ITCHY ANSWERS: sex & relationship answers at your fingertips • pg 11 The Importance of Student Newspapers • pg 6
September 3, 2010 • 46-1
Will BCIT be left out in the cold when it comes to getting the U-PASS? See page 4
2 Editorial
BCIT Link • Sept. 3 to Sept. 22
The Link: Armed with Print Nerds Your favorite newspaper is making a comeback Brenna Temple Editor
et me introduce myself. If you’ve effectively read my byline then you already know that I’m your new editor. Oh, and you also know that my name’s Brenna but if you want you can call me
Bren or B. I went to Langara College for print journalism and now I’m at BCIT for broadcast journalism since falling in love with radio. However, my love affair with print is seemingly relentless. I started my writing career at my high school newspaper and have since dabbled in numerous print roles. Now I’m back at the Link armed with the coolest writing geeks you ever did see. I’ll give you a recap in case you’ve, ermmm, fallen behind on your Link readings. Let’s just say that last year wasn’t short of surprises. You might remember my articles that followed me as an
undercover online dater for Plenty of Fish. Or you might remember my editorial about the time my car was towed after I attempted to drive over a grassy campus knoll. My H1N1 articles kept coming despite the fact that the school nurses became unwilling to talk to me about the subject. I chatted with teachers and students, sometimes making a fool of myself and explored what print means to me at last year’s Canadian University Press conference. So…was it all worth it? Of course it was! Not only because I loved my job but because I got to shake some ground at BCIT that probably needed shaking. Throughout this time I’ve aimed to not only have fun, but to reveal the news -- and that’s the goal of this year’s Link staff. Your new assistant editor is Chad Klassen. With an SFU communications degree and a knack for sports (his dad is a B.C. Lions veteran) he’s excited to hop onto the Link writing train. He once sprinted up the Eiffel Tower in 2005. Just as witty and endearing is Sarah Massah, your new student culture editor. She also survived Langara’s intense print program and has since freelanced and completed a term as editor for Vancouver’s newspaper the Source. If
COVER: Okay...we know...the cover is a bit makeshift. Would you believe us if we told you we were going for the “homemade” look? Anyways, who cares. We have more important things to discuss, such as the U-PASS. Do you want one? Read Chad’s news piece on page 4. And when it’s referendum time, VOTE! If you and your friends don’t vote, don’t expect to be seeing the U-PASS at BCIT any time soon!
you enjoy vodka, cats and writing then you’ll definitely get along with her! Altogether we have one thing in common: we’re writing geeks to the max and it’s a badge we wear with honor. We love everything journalism which is why I encourage you to say hi to us on campus, give us story ideas and let us know what you really think about the Link’s articles. But don’t think we’re totally self-sufficient because we need your help! We all know that a campus isn’t any exception for ongoing news stories and there’s lots of stuff that might escape our detective work. Please let us know if you’re aware of something that you think other people should know. Better yet, write for the Link. We’re a friendly group of people and as you’ll see in this issue’s feature article, we’re always looking for new writers. Seriously, our only required pre-requisites are enthusiasm and a willingness to learn. We hope to see you or hear from you at some point during your stay. May you have a studious September at BCIT.
Campus Query
Gladys De Guzman
What do you think of student newspapers and their importance on campus?
I think it’s helpful for students to read about what’s going on [at BCIT}. Usually we’re too busy with school so we don’t really know what’s going on
Chad Klassen | Assistant Editor
Alex Vukovic
Steve Simon
No offense, but I take the bus and read the 24 and the Metro. I haven’t read the student newspaper at all.
I don’t know how relevant it is. Just by seeing posters around campus, you kind of figure out what’s going on already.
Electrical Apprenticeship
Damon Li
Kirsten Cordonier
It tells you a lot of information about current news in the school and some news outside of the campus. Sometime when I pass by the hallway, I see The Link and read it.
I haven’t seen or heard about it. It’s probably helpful. I’m assuming the U-Pass [will be a news story] and that’s a big thing.
Nursing • • SE2 - 281 3700 Willingdon Ave. Burnaby, BC, V5G 3H2 Phone: 604.456.1167 Ads: 604.432.8974 Fax: 604.431.7619 The Link is the student newspaper of the British Columbia Institute of Technology. Published bi-weekly by the BCIT Student Association (BCITSA), The Link circulates 3,000
copies to over 16,000 students, faculty and staff. Publications Manager: Alicia Agarrabeitia 604.456.1167 Editor: Brenna Temple AssistantEditor: Chad Klassen linkassistanteditor
Culture Coordinator: Sarah Massah linkcultureeditor
Advertising Sales: Matthew Chong 604.432.8974
Link Writers: Zameer Karim
The views in The Link are not necessarily those of BCIT, BCITSA, the Editorial Staff, or the Publications Manager.
Contributors: Luvia Petersen Amy Wilding
As a member of Canadian University Press (CUP), The Link adheres to the CUP code of ethics and will not publish any material deemed by the editors to be sexist, racist, homo/ hetero phobic or in poor taste.
Canadian University Press Member Paper
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Sept 3 - Sept 22
News In Brief
Brenna Temple Editor
BCIT Grad Creates Successful, Online, Funny Slogan Shop
CIT grad Kym Banguis is making a mark with her online business. Banguis is the owner of, a website that sells accessories and T-shirts. She has a BCIT diploma in Marketing and Tourism. Selling her articles from her web domain she’s already collected over 2,000 Facebook and Twitter followers according to a recent Richmond Review article. “Herro Hachi reminds us that through all our differences, busy days, and aspirations, we must always make time to enjoy the funny things in life,” her website says. For more information check out the site or even make a purchase to support BCIT talent.
Last Blast of Summer: One Last Hurrah Before Homework Starts
f you miss out on Orientation or Services Day, then check out the Last Blast of Summer at the Burnaby campus on Friday, September 17. Hosted by the BCIT Student Association (BCITSA) it’s a great way for students to get information about services offered at BCIT in the Great Hall. “The Last Blast of Summer is more geared towards welcoming back second years. It’s sort of a general celebration before the books take over the lives of students,” says BCITSA Events Coordinator Ian Morton. Sandcastle Theory will be blasting summery music so you can rock out with your new friends. The event will take place from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. For more information check out
Photo: Kym Banguis,
Bidding summer farewall is hard. So, let’s do it together...over a beer...or two.
Services Day: Helpful Campus Resources at your Fingertips
BCIT’s Rivers Institute Receives Boost from HSBC Bank Canada
f you missed out on orientation day then you should check out Services Day on Thursday, September 16. Set to occur on the Burnaby campus from 10 a.m. to 1:30 p.m, this free event aims to educate students about the services that BCIT has to offer. Aboriginal services, the BCIT Student Association (BCITSA), Recreation Services, Safety and Security, and more will be involved. If you need even more of an incentive to come out, then you can look forward to the prizes and giveaways. You have nothing to lose!
You have to be at school anyways, so you might as well check out what services are available to you on campus. You never know when knowing “someone” in the Audio Visual department or Library might be useful!
CIT’s Rivers Institute has received a $50, 000 boost from the HSBC in support of the 30th annual World Rivers Day. The event that aims to create awareness about rivers will take place on September 26 as part of the worldwide rivers celebration. The HSBC ‘s local women’s network recently helped clean BCIT’s Guichon Creek on the Burnaby campus as an added gesture. For information on how to get involved with BCIT’s Rivers Day check out
L-R: Carly Seddon, dean, BCIT School of Computing and Academic Studies; Mark Angelo, founder, World Rivers Day and chair of the Rivers Institute at BCIT; Jocelyn Hsiung, HSBC Bank Canada District Vice President, BC Region/B.C. Women’s Network Regional Chair and Sabrina Spencer, HSBC Bank Canada Senior Manager, Corporate Sustainability.
4 News
BCIT Link • Sept. 3 to Sept. 22
U-Pass Discussions Ongoing: Students Await Referendum Will the U-Pass make it to BCIT? Chad Klassen Assistant Editor
n June, the provincial government announced plans for affordable public transit for all Metro Vancouver post-secondary students. However, the ongoing battle over the U-Pass at BCIT could stall its implementation for the next four months and beyond. Premier Gordon Campbell said that the universal transit pass would be available for $30 per month starting September 1st. That promise has since been reassessed with the reality that the proposition has to pass a referendum at each institution, including BCIT. The voting process could take up the entire first semester, meaning that BCIT students likely won’t have the luxury of using the low-cost service until January 2011 – if at all. According to Jordan Harris, President of the BCIT Student Association (BCITSA), the new U-Pass program is complicated since it has to be agreed upon by each of the six new post-secondary institutions joining. With Douglas College, Kwantlen Polytechnic University, Vancouver Community College, Emily Carr University, and the Justice Institute of B.C. all eligible to join as well, it has been huge undertaking. And the limited time over the summer and lengthy consultation process has only slowed progress. “This is the biggest universal [transit] pass in Canada, so the big roadblock for us has been trying to figure out how one contract is going to work for everyone. We’re all signed on to one contract,” said Harris. “Every institution is different, so we’re trying as a collective group to get the best situation for all our students,” he added. The contract was supposed to be completed by September 1st, but the Ministry of Transportation has since extended the deadline to give each institution the time necessary to hammer out a fair deal. The B.C. government has been working on the new province-wide U-Pass program since last year and it’s only since the June announcement that discussions have taken place. “We want to protect the interests of students and the Institute at the same time,” said Val Karpinsky, Acting Vice President of Student Services. “We want to come up with a U-Pass program that really works for the students and really works for the Institute in terms of minimizing extra costs of administering the program.” He said the administrative duties, which will include distributing the transit pass to students and notifying them about the program, could increase. At the two major Lower Mainland universities, the University of British Columbia and Simon Fraser University, the U-Pass has been in use since 2003. Both UBC and SFU have seen significant increases in transit over the last seven years of operation with 42 and 39 per cent increases, respectively. Students at Capilano College and Langara also have access to the four-month pass. TransLink has targeted BCIT in the past about the U-Pass program, but the condition that all students – not only full-timers – would have to participate and pay hasn’t gone over well with the Institute. “The Institute has said, ‘sorry, we don’t feel that’s appropriate for all our parttime students,’ a lot of whom are working adults, who are only taking one or two courses in the evening and weekend and have full-time jobs during the day,” said Karpinsky. “We don’t necessarily want to include them in the U-Pass program.” Whether the students want to participate in the U-Pass, the final decision is truly in their hands. A set date has not yet been established, but a referendum is schedule to take place some time in the fall semester. For students still interested in a reduced rate on their transit, BCIT still has the Fastrax Program. Any student who purchases a $2 Fastrax sticker (available at the Stand Central in SE2) is eligible to turn their monthly one-zone pass into a multizone pass at no additional cost.
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BCITSA Info & News
lou ng er rp ort b i n oPrint s f d s t it. e a x col ing rs p our Copybit. Executive i n s f p d Weigh In o i n axi ste g olo ng p ur i r n d ing fax postFax ing ersit. tW bin prin ur pos Plot dinit. t g t ter xin r s Peak Leadership 604.451.7039
A message from President: Jordan Harris
Tickets: $5 (includes admission and 1 beverage) DJ/Prizes Tickets: $5 (includes admission and 1 beverage) DJ/Prizes September 10, 2010
September 10, 2010 7:30pm to late 7:30pm late Pub & Grill ProfessortoMugs Professor Mugs Pub & Grill
BCITSA Sponsors
Orientation Sponsors
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Program Launch Wednesday, September 22nd
BMO The Source Exhibitors
Apple Canadian Blood Services Koodo Mobile Metro Toronto Pepper Wireless Shaw Cable The Beat Telus The Source Travelcuts
2:30pm SW5, room 1840 An interactive event about Music, Leadership, and Unlocking Potential with:
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FREE copy
visit the Uconnect for
Uconnect Resource Centre
Mon - Fri 8:00am - 4:00pm SE2, RM 286 604-451-7087
Uconnect Resource Centre SE2 Rm 286
* The BCITSA Info & News Page is designed for the BCIT Student Association (BCITSA) to showcase the Association’s projects or events. The advertising on this page does not necessarily reflect the views of the Link or its staff.
FREE copy
elcome to all new and returning students! I am Jordan Harris, your BCIT Student Association (BCITSA) president. I look forward to representing you during the 20102011 school year. I am confident that our programs, events, services, and applications for the year ahead will be memorable and impactful. So come by and use our services and programs, or come to our events and see how the Student Association can make your time at BCIT outstanding. For those of you interested in information on the U-Pass, here are some basic details. We will not be having the U-Pass for September. The U-Pass may only be a reality once the vote is put to all eligible students in the fall. If the referendum passes, the earliest we would have the U-Pass at BCIT is January 2011. The decision is yours as a student whether or not this happens, so please vote!!! For more U-Pass details, please visit Let’s make this a year to remember!
6 Feature
BCIT Link • Sept. 3 to Sept. 22
To Write or Not to Write: Hardly a Debate Brenna Temple Link Editor
hen approaching fellow students about writing for the Link I’ve often been told “I don’t know how to write news” or “I’ve never written for a paper before.” Of course it’s natural for us to be a little iffy about trying something new, but writing for a newspaper means you can’t be your own worst enemy. Much like learning anything, writing requires you to be a beginner at the start, and there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that. Besides that’s why we have staff available to edit your mistakes. If I haven’t convinced you to take on a Link assignment yet, then please read the following incentives.
Reason #1: Sexing Up Your Resume
Reason #2: So You Want to be a Journalist
“Employers will be impressed with your resume that includes on-campus experience in addition to the first class education received at BCIT.”
“A man can be as great as he wants to be. If you believe in yourself and have the courage, the determination, the dedication, the competitive drive and if you are willing to sacrifice the little things in life and pay the price for the things that are worthwhile, it can be done.”
– BCIT Student Employment Services Coordinator Susan Ames
Doing some writing for a paper can take your resume a long way regardless of the industry you’re in. First off, it’s no secret that employers like to see you taking your learning initiatives outside of the confines of your small classroom. And no, we don’t care what program you’re in whether it be plumbing, nursing, or marketing. All jobs involve some sort of writing at some point and all kinds of people with completely different experiences are utilized for writing of some sort in the real world. We’re open to people who want to write about something a little different. Diversity is the key to versatility my friends.
-Vince Lombardi
It’s no secret that journalists are expected to be jacks-of-all-trades. In an industry that becomes increasingly competitive it’s becoming important to enter any genre of a newsroom with writing skills. Enter BCIT Radio and Broadcast Journalism students. There’s no better way for you to gain hands-on experience that’s sure to woo your future employers.
Reason #3: Knowledge is Power
Reason #4: Friends
“Knowledge is of no value unless you put it into practice.”
“I get by with a little help from my friends.”
Newspapers expose the truth. Why else do you think they were thrown into fires and suppressed time and time again throughout history? Even on a campus as small as BCIT there are people doing things they shouldn’t be doing. If you care about justice, democracy, accountability, and the right to know things then you should care about the paper. Writing makes a difference.
Sometimes it’s sort of hard to make new friends at a new school. Thankfully for you, the Link has already solved this problem. The Link is a great way to make friends and escape your chaotic classes. There’s always someone available to help with edits or just talk about your bad day. Think of it as free therapy.
–Anton Chekhov
Want to write for the Link student newspaper or have an idea for us to write about? Email
- John Lennon (Source: lyrics from “With a Little Help from my Friends”)
BCIT Link • Sept. 3 to Sept. 22
Switzer Setting World on Fire
Chad Klassen Assistant Editor
f you happen to see a tall, curly-haired dude fly by the BCIT campus on his longboard, it’s most likely Patrick Switzer. What started off as an “amazingly fun way to commute” has turned into a professional career on the International Gravity Sport Association tour in Europe, where Switzer has been ripping it up. The 23-year-old mechanical engineering student, who is actually sponsored by BCIT, has established himself as the second fastest longboarder in the world. Three podium finishes right out of the gates have helped him make inroads this summer overseas, and with a recent fourth-place showing in Czech Republic, Switzer only trails the top rider by 42 points in the World Cup standings. There’s nowhere he’d rather be. “Skateboarding downhill is an adrenaline rush. Weaving through cracks, over bumps, around obstacles, controlling your speed sliding like a rally car to apex every corner and hairpin in sight,” says Switzer, who grew up snowboarding and mountain biking. “Skateboarding makes me sing, laugh, scream and cry. It is life lived to the fullest being one with your instrument.” He’s currently in Germany competing on the bobsled track better known as “Beton on Fire.” His season will continue through the fall, beginning next week in Switzerland, where Switzer will appropriately be spending four weeks racing. The Ontario native will be back in Canada in late October to compete at nationals in Picton, Ontario. But it’s only a pit stop before Switzer takes his extreme talents to Brazil and Australia in November. Unlike last year when he had to return to school in September, Switzer will actually be able to enjoy the remainder of the World Cup season. A year ago, he was ranked No. 1 in the world before he came home to study at BCIT. It happened to be his breakout campaign with a firstplace finish on the World Cup circuit. Switzer has only built on that success with equally stellar street performances, earning a bronze and silver medal in the first two races before winning gold in Teolo, Italy on August 1st. “I owe the progression of my skating to the stoke surrounding the crews I've ridden with,” he says. “I've pulled my inspiration and style from international personalities and acknowledge that the best way to progress is to travel and ride with locals and throw yourself into new and challenging situations.” One of the crews comes from the Institute – also known as “BCIT Skate” in Switzer’s circles. The group, which consists of people in the Burnaby area, comes together every Friday during the school year to have fun. His ability to travel the world and experience longboarding at the highest level is also a credit to BCIT, which serves as Switzer’s primary sponsor on tour. “My sponsorship with BCIT came before my 2009 IGSA European tour after building relationships with people in the marketing department,” notes Switzer, who will be returning to campus in January 2011 to finish his design
“Skateboarding downhill is an adrenaline rush. Weaving through cracks, over bumps, around obstacles, controlling your speed sliding like a rally car to apex every corner and hairpin in sight,” says Switzer, who grew up snowboarding and mountain biking. “Skateboarding makes me sing, laugh, scream and cry. It is life lived to the fullest being one with your instrument.”
Photos: Top - Michael Hausler, Left - Liz Kinnish, Right - courtesy of Patrick Switzer
diploma in the mechanical engineering program. “They understood and wanted to support how my inspiration with mechanical engineering fed my passion of downhill skateboarding.” Outside sponsorship is the only way to survive in the sport, according to Switzer. He says most riders are in school or have full-time jobs to support themselves and participate for the love of it. But with the growth and popularity of longboarding and the rise of more online media, Switzer sees the day when it will grow into a popular sport worldwide and sponsors will take interest in the ever-increasing exposure. He can even envision the sport being introduced in the Olympics. “The International Gravity Sports Association has been
sanctioning races for this sport since 1997. These events show the professionalism, organization, and international attendance that would be legitimate for an Olympic sport. Although I do not know of any talk of this moving forward, I can see downhill skateboarding moving into the Summer Games,” says Switzer. Beyond BCIT, Switzer would love stay heavily involved in the sport in the area of longboard wheel design, but he says the travelling he’s enjoyed over the past two years has opened his eye to a lot of possibilities in the field. “I realize throughout my travels when I constantly run into others in mechanical engineering that yes, we are like minded and [longboarding] is so incredibly relevant to my passion,” he says. “I haven’t found my career niche yet, though many ideas have been inspired through traveling.”
8 Entertainment BCIT Link • Sept. 3 to Sept. 22
Sarah Massah Culture Editor
eptember isn’t just about back to school. It also means that the annual Vancouver International Fringe Festival is starting up and therefore making the back to school transition a bit more bearable. This year’s eclectic line-up has a little something for everyone, from an indepth look at the phenomenon of Girls Gone Wild to a performance on a fire escape. “I hope people see something that they weren’t expecting,” said David Jordan, executive director of the VIFF. “I think that’s the best possible scenario; to see something that surprises you, changes you, and that shows you something you wouldn’t have thought of.” According to Jordan, the cost to self-produce can reach upwards to $5000, and that does not include the cost of vital tools such as marketing or a technician. Luckily, the festival allows up-and-coming artists from all over the city to present their work to an audience at a fraction of the price. “We charge the artist $725 and their in their venue and can focus on their work instead of worrying about scraping by,” said Jordan, who constantly receives positive feedback about the festival from the artist. Fortunately for students, the cost to view the performances is pretty low which is perfect for students on a budget. Check out the performances featured below which have been generating the most buzz!
7(x1) Samurai
A twist on Kurosawa’s epic story of Seven Samurai, David Gaines transforms the traditional tale into a one-man clown show. Gaines does double-duty as producer and actor for the show which will include “victimized peasants, bandits, samurai warriors” among other characters. The award-winning show will be sure to entertain.
Moving Along
Edmonton-based actor, producer and writer, Chris Craddock takes his spot in the hot seat while spinning a fantastic story for the audience. Craddock is a one-man-show who runs the lighting design with his Electro-chair. The unique piece of equipment features household dimmers sun into the arms which allows Craddock to control the lights in perfect timing to his story.
Alice Nelson and Jacquleline Russell enter the uncharted territory of “Female Chauvinist Pig”, the new brand of female empowerment. Diving headfirst into the topics of wet t-shirt contests, Girls Gone Wild and… Kinderwhores, the two ladies pose the question: is this what a “post-feminist” world looks like? Whether or not the question is answered, the audience is in for a treat.
Escape Artists I & II
“Two shows. Two Writers. Two Flavours.” Described as “almost Lady Gaga, it’s a romance novel, but most importantly it’s an ironing board…,” Escape Artists I is written and directed by Kathy Parsons, who took home Global ComedyFest’s best screenplay awards for The Hitchhiker, and has a cast consisting of Kaitlin Williams and Joel Stephanson. The site-specific production is all played out on a fire escape at the Emily Car Institute and showcases characters and their decision to escape or not. Escape Artists II is written by Martin Gover and directed by Joanna Garfinkle who work with a cast that includes Fanta Sesay (twice featured in the Walking Fish Festival), Niki Brown, Joel Grinke, and Sarah Gover. Because this is Vancouver, there will be a plexiglass roof for the fire escape to cover from the rain. Photos courtesy of VIFF.
Artist Spotlight: The National Sarah Massah Culture Editor
f The National were to be compared to food, the obvious choice would be a stew; hearty, rich, and satisfying. The five friends, which include two sets of brothers, have had a long time to perfect their recipe for great alternative music: they’ve been working on it since 1999. The Cincinnati, Ohio natives started making music as way to let off steam and luckily for fans, went on to release their first self-titled album, The National in 2001. Flash-forward to 2010 and lead singer Matt Berninger accompanied by brothers Scott (guitar) and Bryan Devendorf (drums), Aaron (bass), and Bryce Dessner (guitar) have released High Violet which includes the single “Bloodbuzz Ohio” which can be found playing on almost any alternative/indie radio station. Berninger’s rich baritone and the lyrics which can range from sweet and simple a la “Lucky You” from the bands 2003 album “Sad Songs for Dirty Lovers” to peculiar.
BCIT Link • Sept. 3 to Sept. 22
Book Review: Columbine
Author debunks the myths of high school tragedy Brenna Temple Editor Columbine: When we hear this name we think of a tragedy caused by two tormented teenagers in Colorado. But Dave Cullen’s novel, coined “Columbine,” quite simply and fittingly says that everything we think we know about these young men is wrong. Cullen does this rather well through an enduring piece of investigative journalism. Better yet, he makes what is an extensive researched masterpiece read brilliantly as a novel while making Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold come alive before our eyes. Years later, people are still deeply haunted worldwide by the massacre. Looking back on the tragedy, it’s become normal to remember certain traumatizing images or articles we saw across different media outlets. Columbine students and journalists who never knew the
killers relentlessly claimed that Klebold and Harris were “Goths,” part of a supposed “trench coat mafia,” and were constantly berated by their high school peers. However, Cullen debunks these myths with detailed accounts from witnesses, and a look at the notes, pictures, diary entries, and homemade videos created by the killers to plan the tragedy up to one year in advance. By looking at these records we realize that Columbine was not a targeted shooting. In fact, it was meant to kill as many people as possible as an immense act of terrorism. Cullen shows us the killers intended to kill well over 500 people — far from being a stingy shooting meant to kill stereotypical jocks or girls who had once broken their hearts. Some interesting accounts come from experienced psychiatrists who analyze what may have gone through the mind of Harris leading up to the shooting. We also get a look at Klebold’s run-in with clinical depression, learning that his antidepressants were most likely unrelated to the tragedy. Both of these accounts make you feel like you’ve
walked into the minds of the young men. Although the books blatant honesty is shocking at times, it helps build trust between the reader and author. And despite the fact that police reports were damaged and altered, Cullen succeeds in proving that it may have been possible to prevent the Columbine tragedy from happening at all. One of the most difficult parts of buying this novel may be the apprehension one might feel about giving the teens what they really wanted from their notorious crime: fame. They wanted attention so they could historically live past their deaths. But regardless of these ethical implications, the greatest counter argument for this novel is that it finally offers us a truth. And conversely, the truth is something the public should have been delivered years ago. Cullen definitely lives up to this standard. Although this novel is brutally honest and makes your heart sink at times, it is undeniably impossible to put down. Even those who don’t favor non-fiction genres will admit that it’s better than nothing since the rest of the Columbine evidence won’t be released until 2027.
BCIT Link • Sept. 3 to Sept. 22
Afghani Terrorist or Child Soldier?
The controversy surrounding the imprisonment of Omar Khadr has people divided Sarah Massah Culture Editor
t’s hard to focus on anything else right now other than school supplies, time-tables and coffee, coffee, coffee as I get ready to go back to school. But one thing that constantly grabs my attention as I peruse the newspapers and online media outlets is the trial of Omar Khadr. Like many other controversial debates, it’s hard to have either side concede to anything. On one hand, he is accused of throwing a grenade and killing an American soldier during a gun battle in Afghanistan. On the other hand he is a Canadian citizen being held in Guantanamo Bay, and he’s same age as many of the students that walk the halls of BCIT. Khadr has been held in the controversial detention camp, also referred to as Gitmo, since he was 15. Now at the age of 23 he stands trial with a military court which some say infringe on his human rights as he was a child, albeit a child soldier, when he committed the crime. Romeo Dallaire, a Canadian Liberal Senator and advocate for human rights, has argued that the United States is breaking it’s own laws in regards to child soldiers and Canada is betraying a citizen. Then again, the Conservative stance is that he is a terrorist, 15 or not, he is responsible for the death of an ally soldier. Like I said, it’s a heated topic and it’s hard to find a middle area. Those that speak out and say he should be returned to Canada may be branded as “al-Qaeda lovers” (yes, I’ve seen and heard that being tossed around). On the other side of the spectrum there are accusations of break-
ing international law and infringing on human rights. Personally, I believe that Khadr should stand trial in Canada. I’m not saying he should be given carte blanche and released, as some people would jump to say. I’m simply saying that as a Canadian citizen it’s a bit ridiculous that he is not being tried in Canada, especially when we have an extradition treaty with the United States. Not only do I think it infringes Khadr’s rights as a Canadian citizen, I also find it a bit embarrassing that Canada is turning a blind eye to protocol laid out by the United Nations. And please, don’t tell me that because he’s of Afghani descent he does not qualify as a Canadian, because that’s entering dangerous territory. In a press release by the UN, Secretary-General’s Special Representative for children and armed conflict, Radhika Coomaraswamy, has asked the governments of the USA and Canada to “respect the spirit of the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the involvement of children in armed conflict and immediately release Omar Khadr into Canadian custody.” It seems that because the situation involves many hotbutton issues such as soldiers, Afghanistan, and child soldiers, both Canada and the United States have disregarded their own laws and the laws they have promised to uphold in order to appease their respective voters. However, when it comes to the law, it’s black and white. Both countries should not sway to public opinion, on either side. “Like other children abused by armed groups around the world who are repatriated to their home communities and undergo re-education for their reintegration, Omar
Omar Khadr in 2002
should be given the same protections afforded these children,” said Coomaraswamy, in the same release. “Trying young people for war crimes with regard to acts committed when they are minors could create a dangerous international precedent.” It’s obvious to me that the laws are clear and that Khadr should be tried in a Canadian court with a Canadian judge and jury. No, I’m not an “al-Qaeda lover” and no, I don’t think that he should be released with a slap on the wrist. I just have respect for international and Canadian law, but I cannot say the same for our current government.
Oh Hi, Come On In
Is Canada too nice when it comes to immigration? Zameer Karim The Link
s you may well know, Canadian government officials were made aware of a boat full of illegal migrants crossing the Pacific on their way to the West Coast. You would think that the officials were probably made aware about a month prior to the time of the boat’s arrival on our coast. Yet, instead of being proactive and turning the ship back to its homeland of Sri Lanka, the MV Sun Sea – the cargo ship filled with over 450 illegal immigrants – was nicely escorted in by the Canadian Coast Guard to Victoria. Needless to say, they simply shouldn’t be allowed into Canada. If any of us were to go to any other country without any proper documentation, we would be declined admittance immediately – by any mode of transportation. Recently, I took a trip to visit our lovely neighbours to the south without incidence, but at the border checkpoint, the border official asked me thoroughly where I was going, how long I’d be there, and when I would be returning to Canada. If I were to go to the States, without my passport or
any ID, and when asked where I was staying I said ‘I didn’t know’, and when asked when I was coming back, I said ‘never’, no official in their right mind would allow me entry, he’d turn me around and send me back where I came from. Think of this, multiplied by 493. Now all of the MV Sun Sea occupants are in the process of being identified, but what’s the likelihood any of them having valid passports or any travel documents? This seems like a large breach of security. We’ve just allowed over 450 undocumented people into our country at a time when security has to be a major concern. The ship was occupied by the Tamil’s, but who captained and navigated the ship to our waters? Why haven’t they been found and charged? Why is it our responsibility to house, feed, and process these “refugee” claimants here from our shores at a cost of approximately $500,000 per person? The buck get’s passed on to us, the Canadian taxpayers, including all of us at BCIT. Yet at the same time, the passengers paid up to $50,000
per person to make the three-month voyage to Canada (don’t tell anyone, but I think it’s cheaper to fly here and live in a 4 star hotel for a few months). Where has all that ship boarding money gone, the $22 million raised? Likely going to the Tamil Tigers, a terrorist group defined by the Sri Lankan Government as well as our own federal government. My radar was off the richter scale when I heard all these migrants were coming. I simply don’t understand how we allowed it. The Australians said, ‘thanks, but no thanks’ and sent the MV Sun Sea on its merry way. That’s exactly what our tactic should have been as well.
BCIT Link • Sept. 3 to Sept. 22
ITCHY ANSWERS Answers to all your burning Sex & Relationship questions Drake Winters & Olivia Starling The Link
Julie, age 26, asks: I fantasize about other men and women while I have sex with my boyfriend. Now, I know I’m not gay or bi, I just find fantasizing helps me cum faster... However I am starting to wonder if this is normal? Is porn normal? Are movies normal? Are books normal? I could go on… Humans enjoy a good story! As a matter of fact your life is a story. You are the lead character and you are playing out a plot line based on choices you make everyday! So it’s no surprise that you like to close your eyes and continue that ‘story’ right on into the bedroom. As a matter of fact, you may find your boyfriend is doing the exact same thing. Communicate with him. Ask him in a light fun way, if he likes to fantasize and gage his reaction. If he has as active of an imagination as you do, you may decide to take your fantasies out of your heads and into the bedroom. Roll playing may help you stay in the moment as it were and connect with your partner in a new and exciting way. Plus you will never look at Bizarre Novelty on West 2nd the same way again and Halloween will have a whole new meaning for you!
Cynthia, age 19, asks: What exactly is pre-cum and can I get pregnant from it? Pre-cum is when the little guys come out to play before the BIG BOYS show up. In other words, for men, it’s a clear fluid that exits from the pee hole when he’s aroused. Now women can do this cool trick too… only difference is they can’t get anyone pregnant with it ‘cause women don’t have sperm. That’s right… it is technically possible, 2% possible, to get pregnant with pre-cum. However, this is very unlikely. The guy would have had to ejaculated within the last 24hrs… have the sperm just hanging out, then find it’s way into your vagina where it begins the long journey to the promised land, your egg. Still… I don’t suggest you put pre-cum sperm to the test… you know what they say, “Where there’s a will…”
If he has as active of an imagination as you do, you may decide to take your fantasies out of your heads and into the bedroom. Steve, age 21, asks: Are 2 condoms better than one for protection from pregnancy/STDs?
Hi there Steve. What a fantastic question! And thank you for not being afraid to ask. Generally two of anything is better than one, or isn’t this the theory? Two heads are better than one. Two dollars are better than one dollar. Two girls phone numbers scribbled on the back of your hand after a night out at the bar is better than one. I think you get where I am going with this! In the case of two condoms being better protection from pregnancy and STDs than that one lonely little condom all by itself
– the answer is NO! You might be thinking to yourself, whaaaa???? You just finished telling me that two of anything is better than one! Sorry Steve, in the case of condoms… one is the way to go! Two condoms offer LESS protection as the friction between them makes breakage more likely. Not to mention a broken condom is likely to create more friction between you and your partner… and not of the good kind! Here is a good rule of thumb to live by - only double bag your groceries!
Got a burning question for Drake Winters and Olivia Starling? Email it to
12 Fun
BCIT Link • Sept. 3 to Sept. 22
11 Gaslight Anthem @ Commodore BC Lions vs Toronto Argonauts
10 Cheech & Chong @ Riverrock
Pavement @ Queen Elizabeth
8 Arts Club Presents: A Closer Walk With Patsy Cline (to Nov 14)
7 Orientation
14 Justin Nozuka @ Vogue
15 16 Ratatat @ Content Deadline for Commodore Link Newspaper Vol. 46 Issue 2
17 Last Blast of Summer SE2 Great Hall 11-2
18 Train @ Commodore
BC Lions vs Services Day Chilliwack Bruins vs Hamilton Tiger Cats Kelowna Rockets SE2-Great Hall 10am-1:30 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 20 BCITSA Student Council Meeting 5:30 Council Chambers
22 Link Newspaper Vol. 46 Issue 2
23 First Day of Autumn Arts Club Presents: Don Quixote (to Oct 23)
24 Tegan and Sara @ Malkin Bowl Hot Hot Heat and Hey Rosetta @ Commodore
25 K’Naan @ Malkin Bowl
26 Flaming Lips @ Malkin Bowl Phoenix @ PNE
27 Matt and Kim @ Rickshaw
28 Arcade Fire @ PNE
29 Vancouver Giants vs Portland Winterhawks
30 Content Deadline for Link Newspaper Vol. 46 Issue 3
2 1 Jack Johnson @ Tokyo Police Club @ Commodore Rogers Arena
BC Lions vs Winnipeg Blue Bombers
3 The Black Keys @ Orpheum
SUDOKU (CUP) – Use your logic to fill in the boxes, rows and columns with the numbers 1-9.