Chairs are to select Councilors so that each school year and program is represented as evenly as possible. Each Chair will be able to select one Chair per every 300 full-time students in their school. This number will be based on enrollment figures as of September 15th of that academic year as per the BCIT Student Association (BCITSA) Bylaws. The selection process is as follows: 1. Review the generic job posting to include information specific to your school as well as the following: a. Job description b. Application requirements i. letter stating why they are a good candidate ii. what student involvement/volunteer work they have done iii. what year and program they are in c. Due date for application (last Wednesday of September) 2. Send to all students in your school via email through the Set & Tech Reps. 3. Select Councilors given the criteria on the job posting. Ensure at least one Councilor is from first year and that all programs are as evenly represented as possible. Councilors should not be from the same program or year as it would not reflect the students they represent.
Generic Job Posting This job posting is to be reviewed by each Chair as necessary to ensure it suits their specific school. Introduction Councilors are the voice of the students. They have the power to influence BCITSA decisions through Council and hold the majority of votes over the Executives. Councilors are key to disseminating information amongst students and voicing their concerns. As a Councilor it is essential that you stay in touch with how students feel about their School. BCITSA Councilors, Executives, and staff are a network that represent and support students unconditionally through, but not limited to, academic related, student services, and campus issues.
3700 Willingdon Avenue, Burnaby BC | Bus: 604.432.8600 Fax: 604.434.3809 | |
Job Description Councilors are a primary line of communication with the students and represent the student body. Councilors bring student and faculty issues to the attention of Council. Councilors must adhere to the BCITSA Bylaws, Policies & Procedures, and endorsed guidelines as representatives of the student body and the BCITSA. The BCITSA Bylaws govern Councilors; according to Bylaw 4.1, the duties of a Councilor are as follows: 4.1.1
Participate fully in all Council meetings by proposing motions and voting on any motion coming before Council. ATC Councilors is entitled to alternate participation in all Council meetings at Burnaby Campus with ATC Chair and is required to attend the Annual General Meeting and Special General Meetings.
Review the process that outlines student activity fees on an annual basis and if changes are recommended to follow the procedural guidelines as stated in the College and Institute Act which can be accessed on
Provide direct communication between the Council and their respective Schools or Community (students, faculty, and staff).
Assist other Council Members in the performance of their duties. Read and understand the BCITSA’s Constitution & Bylaws.
Be a member of at least one BCITSA or BCIT committee as requested, and attend all Council meetings. ATC Councilors are not required to sit on an BCITSA or BCIT committee.
Be subject to Bylaws, and/or regulations. Must read and understand the Bylaws, and/or regulations under the BCITSA’s Constitution & Bylaws. Failure to abide by Constitution, Bylaws, and/or regulations will result with a verbal warning, followed by a written warning before termination of position. Serious offences are subject to immediate termination.
Requirements The following requirements are expected to be upheld by all Councilors:
3700 Willingdon Avenue, Burnaby BC | Bus: 604.432.8600 Fax: 604.434.3809 | |
Attend all Council meetings and arrive on time. Absences require the approval of the VP Finance & Administration. Only an absence of 20% of the meetings will be tolerated (three meetings) Participate in at least one committee. We request that you attend the Set & Tech Representatives meetings as they are the direct communication channel to all students Read minutes from Council meetings Read agenda prior to Council meetings and propose changes/additions if required Attend training session Be willing to help organize and run extracurricular activities (i.e. school events, networking events, etc.)
Failure to abide by these requirements may result in a performance review. Chairs Councilors report directly to their Chairs. A strong communication link is developed between the two positions. The role of the Chair in respect to Councilors is the following:
Invite Councilors to Set & Tech Representative meetings Meet with Councilors to keep them current Organize events with the assistance of Councilors to encourage student interaction and BCITSA awareness (i.e. school events, networking events, etc.)
Compensation As a Councilor, you will gain invaluable leadership experience by proactively participating on BCITSA committees and representing student voices. For your contributions on behalf of the students, you will receive an honorarium of $25/meeting based on the Council meetings you attend and participate in. A reference letter is available for active members on request.
3700 Willingdon Avenue, Burnaby BC | Bus: 604.432.8600 Fax: 604.434.3809 | |
Communications Network
BCIT Student Associationt
Associate Dean
Executives Reps
Program Head
3700 Willingdon Avenue, Burnaby BC | Bus: 604.432.8600 Fax: 604.434.3809 | |