Letter from the Editor
all has arrived and the hustle and bustle of school days is back. Before we know it, the school year is a third over and the first report cards will be given out. In this issue, we have provided more information about what these report cards will look like. The BC government has made some changes and the new format Carlie Parkinson has been updated to better encourage our children’s learning. We have also included information about various learning approaches—critical thinking, project-based learning, music, and of course play and its important role in the learning process for our youngest learners. Finally, we have provided helpful tips about accessing disability tax credits and tips on staying healthy this winter. Enjoy this issue and the change of season!
4 Report cards are coming and they look different?!
6 Project-based Education 9 Unlocking Critical Thinking to Empower Your Child’s Future 11 Independent and Private School Guide 19 How important is play in the development of our youngest learners? 22 Preschool Guide 22 Music Education Guide 23 Can All Kids Become Musical? 27 Overwhelmed and receiving little support? Have you considered applying for the Disability Tax Credit (DTC)? 29 10 Tips to Keep You & Your Family Healthy This Winter
Education Issue 2023 Volume 32, Number 4
Mailing Address: P.O.Box 30020, North Van, BC V7H 2Y8 email: info@bcparent.ca www.bcparent.ca Canadian Publications Mail Registration No.251836
Publisher/Executive Editor: Carlie Parkinson Editor: Geoffrey Legh Assistant Editor: Lorrie Holmes Advertising Design & Layout: Julie Cochrane
Editorial Design & Layout: www.retrometrodesign.ca Contributors: School is Easy, T.J. Firenze, Kimberly Blaker
BC Parent Newsmagazine
The Publisher reserves the right to omit advertising which is judged to be in poor taste or which does not conform to the concept of this publication.
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bcparent.ca • education issue 2023 3