ANNUAL A GENERAL G M MEETING Monday, November N 1 15, 2010 Executiv ves:
Jordan Harrris, President Dan Smith, VP V Campus Life L Nicola Gard dner, VP of Stu udent Affairss Ciara Hamagishi, VP Pub blic Relationss & Marketin ng uting & Acadeemic Studies Chair Michal Harrrison, Compu Dillon Zolniierczyk, Busin ness Chair Jim Moore, Health H Sciencces Chair Andrew Io, Energy E Chairr Dom Audettte, Chair of AT TC Brian Harveyy, Transportaation, Construuction & the Environment Chair
ors: Councilo
Sharon Loh
Jarrett Rainiier
O Alexander Osipov
Dan Collins
Daniel Khatkar
Jessie Abrah ham
Kevin Pituraa
Daniel Ng
Jill Hidalgo
Lizhi Chen ((Hughes)
Jennifer Ji
David Gordoon
George Ko
Khashayar T Torabi
Tara Johnson
Alex Rines
Kathryn Cleeven
Alisa Dalhuiisen
Caroline Gaagnon, Directoor
ee: Absente
Sean Dwyer
Rachael Rad dford
Mat Browneell
Chris Wood d
3700 Willingdon W Avenue, Burnaby y BC, V5G 3H2 | Bus: 604.4332.8600 Fax: 6604.434.3809 |
BC CIT Stude ent Asso ociation Negar Razazz Rahmati
Jason Dhaliw wal
Rachel Bloom mfield
Christine Raamage
Dan Close
Meeting M Callled to Orderr
The meetiing was called d to order by the Chairperrson, Jordan H Harris at 5:45 pm. (28 votin ng)
Acceptance A of the Agen nda
It was mo oved that the following f ageenda be accep pted as distribbuted: Moved by: Michal Harrison 28/0/0
Secondedd by: Dan Smithh
President’s P Report R
Christine Ramage, outtgoing Presideent from 2009 9/2010 goes ovver highlights from the preevious year su uch as the new w Outreach an nd Mentorship Program, seven s (7) new w Student Clu ubs, and Even nts. She goes oon describingg Capital Inveestment and Capital C Levy going towardds Student Loounges.
Report R on Audited Fina ancial Statem ments
Jordan Haarris introducced Tim Hill, from Reid Hu urst Nagy Acccounting Firm m and Roland d Gagel, BCIT TSA Controlleer. Mr. Hill deescribed to Coouncil the aud dited processs and guaranteee that everytthing has been done fairlyy. Mr. Gagell presents to Council C the 2009-2010 2 Au udited Financcial Statementts and highligghts of the 20092010 Yearr End Financial Statementss.
37000 Willingdon n Avenue, Burn naby BC, V5G G 3H2 | Bus: 60 04.432.8600 F ax: 604.434.38809 |
BC CIT Stude ent Asso ociation Question ns:
Whatt would depreeciation coverr? It is the exp penses of cap pital investmeent over the liife of the investtment. Refereence to note 5 – Capital Asssets. Whatt is the plan with w the mediical plan surp plus? It wouldd be difficult aand appropriaate to redistriibute the su urplus to speccific students. The surplus carries over ffrom year to yyear. We have to keep an excess, given the tiimeline betweeen the rate given g by insurrance and thee distribution n to BCIT. Thee us has been used u to fund sp pecial initiatiive (scholarshhip funds). surplu
Motion: Be it resollved that BCITSA accepts the 2009-20110 Audited Yeear-End Finan ncial Statemeents as presen nted. Moved by: Jordan J Harris
Secondedd by: Nicola Garrdner
Motion: Be it resollved that BCITSA accepts the 2009-20110 Annual Rep port as presen nted. Moved by: Jordan J Harris Carrieed
Seconded by: N Nicola Gardner
Auditor’s A Ap ppointment for 2010/20 011
Motion: Be it resollved that BCITSA appoints Reid Hurst Nagy Accounnting Firm ass the auditors for the 2010--2011 fiscal yearr. Moved by: Jordan Harris 27/0/1
Secondedd by: Dan Smithh
Jordan meentions that it i will be Reid d Hurst Nagyy’s last year off a 5 year agreeement. Accorrding to our b bylaws, BCITSA will need to appoint another firm for the 2011-22011 year.
37000 Willingdon n Avenue, Burn naby BC, V5G G 3H2 | Bus: 60 04.432.8600 F ax: 604.434.38809 |
BC CIT Stude ent Asso ociation 6.
Meeting M adjjourned
It was mo oved by Brian Harvey and seconded s by Dan D Smith thhat the meetin ng be adjourned at 6:18pm. Carried
37000 Willingdon n Avenue, Burn naby BC, V5G G 3H2 | Bus: 60 04.432.8600 F ax: 604.434.38809 |
BC CIT Stude ent Asso ociation
Annual A General M Meeting Agenda A Mo onday No ovemberr 15, 2010 0 5:30 0-6:30pm m 1.
Meeting M ca alled to orde er
Acceptanc A ce of the Ag genda
President’s P Report
Report R on Audited A Fina ancial State ements
5. Auditors A App pointment for f 2010/2011 6. Meeting M Adjjourned
37000 Willingdon n Avenue, Burn naby BC, V5G G 3H2 | Bus: 60 04.432.8600 F ax: 604.434.38809 |