Executive Meeting Monday, January 6, 2003 Minutes Present: Executives:
Samantha Yeung, President Jay Selinger, VP Finances & Administration John Alexander, VP Student Affairs Daniel Boffo, VP Campus Life Patricia Stefani, VP Public Relations & Marketing Cristina Roman, Business/ Health Chair Winston Tong, Transportation / Construction Chair Monica Sparks, Man., Mech., & Process Energy & Natural Res. Chair
Will Heller Rebecca Montgomery Jeanneth Jacome Marina Reimer
Gabe Hoye Driss Adrao Deep Thind
Caroline Gagnon, Director
Jeff Patton, Electrical / Electronics & CST Chair Sanjay D’Lima, Trades Chair John White Vince Chabot Sam Bombardier (SI) Teri Almas Tindy Bassi Angela Gleeson Seven Daves (SI)
9.1. Meeting Called to Order The meeting was called to order by the Chairperson, Samantha Yeung at 5:45 pm. Given that a Councillor Quorum was not reached under the by-laws, this meeting is now an Executive Meeting (8 voting members) 9.2. Acceptance of the Agenda It was moved that the agenda be accepted with the following changes: To add 9.4 Guest Speaker - AIM 9.3. Acceptance of the Minutes – December 2, 2002 It was moved by Winston Tong and seconded by Patricia Stefani that the minutes of December 2, 2002 be accepted as distributed. 9.4.
Guest Speakers
AIM student group: 1
Two AIM representatives want to know the reasoning behind the decision of funding them only $500.00 while other groups have received more. Patricia states that various selection criteria, such as number of members, school participation, and the deadline were part of the decision making. John confirms that all groups which had applied for funding did not receive all the money desired. Sam asks what their financial situation is. AIM is in the process of developing new initiatives for next semester and needed to know about the status of their financial application before doing so. They confirmed that they are now satisfied with the answers that Council has given them. 9.5.
Reports Executive & Director
Winston Tong, Transportation / Construction Chair Winston distributes a summary on how debates should be conducted in meetings according to Robert’s Rule of Orders. See form.
Patricia Stefani, VP Public Relations & Marketing • On behalf of SA, Patricia is organizing a graduation event for all BCIT students. The formal event is scheduled for Friday May 23rd at the Metrotown Hilton. Tickets will be available soon for the cost of $25.00. • Patricia is also looking at acquiring/leasing a colour photocopier for the Copy Centre. Daniel Boffo, VP Campus Life Daniel is still looking to have the plotter in operation for January 2003. A final decision will be reached by Wednesday, January 15th. • Daniel is working with Marie Halfnights on bringing special events on campus starting next Tuesday. Groups scheduled are; 10 ways to Sunday; Touchtone Gurus; and Sue Johansson. th • 10 tickets are left for the February 25 Canucks games for the price of $35.00. •
John Alexander, VP Student Affairs • John is starting to receive calls from students for appeals. • John will be volunteering to sit on the Tribunal Process as a student representative. Monica Sparks, Manufacture, Mechanical, & Process Energy & Natural Resources Chair • A Tech Rep meeting has been scheduled for next week. Monica hopes that students will show up at this meeting. Cristina Roman, Business/Health Chair • Cristina is happy to see that Patricia is investigating the Colour Photocopier issue. She has received requests from some of her Tech Reps. • Cristina has had two meetings with the Associate Deans of her program to discuss the curriculum. Though she is aware that it might be too late for her class, changes will help future students.
Jay Selinger, VP Finances & Administration • Jay has been in discussion with the Library to discuss the $1.00 room booking fees. One student complained about it. The Library is looking at it. Samantha Yeung, President • The SA will receive from the EdCo their new Policy manual for review in the next week. Sam will bring it to Council. Caroline Gagnon, Director • Caroline informs Council that a certification application had been made for all the SA staff. The application was dismissed when the votes were not in favor of the Union. 9.6.
Progress Report
See attached Report 9.7. • •
Question Period
Daniel would like to know more about the Tribunal Process. John informs him that he is part of a large pool of volunteers. Winston asks about the timeline for the Photocopier. Patricia will have a proposal next month.
Unfinished Business
Sanctioned Student Group Funding – Sam
Sam would like to know about the meaning of “emergency” funds. Patricia has some concerns about IEEE not being here and not meeting their deadline. Jay agrees with Patricia. John expressed that other groups will be approaching the SA in the next months, and that we should keep some money aside. For instance, he has already received a request for the VIP group. Will states the difficulty to define “emergency” until it arises. Daniel mentioned that it is the responsibility of the groups to organize themselves before applying for funding. Patricia would like to know, how much is left. Jay confirms $1850. Motion: Be it resolved that SA leaves $500 for Emergency Fund and that the remainder be distributed amongst AIM, ACE, AMA, and AIBC. Moved by: Patricia Stefani Seconded by: Monica Sparks Jay states that AIBC received their maximum of money that they requested. He also reminds people that there are other funds for non-sanctioned clubs. Amendment to the Motion: Be it resolved that AIM should be receiving $600, and the remainder of $1250 be left in the “emergency” fund. Moved by: Winston Tong Seconded by: John Alexander 2/3/2 Defeated 3
Patricia does not see the point of this amendment. Will proposes that this budget item be reviewed next year with the number of sanctioned club increasing. Motion: Be it resolved that the debate be closed. Moved by: Daniel Boffo Seconded by: Patricia Stefani 8/0/0 Carried John thinks that the extra money should benefit the groups. Will opposes this idea and states that throwing money at clubs without a process is not accountable. Amendment to the Motion: Be it resolved that AIM receives $600, ACE $250, and that the remainder be left in a reserve. Moved by: Jay Selinger Seconded by: John Alexander Caroline recommends that before making a decision, everyone should be well informed about who has received what. A spreadsheet should be developed with the names of sanctioned groups, the amount requested, received, number of members, etc. John is volunteering to bring the information to everyone. Motion: Be it resolved that this issue be postponed definitely until the next meeting. Moved by: Monica Sparks Seconded by: Jay Selinger 8/0/0 Carried 9.8.2
Furniture Purchase - Winston
Winston drew plans of SW9, SW3 and SE 12 for the purpose of laying-out the furniture. Jay states that NE1 is not part of the plans due to the physical situation. Jay will be talking to BCIT Purchasing department and will have a proposal for next meeting. Will will like to thank Winston and Jay for their work; however he is still frustrated with the microwave situation. Gabe would like to know the status. Jay informs Council about Health Regulation, and electrical issues. Cristina understands everyone’s frustration; however we need to be accountable for our action after we leave. Motion: Be it resolved that 2 new non-commercial microwaves be purchased. Moved by: John Alexander Seconded by: Winston Tong 3/3/1 Defeated Sam will bring a proposal for the next meeting.
New Business
Fence Repairs at the Day Care - John
John states that a new fence is needed at the SA Day Care Centre. Caroline has contacted the staff about this issue, and confirms that they have some issues about the height and durability of the fence. Caroline will be phoning BCIT with regard to this issue and will let John know. 9.9.2
National Education Summit on Access Conference - John
John states that a National conference has been scheduled for January 16, 2003 in Vancouver to address the issue of Tuition Increase. John recommends that the SA sends a delegate and would like to volunteer to attend. Daniel and Gabe are inquiring about political affiliation of any kind. John confirms that no. Jay thinks is a good idea to send a representative. John will be attending the Conference on January 16th on behalf of the SA. 8.10 Next Meeting Next meeting is scheduled for January 20, 2003 at 5:45pm. 8.11 Meeting adjourned It was moved by Jay Selinger and seconded by Patricia Stefani that the meeting be adjourned. (7:20 pm.).
Meeting called to order
Acceptance of the Agenda
Acceptance of the minutes from December 2, 2002
Guest Speakers
Reports: Executive & Director
Progress Report
Question Period (5 min.)
Unfinished Business 9.8.1. Sanctioned Student Group Funding (Sam) 9.8.2. Furniture Purchase (Winston) 9.8.3.
New Business 9.9.1. Fence Repairs – Day Care Centre (John) 9.9.2. National Education Summit on Access Conference (John) 9.9.3.
9.10. Next Meeting – January 20, 2003 9.11. Meeting adjourned