9 Minutes_Feb_14_05

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Council Meeting February 14, 2005 Executives:

Erin Smith, President Ashley Steier, VP Finances & Administration Karen Leung, VP Public Relations & Marketing Navdeep Manchanda, Man., Mech., & Process Energy & Natural Res. Chair Fred Haiderzada, Electrical / Electronics & CST Chair Sarah Ellis, VP Campus Life Shannon Roberts, Health Science Chair

Staff: Councillors:

Amy McLaughlin Johanthan Vanderheyden Katharine Scotton Peter Kapela Margareta Swacryndon Julia Johnston Farzan Almamooqi Megan Chambers Heather Thompson Raj Dhillon


Grace Budiono


Susie Da Silva, VP of Student Affairs Misaki Kobayashi, Trans/Const/Env Caroline Gagnon, Director James Webster

Jennifer Leaman Paolo Alonzo Bob Yuen Tara Perret Randy Cavanagh Kayla Read Ian Sanderson Damien Dilbert Phil Stringer Robert Scales

Brad Barrett Lee-Ann Banfield

10.1. Meeting Called to Order The meeting was called to order by the Chairperson, Erin Smith, at 6:05 pm. (23 voting members) 10.2. Acceptance of the Agenda It was moved that the agenda be accepted as presented. Carried 10.3. Acceptance of the Minutes from January 31, 2005 It was moved by Navdeep Manchanda and seconded by Fred Haiderzada that the minutes of January 31, 2005 be accepted as distributed. Carried 10.4.

Guest Speakers

No guest speaker.

10.5 General Reports Executive & Director Erin Smith, President • Library peer tutoring hours have been extended. 10.6 Progress Report See attached. 10.7.

Questions Period (5 min.) • Councillors requested information on the consignment bookstore. Erin explained the difference between the consignment bookstore and the book-store buy back. • Tara was curious if the change in building hours would affect the library hours as well. Erin informed her that the extended hours in the library will remain for the rest of the year. Tara also suggested that if the library had late night hours there would be no need to have rooms all over campus open. Erin agreed that this was a good idea and made note of it. • A councillor asked if the new hours would affect classrooms designated to certain programs, ie. “The Opman room”. Erin said to forward info from students to her and she will pass it on to BCIT admin so they can consider it when making the new hours. • A councillor asked if there is a pub manager. We informed him that there was and also that any feedback regarding improving the pub is always helpful. • Kayla asked if the incident on Friday at the Pub would affect future events there. Erin is getting more details on the incident and will keep council informed. • Farzan was curious if the SA considered using an online consignment bookstore rather than our current store front operation. Erin informed him that the idea was explored but at this time for various reasons; including budgets and existing resources, we went with the store.

10.8 Unfinished Business No unfinished business. 10.9. New Business 10.9.1. Chair of Business Ashley informs Council on the process of replacing the Chair of Business position according to constitution. The 4 candidates Paolo Alonzo, Amy McLaughlin, Robert Scales and Jennifer Leaman, would address Council for 2 minutes each. After deliberation the vote is conducted. Motion: Be it resolved that Robert Scales be named as the Chair of Business effective February 1, 2005 until May 31, 2005. Moved by: Ashley Steier Seconded by: Navdeep Manchanda 18/1/4 Carried 10.9.2 Request for Elections to be moved to April (not March) Erin explains the purpose of moving the elections from March (as per the constitution) to April. There was no debate from councillors over the change.

10.10. Next Meeting Next meeting is scheduled for February 28, 2005 at 5:45pm. 10.11. Meeting Adjourned It was moved by Karen Leung and seconded by Fred Haiderzada that the meeting be adjourned. (7:00 pm) 23/0/0 Carried

BCIT Student Association MONDAY, February 14, 2005 AGENDA


Meeting called to order


Acceptance of the Agenda


Acceptance of the Minutes from January 31, 2005


Guest Speakers


General Reports: Executive


Progress Reports


Question Period (5 min.)


Unfinished Business 10.8.1. 10.8.2. 10.8.3.


New Business 10.9.1. Chair of School of Business 10.9.2. Request for Elections to be moved to April (not March) 10.9.3.

10.10. Next Meeting – February 28, 2005 10.11. Meeting adjourned


Date of Introduction

Action or Outstanding Issue


February, 2005


January, 2005


January 10, 05

Collection for Disadvantaged


October, 2004

Business Committee


November, 2004

Safe Sex Week


September 2004

Bridge the Gap


January, 2005

Speed Dating


February, 2005

Elections Committee

Met last Wednesday. Working on events- Open House, Great Hall Speeches and Results Party @ Professor Mugs. Building plan, booking locations, brainstorming ideas with Michael.


September 15,2004

Student Initiative Fund

In the process of wrapping up the guidelines. Waiting for feedback from President. Should finalize in the next few weeks.


November 18, 2004

Sea Island Campus


January 8, 2005

Admin issues/contract renewal


February, 2005

Health & Dental


February, 2005

Bill Good Show


October 2004

Marketing Committee

Continuing to work with CIPS to hold event(s) for the Electrical and Electronics and CST students Industrial Microwaves -formalizing the gathering info into a detailed report

Status Work in progress

Work in progress Prepared graphics and information for posters. Organizing details with Uconnect. Met on Feb. 2/05. The Image Centre will now be selling business cards. Emailed Mary for prices & samples to show council. Waiting for info. This week! Monday Feb. 14- 18- Great Hall 11.30-12.15. Sex Trivia Game Show. Come bring your friends! Unable to meet due to time constraints. Emailed Scott with plan ( Inc: time line, suggested locations and method to look for new name for tnt stores.) Feb 14th. Come to the pub after the meeting for some speed dating. 2 min/ person-if you like someone- hook up.

Working with Controller to analyze their financial situation. Planning a trip to meet their representatives. Talking to lawyers to finalize a contract renewal. Working with Director on some internal admin issues. Met with owner, John Gallivan as he was in town. We are setting up a meeting to discuss the possibility of renewing the extended health plan with Gallivan & Associates. Spoke on the (CKNW) Bill Good show February, 10. Meeting slated for Feb 15


November 3, 2004

Alumni Mingler

A success with 8 alumni and ~30 students in attendance


January 28, 2005

Shinerama 2005


January 27, 2005

Elections Committee

Formulated a draft for marketing plans on inducing interest in running and voting


February, 2005

Elections Committee

Need to re-schedule meeting with Scott to discuss polling stations as Friday meeting was cancelled due to illness.


February, 2005

Tech & Set Rep meeting


February, 2005

Students asking for water fountain


July 2004



July 2004



September 2004

Child Care Facilities


October, 2004

Current Job Action


February, 2005

Call to Resolve


November, 2004

BCITSA Mailing Lists


November 10, 2004

Building Hours


January, 2005

Sanctioned Club Packages

Meet with the team and discussed areas for improvements

Have scheduled one for this Wednesday Complaints about the one that is there and want a new one. Reviewing all existing contacts with BCIT & BCITSA. Met with Lawyers. Creating agenda and meeting scheduled for March 2, 2005 Completed – and launched February, 9th. Continue to update and improve. Feedback is welcome! The BCITSA will make a joint statement with the FSA to the Board of Governors February 1, 2005. Continue to work on presentation. Have spent time creating new section on the website with statements, press releases, feedback form, and a call to resolve campaign. Sent out a press release to the media on Feb. 10th, and have been answering media call. Have also spoken to representative for MLA John Nuraney, and BCGEU Communications, Chris Bradshaw. We have set up a neutral petition in the Great Hall for all students to sign. The feedback form receipts will also be used. We encourage all students to come together and have our voices heard as a collective group. All of the feedback gathered will be sent to all parties, (Gov’t, BCGEU & BCIT) I have set up a meeting with MLA, John Nuraney, the following week. Objective is to educate them all on how this is truly affecting our students. I will push to request a meeting with Graham Bruce, Minister of Skills Development and Labour and George Heyman, President, BCGEU. All e-mails lists and forms to join (on website) are fully operational. One list of tech/set reps contains over 300 students. Great tool for communication. General List has over 200. Yeah! Compiling all the hours that Buildings are open/closed and what classrooms and labs are available. This has become a tedious project but is soon to be completed. Library hours were extended over the exam period and it was very successful. BCIT is looking at permanent changes for the future. NEED FEEDBACK FROM STUDENTS! The final draft is being completed and will be web ready sometime next week or two.

Had our second meeting on the 9th. Very productive. Things look really good for this year’s election. Please visit the website for more information. Nomination form will be available soon on web. Dates have been announced as follows:


January, 2005

Elections Committee

April 6, 2005 - Deadline for submission of Nomination forms April 13, 2005 - All Candidates Meeting April 18 - 22, 2005 - Candidates Official Campaign Week April 25 - 29, 2005 - Official Voting Week Also, we need polling clerks! LOTS! Please sign up on the web. Please promote both the opportunity to get involved and the importance of voting.


February, 2005

Pick up your garbage!


February, 2005

Meeting with EdCo Chair


February, 2005

Consignment Bookstore


February, 2005

Health & Dental

Karen developed some great posters for the Great Hall. I managed the printing, location and process to have them hung. Spoke with Bill Haworth regarding Education Council and the role of the BCITSA and those of the elected student reps. Also how the elections are ran for the student reps and promotion of these paid positions. The BCITSA opened the Consignment Bookstore at SE12 for students a number of weeks ago. Met with BCIT to resolve a few problems they had with this service and the confusion caused for staff and faculty. Met with owner, John Gallivan as he was in town. We are setting up a meeting to discuss the possibility of renewing the extended health plan with Gallivan & Associates.

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