Council Meeting Monday, January 9, 2006 Minutes Executives:
Ashley Steier, President Craig Hall, VP Finances & Administration Andrea Charlton, VP Public Relations & Marketing Jennifer Leaman, VP of Student Affairs Grace Budiono, VP Campus Life Michael Louie, Manufacturing, Electronics and Industrial Process Chair Tara Perret, Transportation, Construction & the Environment Chair Shannon Roberts, Health Sciences Chair Todd Embley, Business Chair Tunde Gal, Computing & Academic Studies Chair
Lee-Ann Banfield Megan Chambers Jeff Piper Monica Pearson Tim Erickson Julie Ho Robert Yuen Phil Stringer Armit Dhaliwal Ly Pham
Heather Thompson Greg Hodson Marlina Kinnersley Matthew Chong Brenda Corbett Christina Bell Darren Vonic Kat Scotton Giancarlos Escalante
Geoff Gauthier, Editor Simon Parada Tim Suri
Paven Saran Fred Haiderzada Adam King
Caroline Gagnon, Director
10.1. Meeting Called to Order The meeting was called to order by the Chairperson, Ashley Steier, at 5:45 pm. (25 voting members). 10.2. Acceptance of the Agenda It was moved that the agenda be accepted with the following changes: Numbering should be changed from 8. to 10. 2 more reports have been added– Todd and Jennifer Email in the Alcohol Awareness Week – Report Section should be VPSA not VPSE. Carried 10.3. Acceptance of the Minutes from December 5, 2005 It was moved by Andrea Charlton and seconded by Tunde Gal that the minutes of December 5, 2006 be accepted as distributed. 22/0/3 Carried
10.4. Guest Speakers – Christina Bell, Open House 2006 In addition to her councillor roles, Christina is part of the BCIT Open House committee. The BCIT Open House is an opportunity for the Institute to showcase all their programs to the general population and prospective students. This year, Open House is scheduled April 7 and 8, 2006. It is expected that 25,000 people will come on campus during these two days. There is two ways students can participate, through school projects and booth volunteering. The event requires approximately 1500 volunteers and exhibitors from each program. All program displays will be judged and students can win interested prizes. This year’s theme is “Choose your Own Adventure”. Displays should reflect this theme. If interested in volunteering or having a display, student should contact the committee via email, or visit their website, www. Questions: Are instructors supposed to allow students the time to work on their displays? Christina states that most programs actually use these display as part of their school curriculum, thus allowing the time for students to work on them. How is money raised for Open House? Christina informs that all money is raised through sponsorship, prizing, and donations. Where does the money go? The money goes directly to the organizing of the event. No money is going back to BCIT. 10.5 General Reports Executives & Director See attached general reports. 10.6 Progress Report See attached general reports. 10.7.
Questions Period (5 min.) Michael would like to know where for to send posters for the smoking awareness campaign? Tara informs that they can be sent to her electronically and a hard copy should be given to her as well. Students would like to know the price of the left over Shinerama t-shirts. Andrea states that they should be around $5.00. One councillor inquires about school field trips conflicting with Council meetings. Craig informs that an advanced notice is required, however that as long as it is for school, the absence is permitted.
10.8 Unfinished Business No unfinished business 10.9. New Business No new business 10.10. Next Meeting Next meeting is scheduled on Monday, January 23, 2006 Council Chamber at 5:45pm. 10.11. Meeting Adjourned It was moved Grace Budiono and seconded by Andrea Charlton that the meeting be adjourned. (6:20 pm) Carried
COUNCIL MEETING Monday January 9, 2006 AGENDA
Meeting called to order
Acceptance of the Agenda
Acceptance of the Minutes from December 5, 2005
Guest Speakers 8.4.1. Christina Bell - BCIT Open House 2006
General Reports: Executive & Director
Progress Reports
Question Period (5 min.)
Unfinished Business 8.8.1. 8.8.2. 8.8.3.
New Business 8.9.1. 8.9.2. 8.9.3.
Next Meeting – Monday January 23, 2006
Meeting adjourned
SA EXECUTIVE GENERAL REPORTS FOR January 9, 2006 Financial Report for the month ended November 30th, 2005 Submitted by: Craig Hall Overall the BCITSA is approximately $64,000 short of our planned budget for the YTD at Nov 30 Collection of student fees is down 2.2% from last year due to less enrolment Executives – On budget Uconnect – short $4,000 from plan Have been approved for $15,000 of funding from united way Outreach – Over budget Have been sending out packages to people we have worked with in order to get sponsorship. Have started to receive a bit in December. Image Center – Over Budget Sales are down from last year, both in one card use and copy center use Have been running as lean as possible to reduce costs Convenience Store – Just a but over budget Main Store – Over Budget We started to sell calculators at SE12 which dropped our sales Have a plan which includes new product offerings SE12 Store – Under Budget and doing well NE1 Store – Just a bit under budget, but doing very well Coffee Shop – Well under budge and doing well Pub – Over Budget Food and non alcoholic beverages sales are up Draft beer and liquor are down Trend seems to be for it to be more of a restaurant Link – On Budget
Student Clubs - submitted by: Jennifer Leaman Student Clubs are now planning numerous parties and events for the up-coming sessions (AMA, JHR, AIM, ACE). Please contact the respective clubs for further details.
Women in Business Networking Event – submitted by Todd Embley A networking event for women in business is scheduled for January 26 at 11:30 – 2:30pm. Location is 1489 McGrey – UBC University Women’s club. .
Date of Introduction
Action or Outstanding Issue
October 3rd, 2005
November 17tth, 2005
TEK Initiative
December 8th, 2005
Advertising Policy
January, 2006
December, 2005
Clothing Drive
November, 2005
National Non Smoking week Jan 16th to 20th
Nov. 4, 2005
Shinerama Report
In Progress
January 5, 2006
Amazing Race
Giving out prize money to winners
October 14, 2005
Gift of Choice Holiday Campaign
January 5, 2006
Amazing Race T-Shirts
Selling leftover t-shirts through SA office mid January.
Marketing Committee
Had meeting with Caroline and Mike about what we wanted the Marketing Committee to be focusing on. Will meet again early January. Committee members from the Executive will be Mike and Todd.
December 6, 2006
Status Planning to meet with Scott soon to continue working on Forum ideas. Researched potential TEK ideas, talked with instructors about ideas, making plans for Open House. Formed a committee with Andrea and Caroline to discuss Advertising and Sponsorship policy. Researched different Universities. Working with Jason Jung to come up with a supportive partnership with ASTT and the SA With the help of Jason and co workers from ASTT, I dropped of a HUGE amount of donations before the holidays. Please put in some hours to help out either in the great hall or NE1. Hand out information and goodies to help people quit smoking. Sign up people for the poster contest‌.there will be a prize for the person who signs up the most contestants.
January 4, 2006
Orientation Planning
Early planning for the upcoming orientation.
January 4, 2006
Bridging the Gap
Planning a meeting with Event Coordinator.
October 21st, 2005
Business Committee
Will meet again in January 2006.
Attended Environmental Health degree name change committee. Gathering information on various other degree designations besides B.Tech for BCIT Health Science Programs. Continuing to learn about the process. Working on the strategic plan review. Business Meeting –Next meeting Jan. 13/05
Business Committee
Financial Reports
Sept 7/05
Rec Fee
Sept 8/05
Cynthia Kersey Presentation
No change
Oct 3/05
Student Credit History
Next meeting in January with Scott Blythe.
Jan 1/05
New Counsellor
Please welcome Amrit Dhaliwal to the board.
December 19, 2005
Meeting with Carmen and Ramon
Working out schedule from which days they can come in as guest speakers
On-going On-going Arranged to have the first meeting of the new year on Friday January 13th Reviewed the financial statements with Caroline for the month ended November 30th, 2005 Came into the office for a few days over the holiday to wrap up different things I had on the go Meeting with CFO on January 11th at 11am. If you have any questions or concerns about tuition or BCIT financials please email them to
Dealt with a lot of complaints regarding courses, teachers, other students, parking, etc. Recruited a new councillor, Ly Pham since my last one decided he didn’t want to continue his education at BCIT 40% of my students have volunteered/participated in some BCIT event Talked to most of the clubs’ Presidents about making changes to how clubs are run. Reviewed different campus’ policies and policies regarding clubs. Started to revise policies and procedures. Wrapping up this event. Finishing off a report on how well it went and any suggestions for next year. If you have any comments regarding Alcohol Awareness Week please email me at Ongoing, have been in frequent contact and in meetings with various student groups. This time of year is busy because many students are unhappy with final grades.
December 20-23, 2005
Student Complaints
December 29, 2005
New Councillor
December 2, 2005
Updated Volunteer List
September 12, 2005
September 12, 2005
Alcohol Awareness Week
September 12, 2005
Student Concerns
October 24, 2005
Prayer Space on Campus
Still in the research stage.
October 24, 2005
No new progress at the moment.
Strategic Plan
Worked on the Strategic Plan process.
The new manager started her duties on January 4. Please go introduce yourself to Michell.