CouncilMeetingminutes May 10-04

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BCIT Student Association Council Meeting Minutes May 10, 2004 Present: Executives:

Samantha Yeung, President Erin Smith, VP Finances & Administration Elfina Luk, VP Campus Life George Nicolaou, VP Student Affairs Renee Geronimo, VP Public Relations & Marketing Angelia Harris Gray, Business/ Health Chair Michael Klein, Electrical / Electronics & CST Chair Deep Thind, Man., Mech., & Process Energy & Natural Res. Chair Woon Manning, Transportation & Construction Chair Michael Kahn Mona Daood Tallis Stevenson Paul Condon Farzan Al Marzooqi Leon Farasati Aharon Arnstein


Teddy Diress Matt Fitzmaurice Sarah Ellis Owen Fu Misaki Kobayashi Jeanneth Jacome Jag Uppal


Caroline Gagnon, Director Geoff Gauthier, Link Editor


Karen Leung Ashley Steier

Navdeep Manchanda Fred Haiderzacia


Ariane Saunders

Bhu Bains

17.1. Meeting Called to Order The meeting was called to order by the Chairperson, Samantha Yeung, at 5:45. (22 voting members) 17.2. Acceptance of the Agenda It was moved by George Nicolaou and seconded by Michael Klein that the agenda of May 10, 2004 be accepted as distributed. Carried 19/0/3 17.3. Acceptance of the Minutes It was moved by Michael Klein and seconded by Aharon Arnstein that the minutes of April 26, 2004 be accepted as distributed. Carried 13/2/7 17.4. Guest Speakers No guest speakers 17.5.

Reports Executive & Director

Samantha Yeung, President • Working with new income President to ensure continuity. • Finishing some policies.


Erin Smith, VP Finances & Administration • Comparing to previous years, students are not well using the grad photo service. Please let everyone know that this service is offered to all graduating students. There is a $10 sitting fee. Samples of your pictures will then be sent to you for package selection. • BCIT Administration is looking for 16 students to attend 2 focus groups; one in trades and the second one in technology. They need students’ input for the development of teaching technologies. Participants will receive $20 for their one hour involvement, and also food and entry in a raffle will be available. The focus groups will be held: Technology, May 14 at 9:00 pm and Trades, May 12 at 3:00pm. • Working on the new tutoring data base and finalizing the ATMs. George Nicolaou, VP Student Affairs • Nothing to report. Michael Klein, Electrical & Electronics & CST Chair • Nothing to report. Deep Thind, Man., Mech., & Process Energy & Natural Res. Chair • Nothing to report. Angelia Harris Gray, Business & Health Chair • Elections are now completed. Angelia welcomes the new in-coming Executive Members. Renee Geronimo, VP Marketing and PR • The Grad Formal Event is schedule for May 30th at the Stanley Park Pavilion. Tickets are $40 and can be purchased at all TNT stores. Help is needed to distribute the posters. Elfina Luk, VP Campus Life • Nothing to report. Woon Manning, Transportation & Construction Chair • Nothing to report. Caroline Gagnon, Director • Nothing to report. 17.6. Progress Report • No progress. 17.7 Question Period Mathew Fitzmaurice inquires about the Premier’s visit on campus. It is confirmed that his visit was to announce additional spaces that will become available at BCIT. 17.8.

Unfinished Business

No unfinished business.



New Business

There is a change in Chair, from Samantha Yeung to Erin Smith, given that the following motion is presented by Samantha Yeung. 17.9.1 Objectives – Samantha Yeung Motion: Be it resolved that BCIT Student Association accepts the 2004/05 objectives as submitted. Moved by: Samantha Yeung Seconded by: Renee Geronimo 19/0/4 Carried Renee asks that we clarify the responsibilities for the in-coming plan. Sam explains that the 2004/05 objectives describes the overview plan for the organization as a whole and after the adoption of this motion, it becomes the responsibility of staff to ensure that the objectives are accomplished. Aharon has concerns about how decisions are made for the operations. He feels that decisions are made affecting the mission of the organization, which is to provide services to the students. Sam confirms that the management team has students at heart. Caroline explains that decisions always follow the vision and mission of the organizations, and that students are consulted in these matters. Sam welcomes any concerns that students might have about the operations. Councilors are concerns about how these goals are communicated to staff members and how they are monitored. Caroline explains that the following objectives are presented to the staff at the Year End Event, and that they become part of their personal objectives which are linked to their bonus. Other questions are asked regarding career path, training, student fees vs. Tuition fees, operations. There is a change in Chair, from to Erin Smith back to Samantha Yeung. 17.9.2 Budget – Erin Smith Motion: Be it resolved that BCIT Student Association accepts the 2004/05 budget as submitted. Moved by: Erin Smith Seconded by: Michael Klein 19/0/2 Carried Angelia asks to clarify the department numbers and how they were divided. Erin goes over the differences between last year and this year budgets, and Caroline goes over all departments. Councilors ask questions about the Save Your Ass Fund and memberships. Amendment to the Motion: Be it resolved that the 2004/05 election account be raised from $2000 to $2,500. Moved by: Angelia Harris Grey Seconded by: Michael Klein 15/6/2 Carried


Aharon asks about the reasons surrounding the request. Angelia confirms that with additional promotions using the plotter, the cost increased drastically. It is questioned if this increase will affect voting turn-out? Angelia confirms that this is the goal. Jeanneth inquires about last year’s budget and YTD. Angelia explains that all expenses have not been entered that is why it only shows $500, and last year was based on an 11 month budget. Motion: Be it resolved that the question be called. Moved by: Deep Thind Seconded by: Erin Smith 21/0/1 Carried 17.10 Further Business Sam takes a few minutes to thank all Executives and Councilors for their work this past year and distribute a little token of appreciation to the Councilors. 17.11. Next Meeting This is the last meeting of the year. Next meeting is scheduled for September 2004. 17.12. Meeting Adjourned It was moved by Angelia Harris Grey and seconded by Deep Thind that the meeting be adjourned. (7:06pm). Carried


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