Programme - Policy Dialogues

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Policy Dialogues



Policy Dialogues



Pag 1

Welcome from the British Council, Colombia

Pag 2

Welcome from the Minister of Education, Colombia

Pag 3

Policy Dialogues 2012, 2013, 2014

Pag 4

Policy Dialogues “English for the Future”, Cartagena de Indias, 1-3 Oct. 2012

Pag 6

Conference Programme

Pag 10

Keynote Speakers

Pag 11

Plenary Speakers

Pag 13


Pag 16


Pag 25

Speaker’s Directory



We would like to extend to you the warmest of welcomes to the beautiful and historic city of Cartagena de Indias. It gives us great pleasure to present to you the Policy Dialogues, a series of three events that are designed to provide a forum for the discussion of opportunities, challenges and choices facing policy-makers and educators in the area of English Language Teaching (ELT) across the region. Through these dialogues, the British Council – in partnership with key stakeholders - aims to foster a common understanding of the issues facing policy-makers and educators across the region, and to arrive at possible solutions. The events, and the interactions that will take place between the events, will explore the role of English as an international tool of communication and as an instrument for positive social transformation – in other words, English as a means of bringing people together and changing lives for the better. Through the presentation of best practice from different countries, discussions with academic experts and dialogue among peers, we expect the series to create a mutually supportive, pan-regional network of English educators, policy-makers and influencers – key people from public and private institutions who will be taking or influencing decisions about English language policy; decisions that may affect the lives of millions across the continent as we move further forward in the 21st century.


This inaugural event – “English for the Future” – is the first in a series of similar conferences run by the British Council in the Americas. It will focus on three topics of huge relevance across the region, and, indeed, globally: English and New Technologies; English and Teacher Training; and English in the Early Years. The event has been conceived and organised within the context of our long-standing partnership with the Colombian National Ministry of Education, who we are immensely grateful to for all their help, support and guidance - without this invaluable partnership, we would surely have fallen at the first hurdle. Future policy dialogues will take place in Brazil in 2013 and Argentina in 2014. Our special invitation is for you to take an active role in this network and to help us plan for the 2013 and 2014 events. We hope you enjoy the conference.


Chris Rawlings

Peter Brown

Director British Council Colombia

Regional English Lead British Council America


FROM THE MINISTER OF EDUCATION, COLOMBIA On behalf of the Government of Colombia and the Ministry of Education, it is for me a great pleasure to have you here at the launch of the first Policy Dialogues ‘English for the future.’ In an increasingly interconnected and globalised society in which we live today, it would be unthinkable not to recognise that the teaching of a second language, and English specifically, is an essential tool for our students to communicate and relate better with the world. The benefits of being a proficient English speaker opens up more opportunities for professional and personal growth, and facilitates better integration into the labour market and in English speaking society, amongst many other advantages. In Colombia we start with a positive since the Constitution of 1991 recognises that this is a multilingual and multicultural country and that wealth is the foundation to meet the challenges imposed on us by globalisation. However, this is not enough and the Ministry is committed to work on giving everyone access to the teaching and learning of a second language, because we believe that bilingual or multilingual students are best positioned to meet the new demands of this increasingly interdependent world. The ground is laid before us by the exponential growth of new technologies and the huge potential that the growing communications network offers at this time; this makes the boundaries more and more diffused. As policy makers gathered here around this subject, our objective is to create spaces; firstly to think of the importance of English learning and teaching, a language that is currently calculated to be the official language of at least 37 countries. Secondly to think about the role of the state in this mission; and that is to seek the creation of better opportunities for our citizens, improve our integration into the global economy, contribute to personal and professional development of Colombians and, therefore, reduce equity gaps, which is one of the central goals the government has set in its National Development Plan. Colombia has advanced in its globalisation process with the signing of several FTAs, including one with the United States; therefore the importance of bilingualism becomes an ever growing need for the populace if the country is to become more competitive and take better advantage of these new markets. For this reason, in addition to sharing experiences with you, we come here to create a network of analysis and concrete actions that forces us to make commitments in order for the country to grow stronger in the learning and teaching of this foreign language. I am therefore pleased to welcome you to this important and landmark event. Finally, thank you for your participation and wish you all constructive and productive sessions. Policy Dialogues

ENGLISH FOR THE FUTURE MarĂ­a Fernanda Campo Saavedra Minister of Education


Policy Dialogues 2012, 2013, 2014

Policy Dialogues The Policy Dialogues are designed to provide a forum for the discussion of opportunities, challenges and choices facing policy-makers and educators in the area of English Language Teaching across Latin America. Cartagena de Indias, Colombia

Overall objectives • To understand better the common issues facing policy-makers and educators across the region and to propose solutions. • To explore the role of English as an instrument for positive social transformation. • To create a mutually supportive, pan-regional network of English educators and policy-makers and influencers. Audience

Buenos Aires, Argentina

High-level policy-makers from federal/state Ministries/local education authorities across Latin America and other senior stake-holders from public and private institutions involved in the planning and implementation of ELT policy. Events Annual forums in different countries across the continent.

Río de Janeiro, Brasil



Cartagena de Indias, Colombia MAIN THEMES AND TOPICS English and New Technologies • Transforming learning • Teacher development • The next steps English and Teacher Education • Initial teacher education • Continuing professional development • Impact and sustainability English in the Early Years • Learners • Teachers • Models




Conference AGENDA

The Organising Committee of the “English for the Future” Policy Dialogue, Cartagena 2012, is proud to present the conference programme. During the first day, participants will have the chance to look at the global perspectives in education and English in the future (Charles Fadel & David Graddol) and also at the Colombian experience in particular. There will also be an opportunity to bring together participants’ concerns around the three main themes: English and Teacher Education, English and New Technologies, and English in the Early Years. The day will finish with a look at how the British Council has helped national education systems worldwide improve English learning (John Knagg OBE). The second day will offer you the chance to participate in a dialogue around the experiences from the “English Opens Doors” Programme from Chile (Isabel Gonzalez) and Costa Rica Multilingüe (Horacio Álvarez); two main plenary talks by Michael Carrier & Simon Borg will inspired us for the thematic dialogues on days two and three. By dinner time James Shipton will lead us into the recently launched British Council APTIS, and it will be the moment to meet old friends and do some networking in a more relaxed atmosphere. The last day of the event will open with another interesting dialogue between Paul Woods, Simon Borg, Janet Enever, and Michael Carrier, followed by Janet’s main talk and the last parallel dialogues. The closing dialogue will feature Mónica López and Hugo Ñopo, representing two key international organisations of regional influence, moderated by John Knagg. Finally, some general conclusions and further closing reflections leading to the 2013 policy dialogue event will be outlined. Two parallel activities have been additionally prepared for Ministry of Education delegates: a workshop on common challenges faced by the different country governments (moderated by Charles Fadel, day one), and a visit to Bertha Gedeon public school, accompanied by representatives from local education authorities and moderated by Paul Woods. The invaluable input by contributors is highly appreciated and the optimism anticipated that it will help initiate and establish a pan-regional network of English educators and policy-makers and influencers is inspiring.



AGENDA - DAY 1 (Monday October 1st, 2012)

Buses depart from hotels

8:00 – 8:30 Registration (Venue: Santa Teresa Hotel)

8:30 – 9:30

8:30 – 9:30

Opening Ceremony (Venue: Santa Teresa Hotel)

Speeches from: - María Fernanda Campo S., Minister of Education, Colombia - Campo Elías Terán Dix, Mayor of Cartagena - HM Ambassador, John Dew - Christopher Wade, Regional Director - British Council Americas Master of Ceremonies: : Michael Carrier (British Council, United Kingdom)

9:30 –10:30 Plenary: Education in the Future: 21st Century Skills (Venue: Santa Teresa Hotel) Speaker: Charles Fadel (United States of America)

10:30 – 10:50

Coffee Break (Venue: Santa Teresa Hotel)

11:00 – 12:00 Plenary: English in the Future (Venue: Santa Teresa Hotel) Speaker: David Graddol (United Kingdom)

12:00 – 12:45 Dialogue: “Education and English in the Future” (Venue: Santa Teresa Hotel) Speaker: Charles Fadel – David Graddol Moderator: Michael Carrier (British Council, United Kingdom)

13:00 – 14:00

Lunch Break (Venue: Santa Teresa Hotel)

14:15 – 15:15 INITIAL WORKSHOPS (Venue: The Naval Museum) English and New Technologies: Issues and Questions

English and Teacher Education: English in the Early Years: Issues and Questions Issues and Questions

Moderator: Thomas Connelly (British Council Chile)

Moderator: Mark Gregson (British Council Venezuela)

15:20– 15:40

Workshop on Common Challenges in ELT Public Policy Moderator: Laura Pérez Ministries’ Delegates (British Council (By invitation only) Cuba) Moderator: Charles Fadel (USA)

Coffee Break (Venue: Santa Teresa Hotel)

15:45-16:30 Improving English Learning in National Education Systems Worldwide: The British Council Experience (Venue: Santa Teresa Hotel) Speaker: John Knagg OBE (British Council, United Kingdom)

16:30 – 17:30 English in Public Policy: The Colombian Experience (Venue: Santa Teresa Hotel) Dialogue: English Language Policy 2010 - 2014 Speaker: Natalia Ruiz, Acting Deputy Minister for Higher Education, Colombia



AGENDA - DAY 2 (Tuesday October 2nd, 2012)

Buses depart from hotels

8:15 – 9:00

Reflections on Day 1

(Venue: Santa Teresa Hotel) Dialogue: Isabel González (Ministry of Education - Chile – “English Opens Doors” Program) Horacio Álvarez (Inter American Development Bank - Costa Rica / Dominican Republic) Moderator: Chris Rawlings (Director British Council Colombia)

09:15 – 10:15 Plenary on English and New Technologies Plenary: Michael Carrier (British Council, United Kingdom) (Venue: Santa Teresa Hotel)

10:15 – 10:35

Ministries’ Delegates depart to school visit

Coffee Break (Venue: Santa Teresa Hotel)

10:35 – 12:35 DIALOGUES (Venue: The Naval Museum) English and New Technologies: Transforming Learning

English and Teacher Education: Initial Teacher Education

English in the Early Years: Learners

Moderator: Michael Houten (British Council Brazil)

Moderator: Pilar Aramayo / Kate Harris (British Council Mexico)

Moderator: Claudia Ferradas (British Council, Argentina)

Speakers: Gavin Dudeney (United Kingdom) Juan Carlos Garavito (Colombia) Felipe Bracho (Mexico)

Speakers: Ministry of Education Speakers: Carmen Muñoz (Spain) (Colombia) Leonor Corradi Dolores Corona (Argentina) (Cuba) Edwiges Rego Lucía Quiroga (Brazil) (Argentina)

School Visit The Use of New Technologies in Public Schools Bertha Gedeón de Baladi School: School visit Dialogue: The Future of English in public schools Moderator: Paul Woods (British Council Argentina) Speakers: Ministry of Education (Colombia)

12:35 – 14:00

Lunch Break (Venue: Santa Teresa Hotel)

14:00 – 15:00 Plenary on English and Teacher Education Plenarists: Professor Simon Borg (University of Leeds, United Kingdom) (Venue: Santa Teresa Hotel)

15:00 – 15:20

Coffee Break (Venue: Santa Teresa Hotel)

15:30 – 17:30

DIALOGUES (Venue: The Naval Museum)

English and New Technologies: Teacher Development

English and Teacher Education: Continuing Professional Development

English in the Early Years: Teachers

Moderator: Michael Houten (British Council, Brazil) Speakers: Mariel Armez (Argentina) Miguel Mendoza (Venezuela)

Moderator: Kate Harris (British Council, Mexico) Speakers: Nayibe Rosado (Colombia) Isabel González (Chile) Claudia Aratangy (Brazil)

Moderator: Claudia Ferradas (British Council, Argentina) Speakers: María Lucía Casas (Colombia) Cristina Banfi (Argentina) Higinio Ordoñez (Mexico)



AGENDA - DAY 3 (Wednesday October 3rd, 2012)

Buses depart from hotels

08:00 – 08:40

Reflections on Day 2

(Venue: Santa Teresa Hotel) Dialogue: - Janet Enever (Sweden) - Simon Borg (United Kingdom) - Michael Carrier (British Council, United Kingdom) Moderator: Paul Woods (British Council, Argentina)

08:40 – 9:40

Plenary on English in the Early Years Plenary: Professor Janet Enever (Umeå University, Sweden) (Venue: Santa Teresa Hotel)

9.40 – 10:00

Coffee Break (Venue: Santa Teresa Hotel)

10:00 – 11:50 DIALOGUES (Venue: The Naval Museum) English and New Technologies: The Next Steps

English and Teacher Education: Impact and Sustainability

English in the Early Years: Models

Moderator: Michael Houten (British Council, Brazil)

Moderator: Pilar Aramayo (British Council, Mexico)

Moderator: Claudia Ferradas (British Council, Argentina)

Speakers: Paul Woods (British Council Argentina) Horacio Álvarez (Dominican Republic / Costa Rica) Katharine Yasin (United States of America)

Speakers: Juan Ramón Nieto (Mexico) Carmen Moreira (Brazil) Rosa López de D’Amico (Venezuela)

Speakers: Janet Enever (Sweden) Teresa Reilly (Spain)

11:50 – 12:40 Closing Dialogues (Venue: Santa Teresa Hotel) Speakers: -Mónica López (Convenio Andrés Bello) -Hugo Ñopo (Inter-American Development Bank, Colombia) Moderator: John Knagg OBE (British Council, United Kingdom)

12:40 – 01:15 Presentation of the Network Closing Reflections British Council (Venue: Santa Teresa Hotel) Moderator: Peter Brown (Venezuela), Eric Klug (Brazil)


Keynote Speakers Charles Fadel is founder of the Center for Curriculum Redesign; visiting scholar at Harvard, MIT, and Wharton/UPenn; senior fellow, human capital at The Conference Board; co-author of best-selling book “21st Century Skills”. He has worked with education systems and institutions in more than thirty countries. He was formerly Global Education Lead at Cisco Systems. He holds a BSEE, an MBA, and five patents.

Charles Fadel

David Graddol

David Graddol is a British linguist who has worked in applied linguistics, discourse analysis, sociolinguistics, and history of linguistics. He is perhaps best known for his 1997 book “The future of English?”, published by the British Council, in which he offers scenarios for how English as a world language may develop. Most notably, he points out that native speakers of English are or will soon be outnumbered by those who speak English as a second or foreign language. In his plenary “English for the Future” he will explain the particular challenges the ELT community and stakeholders must face in the new century.


Plenary Speakers ENGLISH AND NEW TECHNOLOGIES Head English Language Innovation, British Council, United Kingdom Michael Carrier is Head of English Language Innovation, British Council, London. He is also currently serving on the Board of the European Association for Quality Language Services (EAQUALS) organisation as Special Advisor, and is a member of the Board of Oxford University Press’ English Language Teaching Journal and Cambridge University Press' Language Teaching journal. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts, a Member of the Institute of Directors, a Member of the Society of Authors, London, the Editor of the Technology section of Modern English Teacher, and was recently Associate Professor at New School University, New York.

Mr. Michael Carrier

Michael Carrier was formerly Executive Director of Eurocentres in Washington D.C. and until 2008 CEO of the International House World network of schools. Michael has been involved in English Language Training (ELT) for over 30 years as a teacher, trainer, author, school director and network director. He has worked in Germany, Italy, Poland, UK and the USA, and lectured in many other countries worldwide. He has written a number of ELT course books and skills books, including the Front Page series, Business Circles, Intermediate Writing Skills and Spotlight Readers. His special field of interest is in e-learning and the application of technology to Language Teaching.


Simon Borg is Professor of TESOL at the School of Education, University of Leeds. He has been involved in TESOL for 24 years, working as a teacher, teacher educator, lecturer, supervisor, examiner, consultant and researcher in several language teaching contexts around the world. His key areas of research and professional activity in applied linguistics and TESOL are teacher cognition, teacher education, professional development, teacher research, and research methods training. He has published widely on these topics and is also regularly invited to contribute to international conferences, projects and workshops relevant to these themes. Full details of his work and publications are available at emic/borg/

Simon Borg

University of Leeds, UK


Plenary Speakers ENGLISH IN THE EARLY YEARS Professor of Language Teaching and Learning Umeå University, Sweden

Jonh Knagg OB

Janet Enever

Professor Janet Enever is based at Umeå University, Sweden where she teaches in the fields of language education at masters and doctoral level and researches on language policy, early language learning and language and globalisation. She has taught at universities in London, Hungary and Poland and she has advised on language policy, early language learning and teacher education in a number of Asian and European countries. Her recent publications include a study of early language learning in Europe (ELLiE), a book co-edited with Jane Moon on primary language policies around the world and various articles on language policy in Europe. She is currently conducting research on the development of a state-funded bilingual primary school in England, which has recently been established by the UK government as a pilot study.

Improving English Learning in National Education Systems Worldwide: The British Council Experience John Knagg is Head of Research and Consultancy for English with the British Council and has a wide range of experience in work related to English language education. He oversees the British Council’s research partnerships and is responsible for the British Council portfolio of publications ( He also has responsibility for the British Council’s programme of work in English with policy-makers in ministries worldwide. He is convenor of the panel of judges for the ELT Innovations Awards, British Council Chair of the Executive Board of Accreditation UK – the quality assurance programme for English language teaching institutions in UK, and a member of the editorial panel of the English Language Teaching Journal of Oxford University Press. John Knagg has qualifications in classics, education, linguistics, and management from Oxford, Edinburgh, Bangor and Brunel universities. He has worked with the British Council in Europe, the Middle East, the Far East, and South America. In March 2012 he gave the British Council keynote talk at the South Sudan language policy conference and coordinated a joint statement on language policy principles from participants from UNESCO, ACALAN and other national and multilateral organisations. He was awarded an OBE for his services to the English language and education while serving with the British Council in Singapore.


Moderators (British Council Argentina) Claudia Feradas works for the British Council Argentina as an English Language Teacher Trainer. She has extensive international experience as a teacher educator and materials writer. She holds an MA in Education and Professional Development from the University of East Anglia and a PhD in English Studies at the University of Nottingham. In Argentina, she is a lecturer at the Instituto de Enseñanza Superior en Lenguas Vivas, Buenos Aires and at the Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, Mendoza. In the UK, Claudia has been a Visiting Fellow and research supervisor at the School of Languages, Leeds Metropolitan University, and an Associate Trainer with NILE (Norwich Institute for Language Education). She has also taught in the MA programme in TEFL at the Universidad de Alcalá de Henares, Spain, and has co-chaired the Oxford Conference on the Teaching of Literature on five occasions.

Claudia Ferradas

Laura Pérez (British Council Cuba) Laura Pérez works as Project Manager for the British Council, Cuba. She has a BEd in English Language from the Pedagogical University of Havana, and taught for six years in primary, secondary, and tertiary education. She has also worked as a freelance interpreter and with the management team at the British Embassy in Havana.

Mark Gregson has been Project Manager at the British Council in Venezuela for the last five years. Before that, he worked for 25 years at the School of Modern Languages at the Universidad Central de Venezuela (UCV) in Caracas, where he taught English language and British culture at undergraduate level, and Sociolinguistics, Discourse Analysis and Applied Linguistics on postgraduate courses. He was a founding member of the Masters in English as a Foreign Language at the UCV, and was Head of the English Department and Head of Extension at the Modern Languages School for several years. Apart from his management work in Venezuela, Mark is also an editor for the Primary Skills football project.

Mark Gregson

(British Council Venezuela)


Moderators (British Council Brazil) After working as a History and English teacher in the UK and later as an EFL teacher in Spain, Michael Hounten joined the British ouncil in 1991, managing English teacher development projects in the Czech and Slovak republics, Poland, and Brazil. He returned to the UK in 2003 as Online Learning Manager in charge of the successful LearnEnglish suite of websites. More recently he managed the English components of partner projects with the London Olympic Organising Committee and the Premier League which produced online resources such as the English for the Games and Premier Skills English websites. He also dealt with business partnership enquiries around the use of British Council digital English content, working with Intel and Ministries of Education around the world. In May 2012 he joined the Brazil English team and is based in Rio de Janeiro.

Michael Houten

Thomas Connelly is the ELT Manager for the British Council in Chile and is the current President of IATEFL Chile. He has worked in ELT in the UK, Spain, Mexico and now Chile. Prior to joining the British Council, he worked for five years at the Instituto Chileno Britanico as Academic Director of Capacitacion Docente, coordinating EFL projects in public and private sectors. Tom holds an MA in Applied Linguistics & ELT from Surrey University in the UK. He has also taught Applied and General Linguistics at the British University and Universidad Alberto Hurtado and has been a local tutor for University of London’s (Institute of Education) MA TESOL programme. He spends his summers fly-fishing and enjoying fine Chilean wine. He has no hobbies as he is the father of twins.

Mark Thomas Connelly

(British Council Chile)

Pilar Aramayo (British Council Mexico) Pilar Aramayo Prudencio (MEd ELT, Dip RSA) is Director of Partnerships (English) at the British Council, Mexico. For the past 18 years she has worked as a teacher, teacher trainer, materials writer and course designer. In the public sector, she was in charge of designing the Mexican national curriculum for TEFL in pre-school, primary and secondary education, and authored teacher training materials to support curriculum implementation. In the private sector, she developed an online training programme for language teachers, which is currently used in Spain and nine countries in Latin America. Her professional interests include teacher education, online learning and public policy design.


Moderators (British Council Argentina) Paul Woods is the British Council’s Regional Language Advisor for the "Southern Cone", covering Argentina, Chile, Uruguay and Paraguay. He has been Director of the British Council in Botswana and Mozambique, and has managed English Language projects and trained teachers since 1972 in over 40 countries around the world. He managed the British Council's global Education UK website in 2010/11 and was British Council English Manager for sub/Saharan Africa from 2007 to 2010. He is currently managing a highly innovative pilot project to deliver English lessons remotely to primary schools in Uruguay via videoconferencing.

Paul Woods

Kate Harris (British Council Mexico) Kate Harris is Head of English at the British Council, Mexico; this includes English language teaching, teacher training and exams throughout Mexico. She has worked in ELT for 16 years and for the British Council as a teacher and in management for the last 14 years. She has an MA in HRM, and a postgraduate certificate in Talent Management. Her current primary research focuses on talent management and continual professional development for teachers.



Juan Carlos Garavito Escobar, is an economist from Bogotá. A graduate of the University Carlos III of Madrid, he also attained a specialism in banking and finance from the Instituto de Estudios Bursátiles in Spain, master’s degree in management development from the Instituto de Empresa and postgraduate studies in financial strategy at the Business School of Oxford University, England. He currently manages the productive transformation programme at Bancoldex and the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism. He served as manager for the financial unit of Roche Pharma in Madrid, Spain, where he held various positions at the departments of sales and marketing and R&D (research and development).

Juan Carlos Garavito

Gavin Dudeney

Gavin Dudeney has worked in teaching and training for 23 years, and co-runs an award-winning educational consultancy specialising in online training and development ( Publications include 'The Internet & The Language Classroom' (CUP 2000, 2007), 'How to Teach English with Technology' (with Nicky Hockly, Longman 2007), which won the International House Ben Warren Trust Prize and Digital Literacies (with Nicky Hockly and Mark Pegrum, Pearson forthcoming 2012). Gavin is currently writing a book on mobile and handheld learning to be published in 2013. The Consultants-E designed and ran the first completely online CertIBET, and their CertICT course was awarded a British Council ELTon in 2008. Gavin blogs occasionally at

Mariel Amez holds a Teacher of English degree from Instituto Nacional Superior del Profesorado de Rosario (today Instituto de Educación Superior "Olga Cossettini") and later completed a specialisation programme from Universidad Nacional de Rosario, graduating with a similar degree. She is currently a lecturer in Literature in English at IES "O. Cossettini" and ISPI "San Bartolomé" (Rosario) and teaches courses preparatory for Cambridge FCE and CPE exams.

Mariel Amez


Mariel has coordinated and taught postgraduate programmes for EFL teachers. She is also a Cambridge ESOL Oral Examiner and Secretary of the Executive Committee of Asociación de Profesores de Inglés de Rosario (APrIR). Her research interests include literature, language teaching, online learning and teacher education, on which she has published articles and given presentations both f2f and online.

Speakers ENGLISH AND NEW TECHNOLOGIES Dr. Felipe Bracho Carpizo was appointed as General Director of Computing and Information and Communication Technologies (DGTIC) at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) in May 2011. He obtained a bachelor´s degree in Mathematics from the Faculty of Sciences at UNAM, and a doctoral degree from the University of Oxford, in England. He was a researcher at the Institute of Research in Mathematics and Systems (IIMAS), and the head of the Department of Computing. His research has covered topics of computing fundamentals and mathematical logic. He founded the Computing Advisory Council, and served as its first secretary. He was also the coordinator of the president’s advisors at UNAM. Back in 1985-1988, he coordinated the reorganization of academic and administrative computing services at the university and the UNAM network was launched. Major equipment acquisitions were made, through purchase and donations, to implement electronic mail. Many agreements were signed to establish internet connections through satellite antennas. Thus, one antenna was installed at the Institute of Astronomy, and another at the National Science Foundation in Boulder, Colorado. This agreement, promoted by Dr. Gloria Koenigsberger, also conceded the access and use of supercomputers in the USA to some of our researchers. In addition, the Secretariat of Communications and Transportation made it possible for UNAM to communicate those antennas via Mexican satellites. He was also the director of Oriented Research, at the National Council of Science and Technology, where he established several networks of researchers nationwide, mostly linked to Mexican businesses. As coordinator for Educational Informatics at the Latin American Institute of Educational Communication (ILCE), he fostered projects to create and organize digital educational contents an award-winning initiative recognized by UNESCO, which has been utilized by millions of Mexican children.

Felipe Bracho

Horacio Alvarez Marinelli is an education specialist at the Inter-American Development Bank (IADB). His areas of specialization are educational policy and planning, and educational information systems. Alvarez Marinelli joined the Bank in 2008; he worked for three years in the Country Office of Guatemala. Currently he is working in the Country Office of Dominican Republic, in charge of operations in that country and in Costa Rica. Previously, he worked as an Advisor to the Minister of Education and Education Planning Director in Guatemala, and also as a Consultant for the USAID, the World Bank and GTZ. Alvarez Marinelli has a Degree in Economics from the University Francisco Marroquín, Guatemala. He also holds a Masters in Administration and Public Affairs from the Lyndon B. Johnson School, University of Texas.

Horacio Álvarez



Miguel Mendoza is an ESAP teacher at Universidad Central de Venezuela (UCV) in the school of librarianship. He holds a Master’s degree in English as a foreign language. He has also worked as a freelance ICT consultant for the British Council in Venezuela. In addition he had a brief experience shadowing e-tutors for The Consultants-E. He is a founder member and current Vice-President of AVEALMEC (Venezuela CALL Association). He is a member of IATEFL, Webheads, and iTDi. Miguel Mendoza is also interested in Extensive Reading and functional diversity.

Miguel Mendoza Katharine Yasin Dr. Katharine (Kit) Yasin is director of the Center for Latin America and the Caribbean within the International Development Division of Education Development Center (EDC), Inc. While at EDC, Dr. Yasin has overseen projects throughout Latin America, the Caribbean, and Africa and has worked extensively on designing and using multimedia resources, with a primary focus on the development of interactive audio instruction (IAI) programmes. Her work is also known for its effective use of gaming and music in instruction. Most recently in Colombia Dr. Yasin provided technical assistance in the design and development of IAI programs for the instruction of English as a Foreign Language for the Ministry of Education in collaboration with the Universidad del Norte in Barranquilla, Colombia. She also directed an IAI initiative to provide teacher professional development for teachers in Choco, Colombia. She recently served as project director for an early childhood IAI initiative in Paraguay. Currently, Dr. Yasin is the director and instructional designer of the English for Latin America (ELA) programmes, which are IAI programmes designed as a low-cost, highly-effective means of providing English as a Foreign Language instruction to youth and teachers throughout Latin America. Dr. Yasin holds a bachelor’s degree in speech from Northwestern University and a master’s degree and a doctorate in instructional design and technology from the University of Pittsburgh. She is fluent in English, Spanish, and French and conversant in Haitian Creole and Somali.


Speakers ENGLISH AND TEACHER EDUCATION Dolores Corona is ELT adviser to the Cuban Ministry of Higher Education. She is also full professor at the School of Foreign Languages, University of Havana and holds a Ph.D. in Pedagogical Sciences. She carried out joint research with O. García (CUNY) on ‘English in Cuba: From the Imperial Design to the Imperative Need’, published in ‘Post-Imperial English: Status Change in Former British and American Colonies (1940-1990)’, edited by J. Fishman et al. Mouton de Gruyter, Berlin and New York, 1996. Dolores was Co-director of two projects with G.Terroux (McGill University) for the professional development of Cuban English teachers (1992-1998). She has participated in British Council regional and international events and in ELT regional projects. Her latest publication is ‘La formación de profesionales en lenguas extranjeras en las universidades cubanas’, published in ‘La Reforma Universitaria de 1962: Medio siglo de impacto en la Educación Superior Cubana’. Colectivo de autores. Editorial “Félix Varela”, La Habana, 2012.

Lucía Quiroga

Dolores Corona

Lucia Beatriz Quiroga is an English Teacher, a Specialist in EFL, and an MA student in Literatures in English from the National University of Cuyo in Mendoza. She is Lecturer of Introduction to American Literature, Co-responsible Teacher for the Teaching Practice Workshop III ‘Teaching of Literature’, and associate teacher of Pedagogical Residence I, II and III at the Teacher Training Institute of San Luis, where she also serves as organiser of scientific events (Update Seminars for Teachers of English) and offers training courses for teachers of the provincial education system. In addition, she has worked as Lecturer of English Language I, IV, V and VI (2006 - 2011) and as Coordinator of the English Teachers at San Luis IFDC (2009 - 2010). In 2010, Lucia was a beneficiary of the scholarship ‘Teachers Ambassadors Programme’ awarded by the Embassy of the United States to participate in the Texas Intensive English Programme, in Austin, Texas. Lucia has participated as a speaker in several conferences and has published a variety of scientific papers. Lucia currently participates as a member of the research project ‘Literature in the EFL classroom: an analysis of the teaching practices in the secondary school system of San Luis province’ (INFD, National Ministry of Education). She is also working on her master's thesis (‘The cultural representation of the female body in works of Cristina Garcia, Edwidge Danticat, and Jamaica Kincaid: body memory, resistance and identity’), under the direction of Dr. Cristina Elgue de Martini for the Master in Literatures in English (Guidance 21st Century) UNCuyo.

Natalia Ruiz Natalia Ruiz Director for Development for Higher Education, is a biologist with a PhD in Ecology from Ben Gurion University, Israel. She has administrative experience in senior management positions, including Vice-Rector of Research, and Academic Vice-Rector at the National University in Colombia; with knowledge of the Colombian Education System and other countries, specifically in the field of academic reform, institutional accreditation, internationalisation, research systems and PhD programmes. During her career, she has developed skills in strategic planning, financial budgeting, working team coordination, dependency structuring and organisation, and formulation and implementation of the norms concerning these processes.

Speakers ENGLISH AND TEACHER EDUCATION Nayibe Rosado holds a Diploma in the Teaching of English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) and a M.A. in Education from Universidad del Norte. She is a member of the research group Lenguaje y Educación. Her research interests are: teacher learning, student learning, complexity, technology in language teaching, and the development of language competency. She is an EFL teacher in the undergraduate language programme at Universidad del Norte and teacher in the TEFL programme at Uninorte. Ms. Rosado is a candidate for the PhD in Sciences of Education Programme at Universidad del Atlantico.

Isabel González

Nayibe Rosado

Claudia Aratangy

Isabel González is the director of the English Opens Doors Programme, which aims to strengthen English language teaching and learning in public schools in Chile. In her professional life, she has been involved in the design, development, implementation and administration of corporate English language programmes, including the editorial production of pedagogical material. She has also led multidisciplinary work teams in the development and implementation of training programmes for the acquisition of technical competences in the workplace.


Claudia Aratangy was born and raised in São Paulo Brazil. She studied at the University of São Paulo and has a degree in Physical Education. She is currently the Director of Special Projects for the Foundation for the Development of Education FDE – a project associated to the Secretary of State for Education. She is a mentor of the Read and Write Programme, and a member of the team responsible for the implementation of this Programme. This involved producing courseware - several volumes for students and teachers, and also the responsibility for acquiring the book collections (818 titles) and other support material for classrooms and to hire specialized services in training teachers. Her role also includes responsibility for managing partnerships with Higher Education Institutions in a scholarship programme which places students studying to become teachers alongside teachers in state schools. She was, and currently still is at the forefront of the development and implementation of Culture is Curriculum Welcome Programme which is a policy related to education and culture that gives students and teachers access to culture in São Paulo. Other responsibilities include a programme called Family School – this initiative gives support to schools to remain open during weekends for local communities – and where there are two projects currently being developed with the British Council. This also includes a project which relate to more sensitive topics such as sex education, bullying, prejudice, violence and racism, amongst others.


Juan Ramón Nieto

Juan Ramón Nieto holds a Master in Management of Educational Institutions, and has been involved in the design and development of educational projects in the areas of private education and student mobility in the Secretariat of Public Education. He has been co-author and leader of various educational programmes, among them: • CENNI (National Certificate of Level Language) of national nature. • The professionalisation of language teachers. • Quality assurance in private institutions of higher education. He has also contributed to the development of the new assessment and certification scheme of basic education, as well as to the design of the document that records the students’ learning at school. He has been speaker of the National Association of Universities and Institutions of Higher Education and representative of Mexico in various international forums.

Carmen Moreira de Castro Neves is a federal public servant, Specialist in Carmen Moreira Public Policy and Government Management, Master in Education from the de Castro Neves University of Brasilia, a specialist in Education Administration from the University of Brasilia and a degree in Letters from Catholic University of Pelotas. Her current role is Director of Teacher Training of Primary Education, Coordination of Improvement of Personnel in Higher Education - CAPES. As director, Carmen Moreira is responsible for the following programmes: the National Teacher Training Plan for Primary Education - Parfor; Institutional Scholarship Programme for Initiation into Teaching - PIBID; Education Observatory; New Talent; Degree Consolidation Programme - Prodocência, and the International Cooperation for Primary Education Teachers, in addition to others. From 1996 to 2006, she worked for the institutionalisation of the Secretariat of Distance Education of MEC, conceiving and coordinating various programmes and producing the document ‘Quality Benchmarks’ for distance learning courses, in addition to articles on information technology and communication - ICTs and distance education. She advised the United Nations Foundation in the formulation of the project ‘Teacher Capacity Building Programme in Botswana - Ending the Silence on HIV/AIDS’, awarded by the United Nations in 2004. Rosa López D’Amico Works at Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador - Pedagógico de Maracay in Venezuela. She graduated from the UPEL - Maracay in Physical Education: Recognition in Sport (Magna Cum Laude Honorary Mention) and Foreign Language: Recognition in English (Magna Cum Laude Honorary Mention). She has a Master of Education: Recognition in Teaching English Literature (Thesis Mention Publication) from the UPEL – Pedagógico de Caracas and a PhD in Education Philosophy - Thesis on Sports Organisation and Ruling from the University of Sydney (Australia). She undertook a postdoctoral internship 'Ewing Postdoctoral Fellowship' at the University of Sydney. Dolores is also an author of educational materials and publications. In addition she coordinates the following research lines: Management and Sociology of Physical Activity; Language, Literature and Culture. She is an accredited member of the nacional programme Promoción Nacional al Estímulo de la Investigación (PEI). She was awarded with the Rosa López de D’Amico CONABA prize in 2002, and she has received national and international awards, including: Academic Productivity in University Research 2007 awarded by the Núcleo de Desarrollo Científico, Humanístico y Tecnológico de las Universidades Venezolanas (CDCHT). A Research Work UPEL Prize in 2008; and Fundacite Aragua Scientific Order of Merit in 2008. She was Head of the Literature and Culture Area in 1994-1998, 2001-2003 and Assistant Director of Research and Postgraduate Studies at UPEL - Maracay (2003-2007). She was a co-founder of the Masters in EFL – UPEL Maracay and is lecturer at the Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador in Venezuela.



María Lucía Casas

María Lucía Casas studied Language and Culture Studies at St Clare’s, Oxford University. She also has an undergraduate Degree in Modern Languages and Education from Universidad Javeriana. María Lucía completed Graduate Studies in Higher Education Management at the Asociación Colombiana de Universidades and holds a Master´s Degree in Education from Universidad Javeriana. She has worked as an English Teacher at elementary and middle school level, as a Professor of the Modern Languages Department at Universidad Javeriana, and as Academic Director and IB Coordinator in private schools. She has also been Dean of the Business School and Director of the International Relations Office at Colegio de Estudios Superiores de Administración and is currently the President of UNICA, the first Bilingual University in Colombia. She was the Head of the Mesa Intersectorial de Bilingüismo in Colombia; Consultant for the National Ministry of Education and local authorities on Bilingual Education and Bilingual Teacher Training. She designed the Bilingual Teacher Training programme for Universidad Católica de Chile. She has been lecturer in national and international conferences on Teacher Education, Bilingual Education and Bilingual Educational Environments.

Higinio Ordoñez

Dr. Cristina Banfi holds a Teacher’s degree from INES en LV “JRF” in Argentina, an M.Phil. in Linguistics from the University of Cambridge and a Ph.D. in Linguistics from University College London. She has worked in educational institutions at all levels, from pre-school to higher education. She has organised and participated in international conferences, published papers and books and edited journals. She was president of the Buenos Aires Teachers Association of English (APIBA), Head of the Department of Languages at Universidad Católica Argentina and International Affairs Officer at the CONEAU (Comisión Nacional de Evaluación y Acreditación Universitaria). She is currently Director of Foreign Languages at the Ministry of Education of the City of Buenos Aires and teachers at IES en LV ‘J. R. Fernández’, ISP ‘J.V. González’, ENS ‘S.B. de Spangenberg’, Universidad de Belgrano and Universidad de Buenos Aires. Her main areas of interest are: educational management and research, professional development, theoretical and applied linguistics and bilingual education.


Cristina Banfi

Higinio Ordoñez was born in Atlacomulco, Mexico. He studied Teaching English, and has a BA in History, an MA in Higher Education and a Master in Administration of Educational Institutions. He has taught English for over 25 years. From 1997 to 2009, he helped Atlacomulco Normal School, an institution dedicated to the preparation of English teachers for secondary schools. At international level he developed the Master of Welcome Education programme with San Diego State University. Since October 2009 he has been the State Coordinator of the National English Programme in Basic Education in the State of Mexico. He has conducted research and academic activities in England, Japan and the United States. He is currently developing the project ‘Teaching English to Young Learners’ at the University of Maryland in the United States.


Leonor Corradi

Carmen Muñoz is Full Professor of Applied English Linguistics at the University of Barcelona (Spain). She holds a B.A. in Psychology and a B.A. in English Philology (UB), an M.A. in Applied Linguistics (University of Reading, (UK), and a Ph.D. in English Linguistics (UB). Her research interests include the effects of age and context on second language acquisition, young learners in instructed settings, individual differences (motivation and aptitude), and bilingual/multilingual education. She is the coordinator of the BAF Project and editor of the Age and the Rate of Foreign Language Learning published by Multilingual Matters (2006). She has participated in other research projects, such as Age, intensity of instruction and metalinguistic awareness in EFL learning, awarded a TIRF grant, and the ELLiE project, a comparative study of early language learning in seven European countries, with a grant from the EC and funding from the British Council. Recent publications include the edited book Intensive exposure experiences in second language learning (Multilingual Matters, 2012), A critical review of age-related research on L2 ultimate attainment (Language Teaching, 2011) (co-author: D. Singleton), and Symmetries and asymmetries of age effects in naturalistic and instructed L2 learning (Applied Linguistics, 2008).

Carmen Muñoz

Leonor Corradi is an English teacher and holds a Master’s degree in Education and Training (Surrey University, UK). She is a tenured lecturer in Didactics, and a coordinator of plurilingual schools in the City of Buenos Aires. She is a member of the Foreign Languages Team at the National Ministry of Education, in charge of English. She has run professional development sessions in Argentina and abroad, and has presented extensively at national and international conferences. In addition she is teaching English to blind students as part of a pilot project. Leonor is the author of the Curriculum for Foreign Languages for the City of BA (English),and has worked in the creation and reforms of curriculum designs at different teacher training colleges. She has written a number of articles and educational materials and is an ELT author.

Edwiges Rego Edwiges Rego is a former journalist and a teacher for over twenty years. She has devoted most of her professional life to public education in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. She has a two-fold job: She is an elementary school teacher and she is also concerned with teacher ongoing professional learning, curriculum and materials development. As a member of the English team in the Municipal Secretariat of Education, her current responsibilities includes the implementation of a massive educational programme involving a necessary and desirable change in English language teaching for learners aged 5-14 years old.


Speakers Teresa Reilly worked for the British Council in Spain for 36 years as a teacher, teacher trainer, and project manager. She has a degree from the University of Edinburgh, an MSc in Applied Linguistics, a PGCE and an RSA Dip TEFL. From 1996 until the end of 2011, Teresa was Bilingual Projects Manager for the British Council, Spain, working in partnership with the Spanish Ministry of Education to introduce and develop a national bilingual schools project in state schools in Spain, bringing to these projects British Council expertise in teacher training and curriculum development. Teresa has given presentations, seminars and workshops on bilingual education at conferences in Spain, the UK and other European countries. She has been involved as a consultant to Ministries of Education in Italy, Indonesia, Japan and Thailand on the implications of introducing bilingual education in Early Years Education. Since the beginning of 2012, she has been working as an independent consultant on bilingual education.

Teresa Reilley



Hugo Ñopo (Ph.D. Northwestern, 2003), a Peruvian national, is a Lead Research Economist in Education at the Inter-American Development Bank (IADB), based in Bogotá, Colombia. Before this Hugo worked at the Research Department of the IADB, was Assistant Professor at Middlebury College, affiliated Researcher at Group for the Analysis of Development (GRADE) and advisor at the Ministry of Labour and Social Promotion in Peru. He has also been professor at different Peruvian universities and speaker in different conferences. Hugo’s research agenda includes early child development, gender and racial inequalities in educational systems and the labour markets, impact evaluation of public policies, and trust and reciprocity among economic agents. His research work has been published in different specialized academic journals and books. Currently he is also a Research Affiliate at the Institute for the Study of Labour (IZA) in Bonn, Germany.


Hugo Ñopo

Mónica López

Mónica López is a psychologist from Universidad del Valle and is currently undertaking a Master of Education at CINDE Foundation (UNESCO Cooperating Centre). With extensive experience in education, she has provided training and consultancy to teachers and school managers in the areas of planning, classroom evaluation and the teaching of written language. She was the coordinator of the magazine ‘Alegría de Enseñar‘ (Joy of Teaching) and was director of the Education Division at the FES Foundation. She has also been a university professor in the areas of development and education. Mónica also worked as Deputy Director of the Private Schools Department of the Secretariat of Education of Bogotá and joined later the Ministry of Education where she served as Director of Education Quality in Nursery, Elementary and Secondary Education. In April 2012, Mónica López took post as the Executive Secretary of Convenio Andrés Bello after being chosen by the Ministers of Education of the 12 member countries of this international organisation, due to her technical suitability.

Speakers’ Directory English and New Technologies Michael Carrier Institution: British Council Country: United Kingdom Gavin Dudeney Institution: The Consultants-E Country: United Kingdon Juan Carlos Garavito Institution: Bancóldex y Ministerio de Comercio, Industria y Turismo Country: Colombia Felipe Bracho Institution: Universidad Autónoma de Mexico Country: Mexico Mariel Amez Institution: Instituto de Educación Superior "Olga Cossettini" Country: Argentina Miguel Mendoza Institution: Universidad Central de Venezuela Country: Venezuela Paul Woods Institution: British Council Country: Argentina Horacio Álvarez Institution: Inter American Development Bank Country: Dominican Republic / Costa Rica Katharine Yasin Institution: Education Development Center Country: USA

Simon Borg Institution: University of Leeds Country: United Kingdom Natalia Ruiz Institution: Ministry of Education Country: Colombia Dolores Corona Institution: Ministry of Education Country: Cuba Lucía Quiroga Institution: Universidad Nacional de Cuyo Country: Argentina Nayibe Rosado Institution: Universidad del Norte Country: Colombia Isabel González Institution: Ministry of Education Country: Chile Claudia Aratangy Institution: Secretariat of State for Education, FDE Country: Brazil Juan Ramón Nieto Institution: Ministry of Public Education Country: Mexico Carmen Moreira Institution: CAPES, Brasilia Country: Brazil Rosa López de D’Amico Institution: Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador Pedagógico de Maracay Country: Venezuela

English and Teacher Education


Speakers’ Directory Janet Enever Institution: University of Umeå Country: Sweden

Carmen Muñoz Institution: University of Barcelona Country: Spain

María Lucía Casas Institution: UNICA Country: Colombia

Leonor Corradi Institution: Ministry of Education Country: Argentina

Cristina Banfi Institution: Ministry of Education Country: Argentina

Edwiges Rego Institution: Municipal Secretariat of Education, Rio de Janeriro Country: Brazil

Higinio Ordoñez Institution: Programa Nacional de Inglés en Educación Básica, Estado de México Country: Mexico

Teresa Reilly Institution: Independent Consultant Country: Spain

English in the Early Years

Closing Dialogue Jonh Knagg OBE Institution: British Council Country: United Kingdon Mónica López Institution: Convenio Andrés Bello Country: Colombia Hugo Ñopo Institution:Inter-American Development Bank Country: Colombia


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