Council Meeting minutes February 18, 2002

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Council Meeting Monday, February 18, 2002 Minutes Present:

Brent Morris, President Richard Ewing, Business/Health Chair Steve Erdman, Man., Mech., & Process Energy & Natural Res. Chair Marie Halfnights, VP Finances & Administration Brian Simpson, Transportation/Construction Chair Joel Peterson, VP Student Affairs Holly Cunningham, VP Campus Life Jessica Jensen, Electrical/Electronics & CST Chair Alfredo Rolando, VP Public Relations & Marketing Vanessa Duong, Councillor Craig Seale, Councillor Jennifer McAskill, Councillor Wendy Ying Ye, Councillor Kristina Borovic, Councillor Teri Almas, Councillor Tindy Bassi, Councillor Jason Simon, Councillor Joe Cimono, Councillor Nancy Milosso, Councillor Winston Tong, councillor Wendy Ying Ye, Councillor Cameron Rankin, Link Bruce McTaggert, Ed Co Chu Han Lei, Electronics Mark Daniel, C & S


Michael Secret, Councillor Lawrence Reason, Councillor, Excused Benjamin Ho, Councillor, Excused Caroline Gagnon, Director Janice Eden, Facilities Manager


Meeting Called to Order The meeting was called to order at 5:50 pm by the Chairman, Brent Morris.


Acceptance of the Agenda It was moved by Jessica Jensen and seconded by Alfredo Rolando that the agenda be accepted with the following additions. 12.7.1 Sea Island Elections – Brent 12.8.2 Phone – Alfredo 12.8.3 Norman Navronski – Joel


Acceptance of the Minutes – January 21/02 It was moved by Richard Ewing and seconded by Alfredo Rolando that the minutes of January 21, 2002 be accepted as read.


Guest Speakers Shannon Blackwood – Women in Trades Brent introduced Shannon Blackwood to Council, stating that she was interested in running for the Trades Chair. Shannon stated that she is in the Women in Trades program and she is interested in running for the Trades Chair for the following reasons. Shannon has worked on Student Council in a P.R. position, prior to attending BCIT. Shannon would really like to see the Trades and Technology students work together and get more involved with activities that go on, on the campus. Shannon left the room for Council to make a decision. Brian stated he met with Shannon before the meeting and felt ahat she was very committed to the Trades students. The following motion was put forward. It was moved by Brian Simpson and seconded by Jessica Jensen that we appoint Shannon Blackwood as Chair of Trades for the term January 1/02 to June 30/02. Motion Carried


Reports Executives & Director Richard Ewing, Business & Health Chair -Richard is arranging a meeting with Glen Magel to find out why the grading of the parking lots was not done over the Christmas Break. -Working with Jessica regarding the new Web Master position.

-Working on live entertainment before Spring Break. Marie Halfnights, VP Administration & Finance -Working with Jessica on the Cut for the Cure. -Also working on the new Web Master position. -Jessica Jensen, Chair of Electrical/Electronics & CST -Working on “Cut for the Cure” – we have 13 people so far. Dan Payne from the BC Lions and a rep from the Cancer Foundation will be attending this event. -Also working on selecting a new Web Master. Holly Cunningham, VP Campus Life – Nothing to Report Joel Peterson, VP Student Affairs -Working on student issues. Alfredo Roland, VP Public Relations & Marketing – Nothing to Report Caroline Gagnon, Director -We signed a new contract with Ikon, we will have 14 new machines on campus by the end of the month. Also we have a new price list for the Copy Centre based on the more you copy the less it will cost you. Brian Simpson, Chair of transportation/Construction – As Submitted Steve Erdman, Chair of Man., Mech. & Proc. Energy & Natural Resources -As Submitted Brent Morris, President -We were notified by the union that a vote was taken and ratified by the staff of the Child Care Centre. We have to review the contract and then sign it off. -Brent stated he spoke to Tony Knowles regarding the grading of the parking lot. Tony told Brent ot speak to John Wong to get this work done. 12.6

Question Period Bruce stated he understood that the Link Editor has been let go, what is going to happen to the paper? Caroline answered as far as the paper goes there will still be a paper and we will hire a new editor starting September for the newspaper.

Cam asked what was the cost for the lounge area? Steve answered around $18,000. Regarding the parking lot that was graded, there is a big hole in it and it keeps getting bigger. Richard will take pictures of this and give them to John Wong. Bruce mentioned that the work study program has been cut by the government, has the SA any plans for paying students who work at the Link Office? Caroline answered we are meeting with Gerry Moss to see what they are going to do. If the freeze is lifted maybe there will be funds available one way or another. Brent stated that Gerry Moss would like to sit down with the student Executive and speak to us regarding this. Tony Knowles would like some input as to what students would like to see. They are taking an active roll. If anyone has any questions or queries – please write them down. Amy asked has student council any policy on tuition increases. Brent stated no but we would like to have input on this. Amy asked will work study include all positions? Caroline answered yes. Who would like to see feedback on this, questions, concerns etc. 12.7


12.7.1 Sea Island Election – Brent Sea Island put a proposal forward to each of their classes and would like to see the term of office lengthened. It was moved by Brian Simpson and seconded by Jessica Jensen that BCITSA amend bylaw 3 ii (Sea Island constitution) to allow for a term of up to one year for President. After discussion it was decided to table this motion. It was moved by Marie Halfnights and seconded by Richard Ewing that we table the above motion for further discussion. Motion Carried 18/0/0 Brent will speak to Matt at Sea Island regarding this issue.


NEW BUSINESS 12.8.1 Strategic Plan - Brent Brent han

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