BCITSA GREAT HALL SPACE BOOKING FORM Exhibitor Type: Individual for Profit Organizations Cost: $150/ per day + HST The BCITSA will provide exhibitors with use of an 8’x 8’ space to set up their display, which also includes one 6’ table and two chairs (if requested). Prior to approval, exhibitors are required to disclose to the BCITSA all products and services being offered. No products and/or services shall compete with the BCITSA’s. Terms of use: 1.0 Right to Refuse The BCITSA reserves the right to refuse exhibitor access to the Great Hall.
2.0 Limitation
For profit or commercial exhibiting uses, exhibitors will be charged the appropriate fees, as defined by the BCITSA.
3.0 Liability
The BCITSA will assume no liability regarding exhibitors products or materials and will not store anything whatsoever for exhibitors.
4.0 Signage & Materials
All signage and informational materials disseminated to students must clearly identify the exhibitor/ group approved for that space and for that date. In addition, the BCITSA reserves the right to remove the display of materials which it deems to be offensive, obscene, or degrading.
5.0 Approval 5.1 Requests to exhibit within the Great Hall are required two weeks prior to the
date that the group wants access to the Great Hall. Groups are not approved to have access to the Great Hall until receipt of written confirmation from the BCITSA. 5.2 The BCITSA will retain the right to terminate or move agreements, without limit to postpone and reserve the right to manage the level of competition between groups within the Great Hall.
6.0 Timelines & Space Usage 6.1 Groups exhibiting within the Great Hall are permitted to set up anytime between 8:00am and 4:00pm on the date approved.
6.2 Groups are not permitted to use space beyond the area allocated for them for
exhibiting to solicit students beyond the space. 6.3 Any group found to be in breach of these guidelines will be asked at once to move back into the prescribed space. The second breach will result in removal from the Great Hall
3700 Willingdon Avenue, Burnaby BC, V5G 3H2 | Bus: 604.432.8600 Fax: 604.434.3809 | www.bcitsa.ca
Signature of agreement of terms: Group Name: On-Site Contact Person(s): Cell Number:
Date Requested:
Short description of event/services/products:
Set-up Requirements: Table and chairs requested:
Number of units:
Power & Equipment requested: Equipment requested:
Internet Required:
Approval: Sales & Marketing Coordinator: Date:
Please return this form to: Sales and Marketing BCIT Student Association P: 604-432-8974 F: 604-434-3809 E: sales@bcitsa.ca
3700 Willingdon Avenue, Burnaby BC, V5G 3H2 | Bus: 604.432.8600 Fax: 604.434.3809 | www.bcitsa.ca