Annual General Meeting Monday, December 1, 2003 Minutes Present: Executives:
Samantha Yeung, President Erin Smith, VP Finances & Administration George Nicolaou, VP Student Affairs Elfina Luk, VP Campus Life Renee Geronimo, VP Public Relations & Marketing Deep Thind, Man., Mech., & Process Energy & Natural Res. Chair Angelia Harris Gray, Business/ Health Chair Michael Klein, Electrical / Electronics & CST Chair Jamie Higgins, Transportation / Construction Chair
Jeanneth Jacome Aharon Arnstein Teddy Diress Mike Mui Matt Fitzmaurice
Michael Kahn Paul Condon Mona David Tallis Stevenson Woon Manning
Caroline Gagnon, Director Geoff Gauthier, Link Editor Roland Gagel, Controller
Trevor Sutherland, EPR Auditor
Julie Win Ariane Saunders Nathan Mahan Ben Lytwyn Brent Cote Bhu Bains Sarah Ellis Anthony Vanderhoek, Chair of Trades
Meeting Called to Order The meeting was called to order by the Chairperson, Samantha Yeung at 5:33 pm. (19 voting members)
Acceptance of the Agenda It was moved by Angela Harris Gray and seconded by Elfina Luk that the agenda be accepted without any changes.
President’s Report Samantha Yeung goes over the submitted report and explains the work that was accomplished by past executives and staff members this past year (see attached).
Report on Audited Financial Statements Erin Smith introduces Mr. Trevor Sutherland from the auditing firm EPR. Mr. Sutherland discusses various issues surrounding the Year End Financial Report. Issues such as; Increase in income from TNT stores, excess of revenue. All financial statements are reviewed by Mr. Sutherland. 1
Motion: Be it resolved that BCITSA accepts the 2002-2003 audited financial report as presented. Moved by: Erin Smith Seconded by: Deep Thind 17/0/2 Carried 5.
Auditor’s Appointment for 2003/2004
Erin explains that given additional operations (Pub), the letter of engagement will need to be revised before appointing the 2003/2004 auditors. A proposal will be submitted to the Council in the new year. 6.
Meeting adjourned It was moved by Elfina Luk and seconded by George that the meeting be adjourned. (5:55 pm.).
Annual General Meeting Monday, December 1, 2003 Agenda
Meeting Called to Order
Acceptance of the Agenda
President’s Report
Report on Audited Financial Statements
Auditor’s Appointment for 2002/2003
Meeting adjourned