BCIT Student Association Clubs Presidents Meeting Wednesday, February 2nd, 2011
Chair –Dan Smith, V.P. Campus Life In attendance: Jess Agur,
Chad Watson
Rob Elliot,
Steve Mousseau
Sean Hepple,
Foaad Soleymany
Anna Legood,
Ranyl Bantog
Kathleen Bird,
Tamara Jentins
Mark Coderre
Jim Sleemin
Hannah Huynh
James Goth
Svetlana Eremenko
Toni Lyle
Koji Otomo
Guest speaker: Ciara Hamagishi Staff: Caroline Gagnon, Director BCITSA Olesea Zadoinova, Clubs Coordinator
Meeting called to order The chairperson Dan Smith called meeting to order at 7.30am
Guest Speaker
Guest Speaker Ciara Hamagishi, V.P. of Public Relations and Marketing of SA, spoke about Toon-In Campaign.
This is a Student-lead campaign that started two years ago at BCIT; funds raised will go to the student bursaries and support in case of financial need. It is 5 days Campaign starting from March 28th and going until April 1st, 2011. BCIT SA is looking for volunteers to participate. Student Clubs are also invited to participate. There will be prizes, tickets, and merchandise for clubs-participants, more over opportunity to win 500 hundred dollars as a result of active participation. For more detailed information, please contact Ciara by email vppublicrelations@bcitsa.ca Questions: Is there a limit how many people can be the volunteers? No How much money did you raise last year? BCIT has the precise information regarding the amount of money that was collected. Can we collect the money off Campus, as well? Yes. 1.3.
Upcoming Events
Dan Smith talked about the necessity to register the events through the office of the Clubs Coordinator, to avoid space competition amongst the clubs. All on- campus event must be approved by the BCITSA Clubs Coordinator and the Events Manager. Questions: How many days in advance we need to communicate about our event? 2 weeks in advance if it is an on- campus event. How do we need to proceed if it is off campus event? All events held off-campus must have a signed contract or memorandum of understanding with clearly defined expectations of the vendor and the student club involved. This contract must be signed by one of the BCITSA signing officers. 1.4.
School of Business proposed to organize a showcase for the clubs. It will be opened up for all the clubs; moreover, it is a great opportunity to recruit new members, to present clubs interests and involvement. When this will happen? It will totally depend on your interest in participation and your availability.
3700 Willingdon Avenue, Burnaby BC | Bus: 604.432.8600 Fax: 604.434.3809 | info@bcitsa.ca | www.bcitsa.ca
Who of the clubs would like to participate? (SIFE, REA, IEEE, GDC, HRA, EWB, AIM supported the initiative. SIFE is ready to organize showcase in spring, HRA asked to make it in September, for the reason that it is better time for them to recruit the new members.) 1.5.
SoB Clubs Student Initiative Fund
The Deans Office within School of Business administers funds to help foster Student Club Success. Proposals must be submitted ASAP. Be sure to include club background, goals and mandate, qualitative achievements, annual budget, and the specific event budget. Submit the request to the School of Business Deans office, c/o Chandan Bhatti, Operations Manager, SE6228. You can find more detailed information online on BCIT’s the website. The following clubs are eligible to participate: AIM, APICS, BITMAN, FA, FMA, HRA, PCMA, REA, SIFE, MA. The deadline is February 18th, 2011.
Clubs Budget
Each year the BCITSA allocates a set amount of funds (approximately $18,000) to be distributed to all BCITSA Clubs on campus. Dan Smith declared that deadline for determining clubs funding needs is March 1st. The allocation process is meant to determine funds that will be used for the upcoming year. This pro forma approach ensures that clubs are not left with insufficient funds at the beginning of the new operating year. Dan developed the proposal that each club will need to fill out, which includes the name of the club, the amount of money requested and the purpose of request and etc.). It is important to mention how this budget will benefit all the students. The discussion of this topic is held in the month of March during the Clubs Committee meeting and is attended by two representatives of each club, the Director of the BCITSA, the VP Student Affairs, and the VP Campus Life. Failing to attend this meeting will eliminate the club’s right to participate in the allocation process and to obtain funding altogether for the following year. First payment from BCIT SA will be made in June, the second approximately in October. The request can be submitted electronically or in person. Questions: Can SA increase the amount of money for the clubs budgeting?
3700 Willingdon Avenue, Burnaby BC | Bus: 604.432.8600 Fax: 604.434.3809 | info@bcitsa.ca | www.bcitsa.ca
Caroline replied that BCIT SA will take in consideration increasing clubs needs while determining the distribution of annual BCIT SA budget. The Council will make the final decision; however there is still a good chance that BCIT SA will be able to support the clubs next year, by growing up their budget.
What is the reasonable amount of money a club can request? You can ask for any amount of money if you will be able to demonstrate that the purpose is in line with the needs of the students at BCIT (for example inviting industry speakers, or organization of events for the students).
Can we advertise our club though the BCIT Website? Club needs to submit the request to the IT Services of BCIT. Caroline will investigate about further steps.
The Chairperson, Dan Smith, adjourned the meeting at 8:30am.
3700 Willingdon Avenue, Burnaby BC | Bus: 604.432.8600 Fax: 604.434.3809 | info@bcitsa.ca | www.bcitsa.ca
BCIT Student Association Clubs Presidents Meeting Wednesday, February 2nd, 2011 Agenda
Meeting called to order
Guest Speaker, Ciara Hamagishi, V.P. of Public Relations and Marketing of BCIT SA
Upcoming Events
SoB Clubs Student Initiative Fund
Clubs Budget
3700 Willingdon Avenue, Burnaby BC | Bus: 604.432.8600 Fax: 604.434.3809 | info@bcitsa.ca | www.bcitsa.ca