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Our magazine!!!

Never Shout Never are my favourite group. I chose them because they have an amazing singer and vocalist, Chris Drew Ingle, who has the sweetest voice in the world. He’s a very handsome man and has about 8 tattoos. He’s smart and he’s also a strict vegetarian. He’s a very peaceful person and he’s concerned about topics like global warming, animal welfare and world peace. Never Shout Never are very well known in the USA, Australia and the UK. The first song that I ever heard by Never Shout Never was ‘What is Love?’. I love this song! Other songs from the group are ‘Big City Dreams’, ‘On the Brightside’, ‘Trouble’ and ‘I love you’. The group does a lot of covers of famous songs especially from The Beatles and Queen. For these and many other reasons, Never Shot Never are my favourite group. Paula Porras Senior B Dear Paula, Before, we had never heard of the group ‘Never Shout Never’. And the song is also very good. Thank you for telling us about it. Far East Movement is our favorite group. This is also a group from the US. The most popular song by this group is ‘Like A G6’. It’s awesome. Andy & Inna

Hayley Nichole Williams

My Favourite ...

Name: Hayley Nichole Williams Born place: Meridian, Mississippi, United States Born date: December 27, 1988 Parents: The mother Christie Williams and the father Joey Williams Brothers/Sisters: Two sisters Erica and McKayla Eye color: Green Hair color: Red Height: 5'2" Nationality: American Ethnicity: White Other names: Hayles, Sponge, SpongeBob Spouse: Single Children: No children Occupation: Musician, singer-songwriter Years active: 2004-present Studies: High school

this is the biography that Hayley wrote for in 2006: I grew up in Meridian, Mississippi, listening to all the stuff my parents listened to in their cars, which was anything from Boston to Aretha Franklin. Eventually, I got into ‘N Sync, whom I credit for any ounce of talent I may or may not have. heh. I was always so shy and had serious case of stage fright, but I knew I wanted to sing…and I knew I wanted to be part of a great band. Around the time I was eleven, I wanted to start taking music seriously. Although, there weren’t many opportunities to sing in public other than at a church or a school talent show, I got over my shyness and sang wherever I could to gain experience. Thankfully, by the time I was thirteen, my family and I moved to Franklin (Tennessee). I immediately tried out for a funk/rock cover band called The Factory, and that’s where I met Jeremy. We always joked about being in other bands and getting big. Outside of music, I had no friends whatsoever. So, I quit going to public school and started school at a once a week tutorial. My first day there, I met Zac and Josh. They were already in a band and after watching them practice I knew I wanted to be a part of it. I was hoping for a while that they would ask me to come sing or at least write a song or two with them. Finally, they did… thank God.

This term's issue: Global Warming is something people are talking about all day, we talk about it so often that we even get numb and think it isn't that serious, but IT IS. There are disasters all over the world but human beings don't seem to wake up. It's time for us to realize how small we are and learn to respect Mother Nature.If we don't, the problems will get worse, what we did to the earth is going to come back to us, very soon.We must face it, seriously. Thanks for telling people what to do to help Global Warming, we shouldn't only listen to what people tell us to do but also tell other people how to make the world a better place.

Climate change! Is a process where the climate-changing element is altering. This is mainly by humans over the last 50 years. We have increased the use of fossil, fuels, like oil and its derivates; the carbon and natural gas, and others. Likewise there’re more activities that generate wastes and greenhouse effects gases such as transport, industrial activities, agriculture, deforestation, and others like this. These multiple activities are generating greenhouse gases, which when added to those already existing naturally in the atmosphere creates an increasingly thick layer on the atmosphere. Which happens to interrupts the process and gases emissions accumulates which allows sunlight back into space and it stays on the surface of the earth, producing higher temperatures. This is the main reason why today we talk about a temperature increase on the earth, so called global warning. To prevent this we need to: Save water when you take a shower. Save 7000 liters of water per year. Keep the shower open only when necessary. Do not throw any kind of trash into the river, sea or lakes. Do not leave the tap open while you wash the trashes, hands or teeth’s.

Do you agree or disagree? Let us know!

AMIMEID.COM Animator is a website where you can search or find the anime you want. ere you will find a th d an M O .C D t. EI IM N or facebook, life is ar enters WWW.A at ch st ju t no is e lif n. ve fu rcionand fantacia, ha

world of dive

e We lov . , n s a la o iw m Ta e card an Nic Hi! Jho students fro too. We lov toon. , e ar We ar n very much Japanese c ctive te io a t e anima ra. It’s aruto and D in your u k a S captor , we love N ng blue hair ter in lo c s Beside The girl with mous chara about a . f n e a mor Conn nt is also a n chat a e c m e u w c e do . Mayb Taiwan o this. e & Yoy Christin

Dear Jho We've r an Nicolas, e intereste ad your article told us, a d in animation, and we think yo w about th nd we are glad t e like the webs u are ite you hat we c e anima Hitman Reborn tion we like. you an know more before? animatio seen Ka It n students s!! But teache is one of our fa tekyo r Colombia spending too m s in Taiwan do vorite u n't lik ch t a ls o have p they po rograms ime on them. Do e p u es of an Colombia la r a m o n g s t t h e imation?? Are ? ? ? teenage George a r s in nd Judy

Federer will play Davis Cup again

Rafael ing world No. 1 w llo fo t bu , 9 0 0 ly nce September 2 tention to play in Ju si in d s an hi rl ng ze ci it w un S no r played fo ed suit, an Federer has not e Swiss has follow th k, ee w e th in r rlie Nadal'sof intent ea e Wimbledon final. th r te d victory af - just five days the first round - an in e by a ed iv ce . "I've round - having re legated last year nd re g co in se be e r th te in af l Portuga rote on his World Group Switzerland host tugal," Federer w to return to the or ce P t an ns ch ai e th ag e ve m in July at ho would see them ha the Davis Cup tie ay pl to g in go decided I'm s official website. d begin the proces an rl ze it w S g in lp forward to he up." "I'm really looking to the World Gro of getting back in

Around the World A chance to learn about different countries and cultures. This issue we have photos and poems from senior students in Taipei. Taipei 101 The beautiful view of Taipei, huge dark blue building, and lots of delicious restaurants. Go shopping, eating, take pictures. Relaxing, free, amazing Taipei 101has everything you want. I live near Taipei 101, and so sometimes I go there to shop or eat lunch or dinner with my family or friends. It has a huge mall with lots of great stores. And there is also lots of delicious Taiwanese food. On New Year’s Eve, fireworks are also set off from Taipei 101 -it’s beautiful. Hope you guys will have a chance to come to Taiwan and visit Taipei 101.

Huge rocks Huge rocks, clear little stream, And a sneak peek of the sky Walk on the paths, listen to the water running pass the rocks, Feel the atmosphere of nature Beautiful, amazing and stunning Millions of years, Slowly and gently, The water never stops flowing...... Three years ago, I went to Taroko Gorge, and I found out that the huge gorge was caused by a little stream running through it. I was like ''Seriously?'' if you really see the place, you will gasp. It’s amazing beyond description. How can a material as soft as water cut something hard like rock? And so deep!! Mother Nature is so beautiful and full of strength, we should respect it always!! Attached is the picture of it, though I think you can only feel the beauty when you really see it :) Have a nice day Cindy


HEATER! T / d e R / k c la ine / g Light Blue / B a m I n a C u Thing Yo y r e v E y u B / Eat EAT! R G W O H – s Watch Movie zing! a m A / g n i t i c Ex Convenient / ories, m e m f o s d e ies, hundnrdreds of tears. v o m f o s d e r Hund eds of laughs, hu ferent are lots of dif hundr

re amar,and thheave fun there- usually ir M t a s ie v o ys ji. hm I always watciwanese food at B1. I alwpaens at a shop called Mu kinds of Ta ne ice cream,and buy I eat ColdSto Inna

Sun Moon Lake

Sun Moon Lake is a place that you must go to once in your life, maybe it is not as big as the Shi-Who Lake in China, but the scenery there is much more beautiful! Blue lake, green trees, and white boats, so peaceful and natural, I am sure if you come visit here someday, you will fall in love with it! In Sun Moon Lake, you can travel around the lake on a boat, or walk along the mountain road, or even enjoy the sunrise‌ Everything and anything that you do here is full of fun and memorable. nnifer: Poem by Je n, milk white. huge gree Blue, shiny, nd the lake by boat, Travel arou he mountain road, t Walk along the sunrise! y jo ce, En natural pla nd a , e c la p l u utif s, a Such a bea inging, colorful flower s s Full of bird friendly people.

g n i t n Ke

g n i t n Ke g n nti

Shining blue ocean, colorful undersea coral world, infinite white beach. Go scuba diving, play beach volleyball, walk along the seacoast. Endless, energetic, natural. The greatest sight in Taiwan! Enjoy the fantastic scenery on the warm southern coast! Although the last time I went there was a long, long time ago, the unforgettable views have stuck in my mind. I have been looking forward to going to Kenting again. Fortunately, I will be there in several months for my graduation trip. I think I will try beach volleyball this time. Christine

i u h s n Da

Narrow streets, boats, street artists and large ice creams. Run to the end of the old street, face the blue ocean and feel the wind. Relaxing, soft, bringing up memories. A place which makes you forget grief. The last time I went to Danshui was on a school trip. Our school just gave everyone 60 NT (New Taiwanese) dollars (= about 2 US dollars) to eat




Ximending is the most interesting place in Taipei. There are lots of shops there and it’s cheaper than other places. If you’re lucky, maybe you can see some popular stars selling their albums. When I go there with a friend of mine, I always buy Cold Stone ice-cream— it’s the most delicious. Of course you can go shopping too. There’s a shop selling South Korean stars’ things, and there’s another shop which sells Taiwan stars’ things, like their posters, cups, cards etc. All the Taiwanese teenagers love Ximending. I’m sure you would too!

Poem Colorful shops, super stars, young people. Eating Cold Stone, going shopping, seeing stars. It’s the most interesting place in Taipei. By Yoyo

USE AND DISCARD It’s not your fault that things get broken; they are programmed to stop working in a specific time The economy, basically, consists of managing the money of a country or an area, and the economist participates in the production, exchange, distribution and consumption of goods and services of that area. This article will be emphasizing the role that consumerism plays in the economy of the last century, an extensive topic, where we will be based on the typical things that the majority of the people do, use and discard, use and issue in which the principal source of damage is focused on the producer and on the consumer, taking into account that consumerism is seen as a vicious circle that depends on the actions of both. As a introduction to the topic, we can refer to a case that took place in a Fire Station from Livermore-California, where the city community has celebrated the Birthday to a light ball, one century “of life”. Three web cams have been recording the light ball, and its light has never been extinguished. This is an example to show that many things could have a better fabrication and give more benefits to the user. Actually, there is a law for companies that produce lamps, given by a group called “Phoebus”, it defines that any lamp can’t have more than 1.000 hours of life... In this case, like in many others, the situation happens because the fabricants want more production, therefore, more sales, and more consumers. So, this lamp with infinite life is just an article that will never stop functioning, and it would simply be a tragedy to the business. “The world is big enough to satisfy everyones needs, but will always be too small to satisfy everyones greed” Ghandi

20 years ago, when the companies started to shorten the life span of products and the designers, architects and others, were forced to generate new values and objectives making them more fragile, in Ghana, Africa, the garbage dump of Agbogbloshie began to be the dump of the world, all the products (specially technology) that are considered garbage because they're not in current use but could continue working are there, getting accumulated in this location. The dream of the consumer is to have something a little bit newer, just before it´s necessary. Currently, we think that it is our fault that things get broken, like our iPod. Some years ago the battery of the iPod was programmed to run out after 1 year, until Apple got a complaint, so now it has 2 years of guarantee. another example is pantyhose, where the material is more fragile than 20 years ago, when you could pull a car with them, or simply some printers that get broken before 2.600 prints because they have a chip inside that determines it. Everything is programmed to stop working, otherwise, our world would be moving in a very different direction. This is the result of the current economy problem and deciding which path to choose is a dilemma that has no boundaries when we realize that the dilemma has to no darks sides. What could happen to the economy without consumerism, would we be living in an ancient world if we stopped consuming? And on the other hand, what would be our destiny if we kept using products that can’t be reused, will it lead us to our own destruction? Manuela Noreña Arboleda


Amazonas is a department of Colombia in the south of the country. Its capital is Leticia. Leticia is the main Colombian port on the Amazon river bordering the Brazilian port of Tabatinga. No road leads to that common urban area and it can be reached only by boat or by plane from both countries. Are you looking for a nice extreme experience? All you need to do is come to Amazonas where you can go deep into the forest, take a boat and see all the abundant wildlife and hear their sounds. The climate is tropical hot and humid, with an average temperature of 31.4 o C

a l l i u q n ra

r a B

Barranquilla, is an industrial, city a special district, is a city and municipality located in northern Colombia by the Caribbean Sea. It is the capital of the Atlรกntico Department, and the largest industrial city and port in the Colombian Caribbean region. Barranquilla's has a tropical savanna climate. From the nineteenth century, through the immigrants who settle in the city are present contributions of cultures such as Arabic, Jewish, American, German, French and Italian. Throughout the year, the city developed in cultural activities, as more representative sample is the Carnival of Barranquilla, one of the most famous festivals in Colombia. It is celebrated annually during the four days preceding Ash Wednesday-Saturday, Sunday, Monday and Tuesday of Carnival, usually in February or early March. As Barranquilla has developed throughout the years an active business centre and place for commercial tourism. Especially during the carnival and at the end of the year, it receives a large influx of visitors. In terms of hotels, the city has an adequate infrastructure and market focused mainly executive and carnival season. Everything from residences to inns and 5-star hotels of recognized national and international chains are available.

e h t r e d Un scope o r c i M Change your mind, change my mind!!!

At the beginning when the man discovered how to use the elements and created the science, he noticed that he could use it to his advantage. At that time, people needed to make life easier and find an answer for the problems; situations and phenomenon.

Although they used science to try to make life easier and to find an answer for the situations that happened in the world, they found bad use for the science too. This could make life easier but it affected society. They found that they could create weapons and substances from animals, and this could help them to get food from their enemy. When that problem began, everyone had a weapon and they killed other people if they needed to get food. Then when they found gold, diamonds and forest, the tribes fought against each other. The time continued running and now we are here. Actually we don’t use knives, we use guns, we don’t respect the others, we kill them, we don’t think that nature is our partner, we think that nature is money, we don’t walk, we use car, etc. We have made the world the worse. Nowadays we use weapons when we need something, and when we need something because we want it. An example of this case begins with the thief on the streets and you find it in our government too. You can find it when you are walking on the street and someone near to you and then takes out a gun and says that you should give him everything you have or he’ll shoot you. Until when you are watching TV and you see that a tribe has been killed because a company needs the land, so there they are going to get gold, using mercury, and then they will destroy the land and the animals. Despite the fact that we have been killing in order to get money and power. We have been killing because we want more technology and more advanced weapons. An example for this case is silver and coltan, because these let us create smaller and advanced cell phones, iPods, computers, TVs, etc. and the most important purpose for the government, weapons. We have to keep in mind that we can still save our planet and the life of other people; we just have to change our mind. Keep it in mind, that we can change our mind!!! Nicolás González Bogotá Senior D

In the Spotlight Where are you from? Kingston, Jamaica What is the difference between Jamaica and Colombia? The main difference for me is the food. It’s much spicier in Jamaica. How long have you worked for the British Council? I have been working here for many moons. My first day on the job was sometime in 2002. Can you describe your best moment in teaching? When I leave the classroom! No just joking, it’s when I see the happy smiling faces of my senior students.

ore o M d nald o s an D t l : u e d of A ers Nam r e h eac g Learn T : b Jo Youn

What are your hobbies? I used to play golf, tennis and go swimming now I’m a bit of a couch potato. If you could be an animal, what would you be and why? I would love to be a bear because they are playful and dangerous.

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