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Preferred . "i Vision Services Inc,

The PreferredMsion Services(PVS)vision careprogramis an addedfeatureof your Great-'W'est healthcarebenefitsplan. The PVS program enablesyou to purchasequaliry eyewear at savingsofup to 20 per cent.Thesesavingsareavailable on all frames,prescriptionlenses,contactlensesand lens extras(scratchguarding,tints, etc.) at registeredPVS locations.Most locationswill alsoapply the discount to non-prescriptioneyewearand accessory items. For your convenience,PVS hasboth opdciansand optometristsin its network.

Determine the participating practitioner nearest you by visiting the PVS'Web site at or by calling the PVS information centre toll-free at l-800-668-6444. \fhen you visit your eyewear practitioner, identiS' your preferred status as a PVS member by presenting the PVS card provided at the bottom of this form, your group insurance benefits ID card or any other rype of card related to your health coveragewith Great-\fest. Select your eye\Mearand pay the reduced PVS price at time of purchase. Ifyou have vision care coverage, submit your claim in the normal fashion.

If you're not convinced PVS offers you the best value for, shop around. You dont have to obtain your eyewear through a PVS-affiliated practitioner. PVS does not impact, in any way, the practitionert clinical role or professional judgement.


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For more information or the location of the nearestPVS practitione! visit the PVS \[eb site at,or call \-800-668-6444.


I certif' that I am eligible for PVS benefitsthrough The Great-'WestLife AssuranceComoanv. Plan Member Signature:

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