Council Meeting Monday, May 6, 2002 Minutes Present: Executives:
Brent Morris, President Marie Halfnights, VP Finances & Administration Joel Peterson, VP Student Affairs Holly Cunningham, VP Campus Life Alfredo Rolando, VO Public Relations & Marketing Richard Ewing, Business/ Health Chair Steve Erdman, Man., Mech., & Process Energy & Natural Res. Chair Brian Simpson, Transportation / Construction Chair Jessica Jensen, Electrical / Electronics & CST Chair
Kristina Borovic Joe Cimino Winston Tong Teri Almas Vanessa Duong Lawrence Reason
Tindy Bassi Jennifer McAskill Craig Seale Zhu-Han Lai Michael Secret Wendy Ying Ye
Cameron Rankin -Link Christina Roman John Alexander
Samantha Yeung Jeff Patton Daniel Boffo
Jason Simon James Griffith
Nancy Milosso Benjamin Ho
Absents: Councillors:
Caroline Gagnon, Director
16.1. Meeting Called to order The meeting was called to order by the Chairman, Brent Morris. (21 voting members) 16.2. Acceptance of the Agenda It was moved by Jessica Jensen and seconded by Alfredo Rolando that the agenda be accepted without changes. 16.3. Acceptance of the Minutes – April 22, 2002 It was moved by Alfredo Rolando and seconded by Joel Peterson that the minutes of April 22, 2002 be accepted as read. 16.4.
Guest Speakers
No guest speakers.
Reports Executive & Director
Brent Morris, President • Brent stated the possibility to move the Wednesday 3-hour break be moved to 2:30 and be reduced to 2 hours. This moved was done by BCIT, after a non-support vote by the Student Association. • The provincially funded program, work study program, has been cancelled and BCIT will not pick up SA’s portion. This might directly reduce the level of services that SA is able to offer. • Brent gives an update on BCIT MA results in Florida. Richard Ewing, Business/ Health Chair • Richard discuss about the possibility of bringing bands on campus. Joel Peterson, VP Student Affairs • Joel debrief on the “My Dick” show. A couple of people, mainly BCIT staff, were discussed about the advertisement of the show. Jessica Jensen, Electrical/Electronics and CST Chair • Jessica stated that the issue of the 3-hour break was discussed at the Tech Reps meeting. 16.6. Question Period Jessica requires clarification on the 3-hour break and the 2-hour block classes. Jessica asks Joel why people were offended. Joel stated that there were High school tour when the posters were up, that people had problems with the standard level of respect, and finally they were shocked by the posters. Holly states her discontentment with the Wednesday break being moved to 2:30pm. Mike–ELTT + apprenticeship. How many people? It is quite a high number and percentage. Alfredo wants to inform that the criteria of the policy was to notify SA only on the changes. BCIT could still do it without SA’s approval. John would like to see a vote taken to keep to the 3-hour break. It is important to take a position on this issue. Joel was led to believe that the SA had veto on the issue of the 3-hour break. What happened? Brent stated that he misread the policy. 16.7.
Unfinished Business
16.7.1 2002-2003 Budget - Marie Craig asks about computers for all offices. Marie informed that executives are working at various time on SA business and states their necessity in order to be more efficient. With 2 computers and 10 executive members, it is difficult to be efficient. Discussion about the need of a full-time Event Coordinator is also stated. Various other topics are discussed.
Motion: Be it resolved that this debate on the 2002-2003 budget be closed. Moved by: Jessica Jensen Seconded by Alfredo Rolando Over 2/3 vote Yes Carried Motion: Be it resolved that BCITSA approves of the 2002-2003 Budget as presented. Moved by: Mary Halfnights Seconded by: Alfredo Rolando 16/0/2 Carried 16.8. New Business No new Business 16.9 Next Meeting This is the last scheduled Council Meeting for the 2001-2002 year. 16.10 Meeting adjourned It was moved by Jessica Jensen and seconded by Alfredo Rolando that the meeting be adjourned. (7:15 pm.)