Brent Morris, President Marie Halfnights, VP Administration & Finance Alfredo Rolando, VP Public Relations & Marketing Joel Peterson, VP Student Affairs Holly Cunningham, BP Campus Life Richard Ewing, Chair of Business & Health Sciences Jessica Jensen, Chair of Electrical/Electronics & Comp. Tech. Brian Simpson, Chair of Transportation & Construction Steve Lynn, Chair of Trades Steve Erdman, Chair of Mech/Man. Process Energy & Ren Res. Caroline Gagnon, Director Janice Eden, Facility/Administration Manager Joe Cimino Christina Bergstrom Andrea Wolfe Sheila Mohamed Kristina Borovic Teri Bassi Craig Seale, BOG Rep. Bebby Raju Joey Hochsmenn Julis Wilson Jeremy Gowler Afsin Ismail Cameron Rankin, Link Paul Dayson, Link Richard Droidt
Meeting called to Order The meeting was called to order by the chairman, Brent Morris at 5:50 pm.
Acceptance of the Agenda It was moved by Marie Halfnights and seconded by Holly Cunningham that the agenda be accepted with the following additions.
SA Web Site Carried
Acceptance of the Minutes – July 25, 2001 It was moved by Brian Simpson and seconded by Richard Ewing that the minutes of July 25, 01 are accepted as read. Carried
Guest Speakers Vancouver Rape Relief – Brent stated they did not show up. Brent stated that he had a phone call from Vancouver Rape Relief and they are doing a campaign “take back the night” in 3 neighbourhoods. One of these neighbourhoods is Metrotown and this will take place on September 15/01 and they are looking for help with this. Anyone interested in helping please see me after the meeting.
Reports Executives & Directors-Please see attached reports. Anyone interested in reading these reports please contact SA front office.
Question Period Caroline stated regarding BCIT Used Computer Purchase Program, I did purchase a computer but I believe they are sold out apart from a Pentium II. Sean asked how is Gallivan & Associates going to Market the proposed Medical and Dental plan for the students? Brent stated the first and seconded week will be light the third week Gallivan will hand out information to students. Gallivan will have staff on campus to answer any questions. Joel asked who will be in charge of voting for the referendum. Brent answered the Student Association will be n charge of the voting. Brian asked what constitutes a referendum? Brent stated this is not in the Constitution. After we have done the referendum we will look at what works and what does not work and come up with a policy.
NEW BUSINESS Chair of trades Adam Saunders sent in a resume for the Chair of Trades Adam gave a brief rundown on himself and why he was interested in running for the Chair of Trades position. Adam is in the Boilermaker program and will be in school until the end of this term Adam’s instructor recommended he run for this position. Adam stated if he is appointed Chair of Trades he would look forward to doing the best job he can do. Questions were asked which Adam answered. Brent asked Adam to leave the room while discussion took place. The following motion was put forward. It was moved by Marie Halfnights and seconded by Jessica Jensen that the BCIT Student Association appoint Adam Saunders as Chair of trades for the term September 10/01 to December 31/01. Motion Carried 8/0/0 3.7.2
Student Activity fees – Caroline -High School -Lifelong Learning
Caroline stated that some High School Students pay a $5 per student activity fee. Pat from Administration is asking what does this $5 provide for students. Discussion took place and it was decided Holly and Adam would work with Caroline on this issue and bring back to next meeting. The Lifelong Learning Council has asked for feedback on the One-Card as a student has a problem with the One-Card policy. We have an agreement with the One-Card office and he wants
feedback on this. He wants us to support him and bring his issues to the committee. Marie, Steve and Caroline will sit on this committee, anyone else interested, please feel free to sit in. 3.7.3
New Rep for Harassment & Discrimination Committee & Edco/Safety Committees – Caroline Caroline stated we need a new rep for the above committees as Steve Lynn sat on these committees. Adam will sit on the Harassment & Discrimination Committee. Brent will sit on the EdCo as the ex-officio member. Adam will maybe sit on the Safety Committee.
Habitat for Humanity – Caroline BCIT is linking with Habitat for Humanity, they have charities set up all over the world, they help low income families. They are looking for a letter of support form the Student Association, stating that we are in support of this project. They are starting up an organization and are looking for students from Marketing, Broadcasting etc. to do projects for them. BCIT is on board and the VP of Education is trying to integrate with all curricula’s. Brent asked who is in favour of this? A unanimous decision was passed to support this cause.
3.7.5. Income Tax Preparation – Caroline Bill Stafford of Loinheart Tax & Financial Services would like to come on to campus to do Income Tax returns for students and any staff members that may require this service. Caroline asked do we want to bring him on campus?
This will be brought to Council when we receive further information from Bill. 3.7.6
Falun Gond Support Caroline Does the Student Association support this type of group. Brent wants to check out if there is anything in the Constitution. It was decide the SA would support them I principal only.
Laurie Jack Award – Brent Brent read the criteria for the Laurie Jack Awards. Nominations must be in at the Student Association General Office by 3:30 pm on Friday, September 28/01.
OLD BUSINESS 3.8.1. SA Web Site Jessica asked what is happening with this web site? Brent answered he has quotes on someone coming in and updating this site. My proposal was to hire someone from outside to come in and get this up and running and then get students to update this weekly. Jessica would like to see this done soon and find a student to work on this. Jessica, Caroline, Brent, Joe Cimni and Richard Erozerk will set up a committee and work on this issue.
Recognition’s Holly was recognized for all her work on Orientation. Alfredo was recognized or all his work on Shinerama, which will take place on Wednesday.
Next Meeting
The next Council meeting is scheduled for Monday, September 24, 2001 at 5:45pm in the Student Association Council Chambers. Pleas make sure all your Councillors attend this meeting as we have to pass the Constitution Changes. 3.10
Meeting Adjourned
It was moved by Jessica Jensen and seconded by Joel Peterson the meeting be adjourned.