BCITSA Posting Guidelines

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BCITSA POSTING GUIDELINES All printed materials posted at BCIT are required to adhere to the guidelines below. 

Materials may not be posted on painted or glass surfaces, on exterior surfaces (including but not limited to buildings, pillars, signage, and maps), on doors, on cement, over existing posters or signage, in washrooms, on floors, or on light fixtures.

In SE2, printed materials may be posted on concrete surfaces only.

Posting on interior pillars covered with a posting surface is permitted (i.e. bulletin board wrap).

Only the BCITSA, BCITSA-approved clubs, and students may post the BCITSA bulletin boards, which are painted red. Third-party materials must be pre-approved.

Printed materials may be posted on BCIT bulletin boards for BCIT staff and BCIT activities.

Students and third-parties are not permitted to post on the BCIT Rec Services boards.

BCIT and BCITSA materials must have the BCIT and/or the BCITSA logo included in their design. Their logos may not be used without permission.

Printed materials from organizations other than BCIT and the BCITSA must be preapproved and date-stamped by the BCITSA offices.

Materials may only be affixed with masking tape, unless they are posted on bulletin boards, at which time thumbtacks must be used.

Affiliated groups are responsible for the removal of their posted materials. Failure to remove materials may jeopardize future posting privileges.

Failure to adhere to these guidelines may result in an assessment of costs associated with the removal of posted materials and cleaning/repair fees.

BCIT Facilities Management and the BCITSA reserve the right to remove materials that do not adhere to these guidelines without notice or reimbursement. Further, BCIT Facilities Management and the BCITSA reserve the right to move printed materials as needed. For more information, please contact the BCITSA offices at 604.432.8600.

3700 Willingdon Avenue, Burnaby BC, V5G 3H2 | Bus: 604.432.8600 Fax: 604.434.3809 | www.bcitsa.ca

APPENDIX - Bulletin Boards at Burnaby Campus

Building NE1 NE1 NE1

NE1 SE1 SE2 SE2 SE2 SE6 SE12 SE12 SE21 SE16 SE16 SE16 SE40

Room 102, 107 2nd floor by cafeteria (2) — For Sale/Tutor boards only 2nd floor by cafeteria (2) —For Sale/Tutor boards only. 318A, 333, 336A + 1 down hallway 3rd floor pillar by elevator x 4 1st floor lobby 1st floor by washrooms (x2) 2nd floor large boards Great Hall (x2) 2nd floor by Town Square D 1st floor by printers Breeze Way (Tim Hortons) (x2) (For Sale/Tutor times Only) 313, 318, 322, 327, 328B 404, 417A by men’s change room outside gym doors outside main gym doors in cafeteria by glass doors

Building SW1

Room near lecture room 1019


1st floor stairwell landing 1019 1490, 1585, 1605 2019 display board 2025, 2055 3030 4056 1610 W/R area 2605 hallway 2095 lounge area 2092 display board


3700 lounge area 4093, 4603 lobby, middle fabric wall 1st floor lobby outside lecture hall (1), by microwaves (1), down hallway (6)


3700 Willingdon Avenue, Burnaby BC, V5G 3H2 | Bus: 604.432.8600 Fax: 604.434.3809 | www.bcitsa.ca

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