Council Meeting November 22, 2004 Executives:
Erin Smith, President Ashley Steier, VP Finances & Administration Susie da Silva, VP Student Affairs Sarah Ellis, VP Campus Life Karen Leung, VP Public Relations & Marketing Fred Haiderzada, Electrical / Electronics & CST Chair Owen Fu, Business Chair Misaki Kobayashi, Transportation and Construction Chair
Zoe Bake-Paterson Link
Johanthan Vanderheyden Katharine Scotton Amy McLaughlin Peter Kapela Margareta Swacryndon James Webster Brad Barrett Julia Johnston Shannon Roberts Lee-Ann Banfield Paolo Alonzo
Charles Cote - CIPS
Raj Dhillon Navdeep Manchanda Damien Dilbert
Ian Sanderson Megan Chambers Robert Scales Kayla Read Heather Thompson Bob Yuen Randy Cavanagh Jennifer Leamen Luke Atchem Farzan Almarzooqi Tara Perret
Jeanneth Jacome Caroline Gagnon
Meeting Called to Order The meeting was called to order by the Chairperson, Erin Smith, at 5:50 pm. (29 voting members)
Acceptance of the Agenda The agenda of November 22, 2004 was accepted as presented.
Acceptance of the Minutes from November 8, 2004 It was moved by Misaki and seconded by Fred that the minutes of November 8, 2004 be accepted as distributed. 27/0/0 Carried
7.4. Guest Speakers No guest speaker.
General Reports Executive & Director
Ashley Steier, VP Finances & Administration • See progress report. Navdeep Manchanda, Man., Mech., & Process Energy & Natural Res. Chair • See progress report. Misaki Kobayashi, Transportation and Construction Chair • See progress report. Jeanneth Jacome, Health Chair • See progress report. Fred Haiderzada, Electrical / Electronics & CST Chair • See progress report. Susie da Silva, VP Student Affairs • See progress report. Owen Fu, Business Chair • Information regarding tutoring program, visit UCONNECT for more info. Karen Leung, VP Public Relations & Marketing • See progress report. Sarah Ellis, VP Campus Life • Warren Miller Impact show, Telus Theatre, tickets available at rec services. • Warren Miller Impact show, Professor Mugs, tickets available from Sarah. • Running club will be starting soon. Contact rec. services for more info. Erin Smith, President • Regarding the possibility of extending library hours during exam periods. The library has requested more detailed information as far as what times students were interested seeing. • Posting a file on the SA website with the hours of all the buildings on campus. 7.6 Progress Report See attached. 7.7. Questions Period (5 min.) • Amy wants to know if it is possible for the Image Centre to carry some more common computer programs. Erin is going to look into possibilities of getting some more programs. • Paulo was curious who was responsible for maintaining the water fountains around the school. Erin is going to contact BCIT and get it checked out. • James was interested in an update on the parking situation. Susie informed James that she has a meeting this week and she will keep the councillors informed. • Tara wants to know why there isn’t a no parking sign on a space that resembles a parking space. Susie will get more information on this. Tara also wants a breakdown of who receives the revenue from parking. Susie will also look into this issue.
• •
Charles was curious if there was any space available at lunch time where students could eat as well as study. Erin informed Charles that although space is limited there are some small alcoves and empty rooms around the school that are available at various times. Amy wanted to know why the cafeteria closes the gates to the tables when the cafeteria closes. Erin is not sure but will look into it.
7.8. Unfinished Business No unfinished business. 7.9. New Business No new business. 7.10. Next Meeting Next meeting is scheduled for January 10, 2005 at 5:45pm. 7.11. Meeting Adjourned It was moved by Misaki and seconded by Sarah that the meeting be adjourned. (6:35 pm) 27/0/0 Carried
BCIT Student Association MONDAY, November 22, 2004 AGENDA
Meeting called to order
Acceptance of the Agenda
Acceptance of the Minutes from November 8, 2004
Guest Speakers
General Reports: Executive
Progress Reports
Question Period (5 min.)
Unfinished Business 7.8.1. 7.8.2. 7.8.3.
New Business 7.9.1. 7.9.2. 7.9.3.
Next Meeting – December 6, 2004
Meeting adjourned
Date of Introduction
Action or Outstanding Issue
November 22, 2004
November 22, 2004
Industrial Microwaves / microwave survey’
November 17 2004
Study area in NE1
I mailed Bob and asked about the situation about the time of the lights turns off. Lights turn off still @10:00 p.m. Waiting for the response.
November. 17 2004
Tech rep meeting
Organized for Nov.24 @ 2:30.
Had a meeting with my Councillors and Tech Reps .
Gathering info. Work in progress
The docket has been prepared and sent to Health Canada’s Regional Director General, who will forward it to Ottawa for Ministerial Approval. They will let me know when approval and signature has been obtained.
November, 18 2004
Tobacco control strategy
November 18, 2004
Warren Miller’s Impact and Fashion show
September 24, 2004
Recycled T-shirts
November 18, 2004
Warren Miller
November 18, 2004
Holiday Hampers
September 17,2004
Business Committee
September 20,2004
Councillor Admin
September 15,2004
Student Initiative Fund
In the process of wrapping up the guidelines. Application forms should be available in the website mid Dec.
November 18, 2004
Heads up to councillors, over the holidays put some thought into running for a position.
Helping Sarah and Michele to sell some tickets. Emailed Mary to find out about the heat transfers. I am waiting to hear back form her Show is Nov. 25 @ 7:30. Tix $7- includes 1 beer, show and fashion show afterwards.. Going to be a lot of fun!!!!! Selling tickets & helping recruit people for the fashion show. Going to help Karen with whatever is needed. Looking at some new ideas as well as making changes to existing services Working with chairs to finalize councillors. Motivating councillors to complete their required info.
November 18, 2004
Sea Island Campus
Working with Controller to analyze their financial situation. Planning a trip to meet their representatives.
October 25, 2004
Tuition increase for some practicum’s in Health Science Programs
Susie contacted Pat Mathieu re. issue. Further information pending.
October 27, 2004
Degree name change
October 27, 2004
Online courses—Pharmacology not suitable as on-line course, better in class
Will contact E. Riley, Dean of Health Sciences
October 27, 2004
SIF meeting, issues generated, eligibility criteria etc.
Eligibility criteria set, waiting for review by execs
November 3, 2004
Specialty courses
November 3, 2004
Petition form
November 9, 2004
Information night
November 15, 2004
Marketing committee
July 2004
July 2004
Technology Upgrades
September 2004
Child Care Facilities
October, 2004
November, 2004
Various Issues
Attended EDCO meeting. Advised by Tony Tanner that issue is currently with BCIT Admin, details re. change being addressed. Will continue to keep updated.
Spoke to Allison Dewhurst about student regulatory policies and revising them, also about specialty nursing courses and availability to students in program. Will co-ordinate meeting with her and Susie to discuss the issues. Petition forms for degree name change will be sent to Set/Tech Reps to circulate in class. Working on hosting Level-to-Level information meeting for each program in the Health Sciences. Working on principles to adhere to for mktng strategy Reviewing all existing contacts with BCIT. Met with Lawyers. Creating agenda and meeting schedule that will take us probably into the New Year. On-going Finalizing new software to allow us to manage resources remotely such as the Great Hall, Events, Meetings, as well as Extensive Mailing List and Group List components. On-going Working with Caroline and other members of the BCIT Community to find a resolution to the issue. Continue to monitor situation. BCITSA Home page provides link to info. Sources. Provided BCIT with a list of maintenance and facilities needs. Following up.
November 10, 2004
Building Hours
Compiling all the hours that Buildings are open/closed and what classrooms and labs are available. Will be posting all the sources on our website this week. Also inquiring about the extension of Library hours. I have been contacted to discuss with BCIT. Many factors that are needed to be addressed, such as operating budgets, collective agreements, etc. Need more concrete student feedback as to what they would like to see in the way of extended hours. More specifics. Tony Tanner has contacted all Schools. Administration is in the process of gathering all Tech Rep contact info and providing to the SA. Also will work with Tony Tanner to streamline this process for the years ahead.
November, 2004
Tech/Set Rep Issues
November 17, 2004
November 17, 2004
Meeting regarding Schools
Met with Pat Matthieu, Director of Enrollment Planning to clarify information on Schools and re-allocation on programs. As a result will be working amending out Const. & Bylaws.
November 19, 2004
Amendments to the C&B
Need to update the C&B to address the re-naming of the Schools. This will need to be finalized prior to the April elections.
Councilors and Tech Reps
Writing a new procedure on the recruitment and timelines for Councilor and Tech Reps. Should streamline the process so it is more efficient as well as completed no later than Sept. 30 of the new school year.
November 17, 2004
Discussed the BCGEU, UPASS, Extending Library Hours, Buildings being unlocked and locked as per the posted schedule. Support for workshops SA wished to provide on Feb 23.
Alcohol Awareness Week
Not yet done continuity report Have given a thank you to Gord Couling, and I have a card here that I will give later for everyone to sign I am trying to plan a meeting with Mary our operations manager to take a look at the variety of services and programs done at the pub to promote responsible drinking and look at how to maybe make sure everyone is aware of them
Parking Concerns
SA Clubs
Typed up a two page letter with all the concerns and problems that have been brought to my attention I have requested a meeting with the person in charge of the parking and safety committee, in addition to waiting for the committee to actually meet It sounds like the bait car program is going to be promoted here at BCIT, including the placement of a banner in the great hall Still waiting on when the sale of the steering wheel lock is going to be Currently trying to meet with every club to catch up on how things have gone Also verifying their event calendars, brief descriptions and contact information so that we can make sure it gets onto the website Through the month of December myself, Scott Blythe (communications and Outreach Manager), and Michael Van Lane (Events Coordinator) will be re-vamping the club system including developing a complete “Everything you need to know about running an SA Club” handbook Have written a letter listing concerns about Translink’s proposed plan for the U-Pass, waiting for their response