BC Philippines August-September 2014 Eugenia Kuzmina

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eugenia kuzmina

The Fury actress and Russian supermodel dresses down for an intimate photo shoot with her equally gorgeous kids

89 Outstanding Face, Body, and Hair Products in BC’s Beauty

Awards . special double cover: Marco & Lara Quigaman-Alcaraz talk about their two weddings, love for travel, and raising their 2-year old sweetheart, Noah . Children’s Fall Fashion: Stylish Ensembles for Your Best Dressed Tots . Bedroom Intimacy Fears That Men Have . Pichon and Athena Garcia on Expecting Their First Baby

P120 Aug-Sep 2014 www.bcmedia.ph

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INSIDE BC contents

10 5 educational lessons children can learn from dogs Now that kids are knee-deep in school, check out some tips on how our furry family members can help them in learning 14 surprising facts about allergies Be aware of the many things that you and your family may be allergic to in this quick guide


18 things that intimidate men in the bedroom Intimidated about intimacy? Here are some reasons why, and advice to conquer them 28 (role) model mom Russian beauty and star of the new film, Fury, Eugenia Kuzmina talks about her humble beginnings and raising a family




b c PHILIPPINES { august-september 2014 }

INSIDE BC contents

38 bc beauty awards From old time, tried-and-tested favorites, to new releases—these skin and beauty care products are highly recommended for the season 54 noah’s ark BC shares a day with this lovely family of three, as beauty queen Lara Quigaman and actor Marco Alcaraz talk about raising their unico hijo


70 without a shadow of a doubt Gearing up for fall fashion has never been this effortlessly chic for the little ones. Check out our choice picks for the season


22 70


80 great expectations First time parents Pichon and Athena Garcia talk about marriage and starting a family together with their first child


b c PHILIPPINES { august-september 2014 }



my birthday boy and girl, mathis and maxine; myself and my husband With our cover models, the alcarazes (right), and our hostess (and the couple’s best friend) for the day, nina almoro; cover mom Eugenia Kuzmina’s basket of goodies for the bc team

Birthday Issues

editor’s note



t’s finally August, and nobody has dreaded their natal day as much as I did. I have always had the birthday blues, and I attribute it to growing up as a lonely, only child for 13 years, living with a single mother who had many siblings, and grandparents that could hardly make ends meet to support us all. Back then, receiving gifts (with an S) was a huge deal. Receiving a Barbie for my birthday or any occasion made my eye twinkle. Today, my children receive presents from so many people, that I cannot even keep track of the sender sometimes. Maybe God was saving all my gifts for my babies, just as He knows I’d prefer. As a child, I recall having to almost force my biological dad to take me out shopping every year (he skipped several of those years altogether)—but now that he’s older, he has taken my kids out shopping on their birthdays last July. I guess this is a sign we’re all maturing, or my dad is trying to pay his debts, hehe. This year I turn 38, and I am a happy mother to three beautiful little ones, a daughter going-on 11, another girl who’s 8, and a 2-year old boy who celebrates a day after mine. Ever since I became a mom, I realized my purpose in life, which is why those birthday blues are no more (except for a few tears here and there when I get all sentimental)—way too blessed to ask for too much, especially when I look back to where I came from. I also know how significant I am to my precious babies—I noticed that, for example, if I decide to concentrate more on work, one or all of their health suffers as a result. I applaud all you office-working mothers because I cannot handle my household if I didn’t have the chance to bring my kids everywhere with me, or have my husband take charge when I’m not home. I may look like I juggle a lot with the two magazines and restaurants, but in reality, it takes a village to raise my family, and I can only do this in Manila because of my support group and helpers here. And to you reading this, many thanks for allowing me to continue working in this industry.

b c PHILIPPINES { august-september 2014 }

Speaking of age, I feel physically exhausted every night, and my back feels like it will either harden into a brick wall or bend and break. I have also noticed many more wrinkles on my face this year, which is why I have become a staunch beauty routine advocate (make-up remover, cleanser, non-alcoholic toner, moisturizer, sleep as long as allowable). One day, you will look in the mirror and your age will hit you, and as much as I love my body and am confident about how I look despite the obvious (and clinically-advised) 40 lbs I need to shed, I would prefer not to have too many wrinkles on my face. I already have cellulite everywhere, thank you very much. Do peruse our beauty awards story for some of our mom-tested, BC approved, and brand-recommended products. On the topic of beauty, both our cover moms cannot be denied of theirs. Eugenia Kuzmina is one of the sweetest, most gracious models I’ve worked with on our cover (did you see the above photo of the goody basket she sent us as a thank you? A class act, for sure), and I cannot wait to see her on the big screen as she stars with none other than the Brad Pitt in his upcoming WWII movie, Fury. It is our honor to give you an exclusive on how she spends her downtime with her two stunning children. Our other cover mom is literally a Philippine beauty queen—Precious Lara Quigaman is as ageless as her husband, Marco. Both are easygoing (and easy on the eyes), and their son, Noah, is an absolute delight as he is handsome. My dear friend from HS, Pichon Garcia (who has a face for Hollywood and is eldest brother to actors Cheska and Patrick), is finally expecting his first baby (a son by the name of Thorin) with the love of his life, the inside-and-out ever-lovely preggo mom-to-be, Athena. They are a match made in heaven as both share a love for sports, and are two of the kindest people you’ll meet. All that said, I’ll ask you all to forgive me if I will wake up on August 15th, and might still be a little on the grumpy side. I will always be grateful for another blessed year, but old habits just die hard.

facebook.com/karizfavisofficial twitter.com and Instagram/karizfavis bcmedia.ph

BCMEDIA INC. Kariz Favis Chairman & President Martin Favis Vice President & Publisher Job Ambrosio Director Charina Mitra Finance Manager Dennis Castillo Online Director Maricel Bancolita Account Manager BC MAGAZINE Kariz Tanya Favis Editor-in-Chief Martin Favis Creative Director Valerie Anne del Castillo Senior Editor & Assistant to the Publisher Ahlee Del Rosario Junior Graphics Artist Carlo Paranada Graphics Artist Contributors Marge Apacible, Russell Baer, Eds Barnillo, Dr. Susanne Bennett, Mark Cabalang, Diego Jose, Regina Jose, Raymond Ko, Dr. Muhammad Mirza, Meeno Peluce, Richard Peterson, Noel Sta. Cruz, Kim Tassie

BC Magazine Philippines is published by BCMedia Inc., 107 One Legacy Place, Don Jesus Boulevard corner Kentucky Drive, Alabang Hills, Muntinlupa City, Philippines. Visit us online at bcmedia.ph. Reproduction, in whole or in part, without the written permission of the publisher is strictly prohibited. For advertising, subscriptions, back orders or other inquiries, please call 0939.130.0997, 0916.507.3227, 552.6884, 904.1665 or e-mail info@bcmedia.ph. Opinions expressed in this publication are that of the writers’ and are not necessarily endorsed by BCMedia Inc. BC Magazine Philippines is not responsible for unsolicited samples, products, work, and materials, and submissions are non-returnable. If you wish to submit written work, photographs, artwork, products, samples, other services, etc., please accompany with a self-addressed envelope, postage paid, or a prepaid return label.


b c PHILIPPINES { august-september 2014 }



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bc report


he health benefits of pet ownership are welldocumented, including reduced stress, lowered blood pressure, and increased self-esteem. Richard Peterson, Vice President of Education for Kiddie Academy, a U.S. national educational child care provider, offers a new perspective—a dog can serve as a living, breathing teaching tool. Now that we’re on the halfway mark of the school year, Peterson explains that there are several benefits of having a dog, especially for kids who are going to school. w ords B Y R i c h a rd P eterso n A dditiona l w ords B Y v a lerie a n n e del c a stillo

5 educational lessons children can learn from dogs

Dogs are lifelong students— they study the humans around them every day. As it turns out, they are also great teachers, too

+ DEALING WITH ALLERGIES...dealing with the intimacy fears of your partner...


b c PHILIPPINES { august-september 2014 }


bc report




“Dogs excel at teaching the character trait of empathy. Pets often sense our moods, and offer a soothing presence in times of stress— making them great role models for children.” p

“Living with a dog can be extremely beneficial for children’s educational development. In fact, many Kiddie Academy classrooms include visits from R.E.A.D. Reading Education Assistance Dogs or therapy dogs to help us teach lessons about community helpers, character education, and literacy.” Kiddie Academy’s Richard Peterson offers five lessons children can learn from the family pooch: Lessons learned from dogs Sequencing

Learning how to properly sequence is an important literacy skill children need to practice in order to master reading comprehension. Dog ownership offers real world examples. For instance, to take the dog for a walk, I first need to be properly dressed, summon the dog, clip on the leash and walk outside. Parents can reinforce the lesson of sequencing by talking about what happens should you miss a step in the process—i.e., if the dog’s not on a leash before you leave the house, she may run outside and be hurt. Cause and Effect

Understanding why things happen the way they do is a life skill every child develops over time. Analysis

of cause and effect relationships is a task a child will practice throughout school (and life). Pets offer daily demonstrations of cause and effect in action. For example, I forgot to pick up my toy and as a result, the dog chewed it up. Empathy

Dogs excel at teaching the character trait of empathy. Pets often sense our moods, and offer a soothing presence in times of stress—making them great role models for children. Point out these canine behaviors to your child, and encourage them to think and talk about how they can incorporate them into their own lives. Math and Science

A family dog is a four-legged science

experiment! Whether you explore together how wild animals became domesticated, or the non-verbal communication skills they employ, your pet can provide countless science lessons. And something as simple as measuring the proper amount of food to give is an everyday application of math principles. Listening

By design, dogs pay close attention and learn about their environment in order to survive. Listening and following directions is also important for school success. Children can test the application of listening skills by teaching simple commands to a dog, such as sit and stay. Fido also makes the perfect audience to keep a child’s secrets and listen to their stories.

More than just educational skills, having dogs as pets teaches our kids the value of unconditional love, caring, and responsibility. At a young age, we can teach our tots to care for animals, be responsible for their environment (as previously mentioned, even our homes can be hazardous to our furry family members if we keep toys, plastics, and other materials lying around the house). It also encourages kids to get outdoors and play, walk the dog, and thereby decrease the risk of obesity (if your child enjoys a sedimentary lifestyle of sitting in front of the computer playing games during his down time). Note, however, that different breeds of dogs have different personalities and that before you decide to purchase a pet for your family, to make sure that the breed and personality type of the dog will fit your brood’s lifestyle. There are several book and online resources on how to choose a dog for your family available—you just have to make sure to do your research and get opinions from family members before making the decision. bc


b c PHILIPPINES { august-september 2014 }



bc report r

surprising facts about allergies:

how to deal with the most common allergy problems If you find yourself or your family frequently ill, try taking a closer look at your lifestyle and environment, as allergies might be the cause of your discomfort. Find out how to make adjustments in your home through these expert tips w ords B Y D r . S us a n n e B e n n ett i l l u stration B Y c a rlo p a r a n a d a


uthor of The 7-Day Allergy Makeover, Dr. Susanne Bennett says that approximately 55 percent of Americans suffer from allergies. Like us, most Americans are allergic to something—pollen, dander, dairy products, gluten, and mold are just a few of the most common allergens. In fact, if you don’t suffer from allergies to these or other compounds, you are actually in the minority. What’s even more important, she says, is that countless people think that their low energy, problems with digestion, or headaches are “normal” when in fact, they may be the signs of undiagnosed allergic reactions. People who suffer from one allergy tend to suffer from many, because allergies are a sign of a deeper dysfunction in your system. Only by getting to the root cause of these allergies can you hope to eliminate them for good. Here are some of the most important things Dr. Bennett says people need to know about allergies:


b c PHILIPPINES { august-september 2014 }


h eal t h an d w ellness facts about allergies Allergies don’t always show visible signs.

Allergens don’t always affect the system you might think. Another common misconception is that respiratory allergies only affect the respiratory system and that food allergies only affect digestion. This is not the case. In fact, allergic sensitivities to food, such as sugar, can cause joint pain due to inflammation. Gluten sensitivity can produce lethargy and brain fog. Likewise, inhaling mold doesn’t simply affect our breathing. It can also cause headaches and itchy skin. Finally, many chemicals, such as MSG or artificial sweeteners can even affect our emotional well-being, producing nervousness and anxiety. The environment is loaded with allergens.

Allergens are carried in our furniture, our cars, and even the very air we breathe and water we drink. Toxic chemicals and fungi are two very common types of allergens that may be hidden in our every-day environments. Drugs and creams don’t actually treat allergies.

Americans spend over $4 billion to fight their allergies each year. The majority of that money is spent on doctor visits and medicatiotns. But drugs and creams don’t actually treat allergies. Every doctor will admit that such medications merely mask the symptoms without addressing the root causes. While antihistamines and other drugs may provide temporary relief, their use is often accompanied by uncomfortable side effects. What’s worse, by loading the body with even more difficult-to-process

chemicals, people who use such medications may actually be making their allergies worse. Your skin is overloaded with allergens. If you’re using beauty products and soaps with chemicals in them (sodium lauryl sulfate, parabens, and phthalates, just to name a few) you are wearing your body down with chemical allergens. Your pores are permeable; you will absorb whatever you apply on your skin. Are you using dairy alternatives?

Be careful! You ever wonder why you feel bloated and gassy after that vegetarian meal or cup of dairy-free ice cream? One of the most common allergies is to soy. While avoiding dairy is essential for healing your allergies, replacing it with soy can give you terrible digestion and leave you tired. Try almond or coconut options instead. There are seven types of foods that cause the majority of food allergies.

These include: dairy products, gluten products (wheat, barley, and rye), sugar, alcohol, peanuts, eggs, and moldcontaining foods (such as many dried fruits, moldy cheeses, and mushrooms). By eliminating or even reducing your intake of these foods you can help reset your body’s load of allergens and eliminate your allergy symptoms. Runny noses and itchy eyes can be due to more than pollen.

Pollen is often thought of as the only airborne allergen. However, pollen allergies are seasonal and usually disappear once pollen-producing plants stop

releasing it into the air. If you have typical hay fever symptoms (runny nose, watery eyes, swelling, and itchiness) that last year-round, you may actually have mold allergies. Mold is common in any damp area in the home, such as bathrooms and basements. While black mold is visible to the eye, many other forms of mold are not as easy to spot and will build up in humid areas. Mold can also be ingested when we eat certain foods, such as peanuts, dried fruits, green salads, and moldy cheese (Roquefort blue cheese, brie cheese). These should be avoided for mold-sensitive individuals. We can be allergic to chemicals in our tap water.

Tap water won’t produce acute allergic symptoms. However, it is filled with numerous chemicals to which people have allergic sensitivities. The buildup of such chemicals in our bodies over time can wear it down and lead to even more allergic symptoms. Many people experience itchiness and discomfort after swimming in a chlorinated pool, yet they drink it almost daily in their tap water. Likewise, small amounts of other chemicals, such as arsenic, mercury, fluoride, and even uranium are allowed in our tap water. For this reason, having a carbon-filtered reverse osmosis water purifier is essential to help deal with allergens in our water, or purchase clean, bottled drinking water from supermarkets. Bad gut bacteria can make you allergic to many foods.

There are over three trillion bacteria in your gut and they help process and di-

“The good news is that allergies can be healed allnaturally, without drugs, creams, or medication. By improving the quality of seven key areas in our lives, we can rid ourselves of the buildup of allergens and toxins in the body.” bcmedia.ph

{ august-september 2014 } b c PHILIPPINES


bc report x

h eal t h an d w ellness


gest foods and extract nutrients that your body could not do on its own. However, through improper care of our fruits and vegetables, untidy kitchens, and exposure in our urban environment, we may ingest bad bacteria that hurt our digestive systems. Bad bacteria in our gut make it more difficult to process what are known as fermentable carbohydrates, the short-chain sugars that are found in countless foods such as beans, broccoli, cabbage, and pitted fruits such as peaches, plums and cherries. Humans have difficult time digesting these fermentable sugars because we lack the enzymes to break them down. The end result is intolerance to fermentable carbs that can produce terrible bloating, gas, cramping, and constipation. Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is often the direct result of allergic sensitivities produced by bad gut bacteria. Our furniture and cars can trigger chemical allergies.

Increasingly, much industrial production depends upon what are known as volatile organic compounds or VOCs. These compounds, such as formaldehyde, are found in many glues, vinyl products, paints, fuels, carpet and plastics that we are surrounded by every day. For instance, furniture made of particleboard will often use formalde-


b c PHILIPPINES { august-september 2014 }

hyde in its glue, while the “new car smell” is actually that of volatile organic compounds in the paint, leather, carpet and glue. VOCs can produce a host of allergic symptoms, such as itchy throat, headaches, brain fog, and confusion. At higher concentrations it is especially harmful to human health. Allergic sensitivities can make you feel hung-over—without drinking a drop of alcohol.

If you’ve ever woken up irritable, with poor concentration, and with low energy, you might be having a “sugar hangover.” If you eat too much fruit and sugar, the yeast and mold that are common in the gut will begin to ferment it. This fermentation produces an autointoxication that is similar to what happens when you drink too much alcohol. Your body has a “brewery” churning in the gut. As a result, you may feel exactly like you do when hung-over, without the fun of getting tipsy the night before. Allergies can be healed allnaturally.

The good news is that allergies can be healed all-naturally, without drugs, creams, or medication. By improving the quality of seven key areas in our lives, we can rid ourselves of the buildup of allergens and toxins in the body.

You will restore vibrant health from the inside out. Dr. Bennett believes that if you’re dealing with chronic symptoms every day, then you have hidden allergies that are preventing you from feeling good and achieving your optimal state of health.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Dr. Susanne Bennett, D.C., CCSP, is the founder of the Wellness for Life Center in Santa Monica, California. She specializes in allergies, clinical nutrition, environmental and lifestyle medicine, with an emphasis in pediatric and young adult health care. She is the creator and author of The 7-Day Allergy Makeover, a step-bystep clinically proven program that helps individuals break free from their allergy symptoms by utilizing natural therapies and solutions without drugs or injections. Her passion is to be of service as a lifestyle medicine expert and provide cutting edge natural health practices to facilitate optimal healing, vitality and vigor. Dr. Bennett incorporates natural and lifestyle medicine, subtle immune system modulation and pays close attention to toxic emotional and mental disturbances that can manifest as physical symptoms. Together these approaches enable gentle, safe, profound restoration that is tolerated by even the most sensitive patients, infants, and children.


things that intimidate men in the bedroom Having sleepless (and less intimate) nights with your partner? Here are some possible reasons why


bc lifestyle


the best

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b c PHILIPPINES { august-september 2014 }


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Words by D r . M uh a mm a d M irz a





bc lifestyle

veryone has something they are afraid of—whether it be heights, insects or needles. But one of the most common phobias that many still see as taboo to even discuss is sex. Statistic show that 40% of men with even the toughest exteriors, deepest and darkest fears reside in the bedroom. But what are they? Dr. Muhammad Mirza, general health practitioner, men’s health expert and founder of erectiledoctor. com, finally sheds light on the hidden fear with his roundup of the following.

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men’s fears in the bedroom

“Keep your heart in top form by exercising regularly—getting your heart rate up through cardio exercises will not only help you develop a stronger heart, but also a great libido.” Lack of Performance.

Nothing is more embarrassing for a man than not being able to “get it up” in the bedroom. Dr. Mirza states that erectile dysfunction can be linked to psychological fear. “I’ve seen a lot of cases were men mentally scare themselves before sexual encounters, just as how they would with any other nerve wrenching experience,” said Dr. Mirza. “Take deep breaths, tell yourself ‘I can do it’ and dive in with confidence.” Also keep in mind that a man’s penis relies highly on blood pressure, which means that if you have problems regarding circulation, this might be affecting your performance between the sheets. Keep your heart in top form by exercising regularly—getting your heart rate up through cardio exercises will not only help you develop a stronger heart, but also a great libido. Grab a banana or toss it into your protein shake for an added boost, as this fruit is high in potassium and is known to lower blood pressure. Premature Climax.

No one wants a good time to come to an end, especially not in the bedroom. Premature ejaculation is a problem


b c PHILIPPINES { august-september 2014 }

that haunts a lot of men, but Dr. Mirza suggests increasing exercise in the groin, arm, quad, calves, and abdominal muscles. There are various reasons for premature ejaculation, including psychological factors like religion, stress, nervousness, past traumatic experiences, and other factors such as certain drugs and antidepressants. Additionally, according to the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, male smokers can suffer decreased sperm quality and motility, they can also experience erectile dysfunction. Couple your healthy lifestyle with a habit to stay away from cigarettes and second-hand smoke.


We all like to try new things to spice it up every once in awhile, but before you bring out the Mr. Rabbit and the Screaming O rings, make sure that you get your partner’s consent. If toys are too eccentric for you and your partner, try role playing. Loosen up with a glass of wine and dare to live outside your comfort zone, even just for a night. The best way to cultivate a good sexual relationship with your partner or spouse, however, is to communicate your thoughts and feelings. If either of you want to be more creative in bed— with or without toys—speak up and let your feelings be heard. On the other hand, be open to suggestions.

Birth Control Failure.

The number one way to avoid a pregnancy scare is to practice safe sex. Using condoms with heavier and thicker material also decreases the risk of the condom breaking. Moreover, talk to your partner or spouse about family planning and contraceptives. Use contraceptives that both of you are comfortable with. With the wide range available today, you can talk to your family doctor to see what best fits your lifestyle.


Bondage, blindfolds, handcuffs, chains and whips…Do we really need to explain why men are afraid of this one? Your husband or partner might not be into 50 Shades of Gray, but that doesn’t mean you can’t create your own fun in the bedroom. Instead of intimidating your partner through fantastical scenarios that involve possible pain and torture, try lovemaking in other parts of the house to spice up the evening. bc


bc delicious

Did you know? Lemons act as a blood purifier, and significantly improves the body’s ability to get rid of toxins. It also fights infections, which is why when you are coming down with the flu or a cold, you are normally told to fix a cup of warm lemon juice.

hip to be lemon squares A recipe for one of the more popular bar cookie desserts, made with a cookie crust and zesty topping.

A recipe for one of the more popular bar cookie desserts, made with a cookie crust and zesty topping—a great treat that will surely brighten your rainy day afternoons with the family Ingredients:

1 cup flour 3/4 cup sugar 1/4 cup powdered sugar 2-3 tablespoons lemon juice 1/2 cup butter 2 tablespoons flour 2 eggs 1/4 teaspoon baking powder


b c PHILIPPINES { august-september 2014 }

R E C I P E by R egi n a J os é P hotography B Y D I E G O J os é

1. Stir together 1 cup 2. Cut in butter until

flour and 1/4 cup powdered sugar mixture clings together 3. Pat into ungreased square baking pan 4. Bake at 350 degrees F for 10-12 minutes 5. Combine remaining ingredients and spread on top of baked crust 6. Bake at 350 degrees F for 25-30 minutes 7. Sprinkle with powdered sugar *Makes about 8 servings **Suggestion: Best if paired with mint tea bcmedia.ph




bc lifestyle delicious ha


drink for a dad


ake any at-home date night special for the hubby by adding a personal, DIY touch with some recipes from beer connoisseur, Jim Araneta, the man who brings meticulously crafted beer brands to our shores

P hotography B Y M a rk c a b a l a n g


b c PHILIPPINES { august-september 2014 }


Beef Tastes Better.

Landmark Supermarket Makati . Trinoma

Premium Quality Meats

makati Supermart alabang

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b o t t le i t u p


bc lifestyle delicious p

What is the history behind The Bottle Shop? J: I started importing and distributing

craft beer in 2008, and wanted a place where craft beer fans could enjoy all the craft beverages that we import. In November of 2012, we opened The Bottle Shop.

What’s the inspiration behind it? J: The various beer shops that I

visited during my travels, mostly to North America, plus the many wine stores with their own tasting rooms in Metro Manila. If wine had an abundance of them locally, why shouldn’t beer have

one or many as well? What is your day job? J: The craft beverage

business is my day and night job—it wasn’t until only about a year ago. The business was growing exponentially, so I needed to focus on this.

You’re a father of three kids and are also a tri-athlete. How old are they now and how do you balance fatherhood and your business? How do you balance training and managing the shop? J: They are 24, 20, and 12—2 girls and

a boy in the middle, who is in his sophomore year in the University of British Columbia. Most of my time is spent either with my kids, the business, and sports, so managing all three doesn’t

require any special skill. I am able to put in quality time for my kids, work, and sports. Do you plan on expanding the business? Any plans of opening a new branch any time soon? J: Yes, hopefully this year. Biggest challenges in importing liquor? J: Government, government, govern-

ment! I envy our neighbors who are able to enjoy so much of the quality product that is produced all throughout the world. Although the demand here is growing, it is so hard to bring in product with all the red tape, bureaucratic processes, and a government that is not friendly with small and medium enterprise. bc

Jim’s jin & tonic recipes


Sili J&T


60ml Ballast Point Old Grove Gin 1 siling labuyo Lots of ice and topped off with Tonic Water

60ml Ballast Point Old Grove Gin 1 siling labuyo Lots of ice and topped off with Tonic Water

b c PHILIPPINES { august-september 2014 }


shopping bag

CHICCO ANTI-STRETCH MARKS CREAM & FIRMING CREAM Pregnancy brings about so many changes in our bodies as mothers, that’s why we need skin products that are able to penetrate deep enough into the skin. Chicco Anti-Stretch Marks Cream has active ingredients of rice oil and wheat germ oil that have an elasticizing effect which nourish and moisturize skin tissues helping to prevent the formation of stretch marks during pregnancy. Chicco Firming Cream has almond oil, rice oil, kigelia and quillaja extracts that help improve suppleness and firmness, while making the skin more toned after birth. This dynamic duo, when applied mornings and evenings, can be preventive and therapeutic to alleviate stretch marks.

ZUNY Zuny confers each of its products with its own characteristic by pure and humanistic hand-made process going far from the usual manufacturing way of producing. Environmental products are used to give emphasis to their concern for the environment which is the main purpose of the Zuny Spirit. (Zuny Elephant Bookends) Feliix.com; Greenbelt 5, Makati; LRI Design Plaza, Makati | Alabang Town Center, Muntinlupa City; 966-0442

THE FIRST TINTIN SHOP IN MANILA Bring your children’s imagination to life with the first ever Tintin Shop in Manila, located at Fully Booked, The Fort. The iconic comic book character from creator Herge has come to our shores, together with his friends and pals through all 24 Tintin adventure books, special designed t-shirts, toy and figurine collectibles, book posters, bags, stuffed toys, and other special memorabilia, just in time for the holidays. Fully Booked 902 Bonifacio High Street, Bonifacio Global City; 858-7000

FLY ACE CORPORATION’S JUICE PARTY As parents, it’s good to know that our government cares for our kids through the House Bill 4021 or Healthy Beverage Options Act, which insists on the need for regulation of the availability of healthy beverages to children in schools. Leading food and beverage consumer goods company Fly Ace Corporation held a Juice Party in support of the House Bill, while showcasing their 100% fruit juice brands Rauch Happy Day, Old Orchard, Mott’s, Welch’s, and Jolly Fresh, providing parents with better (and still delicious) options for their kids.

“I don’t believe in being a perfect picture of a mother and career woman at the same time—it’s about making priorities every moment, and we compromise and laugh a lot about it all.”



august-september 2014 philippines


(role) model mom


ell us more about your childhood and ethnicity.

I loved the outdoors as a kid—at any time I would prefer to play cowboys and Indians than be quiet, playing with dolls. I was also training to be a professional ice skater, and it was intense training every day for 2 hours in the Russian cold. It definitely builds character and humor. I really don’t have trouble raising 3 kids and juggling a career now. BC: Most fun memories as a little girl? Eugenia: My favorite moments were the

performances on ice with sparkling costumes and lots of people. We grew up very poor, waiting in food lines. It was kind of fun, we fried sugar on the pan and made candies out of it. We also invented menu recipes, we made everything out of oatmeal and potatoes. We learned to be very creative.

From her humble beginnings and very early start in modeling (at barely a year old) to her successful career in the industry and acting work, Russian stunner Eugenia Kuzmina has definitely come a long way. Transitioning from a model working on huge campaigns for some of the world’s most renowned brands, this year started her off with Fury, a David Ayer WWII film starring Brad Pitt, where she plays a German refugee. While Eugenia isn’t filming, she is busy trying to be present for her most favorite role: raising her gorgeous, jet-setting er a B children with husband, film by ussell w R producer Bill by stillo Block. a c D intervie AN del e and vis n fa a n hotographs P ords w riz a K lerie a v

BC: Do you tell your kids about growing up poor in Russia? How do you explain it? E: Yes, of course I try to tell them about how tough

it was growing up without a lot of money. As they get older, I am sure they will understand it better. Currently, we donate money to a charity called the Russian Children’s Welfare Society (RCWS.com). bcmedia.ph

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EK L’Oreal? E: Working

for a cosmetic brand is fun! L’Oreal was the easiest, Garren— who cuts Linda Evangelista’s hair and who is amazing—chopped mine and we shot the whole campaign in 2 hours. Beauty campaigns are more about your personality than clothes, and emotions behind your eyes—it’s the closest to acting. Most unusual job I had was a show for Alexander McQueen, when we had animal skeletons from the museum instead of scarves, you definitely become open minded.

BC: Challenges of being a model versus challenges of being an actress? E: Most girls start modeling around

When my kids stop playing with their older toys, we often donate them to this organization. There are a lot of foster children in Russia and I talk about it with my kids, and they already have a deep compassion for them. I often read books to them that describe Russian society so that they get a sense of what it was like for me growing up. Also, my husband and I like to travel with our children to show them other cultures and let them experience environments outside of Los Angeles. BC: How do you tell your kids about their more privileged lives compared to yours? E: Although I do tell them about how

much more difficult my childhood was compared to their childhood, I try not to traumatize them or upset them too much. I try to make them understand by teaching them positive compassion for others. Having them share their toys with other children who are less fortunate and teaching them to understand that their actions towards others have consequences helps them to grasp the idea that they are very



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lucky compared to many others. BC: When did you decide you wanted to be a model/actress? E: I saw Terminator 2 at age 10.

American movies were just coming out, and the entertainment that it gave to people made me dream of living in that world—it was so unusual compared to our scheduled life. I fell into modeling since [I was] 2 weeks old, when a local photographer needed a picture of a baby for a newspaper. I’ve worked for commercials on the side [while doing] school, and at 13 was approached by Slava Zaitsev to represent his brand. He introduced me to Chuck Norris, who needed a Russian actress for his movie. I got the part, but couldn’t leave the country because didn’t have a travel passport. Then I fell into acting after a modeling agent in L.A. submitted me for Rodrigo Prietto’s film, Likeness with Elle Fanning. BC: That’s amazing. What was it like modeling for Armani, Dior, Gap, and

15, you travel to different countries by yourself every week, sign contracts, and a lot of times it’s about your external look that is being judged everyday. It has nothing to do with who you are. You have to have life outside your work and keep discovering who you are. Acting is relatively new for me, and I went through a period when it was challenging to get out of the character and the emotions you play straight away. I feel now, if you have a family, they don’t have to be part of your scene all the time. So I try to give gratitude to my husband whenever possible, and be a present mother to my kids.

BC: What was the transition like, from being a model and now an actress? E: Acting and modeling are contradic-

tory. In modeling, you’re super aware of your look, your body movements— it’s like a dance. In acting, you have to let it go, be open and raw, and work from your partner and instinct. I was definitely challenged, but doing stand up comedy is something that opened me up.

BC: How do you keep fit? Do you have a beauty or fitness regimen? E: I like being active. We do Bikram

yoga every morning, it’s the best! I lost all the pregnancy weight this way. I also love to take dancing classes at a local studio. bcmedia.ph

“Teddy takes after me, he’s very sensitive, likes to be goofy, and dreams to be a rock star. Veronika is more like my husband. She is very independent, puts her hand up and orders everyone around.”

1. Eugenia and Veronika with other model mothers and their kids 2. Taking a selfie behind the scenes of Castle 3. Eugenia and Veronika striking a pose while wearing matching wide rimmed hats 4. Eugenia in a pink wig for her role in True Blood bcmedia.ph

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BC: Favorite products for yourself? For your kids? E: If I fly a lot, I use a hydrating mask

on the plane—it’s a skin saver! There’s one by Dermalogica—it’s transparent, so you don’t have to scare passengers around. I also like to put yogurt as a mask for hydration, and if I got too much sun, it’s a miracle. The scrub by Harold Lancer will make your skin baby soft. I love SkinCeuticals sunscreen with a tint. It’s a perfect product for sensitive skin, and I always carry red lipstick by Clé de Peau.

BC: Tell us more about your new projects, Fading Gigolo, Are We Officially Dating?, and That Awkward Moment. Do you identify with the characters that you play? E: Fading Gigolo is a story of an out-of-

work bookkeeper, John Turturro, whose best friend (Woody Allen) suggests that making money as a gigolo is a good bet in New York, so Woody becomes sort of John’s agent in the field. Sharon Stone and Sofia Vergara play the clients, and I play the girl of the oldest profession trying to seduce John, not knowing we are actually competitors. I think we all play parts of ourselves emotionally, just tuned up a notch. I was always playful and flirtatious as a person, so it was easy to go from there. I also shot Castle for ABC, where my character is an FBI agent who is held hostage, and then turns the cards around on Stana Katic’s character. The feisty tomboy in me is good for action films.

BC: Let’s talk about your new film with Brad Pitt, Fury. What is your role, and how was it like working with him? Did you have a lot of screen time together? E: It is a David Ayer WW2 movie about

an American tank called Fury that is fighting its way to the Berlin Wall. It’s a story of friendship and values while going through the difficulties of war. I play a German refugee in a town that surrendered to Fury. Through my character’s eyes, people better understand the women during that war and how they had to be strong to survive. It was very special to work with Brad Pitt and to be on the set with him. As an actor,



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EK he was so present and very aware of what his character was going through in every scene. It was freezing while shooting in the UK and it rained for long hours. We were in the middle of nowhere and Brad was the consummate actor, extremely committed and passionate about his craft. I was very inspired by him. BC: Tell us more about your marriage to film producer, Bill Block. When and where did you meet? How did he propose? E: Katie Ford—the owner of Ford

models—introduced Bill to me. Even though both of us weren’t looking for a serious relationship, Bill has a son from previous marriage and I was married at 18 for a few months, we found an amazing complement in one other. We are both very eccentric, open minded, and have a similar sense of humor. Bill found a Siberian diamond and proposed on a Christmas Day, which is my


birthday. Now we have two kids—Ted, who is 5, and Veronika, who is 2. Ben, my stepson, lives next door. BC: How do and your husband manage your career and raising a family with hectic schedules. E: I have to be honest, it’s not so easy rai-

sing kids and having a career. We take it one day at a time. It’s important for us to be very present when we are with the kids, do what they want to do, listen to them and encourage them. I’d never be able to do it all without help! We have nannies, relatives. I ask for help whenever possible, I don’t believe in being a perfect picture of a mother and career woman at the same time—it’s about making priorities every moment, and we compromise and laugh a lot about it all. BC: Best travel destinations as a family? E: We go to Maui every year. We stay

at Paia town, eat local food, and go to

surf beaches. One year, we all went to Japan, which was so surreal! It was eye opening for everyone from different perspectives. Ben found amazing video games, Teddy discovered Japanese rock music, and Veronika saw Tokyo lights. BC: Favorite activities with your family? E: Painting on the floor—we spread

papers, crayons, anything available, and paint with our hands if inspired. We like to pillow fight, and put on costumes and hats, while listening and dancing to the Rolling Stones!

BC: Describe each of your children. Who takes after you and your husband? E: Ben is a computer genius, he knows

everything about everything and is very fast. Teddy takes after me, he’s very sensitive, likes to be goofy, and dreams to be a rock star. Veronika is more like my husband. She is very independent, puts her hand up and orders everyone around—a mini producer. bc

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“I feel now, if you have a family, they don’t have to be part of your scene all the time. So I try to give gratitude to my husband whenever possible, and be a present mother to my kids.” 34


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GF One Legacy Place, Don Jesus Boulevard, Alabang Hills, Muntinlupa City For appointments, call 552.6884/ 0916.507.3227 or email info@bcmedia.ph

The Journey of Life:

Pampering the Expectant You with Clarins Throughout Pregnancy, and Beyond


regnancy and motherhood are two of the most beautiful and fulfilling times of our lives as women. Clarins, the pioneer in beauty care for pregnant women—

together with doctors and midwives— have designed a programme dedicated to mothers who want to feel feminine during these crucial and exhilarating stages of our lives. This specific treatment, combined with adapted

application techniques and specific treatment, tested products and advice, are now available for moms and mothers-to-be, enabling us to advance with serenity and comfort down the wonderful path of motherhood.


a d v er t o rial

hildbearing is a love story that begins in the womb and because your body experiences changes throughout the 9 months, Clarins has come up with a line of beauty care products that address these needs. Backed by 50 years of research, the Daily Skin Care Programme During Pregnancy line features a four-part regimen that addresses the skin, bust, stretch marks, and legs. Tonic Body Treatment Oil; Stretch Mark Control

hand-in-hand with CLARINS

One of our biggest concerns as moms and moms-to-be is stretch marks— which are literally the “battle scars” of motherhood. To address the formation or reduction of stretch marks, the Clarins Tonic Body Treatment Oil (one of the line’s bestselling body oils to date) firms, tones, and fights slackened skin—a perfect combo in our books. It contains a stimulating blend of concentrated plant extracts and essential oils that leave our skin feeling soft and satin-smooth. Showing off your growing bump has never been more enjoyable. Pair the above with Clarins Stretch Mark Control to get maximum results, as this enhances the production of collagen fibres, thereby reducing the existing appearance of stretch marks and prevent future ones from forming. Moreover, we all know too well how as new moms we spend most of our days on our toes, which is why Clarins has formulated the Energizing Emulsion, rich in plant extracts that immediately soothes, relaxes, and refreshes tired legs—to help keep us on the top of our game for the long haul journey as the light of our homes: mothers.

With the stress and changes that motherhood and childbearing brings, we also need to prepare our bodies for that much-welcomed pampering—the Clarins Exfoliating Body Scrub used once to twice a week softens, smoothens, and renews the skin, removing impurities and thereby encouraging cell renewal and preparing the skin for the next steps. Clarins also addresses how to properly care for our “weapons of nutrition,” — our breasts. During pregnancy, the Bust Beauty Extra-Lift Gel contains tightening plant extracts that gently lifts the “natural bra” area, that extends from the base of the breasts to the chin. Clarins’ Bust Beauty Firming Lotion firms up our “natural bra” with its powerful toning and replenishing action, which also smoothens and softens skin. Both the Bust Beauty Firming Lotion and Bust Beauty Extra-Lift Gel are compatible with breastfeeding. To help slim down post-pregnancy, the Body Shaping Cream, Body Lift Cellulite Control, and Contour Body Treat-

ment Oil, is a triumvirate that refines your stubborn curve and sculpts your silhouette, targets early and stubborn cellulite, and flushes water retention, respectively. This trio targets fat on the hips, abdomen, waist, and arms, while eliminating toxins for a contoured and refined body that’s energized and ready to care for your little one.


the CLARINS habit

o on a beautiful journey with Clarins during and after pregnancy with this special line of pampering beauty care and be in better tune with your body and its changes throughout these wonderful months. Along with good eating habits, adequate rest, and regular exercise, you’ll be able to maintain a great vessel that is conducive to the growth and rearing of your precious ones. You can also enjoy a unique treatment experience by Clarins beauty experts for moms and moms-to-be at the Clarins Skin Spa, Rustan’s Makati. For bookings, please call 817-8414.


s the holidays approach, we scoured stores and beauty kiosks for the best in skin, hair, and body care for us moms who rely heavily on a product’s performance, safety, and usability—at a price point that will either fall into our splurge or steal budget. From those tried and tested favorites to newbies in the industry, here are the products that have earned an A+ in our mommy books P hotographs by A H L E E D E L R O S A R I O P hotography A ssistant C a rlo P a r a n a d a



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(Clockwise from lower left) AcneAid Cleansing bar by STIEFEL, P184 . Mild Facial Soap by CLINIQUE, P1,100 . Lightening Soap with Glutathione by GLUTAMAX, P175 . Gentle Soap with Cold Cream Nutri-protective by MUSTELA, P330 . Hypoallergenic Soap for Sensitive Skin by PROFESSIONAL SKIN CARE FORMULA, P60


Purge impurities


he first step (and maybe the only, if time does not permit) in every skin and beauty care regimen is to cleanse the skin to absolve it from dirt, irritants, and other toxins or bacteria

that have corrupted our skin throughout the day. Cleanse your skin with soaps that are gentle but effective in removing these impurities. If you have acne, choose a soap that is dermatologistrecommended, or consult your doctor for proper care. august-september 2014 philippines



Skin-deep rejuvenation and regeneration


s moms can’t always rely on oversized sunglasses to cover up our eye bags, especially as the rainy season comes

in. But there’s a more basic alternative, which is maintaining that skin purity through moisturizers and eye creams that bring back our natural glow. While moisturizers and creams target our face in general (from bringing back water and moisture to our skin and replenishing lost lipids through natural anti-aging ingredients), eye creams on the other hand specifically target the skin around our eyes, which is finer and has lesser oil glands, thereby increasing the risk of drying. For the face, if you’re a busy mom who doesn’t want to fuss over day and night creams, pick one that works for both times of the day. But if you’re more meticulous, choose a combination that complements each other. Some brands offer day and night creams that address dryness, skin tightening, and

Fragrance-free Hypoallergenic Day creams often moisture replenishmenT. Paraben-free BabySPFs, Lotionsobypick one that works have different CYCLES SENSITIVE, P389 . for your daily routine. Gentle Soap with Cold Cream Nutri-protective by MUSTELA, P330 (This. page, Active clockwise Fresh bath by from JOHNSON’S lower left) Aquaction BABY, P78.50 Deep .Hydrating Sugar-freeDew Toothpaste Toner by OLAY . for Advanced ChildrenMarine by KODOMO Biology .Eye Gel . Advanced Hypoallergenic by LA PRAIRIE,Baby P5,150 Wash 2-in-1 Night Repair Hair and Synchronized Body with Jojoba Recovery andComplex Chamomile by ESTEE . Hydro-Dynamic . by LAUDER, PIGEON, P5,300 P699.75 Super Ultimate Smoothie MoistureCream for Eyes by . Ibuki .Refining by MURAD, TAWNA P2,850 HILL BABY Stelatopia MoisturizerCleansing (Part of the Cream Smooth & by Trouble MUSTELA, Free Set) P950 by .SHISEIDO, Styling . Julien . Idealist Gel P1,600 by HOT for the TOTset EauCooling de EyeToilette Illuminator by FILLE by ESTEE ET FILS, LAUDER, . Bubble . Even Better P980 P3,200 Joy Baby Essence Shampoo Lotion by CLINIQUE, by DRYPERS P2,500



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(Clockwise from lower left) Gentle Refiner Exfoliating Cream with Microbeads by CLARINS, P2,050 . Blanc Expert Derm-Crystal Crystal Brightness Activating Essence by LANCOME, P7,095 . Extra-Firming Day Wrinkle Lifting Cream for All Skin Types by CLARINS, P4,550 . Time to Smooth Age Control Night Nourishment by AHAVA, P2,150 . Hydrate Luxe Moisture-Rich Cream by OBAGI MEDICAL . Core Seed Purifying Essence by THE FACE SHOP


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Specific care for pre and post pregnancy



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hildbearing takeS a toll on our bodies, so we need the best skin and body care to keep us in top shape to care for our

babies. Now that the season has turned the clouds gray and the air dry and cold, opt for body creams that retain your skin’s moisture and problem area-specific treatments that address stretch marks, painful nipples, tired legs, and other pregnancy and breastfeedingrelated problems.


Stretch Mark Control by CLARINS, P2,850 . Moisturising Nipple Cream by AVENT, P1,200 . Gentle Skin Cleanser for All Skin Types by CETAPHIL, P323 . Energizing Emulsion by CLARINS, P2,050 Indulgent Body Cream by AVENT . Rose Heart Ultra Soft Cream by L’OCCITANE EN PROVENCE, P1,350 . Post-Partum Restructuring Gel by MUSTELA, P1,640 . L’huile Camille Beauty Oil by CAMILLE ALBANE, P1,450 . Micro Essence Skin Activating Treatment Lotion by ESTEE LAUDER, P4,500 . Cocoa Butter Formula Skin Therapy Oil with Vitamin E by PALMER’S, P695


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Maintaining your tantalizing tresses


n the recent years, the term “keratin” has been thrown around when it comes to

hair care. The term refers to the fibrous structural protein of hair, nails, and skin. Today, various salons offer keratin hair-straightening services to address frizz and dryness. If you’re caring for your hair out of the salon, choose keratin shampoos and conditioners that strengthen or reinforces the protein in your hair, making it stronger and less prone to

beauty aw

damage. Especially for colored hair (go for non-toxic, plantbased hair color whenever available), make sure you use sodium- and sulfate-free shampoos, as these tend to be more colored hair (and health)friendly.

Bonacure Hairtherapy Amino Cell Rebuild Color Freeze Sulfate-Free Shampoo for Colour-treated Hair by SCHWARZKOPF, P1,050, Jing Monis Salon . Keratin Daily Conditioner by KERASILK KERATIN TREATMENT . Anti-residue Action Shampoo by PHYTODESS PARIS, P995 . Nourishing Day Cream with 9 Plants for Ultra-dry Hair by PHYTO 9, P795 . Revitalizing Fresh Scalp Tonic by L’OCCITANE EN PROVENCE, P1,150 . Argan Oil Thairapy Moisture Vitality Shampoo by CYNOS, P1,000



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Argan Oil Thairapy Bouncy Curl Cream by CYNOS, P1,800 . Pure Collection Aqua Pure Shampoo by PANTENE . Straight & Shine Glossy Jelly for Mid Length or Long Hair by SYOSS . Morroco Argan Oil by CYNOS . Roman Oil Serum by UMBERTO BEVERLY HILLS . Amino Vitamin Complex Anti-Hair Fall Mask by TRESEMME . Revitalizing Fluid with Henna and Pomegranate by CAMILLE ALBANE, P895



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(This page, clockwise from bottom left) Cheek Pop in 04 Plum Pop by CLINIQUE, P1,550 . Cheek Creme in Peaches & Cream by GORGEOUS COSMETICS . Brightening powder foundation in natural by BOBBI BROWN, P3,600 . Cushion Screen Cell SPF 50+ PA+++ by THE FACE SHOP . Outlaw Blush by NARS . Moisture Surge CC Cream SPF 30 PA+++ by CLINIQUE, P1,950 . Colour Pro Powder Blush in Apples by GORGEOUS COSMETICS (Opposite page, clockwise from bottom left) Actively Correcting & Beautifying BB Cream with Vitamin C SPF 50 PA+++ by KIEHL’S, P1,995 . Dear Darling Tint by ETUDE HOUSE, P248 . Skin Bloom Blush Skintelligent Cheek Color in Chisel by VMV HYPOALLERGENICS, P1,500 . Vitalumier Moisture-rich Radiance Fluid Makeup by CHANEL, P2,950 . Radiant Cream Foundation in Gobi by NARS, P2,250 . Radiance Baked Body Bronzer by LAURA MERCIER, P2,450 . Prep+Prime BB Beauty Balm Compact SPF 30 PA++ in Medium Plus by MAC, P2,050

Prep and prime for day to night


ftentimes, we need a quick fix for our facial issues (lines, creases, pimple marks or

breakouts, sun spots, the list goes on, really)—that’s why BB creams and CC creams (blemish balm or blemish base and color correcting or color control, for those of you still wondering what those letters stand for) are used as primary base before applying makeup. Busy moms like us usually go for an au naturel look that can be applied in 5 minutes or less, with basics such as foundation and blush (for color and contour).



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Moisture Rich Creammmy Cleansing Milk for Dry Skin by VMV HYPOALLERGENICS, P700 . Age Defying Targeted Dark Spot Concealer Treatment by REVLON, P995 . Hydro Boost Water Gel by NEUTROGENA, P830 . Ultra Facial Cream Intense Hydration for Drier Skin Types by KIEHL’S, P1,495 . Revitalift Anti-Wrinkle + Firming Cream Night by L’OREAL, P849 . Essentials Foaming Facial Wash by CLEAN & CLEAR, P135 .Facial cleansing cloths by MUSTELA, P570

Back to basics


usy moms need quick fixes. Cleansing cloths that serve dual purpose—to wipe off food from our kids’ faces or makeup from ours—are a handy must-have in our purses. Creams or moisturizers and blemish correctors that are

easy to apply are also great for school runs and PTA’s. If you have dry skin (especially during this colder weather),

invest in creams that pack in the moisture punch without hurting your extracurricular budgets.



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Color You Happy


others are the true goddesses of the household, and sometimes we want to

look the part. Whether it’s a night out with the hubby or a family reunion (especially when the holidays are just around the corner—don’t panic, these beauty picks also double as great gifts for your mother, sister, or mommy friends—they’ll thank you for it), have your lip-and-eye pack ready. achieve a natural look but highlight with a bold lip or bring out the color of your eyes with palettes that are usable for all occasions.

(Opposite page, clockwise from lower left) Lacquer Gloss in RS 306 by SHISEIDO, P1,250 . False Lashes Waterproof by MAC , P1,230 . Pressed Eye Shadow in Orange & Pistachio Palette by SHU UEMURA . Countless Color Pigments in Melody by STILA . Lip Glace in Bare Baby by LAURA MERCIER, P995 . Subtle Shine Lipstick in Giddy by VMV HYPOALLERGENICS, P1,060 . Chubby Stick Moisturizing Lip Colour Balm in Woppin’ Watermelon by CLINIQUE, P1,000 . Creme Smooth Lip Colour in Tulip by LAURA MERCIER, P995 (This page, clockwise from lower left) Shimmering Cream Eye Color in GR 619 by SHISEIDO, P1,150 . Color My Brows by ETUDE HOUSE, P378 . iLine Liquid Eyeliner Pen by GORGEOUS COSMETICS . Eyeliner Feutre by T. LECLERC . False Lashes Waterproof by MAC, P1,230 . Creme Eye Liner in Espresso by LAURA MERCIER, P995 . Eye Paint Couleur in Snake Eyes by NARS, P1,450 . Lash Transform Lash Amplifying Serum by KERATIN COMPLEX KERACEUTICALS


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Jasmin & Bergamote Eau de Toilette by L’OCCITANE EN PROVENCE, P3,250 . Colorstay Longwear Nail Enamel by REVLON, P325 . La Vie En Rose Illuminating Scented Powder by BARBARA BORT . Cerisier Rouge Eau Intense by L’OCCITANE EN PROVENCE, P2,750 . Cocoa Butter Formula Tummy Butter for Stretch Marks by PALMER’S, P595 . Brightening Hydrating Emulsion SPF 20 PA+++ (Oil-free) by CLARINS . Shiny Matte Nail Art in Emerald Suede by REVLON, P375 . Mademoiselle Jacadi Eau de Toilette by JACADI PARIS . Baby Moments Eau de Cologne by CHICCO, P599.75 . Nail Lacquer in Visions of Love by OPI . Re-everything Face-HandBody Lotion by VMV HYPOALLERGENICS, P1,240



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Scents of a Woman ith our tight schedules, it’s close to impossible to get some me time in. Worry not though, as we can still pamper ourselves at home. Invest in perfume that makes

you feel good and smell even better—best for spontaneous

dinner dates with the S.O. If you have more alone time, take a long, warm bath and don’t forget to finish with some body moisturizer. Your extra minutes can also be spent painting your nails while listening to your favorite soothing music.


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npretentious, easygoing, and beautiful—just a few words to describe this family of three. The Quigaman-Alcaraz brood scores a perfect 10 in the looks department—after all, Lara is an international pageant title holder and her equally gorgeous half, Marco, is an athlete, model, and actor who is a poster boy for fitness—and their darling boy is for sure a future heartbreaker. BC steps into the daily life of the Alcarazes as they get the hang of parenting to their gregarious son, Noah, and talk about marriage and lifelong togetherness.


here’s a certain respect and awe when it comes to people who hold the title of “beauty queen”. Somehow, the word “queen” demands respect and for the word “beauty,” you know it’s something women the world over are trying to attain. So it was with great pleasure to come face-to-face with Lara Quigaman-Alcaraz, whose down-to-earth, pleasant, and laidback personality immediately makes you feel at ease and forget that she is in fact, a title holder who has charmed everyone’s hearts back in 2005, when she was crowned Miss International. It was that same charismatic smile she flashed us when we met at our shoot at their best friend’s home on a Wednesday morning. Dressed in a floral summer maxi, she was accompanied by her almost 2-year old boy, light-haired and fair-skinned Noah, who seems to share not just his mother’s genetics but also her sunny disposition and openness. Of course, this family wouldn’t be complete without Marco Alcaraz, the dashing actor who has begun his journey not just as a husband, but also as a father. And as we have featured many families, to us this looks like a union that can withstand time and relationship tests (much like what Lara’s favorite Biblical character, and her son’s namesake, went through). The couple, who work in rival TV networks (Lara plays a role in the afternoon drama, Moon of Desire, while Marco appears on the primetime drama, Ang Dalawang Mrs. Real), share a day with us to talk about how they met, their two weddings, and the biggest surprise of their lives that launched their journey as parents. P hotographs by M a rti n a n d K a riz F a vis sty l ing by k a riz f a vis I ntervie w by V a lerie A n n e del C a stillo H air and M ake u p by R AY M O N D K O F O R L’ O r é a l P ro f essio n n el G R O O M I N G by E D S B A R N I L L O P hotography A ssistants Ahlee del R os a rio a n d c a rlo p a r a n a d a



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BC: We’re here with Marco Alcaraz, our cover dad for August-September. Marco: Wait—young dad. (Laughs)

BC: Young dad! How old are you, for the record? M: 30. (Laughs) Lara: Liar! (Laughs) Tell them your

real age! next month. (Laughs)

M: 31

BC: Haha, tell us about your years growing up. Did you always want to become a model/actor? What was your dream as a young boy? M: I studied in Don Bosco, so most of

the kids there [wanted to be] either an engineer or pilot, then I was introduced to basketball, so my dream was to become a professional basketball player. But never in my wildest dreams did I think I would become an actor or a model. BC: How did you get into showbusiness? M: I was lucky, it was a blessing, be-

cause I used to play in a college basketball team, then I got injured. I got an ACL tear.

BC: What league? M: NCAA. As they

say, when one door closes, another opens. So my manager asked me if I could audition for a show. I said, “Sure, let’s just try.” So I had 6



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"the thought of marriage never entered my mind. So when I was in a relationship with Lara, I thought, I should get her pregnant so she couldn’t break free of me. (Laughs)" –– marco, on how he knew he wanted to marry Lara

to 8 months therapy and strengthening due to my injury, and luckily, I got a big part with Bea [Alonzo] and John Lloyd [Cruz] in their [series] as part of their love triangle back in 2003, It Might Be You. I was so blessed because at that time, there was no PBB or Star Circle Quest, that show paved my way to penetrate the showbiz industry. BC: Were you never allowed to play again? M: Actually, I could still play, but

I thought, how many chances do I get to enter showbiz? I was also thinking, basketball was no longer for me. So for me, it was really a blessing.

BC: Who are the most inspiring artists or actors you’ve worked with? Who did you learn from the most? M: I’ve known Dingdong [Dantes] for

Marco: Zip-up cardi by Timberland . Collared polo shirt by Penguin . Jeans by Levi’s . Gray lace-up shoes by Gibi


a couple of years. For his status, he’s very down to earth whenever you’re with him. He knows how to get along with people—I have nothing bad to say about that guy. He has no air, considering who he is. For veteran actors, it august-september 2014 philippines



would have to be Eddie Garcia. Even though he’s that veteran, when you say the call time is this, he’ll be there at that time. He knows his lines, he knows his emotions, he knows the costumes. Maybe that’s who I learn from the most, they inspire me to work. BC: What’s the most challenging TV or film role you’ve ever played?

M: Challenging...maybe for me, every role is challenging because there are different emotions, different characters that you portray. BC: Best lessons you’ve learned in the industry?

M: Being in the industry is a blessing because part of our job is we go to a lot of provinces. We see people who have literally nothing. So sometimes we complain that we’re sick, or we don’t have this or that— BC: Or the call time is early.

M: Yes—call time is early—those simple things that when you think about it, “Wow, I’m so lucky, I’m so blessed.” Imagine all the people who don’t have anything. That’s what I learned. BC: Going back to what you mentioned earlier, is it true that you and Lara met after you got injured? M: No, we didn’t meet then yet. I got

injured in 2003. Then she won [Miss International] 2005.

BC: How did you meet? M: Through text. (Laughs)

Actually, I knew nothing about beauty pageants before. I had a crush on her because of this TV show, Wowowee...

BC: The noontime show. M: Noontime show, and

I have a friend who knows her, who’s also Lara’s cohost. So I got her number, but she was in a relationship then, and I was in a relationship, so we just texted. Lara: Floral bustier jumpsuit by Miss Selfridge, P3,995 . Nude heels by Gibi . Necklace by Parfois, P349 Noah: Gray sleeveless shirt by FIG . Navy cardigan by Baby K by Myleene Klass, P999, Mothercare . Yellow pants by Ralph Lauren . Paul rubber shoes in white by ELLE, P999.75 Marco : Blue blazer by JC Rags, stylist’s own . Smoke camo in black stripe by Bleach, P1,395 . Standard straight leg pants by 7 for All Mankind, P9,800 . Brown high cut shoes by Gibi



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BC: How long were you friends before you got together? M: About more than a year. BC: So how did you know that she was


the one you wanted to marry? Like at what point in the relationship were you like, “Okay I wanna marry her”? M: A lot of people ask me—I mean,

with myself, when my friends start getting married, I also asked them, “How would you know that she’s the girl for you?” Maybe you just feel it. I had my own share of girlfriends and relationships wherein the thought of marriage never entered my mind. So when I was in a relationship with Lara, I thought, I should get her pregnant so she couldn’t break free of me. (Laughs) BC: Is it true that you converted to Christianity for her? M: Actually, as a Born Again. Yes,

cause of her.


BC: What was your initial reaction when you found out that you were going to be


a dad? M: (Laughing, to Lara) Love, what was

my reaction when I found out you were pregnant? L: You said, “Weh, hindi nga?” (Lara acts out the moment) M: (Laughs) BC: It just didn’t sink in. M: Yeah, it didn’t sink in.


BC: Favorite bonding moment with your son? M: Mostly basketball. He loves to play

basketball—just shooting, for now. At the same time, we like watching TV. BC: Do you plan to add more to your family? M: Maybe one more. BC: Lara said she initially wanted five kids, but now she just wants two.

"I woulD prefer to have two kiDs so at least we CoulD give them our full attention. Not just material things, but in everything." –– marco, on lara and family

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M: She wanted more but then she had a difficult time giving birth, so we decided on two. Also, we’d enjoy more, we’d have more bonding time. But I basically grew up in a big family. BC: How many siblings do you have? M: We’re 6. BC: She has 3 siblings. M: Yeah, they’re 4. So

sometimes, the attention is on one kid, sometimes another, and the other gets jealous. I would prefer to have two kids so at least we could give them our full attention. Not just material things, but in everything. BC: Are you the eldest? M: Yes, both of us are the


BC: So you know what it’s like to take care of your younger siblings. M: Yes, and I just wanted to add, how

did I know that she was the one? She really loves her family. When I introduced her to my family, that’s when I saw that she also loves my family. Like when we buy Christmas gifts for— BC: Everyone. M: Yeah, everyone—I

mean, when I saw her family, I felt like I wanted my family to be like theirs. Because even if we’re a big family, we’re not that tight but them, they’re quite a lot, but they’re really tight. Like, even if they’re older, sometimes they still sleep beside each other. BC: That’s sweet. You guys like to travel. M: Yes, we love to travel. BC: Where have you gone, and what are your favorite travel destinations? M: The usual, Hong Kong, U.S., U.K.

Paris, maybe. Even though we were there for a short time—

BC: That’s what you enjoyed the most. M: Yes, and we were so amazed by the

Eiffel Tower, so if we get a chance to Marco: Jacket by Cloth Logic . Checkered polo by Banana Republic . Blue pants by Cotton Crew, all stylist’s own Lara: Green dress by Ports 1961, stylist’s own . Black multi high heels by Gibi, P1,399.75 . Ring and earrings, P349 each, both by Parfois Noah : Gray polo shirt by Mothercare, P349 . Brown checked jacket by Right Bank Babies . Green pants by Big & Small, P849.75 . Brown shoes by Florsheim Kids



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go back, we’d like to explore the country more.

why we want just two kids, so we could bring them along.

BC: That’s your dream travel destination that you’d like to go back to? M: Maybe visit other new countries

BC: That’s true. M: Lara doesn’t want to leave the baby.

to explore, while we’re young. That’s bcmedia.ph

I’m like, “Just leave him.” She doesn’t want that.

BC: Favorite daddy duties? Lara said it takes you quite a while to change diapers. M: (Laughs) Mostly just watching over

Noah. Mostly, it’s Lara who takes care of him, like 80% of the time. That’s why the baby’s spoiled with her. august-september 2014 philippines



Lara: Charlotte dress by TRIFECTA, P2,250 . Multi colored shoes by Gibi . Noah: Denim polo by Mothercare, P1,099 . Yellow corduroy pants by Appaman, stylist’s own . Brown shoes by Florsheim Kids . Golf cap by Fore Axel and Hudson, stylist’s own



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"Even if they say you have no ChanCe, or whatever Comes your way that woulD make you feel that it's impossible if it's Really the LorD's will for you, it is for you. At the same time, that's when I proveD How powe ful the spoken worD is-Positive thinking. –– Lara, on the best lessons she learned from participating in beauty pageants

ara BC: Is it true that you grew up in Biñan, Laguna, and then eventually in Bahrain? Lara: It’s quite complicated. I grew up

in Biñan ‘til I was 7 years old, then I spent all my grade school years in Bahrain. I came back to Biñan for high school, then I went to college in the U.K.

BC: How long were you in the U.K.? Were you there with your whole family, including your siblings? L: That was the first time that we were all

complete because even before I was born, my father worked in Saudi Arabia, then my mom followed him there. So we were always apart. That time in the U.K. was one of those times that we were all together. We were there for 5 years.

BC: What was it like growing up as the eldest of four siblings? L: It wasn’t difficult. Ever since, I was used

Jolina: Wrap-around long-sleeved top by VERO MODA . Floral short skirt by PROMOD . Silk cream heels by SM PARISIAN bcmedia.ph

to taking care of my siblings, because in Bahrain, we didn’t have a yaya or someone to watch over us. So even if I was just 9 years old, my parents would already leave my siblings with me. We lived in a flat, but it was fun because we were four siblings—my sister and two brothers. august-september 2014 philippines



Lara: Black hanging top by Miss Selfridge, P1,395 . Jeans by TopShop, model’s own . Ring by Parfois, P349 . Boots by Timberland, P7,499 Marco: Printed shirt by Zara Man . Jova jacket by Diesel . Khaki pants by Levi’s, all stylist’s own . Blue shoes by Gibi Noah: Jacket by Big & Small, P899.75 . Gray t-shirt by Big & Small, P499.75 . Pants by Cotton On Kids, P1,349 . Black boots by Aigle



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being in a beauty pageant? L: You really need to be



BC: Just like in showbiz. L: Yes, just like in showbiz.

Actually, in everything—in life, you have to trust yourself. Because in beauty pageants, once you feel like you have no chance, you really have no chance of winning. I think the biggest challenge there is how to deal with yourself. Because everyone has a chance of winning, it’s just really up to you. Maybe the other challenges are dealing with negative people who criticize you, who talk badly about you—that’s the most difficult part. BC: That’s true. What are the best lessons you learned from that experience? L: That if it’s the Lord’s will for your life,

BC: Did you relocate back to the Philippines? L: Yes, because I joined Binibining Pili-

pinas, I think in 2001. I really wanted to join the pageant, so even if my whole family was in the U.K., and even if I was okay there, I decided to come back to the Philippines to join. BC: I read also that it was really your dream as a child to become a beauty queen. L: Yes, it was really my dream, but I

was a shy kid. The Lord gave me an opportunity to join the pageant. When I was in high school here in the Philippines, my mom and dad were in Bahrain—they stayed there to work, but they got laid off because of naturalization—they hired their locals. My parents lost their jobs and at the time, there was this “Calendar Girl” contest on TV. If you win the daily round, you get P10,000. If you lose, you get a consolation prize of P5,000. At the time, it was almost Christmas—it was December. I said to myself, “Okay, I’m bcmedia.ph

gonna join this thing so my siblings and I would have money.” (Laughs) So I did, and that’s where it started. From there, it went on until someone saw me and asked me to screen for Binibining Pilipinas, and that’s how my dream to become a beauty queen was revived. BC: Let’s talk about what it was like to be the fourth Filipino to be crowned Miss International? You’re one of a few—one of only four. L: (Laughs) Until now, I still can’t be-

lieve that I won. It’s such a huge honor. I didn’t realize how big a deal it was to us, I didn’t know that there would be so much news in the Philippines. So when I got here, there was so much press, there was a parade in Makati—I had no idea.

even if they say you have no chance, or whatever comes your way that would make you feel that it’s impossible—if it’s really the Lord’s will for you, it is for you. At the same time, that’s when I proved how powerful the spoken word is—positive thinking. Every morning, after I won Binibining Pilipinas, I would declare, “I’m Miss International 2005.” Even before I was crowned, I already claimed it, and that effort was fruitful.

BC: True. Let’s talk about you and your husband. How did he propose and how long were you together before you got married? L: He proposed—he said, “Let’s get mar-

ried.” I said, “Okay, let’s.” Then that was it. I said, “I want a ring like Sarah Jessica Parker’s in Sex and the City!” (Laughs) So it was that casual. Sometimes I think to myself, am I envious of those proposals that are—

BC: Grand? L: Grand,

life— changed overnight after I was crowned. I was so overwhelmed.

yes. Maybe a little, but I thought, our decision to get married was not because we were forced to by other people or because the proposal would go to waste if I didn’t say yes, but because we really wanted to get married. How long were we together? We got married on January 1, 2011. So, a little more than a year.

BC: What were the biggest challenges of

BC: And then you had the official cer-

BC: Suddenly, you were a celebrity. L: Yes, it was like everything—my

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Lara: Floral cutout maxi dress by Miss Selfridge, P2,995

emony in July of 2012. Why get married twice? L: We got married the first time because

we really wanted to be together. I said, instead of committing a sin by doing things while we’re not yet married, we just decided to have a civil wedding secretly, because we still had a lot of commitments at the time. We had projects and I had an endorsement that required me to be single. Though I asked their permission and they agreed, as long as I kept the marriage a secret. Then I got pregnant. But I really planned to have a big wedding. I told Marco, I want a big wedding, because that was my mom’s dream for me. BC: What are the best things about married life?

L: Maybe the fact that you know that you’ll never be alone in anything. You know that whatever happens, you have someone to share your emotions with— be it anger or happiness. My poor husband, he’s my shock absorber for everything. BC: That’s nice. Is it true that you found out about your pregnancy while you were abroad? What was that like? L: Bangkok. I was coming from Bhutan

for a show called Princess and I, and I needed to come home earlier than the rest of the cast. So it was just me, and there was a stopover in Bangkok. I was ‘delayed’ by a day. Then I thought, since nobody in Bangkok would recognize me, why not buy a pregnancy kit in the pharmacy? So I took the test, and I got double

lines right away, and I felt like my heart was going to explode because I couldn’t tell anyone, I was all alone. I didn’t want to tell Marco through the phone because when I come back, he might not want to face me anymore because he might get afraid. I said to myself, I’ll tell him in person, but I had to call my sister—I couldn’t keep it to myself because I was on the verge of tears from happiness. I called my sister just so that I could just share my joy. BC: Did you find out right away if you were having a boy or a girl, or did you wait? L: Actually, no, I knew that I was having a

boy. That’s why from the start, we always called him “Noah.” I dreamt of a fairskinned baby boy with curly hair. But Noah doesn’t have curly hair. (Laughs)

"I Felt like my heart was going to exploDe beCause I CoulDn't tell anyone, I was all alone. I DiDn't want to tell MarCo through the phone beCause when I come back, he might not want to faCe me anymore beCause he might be afraiD." –– Lara, on finding out she was pregnant



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But he’s fair. So from then on, I said, “I’m having a baby boy.” And I was right.

then when you pump, the milk supply lessens, so I stopped altogether.

BC: Did you breastfeed? For how long? L: Yes, for 6 months. Until he bit me.

BC: Was it normal delivery? L: No, it was emergency

At that time, he already had four teeth, and he was only 5 and a half months old, and he would bite and pull. I got scared, it was traumatizing. I was afraid to breastfeed, so I pumped instead. But


CS. I was in painful labor for 10 hours. I was stuck at 6 cm for 6 hours, and the baby’s breathing was not looking good, so my doctor decided to do an emergency CS. I started crying because I really wanted to have

a normal delivery. BC: How did you recover from the CS? L: My mom had four CS deliveries, and

she told me not to baby the pain and to try to move as much and as soon as I can. A day after, I stood up and I guess the desire to take care of Noah helped me move around and try to ignore the pain. (Smiles)

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"He always looks for whoever is Not with him anD he always wants Me anD his DaDa to be in one plaCe. When he kisses us, he woulD tell his DaDa to Kiss Mama, too." –– lara, on Noah’s personality as a two-year old BC: How was it like when you brought home the baby? Sleepless nights? L: I cried as soon as we got home.

It was just Marco and I. My mom lives in Canada and his in Cebu, so we didn’t really have anyone to help us with a newborn baby. I remember feeling



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helpless, because I didn’t know what to do with a newborn. I felt clueless, but I got over it after a day. (Smiles) And yes, sleepless nights—Noah wanted to feed every 2 hours, and the hours in between. I was paranoid and kept checking if he was breathing, if there

were mosquitoes, etc. BC: Why the name “Noah?” L: Noah is my favorite Bible

character. He was a man who was obedient to God no matter what. I believe in the power of names, and I want Noah to bcmedia.ph

grow up loving and obeying God. BC: How did you lose the pregnancy weight? L: I think through breastfeeding, also

Marie France helped a lot.

BC: Now that Noah is almost 2 years old, what are the biggest changes you noticed? L: He’s so much more active! It’s like he

is always fully charged. (Smiles) But he also understands more, I can ask him to get me things, he can tell me what he wants through pointing and some words. He’s also started to be very sweet

to me and Marco. He always looks for whoever is not with him and he always wants me and his Dada to be in one place. When he kisses us, he would tell his Dada to kiss Mama, too. BC: That’s sweet. How do you discipline Noah at a young age? L: Noah can be told what to do. We no-

ticed that sometimes, though, the more we react to something he did, the more he’ll do it again. So what we do, we don’t mind him or we distract him with something else. But most of the time, he understands when he say, “No, that’s not good.” He’ll listen.

BC: Marco mentioned your love for travel, what’s your favorite destination so far? L: The happiest time we had was when

we went to London with Noah. We went to London, then Dubai, because my sister is there. People usually say that it’s difficult to bring babies, and they won’t even remember...for me, no. I feel like we would not enjoy ourselves if we left Noah. We’ll just be thinking about him the whole time. We really enjoyed ourselves because we were complete, and we could see, even if Noah was still small, the awe in his eyes whenever he would see things. He was such a good boy on the plane, too. bc

Lara: Pink romper, P2,495, blazer, P2,695, both by Promod . Sandals by Timberland, P5,999 Marco: Jacket by Diesel . Printed polo by Penguin . Jeans by Levi’s . Tan/brown shoes by Gibi, P3,299.75 Noah : Green glow in the dark t-shirt by Crewcuts . Plaid polo shirt by Mothercare . Brown striped pants by Big & Small, P799.75 . Black rubber shoes by Florsheim Kids bcmedia.ph

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S without a

hadow of a doubt These children’s savvy, chic ensembles are ready for the cooler months

photographs by Ahlee del ros a rio sty l ing by k a riz t a n y a f a vis a n d



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v a lerie a n n e del c a stillo photography assistant c a rlo p a r a n a d a


Ryan: Knitted orange sweater by RIGHT BANK BABIES . Equestrian denim blue jeans by ELLE, 1,299.75 . Ethan Squeaky Feet in brown by LITTLE GREEN TRIKE, P1,790

Rianne: Gray and brown jumper dress by MISHA LULU . Shorts by EDEN’S BOUQUET, stylist’s own . Gold knitted cardigan in blue by MOTHERCARE, P999 . Purple sequined mary janes by FALCOTTO BY NATURINO, P2,000


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S without a

hadow of a doubt

Roxanne: Dress (used as top) by RIGHT BANK BABIES . Blonde cardigan in cream by MOTHERCARE, P1,199 . Gray jeans by BABY K BY MYLEENE KLASS, P1,199, Mothercare . Dogwood boots by FLORSHEIM KIDS



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Sean: Jaune polo by ELLE, Sean:tricolor Adventure land t-shirt in P1,999.75 .red Knitted sweater by CIAO by MOTHERCARE, P399 . . Red . Dark MARCO . Dark jeans by by BABY NAY Blazer POSH BABY sneakers by CREATIVE RECREATION jeans by PUMPKIN PATCH . Black boots by CAMPER, all stylist’s own bcmedia.ph

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S without a

hadow of a doubt

Roxanne: Classic dark blue dress by NAUTICA, P3,895 . Knitted cardigan by BABY K BY MYLEENE KLASS, P1,199, Mothercare . White mary janes by ELEPHANTITO, stylist’s own

Sean: Out of Africa polo in multi by MOTHERCARE, P499 . Gray sleeveless hoodie by RALPH LAUREN . Clush K SP dark jeans by DIESEL, both stylist’s own . Red and black rubber shoes by FLORSHEIM KIDS



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Rianne: Black and white top by TEA, stylist’s own . Rockstar dress in navy/white by ELLE, P1,999.75 . Black and white polka dot tights by JEFFERIES SOCKS, stylist’s own . Boots in honey by FLORSHEIM KIDS bcmedia.ph

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S without a

hadow of a doubt



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(Opposite Page) Ryan: Purple gingham longsleeved polo by CIAO MARCO . Brown blazer by TIRZA BABY, both stylist’s own . Khaki pants by BIG & SMALL, P799.75 . Black loafers by FLORSHEIM KIDS (This Page) Roxanne: Striped dress by RALPH LAUREN . Fuzzy dot tights in winter white by COUNTRY KIDS . Brown leg warmers by JEFFERIES SOCKS, all stylist’s own . Lacene mary janes in black by ELLE, P899.75 Rianne: Seashore dress by MOTHERCARE, P999 . Red and white gingham top by RIGHT BANK BABIES, BC Bazaar . Knitted cardigan with fur by JUICY COUTURE, stylist’s own . Shoes by LIVIE & LUCA, P1,650, BC Bazaar


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S without a

hadow of a doubt

Roxanne: Green and purple floral dress by BIG & SMALL, P899.75 . Cozy jacket by ZUTANO . Brown mary janes by STRIDE RITE, P4,250 Sean: Jaune tricolor polo by ELLE, P1,999.75 . Knitted sweater by CIAO MARCO . Dark jeans by BABY NAY . Red sneakers by CREATIVE RECREATION



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Ryan: Jaune polo shirt in yellow by ELLE, P2,799.75 . Cotton cardigan by RIGHT BANK BABIES . Down Mexico Way jeans by MOTHERCARE, P849 . David Squeaky Feet in brown by LITTLE GREEN TRIKE, P1,750


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Greatxpectations E





H A I R B Y N O E L S TA . C R U Z



H O T E L , F I L I N V E S T C I T Y, A L A B AN G



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s the eldest brother and yet the last among three celebrity siblings to start a family, Francisco Vicente “Pichon” Garcia (big brother to Cheska Kramer and Patrick Garcia) was more than ready to settle down. The Jiu Jitsu/ Mixed Martial Arts instructor and toy collector (who admits that his biggest splurge was P14,000, and the least being a Happy Meal toy) married business executive (and basketball player) Athena Uy-Gaddi at St. James the Great Parish, Alabang in 2013. This year, they welcome a baby boy to their small family. The handsome pair are nothing short of excited for the birth of their son, who we’re sure will grow up to be a headturner like his parents. We sit down with Pichon and Athena to talk about their new journey as an expectant married couple and their dreams for their tiny bundle of joy.

Athena BC: Tell us about your years growing up. Best lessons learned from your parents? Athena: I was an only child for 10 years,

so I had my mom’s full attention. She would bring me to all the summer lessons I want to learn and let me play as much as I can. I enjoyed playing with friends more than with toys. Right after afternoon nap, I’d sprint out of the street to play patintero, agawan base, and taguan. I valued friendship even at an early age. I felt happier when I can share laughter with others. When I hit teenage years, I went through that stage when people were more brand conscious so I’d go to school wearing Mark’s and Spencer socks and Dr. Martens shoes. My mom consented buying me expensive things, but she made sure as well that I am financially savvy. Anything on top of my allowance was earned as a reward rather than merely given. Over the years, I started to realize it gives me a sense of fulfillment to see bcmedia.ph

my bank account and investments growing than filling my closet with things and then later on doing spring cleaning and letting go of my old branded stuff, which I saved so much for. I don’t know how she did it but I realized, over the years, my mom was able to veer me away from being materialistic towards being more practical. BC: What do you do for a living? A: I’m a business executive for

a multinational company and a financial advisor for one of the world’s largest financial institutions on the side. So, while making a multinational company rich thru sales excellence, on my personal time, I also help others achieve their financial goals. BC: How did you and Pichon meet? Is it true it was on FB? A: We were introduced by his sister’s

friend 10 years ago. Since then, he would text or call me from time to time. We lost touch somewhere in between then rekindled on FB sometime in Au-

gust 2012. He didn’t stop expressing his intentions since then, and would travel all the way from Alabang to Ortigas almost every single day. We were officially a couple for less than a year before he proposed. Got married 8 months after. BC: You mentioned before that he wasn’t really your type. What changed? A: Oh yes. He’s better in narrating

our love story but as he said, I literally snubbed him. I don’t know why. I just didn’t feel the spark. I think one of the best anecdotes of our lives was when he sent a long message in Mandarin, I didn’t even bother to read it and just replied, “I don’t understand Mandarin. We speak Fookien.” Hahaha! Maybe because we have different personalities or maybe because that time, he was still into hanging out in bars, while I was more into socializing at home with a small group of friends. What changed? I guess we just matured, I saw how genuine his intention was, and how pure his heart is. I thought, if this handsome, decent guy has been there for me for august-september 2014 philippines



Greatxpectations E

“I wish he’d grow up to be Godfearing and that he’d enjoy life to the fullest with no regrets. He can commit mistakes, but I hope he’ll learn his lessons from each wrong decision." — athena, on her aspirations for their coming son

8 years, continuously seeking opportunities to get to know me more, why shouldn’t I let him? So one day, I agreed to have coffee with him. Then on, each day that I see him, I learn to appreciate our differences as something to laugh about. His childish ways opened me to a happier and less serious aura. And so I said to myself, “Hmm, pwede ‘to.”

home around 12 midnight. Weekends are sacred. It can be spent with family or friends, but we make sure that it’s the time when we enjoy each other’s company. I guess in any relationship, it’s a series of adjustments, since it’s two different people trying to make things work. Only that after marriage, for us there’s no return, no exchange policy.

BC: Describe life after marriage. A: It’s still the same for us. Nothing

BC: You both have a sport you’re passionate about. Do you still get to play basketball? Did your love for sports play a role in the development of your relationship? A: Haven’t played since I found out I’m

really changed, except that we have a household to keep. I’m lucky to have a husband who may not share the same passion as I do, but supports me in whatever I want to do. I still get to work extended hours with him just patiently waiting until I finish my work. Before I got pregnant, we’d go our own ways each weeknight. We’ll both be in separate trainings and just see each other at

pregnant, but I definitely want to go back as soon as I’m cleared. For now, I’m not allowed, since it’s a contact sport. Pichon and I play different sports. I’m into basketball and he’s into Jiu Jitsu. These two are nowhere near each

other’s nature, but both teaches discipline and team work. In a way, I could say it helped in our relationship ‘cause we got used to playing within the rules. We know what we can and cannot do. Most importantly, we manage things as a team, working on each other’s strengths, and recognizing weaknesses. For example, when it comes to raising the baby, as early as now we already agreed that he’d be the one to change diapers ‘cause I can’t handle seeing poop and I’d be the one to instruct the nanny what to do ‘cause he’s can’t speak Tagalog well. BC: How did you react after finding out you’re expecting your first child? A: We’ve been wanting to have a baby

since we got married. Each time we’d test negative, we’d feel sad. It came to a point when I didn’t show him the re-

Pichon: The Kensington Blue Patterned Button-down polo by PAUL SMITH . Brayden Modern Taper Denim pants by 7 FOR ALL MANKIND, P10,400 . Dark Gray Suede shoes by GIBI Athena: CTT ESS Resin ELSTC Teal Blue-FS bracelet by COMMONTHREAD, P595 . Silver Hoop earrings by CASALINDA STUDIO . Festival Boheme Inner Tank dress by GINGERSNAPS, P1,499.75 . Nude wedges by GIBI



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preparations you have for the baby? A: I don’t know if you would consider

it as special but I am doing a lot of preparations: financially, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. Before, I would splurge on luxury items from time to time. Now instead of saving for a Bottega, I’m setting aside money for botelya (feeding bottle). Instead of deciding which Jimmy Choo shoes to buy, I’m spending a lot of time reading about choo-pon (nipple). I also have to be emotionally stable. I’ve read a lot of postpartum depression stories and I don’t want to go thru that. Physically, I’ve changed eating habits. I love sweets and cannot finish a meal without a dessert but now I really have to control my sugar intake since my OB said that pregnant women are prone to gestational diabetes. I’m also looking for means to exercise. I heard prenatal yoga will help in the labor process so I’m scouting for gyms that offer that near our house. Spiritually, I want to instill good values in our child and we have to lead by example so as early as now we also make adjustments to be good parents like praying together at night and saying thank you even for the little things to show our appreciation.

BC: Any odd or funny habits you started accumulating during your pregnancy? A: Luckily, none so far, unless you con-

sider rubbing my tummy often as something odd. (Smiles)

BC: As a couple, how do you prepare for this new milestone in your life? A: Lately we’ve been reading a lot about Brayden Modern Taper Denim pants by 7 FOR ALL MANKIND, P10,400 . The Byard Navy Checkered Button-down polo by PAUL SMITH . Bone Suede sneakers by GIBI

sults already cause it seemed normal to get a negative result. Then last January, the results showed positive. I was happy and nervous at the same time. I couldn’t explain the feeling and didn’t know how to tell him. I was already thinking of ways to surprise him but I couldn’t wait so I woke him up. First I gave him the silica gel that comes with bcmedia.ph

the pregnancy kit just to wake him up. He got it, said thanks then slept again. I really couldn’t hold on to the excitement so I woke him up again, this time giving the 2 kits with positive results. He said “Oh wow, is this it? Is this really it? I’m going to be a papa na.” BC: As a first time mom, any special

pregnancy, birth, and parenting. We also consult family and friends with kids for tips. We always do things together. Pichon has never missed any of my check ups. In fact, he’s the one who reminds me that I’m due for one. This way we both understand what to expect and we get explanations as to why things are as such and how to deal with them.

BC: What are your aspirations for your first child? A: Oh, I have a lot that I don’t even know

how to begin the list, and I don’t know if it’s also something that he would want august-september 2014 philippines



Greatxpectations E to be or have. I guess I’ll just start from the basic. I wish he’d grow up to be God-fearing and that he’d enjoy life to the fullest with no regrets. He can commit mistakes, but I hope he’ll learn his lessons from each wrong decision.

Pichon BC: Can you tell us more about your early start in showbiz, and what drew you to pursue this at an early age? Pichon: Actually, I started doing com-

mercials. It was my siblings who got into showbiz, into ABS [CBN]’s Ang TV. Eventually, my mom actually tried to let me do it. I did it for a little over a year. At that time, I had a few guestings here and there. That’s about it.

BC: Speaking of your siblings, what was it like growing up with them—Cheska and Patrick, as young actors? P: For me, it’s actually normal. Siguro

the only difference lang was, Patrick was more active back in the day. Patrick was the one who’s always very busy, he’d come home very late. He was busy the whole day, always doing shoots. Siyempre at that time I’d go with him, especially when Patrick was younger. He had mall tours. There was one incident when we went to Cebu, where I guess they didn’t expect the fan base to be that big. They only had less than a handful of security guards, so we got swamped. The guards couldn’t hold them. So it was, “Run, run! Takbo!” In the mall, they have this secret entrance. Eventually, I got left behind. They started pulling my hair. Ripping my clothes. “Hindi ako si Patrick. Ako lang yung kapatid niya.” “Okay lang, parehas lang yun!” They started pulling me so [I was] banging on the door, eventually the security guard pulled me in. BC: That’s so scary. So how did your interests shift from acting to sports? P: I always loved sports from the begin-

ning. I liked doing commercials more than the acting. I did several Ang TV [episodes] when I was younger. [But] I always liked Jiujitsu. Until now, I’m still



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doing it. I learned street fighting before, but it didn’t get to me as much as Jiujitsu did. I wanted to learn but when I saw the UFC and I saw one of the first documentaries about the Gracie Academy. I wanted to learn that, so I was just fortunate that one of my friends actually went to the States to learn under the Gracie Academy. Eventually I started to train under him, and I started going with him to train, at the same time compete. BC: Very impressive. I heard you also

manage your father’s company. What exactly do you do? P: I hold the General Service position

now. I pretty much manage the occupational safety in health, the pollution control, maintenance, and warehousing. BC: What did you take up in college? P: Actually, Arch-Management—not

really related. In the beginning, I was just a manager, then eventually there was an opening for the Pollution Control, because lately, the government has bcmedia.ph

been upgrading its standards. So now they have to follow international standards, make sure they are compliant with the environment. That’s pretty much what I have to do, to make sure the company doesn’t violate any laws. ‘Cause if you do one big mistake, it can shut down the whole company. BC: That’s right. So let’s talk about Athena. How did you guys meet, and how did you know that she was the one you want to marry? P: Well, I met her maybe almost 10 years

ago through my sister’s friend. I was looking for a date. So one day, Kaye, the friend of my sister, gave me her number so I can call [her]. “Is it okay if I go see you?” “Yeah, sure. I’ll be in this place.” So I went to this parang small street in Makati, it was like some fiesta. And I didn’t know they were playing basketball. They had a game, and she goes. “Oh, (On the chair) Athena: Teal Blue dress by ELIN . Black Suede heels by GIBI (On the bed) Pichon: Checkered Blue Green Buttondown polo by BERSHKA, P1,495 . Ronnie Luxe Denim pants by 7 FOR ALL MANKIND, P10,400 . Brown Suede sneakers by GIBI Athena: Denim Navy dress by ELIN, P2,695 . Black Gold Studded Suede flats by GIBI bcmedia.ph

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Greatxpectations E

hi.” “Hi, I’m Pichon.” She says, “Hi.” I said, “Oh, so what’s—” All of a sudden, she says, “I gotta go.” I was thinking, “What? She has to go? I thought we were gonna…” BC: Go out? P: Go out, hang out, or something. The

day after, I started to text her to say “hi.” We’d talk on the phone, text. But everytime I tried to ask her out, she wouldn’t give a reason why she couldn’t make it. I think the only time we lost touch was when I lost my phone on several occasions. But for some reason, I was able to get back her number. Eventually, I lost my phone one more time, and that was it, I haven’t seen, haven’t heard from her for a number of years. So one day, when Facebook came, I found her there and I said, “Hi, what’s up?” At that time I just suffered an injury wherein I had to do an operation to reconstruct my knee. So that time, I didn’t do anything. “You want to hang out?” She said, “Oh sure, I’ll be in Starbucks.” So finally she agreed to meet di ba? BC: After many years. How did you know she was the one you wanted to marry? P: I guess compared to the other women

I dated, she wasn’t very complicated. When you talk to her, parang she knows what she wants. She’s not the type na, “I don’t understand myself.” You know? They just give all these dramas. BC: She has a good sense of—



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P: Yeah, of herself. She knows what she wants. Parang you don’t have to beat around the bush. BC: You’re the eldest of three children and the last to settle down and have kids. Did you get any advice from your siblings and your parents? P: Well, it’s more from my sister.

They’re the ones all the time, “Oh,

you’re married. Where’s your baby?” I’ll say, “Wala pa.” She’ll say, “Sige na, make your baby na.” You know what I mean? They all told me na, once you have your kids, it will always pay for itself. Parang God will bless you with kids. Sometimes it might be difficult, but somehow, somewhere, something will pop up, and it will make things better. bcmedia.ph

“as much as possible, I want my kids to be tough but I’m also scared to let them get hurt. I don’t know if I can stand my kids falling down or getting scraped or let them— somewhere between that” —pichon, on what type of dad he’ll be BC: What’s your schedule like now? Does the pregnancy affect your life as an instructor? Coincidentally, you work for your dad, and now you’re going to be a dad. P: My schedule has always been, ever

since even I was single, I’ll of course go to work first. By the time I’m done with work, I would go straight to the gym and train with them. Nowadays, sometimes, “I’m going to train today,” and she goes, “No you’re not, you’re going with me.” “Okay, I’m going with you.” I get overruled sometimes. (Laughs) Of course, sacrifice din, I guess that’s part of it. That’s the thing I still have to work on. I’m lucky that I have a small gym in my house. So from time to time, Athena would ask me not to go out. I just call my

teammates and they would come over, and we’ll play in the house. BC: What excites you the most about becoming a parent? P: I guess it’s the fact that you’ll have

someone that is half of you and half of your wife. You’ll have a chance now to pass on what you know—share your life experiences with them as they grow. BC: What type of dad do you think you’ll be? P: I don’t know. As much as possible,

I want my kids to be tough, but I’m also scared to let them get hurt. I don’t know if I can stand my kids falling down or getting scraped or let them—somewhere

between that. For me kasi, I like to collect toys. If my toys fall down, I’m like, “Oh my God.” Can you imagine if it’s my son who falls down, “Oh no.” BC: A human being. P: A human being.

With my toys, I go nuts already, when they get scratched. What more a little baby, di ba? BC: Ideally, how many kids do you want? P: I think at the most, we’ll have 2.

I think it’s manageable. Especially now, it’s kinda hard to have 3 kids, you have to pay for school, and all that. But I think a girl and a boy is just right. But if I’m given two boys or two girls, I’ll have to train them no matter what. bc

Pichon: Brown Leather jacket by BERSHKA, P2,995 . Mens SS Crew Stripes Burgundy shirt by COMMONTHREAD, P895 . Ronnie Luxe Denim pants by 7 FOR ALL MANKIND, P10,400 . Brown Suede sneakers by GIBI Athena: Paisley Navy Blue Maxi dress by BERSHKA, P2,595 . Salmon Fabric jacket with zip by ZARA, P5,990 . Plum/Gold wedges by GIBI


august-september 2014 philippines





bc events Be


BC and Baby Company

welcome Pele Inigo MagdangalEscueta


P H O T O G R A P H S B Y Ahlee D el R os a rio a n d c a rlo p a r a n a d a

he 4th of July marked BC Magazine and Baby Company’s cover launch and family party for the Magdangal-Escueta family, who graced the cover of BC’s JuneJuly issue. Mark and Jolina, new parents to baby Pele, gathered their family and friends at Gymboree Manila Polo Club in a fun-filled evening full of goodies from Pro-Lacta, The Farm Resto, Mustela, delectable treats from Twelve Cupcakes and Baskin Robbins. Guests enjoyed name-that-tune games and charades and brought home loot from BC’s event partners.

1 2


1 Celebrants Mark and Jolina Escueta with their son, Pele Inigo 2 Giveaways from Pro-lacta 3 Snacks from Twelve Cupcakes 4 Baby Company’s Gifts to Mark and Jolina Escueta 5 Mustela’s Gifts to Mark and Jolina Escueta 4 5



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jolina magdangal-escueta




6 Rivermaya’s Norby David with Kyla Cuneta 7 Rivermaya’s Mike and She Elgar 8 Rich Alvarez and Kyla with son Toby 9 Mustela’s Tammy Tancinco with son Ryan 10 Baby Company’s Faith Llonen and Wineth Jorge 11 24 Oras’ Nelson Canlas and Aubrey Carampel with husband and son, Errol and Amby Aricheta 12 LJ Reyes with Rochelle “RoC” Pangilinan 13 Ryan Peralta with Budeths Casinto

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bc events Be





5 7




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24 1 The Farm organic cheeseburgers 2 Charisse Bernardo with Twelve Cupcakes staff 3 Chris Mari 4 Daniel Joven 5 Guia Talag with the Prolacta staff 6 Party Venue 7 Gifts from Gymboree 8 Teacher Rachel of Gymboree with the celebrants 9 Baskin-Robbins staff 10 Giveaways from Prolacta 11 Melanie Magdangal and Tracy Baky 12 Baby Company’s Mom Card members 13 24 Oras interview with Mark and Jolina Escueta 14 Mathis, Sabina, and Maxine Favis 15 Raymond Fabul 16 David Baky 17 Juno Oebanda 18 Gymborees’ Parachute Activity 19 Jun and Paulita Magdangal with family and friends enjoying treats from Baskin-Robbins 20 BC’s Martin and Kariz Tanya Favis facilitating charades 21 Gifts from BC Magazine 22 Deej Rodriguez and Julia Paraan with Matthew 23 Guests enjoying Baskin-Robbins treats 24 Eduardo and Rockey Escueta with Oggie Penabella


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bc events e





uratex brings comfort to a higher level with simmons


uly 10 marked Uratex’s Refresh | Recharge launch, which unveiled the newest brand to come to our shores-Simmons. The world’s leading premium mattress brand, which is committed to developing higher-quality sleep to consumers around the world to Living Life Fully Charged™, can now be experienced by clients at hte Simmons Studio located at the Ronac Art Center. Comfort and good sleep is now within reach, as Simmons’ Beautyrest Series and other bedding accessories are now available here. Moreover, the brand is also known for its technological innovations, including the individually wrapped Pocketed Coil mattress and its legendary Do-Not-Disturb® benefit.





1 Uratex CEO Naty Cheng with Simmons Sales/Marketing Executive for Simmons Southeast Asia Atricia Chan 2 Simmons Beautyrest Sapphire Opulence 3 Regional General Manager for Simmons Southeast Asia Aloysius Chew 4 Uratex’s Cherry Tan and Love Sacluti with BC’s Valerie Anne del Castillo

havaianas celebrates sports

the spirit of sunshine

razil’s well-loved flip-flops brand, Havaianas recently released the Team Havaianas Collection in celebration of the football season and to give back to the community. Part of the proceeds from the sale of the collection will go to the Field of Hope, an advocacy program began by Futkalero Pedro to help rehabilitate communities affected by Typhoon Haiyan. The brand also teamed up with Project Headshot Clinic and Niccolo Cosme to bring together over 40 individuals to rally support for the cause and help spread awareness about it in a fun event held at Alabang Country Club.

amilies can now enjoy the goodness of contemporary comfort food and craft drinks that are created with an artisanal flare from Sunshine Kitchen, an urban bistro and casual dining restaurant that prides itself in locallysourced ingredients made fresh daily with love and care. Make weekends better with their Neopolitan Style pizzas, 6 Hour Slow Roast Porchetta, and their special Sunshine Spirits—carefully hand-crafted cocktails by Tim Walters of Barmansmix.


1 Joaco Canas, Misagh Bahadoran, Freddy Gonzalez and Andrew Wolff 2 The Team Havaianas Collection



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1 “The Sun Also Rises” drink paired with Bourbon and Thyme Liver Pate with Warm Caramel Apples 2 Tim Walters of Barmansmix holding “A Cup Full of Sunshine” 3 Sunshine Kitchen’s Cristal La’O


BC Classifieds

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Carrot Cake Slice, P100 Whole, P750

BAKERY DELI GROCERY One Legacy Place, Don Jesus Boulevard cor Kentucky Drive Alabang Hills, Muntinlupa City Call: 8282-896

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bc directory FASHION

(Kids) BIG & SMALL Alabang Town Center, Bonifacio High Street, Glorietta 3, Greenbelt 5, Market! Market!, TriNoma Mall COTTON ON KIDS Greenbelt 5, SM Aura, Robinson’s Place Ermita ELLE Glorietta 1, Lucky Chinatown Mall, Shangri-La Plaza FLORSHEIM KIDS TriNoma Mall, Eastwood Mall, Greenbelt 5, Robinsons Ermita, SM North EDSA The Block, SM Mall of Asia, Rustan’s Department Store, The Landmark MOTHERCARE Bonifacio High Street, Eastwood, Glorietta 4, Greenbelt 5, Robinson’s Galleria, Robinson’s Manila, Shangri-La Plaza Mall, The Podium, Trinoma NAUTICA KIDS SM Department Store: Aura, Makati, North Edsa (Adults) 7 FOR ALL MANKIND Greenbelt 5; facebook.com/7FAMPh BERSHKA Glorietta 2 BLEACH Greenbelt 5 COMMONTHREAD Greenbelt 5 ELIN elin.ph GIBI Glorietta 2, Market Market, Robinsons Ermita, SM Department Stores GINGERSNAPS Greenbelt 5, Glorietta 3, Eastwood, Podium, SM Mall of Asia, SM Megamall MISS SELFRIDGE Greenbelt 5, Shangri-La Plaza Mall PARFOIS Glorietta 4, SM Megamall, Gateway Mall, SM Southmall, Robinson’s Galleria PAUL SMITH Greenbelt 5 PROMOD Bonifacio High Street, Gateway Mall, Greenbelt 5, Robinson’s Ermita, Robinson’s Magnolia, SM Aura Premier, SM Megamall, SM Southmall, TriNoma Mall PENGUIN SM Megamall, Podium, Shangri-La Plaza, SM Mall of Asia, Power Plant Mall, Bonifacio High Street TIMBERLAND Shangri-La Plaza Mall, SM Megamall, SM North Edsa, SM Makati, SM Mall of Asia TRIFECTA trifectaonline.com ZARA Glorietta 3, Greenbelt 5, Powerplant Mall, SM Mall of Asia

HEALTH AND BEAUTY AHAVA SM Megamall, Glorietta 4, Shangri-la Plaza AVENT Baby Company stores BOBBI BROWN, CAMILLE ALBANE, L’OCCITANE EN PROVENCE, LA PRAIRIE, LAURA MERCIER, LANCOME, MURAD, NARS, PALMER’S, PHYTO 9, PHYTODESS PARIS, STILA, Rustan’s The Beauty Source Ayala Center, Shangri-La Plaza Mall, Gateway Mall, Alabang Town Center; rustans-thebeautysource.com CLARINS Rustan’s The Beauty Source, Clarins Skin Spa, Rustan’s Makati; 817-8414 CLEAN & CLEAR, GLUTAMAX, PANTENE, STIEFEL, SYOSS, TRESSEME Mercury Drug Stores, Leading supermarkets CLINIQUE Trinoma, SM Mall of Asia, SM Aura, SM Megamall, Essenses Rockwell, Rustan’s Makati, Shangri-La, Alabang, Gateway CLINIQUE, ESTEE LAUDER, MAC, ELC Beauty, Inc. Unit 204 Oppen Bldg.., 349 Sen. Gil Puyat Ave., Makati City CYNOS Jesi Mendez Salon Alabang, Bench Fix Salon, Market Market; tastecentral.com; New Summit Colors #4 NAIA Road, Barangay Tambo, Paranaque ETUDE HOUSE Greenbelt 4, SM North EDSA, Mall Of Asia, Makati, Megamall, Alabang Town Center THE FACE SHOP Glorietta 3, SM Megamall, SM Southmall, Trinoma, Bonifacio High Street, Alabang Town Center GORGEOUS COSMETICS Eastwood Mall, SM Aura, SM Mall of Asia; gorgeouscosmetics.com.ph KERASILK KERATIN TREATMENT, KERATIN COMPLEX KERACEUTICALS, SCHWARZKOPF Jing Monis Salons KIEHL’S Greenbelt 5, Shangri-La Plaza Mall L’OREAL, NEUTROGENA, OLAY, REVLON Personal Care Exchange Alabang Town Center, Greenbelt 4, SM Stores, Landmark MUSTELA Alabang Town Center, Glorietta 4, Greenhills, Shangri-La Mall, Trinoma SHISEIDO Glorietta 4, Eastwood, Greenbelt 5, Trinoma, Alabang Town Center SHU UEMURA Rustan’s Makati and Shangri-La, Powerplant Mall VMV HYPOALLERGENICS Alabang Town Center, Power Plant Mall, Bonifacio High Street, Trinoma, Glorietta 3

LIFESTYLE BASKIN ROBBINS U/G Central Square, 5th Ave. cor. 30th St., Bonifacio High Street, Bonifacio Global City OGALALA oga-lala.com; Internationale Globale Marques Inc., 441-1717 THE FARM thefarm.ph; 828-2896; Ground Floor One Legacy Place, Don Jesus Blvd. Alabang Hills FELIIX/ZUNY Greenbelt 5, Makati; LRI Design Plaza, Makati; Alabang Town Center, Muntinlupa; 966-0442 FRISOMUM friso.ph; 662-2515 PIGEON Baby Company stores; Richwell Group of Companies PRO-LACTA facebook. com/prolactamalunggaycapsules; Mercury Drug Stores and leading drug stores BABY COMPANY Power Plant Mall, SM Aura Premier, SM The Block North Edsa, SM Southmall RICHPRIME GLOBAL INC. #34 Scout Trillo cor. Scout Limbaga, Quezon City; richprime.net SHIMMIAN MANILA SM Southmall, SM City North Edsa The Block, Connecticut Greenhills, Tomas Morato, Quezon City URATEX Leading home depots and department stores nationwide; 842-6326; uratex.com.ph

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Rainy days are best spent indoors with the family, as proven by this rock god and father of three


ugust showers remind us of the pouring rain in Hollywood Hills, on the day of our cover shoot with Audioslave and Soundgarden frontman, Chris Cornell and his family. Despite the gloomy weather though, spirits were high. Chris, whose name is synonymous to the Grammy Award-winning music he’s been churning out since the early 90’s, has gone through everything from band breakups to rehab, but is now settled and happy with his wife, Vicky Karayiannis, the mother of his two gregarious children, Toni (now 10 years old) and Chris (now 9 years old). (Side note: Chris is also dad to 14-year old Lillian Jean, from a previous marriage). It is also noteworthy to mention that during the photo shoot, it was a blast to witness the kids singing their father’s songs, as their rockstar dad sang along—hence the microphone in the above image. bc

P hotograph by mee n o pelu c e sty l ing by k a riz f a vis


b c PHILIPPINES { august-september 2014 }


Available at BC Bazaar, 117 One Legacy Place, Don Jesus Blvd cor. Kentucky Drive, Alabang Hills, Muntinlupa City 552-6884

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