BCIT Student Association Council Meeting Minutes Monday, November 9, 2009 Executives:
Christina Ramage, President Joseph Prophet, VP Finance & Administration Peter Smith, VP Campus Life Aman Khangura, VP of Student Affairs Amanda Eyolfson, VP Public Relations & Marketing Robby Basi, Transportation, Construction & the Environment Chair Tim DeVolder, ATC Chair Billy Moore, Business Chair Kristina Gao, Health Sciences Chair Mathew Brownell, Manufacturing, Electronics and Industrial Processes Chair
Scott Larson-Zutter Marc Edgett Jamie Bentien Serina Khangura Michal Harrison Jeff Chen Jill Hidalgo Karly Hepiditch
Caroline Gagnon, Director
Upkar Rai Shayne Laye
Geoff Littler, Outreach Coordinator
Sean Owen Josh Nelson Christopher Peacock Kathryn Cleven Clayton Sayer Patrick Switzer Gurnoor Grewal Jim Moore
5.1. Meeting Called to Order The Chairperson, Christine Ramage, called the meeting to order at 5:47m. (30 voting members). 5.2. Acceptance of the Agenda It was moved that the following agenda be accepted with the following addition: 5.4. Guest Speaker – Geoff Littler, Outreach Coordinator 5.9.3 De-sanction of AIBA club Moved by: Joseph Prophet Seconded by: Tim De Volder 30/0/0 Carried 5.3. Acceptance of the Minutes from October 9, 2009 Be it resolved that the minutes from October 9, 2009 be accepted as distributed. Moved by: Joseph Prophet Seconded by: Clayton Sayer 30/0/0 Carried
Guest Speaker: Geoff Littler – Outreach Coordinator
Geoff explains two events: 1) The Gift of Choice Annual Campaign matches 30 students and their family with donors for the creation of holiday hampers. The campaign has already started and ends on December 9. Packages are available describing how students can be involved. Donors do not have to be individual but also groups (sets, clubs) can get together to donate. If individuals want to donate, they can do so via the Uconnect. This program has been running for 5 years. 2) The White Rose Campaign commemorates the event around the Montreal massacre. The event is not only addressing violence against women but is addressing violence in general. The event will be on December 6, in the Great Hall and also at ATC. Volunteers are needed, and time commitment could be depending on students’ availability. Please contact Geoff for further information at outreach@bcitsa.ca for information about these events. 5.5.
Executive Progress Report
Update: Christine: • The AGM is scheduled for November 23 starting at 5:45. All students are welcomed and can vote. Christine distributes the final report and indicates that if students have questions about understanding the financials, they can contact Joseph, Christine, Caroline or Roland. Aman: • She had a meeting with Bill Howorth and Christina Batstone about revision of the Academic Appeal Policy. The group is looking for quality feedback from students, via a focus group. Aman will bring the issue back to next Council meeting. Mat: •
Mat has been working on extending computer lab hours in SW9 to a 24-hour space. He is waiting for the Dean’s response.
Peter: • Aman, Amanda and Peter are in the process of organizing the Toon-in Campaign. • SIFE is organizing a food drive. • Real Estate club has scheduled Bob Rennie for a presentation on November 18 room 1021 SW1 starting at 3:15pm. Real Estate club members and other students are welcomed. Only 80 spaces are available. Contact the club or Peter for further information. Tim: •
Tim is working on their annual events.
Upkar (presented by Christine): •
12 mentors and protégés have been paired up. Interviews were conducted and training sessions are scheduled for November 25.
5.6. Councillors’ Open Forum • Clayton – When is the meeting with Val and Pat scheduled? Would students in residence qualify for the U-pass? Billy – The meeting is scheduled for next week. As long as residence students qualify by being full-time. • Jill – How do students respond to the Link? Christine – Emails are found on the second page of the Link. • Clayton – How long is the AGM? Christine – around 20 minutes. 5.7. • •
• •
Question Period
Mat – When would the Upass be established? Billy - It has been legislated for next September 2010. Christina – How would the new facility request protocol work so that we know the status of each request? Caroline – Once entered in Lotus notes, people that are picking up these requests update them on a regular basis. Bev will be able to view the status of these requests. Clayton – One of the issues around the Upass was the establishment of a bus loop. Will this be a problem? Billy – It should not be. Serina – Is the REA speaker event open for only for BCIT students? Peter assumes yes given the space limitation.
Unfinished Business
5.8.1 Microwave Committee Update Joseph explained that the process of requesting a quote is underway. The committee hopes that this project could be implemented in January. 5.9.
New Business
Business Committee Appointment
Joseph explains the role of the committee is looking for 3 Councillors to sit on these committees. Volunteers: Marc Edgett, Serina Khangura, Patrick Switzer, Jamie Bentien 5.9.2
Service Committee Appointment
Volunteers: Scott Larson- Zutter, Josh Nelson, Christopher Peacock, Jill Hidalgo, Kathryn Cleven, Sharry Cu
De-sanction of AIBA club
Peter explains that Council must de-sanction Clubs. For the past 2 years, the AIBA club has had no activity and therefore the money in their bank account is wasting away. Motion: Be it resolved that Council de-sanctions the AIBA and dissolves the club’s bank balance into the SA account. Moved by: Peter Smith Seconded by: Scott Larson- Zutter 30/0/0 Carried Question: Clayton – How many years since the last activity and what is the outstanding amount in their account? Peter – at least 2 years, and he is unaware of the exact amount. Motion: Call the question Moved by: Bill Moore 26/0/3
Seconded by: Joseph Prophet
5.10. Next Meeting Next meeting is scheduled for Monday November 23, 2009 at 5:45pm in the Council Chamber. The AGM will be start and Council will follow 5.11. Meeting adjourned It was moved by Mat Brownell and seconded by Peter Smith that the meeting be adjourned at 6:30pm. 30/0/0 Carried
Council Meeting Agenda Monday November 9th, 2009 5:30-7:30pm 5.1 Meeting called to order 5.2 Acceptance of the Agenda 5.3 Acceptance of the Minutes from October 26th, 2009 5.4 Guest Speakers 5.5 Progress Reports: Executives 5.6 Councillor Forum 5.7 Question Period 5.8 Unfinished Business 5.8.1 Microwave Committee Update 5.9 New Business 5.9.1 Business Committee Appointment 5.9.2 Services Committee Appointment 5.10 Next Meeting November 23th, 2009 5.11 Meeting Adjourned
PROGRESS REPORT FOR – Aman Khangura Last updated: Nov. 4th, 2009 Date of Introduction
Action or Outstanding Issue
Increase Awareness of SA
Policy and Advocacy Promotion
Increase Awareness of SA
Status The next issue of the Link paper will feature the first Financial Management article. The column will be titled “Eff Emm Gee Tee”. Currently working with Amanda Eyolfson, and Peter Smith – in pre-planning stage. Meeting scheduled with Christina and Bill Howorth Friday November 6th to discuss possible alternatives for increasing policy and advocacy awareness. The next issue of the Link paper will feature the first Financial Management article. The column will be titled “Eff Emm Gee Tee”.
PROGRESS REPORT FOR – Amanda Eyolfson Last updated: Nov. 4th, 2009 Date of Introduction
Action or Outstanding Issue
The Link
No Update
Alumni Relations
No Update
Event Planning
No Update
PROGRESS REPORT FOR – Bill Moore Last updated: Nov. 4th, 2009 Date of Introduction
Action or Outstanding Issue
Set Reps
Status Approved for sure. Meeting with Val Karpinsky, Pat Matthew, and myself to discuss BCIT’s specific criteria going forward. Later this month, we will meet with the Honourable Shirley Bond, Minster of Transportation for the BC Provincial Government. Glen Magel and I met to discuss parking issues; we were able to solve the issue of motorcycle parking, however, not the lot seven expansion or any online purchasing issues. The next School of Business Set Rep meeting will be held on November 18, 2009. The guests will include Kevin Wainwright, BBA Program Head. The goal of this meeting is to attract at least 100 hundred students (everyone is welcome, plus Set Reps) to encourage student participation at BCIT after diploma completion. Additionally, I cannot continue to ignore Professor Mug’s service complaints from my school. I will be asking students for input regarding pub this BCITSA service.
PROGRESS REPORT FOR – Christine Ramage Last updated: Nov. 4th, 2009
Date of Introduction
Action or Outstanding Issue
Support of fellow Executives Objectives
Attended CHBS first Set Rep meeting and brought attention to SA services Working with VP Finance on presentation of Set Rep awards at BCIT ceremonies
SW1 Renovations
Representing student voice and ideals on upcoming renovations
Transition Documents
To revive Transition packages
PROGRESS REPORT FOR – Joseph Prophet Last updated: Nov. 4th, 2009 Date of Introduction
Action or Outstanding Issue
Downtown Microwaves
Monthly Finance Report
Status • •
Currently reviewing electrical situation at Downtown Campus Took input from councillors and chairs, and are reviewing a better template to conduct the monthly finance report.
PROGRESS REPORT FOR – Kristina Gao Last updated: Nov. 4th, 2009 Date of Introduction
Action or Outstanding Issue
Build a sense of ‘community’ among the SOHS programs
Oct. 2009
SOHS October Set Rep Meeting
Status •
No Update The meeting took place on Oct. 30th. Set Reps reported a number of facility issues, which have been reported to BCIT for follow up. A few Set Reps also reported issues specific to their
Oct. 30, 2009
SOHS 2nd Annual Food Drive
programs, and those have been reported to the Dean of SOHS, who will ask the Associate Dean to follow up with these issues. Last year, the 1st annual SOHS Food Drive took place around the third week of January (during the winter term). This will likely run into conflict with the Toon-in campaign. Therefore the Chair has asked Set Reps when they would like to do the Food Drive. The majority of Set Reps presented liked the idea of a longer duration from January to February. The Chair will work out the details for specific time line and sign up, and will present it to the Set Rep in the upcoming monthly meeting.
PROGRESS REPORT FOR – Mat Brownell Last updated: Nov. 4th, 2009 Date of Introduction
Action or Outstanding Issue
Status •
Lounge Space Improvement
• • •
Security in SW-9
• •
Inter-school Relations
• •
BCIT has pulled funding for lounge space improvements. Working on getting an SA funded lounge. BCIT has agreed to give space to the SA Legal documents are being prepared and further status is TBA Official hours of operation for SW9 are 7-9:30, but may be opened earlier than 7 on some days, and will close later if there are classes. SW9 is being regularly patrolled by security. BCIT has said that there is no possibility for camera installations as there are no funds available. Looking into possibility of having the computer lab opened during building hours Spoken with Mike (Bar Manager), Event to take place Nov 27th
• •
For School of MEIP Look for posters next week and talk to your set reps for tickets
PROGRESS REPORT FOR – Peter Smith Last updated: Nov. 4th, 2009 Date of Introduction
Action or Outstanding Issue
Toon-In Campaign
Meeting with BCIT Foundation Oct 26
Inactive student clubs
Clubs Committee Meeting
HRA display case
De-sanction the AIBA and dissolve bank balance back into SA account • SIFE – Food drive for food bank (coming weeks) • REA – Bob Rennie guest speaker (Nov 18th @ 3:15, SW1 1021) Requesting information/approval for glass display case in SE6 (similar to SIFE, MA, AIM, etc)
PROGRESS REPORT FOR – Robby Basi Last updated: Nov. 4th, 2009 Date of Introduction September
Action or Outstanding Issue
Set Rep Involvement
I have booked my next Set Rep meeting for November 18 and have continuously received more contacts for Set Reps from program heads. I will be expecting a lot more people this time round.
PROGRESS REPORT FOR – Tim De Volder Last updated: Oct. 21st, 2009 Date of Introduction
Action or Outstanding Issue
PROGRESS REPORT FOR - Upkar Rai Last updated: Oct. 22nd, 2009 Date of Introduction
Action or Outstanding Issue
Status • •
Last interviews finished on Friday (Nov 6th) List of Mentors has been created and we are short listing the best possible individuals. Training for Mentors and Students scheduled for Friday 25th Nov 2009 at 5:30 pm .