicholaou George is looking for more volunteers. He will write a letter of confirmation of their participation, if necessary.


New Business

4.9.1 Sanctioned Club Funding George goes over the steps which were taken in making a decision on Club funding. George proposed the following: Motion: Be it resolved that BCIT Student gives club funding as follow: BCITMA $1800; ACE - $1800; AIM - $1000; IEEE -$500; and Toaster Master - $750. Moved by: George Nicholaou Seconded by: Deep Thind 4

Elfina wants to know if all money were given in October last year. Sam confirms that residual funds were left for the winter season. Also inquires about the percentage of donation. Amendment to the motion: To increase the funds to $750 for IEEE. Moved by: Angelia Harris Gray Seconded by: Michael Klein 13/1/9 Carried

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Angelia states that IEEE is a starting club and may need more help than others. This new money should not take from other clubs. Renee wants to know about IEEE’s activities for this year. George goes over their list. Jeanneth wants to know about the number of members for each association. Angelia confirms that though the number of IEEE members is low, the executives did not have the time to do a proper membership drive. Motion: Be it resolved that the question be called. Moved by: Aharon Arnstein Seconded by: Renee Geronimo 15/1/6 Carried

Aharon wants to know about the amount were given last year. Sam recollects the following: BCITMA $2000; ACE $1250, AIM $750, toastmaster $750. George tables his motion until the next meeting.

3.10 Further Business Elfina goes over special events happening on campus: • Every Wednesday Stand up comedy • Funny Money November 4 – 12:00 in the Great Hall • Sue Johanson November 5 - 8:00 pm Tickets are on sale now 3.11. Next Meeting Next meeting is scheduled for November 3, 2003 at 5:45pm. 3.12. Meeting adjourned It was moved by Rene Geronimo and seconded by Michael Klein that the meeting be adjourned. (7:12 pm) Carried


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