7 CouncilMeetingminutesDec01-03

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BCIT Student Association Council Meeting Minutes December 1, 2003 Present: Executives:

Samantha Yeung, President Erin Smith, VP Finances & Administration George Nicolaou, VP Student Affairs Elfina Luk, VP Campus Life Renee Geronimo, VP Public Relations & Marketing Deep Thind, Man., Mech., & Process Energy & Natural Res. Chair Angelia Harris Gray, Business/ Health Chair Michael Klein, Electrical / Electronics & CST Chair Jamie Higgins, Transportation / Construction Chair Michael Kahn Paul Condon Mona David Tallis Stevenson Woon Manning


Jeanneth Jacome Aharon Arnstein Teddy Diress Mike Mui Matt Fitzmaurice


Caroline Gagnon, Director


Julie Win Ariane Saunders Ben Lytwyn Nathan Mahan Brent Cote Bhu Bains Sarah Ellis Anthony Vanderhoek, Chair of Trades

7.1. Meeting Called to Order The meeting was called to order by the Chairperson, Samantha Yeung, at 6:07. (19 voting members) 7.2. Acceptance of the Agenda It was moved by Renee Geronimo and seconded by Deep Thind that the agenda of December 1, 2003 be accepted with the following changes. To delete guest speakers 7.9.1 should read AIBC funding Carried 18/0/1 7.3. Acceptance of the Minutes It was moved by Deep Thind and seconded by Elfina Luk that the minutes of November 17, 2003 be accepted as is. Carried 18/0/1 7.4. Guest Speakers No guest speakers 7.5. Reports Executive & Director 1

Samantha Yeung, President • Nothing to report Erin Smith, VP Finances & Administration • Finalizing a project which will be discussed later. George Nicolaou, VP Student Affairs • Met with AIBC. • Went to a U-pass meeting. Translink does not project to bring the U-pass service to new schools for another 3 years. George is presently working with UBC to investigate various possibilities. Elfina Luk, VP Campus Life • Still working on the rock climbing wall. Deep Thind, Man., Mech., & Process Energy & Natural Res. Chair Noting to report • TTDD Christmas Party and Race day on December 5 at 9:30. Everyone is invited. The race stars at 1:30 race and later, there will be a party at Bar Fly at 8:00. If anyone interested in purchasing tickets, please contact Deep. Angelia Harris Gray, Business/ Health Chair • Working with George on the U-pass and will present it next meeting. Renee Geronimo, VP Public Relations & Marketing • The Christmas Food drive is underway. This is an inter-set competition. Winners will receive $100 for the set and set rep will receive $50. Donations will be given to the Lovely Spoonful Organization. • In conjunction with the Faculty and Staff Association, a “starving food drive” has been organized. Donations will benefit BCIT students directly and will be distributed through general pantries located on campus. • The Alumni mingler is scheduled for January 28 at 6:00 in Town Square D. Alumini will meet with interested students. 7.6. Progress Report • No progress report. 7.7. Question Period • Aaron wants to know how food will be distributed to BCIT students without advertising the program. Renee explains that students are already coming to financial aid or their department with food concerns. Aaron would like to see that the service be advertised. Renee confirms that students are already coming through the right channel thus eliminating the abuse factor. • Jeanneth recommends that that the food drive be extended, given that the information was just given to the set reps. • Caroline has some questions about the distribution of the “starving food funds”. Renee is confirming that the distribution will be done by various BCIT departments (i.e. financial aid, Schools). 2


Unfinished Business No new business


New Business

7.9.1 AIBC funding – George Nicolau George informs that AIBC has received sanctioning last year, but due to internal problems, the group was not able to apply for the first round of funding. They are requesting $1000. See distributed information sheet. Motion: Be it resolved that the SA gives BCIT AIBC $1000, as sanctioned club funding. (amended motion – see bellow) Be it resolved that the SA gives BCIT AIBC $500, as sanctioned club funding. Moved by: George Nicolau Seconded by: Deep Thind 15/12/2 Carried Michael wants to know why they did not come forward with the other sanctioned groups. George was not aware of their sanctioning status. Michael wants to know why funding increased from last year given that they are so late in the year. AIBC replies that more activities have been scheduled. Jeanneth has some questions about their budget. Amendment to the Motion: Be it resolved that the amount be changed from $1000 to $700. Moved by: Aaron Arnstein Seconded by: Erin Smith 8/4/7 Carried Michael wants to know why it took so long for AIBC to come to the SA. Call the Question: Be it resolved that the question be called. Moved by: Aaron Arnstein Seconded by: Erin Smith 3/16/0 Denied Elfina wants some clarification about the Spring emergency funds. Many have issues surrounding the topics of deadline and residual funds. Amendment to the Amendment: Be it resolved that the amount be changed from $700 to $500. Moved by: Micheal Codon Seconded by: Aaron Arnstein 13/5/1 Carried

Call the question: Be it resolved that the question be called Moved by: Angelia Harris Gray Seconded by: Elfina Luk 3



7.9.2 ATM’s - Erin Smith Erin presents the ATM proposal. She goes over the research; process of selection; location; and potential revenues. Jeanneth inquires about the CIBC machines. Deep wants to make sure that liability issues have been discussed. Erin confirms that students and the SA will be protected from scamming under this proposal. All companies were questioned on this topic, and they all assured that they will provide quality in their service delivery. Teddy has some concerns about privacy if coupons are printed on the receipts. Erin confirms that information will be protected. Elfina believes that the SAC building would be a better location for an ATM machine compared to SW9. Motion: Be it resolved the BCITSA accepts the proposal to provide the use of private automated bank machines provided by CABM inc. Moved by: Erin Smith Seconded by: Deep Thind 18/0/1 Carried Numerous questions are asked by councilors to better understand all aspect from the project from revenues to maintenance, and location, from timeline, to selection process and revenue distribution. Call the question: Be it resolved that the question be called. Moved by: Michael Klein Seconded by: Deep Thind 18/1/0 Carried 7.10 Further Business No further business 7.11. Next Meeting The meeting is scheduled for January 5, 2003 at 5:45 pm. 7.12. Meeting adjourned It was moved by Deep Thind and seconded by Renee Geronimo that the meeting be adjourned. (6:55 pm). Carried


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