Council Meeting October 25, 2004 Executives:
Erin Smith, President Ashley Steier, VP Finances & Administration Susie da Silva, VP Student Affairs Sarah Ellis, VP Campus Life Karen Leung, VP Public Relations & Marketing Fred Haiderzada, Electrical / Electronics & CST Chair Jeanneth Jacome, Health Chair Navdeep Manchanda, Man., Mech., & Process Energy & Natural Res. Chair Owen Fu, Business Chair Misaki Kobayashi, Transportation and Construction Chair
Johanthan Vanderheyden Katharine Scotton Amy McLaughlin Peter Kapela Margareta Swaczynska James Webster Brad Barrett Julia Johnston Jennifer Leaman Robert Yeun
Caroline Gagnon, Director Zoe Bake-Peterson, Link Assistant Editor
Cory Cleveland Douglas Embury Zheng Quio Hu
Heather Thompson
Luke Atchem Raj Dhillon Ian Sanderson Megan Chambers Shannon Roberts Paolo Alonzo Tara Perret Lee-Ann Banfield Peter Kapela Robert Scales
Kayla Read
Meeting Called to Order The meeting was called to order by the Chairperson, Erin Smith, at 6:25pm. (30 voting members)
Acceptance of the Agenda The agenda of October 25, 2004 was accepted as presented.
Acceptance of the Minutes from October 4, 2004 It was moved by Erin Smith and seconded by Owen Fu that the minutes of October 4, 2004 be accepted as distributed. 25/0/5 Carried
Guest Speakers – Tara Perret, Councillor
Tara Perret, from the School of Transportation and Construction, invites all women in trades to participate in the Canadian Construction Women. Activities such as dinner, site tours and
guest speakers, are organized for all women in trades. Next event is scheduled for December. This is a great place to meet women in the industry. You can register or get more information on their website I 5.5
General Reports Executive & Director
Misaki Kobayashi, Transportation and Construction Chair • She provided pictures from intra-mural or other events to the Link. By placing pictures on the Link, it might help to increase readership. • Misaki met with Susie, Parking Committee Representative, regarding a stole car at NE1. The car was found. • She has received complaints about the cleanliness, or lack of, of men washroom in SE 16. The complaints were brought forward to the appropriate people, and it was dealt with. Apparently the washrooms had not been cleaned for a week. Sarah Ellis, VP Campus Life • Helped promote the 4x4 passes. A table is set-up in the Great Hall every Friday. • Help Susie during the Alcohol Awareness Week. 5.6 Progress Report See attached. •
Erin confirms that it is the role of BCIT to find Tech and Set Reps for all programs. Erin has confirmed with the FSA that it was part of BCIT’s duties. Erin has brought the issue to the attention of Tony Taner, VP Education. Tony will look into this and should let her know shortly.
5.7. •
Questions Period (5 min.) Raj is asking clarification about the Student Initiative Fund. Erin explains that a process is being established. Once established these guidelines will be communicated to all. Erin explains the background of this fund. Money is to be used to fund educational initiatives for students. The funds were given by BCIT, for SA to manage. Jeanneth ask about the 4x4 passes not including the over 26 years old students. Sarah confirmed that this was an Intrawest internal policy. Jeanneth would like to see other promotions at local mountains for the over 26 group. Sarah states that the Recreation Services is already offering such a service. Shannon informs Navdeep (following her request in her Progress Report) that some students would like to have the library open earlier. Robert mentions that the garbage issue is not only excluded to SE 2 but to SE 14 second floor. Garbage from the class rooms are not being emptied unless they are placed in the hallway. James states that there are not enough garbage cans in the Great Hall. With only 2, it is very difficult to ask students to clean up the Great Hall. James would like to see more AA week events in NE1. Susie would like to continue this initiative throughout the year. Activities should be more mobile. Karen confirmed that all Shinerama major prizes have been distributed.
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5.8. Unfinished Business No unfinished business.
5.9. New Business 5.9.1. Committee Sign-up Erin goes over the different committees, and ask for participation. BCIT Alumni Committee (Raj, Navdeep, Amy) Award Committee (already determined) Campus Advertising Committee (Raj, Robert) Ceremonies Committee (already determined Educational Council Committee (Erin, Misaki) Environmental Awareness Committee (Katharine, Margareta) Parking Committee (Susie, Luc) 5.10. Next Meeting Next meeting is scheduled for November 8, 2004 at 5:45pm. 5.11. Meeting Adjourned It was moved by Jeanneth Jacome and seconded by Sarah Ellis that the meeting be adjourned. (8:00 pm). Carried