Council Meeting Monday, November 4, 2002 Minutes Present: Executives:
Samantha Yeung, President Jay Selinger, VP Finances & Administration John Alexander, VP Student Affairs Daniel Boffo, VP Campus Life Patricia Stefani, VP Public Relations & Marketing Cristina Roman, Business/ Health Chair Winston Tong, Transportation / Construction Chair Monica Sparks, Man., Mech., & Process Energy & Natural Res. Chair
Teri Almas Will Heller Driss Adrao Rebecca Montgomery Vince Chabot
Tindy Bassi Angela Gleeson Carla Megeth John White Bhart Jaswal
Sanjay DiLima
Jeff Patton, Electrical / Electronics & CST Chair Caroline Gagnon, Director
6.1. Meeting Called to Order The meeting was called to order by the Chairperson, Samantha Yeung at 5:45 pm. (19 voting members) 6.2. Acceptance of the Agenda It was moved by Driss Adrao and seconded by Monica Sparks that the agenda be accepted without any changes. 6.3. Acceptance of the AGM Minutes & Council Meeting – October 21, 2002 It was moved by Driss Adrao and seconded by Teri Almas that the minutes of October 21, 2002 be accepted as read. 6.4. Guest Speakers Samantha introduces Sanjay DiLima as the candidate for the position Chair of Trades. Sanjay DiLima spoke on previous work experience in dry docks and experience with WCB to be eligible as Chair or Trades. Motion: Be it resolved that Sanjay DiLima be appointed as the new Chair of Trades Moved by: Samantha Yeung Seconded by: Teri Almas 12/0/3 Carried 1
Reports Executive & Director
Jay Selinger, VP Finances & Administration • Nothing to report. Motion: Be it resolved that the SA acknowledges reason for Jeff Patton’s absence from this meeting. Moved by: Cristina Roman Seconded by: Daniel Boffo 16/0/0 Carried Winston Tong, Transportation / Construction Chair As submitted.
Monica Sparks, Manufacture, Mechanical, & Process Energy & Natural Resources Chair • Nothing to report. Jeff Patton, Electrical/Electronics /CST Chair - Absent Patricia Stefani, VP Public Relations & Marketing • Patricia informs Council that Shinerama raised $39,000 thus far. Cristina Roman, Business/Health Chair • Nothing to report. Daniel Boffo, VP Campus Life • As submitted. • Dan met with Associate Dean. They want plotter in NE1. John Alexander, VP Student Affairs • Alcohol Awareness Week is this week. Speakers lined up for Wednesday. Speaking organizations are Mothers Against Drunk Driving at 10:00 oclock Wednesday morning – Bob (drunk driver victim) 10 minutes video. Other speakers are Alcoholics Anonymous. • Needs volunteers on Wednesday morning to set up. • Attended Natural Justice workshop • Workshop EDCO approved new policy on appeals procedure due to increasing number of appeals filed by students – new streamlined procedure. • Meeting with Administration to protect students’ rights and interests. • Appeals to through Deans, not Registrar. Samantha Yeung, President • Sam will be going to rework advertising policy. Bring suggestions to her. Sanjay DiLima, Chair of Trades • Got a lot of work ahead of me. Caroline Gagnon, Director - Absent 2
Progress Report
See attached Report 6.7. • •
Question Period
Dan wants to know who put together meeting? Will has some questions regarding the 2 week exam period stand. Sam informs that no update was provided by Jeff. Christina spoke to tech reps – business/health regarding 2 week testing – feeling is split depending on program. Will wants clarification on first person speaking rule. Will we run on prior rules today? Sam informs that we will run on prior rules.
Unfinished Business
3-hour Break – Jay & Winston
Jay informs that they could not get 3 hours break letters due to lack of addresses. Will wants that the letter be redone as intended last meeting and get e-mailed to everyone. Christina informs that she is working on a share in/out folder for council, which will improve communication Motion: Be it resolved that the 3-hour break be send out by November 5th seeking recommendations received by Wednesday, November 13th for final vote November 18th. Moved by: Will Heller Seconded by: Cristina Roman 14/0/3 Carried 6.8.2
Microwaves - Jay
Jay recommends that we bring microwaves with furniture. John’s wife works at VGH and company there supplies microwaves – Lewis Vending 421-7666. Dan thinks it is a great idea, but vending machines may take away from TNT. Teri states that Chartwells may have trouble. Trish thinks there are lots of stipulations on campus as to what we can bring in. 6.8.3
Purchase of Furniture - Jay
Forms are now available at SA office or from Jay. Dan asks about deadline. Jay needs hopes by January. Winston handed out forms to tech reps. Driss handed copies to SC/Business tech reps.
New Business
Instructor Evaluation - Cristina
Christina inquires about instructor evaluations: Are decisions made or are forms looked at? Bad instructors keep returning. BCIT is working on area evaluation system. Recommendations should be made regarding teacher evaluations. Driss wants to know what the options are. Can we make it happen faster? Monica states that some programs have no teacher evaluations. How do we improve some things? Cristina confirms that each school has its own program, thus the importance of speak to the Schools. Will wants to know what we are looking for. Is it information from Administration or looking for teachers to get fired? Becky states that they are experiencing it right now. Students are going to Program Heads, who have talked to teacher and it has made a difference --- waiting for evaluations. Christina wants to know the process after speaking to Program Heads. What should happen? Will confirms that the process is complicated. The SA should look deeper at it. Jeanette states that some teachers have tenure and will never get disciplined. What can we do to empower evaluation forms? Dan informs that Tenureship doesn’t apply here like other places. Instructors are hired differently. UBC had publication by EMS that rated and ranked teachers in magazine/paper format. Teri understands the purpose of feedback forms. Teachers aren’t obligated to hand them out. Motion: Be it resolved that BCITSA pursue the topic of Teacher Evaluation. Moved by: Daniel Boffo Seconded by: Monica Sparks 17/0/0 Carried 6.9.2
Printer - Jay
Jay informs that we need to purchase a new printer for the Event and Environmental Coordinators. Winston wants to know why they need their own printer. Why can’t they walk over to ours? We could get a cheap $200 printer. Motion: Be it resolved to purchase an HP Laser Jet 1200n for $900 + taxes for the Event and Environmental Coordinator. Moved by: Jay Selinger Seconded by: Samantha Yeung 12/2/2 Carried 4
Motion: Be it resolved that the debate be closed. Moved by: Will Heller 12/2/0 Carried
Seconded by: Teri Almas
6.10 Next Meeting Next meeting is scheduled for November 18th, 2002 at 5:45pm. 6.11 Meeting adjourned It was moved by Will Heller and seconded by Driss Adrao that the meeting be adjourned. (7:00 pm.).
Meeting called to order
Acceptance of the Agenda
6.3. Acceptance of the minutes from AGM and Council Meeting October 21, 2002 6.4.
Guest Speakers No Guest Speaker
Reports: Executive & Director Progress Report
Question Period (5 min.)
Unfinished Business 6.7.1. 3-Hour Break (Jay) 6.7.2. Microwaves (Patricia) 6.7.3. 6.7.4.
New Business 6.8.1. 6.8.2. 6.8.3.
Next Meeting
6.10. Meeting adjourned