6 CouncilMeetingminutesNov17-03

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BCIT Student Association Council Meeting Minutes November 17, 2003 Present: Executives:

Samantha Yeung, President Erin Smith, VP Finances & Administration George Nicolaou, VP Student Affairs Elfina Luk, VP Campus Life Deep Thind, Man., Mech., & Process Energy & Natural Res. Chair Angelia Harris Gray, Business/ Health Chair


Jeanneth Jacome Aharon Arnstein Ariane Saunders Nathan Mahan Teddy Diress Bhu Bains Mike Mui Julie Win

Michael Kahn Paul Condon 3 Mona David Tallis Stevenson Woon Manning Sarah Ellis Matt Fitzmaurice


Caroline Gagnon


Renee Geronimo, VP Public Relations & Marketing Michael Klein, Electrical / Electronics & CST Chair Jamie Higgins, Transportation / Construction Chair Anthony Vanderhoek, Chair of Trades Ben Lytwyn Brent Cote

6.1. Meeting Called to Order The meeting was called to order by the Chairperson, Samantha Yeung, at 5:45pm. (20 voting members) 6.2. Acceptance of the Agenda It was moved by Elfina Luk and seconded by Deep Thind that the agenda of November 17, 2003 be accepted as is. Carried 19/0/1 6.3. Acceptance of the Minutes It was moved by Elfina Luk and seconded by Woon Manning that the minutes of November 3, 2003 be accepted with the following changes; • Matt Fitzmaurice was present. Carried 18/0/2 6.4. Guest Speakers No guest speakers 1


Reports Executive & Director

Samantha Yeung, President • Working on student issues from Great Northern Way campus. • Working with Alumni Association on a potential fundraising event. • Working with ACE and AMA on finding them external funding. Erin Smith, VP Finances & Administration • Thanked everyone that participated in the fashion show. It was a great success. • Do not forget, next meeting will be the AGM. Erin distributes the 2003 financial statements. George Nicolaou, VP Student Affairs • He is working on recruiting the international Councilor. The position is being promoted in conjunction with the International office. Elfina Luk, VP Campus Life • BCIT International Day is scheduled for tomorrow between 10:00 – 2:00. • If interested the following events, please contact Elfina: Seahawks, Canucks, 2003 World Lifting championship, Disney on Ice. She can get discounts for groups. • Still working with Jim Mitchell on the rock climbing wall. Deep Thind, Man., Mech., & Process Energy & Natural Res. Chair Noting to report • Nothing to report. Angelia Harris Gray, Business/ Health Chair • Working with George on the U-pass and will present it next meeting. 6.6. Progress Report • No progress report. 6.7. Question Period • Angelia reminds council that another announcement regarding the International councilor position is needed in the Link. The position could be officially voted in January. 6.8. Unfinished Business No new business 6.9. New Business No new business 6.10 Further Business No further business


6.11. Next Meeting The Annual General Meeting is scheduled for December 1, 2003 at 5:30pm. The bi-weekly meeting will follow the AGM. 6.12. Meeting adjourned It was moved by Elfina Luk and seconded by Deep Thind that the meeting be adjourned. (5:55 pm) Carried


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