Passingoffensesdominate footballthesedays,buta fewBrazos Valleyteams continueto flourishonthe ground— fourinparticularhave the workhorsestoleadthatcharge.


Run game still rules for some across the Brazos Valley
Passingoffensesdominate footballthesedays,buta fewBrazos Valleyteams continueto flourishonthe ground— fourinparticularhave the workhorsestoleadthatcharge.
Run game still rules for some across the Brazos Valley
ALEX MILLER| alex.miller@theeagle.com
Intheageofspread, pass-orientedoffenses, someofthearea’s top football teamsarestillleaningontheirrun game as four1,000-yard rushers return to the Brazos Valleythis season.
A fewprogramsstilloperateoutofoldschool formations, and several teamswith spread systems tapintotheground gamewith strong backfieldsandoffensive lines.
Leadingthe packis CollegeStation seniorMarquise Collins,who ran for2,826 yardsand 39 touchdownsin2021. Hisrushing yards rankedfirstinClass5ADivisionI, fourthinthestateand12thnationallylast
season,according to MaxPreps.
Centerville’s PaxtonHancock wasn’t far behindwith2,085 yardsand 19scores. Franklin’sdo-it-allstandoutBryson Washington sharedtheloadwith severalothersandstill ran for1,500 yards. A&M Consolidated’s Keshun Thomasrushed for1,100 yardsand10 touchdownsinjusteight games.
“Ithinkanoften overlookedthingin footballissimplicity,” CollegeStationhead coach StoneyPryor said.“Footballisnota complicated game. We want to take the ballandrun it pasttheirend zone,andthey want to keep usfromdoingit.Andthen we flipand we do it again. And then we getthespecial teams
inthereand seehow we canutilizethat, so if we can figureout ways thatmove the football forward,itdoesn’thaveto be complicated.It doesn’thaveto be fancy. It’s fun whenit’s fun, butit’s fun to score, andit’s fun to win.”
Lee Fedora’s 2014 Navasota Rattlers setstate passingrecordsduringtheir2014statetitlerun. Nowentering his fifth seasonat Consol,Fedora said the Tigers have theability to be balanced onoffensethisyearwithplaymakersatreceiver andastrong stable of running backs.
“We’regoing to beable to really be balanced to whereifa team takes away therun, we’llthrow it,” Fedora said.“Ifthey takeaway the pass, we’re going to runit.I thinkabigthing tooisalotofour guys understandour system,and that’s where we canchangeup somethings we need to change, andthey’llbe ready to doit.”
Stayingtrue to what workshas beenathemeatCollegeStation.
The Cougarshave thrivedon theirpowerrun gameasPryor saidthe schoolhasbeen fortunate to have talentedrunning backs cyclethroughtheprogram overthe lastdecade. He alsonotedhaving players understandthatthebreadand-butterplays breed confidence andlead to moresuccess.
“As coaches we have thesewild ideasorgreatplays that we sawon Saturdayafternoonoron Twitter, and we kindof want to dothatbecauseitlooksgreat when Auburn diditor whenAlabamadidit,” Pryor said. “Andthen somewisdom comesin when we saythat didlookgreatandit fits with what theydo, butitdoesn’tnecessarily fitwith what we do, so let’s keep what we doandbegreatatthat.”
Franklinalsostickswith what works evenifitisn’t flashy. Head coachMark Fannin jokedthat theremightbe somewide eyes inthestands wondering whatis goingoniftheLionslinedupina shotgun formationwith fourwide receivers for fourquarters.
He assured Franklin fansthat theydon’thavetoworryabout that.TheLions’ variantofthe slot-Toffensehelpedthem capturetheir firststatetitlein school historylast seasonastheyposted recordoffensive numbers.
“It’s thebestoffense everinvented,” Fannin said. “It’s somethingthatcreates toughness by your team, by yourathletes, because everydayinpractice we’re bangingon eachotherandjust creatingthat toughness.”
Fannin saidstoppingtheslot-T isoften so difficultnowbecause other teamsdon’t seeitas regularly astheyoncedid.
“A bunchof teamshave gone to thespread,andtheyonlyhave twoorthreedays to prepare for
thatslot-Toffense,andif you don’t seeitalot,thenit’s tough to defend,especiallywithallthe misdirectionsand backsare going eachand every way,” Fannin said.“You’ve got to beprettydisciplinedondefenseand seeitalot to bepretty good to defendthat.”
Inlast year’s49-35 win over Gunterinthe3ADivisionIIstate championship game, Franklin didn’t completea pass butbroke the3A-IItitle game record by rushing for523 yards.
“We were fortunatetheselast few years to have severalrunning backsthat touchedthe ball throughoutthe game,andone was
justas goodastheother,” Fannin said.“Thathelpstremendously, especiallyatourlevel, when you candothatandnothaveto rely on one single kid.”
In Centerville,the Tigers run whatthey callthe“multiplewing” —anotherthrowbackoffensethat leansheavilyontheground game.
“We’re alittledifferentthan yourtraditionalslot-T teams, butattheendoftheday, we have anidentityasaphysical football team,” head coach KyleHardee said.“That’s who we want to be. That’s whoourkids want to be,
A&M Consolidated’s Darius Turner wasoneof severalrunning backswho played key roles throughoutthe seasonasthe Tigers dealt withinjuries.He returns forhis seniorseason this year.
andthat’s who we expect to be. Ourkids, they’re determined to work as a unit, and they know that’s the wayit works, that we’re going to beable to runthe football andthenhopefully we cando some otherthingsoff establishingthat run game.”
Last season, Consolhadused fourleadrunning backs by the time the playoffs rolled around due to injuries, yetthe Tigers had hardlyanydropoff intheirground gamenomatter who carriedthe ball.
Thomas was two weeks removed froma 156-yard performanceina win overstate-ranked Converse Judson whenhesufferedaright kneeinjurythatsidelinedhim forthe restofthe regular season.In Consol’s first gamewithoutThomas, backup Trey Taylor rushed for 374 yardsand four touchdownsinawin overHuntsville. Tayloralso wentdownwith aninjurylaterinthe season,but Darius Turner’s125-yard performanceagainst Fulshearhelped clinchaplayoff spot forthe Tigers. Allthreerunning backs return for Consolthis season.
“When you’ve gotdudeslike that who can back youupor even canstart over you,that’s agreat man to haveto thesideof you when you canhave tworunning backsinthe backfieldthat can carrythe balllikethat,” Thomas said.
At Centerville,the Tigers turned to their sophomoretrioofHalston French,AndrewNewmanand LaVodrickPhillips to boostthe runningattackled by Hancock. Frenchhad 809rushing yardsand 16 touchdowns.Newman ran for 671 yardsandPhillipshad515with each scoringninetimes.
“It’s very importantbecauseone guy canbenothavinghisA game andanotherguy canhelphim up,” Hancock saidof Centerville’s depth.
Sincea majorityof Centerville’s players play both ways, Hardee saidit’s key to lessentheir carries andnotedthe Tigers are fortunate to have thedepth to do so.
“Weaskthem to carryaload,”
Hardee said.“Wehave severalkids backthathad very successful years last year Theystayexcitedbecausetheyallknowthey’regoing to get carries. We’re going to ask them to block, and we’re going to askthem to bephysical,justlike we do ouroffensive linemen,and theyknowtheirturnis coming.”
TheLionsloststandoutrunnersMalcolmMurphyand Bobby Washington,Bryson’solder brother, but Fannin said Franklin isoptimisticaboutturning over itsrunning game to Jayden Jackson, whorushed for905 yardsin 2021,alongwith Devyn Hidrogo and Fragile Owens.
Last season, CollegeStation backuprunning back Nate Palmer gave the Cougarsastrong 1-2punchwith Collinsleadingthe charge Butafter Cougars coach SteveHuff washiredat Decatur, hebrought Palmer’s fatheralong asanassistant,andhis sonmoved withthe family. Thatleavesthe
Cougarslikelyturningmore to Collins,who saidheknows his team reliesheavilyonhimandhe lovesit.
“Ijust feellikeI’ve got to make somethinghappen,becauseifI don’t, whoelseis going to doit?” Collins said.“CoachHuff always toldme to never wait to makea play. That’s always whatIshoot for. I’mjust patient,and when my time comes, I take it.”
Fannin saidheholdsaspecial placeinhisheart foroffensive linemen.He wasa two-yearstarter at tackle for Franklininthe 1990s and earned first-teamall-district honorsasa senior.
“Those guys don’t gettheir nameinthe paper,” Fannin said. “Theydon’t gettheirpictures inthe paper, butwithoutthose guys, theserunning backs we just talkedabout,they’re nobodies really.Those guys areinthetrenches
we do,we’renot going to win football games,”Elmore said.“Theydo so muchin the backfield, eventhe guynot gettingthe ballinthe way they carry out their fakes and everythingthat goesintotheplay. It takes somespecialguys behindthe line to makeit work.”
Makingarun to thestate championship game wasunique and memorable, and losing in a heartbreakingmannerprovides motivation forhis Cougars, Pryor said.Italsohelpsplayers understand whatalong seasonlooks like andnot to peakatthebeginningof Novemberonly to slide backasthe opponents get tougher.
Collins, aDuke commit,understoodthatassignmentin2021.In theplayoffsalone, Collins ran for 1,329 yardsand 19 touchdowns. Pryor saidthe combinationof Collins’ explosiveness, strengthand visionmakehimsucha good ball carrier.
everysingleplayandbustingtheir tails everysingleplay, andI take alotofpridein myoffensive line and teach my team to respectthose guys, becausewithoutthose guys, youdon’thave a very good football team.”
Consol returnsthreestarterson itsoffensive line, including Texas Tech recruit DanielSill. Centerville touts“Big James” Wright, whostands6-foot-5.
“Knowingthat we’rearunheavy teamandknowingthat what I’mdoingis going to makeuswin football games, itdefinitelydoes make youhold yourchinhigh,” FranklinlinemanAndrew Elmore said.“You feeldifferent.”
While coachesandrunning backsnotedmuchoftheirsuccess shouldbecredited to strong offensive line play,Elmore saidthe sentimentis two-fold.
“We couldhave thebestoffensive linein thestate,butif we don’t have amazingrunning backslike
“Heunderstands what we’re trying to do, so hehasa goodidea of where to run,” Pryor said.“But his explosiveness, his evasiveness andhisvisionmakehimhard to tackleandhard to really geta solidpopon, becausehe’s findingcreases, andouroffensive line doesagreat jobofholdingblocks andcreating seams forhim to run through.Andhe seesthose and understandsthe systemortheplay the way we’retrying to designit, so heknows where to go.”
Therearehigh expectations for Collins, WashingtonandHancock enteringthe2022 season.
DaveCampbell’s Texas Football named Collinsand Washington preseasonoffensive playersofthe yearintheir respective classifications Hancock, whodoublesas alinebacker, wasalso tabbedthe District12-2A-Ipreseasondefensive MVP by magazinewriters.
Collins saidbeingable to replicate arunlikelast year’swillmean bringingallthepieces together throughoutthe team.
“Alltheguys andathletesthat we have now, justbringitall togetherasoneandputitallonthe field,” Collins said.“Ithinkthat’s going to helpusbecauseI feellike we have alotmoreathletesthis year. We’vejust got to use them theright way, andaslongas we dothat, we shouldbesuccessful.”
Offseason workouts were a dream cometrue forMalcom Gooden.
Bryan’s seniorquarterbackhad almosthisentirejunior year taken fromhim whenhefracturedhis rightlegduringtheopeningminutesofthe Vikings’2021 season openeragainstLucasLovejoy.
So noone wasmore excited to get backonthe fieldthanGooden.
“SinceI’ve hadsurgery, I’ve been ready to come backoutand justplaywith my friends, teammates, brothers,” Gooden said. “Just ready to win.”
AndGooden’s teammates couldn’t wait forhim to come back either.
“Itmeansthemost,” seniordefensive backMatthew Cooks said. “[Malcomis]agreatleader to the offensive sideofthe ball. Notjust himbeingonthe field was what we missed,but we alsomissed thementality, theleadershiphe brought,the wayhebroughtthe team together. Itjust wasn’tthe samewithouthimbeinghere.”
Bryan finishedlast season4-7 overalland4-3inDistrict12-6A play. Despiteaslowstart,the four winsindistricthelpedthe Vikings secureaplayoff spotasthe league’s fourth seed.Theplayoff rundidn’tlastlong,butBryan showedits toughnessina10-5 bi-districtloss to Cedar Hill.
And whiletheplayers were ultimatelyglad to stillmaketheplayoffs, italsofrustratedthemsince the Vikings feltlikethey could have donemorewithahealthy Goodenunder center.
“We want to makeup forlast year when we didn’t really geta fairchancefromthebeginning,” Cooks said.
1QBMalcomGooden,sr.;2 RB/WR TateSchneringer,sr.;3RB/WRJavalen Wade,fr.;4 WR/DB JJ Hardman,jr.;5DB
Matthew Cooks,sr.;6LB Talon Devault, soph.;7 11 DB Luke Weltens,jr.; 8 RB/LB Tate Allen,jr.;9LB Mason Rice,sr.; 10DLNathanMurphy, jr.;11WR/DB Tyson Turner,jr.;12 DB JacobBaten,sr.;13WR TayshaunDevault,jr.; 14 WR/DB
Terrence Lewis,soph.;15TE/FBAndrew Walker, sr.; 16WR/PDerekRamsey,jr.; 17 WR KarsonDillard,sr.;18QBCreed Pierce, sr.; 20DBOtis Wright, sr.;21DB Javian Davis-Lewis,sr.; 22 RB/WR TitusRunnels, soph.; 23 RBIsaiah Nutall,jr.; 25DB DariusBrooks,jr.; 26 LBBryson Davis,sr.; 27 DB/P Collin Thornton,sr.; 28 DBJonathanDuty, jr.;30DB Zakary Sherman,sr.;31DB Colin Tennell,sr.;32DLDerek Franklin, jr.;34 FB/DL Davien Williams,jr.;35 LB JadenMorris,soph.; 40LBJacobHicks, sr.; 42DL EthanMack,jr.; 43 LBGeorgeHuron,jr.; 44FB/LB RealRawls,soph.;55OL/DLBrian Lester,sr.;58OLNathanielSurley, soph.;60OL AustinPennington,sr.;68OL/DLDiego Villanueva,sr.; 70 OLSebastian Rodriguez, sr.; 74 OLJayrinJackson,sr.;75OLIsaccIbarra,sr.;77OL NathenialNelson,sr.; 78 OL ChrisMaxey,sr.; 80 WRJDPeterson,jr.; 81 RB Lucas Chancellor,jr.;84WRSamuelNeason,sr.;85K/PJosueGonzalez, sr.;88FB/TE Caleb Brown,sr.;90DLMalachiSmith,soph.;91DL Cardiss Taylor, sr.; 98 DLDeion Franklin, sr. Pleasesee BRYAN, Page8
Head coach Ricky Tullos (116-46 overall in 14 seasons, 1stseasonatBryan)
—offensive coordinatorMichael Waldie, defensive coordinator Anthony Davis,Russell Young,Mike Woodward, KeithMuehlstein, MattRice, ShakobiMcCoy, Koby Martin, Keith Jackson.
District —12-6A
2021 record 4-7 (43, 4th)
2021 playoffs —bi-district: CedarHill, 0-10
Playoff appearances (28) 1920-22, 1925, 1934, 1956, 1973-74, 1982, 1984, 1986-87, 1994-95, 1997-2000, 2004,2006-07, 200910,2014-16,2020-21
Playoff record —21-26 Returninglettermen —20(7offense,4defensivestarters)
Key returners S Tyson Turner,Bryan, jr (2nd A-D);CBMatthew Cooks,sr.(A-D)
Keylosses DT Jaylin Morris (A-D); WR Seth Morgan(A-D); WR/ KRHunter Vivaldi,sr. (A,2nd A-D);LIsac Gonzales,Bryan(AD);ILBNic Caraway (A-D,Purduesignee); SDu’wayne Paulhill (A-D,Lamarsignee);
TEAndrew Buban(2nd A-D); DE TannerAllen (2nd A-D);DLIshmael
Ealoms(2nd A-D)
All-time record 572483-41
AlongwithGooden coming back,theotherbigboltofjuice to theBryanprogramthisoffseasonhas beennewhead coach Ricky Tullos.Tullos is taking over forthelegendary Ross Rogers,who retired in November after 36 years asahigh school coach.
Tullos comes to Bryanafter spendingthelast four yearsas head coachat Pearland, wherehe guidedtheOilers to a combined 33-11 record and tookthem to theplayoffsall four years.
Cooks says thearrivalof Tulloshasbroughta lotof“new” to theprogramwiththe teams’ schemes, playbook, jerseysand coachingstaffall revampedduringtheoffseason. Theplayers alsohave started to noticeaculture shiftwithintheprogram.
SeniorlinebackerMasonRice isoneofthemanyplayers who feelsthat Tullos has brought a lotof energy to the Vikings, gettingtheplayers excited forthe seasonandcreatingawinning mentality throughoutthe team.
“Ithinkit’s like contagious among everybody,” Ricesaid. “You see everybodyshowingup to strength and conditioning camp. We’vehadthehighest numbershere, so you can tell everyone’s excited forthe season.”
Senioroffensive lineman Austin Pennington said he’senjoyed thetransitionunder Tullosso far.
“Ithinkhe’sprobably oneof my favorite head coachesI’ve had,”Pennington said.“He’s really excitable. He’s enthusiastic. He gets up and personallywith theplayers. He’ll getintothe workoutswithus, get realhands on. He brings out team bonding real wellwith each other.”
As fortheplayers who will makethe differenceonthefield, Cookspointed outthe team’s standoutleaders ondefense including Tate Allen,Bryson DavisandLuke Weltens.Senior left tackleIsaccIbarra says playerssuchasChrisMaxey,Jayrin Jackson, Cooks, GoodenandAllen were ones to watch forthis season.
Andwithabevyof talenton
Aug.27vs. Lucas Lovejoy 14-44
Sept.3 College Park 14-24
Sept. 10 atBrenham 14-29
Sept. 24 *Temple 7-49
Oct. 1 *at Belton 14-21 OT
Oct. 8*KilleenShoemaker35-15
offenseanddefense,alongwith the returnofGoodenandanew head coachin Tullos, theplay-
Oct. 14 *at Killeen 30-14
Oct. 22*Copperas Cove45-13
Oct. 29*Killeen Ellison 28-0
Nov. 4 *at Harker Heights 24-28
Nov. 12at CedarHill 5-10
*12-6A games
ers feellike theskyisthelimit this year.
Aug. 26 Waller 7:30 p.m.
Sept.2atHuntsville 7:30 p.m.
Sept. 9 atBrenham 7:30 p.m.
Sept. 16 #RichmondRandle 7:30 p.m.
Sept. 23 *Temple 7:30 p.m.
Sept.30 *at Copperas Cove 7:30 p.m.
and makingit to theplayoffsare good goals, butIthinkthis year we have ashotatstate,” Rice
Oct. 14 *%Pflugerville Weiss 7:30 p.m.
Oct. 21 *at Waco Midway 7:30 p.m.
Oct. 28 *Hutto 7:30 p.m.
Nov. 4 *at Harker Heights 7:30 p.m.
#Homecoming %Seniornight
*12-6A games
said. “And I thinkthatshould be whereour eyesare,hoping we endupthere andwin state.”
Last season,theA&M Consolidated football team camejustshortof reaching thestatequarterfinals for the firsttimesince2013.
With sevenstarters back on eachsideofthe ball,includingthreeon eachofthe lines, the Tigers arehopeful theirdepthand talent can carrythem to theirfurthest playoff runinalmostadecadethis fall.
“Ithinkthegreatthingis we have alotofdepthanda lotof goodskillguys coming back,and when you see it withthe work we’ve putin thissummer,you’regoing to see some very bigoffensive linemen,bigdefensive linemen,” Consolhead coach Lee Fedora said. “We’ve got a goodchance to makea greatrunthis yearif we stay healthy.”
Fedora saidhehopes returningplayers will bemotivated formoreafterlast year’s season-ending53-50 loss to Crosby inthe regional playoffs.Senior receiver Wesley Watsonechoedhis coach’s sentiment sayingthe Tigers aren’t satisfiedwith last year’s results.
“It reallylefta bad taste inourmouthlosing by three pointsinthethird round when we should’vewon,” Watson said.“But overall everyone’sbeen working
A&M Consolidated quarterback WillHargett(2)dragsalongBarbersHill’s WillBuntin,bottom,whilerushingforatouchdown inthe Class 5ADivisionIIareaplayoffsat Cy-Fair FCU Stadiumin Cypresson Nov. 19,2021.Injuries forced the Tigerstoturn toHargettlastseason,andthefreshman responded by helpingthem reachthethird roundoftheplayoffs. He’s backas Consol’sstarterthisseason.
Head coach Lee Fedora(215-67-1 overallin 23 seasons,48-12in5 seasons at Consol)
Assistantcoaches Bill Hoppers,Sean Witherwax, MikeMullins,SonnySoltis, ChadBruggman,Ray Kavanaugh,BrandonPhillips, John Branch, Chris Collins, BartHarris,AllenQuintero, BJ Burton,Aaron Edwards, JansonSoltis, JimmieGilbert
District —11-5A DivisionI
2021 record —10-3 (5-1, 2ndin10-5ADivision II)
2021 playoffs —bidistrict: Mount Pleasant, 55-21;area:BarbersHill, 41-35;regionals:50-53
Playoff appearances (39) 1941-45, 1947-48, 1951, 1953, 1958, 1960, 1989-96, 2001-03, 2005-21
Playoff record 4935-1
Returninglettermen 23 (7offensive, 7 defensive starters)
Key returners —RB Roderick Taylor,jr.(10-5ADIIOff.NOY);DBJosh Gooden,sr. (10-5A-DIIDef. NOY);FB Darius Turner,sr (A-D);WR WesleyGreaves, sr.(A-D);OL Daniel Sill,sr. (A-D);DLJoeyLightfoot, sr. (A-D);LBBrockSlaydon,sr (A-D);DB/PMo Foketi, sr. (A-D);WR AlbertGarcia,sr. (2nd-A-D); OL Cody Clough, sr.(2nd A-D);DLHudson House,sr.(2nd A-D);DB/ KR Trace Meadows,jr.(2nd A-D/AD);DLHudsonHouse, sr.(2nd A-D);DE Kaizhe Qiu,sr.(2nd A-D)
Keylosses —FB Austin Comte, sr.(A-D);WRWyatt McDougal(A-D);WR Tyler Wright(A-D);OLRhettLawson(A-D); BartonMedler (A-D);DE JadenThomas(AD);LB TyndallMcNamara (A-D);LB Colton Eckhardt (A-D);DBJonathanMinor (2nd A-D)
All-time record 523360-24
hardandjust continuing to build off oflast seasonandmakea deeperrunandwinthestate championship.”
Optimismishigh Consol can achieve itslofty goalsthis season. DaveCampbell’s Texas Football hasthe Tigers ranked seventhin thestateinitsClass5ADivisionI preseasonpoll.
Onoffense,the Tigers bring back sophomorequarterback Will Hargett, whostarted Consol’s finalsix gamesin2021.He threw for 1,010 yardsandnine touchdowns.
“Asafreshman gettingthrown inlikethat, you wouldn’t expect somebody to take youthree rounds intheplayoffs,” Fedora said.“He mademistakes. He’lladmit to it, butthegreatthingishe’s worked hardthissummer. He’s started to putmoresizeonandstrength, so he’smovingonupnow.”
Playmakersabound forthe Tigers intheskillpositions.Junior running back KeshunThomas returnsafterrushing for1,100 yardsand 13 touchdownsinjust eight gameslast season. Watson wasthe team’sleading receiverin 2021with 35 catches for 675 yards andeight touchdowns.
“Thebigthingisitshows we canpopabigoneatanytime,” Fedora saidofThomasand Watson.“They’re bothleaders andare going to beoutthere keepingguys focusedand going,but whatIlike aboutbothofthose guys tooisit’s like Wesley, if we don’teverthrow the ball to him becausethey’re double coveringhim,thisandthat, he’snot worriedaboutitaslong as we getthe W. Samethingwith Keshun.If we’ve got to throw the ball everyplay, he’s finewiththat, butthey’re guys outtherethatare going to makeus[successful].”
Atreceiver, the Tigers willturn to PaytonBjork, Carter Frank, AlbertGarciaandEllis Myers to fillstartingspots. Ontheoffensive line, Consolbrings back seniors DanielSill,a Texas Tech recruit, Cody CloughandPreston Vaughan.
“Itdoesn’tmatterif you’ve got alltheskillinthe world,you’ve got to begreatupfront forblockingin the passing gameandblockingin therunning game,” Fedora said.“I
A&M ConsolidatedlinebackerBrockSlaydon,right,tacklesHuntsville’s JaylonMcClain duringthe Tigers’ 35-0 victoryat Tigerland StadiumonOct. 1, 2021.Slaydon returnsthisseasontohelpleadthedefense afterearning all-districthonorslast year.
0 KeshunThomas,jr.;1 Carter Frank, sr.; 2 Will Hargett, soph.; 3 Roderick Taylor,jr.;4EllisMyers,jr.;5 PaytonBjork,jr.; 6 Desmond Darnell,jr.;7 BrockSlaydon,sr.;8 Wesley Watson,sr.; 9 Trace Meadows,jr.;10Josh Gooden,sr.;11AlbertGarcia,sr.;12 PaxsonBerkey,sr.;13 ColeBentz, sr.; 14 TylerPoling,jr.; 15 Michael Clark, jr.;16JontaviusBellard,jr.; 17 Jake Parry, sr.;18Aspen Aguilar,sr.; 19 Mo Foketi, sr.; 21Grayson Coker, sr.;22 AidenBerryman,jr.; 24 Collin Chase,sr.;25GrantSchlinke, sr.;27Quinton Carson, jr.; 28Kaden Close, sr.;31 Darius Turner, sr.; 33 Jeremy Claudio, sr.;34Bryan Claudio,sr.;35 ChristianBollard,sr.;36AshtonJasperson, sr.; 40Jordan Cobb,sr.;41MatthewBolden,sr.;2HeathHammer, jr.;44Diego Cardenas,sr.;52 Connor Cortez, sr.;54 ZachDuron,sr.;56 DanielSill,sr.; 57 JaxsonBrown,sr.;66 Cody Clough,sr.;68Preston Vaughan, sr.;72Joey Lightfoot,sr.;77SheldonRayford,sr.; 78 Jaquawn Calhoun,jr.;80 D’KaraiBrown,sr.; 83 Jared Mayberry, sr.;90Jordan Lynch,jr.;94HudsonHouse, sr.; 98KaizheQiu,sr.
thinkthebigthingis you’ll going to seealotofsizeupfront.”
Onthe flipside,the Tigers are deeponthedefensive linewith starters Joey Lightfoot,Kaizhe QiuandHudson House returning. Thethreelinemen combined for10
Aug.27 Waco University68-7
Sept. 10 Converse Judson 28-14
Sept. 17Willis 17-24
Sept. 24 *atLamar Consolidated 49-3
Oct. 1*Huntsville 35-0
Oct. 7 *atMontgomery Lake Creek 36-22
Oct. 15*Montgomery 28-35
Oct. 22 *at Fulshear 27-6
Oct. 29*Rudder 32-20
Nov. 12vs.MountPleasant55-21
Nov. 19 vs.BarbersHill41-35
Nov. 26 vs.Crosby 50-53 *10-5A-II games
Aug. 26 Huntsville 7 p.m.
Sept. 2UANLMonterrey7 p.m.
Sept. 9 Lufkin 7 p.m.
Sept. 23 at*Georgetown7 p.m.
Sept.30*Cedar Park 7 p.m.
Oct. 7*Hendrickson7 p.m.
Oct. 14 *at Leander 7 p.m.
Oct. 21*East View 7 p.m.
Oct. 28 *at College Station7 p.m.
Nov. 4*LeanderGlenn7 p.m. *11-5A-I games
sidehim. Senior cornerback Josh Gooden wasthedistrict’s defensive newcomer ofthe yearin2021. Anchoringthe Tigers at safety are returningstarters Mo Foketiand Trace Meadows.
“Thisdefense couldbethe top defenseinthestate,Ibelieve,” Gooden said.“We’ve gota really nice team.Alotofourplayers are coming backthis yearwithstrong chemistry, so Ithink we’lllook prettynice.”
sackslast season.
“Thestrengthofourdefense isourdefensive lineprobably,” Lightfoot said.“Wehave alotof dominanceupfront,anditmakes it easier forourdefense. We have three returningstarters—me,
KaizheandHudson House— so Ithinkthat’s going to beastrong point forusthis year.”
All-districtlinebackerBrock Slaydon returnsand saidGrant Schlinkeand Dash Jaspersonare expected to seebigger rolesalong-
Consol facesthelikesofHuntsville andLufkininnondistrict play. The Tigers stepintoDistrict 11-5A-Ialongside CollegeStation and several Austin-area schools. Texas Football picked Consol to finish secondinitsdistrictand have a rematchagainstthe Cougars inthe RegionIII final.
“There’sgreatpotential,” Slaydon said.“Wehave so manyguys coming back,and we have alot guys thatlove it,justlove playing andloveto have fun.There’sendlesspotential forthis team.”
Head coach StoneyPryor (1stseason)
Assistant coaches —defensive coordinator Chance Locklear, offensive coordinatorMattDeBerry, specialteams coordinator Brian Edwards,JarrettBeckhusen, EdgarDe Luna, CarsonEllis, Gregg Frashure, JosephHedge, Moregan Landreth, ChrisLitton, ZachMarlow, Chad Peevey, Matt Reinberg,MattewSingletary, Trent Tittrup, Kyle Walsh
District —11-5ADivisionI
2021 record —15-1 (8-0,1stin 8-5ADivisionI)
2021playoffs —bi-district: McKinney North, 49-10;area: Frisco Lone Star,55-21; regionals: Frisco Wakeland,45-35; quarterfinals:DentonRyan, 26-21;semifinals:MansfieldSummit, 28-21; championship: Katy Paetow, 2427 OT
Playoff appearances(8)
Playoff record 20-7
Returninglettermen —21(4 offensive, 5defensivestarters)
Key returners —RBMarquise
Collins,sr.(8-5A-DI Co-Off MVP); OL Tate Vela,sr.(A-D);DL Korbin Johnson,sr. (A-D);ILBJaxon Edwards,sr.(A-D);OLBHarrison Robinson,sr.(unanimous A-D); DB A.J. Tisdell,sr.(A-D);OLJake Utley, sr.(2nd A-D);DE Chantz Johnson,sr.(2nd A-D);OLB Kolton Griswold,sr. (2nd A-D);OL Logan Bradshaw (2nd A-D)
Keylosses —QBJettHuff (un. 8-5A-DIMVP);RBNate Palmer, jr.(8-5A-DI co-NOY);LBJaxson Slanker (8-5A-DIDef.MVP); C Cade Farrar(8-5A-DIOff Linemanof Year);WR/KR TraylenSael (8-5A-DII Co-UtilityPOY); P/PK DawsonSchremp(8-5A-DIspecialistof year);WR Dalton Carnes (un A-D);WRHoustonThomas (un. A-D);RichardMata, College Station(A-D);DL ConnorLingren (A-D);DE CalebSkow (A-D);DB Kyle Walsh(A-D);WRBradley Jones(2nd A-D);DBByronJohnson(2nd A-D);DBDenim Day(2nd A-D);PK Sam Trimble(A-D)
All-time record —88-19
Cougars hoping to find right blend for another state run
JAKEWEESE jacob.weese@theeagle.com
Marquise Collins callsita “blessingandalesson.”
Last season, CollegeStation madeaheroicrunallthe way to the Class5ADivisionIstatechampi-
onship gamebut cameupshortof the title ina 27-24 overtimeloss to Katy Paetow.
The Cougars finishedthe season 15-1 overallandaperfect8-0in District8-5A-I.It wasthe team’s secondstatechampionshipappearancewiththe first comingin 2017 whentheybeatAledo.
So for Collins, aDuke recruit, andhis teammates, last season’s run taughtthemalot.
“It wasablessing to bethere andalesson too,” Collins said.
“Wedidn’t finishhow we wanted to, so wewentintotheoffseason witha wholelotofgrit.It wasa wholelotof fire forus, and we’re still workingbecausestate’snowhereclose We still gota season to play, andthat’s beenourmain focus, andthat’s what we’vebeen workingon.”
Thelessonsfromlast season’s runwill comeinhandyasthe Cougars enterthe2022 seasonwitha mixofoldandnew.
districtthis year, joiningrival A&M Consolidatedin11-5A-I.It willbethe firsttimethe Cougars and Tigers have beeninthe same districtsince2017. Cedar Park, Georgetown,GeorgetownEast View,Leander,LeanderGlennand Pflugerville Hendricksonmakeup the restofthedistrict.
The Cougarsalsohave anew head coachinStoneyPryor, thoughthereis familiaritythere.
Pleasesee COLLEGE STATION, Page13
Pryorspentthelast10 yearsasthe team’soffensive coordinator.
“We were super excitedthat ourhead coach was him,because he’sbeeninourprogram,andit’s not someonefromoutside who doesn’t know ourcultureand doesn’t know what we’re about,” seniorleft tackle Jake Utley said. “SoIthinkit wasgreatthat we got someone who’sagreat coach andagreatleader to stepup and be ourhead coach.”
Whilethereare somechanges this season,alotofplayersfrom last year’s teamare coming back.
Offensively, the Cougarswillbe led by Collins The team’s touchstonerunning backrushed for 2,862 yardsand 39 touchdowns last yearand caught12 passes for 263 yardsand three more scores.
But Collins can’tdoitwithout hisoffensive lineled by Utley.
“He’s going to beabig key to me this year,” Collins saidofUtley. “I’m realglad to have himblocking formethis year.”
The Cougarswillhave anew quarterbackandwide receiver core this season,but the team hasdecided to have a few veteransplayonbothsidesofthe ball to help theoffense.
Kolton Griswoldplayedoutside linebackerlast year, butthis year he’s been workingat linebacker and safety ondefenseanda hybridrunning back role onoffense thatincludesblocking, carrying the ballorliningupasa receiver in theslot.
Defensive teammatesA.J. Tisdelland Harrison Robinsonalso willbelininguponoffenseon occasion. Tisdell,a cornerback, willspendtimeatwide receiver this year.Robinsonplayed outsidelinebackerlast year, butnow he’llbesuiting upat safety, outsidelinebacker, slot receiverand running back.
And whilelearningalotofnew positionsinoneoffseason canbe tough,Robinson feelsthatthe coachingstaff has donea good jobof bringingthemup to speed.
“I feel likeour schoolis goodat teachingusnewstuff and getting usintothepositionsand switchingthespots easily,” Robinson
0RBMarquise Collins, 5-10, 195, sr.;1 DBAnthony TisdellJr., 5-11, 175, sr.;2DBIsiahPennygraph, 6-0, 170,sr.; 3 WRBrooks Dewitt, 5-10,165, sr.; 4 DB Tony Hamilton, 5-9, 165, jr.;5 LBHarrison Robinson, 5-9, 175, sr.; 6 WR Beau Kortan, 5-10,150,sr.;7 LB KoltonGriswold, 5-9, 170,sr.;8 WRJackson Verdugo,6-2, 200, soph.;9DL Chantz Johnson, 6-2, 200, sr.;10QB Paul Padron, 5-10, 170, sr.;11LBShaneBellows, 5-11, 195, sr.; 12 QBJacksonIngram, 6-0, 165, sr.; 15 WR Paden Cashion, 5-7, 145, jr.; 16 WR Zach Dang, 5-8, 145, sr.; 17 QBArrington Maiden, 6-2,170,jr.; 18 DB FisherMainard, 5-10, 170,jr.; 19 ConnorBreit, 5-7, 145, jr.;20DB CJ Lewis, 5-10, 165,sr.;21RBAnthony Trevino,5-6, 150, sr.; 22 LB KadynRyan, 6-0, 186, sr.; 23 WR Cole Cashion, 5-10,160, sr.; 24 DB DamarionGilbreath, 5-8, 155, jr.; 25 JJFoster, 5-10, 170, jr.; 28 K/P Conner Young, 5-10,160, sr.;29DB Adrian Trevino,5-9, 155, sr.;30LB Caden Toon, 5-8, 160, jr.; 33 DB Zach Proffitt, 5-9, 145, sr.;42LBJaydonBellows, 5-10,165, jr.;44LBJaxon Edwards, 5-10,205,sr.;52DL
Brodrick Wilson, 5-10, 205, jr.;54 DLMalik Cotton, 5-7, 185, jr.;55 OL Jeremy Lerma, 5-9, 220,sr.;56OL
Christian Lopez, 5-10, 170,jr.; 58OL LoganBradshaw, 5-11, 265, sr.;60DL D’Andre Harwell, 6-0, 250, jr.; 61
OLNoahSherman, 6-0, 250, sr.; 66OLDurhamMach, 5-9, 185, sr.; 73 OLAntonio Calderon, 5-10,200, sr.; 74 OL ChaseBarnett, 6-0, 210, jr.;75OLGarner Stone, 6-0, 215, sr.;79OLJake Utley, 6-6, 310, sr.;81WR
Datavion Lott, 6-1,165, sr.;85WRAnthony Graham, 5-7, 155, sr.;91DLCinco Deegear, 6-1,215, jr.;94DL
KorbinJohnson, 6-0, 260, sr.;99DL Chandon Webb, 5-8, 330, sr.
On defense, Robinson, Tisdell andGriswoldwillhelplead a mostly veterangroup.
Thedefense will feature some new faceson thedefensiveline, butUtley says that he’snoticed playerslike Brodrick Wilson, Cinco DeegearandMalik Cottonsteppingupamongthe front
Aug. 26 atHutto 59-11
Sept.3 Fort BendBush 49-7
Sept. 10 *Magnolia 38-10
Sept. 17 *New Caney Porter45-3
Sept. 24 *New Caney 35-6
Oct. 8 *at Lufkin 56-7
Oct. 15*Cleveland 76-0
Oct. 21 *at CaneyCreek 70-0
Oct. 29 *Waller 70-0
Nov. 5 *atMagnolia West41-20
Nov. 12vs.McKinney North 49-10
Nov. 19Frisco Lone Star 55-21
Nov. 26 Frisco Wakeland45-35
Dec.3vs.Denton Ryan 26-21
Dec.10vs Mansfield Summit 28-21
Dec. 17 vs. Katy Paetow 24-27OT *8-5A-I games
Aug.27% vs Lucas Lovejoy7 p.m.
Sept.2 Nolan Catholic7p.m.
Sept. 9 Temple 7 p.m.
Sept. 23 *Leander 7 p.m.
Sept.30atEast View 7 p.m.
Oct. 7*Cedar Park7 p.m.
Oct. 14 *% Leander Glenn7 p.m.
Oct. 22 *at CaneyCreek7 p.m.
Oct. 21 *at Georgetown 7 p.m.
Oct. 28 *A&M Consolidated7 p.m.
% TomLandry ClassicatEagle Stadium,Allen *11-5A-I games
Withanewdistrict, ahandful ofnewplayersandanewhead coach, the Cougars feel thatif they canblendthenewwiththey old, they have ashotat reaching another statetitle game.
seven. Korbin Johnsonisalso coming backonthedefensive line,andUtleyexpectshim to have abig season. Onestandoutondefensethat the Cougarswillbemissing to startthe seasonis middlelinebacker JaxonEdwards,whosuffereda tornmeniscusduringoffseason conditioningand says he
will beoutuntilabout October.
“I’mnot going to be playing, butI’mdefinitely going to be coachingonthesidelinestrying to helpoutthe youngerguys that are going to be fillinginspots, youngerguys fillingin my spot forthe first coupleof games, and whenI came back, justbe ready to play,” Edwards said.
“Justbringingitall together,” Collins said. “Alltheathletesand alltheguys we have now, just bringingitall togetherasone andputtingitallonthefield... I thinkthat’s going to helpus get as faras we wantbecauseI feel like we’ve gotalotmoreathletes this year. We’vejust got to use themtheright way, andaslong as we dothat, we shouldbesuccessful.”
Head coach EricEzar
(31-39 overall in 7seasons, 17-13in3seasonsat Rudder)
Assistant coaches
—offensive coordinator
Edgar Vasquez, defensive coordinator Timothy George, Stewart Donley, BryanDouglas,Matt Garza,Shane Flater, CalvinHill, Jim Davis, Michael Ibrahim,Ryan O’Bryant, Jihad Wright, Terrance PrestonandThomas
District —10-5ADivisionII
2021 record 6-4(33, 3rd)
2021 playoffs —bi-district:Marshall,21-24 OT
Playoff appearances (1) —2021
Playoff record 0-1
Returninglettermen —20 lettermen(6offensive, 4defensivestarters)
Key returners WR
Nate Figgers, sr. (2nd A-D);TE KevinHolmes, sr. (A-D);OL Xavier Camero, sr.(2nd A-D);DB Michael Lister,sr. (A-D);WR JaquiseMartin,soph.(2nd A-D);DL Jayden Williams, sr.(2nd A-D)
Key losses —DE Devion Howard (10-5A-DII Def.MVP);QBEJEzar(AD);RB TreMcLenton(A-D); OLJasonBatiste(A-D);DL Lyndon Williams(A-D);LB JeremiahJohnson(A-D); DBMarcusHeardRudder (A-D);DBNick Oliva (A-D); ILBJamarcusJones(2nd A-D);DB VictorGreen (2nd A-D)
All-time record —4294-1
5A-II actionatMerrill Green StadiumonOct. 15, 2021.
ALEX MILLER alex.miller@theeagle.com
TheRudder football teamhada breakthrough seasonin2021,makingtheplayoffs forthe firsttimein
schoolhistory. NowtheRangers look to followtheblueprintand take thenextstep.
“To go aheadandbustthrough that wasbig,” Rudderhead coach EricEzar said.“Ithinkthebigthing was going to theplayoff gameand havingagreatchance to winthe gameagainsta really goodoppo-
Rudder fell to Marshall 24-21in overtimeinits firstbi-district game.
“We were onthe 1-yard line,”Ezar said.“Wekindof feltlike we scored threetimes, but when we didn’trun intotheend zone...that’s kind of what we talkedabout: Football’sa gameofinches.
“Intheoffseason,that’s kind of beenourthing,andthe goal’snot to maketheplayoffsbutnow to win someplayoff games. We want to be knownasoneofthebetterprograms intheBrazos Valley, and to do that, you’ve got to winplayoff games.”
Frompage 14
TheRangersgraduatedadeep and talented seniorclassand brings back10starters. Last season,Rudderhada veteranquarterbackandmostlynewskillplayers
This year, Ezar saidit’s theopposite fortheRangers.
SeniorXavierRamirez takes over forEJEzaratquarterback whiletheRangers returntheir core wide receivergroupof seniors Nate Figgersand Kevin Holmes and sophomore JaquiseMartin. Ezar saidMartinalsowillplay somequarterback.
“We feel Jaquiseis going to dominateontheinside,”Ezar said. “We’re going to move himaround alittlebitandlethim touchthe ballasmanytimesashe can.”
Figgersand Holmesareboth 6-foot-5. Thisspring, Figgers finished secondatstateinthehigh jumpand saidtheRangers’main trio eachhave differentskillsthat complementoneanother.
“Westackuppretty good,” Holmes said.“We’ve got twoofthe tallest receiversinthedistrict. Me
Sept.3vs.El PasoAmericas44-7
Sept. 10 atElgin
Sept. 17 PortLavacacanceled
Sept. 24 *atHuntsville31-28 OT
Oct. 1*Montgomery Lake Creek27-13
Oct. 8 *atMontgomery 13-38
Oct. 15*Fulshear 17-12
Oct. 29 *at A&M Consolidated20-32
Nov. 5*Lamar Consolidated16-20
Nov. 12vs.Marshall21-24 OT *10-5A-II games
and Nate, we’re reallyamatchup nightmare foranyone wholinesup againstus.”
Offensive line remainsaquestionmark forRudder, Ezar said. TheRangers returnjustonestarter —rightguardXavierCamero.Jose Contrerasplayedanumberof snapslast season.Ezar saidHunter McGarywillplayleft tacklebut also seesnapsondefense.Camero, a senior, saidRudder’soffensive linehas workedonimproving techniqueandstrengththis offseason.
“Wehave newplayers, and we reallyneed to be by thebookif we want to be really goodthis year,” Williams said.
TheRangers remaininthe same districtthis seasonbuthave new faceswithBrenhamandRichmond Randle joiningthe foldinDistrict 10-5A-II. DaveCampbell’s Texas Football projectsHuntsville to win thedistrictwithRudder finishing fifth.
Ondefense,theRangersareled by defensive tackle Jayden Williams,defensive back RyanCampbellandlinebacker Trey Emola. Ezar saidhe’shopingMalikDunn willhave abreakout season.
“Wemaynotbeas talented, but we have alotofhard workers we feelare going to scrapanddogreat things,” Ezar saidofRudder’sdefense.
Ezar ravedabout Williams’size andathleticism. Williams said theRudderdefenseis focusedon playingfundamental football.
“Ithink we canlookatitand say, man, we’ve gotachance to winadistrictchampionship, but Ithink you canalsolookatitand say you canlose any week,” Ezar said.“There’snogimmesatall.I thinkany weekif youdon’tbring yourA game, you can getbeat.”
TheRangers were picked to miss theplayoffslast seasonandbroke through.They’re hoping to do the samethingin2022.
“We want to have asuccessful district campaign to whereit sets usup to have a good seedinginthe playoffsand to where you canwin aplayoff game,win twoplayoff games,maybetheultimategoalisto playat[AT&T]Stadium,”Ezarsaid. “Ifguys stepupintherightplace, I think we’ve gota goodshot.”
2WR Kevin Homes, 6-5, 190, sr.;3WRNate Figgers, 6-4, 170,sr.; 4 WR/DBBrandon Cooks, 5-7, 145, soph.;5DB QueJackson, 5-10,165, sr.; 6 WR/DB MalikDunn, 6-1,180, jr.;7 DB Ryan Campbell, 5-9 155,jr.;8DB Tru Campbell, 5-8, 145, sr.;9 QB Cody Billings, 5-8, 165, soph.; 10 RB/ LBNateScourton, 5-10,220, jr.;11WR Caleb Coo, 5-6, 160, sr.; 12WR/DBRandon Cooks, 5-6, 150, soph.; 13 WR Jayden Erskine,5-11, 170, soph.; 14 QB/WR Jaquise Martin, 5-11,185,soph.;15 DB Ivan Reyes, 5-8, 140, sr.; 16QB XavierRamirez, 5-11, 185,sr.;18LB 5-11,165,jr.; 20WR/DB KaydenHolmes, soph.;21RB/DLJamarian West, 5-9, 245, jr.; 22 RB/DB WilliamDelgado, 5-8, 145, , soph.; 23 DBDenimPreston, 5-10,155,soph.; 24 RB Montavian Reed, 5-9, 155, sr.; 26 RB/LB AustinIsom, 5-7, 185, fr.; 27 DBBobbie Williams, 5-11, 170,sr.; 28 LB Jeremiah Sanchez, 5’7180,sr.;32RB/ LB MatthewRuffino, 5-10, 160, sr.; 33 LBErionWhittaker, 6-1, 165,sr.;35DLEric Mickens, 5-9, 210,fr.;38 DB JadamionMcGee, 5-10,165, fr.; 42 LBNick Villareal, 5-8, 175, jr.;44LB TraceEmola, 5-10,210,jr.;45DLJayden Williams, 6-4, 265, sr.;50 OL/DLHunterMcGary, 6-2, 235, jr.;51DLShonGodoy, 5-9, 230, jr.;52OLMiguel Garcia, 5-10,270, jr; 53 OL Xavier Camero,5-10, 265, sr.; 54 OL Kobe Walker, 6-1, 285, sr.; 55 OL Kenneth Foley, 6-0, 290, soph.; 56 OLRyne Hutchinson, 5-11, 240, sr.;58 OL David Weiman, 5-10,215, jr.;60OLGabeGarcia, 6-1, 245, fr.; 70 OL ColeHopkins, 5-9, 225,sr.;72OLMason Williams, 6-3, 245, jr.;75OL IvanGarcia, 6-1, 275,jr.;77 OLJose Contreras, 5-10, 245, sr.;79 DL Jordan Davis, 5-11, 295,sr.; 88 KRJBadillo, 5-8, 145, sr.; 98 KAntonio Gonzales, 5-8, 135,sr.
Reid Robinsonis going to do everythinghe can to helphis team.
FortheBrenham senior receiver, thatincludesbeinga valuableplaymaker forhisquarterback,ahelpinghand to the younger receivers andaleader fortheentire team.
“Forme,theimportantthingisbe someonethattheotherguyscanlook to,” Robinson said,“someone who’s beenon varsitybeforeandkindof experiencedthat foralotoftheguys thathaven’t yetandproviding some stability forachangingprogram.”
TheCubshave alotofhistoryand traditiononthegridiron,butthelast two seasonshave seen early playoff exits forBrenham. Bothtimesthe Cubs fell to Marble Fallsindramatic bi-district gamesatCubStadium, losing 27-24in2020and 27-21ina back-and-forth,double-overtime gamelast year.
Robinsonandhis teammates want to changethatthis season.
“Ithink...the expectationis to go deep intheplayoffs,”Robinson said. “Last two years we haven’t goneas deepas we’d prefer, so Ithink forus it’s theurgency to get back to where we’vebeen.”
Leadingthe way fortheCubsis newhead coach Danny Youngs. He came to Brenhamin Februaryafter servingashead coachatBrazoswood forthree years.
“When you get to go to aspotlike Brenhamwiththetraditionthat’s thereandthe expectations, it’s just agreatspot,” Youngs said.
Thespring wasunusual for Youngsandhisstaff asstarting quarterback Rylan Wooten, who alsoplays baseball,missedallof springpracticeastheCubs reached the regional semifinalsonthediamond.
Wootenlearned schemesand plays fromoffensive coordinator DerekLopezbutdidn’t getachance to go throughlive drills.
“I cameinthemorningswith CoachLopez,ouroffensive coordinator, and talked overplays with
Aug.27atMagnolia West21-45
Sept. 3Magnolia 6-20
Sept. 10Bryan 29-14
Sept. 24 *Leander Glenn 23-7
Oct. 1 *at GeorgetownEast View 13-10
Oct. 8 *atBastrop 31-10
Oct. 15*Pflugerville Connally44-0
Oct. 22 *atElgin 45-13
Oct. 29*Bastrop CedarCreek58-6
Nov. 5 *at Leander Rouse
Nov. 12 Marble Falls
*13-5A-II games
him andstuff,”Wooten said.“Studied andmadesureI was caughtupwith what they were doingthis spring.”
With Wootenunavailablethisspring, Brenhamturned to quarterback Juan Mata to runtheoffense.Youngs saidhe wasimpressedwith Mata’splayandplans onusinghimall over the fieldonoffense this season.
Lookingatthe roster, Youngs knows his teamis going to be young. He is expectinga rosterof40-50 players this yearwithonly four returningoffensive starters andone returningstarterondefense.
0LBRicky Brown,sr.;1WR Reid Robinson,sr.;2LB CadeMoore, jr.;3WR DatavianNeal Franklin,sr.;4QBRylan Wooten, sr.;5LB Keith Crawford, soph.;6LB GrantMayfield, sr.;7QBJuanMata,jr.; 8
RB TrentonGilbert, sr.;9 FS IvanSalazar, jr.; 10 CB Quindarius Jones,sr.;11 FSKasen Ewards,jr.;12 FS JaBreonMoore, soph.;
13 WR Ian Steltersr.; 14 CB DeontaeMartin, soph.; 15 PK DavidMendoza,sr.; 17 WR
Jake Forland,sr.; 19 RBJackson VanDyke, sr.;21 CBSavionRagston, sr.;22 DEDylan McDonald, sr.; 24 CB TraeBowers,soph.;
27RBJaylen Ward, jr.; 28 DEJohn Rigsby, jr.; 30 HBMichaelGonzalez, jr.;31 FS
LandonShipley, jr.; 33 DEJakob Davis,sr.;
37 LB Tiavian Davis,jr.; 40HB Noah Childs, sr.;44HB Conner Appelt, jr.;50 OL Blake
Robinson,jr.;51 DT Micah Tanner, jr.; 52DE
JaeRon Robinson, jr.;54 DT EricMoore, sr.;
55 DE StevenMcWilliams, sr.;58OL Chris Proeung,sr.;60 OLMason Finke, sr.; 68 OL KadeLasagna,sr.;72OL Logan Marshall, sr.; 73 DT Miguel Rodriguez, jr.;75 OL Eric Aschenbeck, sr.; 78 OL Kylan Crawford,sr.; 79OL DarianThomas,sr.; 99 DT Quenton Graves,sr.
And whilethedefenseisonly bringing backonestarter, senior defensive back SavionRagstonhas seen youngerplayers already answeringthe call.Jabreon Mooreand DeontaeMartinareboth sophomoresbutperformedmorelike veteransduringspringpracticeandthe summeroffseason workouts.
Head coach Danny Youngs (35-53overallin 8 seasons, 1stseasonatBrenham)
Assistant coaches defensive coordinatorJoseph Carroll,offensive coordinator Derek Lopez, specialteams coordinatorDerek Lopez, Noe Castellanos,Jared Cochran, JustinElmore, DemetrichGilliam, LuisGomez,A.C. Hood, CullenJozwiak,Jeremy Locke, GalvanisMbu, ReaganMiller, ChrisPrice, Alexander Williams
District —10-5ADivisionII
2021 record 7-4(6-1, 2ndin13-5A-II)
2021 playoffs —bi-district: Marble Falls,21-27
Playoff appearances(47)
1927, 1929, 1933, 1941-42, 1944-45, 1947, 1949-51, 1953, 1955, 1957, 1959, 1968-72, 1985, 1987, 1991, 1993, 1995, 1999-2002,2004-21(zone playoffs 1968, 1987)
Playoff record 49-43-1
Returninglettermen 23 lettermen(6offensive, 2 defensivestarters)
Robinsonand fellow seniorwideout Datavian NealFranklinhave already startedsteppingup to notonlyleadtheir positiongroupbut the teamasa whole.
“They’ve really doneagreat jobof instillingthe work ethicandthe expectationsof what we wantfromour footballplayers,” Youngs said. “AndIthinktheyhadagreat spring game.”
Offensively, the coachesare expectingbigthingsfrom seniorrunning back TrentonGilbert. Youngs says Gilbert tookhisopportunity thisspringand ranwithit, earning
“Reallytheyjustalways competedwithanyone,” Ragston said. “Bigger,taller,older,they’ve always competednomatter who youare.”
WhileBrenhamwillbe youngthis year,Youngs seesthe seasonasa seriesofchapters, andiftheCubs can play wellinthe first two, thethird chapterwillbetheplayoffs where anything canhappen.
“We’re going to be young,” Youngs said.“We lost alotof seniorsfromlast season’s team. So what we’relooking foris to make surethatthroughthe twophases ofthe seasonthat we makeit to the thirdphaseand getintheplayoffs. Nondistrict, we want to makesure we find whereourkidsareandtry to buildabond together When we get in to district,the No. 1 goalthereis to getintotheplayoffsandthenbe playingourbest football when you getintothethird season.”
Key returners —OL Logan Marshall,sr.(13-5A-DIIOff. Linemanof Year);WR/OLB Brandon Ward,sr.(A-D);OL Eric Aschenbeck(unanimous A-D);PGrantMayfield,sr. (A-D);RB TrentonGilbert, sr. (2nd A-D);ILBRickyBrown,sr (2nd A-D)
Keylosses —LBJustin Garza(13-5A-DII Def. MVP); DL Kobe Washington(13-5ADIIDef. Linemanof Year);QB Steven Stackhouse(un. A-D); RBAmirJohnson(un. A-D); DEBlake Jones(A-D);DLJordanMathis(A-D);CB Kaden Watts(A-D);ILBJermain Johnson(A-D); DB/WREric Hemphill (A-D/2nd A-D);DB Adan Villatoro(A-D);PKBrant Bender(A-D);TE Trey Phillips (2nd A-D);OL KalebDevous (2nd A-D)
All-time record 659398-38
The Navasota Rattlers concludedthe2021 seasononadown note,losingtheirplayoff opener and finishingwithasub-.500 record.
In response,the teamdecided to bulk up to prepare fora tougher district schedulethis fall.
“We’re cominginalotmore physical,alotstronger,” junior linebacker Frankedric Powell said.“That wasa bad feeling, seeing your teammatesdown[after a56-0loss to Wimberleyinthe Class 4A Division II playoffs]. I don’t wantthem goingthrough thatagain. We’re really confident this year. Ihave a great feeling abouthowour teamis going to comeout.”
TheRattlersmove intoDistrict 12-4ADivisionIthisseason,where theyarepicked to finish fourthout of seven teams by Texas Football Despitelosing21lettermen,Navasota returnssixstarterson each sideofthe ball.TheRattlershave a small seniorclassbuthave alarge numberofjuniorsand sophomores, manyof whom received playingtimedownthestretchlast yeardue to injuries.
Juniorrunning back Jamal Thomas carriedtheloadlatelast season, finishingwith823 yards rushingand12 touchdowns Hudson Minoradded423 yardsafter being calledupfromtheJV,while 6-foot-4juniorKaddonHubbard totaled412 yards receiving in seven games.
Gonearerunning back Ja’marion Frear(127 carries, 890 yards, 7TDs), quarterback Ja’mar Jessie(93 completions,149attempts, 1,265 yards, 12TDs) and wideout JohnLee(38 receptions, 483 yards).
Head coachCaseyDacus said theplayingtime youngerplayers receivedwill payoff this season aswillallthe extra weighttrainingduringtheoffseason.
“Wedealtwith someinjuries aroundthemiddle partofthe year that we never got over, andit carried over to our first-roundplayoff game,”Dacus said.“Everybody whois backhasapretty bad taste intheirmouthandislooking for-
ward to do somethingaboutthat.
“Wehada goodoffseasoninthe spring,andit carried over to the summer. We have abunchof good players coming backandalsohave abunchof youngguys whom we willbeable to putinto goodsituations forus. We feel really good aboutourgroup.”
Qualitydepthmeans fewplayers willhaveto playbothoffenseand defense,andtheaddedstrength fromplayers whodedicatedthemselves to the weight roomonly complementsthe overall team quickness,Dacus said.
Players expectan evensplitbetweenrunningand passingwith thewideoutshoping formore throwingandthelinemenhoping to bowl overopponentswiththe run game.
0 FrankedricPowell,jr.;1JavynJessie,soph.;2 Treyvon Mcginty,sr.;3Nicolas Castaneda,sr.;4JarradIsaiah,soph.;5 Camden Dacus,sr.;6 Clifton Love,sr.; 7 HudsonMinor, jr.; 8JaeveonGraves,jr.;9Noah Silcox,jr.;10Mason Phillips,sr.;11 Deontray Scott, sr.;12M’Kheilan Woods,sr.; 14 Jaden Fox,jr.;15DevinNunez,jr.;18 KaddonHubbard,jr.; 19 ChrisHickmon,jr.;20 CameronQuezada,jr.;21 ChrisThompson,jr.;22Jamal Thomas,jr.; 23 Zy’Merick Taylor, soph.; 24,ArtavianRutherford, soph.;25 KC Phillips,jr.;29ArtaviusBlackshear,jr.;30Juan Vargas,jr.; 40 Fabian Perez,jr.;44JonahGlaesmann-Till,jr.; 45 Christ Tejada,sr.;50 Chance Risner,jr.; 54 TylerSierra,jr.;55 David Romero, jr.;58JaydenShepard,sr.; 60Andres Tobias, jr.;61 XavierHaynes, jr.;66Drew Chavez, jr.;68Douglas Franklin,sr.; 74 Michael Guzman, jr.; 75Matthew Sosa,jr.; 76 ColbyIngram,jr.;84Bry’TavianBennett, sr.
“Welike to spreadthe ballout and gettheathletes somespace,” seniorwide receiverCamden Dacus said.“Everybody isalot healthierandlookingbetterin theoffseason. We have alotmore depththis year.”
Senior Douglas Franklin,a 6-3, 280-poundoffensive tackle, smiles whendiscussing whathe likesmostonthe field.
“Ilike to runblockbecauseI like to pancaketheotherlinemen,linebackers, allofthem,” he said.“We’re takingitonasachallenge[facingstrongeropponents]. We’re going to be waybetter. We already have greatchemistrywith eachother.”
Thedefensehastheaddedchallengeofmovingupadivision,but theRattlers expect to rattleop-
Head coach Casey Dacus(2621in4seasonsatNavasota)
Assistant coaches —Ian Day, Matt Fisher, ChaseGanske, Justin Hale,Johnny Jernigan, LeeLipscomb,DonnMiller, CodyMorrison, MikeNichols, ZackNichols, Patrick Prestonand ChrisRandolph District —12-4ADivisionI
2021 record 5-6(3-2,tied for 2ndin13-4A-II)
2021 playoffs —bi-district: Wimberley, 0-56
Playoff appearances(39)
1936,1940-41, 1943, 1948, 1955-56, 1974, 1982-85, 1981-91, 1994-96, 1998,2002-04,2007-21
Playoff record 52-35-1
Returninglettermen —18(6offensive, 6defensivestarters)
Key returners RBJamall Thomas, jr.;C SheldonRayford,sr (A-D); OT Douglas Franklin,sr.(AD); OT MatthewSosa,jr.(2nd A-D); Drew Chavez,jr.(2nd A-D); LB Chris Thompson, jr. (2nd A-D)
Keylosses —WR/KR Xavier Steptoe(A-D);DE Ja’MarionMills(A-D); LBJaylenMyles(A-D);QBJa’Mar Jessie(2nd A-D);WRJohn Lee(2nd A-D);TEAlexSantos(2nd A-D); DT Eduardo Perez (2nd A-D); LBJamarion Frear(2nd A-D)
All-time record 597-483-23
Aug.27atWharton 49-0
Sept.3Sealy 30-40
Sept. 10 atMexia 63-21
Sept. 17 atHuffman Hargrave 20-37
Sept. 24 Yoakum 20-28
Oct. 8*Smithville 28-50
posingoffenseswith secondaryheavydefensive alignments.
“WeusealotofDBs ratherthan [downlinemen],” senior safety NicolasCastaneda said. “When thequarterbacks comeup to the line,they’regoing to be confused.”
Navasota is facedwithbeatingoutdistrict favoriteElCampo alongwithStafford,Brazosport, Alvin Iowa Colony, Needvilleand BayCityinitsnewdistrict.
“Idon’tknowthem very well,” Coach Dacus saidofthis fall’snew league foes.“Westudiedthemthis springandsummeronce we found out whichdistrict weweregoing to bein,but younever reallyknow until you getoutthereand see them.It’s going to beinteresting. Goingup to DivisionIis going to beachallenge.”
Oct. 15 *at LaGrange 33-21
Oct. 22*Cuero 14-55
Oct. 29*Gonzales 28-21
Nov. 5 *at Giddings41-26
Nov11vs. Wimberley0-56
*13-4A-II games
Aug. 26 Navarro 7 p.m.
Sept. 2atMadisonville7 p.m.
Sept. 9 Bellville 7 p.m.
Sept. 16 atHuffman Hargrave 7 p.m.
Sept. 23 *El Campo7 p.m.
Sept.30 *at Bay City 7 p.m.
Oct. 7*%Needville7 p.m.
Oct. 14 *at Iowa Colony 7 p.m.
Oct. 21*Stafford 7 p.m.
Oct. 28 *Brazosport7 p.m.
*12-4A-I games%Homecoming
Mustangs hope time in former district has them ready for 2022
Madisonvilleis counting on familiar facesand foes makingthisahighlysuccessful season.
TheMustangs returneight startersonoffenseandeight moreondefense.
“Someofthose guys have beenstartingsincethey were sophomores,” Madisonville head coach Russell Urbantke said.
“We’regoing to leanon those returningstarters.”
Those veteranscut their teethinEast TexasbasedDistrict10-4ADivisionII,which was considered oneofthestate’s toughest districtswithCarthagewinningstatein2020. Addin JasperandRuskandit was toughsledding fortheMustangs,who went3-7inthat district over two seasons.But italso wasagreatlearning experience.
“Weuseditasabigbuildingblock,and we justput itbehindus,” running back Blessing Ngene said.“We didn’tstressout. We just take intothenext year what we learnedfromtheprevious year.”
NgeneandMadisonvillewill testtheirprogress againstnewopponentsas the UniversityInterscholasticLeaguemovedtheMustangs to Central Texas-based 11-4A-II,a five-teamdistrict thatincludesGatesville, Waco Robinson, Saladoand
WacoConnally.Madisonville wasinadistrictwith Robinson, Saladoand Connallyas recentlyas2019. On paper, it’s amuch easier route to the playoffs.Noneofthose teams advanced pastbi-districtlast yearincludingMadisonville, whichsuffereda50-7blowoutloss to ChinaSpringin the first roundoftheplayoffs. Butthatdidendathree-year playoff drought.
“We want to buildonthat, andour goalisadistrict championship,” Urbantke said.“We’re bringing back threeoffensive linemanand reallyallofourskilledpositionsare backonbothsides.”
Madisonville’sstrength isspeed. Ngene,linebacker JeramiahBurnsandwide receiversRayceHudsonand DevonWheaton carriedthe baton forMadisonville’s 4x200-meter relay team that finished seventhatstate. Madisonvilleandsixth-place finisher DallasLincoln were theonly teamsamongthe nineentries to have allunderclassmen.
“Wehaveteam speed. We eventookthattoanotherlevel thisspring,”Urbantke said. “Our teamspeedis whereit needs to be, [but] we’ve got to winin thetrenchesonboth sidesofthe ball. So that’s what we’vekindofhonedin onthisspringismakingthose guys upfrontasstrongas we can getthem.”
Playingintheolddistrict showedMadisonvillethe need to have bothspeedand size.
“We reallypoundedinthe weight roomthisspringand summer,” Urbantke said. “That wasonethingthat I feltlike we needed. We
2RB/LBJyrinBurns,jr.;3QB/DB Ty Williams,soph.;4WB/DBJer’malHolland,sr.;5RB/LB XzavierWhaley, sr.;6WR/LB TristanWhaley, fr.;7WR/DB LorenzoJohnson,jr.;8RB/DBJeramiahBurns,jr.;9WR/DBAidenJuarez,jr.;10WR/DBDevinWheaton,sr.;11RB/DBBlessing Ngene,sr.;12TE/LB Coy Alvarado,sr.;13WR/DBJakeithonOwens,jr.; 14 WR/DBIzaiyaDrake, soph.;15WR/DBDontra Roberson,soph.;16LB/RB Conner Swonke, jr.; 17 WR/DB Tavis York, sr.;18WR/DBJer’MacusHolland,sr.;20WR/DB ChristopherGeorge,sr.;21RB/DB Keynen Wheaton,sr.;22RB/DB Kardarius Wanza,sr.; 24 RB/LBPhillipGreenJr.,soph.; 28 KAlexander Torres,sr.;32TE/LB CameronThrower, jr.; 33 LB/TEBrayden Williams,sr.;44TE/LBDylan Blakely,soph.;56OL/DL Cole Wilkerson,sr.; 57 OL/DLArmandoPolanco, sr.;62OL/DL Cutter Smith,sr.;64OL/DLOmar Lopez, soph.;65OL/DLJariusDickey,soph.; 73 OL/DLOmarHinojosa,soph.;75OL/DL DavidGuevara,sr.;77OL/DLJalenMajor,sr.;80TE/DLDeruiseJohnson, soph.; 82 TE/DB CameronSee,sr.;85TE/DL Tyreke Hastings,sr.;88TE/LBBrittonNash,sr.
Head coach RussellUrbantke (9-22 in3seasonsatMadisonville)
Assistant coaches —Joseph Renner, CameronPortwood,Anthony Campbell,BrysonNail, ChrisWhaley, Adam Borgfeld, Tyler Welsh, TraePoe,JamesCroley. District —11-4ADivisionII
2021 record 4-7(23,fourth)
Playoff appearances(23) 1957-59, 1975, 1983-84, 1986, 1994, 1996, 1998,200001,2004-07, 2010,201314,2016-17; 2021
Playoff record 1123
Returninglettermen —21(8offensive, 8defensivestarters)
Key returners —RB BlessingNgene,sr.(AD);LBJeremiahBurns, jr.(A-D);DB/KR Lorenzo Johnson,jr.(A-D/2nd A-D);QB/OLBJeramiah Burns,jr.(2nd A-D); WRDevinWheaton,sr. (2nd A-D);ILB Cameron Thrower, jr (2nd A-D); DBJer’malHolland,sr (2nd A-D)
Keylosses —UT CodyBorgfeld(A-D);OL TylerGeorge(2nd A-D); DB RonnieMosley (2nd A-D); P/PKVladimir Morales(A-D/2nd A-D)
All-time record 429-487-30
Theylive andbreathe football inCaldwellandBurleson County, and second-yearCaldwellhead football coach Boone Pattersonis oneofthose people.
“The town’s excited. We’re excited, and we can’t wait to get started,” Patterson said.
The Hornets are comingoff a 2-8 season last yearthat includedan 0-6 record in District11-3A-I play. Caldwellopenedlast season witha pairofwinsbut couldn’t get backinthewin columnafter that.
Thisoffseasonhas seenalotof changes forthe Hornets.
Despitethisbeinghis second year, Pattersonarrivedduring thelast weekof schoola yearago and wasn’table to puthis team throughoffseason workouts.
Patterson feltthattheprevious coachingstaff hadlaida good foundation forhimandhisstaff to buildoff, butbeingable to finally putthe teamthroughoffseason workoutsthis yearhasbeenabig boost fortheprogram.
“We gotour firstfulloffseason underourbelt, firstfullsummer withthe coachingstaff inplace,” Patterson said.“Kidsarelooking bigger, faster, stronger.”
Thisoffseasonhasn’tbeen justaboutdevelopingtheplayers physically.Goingthroughtheoffseason togetheralsohasallowed the coachingstaff to make tweaks to theprogramand gettheplayers to understandthose changes.
“Thekidshave reallyboughtin to the tweaks that we’vemade,” Patterson said.“Thepreviousstaff inCaldwellhadlaida really good foundation,and we’rejusttrying to buildoff that.Thesekidshave boughtintothethingsthat we have broughtin,thestrengthprogram,therunning.I feellike we’re seeingthebenefits. Kids seem to begrowingintotheirbodiesalittle,starting to looklikemen,not justboys.”
Theotherbigchange for Caldwellthis yearisamove up to Class4A.Nowthe Hornetswillbe inDistrict12-4A-IIafterspendingtheprevious two seasonsin 11-3A-I.Thenewdistrictincludes entirelynewleagueopponents for Caldwell, whichwill face Cuero, Giddings, Gonzales, LaGrange andSmithville.
Withabrandnewdistrict, Pattersonis tellinghis team to take it justone gameatatime.
“When you’re trying to grow aprogramand getit backonthe righttrack, you take itone week atatimeand can’t overlookanybody,” Patterson said.“We’renot inanyposition to makelofty goals atthispointotherthan we’re going to do thebestthat we can everydayandtryand get some
improvement.Showthatincrementalimprovementday-to-day andthenhopefully all thataddsup to awin Week1.”
Lookingathis roster, Patterson says he willhave around four returningplayers on defenseand about fouror five onoffense.
The Hornetswillbemissinglast year’s seniorclass, but Patterson hasalready seenthis year’sgroup of seniorsstepupandleadthe youngerplayers during workouts.
“Intheoffseason,they were makingsuretheguys were held accountableandbeing where they’re supposed to be,” Patterson said. “And we’vehadbetter numbersthissummerthanI’ve ever seeninanyof my stops. We had well over100kids everyday in June,and foraplacelikeCaldwell,
Head coach Boone Patterson (13-20overallin 3seasons,2-8 in 1seasonat Caldwell)
District —12-4ADivisionII
2021 record 2-8(0-6,last)
Returninglettermen —16(5 offensive, 3 defensivestarters)
Key returners —DLDelvin Morris,sr.(A-D)
Keylosses —OLGarrett Tittle (A-D); RB JamarHewitt(2nd A-D); LB LaramiePieper(2nd A-D)
Playoff appearances(22) 1924, 1926, 1928, 1930-32, 1935, 1939, 1971, 1980, 1984, 1994, 1999,2003-04,2007-09, 2014-17
Playoff record 14-20-1
All-time record 471-490-33
Aug.27at Manor New Tech54-0
Sept.3Hempstead 38-6
Sept. 10 at BrookshireRoyal20-26
Sept 17 Giddings 14-28
Sept. 24 *Cameron Yoe 0-70
Oct. 8 *at Rockdale 30-34
if you can get100boys outthere, you’rereally excitedaboutit.”
Someofthe seniorsthat Pattersonhas seenstepupand take charge includenose guardand tightend/fullback Delvin Morris, linebacker/center JustinBalcar andoffensive anddefensive linemanJim Jackson.
Alongwiththethree seniors, Patterson saidhealsohasbeen impressed by sophomorequarterback Boone Turner,whoisenteringhis first year on varsity.
And whiletherehave been plentyofchangesthisoffseason forCaldwell, Patterson’s goals aresimple.
“Ithinkourbig goalis to get somedistrictwinsunderourbelt, maketheplayoffs, seeif we can make somenoise,” he said.
Oct. 15*Little River Academy0-49
Oct. 22 *at Troy 20-21
Oct. 29*Lorena 0-56
Nov. 5 *atMcGregor 14-53 *11-3A-I games
Aug. 26 at Groesbeck 7:30 p.m.
Sept.2at Waco Robinson7 p.m.
Sept. 9Jarrell 7:30 p.m.
Sept. 16 Madisonville 7:30 p.m.
Sept.30at Lexington 7:30 p.m.
Oct. 7**%Gonzales 7:30 p.m.
Oct. 14 *at LaGrange 7:30 p.m.
Oct. 21*Cuero 7:30 p.m.
Oct. 28 *at Giddings 7:30 p.m.
Nov. 4*Smithville 7:30 p.m. *12-4AII games
TheCameron Yoemen rolledup theirsleevesduringtheoffseason aftertheprogram’s first back-tobacklosing seasonsinalmostsix decades.
The Yoemadetheplayoffslast year, buta42-38bi-districtloss saddledthe teamwitha4-7 record. That cameontheheelsof a4-5 seasonthatendedadecade runofplayoff tripsthatincluded sixdouble-digitwinning seasons, includingatrioofstatechampionships(2012-15).
“Last year wasa tough year. We were alittledisappointed,” junior offensive linemanMasonLeifeste said.“Weended way too soon. This year, we’re coming back. We’re ready to makeitfurther. It kindof gotusmad.It gotus fired up.We kindof feel we let the whole towndown.”
The teamhasdrawnmuch closer, seniorwide receiver/defensive back Trayjen Wilcox said.
“We’ve bondedmore. We’ve talked. We’vebeeninthe weight room togethermore,”Wilcox said. “Wejustdothingsasa teambetter.”
It’s lefttheplayers mentally stronger.
“It’s strengthenedus,” Leifeste said.“When we’ve come to workouts, you’llnotice everybody is firedup Everybodyis ready to go. Everybodyisintense.There’s not very much jokingaround. Everybodythereis wanting to get businessdone, so we canprove everybodywrongand get back to ournormal selves.”
Theattitudechangeshouldhelp adefensethatallowedatleast40 pointsin five gameslast season.
“We’ve gotanewdefensethis year. We’retrying somethinga littledifferent,” seniorlinebacker Braylon Jones said.“The key to the Yoedefenseis we’re going to beheavyrun-stoppers forsure.”
Jonesisamong seven returning
1QBBraylanDrake, jr.;2WR/DBJa’QuoriusHardman,jr.;3WR/DB KasonGoolsby, jr.;4WR/DBJa’Qualyn Fields,sr.;6WR/OLBArmando Reyes,sr.;7WR/DB Trayjen Wilcox,sr.;8RB/DB KardariusBradley, jr.;9RB/DBLanden Greene,sr.;10 WR/ DBDe’Vontae Jackson,sr.;11WR/DBAhmadBraziel,sr.;12QB/LB CadeHubnik, soph.; 14 WR/DB Adan Contreras,jr.;16WR/DE Cody Webb,jr.; 17 QB/WR Connor Jeter,jr.;18WR/DB D’Auntray Bradley,jr.;20OLBMatthew Baker, sr.; 22WR/OLB CharlieMayer, sr.;25ILBJavaresCrittendon,jr.; 30ILB Braylon Jones,sr.; 32 TavaresCrittendon,jr.;34ILB Tyler Tyson,jr.;35RB/DL TyroneMiller, soph.;42RB/ ILB Tyler Tyson,jr.;42RB/ILBHaydenDeLa Fuentes,soph.;50OL/DLAndreSegovia,sr.;52 OL/DLMason Leifeste,jr.;54OL/DLRicky Haynes,soph.;55OL/DLSamari Ware, soph.;56OL/DLJohn Torres,jr.;58OLDenarion Evans,sr.;60 OL/DL CarlosSalomon,sr.; 64OL/DLLandon Terry, jr.;72OL/DL KeshonJohnson,sr.;75 OL/DL Colby Wilson,jr.;77OL/DLJa’KobeBailey, sr.; 78 OL Christian Lenued,sr.
defensive starters.
Seniorlinebacker ColtonBarbo, seniordefensive back LandenGreeneand juniordefensive back Ja’Quorius Hardman were all second-team,alldistrictpicks.
“We’regoing to runathree-man front,andthen we’re going to have twomiddle linebackersand twooutsidelinebackers,”Jones said.“Thisdoesn’t affectme toomuchfromlast year.I wasstillinthemiddlelast year We stillhave twomiddlelinebackers, but we didn’thave twooutsides.”
Jones saidhe’lldolessin pass coverage.
Aug.27Lago Vista62-643OTs
Sept.3atBellville 26-41
Sept. 10 Franklin 21-41
Sept. 17 atLake BeltonJV 14-28
Sept. 24 *at Caldwell 70-0
Oct. 1*Rockdale 60-23
Oct. 8 *at Academy 28-32
Oct. 15 *Troy 57-22
Oct. 22 *at Lorena 20-42
Oct. 29*McGregor 44-19
Nov. 11Hallettsville38-42
*11-3A-I games
Aug. 26 Lago Vista 7:30 p.m.
Sept.2 Yoakum 7:30 p.m.
Sept. 9 Waco Connally 7:30 p.m.
Sept. 16 Bellville 7:30 p.m.
Sept. 23 *Lorena 7:30 p.m.
Oct. 7*%Academy 7:30 p.m.
Oct. 14 *at McGregor 7:30 p.m.
Oct. 21*Rockdale 7:30 p.m.
Oct. 28 *at Franklin 7:30 p.m.
Nov. 4 *Troy 7:30 p.m.
*11-3A-I games
Head coach RickRhoades (154-68 overallin18seasons,86-24 in8seasons at Cameron)
Assistant coaches —offensive coordinator LupeFlorez, defensive coordinatorMatthew Luddeke, special teams coordinatorPeteMagre, Jake Chidester, Caleb Clark, Nick DeLa Cerda, PrestonEhler, Lance Hause, Edgar Luna,LaBaronGraham, JoshBrunson,JesseNelson, Carmichael Wiley
District —11-3ADivisionI
2021 record 4-7 (4-2,3rd)
2021 playoffs —bidistrict: Hallettsville, 38-42
Playoff appearances(47) 1934, 1936,1946-48, 1951, 1954, 1964-67, 1974-75, 1978, 1981-1993, 1996-98, 2000-02, 2005-07, 201019;2021
Playoff record 47 (76-41-3)
Returninglettermen —18 lettermen(3offensive, 7defensive starters)
Key returners WR Kason Goolsby, jr.(A-D);OL Colby Wilson, jr.(A-D);DBLandenGreene, sr. (AD);DL Keshon Johnsonsr.(2nd A-D); LB Colton Barbo,sr.(2nd A-D);DB Ja’QuoriusHardman,jr.(2nd A-D); KRPharrellHemphill,sr.(A-D)
“I’mmoreofan add-on pass rusher, watchingforscreens, drawsandstuff like that,”Jones said.
Cameronhas to replaceeightstarters fromanoffensethat scored 57 ormore points fourtimes.
JuniorBraylan Drake replacesalldistrictquarterback RyanMuniz.Drake was 7-of-15 passing for112 yardsanda touchdowninlimitedactionlast year, butthetimeasMuniz’s backup helpedhim read coverages.
“IthinkI’ma gooddual-threat quarterback,” Drake said.“I can throw the ball well.I canrun well. I’mjust real goodinthepocket.”
The5-foot-10,155-poundDrake has plenty of playmakersinKason Goolsby (43 receptions, 471 yards, 2TDs), Wilcox (22-461-6)and Pharrell Hemphill(24-596-12).
“I feellikeI’magreatplaymaker,” Wilcox said.“Idon’t feel likeIhavetoomany weaknesses. I don’t feellikeanybody cando whatIdo. Ijustmakeplays. Ijust play football.”
The Yoe receivers complement eachother.
“Itrustthose threeguys a whole lot,” Drake said. “We’ll bethrowingthe balla wholelot.”
The6-3,240-poundLeifeste liked whathe sawduringtheoffseason.
“Youcanlookaroundfrom every singleposition,it’s the samething everybodyis flyingaroundon the fieldduring conditioningand in footballdrills,” Leifeste said.“I mean,they’regettingafterit.They
Key losses —LB FabianSalomon(11-3A-DIDef.MVP); QB Ryan Muniz, Cameron(A-D); RB Phaibian Bynaum(A-D);OLGarfieldEngland (A-D);WRJaidynSanchez(2nd A-D); OLHunterHux (2nd A-D);DL Colby Arney(2nd A-D)
All-time record 741-373-43
Leifeste saidhehas towork hard everysingleplay to besuccessful.
“I’mnotnecessarilyoneofthe strongestguys outthere,” he said. “Iuseleverage. Itry to stay low. You’llalways haveto find ways,not justin footballbutlife— youhave towork aroundstuff Footballisa good way to learnbecause you’re notalwaysgoing to bethebiggest, thestrongestguy. You’regoing to getouthorsed. You’ve kind of got to figureouta way. You’ve got to makeit work wheneverit won’t work.”
Thatalsodescribesthe team, whichistrying to avoidtheprogram’sthirdstraightlosing season, whichhasn’thappenedsince 1944.
TheFranklinfootballteam’smantralast season was“finish” after theLionssufferedaheartbreaking 35-34loss to Canadianinthe2020 Class3ADivisionIIstatechampionship game,butthey’ve gotanew rallyingcrythis year.
Franklinput away Gunter49-35 inlast year’s3A-IItitle game for theprogram’s first statechampionship, andtheLions already arehungry formore.
“Eventhough we movedup a division, we still want to defendit andbringithome,” Franklinhead coachMark Fannin said.“That’s kindofthething we’re goingoff of thisyear,andthekids,theyseeiton theirshirt everyday, and we pretty much talkaboutitonadaily basis. We just want to keepthatfreshon theirmind.”
WhileFranklincannottechnically defenditsstatetitleaftermovingup to 3A-Ithis year, theLions want to endtheir seasonat AT&TStadium inArlingtonforathirdstraightyear.
“Wedon’treallyhaveachanceto defendourtitleinDivisionII, but we 100%have achance to come and take itinDivisionI,andthat’s ourplan,” seniorlinemanAndrew Elmore said.
LeadingtheLionsisseniorBryson Washington,a two-waystandout whois committed to Baylor Washingtonis DaveCampbell’s Texas Football’s preseasonoffensive playerofthe year.
Aug.27at Lorena
Sept. 10
*13-3A-DII games
duringpreseasonpractice. WashingtonwilldoubleasoneoftheLions’starting safeties.
“He’sbeen rotatingatfullback, halfback, tailbackandatquarterback,”Fannin said.“Havinghimon ourteam,he’sgoingtobeusedwell. He’sgoingtoplayeverywhereonoffense forus.”
whoplayed safety last seasonbut is expected to bea two-wayplayer thisyear.HidrogosaidtheLionswill look to Jayden JacksonandBraylon Lattimore to fillholesatoffensive skillpositions.
“We’ve been waiting to fillthose shoes,” Hidrogo said. “We’re ready to showthat we candoit too.”
TheLionshave a toughnondistrictmatchupwithDibollon Sept. 9, andtheirnewDistrict11-3A-I isloaded. Texas Football picked second-ranked Franklin to win the leaguetitle,butdefending3A-I statechampionandthird-ranked Lorenaisinitandpicked to finish second. FranklinvisitsLorenaon Oct.21.
“You’ve got to get ready forthis district,becauseit’s going to be weekinand weekout very, very competitive,” Fannin said.“I’m looking forward to eachand every FridaynightbecauseIthinkit’s going to be somegreat footballplayed inthisdistrict every Fridaynight.If we canplay welland[Lorena] can play well,it’s gotachance to be a showdown fordangsureinthelatterhalfofdistrictplay.It’sstillalong ways fromnow, so we’ll see what happensinbetween.”
Head coach Mark Fannin(28-3 in2seasons at Franklin)
Assistant coaches WillHedrick, MatthewAnderson,JustinBeasley, DanielBrewer, BenGallego, Zach Lierman,JayceRasberry, JakeRuss, Jordan Lyle, ZachSatterwhite,Jared Burnett, JacobWhite
District —13-3A-DII
2021 record —16-0 (6-0,1stin133ADivisionII)
2021playoffs bi-district: Danbury, 63-7;area: Stockdale, 70-6; regionals:Riesel,60-0;statequarterfinals:Poth,66-0;statesemifinals: Waskom, 28-14; championship: Gunter, 49-35
Playoff appearances(34) 1951, 1953, 1955, 1961, 1965, 1970, 1972, 1975, 1977-79, 1983-84, 1986, 1988, 1996-98, 2003, 2007-21
Playoff record 46-32-1
Returninglettermen 19 (5offensive, 6defensivestarters)
“Meandtheguys, we always say we’rethebestinthestate,” Washingtonsaid.“Wewanttobethebest inthestate. We’ve got to practice like we’rethebestinthestate,play like we’rethebestinthestateand justbuild together.”
FanninsaidWashingtonhasbeen workingatallthreerunning back positionsand evenquarterback
Franklin returns11 totalstartersfromlast year’sstatetitle team despitegraduatingastrong senior class.KeyreturneesincludeElmore, tightendBradenSmith,his twin brotherandlinebackerColbySmith, linebackerBraden Youreeanddefensive linemanMajor Kimbrough.
Fannin saidmultipleplayers are still competing forthefull-time startingquarterback role.He noted thatondefense,theLionsarealittleaheadof scheduleinpreseason practicethanks to playersretaining informationfromlast season.
Waitinginthewingshave been players likejunior Devyn Hidrogo,
Since some returning veteranshave played twofull 16-game seasonsthelast two years, Fannin saidplayers know whatit takes to get back to thestatetitle gameand wouldloveto have theopportunity to doitagain.Players notedtheLions’buy-inhasbeenstrongthisoffseason,whichgivesthemoptimism Franklin can go back-to-back.
“We’ve still got to have asmuch want-toandwillaswehadlastyear comingintothe season,” Braden Smith said.“We’ve got to attackit justlike we lostagain. We’ve got to gogetit. We needanotheroneand bringit back to Franklin.”
Key returners —HB/FSBryson Washington,jr.(13-3A-II co-MVP);LB ColbySmith,jr.(13-3A co-Def.MVP); LBBrayden Youree,jr.(13-3ADef. coMVP);FB/OLBJaydenJackson,soph. (13-3ANOY);TEBradenSmith,jr.(AD);DLAndrew Elmore, sr.(2nd A-D); DLMajor Kimbrough,jr.(2nd A-D);DB DevynHidrogo,jr.(2nd A-D) Keylosses —TB/CBMalcolm Murphy(13-3A-II co-MVP);FBBobby Washington,sr.(13-3AOff.MVP);QB Marcus Wade(A-D);WRHaydenHelton(A-D);OLRussell Stegall,(A-D); OL CharlieScarpinato(A-D);DL Luis Munoz(A-D);OLBSethShamblin(AD);LBHaze Tomascik(A-D);OL Cody Owens(2nd A-D);DL ParkerBoyett (2nd A-D);DB Darren Daugherty (2nd A-D)
All-time record —606-382-37
1FB/OLBJaydenJackson,fr.;2 FB/LB Brayden Youree, soph.; 3 TE/DLBradenSmith,soph.;8TB/CB DevynHidrogo,soph.;10TB/FS FragielOwens,jr.;11HB/OLBLanden Lorenz,jr.;15 HB/FSBryson Washington,jr.;16QB/FS Cort Lowry, soph.;20HB/CBBraylonLattimore, soph.;32HB/LB ColbySmith,soph.; 33 FB/LBJacobSmith,jr.;34HB/LBIke Eaton,jr.;35FB/OLB ColeBrantner, jr.; 50 OL/LB ColtonMedders,jr.;51OL/LBMajor Kimbrough, soph.;58TE/DL Cameron Zamora, soph.;62OL/DLEJDoakes,sr.; 63 OL/DLQuade Lopez, jr.; 74 OL/DL Trent Ellison,jr.;75 OL/DLAndrew Elmore, jr.;77OL/DLAndrew Narro, soph.;81OL/DL Jensen Pils,sr.; 82 OL/DLDeanRampy, jr.
Specialto The Eagle
Rockdale’s football team isaiming to winaplayoff game forthe firsttimesinceitsstatetitlein2017. Togetthere,TheTigersaregoingto haveto survive one ofthe toughest districts in Texas.
District11-3A Division I features four teams rankedin Texas Football’spreseason Top25. Notably, both oflast year’s3Astatechampions, FranklinandLorena,sit second and thirdinthepoll.LittleRiver Academy comesinat 13th, while Cameron is20th.
“It’s going to beadogfight week inand weekout,” Rockdalehead coach JacobCampsey said.“Some ofthemosttremendous football playersand coachingin thestateis inthisdistrict.”
Rockdaleisprojected to finish fifthinthedistrict,butthe Tigers arenoslouch Theybring back 24 lettermenfromlast year’splayoff squad ledontheoffense by a core groupof veteran skill players.
BlaydnBarcakentersthe season as thestartingquarterbackafter startingmostoflast seasonas a sophomore. Barcakwillbesupported by receivers Robert Owens and Wyatt Windhamas wellas sophomore TimGrice.
Gricewillbesure to turn some headsonoffensethis season. He finished secondin3Ainthe200 metersatlast year’strackand field statechampionshipsasafreshman andisprepared to usehisspeed on thegridiron.
“He’s got world-classspeed,” Campsey said.“There’snotanybody who canrunwithhim. He’s
the fastestkidinthestate,and he’s going to addan elementoffensively.”
Onthe defensive end,Rockdale isundergoing a scheme switch. Campseyhasruna3-4defense sincehearrivedinRockdalein2015. This season,the Tigers areshifting to a 4-2-5 set.
Linebackers Cruz San Miguel andCade Pantaleonare ready to leadtheunitastheymake the switch.
“CadeandCruz really setthe tone,” Barcak said.
SanMiguelsaidthathe’s worked hardthisoffseason to stepintohis new role.
“I tookthisoffseason veryseriously,” San Miguel said. “[I’ve been]trying to getbigger, faster, stronger. Ineed to go outand ball out every game.”
Rockdale’sdefense willneed someaddedproductionfrom newcomersandunderclassmen whostoodoutinthespring 7-on-7
Head coach —Jacob Campsey (5-6in1seasonat Rockdale)
District —11-3A-D1
2021 record 5-6(3-3, fourthin11-3ADivisionI)
2021playoffs —bi-district: Columbus,21-42
Playoff appearances(29) 1958, 1962-63, 1975-77, 1979, 1992-93, 1995, 1997-99, 2002-04, 2007-10, 2012-21
Playoff record 32-28
Returning lettermen 8 (2offensive, 4defensivestarters)
Key returners —OL/DL LaneRickman, Rockdale,sr.(A-D/2nd A-D); LBCruzSanMigel,jr.(A-D);QB BlaydnBarcak,jr.(2nd A-D); DB Gerren
Marrero, jr. (2nd A-D)
Keylosses —WR Kobe Mitchell(A-D);OLJakeHassellbach (A-D);LB/ RB DaviounScott(A-D/2nd A-D);LB ChrisHuff (2nd A-D)
All-time record —568-475-25
season, Campsey said.Gricewill playonbothsidesofthe ball,while safety GerrenMarreroisalso expected to helpleadthe Tigers defensively.
“We’re looking forhugethings,” Campsey said,“notonlywithour speed andathleticallybutleadershipwise and taking control ofour defense.”
Whilea2017-esqe playoff run maybeon the Tigers’minds, they’ve gota few tough games to getthroughbeforethey even reach theirdistrictslate. Chiefamong themisa Sept. 16 datewith fifthrankedJim Nedandamatchup against 3A-II’s No. 16 Lexington.
“It’s a fun schedulefrom top to bottom,” Campsey said.“Ourkids arefiredup[forJimNed],andthat’s going to beaplayoff-likeatmosphere. But youlookatour scheduleand you seethatthere’snotone single gamethatthere’sno excitement forjustbecause ofthe caliber oftheopponents we’replaying.”
Whileothersfocusontheperennialpowerhousesinloaded11-3AI, Rockdale looks to beasurprise.
“We’re theunderdogsthis year,” SanMiguelsaid.“We’reouthereto do whatnoone thinks we can.”
neededmore team strength.”
Madisonvillehadastrong groundattacklast year, rushing for2,574 yards,averaging 6.6 yardsper carry. Ngenehad 96 carries for 798 yards (8.3) with 11 touchdowns Quarterback Burnsadded 145 carries for847 yards(5.8)withsix touchdowns. Wheatonchippedin260 yards on 24 carries(10.8),andXavier Whaleyhad267 yardson55 carries (4.9)with four scores.
“Hopefully, we’re going to have a two-headedmonsterat therunning backposition,”Urbantke said.
Madisonville passed foronly 340 yardslast season, something itplans to improveinabig way.
“Wehave beenmorelike a two-back,spread teamthe past coupleof years, looking to run the ball to openupthe passing game,”Urbantke said.“Well,this year we’re going totest you vertically. We’re going to take our shotsdownfield,try to openit
upalittlemore,andIthinkour experienceintheoffensive lineis going to allowus to dothat,because forme to be comfortable to throw the ball,I want to make sure we have thatguyprotected backthere.”
Madisonvillehastheplayers to makebigplays in the passing game.
“DevinWheatonisaspeedster forusintheslotposition,” Urbantke said.“Wealsoputhim outside. Jer’Mar Hollandisalso aslot.Lorenzo Johnsonisajunior whohasstartedsincebeing afreshmanandhe’sa Texas Tech commitrightnow. He starts for usatoutsidewide receiverandas adefensive back. We’ve got some guys. We’ve got to getthemthe ballinspace.”
Hollandhad258 yardsrushing last yearon 37 carriesbutonly one reception.
“IthinkI’m going to have a lotof receptionsthis fall,alot of[yards]after catches,” Holland said.
More success inthe passing gamewill complementtherunning game.
“We’ve got to have those guys upfrontmove themalittlebit andletthose running backs get pastthem,”Urbantke said.
Madisonvillehasbig-play potentialondefensebecauseof itsspeed.Burnsplayed safety asafreshmanandlast season dropped down to outside linebacker. InsidelinebackersCameronThrower(88 tackles)and Conner Swank(74 tackles)also return.
“[Throwerand Swank]started andplayed every gameas sophomores,” Urbantke said.“We’re looking forbigthingsfromthose guys. We look to move andstunt those guys Ilike to put some oldrunning backsinthedefensive line. We like to useour team speedasanadvantage.”
Madisonville’s experience extendsbeyondthefield. Urbantke entershis fourth seasonafter servingasoffensive coordinator under formerhead coachRusty Nail.
“Thingsare coming to me easieronadaily basis,” Urbantke said. “AndIthinkinturn,that goes over to thekids. Andthese
guys,whenI took overthree yearsago, we graduateda ton ofkids, and we had somesmall seniorclassesinthere. We had to startabunchofthese young kids.So now we’re reallylooking to reap thebenefitoftheir experiencethatthey’ve gained over thelast coupleof years.”
NOTES: Madisonvillehas fallen on toughtimes, advancing past the second roundoftheplayoffs onlyonceinthelast11 years theMustangs went11-2 in2017 withadistrictchampionship. That wasMadisonville’slone winning seasonin 14 years. Madisonvilleispicked to finish thirdin11-4A-II by Texas Football behind Saladoand Waco Connally. SaladoinMarchhired Tom Westerberg, who won four straightstatetitlesatAllen wherehe coachedfrom2004-16. He hadbeenHays CISD’sathleticsdirectorafter four seasonsas head coach/ADatBarbers Hill. Westerbergis186-34in 17seasons.
Aug.27Diboll 51-20
Sept.3Liberty 14-42
Sept. 10at Teague 35-0
Sept. 17 Lorena 16-49
Sept. 24 atLivingston 14-24
Oct. 8 *at Shepherd27-18
Oct. 15*Rusk 28-31
Oct. 22 *at Center 52-40
Oct. 29*Carthage 3-54
Nov. 5 *atJasper 13-35
Nov. 12 vs. China Spring 7-50 *10-4A-II games
Aug. 26 at Diboll 7 p.m.
Sept.2Navasota 7 p.m.
Sept.9at Fairfield 7 p.m.
Sept. 16 at Caldwell 7 p.m.
Sept. 23 %Livingston7 p.m.
Sept.30 Columbus 7 p.m.
Oct. 14 *Waco Robinson7 p.m.
Oct. 21 *atGatesville7 p.m.
Oct. 28 *Waco Connally7 p.m.
Nov. 4 *atSalado 7 p.m. *11-4A-II games
-KubotaL2501 DT (24.8HP†)
-24.8HP† IGearDriven
-KubotaLA526 Loader
-KubotaL2256 Bucket
-Landpride RCR1260RotaryCutter5’
-Landpride BB1260 BoxBlade 5’
-Orangeline TU70-18Trailer 18’
Jacob Borski’s goalhasn’t changed.
The seniorhasbeenplaying footballsince seventhgradeand hasbeendreamingofthat first playoff winatAnderson-Shiro eversince.
“We’ve got to bringourprogramaplayoff winatleast,”
Borski said.“It’s theonly goalI’ve got.”
Anderson-Shirohas reached thepostseason five timesinprogramhistory andis0-5withlosses in2013, 2015 and2018-20.In2021, the Owls finishedthe seasonan uncharacteristic 2-8 overalland 0-6inDistrict12-3A-IIplay to snaptheirstringofthreestraight playoff appearances.
“It wasa fluke year,” Borski said.“We had some key injuries on someimportant players. I thinktheimportantthingisjust stay healthyand keepplayingthe gamelike we should,like we know how to play.”
Anderson-Shirohead coach Brad Hodgesadmits someofthe thingsthatarose in2021 were hurdleshehadneverencounteredin his career.
“Inall my yearsof coaching, I don’tthinkI’ve raninto someof thestrangethings thatpopped up forusthis past year, so it was kindofjust going throughthatand dealingwiththat,” Hodges said. “We’ve had sometime to reflect onthatandhow we handlethat adversity, and we feelalotbetter equipped to dothatthis year. And Ithink we’llbeonthe rightend.”
Anderson-Shirowillbealot youngerthis season,but Hodges isn’t worriedbecausethe team isn’tlacking experience Mostof theplayers who sawsignificant
1WR/DB Ty Sechelski,jr.;2QB/LBJordan Coronado,jr.;3WR/DBBlake Dubose,soph.;4RB/DLJarvisHaynes,jr.;7WR/DB KieranGill,fr.; 8 QB/DL Logan Jackson,fr.;9WR/CBJacobBorski,sr.;10WR/DB Kevin Smith,soph.;11RB/DBPierce Goodwin, jr.; 12WR/LB Kagan Stephens, soph.; 14 WR/DLLawson Stuart, soph.;15 WR/DB Brant Werner,sr.; 17 WR/DB DanielEspinoza, fr.; 19 WR/LB Colby Cotton,fr.;20WR/LB PedroMartinez, jr.;21WR/DB Caden First, soph.;22RB/DB Tacolby Calhoun,soph.; 24 WR/LB CollinAnderson, fr.; 27WR/LB CooperImhoff,soph.;30RB/DL Kevin Cabrera,jr.;32HB/DL Will Lee, jr.;34HB/ LB Andre Nguyen,sr.;44RB/DLMason Kolby, jr.;45RB/LB Luke Fife, soph.;50OL/DL WilliamBagley, jr.;52OL/DLBraden Adair,sr.; 54 OL/ LBLaiken Myrick, soph.;55OL/DL TravisAnderson,sr.;56OL/LB Levi Jones,sr.;58OL/DL Caden Hooter,soph.;60OL/LBNoah Daniel,jr.; 61OL/DL Cobi Wright, sr.; 64 OL/DL DeanAldava,jr.;65OL/DL Rome Rivera,soph.;66OL/DL WilliamRay, sr.; 70 OL/DL DaganAlford,jr.;72 OL/DL Caleb Wilson,fr.; 74 OL/DLHaydenTheriot, jr.;77OL/DLJesus Vanegas,fr.; 78 OL/DLRandy Mills,fr.;79OL/DLHayden Zimmerman, jr.;WR/DL WayneMosley, fr.
playingtimelast season were underclassmen,andamajorityof themare backthis year. The Owls are expected to have around30 players on varsitythis season.
Evenwiththe youthful roster,
Hodgesis expectingthe team to showimprovement.
“Weplan to take astep forward, get back to where we hadbeenin years pastasoneofthequality programsinthisarea, and we’ve
gotthe young talent to dothat,” Hodges said. “We’ve got to have someleaders stepup, but we feel goodabouttheones we’ve gotin place,andIthinkthey’lldoa good job forus.”
Hodgesalready has seen some ofthose leadersbegin to stepup thisoffseason. Seniors suchas Brant Wernerand TravisAndersonare twooftheplayers that have impressed Hodges.
“[Anderson]isaguy whois going to layitontheline for you whetherit’s a Friday night game or whetherit’s a June workout,” Hodges said.
Theleadershiphasn’tjust come fromtheupperclassmeneitheras Anderson-Shiro’squarterbacks, Jordan Coronadoand Connor Daley, have steppedupand taken charge even as youngerguys on the team.
“Boththose guys providealot of goodleadership forus, and we’re excitedaboutthefutures thatthey’ve got comingup,” Hodges said.
Head coach BradHodges(2230 in 5seasonsatAndersonShiro)
Assistant coaches defensive coordinatorBill Cowley,offensive coordinator RobertJackson,specialteams coordinator JustinHerbert, Jeffery Trant, MasonJarrell, KevinMacik, ChrisBiggs
District —12-3A-II
2021 record 2-8(0-6, last)
Playoff appearances 5 (2013, ’15, ’18, ’19, ’20)
Playoff record 0-5
Returninglettermen 19 (8 offensive, 6defensivestarters)
Key returners —LB Travis Anderson,sr. (A-D); WR Layne Sherwin,sr. (2nd A-D)
Keyloss —LBDuncanBenton (A-D)
All-time record 39-62
TheLexingtonEaglesare due someluck whenit comes to injuries.
Multi-talented Jarred Kerr, who wasa second-teampreseasonpicklast yearon Texas Football’s Super Team,didn’t playin2021becauseofa back injury. It wasathemethatEagle fanshave painfullygrown accustomed to.
“We’ve hadourshare [of setbacks],andit’s probably beenthelastsix years,” Lexingtonhead coach Kirk Muhl said.“It’s beenmajorinjuries.
It’s beenbig,biginjuries.”
Eventhelittleoneshurta programas goodasLexington’s.
TheEagles went 13-1 in 2017,thelosscoming to Boling 35-21intheClass3ADivision
IIstatequarterfinals All-state running back Ja’Kobe Cooper leftinthe firsthalfwithan ankleinjuryanddidn’t return.
Lexingtonhasn’tusedinjuriesasacrutch, managing to makethebestofthesituation each season.TheEagleshave made seven straightplayoff tripsandlast yearmanaged to win fourof theirlast five regular-season games to keep thestreak going.Lexington, forced to play severalunderclassmen, struggled early last seasoninblowoutlosses to West48-7 and Franklin4912.
“It was tough,” seniorGarrettGerdes said.“It’s hard having so manyfreshmenand sophomoresinstartingpositions, but we hadtheleaders to really getthem going.It was a toughtransition,butIthink we’re going to have abetter yearthis year.”
Lexington returns seven offensive and eightdefensive
startersbuthas to replace quarterbackSheltonSpringer, a four-yearstarter whothrew for2,375 yardsand 19 TDslast season. FindingSpringer’s heirunder centeristhe team’s biggestquestionmark,but highly toutedfreshmanKase Evans wonthe job, andMuhl ishopefulthe youngsterand his backupsquicklybecome anasset.
“I’m excitedaboutour quarterbackposition.There’s alotofupside to it,”Muhl said. “Ithink we’re going to bejust fineatourquarterbackposition.”
UnderArmour FuturesGame in JanuaryinOrlando, Florida—an eventthat featured thenation’s 75 besteighthgraders. He gained valuable experiencethat week,andhe willbesurrounded by more whenhethrowsthe ball for theEagles.
Returning receivers Daylon Washington(37 receptions, 626 yards, 7TDs), Garret Schneider(9-141-0)and Keith Wolridge(7-206-3)arevital to theunit’s success, because therun gamehas to replace Springerandrunning back Devin Jackson,who combined for1,295 yardsand 24 touchdowns.
The6-foot-2, 165-pound Washingtonhad263 yards rushingononly 15carries(26.3 avg.)with 16 TDs, andhe expects to getmore carries.
“I’m fastandadeepthreat, andI can catchitoff the screen,” he said.“Justhand methe ball.I can go 95.”
Theoffensive lineisanchored by seniorguard KoletenClaxtonalongwith sophomoresMatthewOrtiz andZackCarter Lexington alsohashighhopes for senior Jaycen Meurer,whodidn’t playmuchlast year. Gerdes willanchorthedefensive line, moving overfromoffense.
“I wastheright tackleonthe offensive line,” Gerdes said. “Now I’m playingdefensive
end.IplayedthepositionI’m goingupagainstalot.Ithink Iknow whatthey’re going to expectfromme,andIthink Iknowhow to makethebest outof my situation.I’m faster thanmostlinemen—I’ma prettysmallguy.”
Inthe secondary, Lexington returns sophomore Joseph Kerr(60 tackles)andjunior Wolridge (47).OutsidelinebackerLayneMagnuson(34) andmiddlelinebackerPreston McMillan(90)also return.
“Ondefense,it’s going to beamatterof getting some youngkids to play,”Muhl said. “I’mthinking we mightstart five orsixincomingfreshmen.”
Muhlbelieves severalofthe freshmenhave big-timepotential.
“As youngas we are going to be,Ithink we’re going to have moredepth,” he said.“Iknow that soundscrazy, but my juniorsand seniorsare going to smallclasses—they’regoing to go about10 eachifthat. Thefreshmenthatare going to play forus, theyaremature freshmen.”
As fortheinjuriesthathave plaguedtheEagles, the team has refocusedontrainingin hopesofpreventingasmany aspossible.
“But someofthemhave just beenfreakaccidents,” Muhl said.
Lexingtonhadanoffensive lineman falloff the backofa truckandcrackhisheadthis summer, andhe won’tbeable to play. It’s thekindof setback theEagleshave learned to live with.
“I’mapositive person, so I’malways expectingus to do well,”Muhl said.“Ourkidsput alotof work in. Our program iskindofbuiltonthat, so my expectationsarealways high.”
NOTES —Lexingtonis picked by Texas Football to winDistrict 13-3ADivision II, whichlostdefendingstate champion Franklinandadded Elkhart (4-6last year).
Lexington’s Garrett Gerdesismovingfrom offensive right tackleto defensiveendthis seasoninhopesofusing hisquicknessto disruptopponentsin2022.
1 Kase Evans,fr.; 2 Keith WolridgeJr.,jr.; 3 GarretSchneider,sr.;4Garrett Keeling,sr.; 5 Kaiden Chappel,soph.;6JustinBurkes,sr.; 7 LaneMagnuson, sr.; 8MasonBiehle, soph.; 9 Daylon Washington,sr.;10Garrett Gerdes,sr.; 11 Logan Wilcox, soph.;12Owen Rhodus, soph.; 13 WestonBayer, fr.; 14 Holt Brockenbush,jr.;15 PrestonMcMillan,sr.; 17 Noah Nededog,soph. 18 ZanderHartranft, jr.;20 TravisBalcar,sr.; 21 Joseph Kerr,soph.;22John Williams,soph.; 33 Adam Kieschnick,soph.;35 KevinNava, soph.; 38Ian Patschke, jr.;50 Zack Carter,soph.;54 Koleten Claxton,sr.;55Gabriel Turner,fr.; 57 PanchoNava, sr.; 63 MatthewOrtiz,soph.;65 CutterSmith,fr.; 70 Grant Herring,soph.;75 JayceMeurer, sr.
Head coach KirkMuhl(61-45 in9seasonsat Lexington)
Assistant coaches Chris Koester,B.J.Miller, Courtney Ward, KoganGarrett, GarrettSherrill, Daniel Ball, Rodney Patschke
District —13-3A-DII
2021 record 6-5(4-2, 3rd)
2021 playoffs —bi-district: East Bernard, 23-31
Playoff appearances(22) 1964, 1968, 1978, 1997, 1999,200207,2009-12,2015-21
Playoff record 38-22
Returninglettermen 19 (7 offensive, 8defensivestarters)
Key returners WR/CB Daylon Washington,sr.(A-D);OL Pancho Nava,sr. (2nd A-D);OL/DL Pancho Nava,sr. (2nd A-D);LBPrestonMcMillan,sr.(2nd A-D)
Key losses —QBShelton Springer(A-D);RB/DL DevinJackson(A-D); WR KasonBayer(A-D); WR/FS CadenHuckabay(A-D); DLDevinJackson(A-D);WR Evan Patschke(2nd A-D);DE Da’Qualyn Williams(2nd A-D); SS/PK Cole Huddleston(2nd A-D)
All-time record —447-454-26
Aug.27at West 7-48
Sept. 3 Thrall 38-34
Sept. 10 at Rockdale 14-35
Sept. 17 Marlin 33-21
Sept. 24 *Franklin 12-49
It’s beenalong wait for James Wrightandhis Centerville teammates.
Sincelast seasonended,the Tigers have been ready to get back onthegridironandunderthose Fridaynightlights to try to finish what theystartedin 2021.
“I’m very pumped,” Wright said. “Ithinkour whole teamis pumped.Ithink we’re ready to go, justbeen waiting foritsince last fall.”
Centerville finishedlast season witha12-2 record anda perfect 5-0markinDistrict11-2A-Iplay. The Tigers thenstormedintothe playoffswinningtheir firstthree gamesbeforebowingoutinthe statequarterfinals.
So the excitement fortheupcoming seasonhasbeenunderstandablybrewingsincelast fall. Wrighthas evenheardfrom peopleinthe community whoare excited to see whatthe Tigers can doandareproudoflast season’s performance.
“I reallydoappreciatethat,” Wright saidofthesupport. “It makesme feelgreatabout what we did,anditmakesme feellike I want to go winstate this year.”
Centervillemoved to 12-2A-I, which featuresamix of familiar facesandnewopponents. The TigersremainwithLeon, NormangeeandGrovetonandwill meet Corrigan-Camdenand West Hardinin theirnewleague.
“Ourdistrict’s going to be extremely competitive,” Centerville head coach KyleHardee said “Every weekis going to beabig game.”
Thenewdistrictisn’ttheonly challenging partof Centerville’s
1HB/OLB Cameron Pate,200,sr.; 2 QB/CBRiley Winkler,150,jr.; 3 WR/CB CadeSmith, 140, jr.; 5 TE/DE WadeNeyland,185,jr.; 6 RB/LB
Halston French, 162,jr.;7RB/S Cooper Fisher, 145, sr.;9 WR/CBMark
Walker, 140, sr.;10 QB/WR/CB EthanFlori,185, sr.;11HB/OLBJosh Robinson,150, sr.;12QB/S/PKJakePineda,155, soph.;13 RB/CBAndrew Newman, 170,jr.;15 RB/LB PaxtonHancock,200,sr.;21WR/CB Eric Villarreal, 130, sr.;22WR/CB TrayceSchwab, 140, jr.; 24 RB/S Cyris Gray, 140, jr.;25WR/LBBrett Wagnon,155,sr.;31 RB/S LamarcusJustice, 150,jr.;35/57 HB/S Zach Taylor,185,sr.;44RB/DTLavodrickPhillips,203, jr.; 45 TE/DL ZantaylHolley, 215,jr.; 51G/LBDrennan Starns, 182, jr.; 53 G/OLB Sye Lytle,180,sr.;54G/DLDude West, 195, sr.;55 OT/DLBesnikHoti, 193, sr.; 58 C/DL Tanner Welch, 170,sr.;64 OT/DT Hudson Ford, 237, soph.; 75G/DL Zach Waters,182, jr.; 78 OT/DTJames Wright, 319, jr.;79 OT/DT KeatonCrowley, 280, jr.
schedulethis season.Hardeealso knows how toughthenondistrict gameswillbeanditallbegins in Week1withthe returnofthe Buffalo-Centerville rivalry.
Itwillbethe firstmeetingbetweenthe teamsin10 years, according to Hardee.
“Ithinkbothour communities are excitedaboutit,” Hardee said.
“It’s going to beagreat test forus.”
AlongwiththeBuffalo matchup, Hardeepointedout
thatthings don’t get easierwith a road gameagainstCrawford and meetingswithMart, Teagueand Jefferson.
And whilethe scheduleis tough, Hardeeknows itisjust whathis teamneeds to help itprepare for districtandbeyond.
“We feellike we have the schedule whichwillprepareus for a goodplayoff run,if we can get throughithealthyandjust continue to getbetter,” Hardee said.
Head coach KyleHardee (12376 in 17 seasonsat Centerville)
Assistant coaches Clay
Hardee,SeanMcKinney, DemondDenman, Jeremy Hammock, Chance Carrigan, Wayne Spillman,BradBell District —11-2ADivisionI
2021 record —12-2 (5-0,1st)
2021playoffs —bi-district: Rosebud-Lott, 34-7;area: Hawkins, 49-14;regionals:Holland, 28-0;quarterfinals: Timpson,13-48
Playoff appearances(21) 1964-66, 1969, 1993,2000-03, 2007, 2011-21
Playoff record 24-21-0
Returninglettermen —20 (9 offensive, 9defensive starters)
Key returners RB/LB Paxton Hancock,sr.(11-2A-IMVP);OL-/ DL KeatonCrowley, jr.(11-2A-I co-Off.NOY);RB/ILBHalston French,sr.(A-D);DE ZantylHolley, jr.(11-2A-I co-Def.MVP); RB/ DB Cameron Pate,sr.(A-D);WR/ CB EthanFlori,sr.(A-D/2nd-AD);OLJames Wright, jr.(A-D); OLDude West,sr.(A-D); DT LaVodrickPhillips,jr.(A-D); FS Zach Taylor,sr.(A-D);PKJake Pineda,soph.(A-D);DB Cooper Fisher, sr.(A-D);PKJake Pineda, Centerville,soph.(A-D);OL Tanner Welch,sr.(2nd A-D);LBJosh Robinson,sr.(HM A-D);LB DD Starnes, jr.(HM A-D);DB Cade Smith,jr.(HM A-D);TE Wade Neyland,jr.(HM A-D);DBRiley Winkler,jr.(HM A-D);Andrew Newman,jr.(11-2A-ISpecial TeamsPOY)
Keylosses OL/DL BJ Kelly (11-2A-I co-Linemanof Year); DB TyreseWhite(11-2A-I co-Def NOY); OLBAngel Villarreal(A-D); QBSullyHill(2nd A-D);OL/DL James Bodine(2nd A-D)
All-time record 410-447-20
The returningplayers aren’t backingdownfromthe challenge thatthis year’s schedulepresents asstandout seniorrunning back andlinebacker PaxtonHancock
Aug.27 New Waverly27-14
Sept.3 Corrigan Camden27-19
Sept. 10 atThorndale 42-28
Sept. 17 at Pal. Westwood 26-20
Sept. 24 Bremond 56-7
Oct. 8 *at Alto 38-16
Oct. 15*Groveton 56-6
Oct. 22 *atGrapeland 67-8
Oct. 29 *atNormangee58-21
Nov. 5*Leon 54-8
Nov. 12vs. Rosebud-Lott34-7
Nov. 19 vs.Hawkins 49-14
Nov. 26 vs.Holland 28-0
Dec.3vs. Timpson 13-48
*11-2A-I games
Aug. 26 Buffalo 7:30 p.m.
Sept.2atCrawford 7:30 p.m.
Sept. 9 at Teague 7:30 p.m.
Sept. 16 Mart 7:30 p.m.
Sept. 24 %vs.Jefferson2 p.m.
Oct. 7 *at WestHardin7 p.m.
Oct. 14 *Groveton 7 p.m.
Oct. 21 *at Leon 7 p.m.
Oct. 28 *at Normangee7 p.m.
Nov. 5*Corrigan Camden7 p.m.
*12-2A-I games
%Homecoming at Tomato Bowl
stillhashigh goals forthe team.
“Obviously, windistrict,” Hancock said.“Godeepintheplayoffs andhopefully go to state.”
Lookingathis roster, Hardeeis expecting Centerville to have really goodnumbers fora2A school with60ormorekids set to come out for football.Thatshould create competitionat everyposition.
Last season, Centervillestarted a lot of sophomores, manyof whom are back.
Centerville ready to pick up where it leftoff in 2021MICHAEL MILLER, THE EAGLE Centerville’s James Wrightsaidthe Tigers have been readyto return sinceending lastseason inthe fourth round of theplayoffs. MICHAEL MILLER, THE EAGLE Centerville’s Zach Tayloris one of severalleadersthe Tigersare countingon to seethem through atoughDistrict 12-2A-I schedule.
It’s beenalong wait for James Wrightandhis Centerville teammates.
Sincelast seasonended,the Tigers have been ready to get back onthegridironandunderthose Fridaynightlights to try to finish what theystartedin 2021.
“I’m very pumped,” Wright said. “Ithinkour whole teamis pumped.Ithink we’re ready to go, justbeen waiting foritsince last fall.”
Centerville finishedlast season witha12-2 record anda perfect 5-0markinDistrict11-2A-Iplay. The Tigers thenstormedintothe playoffswinningtheir firstthree gamesbeforebowingoutinthe statequarterfinals.
So the excitement fortheupcoming seasonhasbeenunderstandablybrewingsincelast fall. Wrighthas evenheardfrom peopleinthe community whoare excited to see whatthe Tigers can doandareproudoflast season’s performance.
“I reallydoappreciatethat,” Wright saidofthesupport. “It makesme feelgreatabout what we did,anditmakesme feellike I want to go winstate this year.”
Centervillemoved to 12-2A-I, which featuresamix of familiar facesandnewopponents. The TigersremainwithLeon, NormangeeandGrovetonandwill meet Corrigan-Camdenand West Hardinin theirnewleague.
“Ourdistrict’s going to be extremely competitive,” Centerville head coach KyleHardee said “Every weekis going to beabig game.”
Thenewdistrictisn’ttheonly challenging partof Centerville’s
1HB/OLB Cameron Pate,200,sr.; 2 QB/CBRiley Winkler,150,jr.; 3 WR/CB CadeSmith, 140, jr.; 5 TE/DE WadeNeyland,185,jr.; 6 RB/LB
Halston French, 162,jr.;7RB/S Cooper Fisher, 145, sr.;9 WR/CBMark
Walker, 140, sr.;10 QB/WR/CB EthanFlori,185, sr.;11HB/OLBJosh Robinson,150, sr.;12QB/S/PKJakePineda,155, soph.;13 RB/CBAndrew Newman, 170,jr.;15 RB/LB PaxtonHancock,200,sr.;21WR/CB Eric Villarreal, 130, sr.;22WR/CB TrayceSchwab, 140, jr.; 24 RB/S Cyris Gray, 140, jr.;25WR/LBBrett Wagnon,155,sr.;31 RB/S LamarcusJustice, 150,jr.;35/57 HB/S Zach Taylor,185,sr.;44RB/DTLavodrickPhillips,203, jr.; 45 TE/DL ZantaylHolley, 215,jr.; 51G/LBDrennan Starns, 182, jr.; 53 G/OLB Sye Lytle,180,sr.;54G/DLDude West, 195, sr.;55 OT/DLBesnikHoti, 193, sr.; 58 C/DL Tanner Welch, 170,sr.;64 OT/DT Hudson Ford, 237, soph.; 75G/DL Zach Waters,182, jr.; 78 OT/DTJames Wright, 319, jr.;79 OT/DT KeatonCrowley, 280, jr.
schedulethis season.Hardeealso knows how toughthenondistrict gameswillbeanditallbegins in Week1withthe returnofthe Buffalo-Centerville rivalry.
Itwillbethe firstmeetingbetweenthe teamsin10 years, according to Hardee.
“Ithinkbothour communities are excitedaboutit,” Hardee said.
“It’s going to beagreat test forus.”
AlongwiththeBuffalo matchup, Hardeepointedout
thatthings don’t get easierwith a road gameagainstCrawford and meetingswithMart, Teagueand Jefferson.
And whilethe scheduleis tough, Hardeeknows itisjust whathis teamneeds to help itprepare for districtandbeyond.
“We feellike we have the schedule whichwillprepareus for a goodplayoff run,if we can get throughithealthyandjust continue to getbetter,” Hardee said.
Head coach KyleHardee (12376 in 17 seasonsat Centerville)
Assistant coaches Clay
Hardee,SeanMcKinney, DemondDenman, Jeremy Hammock, Chance Carrigan, Wayne Spillman,BradBell District —11-2ADivisionI
2021 record —12-2 (5-0,1st)
2021playoffs —bi-district: Rosebud-Lott, 34-7;area: Hawkins, 49-14;regionals:Holland, 28-0;quarterfinals: Timpson,13-48
Playoff appearances(21) 1964-66, 1969, 1993,2000-03, 2007, 2011-21
Playoff record 24-21-0
Returninglettermen —20 (9 offensive, 9defensive starters)
Key returners RB/LB Paxton Hancock,sr.(11-2A-IMVP);OL-/ DL KeatonCrowley, jr.(11-2A-I co-Off.NOY);RB/ILBHalston French,sr.(A-D);DE ZantylHolley, jr.(11-2A-I co-Def.MVP); RB/ DB Cameron Pate,sr.(A-D);WR/ CB EthanFlori,sr.(A-D/2nd-AD);OLJames Wright, jr.(A-D); OLDude West,sr.(A-D); DT LaVodrickPhillips,jr.(A-D); FS Zach Taylor,sr.(A-D);PKJake Pineda,soph.(A-D);DB Cooper Fisher, sr.(A-D);PKJake Pineda, Centerville,soph.(A-D);OL Tanner Welch,sr.(2nd A-D);LBJosh Robinson,sr.(HM A-D);LB DD Starnes, jr.(HM A-D);DB Cade Smith,jr.(HM A-D);TE Wade Neyland,jr.(HM A-D);DBRiley Winkler,jr.(HM A-D);Andrew Newman,jr.(11-2A-ISpecial TeamsPOY)
Keylosses OL/DL BJ Kelly (11-2A-I co-Linemanof Year); DB TyreseWhite(11-2A-I co-Def NOY); OLBAngel Villarreal(A-D); QBSullyHill(2nd A-D);OL/DL James Bodine(2nd A-D)
All-time record 410-447-20
The returningplayers aren’t backingdownfromthe challenge thatthis year’s schedulepresents asstandout seniorrunning back andlinebacker PaxtonHancock
Aug.27 New Waverly27-14
Sept.3 Corrigan Camden27-19
Sept. 10 atThorndale 42-28
Sept. 17 at Pal. Westwood 26-20
Sept. 24 Bremond 56-7
Oct. 8 *at Alto 38-16
Oct. 15*Groveton 56-6
Oct. 22 *atGrapeland 67-8
Oct. 29 *atNormangee58-21
Nov. 5*Leon 54-8
Nov. 12vs. Rosebud-Lott34-7
Nov. 19 vs.Hawkins 49-14
Nov. 26 vs.Holland 28-0
Dec.3vs. Timpson 13-48
*11-2A-I games
Aug. 26 Buffalo 7:30 p.m.
Sept.2atCrawford 7:30 p.m.
Sept. 9 at Teague 7:30 p.m.
Sept. 16 Mart 7:30 p.m.
Sept. 24 %vs.Jefferson2 p.m.
Oct. 7 *at WestHardin7 p.m.
Oct. 14 *Groveton 7 p.m.
Oct. 21 *at Leon 7 p.m.
Oct. 28 *at Normangee7 p.m.
Nov. 5*Corrigan Camden7 p.m.
*12-2A-I games
%Homecoming at Tomato Bowl
stillhashigh goals forthe team.
“Obviously, windistrict,” Hancock said.“Godeepintheplayoffs andhopefully go to state.”
Lookingathis roster, Hardeeis expecting Centerville to have really goodnumbers fora2A school with60ormorekids set to come out for football.Thatshould create competitionat everyposition.
Last season, Centervillestarted a lot of sophomores, manyof whom are back.
Centerville ready to pick up where it leftoff in 2021MICHAEL MILLER, THE EAGLE Centerville’s James Wrightsaidthe Tigers have been readyto return sinceending lastseason inthe fourth round of theplayoffs. MICHAEL MILLER, THE EAGLE Centerville’s Zach Tayloris one of severalleadersthe Tigersare countingon to seethem through atoughDistrict 12-2A-I schedule.
work ethic he’s seen from team
JAKE WEESE | jacob.weese@theeagle.com
It’s afunny feeling forhead coach Derek Thomas whenhelooksathis teamand sees thechildrenofhis former teammates workinghard inthe weight roomoronthepractice field.
Thomasmaybeenteringhis first yearas head coachoftheLeon Cougars, buthe’sno strangerin Jewett.Thomasgraduatedfrom Leonandplayedlinebackerandrunning back forthe Cougarsinthelate 1990s He also later servedasanassistant coachathisalmamater.
“I’mecstaticabout coming backhome,” Thomas said.
And whilealothaschanged forThomas sincehelast tookthe fieldatLeon, oneofthe thingsthathasnotisthe typeofstudentathletesthe schoolhas.
“IknewI was going to have some tough, hard-nosedkidsthatare going to do everything youaskandgive everythingtheyhave,” Thomas said “I wasn’tdisappointed,because that’s whatI got.”
The Cougars went4-7 overalland 1-4in districtplaylast season.Leon reliedonits seniors to makealotofplays last year, and Thomas expectsthelarge sophomoreclass fromlast season to stepintothose rolesas juniors.
Oneofthejuniors whohasimpressed Thomas so faris returningquarterbackBrock Bumpurs. Bumpursplayed every gamelast season,andThomasknows thathis returning experiencewillbehuge forthe Cougar offense.
“He’sputinagreatsummer,” Thomas said. “He’s gottenbiggerandstronger, and we’re going to haveto rely onhimalittlebit.”
Thomas saidtheentireoffensive linehas impressed,anchored by standout seniorleft tackleAaronGraham.
And whilethe seasonhasn’tstarted,the juniorshave beenhelpingoutthe younger players onthe team.
Thomas expects to have about22juniors, seven seniorsandalarge incomingfreshmanclassthis season. He’s expectingabout 50players total,andifenoughshowup, Leon alsowillbeable to fieldaJV team.
Juniorwide receiverandfree safety Taylor Evanshasmadeithis goalthisoffseason to do whateverhe can to helpbringalongthe underclassmen.
“It’s my goal to tryandhelpthe younger onesand teachthemplays and teachthem how to beahigh schoolplayerand to develop them,” Evans said.“They’ve gotalotof talent and canhelpusinthefuture.”
4QB/LB BrockBumpers,jr.;5WR/S Taylor Evans,jr.;7WR/ DB Cooper Stevens,fr.;10RB/LBBrady Rohrer,fr.; 11 RB/LB LandonThomas,fr.; 12 WR/DB Tyler Stevens,jr.; 14 RB/LBNathanPedigo, sr.;15WR/DBJose Carrizales,jr.; 26 WR/DBUlises Dominguez, jr.;32WR/DBGannon Wise,soph.;44TE/LB Trevor Carrington,jr.;48WR/LBGavin Taylor,soph.;52OL/DL Keston Johnson,jr.;55OL/DLAaronGraham,sr.;56OL/DE Korbin Adams, sr.; 61OL/DE Christian Hulsey, sr.;64OL/DLJoshAnderson, sr.;65OL/DLShawnPowell,jr..; 70 OL/DL Jaxon Swallow, soph.; 75OL/DLJuanGonzalez, jr.;77OL/DLSonny Van Kampen,jr.
Evans says thisoffseasonhas consistedof lifting weightsaboutthreeor fourtimesa weekwith footballdrillsinbetween.
Thomas saidthattheplayers have donea good jobofadjusting to thenewstaff and has seenthebuy-infromthe team.Still,thebig factor forhimthis seasonishowquicklythe teamwilladjust to thenew systemoncethe seasonstarts.
Despitetheadjustments, Thomasbelieves fanswillbehappywiththe Cougars’ work ethic.
“What we’re going to dois we’re going to comeoutandtryand representthemthebest we canas farastheeffortthat we putout,” Thomas said.“You’regoing to seea teamout therethat’s not going to give up, that’s going
to playuntilthe very lastplayand to thelast whistle,andthey’regoing to giveyou what theyhave.”
With tough gamesagainstdistrict foes suchas Centerville, Corrigan-Camdenand Thomas’previous schoolin Normangee,the Cougarsare going to haveto learnquickly.But evenwithanewstaff anda relatively young team,the goal forThomasandLeonis to get intotheplayoffsandmake somemagichappen.
“As faras goals, obviouslyour goalis getas deepintotheplayoffsas we can get,” Thomas said.“We’regoing to be young. We’re going to have alittlebitof experience coming back withthis year’sjuniors, so Ithinkthat’s going to helpus.”
Head coach DerekThomas(1st season)
Assistant coaches Ryan Tate, Matt Kirschner, Jim O’Neal, Tobe Zientek,PeteMartinez, RobertGail District —11-2A DivisionI
2021 record 4-7 (1-4,tied for fourth)
2021 playoffs —bi-district: Holland, 7-40
Playoff appearances(18) 1982-83, 1985, 1987, 1992, 1998-99, 2000,2003, 2005,2009-10, 2014, 2016,2019-21
Playoff record 7-18
Returninglettermen 25(6offensive, 7defensive starters)
Key returners DLAaronGraham, sr.(A-D);TENatePedigo,sr (2nd A-D);DLNatePedigo,sr.(2nd A-D);DL/OLAaronGraham,sr.(A-D, HM)
Key losses —RB LuisGuillen (A-D);UT/DB TitoGonzalez (A-D, 2nd A-D);TE Myles Mendoza(2nd A-D);DLAnthonyHaney(2nd A-D); OL Trey Weiler(HM A-D);OL Callan Shrode(HM A-D);WRJairo Rodriguez(HM A-D);OL Trey Weiler(HM A-D);OL CallanShrode(HM A-D)
All-time record —276-314-11
Aug.27at Rosebud-Lott 22-60
Sept.3 Dawson 22-20
Sept. 10 atSomerville38-30
Sept. 17 Bruceville-Eddy12-14
Sept. 24 *at Cayuga 32-6
Oct. 8*Normangee 0-55
Oct. 15 *Alto 0-46
Oct. 22 *at Groveton 26-30
Oct. 29*Grapeland 36-14
Nov. 5 *at Centerville 8-54
Nov 11vs.Holland 7-40
*11-2A-I games
Aug. 26 at Rosebud-Lott 7:30 p.m.
Sept.2 Dawson 7:30 p.m.
Sept. 9at Wortham 7 p.m.
Sept. 16 Hamilton 7:30 p.m.
Sept. 23 Lovelady 7:30 p.m.
Oct. 7*%Groveton 7 p.m.
Oct. 14 *at Corrigan-Camden7 p.m.
Oct. 21*Centerville 7 p.m.
Oct. 28 *at WestHardin7 p.m.
Nov. 4Normangee 7 p.m.
*12-2A-II games%Homecoming
Danny Mitchellisup forthe challenge.
Thefirst-yearhead football coachat Normangeeestimates thatthe Pantherswillhave only aboutfiveorsix returningplayers on bothsidesof the ball.
But Mitchelland the returningplayers aren’t worryingabouttheir lackof experience Instead they areembracingthechance to setthe tone for Normangee’s future.
“We’re just looking to make them better, more thanourselves,” juniorwide receiver Dallas Jones said.“We’re always looking to better ourselves, but thefutureisthem, notus, so we’remore focusedon them than usrightnow.”
Normangeefinished5-6 overalland3-2inDistrict11-2A-I last season.The campaignended withafirst-roundplayofflost to Hearne.
Mitchell washiredlate inthe offseasonafter servingasanassistantatMadisonville last year.
“It’s an excitingtime,” Mitchell said. “We’ve comein.The community’s embracedus. The boys have boughtin.It’s been really good so far.”
Oneoftheplayers that Mitchellhas seenthatbuy-infromis Jones.
Jonesisoneof Normangee’s returningstandouts, and Mitchellhasbeenthankful forhis presencethroughouttheoffseason.Thejuniorwideout said he
wasn’ttheleaderhe wanted to belast season,andhis goalthis yearis to changethat.
“Ididn’t really setan example foranyone, andI felt like I shouldbedoingthatthis year, because I’ve noticedthatmore peoplelook up to theolderguys, andIdefinitely feellike Ishould be more ofa leader,” Jones said.
Mitchellhas seenotherplayerssteppingupduringhisfirst season. Junioroffensivelineman Jace Metzer, senior safety DaltonStewartand seniorlinebackerKadeStonehave alldone their part to helpbringalongthe youngerplayers asthe Panthers prepare for 2023.
“We’re going to haveto play some youngerguys, so those [older]guys are really going to haveto stepup, especiallyearly inthe season,” Mitchell said.
“And by midseason, ifthey’ve
gotthose guys comingalongand we’reclicking onall cylinders, we shouldbe fine.”
Looking athis team’s schedule, Mitchell can’t wait fordistrictplaythis year.Normangee willbeinDistrict12-2A-I with rivalsLeonand Centerville alongwith Corrigan-Camden, Groveton and West Hardin.
By districttime, Mitchell feels like his teamwillhave thatallimportant experienceunderits belt, anditwillbeacleanslate forthe Panthers.
“Ihave everydistrict game circled.Those aretheonesthat matter,” Mitchell said.“Early inthe season,likeI said, we’re going to take our lumps. Iknow we are,andthat’s justthe way thingsare. New staff, playing with youngguys, that’s going to happen.
“But to me, it’s acleanslate when we startdistrict. Every district gameisimportant.
Head coach KeithMitchell (1stseason)
Assistant coaches —offensive coordinatorGreg Morgan,defensive coordinator RobertMcConathy, ZachAlvarado, Romeo De Luna, Danny Adams,Hogan Daughters,Ben Boykin
Aug.27Bremond 49-13
Sept. 3atIola 51-14
Sept. 10 Chilton 0-37
Sept. 17 at Lovelady 6-35
Sept. 24 Groesbeck 6-54
Oct. 8 *at Leon 55-0
Oct. 15 *Grapeland 56-36
Oct. 22 *atAlto 23-56
Oct. 29*Centerville 21-58
Nov. 4 *at Groveton42-21
Nov. 11 vs.Hearne 0-38
*11-2A-I games
Aug. 26 atBremond 7:30 p.m.
Sept. 2Iola 7:30 p.m.
Sept.9at Chilton 7:30 p.m.
Sept. 16 Lovelady 7:30 p.m.
Sept. 23 %Buffalo 7:30 p.m.
Oct. 7 *at Corrigan-Camden7 p.m.
Oct. 14 *WestHardin7 p.m.
Oct. 21 *atGroveton7 p.m.
Oct. 28 *Centerville7 p.m.
Nov. 4 *at Leon 7 p.m.
*12-2A-I games
They’realljustasimportantas anyotherone.Thebetter teams inourdistrict,theonesthatare picked,arelater inour schedule, so that’s a good thing forus.So everydistrict gamehasastar next to it.”
Sowhilebothplayers and coachesknowthe early goings ofthe seasonwill feature some growing pains, theend goalis still the same.
Mitchellis hoping to capoff yearoneinchargeofthe Panthers witha playoffappearance.
“Hopefully, themiddleofthe season,those youngerguys pick upthe pace ofthe game, get to where we needit to be,andif we’reclickinglate in the year anything canhappen,” Mitchell said “Overall, our goalis to get into theplayoffs.”
District —12-2ADivisionI
2021 record 5-6(3-2,3rdin 11-2ADivisionI)
2021 playoffs —bi-district: Hearne,0-38
Playoff appearances(23) —11man(17)— 1932, 1984, 1987-89, 1997,2002-04, 2007-08,201011,2014-16,2018-21; 6-man (2) 1963-64(zoneplayoffs 198486)
Playoff record —15-20-0(11manonly)
Returninglettermen —10(8 offensive, 7 defensivestarters)
Key returners —TE/LB Kade Stone,sr.(A-D);WR Dallas Jones,jr.(2nd A-D); PJoseMelina,sr.(A-D); WR Wyatt Van Volkinburg, sr.(2nd A-D);OL JaceMetzer, jr.(2nd A-D)
Keylosses —QBIzahaJones (11-2AOff.MVP);OLBraylon Cornish(A-D);OL Jose Molina (A-D); LB/RBSpencer Yellott (A-D/HM);LB KalebHaynes(HM A-D); OL ZayvenHenson(2nd A-D)l LB TylerMcAllister(2nd A-D)
All-time record 317-406-16
3WR/S LincolnMcAllister, soph.;5 QB/WR/S Dallas Jones, jr.;6WR/S Dalton Steward,sr.; 10 WR/FS JacobRay, sr.;11 QB/ LB Kade Stone,sr.;12 WR/CB FarrelButler, soph.;15 WR/S Trey Noack,soph.;20WR/S Billy Stickles,soph.; 23 RB/CB Richard Ross,jr.; 24 RB/S Zane O’Neal,soph.;50 OL/DL Hunter Garner,jr.; 51 OL/LB LeoSundman,soph.;52OL/LB Trace Ford,jr.;55OL/S LiamGale, soph.; 59 OL/DLHunterTheiss, soph.;65OL/DLJavier Zarate, jr.; 67 OL/DLJaceMetzer, jr.
Aug.27at Trinity 36-6
Sept.3 at Franklin 15-55
Sept. 10 New Waverly18-45
Sept. 17 atSnook 33-0
Head coach RickySargent (110-70 overallin16seasons, 38-18in5 seasonsatHearne)
ALEX MILLER alex.miller@theeagle.comHearnemighthaveayoungfootball team, buttheEagleshave high hopes fortheir2022 season.
“I feellike we have alotof young starscomingup.Wejustlostalotof theoldonesupfront,” said Ayden Hover,Hearne’sseniormiddlelinebacker “It’s going to bealittle tough attimes. I canalreadyseethat,but I feellike we’re going to power throughitandgoing to makeit somewherethis year hopefully.”
TheEaglesstill return seven starters onbothsidesofthe ball from2021’s squadthat went8-4, finished secondinDistrict12-2A DivisionIandmadethe area playoffs.
Leadingthe wayis two-way standout KeyshawnLangham. The senioristheEagles’starting quarterbackand cornerback.Last season,Langhamhad23 combined touchdownsonoffenseand passed for1,051 yards whilerushing for 534.Ondefense,hehad fourinterceptions,two forcedfumblesand a fumble recovery. DaveCampbell’s TexasFootballnamedLanghamthe preseasondefensiveMVPin13-2AI, Hearne’s new districtthis year.
“We’ve gotagreatquarterback,” seniorwide receiverand safety JeremiahGurode said.“He’s still learning, butI feellike we’llpush through.”
Gurodeand JeCory McGrew
Hearne’s KeyshawnLangham, center,looks to passduringthe Class2A DivisionIbi-districtplayoffsagainstNormangeeatBluejay Stadiumin Snookon Nov. 11,2021.TheEagles won38-0toadvance.
forma 1-2offensive punchatrunning backand receiver, respectively. Langham saidhe likesthe depth of Hearne’soffensive skill playersandnamedJustavianBendford, Derrion Mitchelland Kemon Langhamasprospective playmakershe expects to stepupthis fall.
“They’ve gotthat‘it’ factor,” Langham saidofGurodeand McGrew. “Youknow you can rely on themlaterondowninthe game. Youknow they’re going to clutch up.”
McGrewsaidhehopestorushfor over1,000 yardsthis seasonafter earning second-teamall-district honors last fall. He addedthathe wants Hearne to bemore consistentonthefieldandlimitmistakes, includingpenalties.
Discipline was somethingmultipleplayersreferencedasbeing critical to Hearnehavingsuccess this fall.
“I feellike we have allthe talent inthe worldin Hearne.It’s justour discipline,”Gurodesaid.“That’sall
we needright there: discipline.”
Up front, theEagles lost fouryearstartersAnthony Jacksonand Steven Craft-Mitchell.Jimmie JonesandJ’KyrinFlintroy hope to stepinto key rolesinthetrenches Hover wasthedistrict’sdefensive newcomerofthe yearin 2021.McGrew doublesasanoutsidelinebacker Langham wasa first-team all-districtdefensive backin 2021. TheEagles remaininClass 2A DivisionIbutmoved to District 13,which alsomeans amoveto RegionIV. TheEaglesarepicked to wintheirdistrict by Texas Football aheadofThorndale, Holland, Flatonia,Schulenburg,Thrall and Weimar, respectively. Hearnealso is ranked 21stinthemagazine’s preseasonpoll for2A-I, and 132A-Iislistedasoneofthreeleagues to watch withmagazinewriters noting“there really isnoclear favorite to win thisdistrict.”
Hearnehas nondistrict games againstBrazos Valley foesAnderson-Shiro andBurton to begin the
Sept. 24 atHolland 2-10
Oct. 1*Rosebud-Lott27-14
Oct. 8 *at Bruceville-Eddy50-8
Oct. 15 *Thrall 25-0
Oct. 29 *atThorndale21-14
Nov. 4*Moody 45-7
Nov. 11vs Normangee38-0
Nov. 19 vs.Beckville 31-50
*12-2A-I games
Aug. 26 Anderson-Shiro 7:30 p.m.
Sept.2Burton 7:30 p.m.
Sept. 9atElkhart
Sept. 16 at Chilton
Oct. 7 *at Flatonia
Oct. 14 *%Weimar
Oct. 21 *atHolland
Oct. 28 *Thrall 7:30 p.m.
Nov. 4atThorndale 7:30 p.m.
*13-2A-I games
season followed by road games againstElkhartand Chiltonbefore anopen weekleadingintodistrict play.BurtonandChiltonareranked inthepreseason top10in2A-II.
Hearne’s district foesThorndale, HollandandFlatonia roundout Texas Football’s 2A-Ipreseason Top25.
Hearnehasmade six straight postseason appearances, andthe Eagles saythey want to keep the string going in 2022.
“Ihopeweplayeverygametothe fullestandjustdo thebest we can onthe field,” McGrew said.
Assistant coaches assistant head coach/defensive coordinatorAlfonzoJackson,offensive coordinatorNate Lynch,special teams coordinator Agapito Montelongo, Lance Cook, Lewis Edmonson, KenDunn,Lloyd Turner.
District —12-2ADivisionI
2021 record 8-4(5-1,tied for 1stin 12-2ADivisionI)
2021 playoffs —bi-district: Normangee,38-0; area: Beckville, 31-50
Playoff appearances(21) 1936-37, 1939, 1952, 1954, 1961, 1982-83, 1985, 1988,2002, 2005-06,2008,2012,2016-21
Playoff record —12-21-0 Returninglettermen —18(7 offensive, 7 defensivestarters)
Key returners —OLB Ayden Hover, sr.(12-2A-IDef. NOY); QB/CB KeyshawnLangham,sr (2nd A-D/A-D); WRJeremiah Gurode,sr.(2nd A-D);TE Dereon Mitchell,soph.(2nd A-D);OL/DT JimmieJones,jr. (2nd A-D);DE J’KyrinFlentroy,jr.(2nd A-D); RB/OLBJeCory McGrew, sr.(2nd A-D)
Keylosses —DL/OLAnthony Jackson,sr.(12-2A-IDef.MVP, 2nd A-D, signedwithSFA); DL/C StephenCraftMitchell(12-2A-I Def.Linemanof Year/2nd A-D, signedwithBlinn);LB Leonardo Rizo(A-D);WR/S/KRJabari Dunn(A-D, signedwith Trinity Valley)
All-time record 512-470-39
1WR/DBJeremiahGurode, 5-9, 165, sr.; 2WR/DBAlonzo Williams, 6-2, 155, fr.;3QB/RB/DB TJ Webster, 5-8, 155, jr.;4 KJuanFlores-Rizo,5-7, 140, sr.; 5QB/DE Tyjamin Young-Lewis, 6-0, 175, fr.;6 WR/DBJustavianBenford, 5-8, 150, jr.;7QB/WR/DB KeyshawnLangham, 5-9, 165,sr.; 8 WR/DBJabezJohnson, 6-0, 160, soph.;9WR/DEDereionMitchell, 6-3, 185,soph.;10RB/ LB JamariyonBenford, 5-10,205,soph.;11WR/DB Kyson Keys, 5-8, 155, jr.;12WR/DBJacob Rodriguez, 5-7, 135, fr.;13WR/DB KemonLangham, 5-8, 140, soph.;15WR/DB Quendavion Straughter, 5-7, 130,soph.;16 RB/LB AydenHover, 6-0, 165,jr.; 23 WR/DB Ke’AndricMuckelroy, 5-7, 150,jr.; 24 RB/OLBJecoryMcGrew, 5-7, 165,sr.;50OL/DLJ’KyrinFlentroy, 5-10, 245, jr.; 52 OL/DLQuendra Straughter, 5-10, 235, jr.; 55 OL/DL KellenBowser, 5-9, 220, fr.; 56OL/DLAndreasGibson, 5-9, 230, sr.; 58 OL/LB ZackRuiz, 5-9, 190, sr.;60 O/DLAndrelius Scott, 6-0, 240, fr.;66OL/DE JimmieJonesIII, 6-1, 245, jr.;72OL/DLJovany Salas, 5-8, 250,sr.;75ol/dl JaquaveonJohnson, 5-7, 320,jr.
Hearne leaders say they’re ready to bring along young playersCASSIE STRICKER, THE EAGLE
Sept.3 Axtell 28-36
Sept. 10 atMilano 24-34
Sept. 17 at Dawson40-26
Head coach —Jeff Kasowski (113-34in11seasonsatBremond)
Assistant coaches Chuck Caskey, Robbie Kasowski,Jordan Revill,JoeBobRatliff, Donald Morgan,JohnathonWhite
District —13-2ADivision II
2021 record 6-7(3-2,3rd)
Bremondmadeasurprising three-weekplayoff run last year that wasas rewarding for someas winningastatechampionship.
The Tigers startedslowly in2021 becauseofyouthandinexperience, buttheymanaged to finishthirdin District10-2A DivisionIIhighlighted by a 43-35 overtimevictory atHubbard.Bremondknocked off Quinlan Boles ina tossupbi-district game,then upset12-2A-IIchampionEvadalein area to advance to regionals. That wasastepfurtherthanthepreviousseason,addingtotheprogram’s richhistorythatincludes35playoff appearancesand fourstatechampionships.
“Ijustthinkit’s so exciting for allofus, especiallymeandallthe coaches,” saidhead coach Jeff Kasowski, whoisenteringhis12th seasonatBremond. “Yeah,there are expectations, butthere’salso a realistic expectation.Nobodylast year expectedus[to reachthethird round].Theyknewweweregoingto bealittlebitdownlastyear,butstill theexcitementtowinandplaywell andjust FridaynightsinBremond ...it’s justspecial.”
Bremond’s youthleanedheavily ontraditionasatrio of freshmen startedlast seasonled by quarterbackBraylen Wortham, who threw for1,086 yardsandrushed for1,221more,accounting for21 touchdowns.
“Wejustall came together,” Wortham said.“I’d sayatthebeginningoftheyear,usyoungerkids, likeme, we were all trying to figure things out inbigspots, inbigsituations Thenarounddistrict,I felt likeweclicked,anditcametogether likeagood,well-workingmachine.”
Bremondlost fourofits first five games, includingblowoutlosses
to Normangee49-13 and Centerville56-7. Bremond, whichalready wasdealingwithheavygraduation lossesoffan8-4team,hadrunning back/defensive tackle JarayBledsoe,afuture Universityof Texas signee,transfer to Marlin.Another trioofexpectedstarters,includinga pairofall-districtperformers,each playedlessthanhalftheseasonand quit.
“Westartedoff slow, andnobodyexpectedustogothreerounds deep,”5-foot-11,165-poundjunior widereceiverKobenZansaid.“Everybody waskindofshocked when we did, so this year,everybodyis just goingoff that.”
Zanplayedhis partand earned all-districthonors.
Wortham carriedthe ball206 times,averaging 5.9 yards. He completed50.7%ofhis passes(75 of 148).
“He’sthebackboneofouroffense skilledwise,” Kasowski said.
Worthamembracesthe comparisons to formerBremonddualthreatquarterback Roshauud Paul, wholedthe Tigers to threestraight statetitles.
“Coachhas said my visionis morelikehis I’mable to findopen holes,” Wortham said.
Leadershipand confidenceare intangibles Worthambelieveshe bringsintothehuddle.
“Beingabout to boostmorale, I thinkthat’s my strongsuit when I’monthe field,” Wortham said.
The6-3, 185-pounder saidhe workedonhis owndemeanorduring theoffseason.
“I feellike whenthingsdon’t go my way, likelosing,I feelIneed to work on my attitude,” Wortham said. “I get realemotional. Iguess Ineed to self-reflectmore.”
Zan was Wortham’s favorite targetwith32receptionsfor491yards andthreetouchdowns.Sophomore widereceiverJaydenEstradaadded 11 receptions for 145 yards.
Bremond’soffensive lineisanchored by seniorall-district centerArian Aguilar, athree-year starter. TackleLee Williams was a second-teamall-districtpick,and guardZeanAl-Talearnedhonorable mention.
Wortham,whoalsoplays defensive endandhad85 tackles(39 solos),wasasecond-teamall-district pickas wasjuniorlinebackerGael Carrizales(team-leading130tackles,35solos)andlinebackerEstrada (104 tackles, 38 solos).Sophomore defensive linemanMaclane Mi-
Sept. 24 at Centerville 7-56
Oct. 8*Frost 54-12
Oct. 15*Mart 6-52
Oct. 22 *atHubbard 43-35 OT
Oct. 29 *Wortham 34-12
Nov. 5 *at Chilton0-41
Nov. 11vs.QuinlanBoles 26-14
Nov. 18vs. Evadale55-19
Nov. 26 vs. Chilton 14-40
*10-2A-II games
Aug. 26 Normangee 7:30 p.m.
Sept.2%Kerens 7:30 p.m.
Sept. 9 atGrapeland 7:30 p.m.
Sept. 16 Holland 7:30 p.m.
Sept.30#vs. Windthorst7 p.m.
Oct. 7 *at Chilton7 p.m.
Oct. 14 *at Granger7 p.m.
Oct. 21*Milano 7 p.m.
Oct. 28 *at Bartlett 7 p.m.
Nov4*Iola 7 p.m.
*13-2A-II games
%Homecoming #at Aledo
nor(25 tackles) earnedall-district honors, and sophomore Coltin Pruitt(19 tackles) earnedhonorablemention.
Theimmediateandlong-range futurelooks good forBremond.
“Westartedthreefreshmenlast year Those kidswillbe sophomores, andagain, we’re going to startaboutthreemorefreshmen,” Kasowski said.“So we’re again goingtoberealyoung,butthewaylast yearended,itmakesallthekidsexcited forthis coming year.”
NOTES —Bremond’s fourstate titlestiesitwithCameron forthe mostamongBrazos Valley schools.
...In February’sbiennialUIL realignment,Bremond switched to 13-2A-II, losingperennialpower Martasaleaguemate.Chilton,the loneotherteamfrom10-2A-IIthat movedwiththe Tigers, ispicked to win 13-2A-IIthis season.
2020playoffs —bi-district: QuinlanBoles, 26-14;area: Evadale,55-19; regionals: Chilton, 14-40
Playoff appearances(35)
1951, 1955, 1957, 1962-63, 198183, 1986-88, 1990, 1993-96, 2000-02,2005-08,2010-21
Playoff record 78-29-2
Returninglettermen —21 (8 offensive, 9defensive starters)
Key returners WR Koben Zan, jr.(A-D); OLArian Aguilar,sr. (A-D);QB/DEBraylen Wortham, soph.(2nd A-D);WR/LBJayden Estrada,soph.(2nd A-D);OL Lee Williams,jr.(2nd A-D); DT Maclane Minor, jr.(2nd A-D);LB Gael Carrizales,jr.(2nd A-D);OL ZeanAl-Tal,jr.(HM A-D);WR Carson Crowley, soph.(HM A-D);DL ColtinPruitt, soph. (HM A-D)
Keylosses RB/DT David Williams(A-D);OL/DEMilesMinor (A-D);OL Riley Ritter(2nd A-D); DB Clayton Watson(HM A-D)
All-time record —565-384-27
1BobbyDrake, sr.; 2 Carson Crowley, soph.; 3 Gael Carrizales, jr.; 4 JaydenEstrada, soph.;6 TristanMorehead,fr.; 7 Braylen Wortham,soph.;8 Koben Zan, jr.; 9 Xavier Clark,fr.; 10 Jeremiah Clark, fr.; 11Brady Tullous,soph.;12BraylonEstrada,fr.;13Dominic Williams, soph.;20 CadeSandavol,fr.; 21 JeremiahHarris,fr.;22 Terrence Scott, fr.; 23 Dorian Steele, fr.; 24 Eddie Carrizales, fr.; 33 Trey Borak,sr.;50Arian Aguilar, sr.; 51 Clete Wigley, sr.;52 Lee Williams,jr.; 53ZanderPruitt, fr.; 54 Derrick Tullous,sr.; 55 MaclaneMinor,jr.;56 Cody Edwards,fr.; 57 JacobRamirez, fr.; 58 ZeanAl-Tal,jr.; 59 Devin Burns,fr.;60JasonEstrada, sr.; 63ColtinPruitt, soph.;66 Jace Slafka,jr.; 74 RhettOlson, soph.;75DevontaJackson,sr.
More experienced Tigers hope to pick up where they leftoffMICHAEL MILLER, THE EAGLE Bremond’s Braylen Worthamstartedatquarterback asa freshman lastseason and returns afterhelping leadthe Tigers to thethird roundofthe playoffs.
Iola’soffensive switchisn’tas dramaticas goingfromameatbaseddiet to becominga vegetarianor experiencingthe weather patternsof Northern Minnesota comparedtothatofCentralTexas, buttheBulldogs’ move fromthe wing-T to aspread formationon shortnoticewill beamajor test.
Bo Barrow isbehindthechange.
Barrow left Sabine High School inGladewaterin
June to take over forKerryBamburgasIola’sfootball coach.He’sbringingthespreadoffensewithhimfromSabine,where he wasoffensive coordinator.
He understandshow radical a switchthatisinsuchashortperiod oftimebutisconfidenthisplayers canhandleit.
“I’ve got some very smartkids,” Barrow said.“Justinthetimethat I’ve beendownhere,theattitude andeffortis somethingthat I couldn’thave asked foranything better.”
Iolawent2-7in2021andmissed theplayoffs forthe firsttimesince 2011,thelongestsuchruninschool history,andtheBulldogswentjust 10-18inBamburg’sthree seasons.
Barrow wants to gettheBulldogs back to their formergloryinthe finalstopofhislengthyprep football career.
“My jobis to turnthataround,” saidBarrow,whohasasonattending TexasA&Mand wanted to be closer to the CollegeStationarea. “They’vebeenthere,andIwantto gopastoneround.Mygoalistoget
1WR/LBBlake Bennett,jr.;2QB/DBDustin Crosby,soph.;3WR/LB Kage Lee, jr.;4WR/DB CaleCreamer,sr.;5WR/DB Damien Womack, soph.;6RB/LB KylerDreher,jr.;7QB/DBBrody Vaughn,fr.;8WR/ DB JohnEngland,jr.;9WR/DB Cullen Walton,jr. 10 WR/DBJosh Brockett, soph.;11QB/DB TylerElliott, fr.;15K/WR ChrisArzola,jr.; 17 WR/DBLandonBetancourt, soph.;20 QB/DBBrianCrosby, sr.;22 WR/LB Brandon Smith,soph.; 24 ATH/DB Austin Calvillo,fr.; 25 WR/ LB Cade Walton,sr.; 28 WR/LB/K DanielRios,sr.; 28 WR/DBJeffery Fennell,fr.;30WR/DB KaydeDreher,fr.; 33 WR/DLBraydon Padgett, sr.;34RB/LB Cooper Cadro, fr.; 40 WR/LB MatthewRichard,fr.; 44 RB/LB Wesley Alexander,sr.;50OL/DLGrantGoodney, soph.;52OL/ DL LeviHunn, sr.; 53 OL/DL CooperMorgan,fr.;54OL/DL Turner Fleming,soph.;55OL/DL CadenceShive, jr.; 56 OL/LBMichaelRuby, soph.; 57 OL/LBRyan Roubion,fr.;58OL/DLBrandonPerez, sr.; 60
OL/DL Cody Samples,fr.; 70 OL/DL KeeganBamburg, fr.; 72 OL/DL Jason Fennell,fr.; 74 OL/DL Cason Walton,soph.;75OL/DL Keller Landry, fr.; 76 OL/LB Weston Roubion,fr.
thisprogram back to theheyday. I wantthecommunitytobeproudof what we putoutonthe field.”
It certainlyshouldbemore excitingwithanup-tempo, passbasedoffensethis fallafterusing
pretty good.”
Seniorleft tackle/defensive end LeviHunndescribeditasa work inprogress shortlybeforepractice began.
“Thingswillprobablystartout slow,butoncewegetthehangofit, thingswillpickup,” he said.
SeniorquarterbackBrianCrosby willbeentrustedtohandlethenew offense. He is confident,under Barrow’s tutelage,ofadaptingin ahurry.
“Quitehonestly, I feel we’re all going to rise to thechallenge,” Crosbysaid.“Wehaveanewcoach whoobviouslyknows whathe’s doing,andhe’s going toteachus well,and we’re going to learnthe offense.”
Crosby willhave ahealthy Waltonthis seasonafter Walton fracturedhisleft fibulamidway throughthe2021 campaignand satoutthe restofthe way.WatchingtheBulldogs’woesmountfrom thesidelinewasoftentougherthan whenplaying, Walton said.
“I gotmadat my players when theydidn’tdotherightthing,”said Walton, who took five months to healand rehabilitate.
Iolawill competeinClass2A DivisionII’sDistrict 13 forthe next two seasonswithBartlett, Bremond,Chilton,Grangerand Milano. TheBulldogs were picked to finish fifth by Texas Football Thatlackof respect servesas motivationthis go-round.
“A lotofpeople say we have a chiponourshoulder, butit goes pastthat,” Crosby said. “Atthis point,it’sanunderdog[mentality]. Clearlywedidn’tmaketheplayoffs last yearat 2-7. We want to go out thereandproveeverybodywrong.”
therun-basedwing-Ta yearago.
“It’s a goodthing,” seniorlinebacker/tightendCade Walton said.“It’s somethingthat we’re notused to, throwingthe ball, butonce we getused to it we’llbe
Inorder to do so, Iolawillhave tograspthenewoffense,afactthe players firmlybelieve willhappen.
“Weallthink we’re going to do wellthis season,” seniorrunning back/linebacker WesleyAlexander said.
Head coach —BoBarrow (1stseason)
Assistant coaches —defensive coordinatorJayme Timm, specialteams coordinatorJasonJolly, KennethAlmstedt, Cameron Darby
District —13-2ADivisionII
2021 record 2-7(2-4,tied for4th)
Playoffappearances(21) 1939, 1960, 1991-95, 1998-99, 2001,2005-06,2012-20
Playoff record —20-20-1
Returninglettermen —16(7offensive, 7defensivestarters)
Key returners P DanielRios(A-D);QB BrianCrosby, sr.(2nd A-D);OL TurnerFleming,soph.(HM A-D);LB WesleyAlexander, sr.(HM A-D);DLGrantGoodney, soph. (HM) Keylosses —FB Coy Elliott(2nd A-D);DB PhilipEngland(2nd A-D)
All-time record —401-363-17
It’s beenatrying yearandahalf for Milano two-way seniorstandout Josh MillarandtheEagle football team.
Millarplayedonlydefensein 2021 while recoveringfroma season-endingkneeinjuryhesufferedasa sophomore. Nowhe’s 100%healthy, a bigboost to a seniorclassthathas achance to earn theprogram’s first winning season since2017.
“We’regoing to have 10 to 11 seniors,whichisagreatnumber forus,” Milanohead coach Nick Morehead said.“Overthe past three years combined we’velost onlyeight seniors. Theseguys, mostofthemhave startedsince they were freshmen,someofthem onbothsidesofthe ball. So team experienceisdefinitelyabigplus and teamstrength forus. There couldbe excitingthingsthis year.”
Millarandhis fellowfreshmen earnedplentyof experience in2019butlittleelseasthe team went 1-9, theprogram’s fewest victoriesina seasonsince going 0-10in 1990. Millar washavinga banner sophomore year whenhe suffereda season-endingkneeinjuryagainstGrangerintheEagles’ seventh gameof2020. Millarhad 774 yardsrushingon107 carries atthetime. Withoutarguably theirbestplayer, theEagles were outscored129-26inthelastthree games to finish 2-7.
“Thatinjury was tough,” Millar said.“Italmostended my whole career for football.IthoughtI hatedthesport.”
Theplan was for Millar to sitout last yearashe rehabilitated,buthe returnedondefense.
“Recovery wentamonthlonger than expected,” Millar said.“It
4RB/LB Chris Vazquez, 5-11, 185,jr.;6TE/DLRyan Tate, 6-1,180, jr.; 7 QB/DBBreyton Steinbecker, 5-7130, soph.;8QB/DBGaelAlcala, 5-9, 140, jr.;9 RB/LB Taylor Wall, 5-5, 140, soph.;11Jaydon Castaneda 5-11, 150,sr.;12RB/LB JoshMillar, 6-0, 190, sr.; 15RB/LB GabeSanders 5-9, 150,soph.;20RB/LBAnthony Valdez, 5-10,180, soph.;22 TE/DBMykal Hutson, 5-10,160, sr.; 24 RB/LB AndresRuelas, 5-6, 220,soph.;32 RB/ LB Ethan Gordon, 5-10,205,sr.;34TE/LB Ty Magee, 5-11,160,soph.;51
OL/LB EdisonBui, 5-9, 160,jr.;52OL/LBIrvinJuarez, 5-11,200,sr.;54
OL/DL AveryPizana, 5-11, 205, soph.;56OL/DL Austin McGowin, 5-9, 205,jr.; 70 OL/DLGreg Storey, 6-2, 290,jr.;72OL/DLLayne Ferrell, 5-11, 260, sr.;77OL/DLGeraldDykes, 6-0, 190, soph.
tooka tollonmementally. It was very hard to come back,but when Idid,Iam waystrongermentally thanI wasbefore.”
The5-foot-11, 190-pounder givesa veteranoffenseanother playmaker.
“We’lldefinitelyhave more [depth]onoffense,” Morehead said.“Weruntheslot-T. We have threerunning backs, and we have a solid backup forallthreeofthem thatwillsplit carries.”
SophomoreAndresRuelas ran forapproximately900 yardslast
center,” Vasquez said.“Thepositionchangelast year wasfun.It’s somethingnew.Ilove it.I’m really just goingin,givingitallI’ve got. It’s just executing.”
He’s anotherthreat to carrythe football.
“Ifhe wasn’tplayingquarterback,he’dbeastartingrunning back,” Morehead said. “So we’ve got fourstartersinthe backfield. I feel goodwithall fourofthem.”
Milano’slineplayis keyed by 300-poundGregStorey and 265-poundLayne Ferrell.
“Those two bigguys, it’llmean a lot to get them in the middle and have them controlthemiddle,” Morehead said.
Millarwillplayin college,but he’shopefulhis seniorclassat Milano goesoutinstyle.
“We’ve wanted to win for years,” he said.“It’sjusttheleaders we’ve hadinfrontofushaven’tbeenable to doit forus. We’vekindofhad to take the reins, so we’vebeenleading ourselves foraboutthree years now, so it’s finallyour year.”
It’s aspecialgroup for Morehead, whoisinhis second seasonas Milano’shead coachafter followingChadLaGrone, who coached 15 yearsin twostintsat hisalmamaterbefore retiring.
Head coach —NickMorehead(4-6 in1seasonatMilano)
Assistantcoaches —MatthewJentsch; ConnorMarshall,Jordan Weikert District —13-2ADivisionII
2021record 4-6(2-5,tied for4th)
Playoff appearances(15) 6-man: 1965-66, 1975;11-man(11): 1999-2000, 2005, 2007, 2010-11, 2013-18
Playoff record 8-12
Returninglettermen —30(10offensive, 9defensivestarters)
Keyreturners —RB/LBAndresRuelas,soph.(13-2A-IINOY);FB/LB Ethan Gordon,sr.(A-D);OLGreg Storey,jr.; DL/OLLayne Ferrell,sr.(A-D/2nd A-D); OL/DL EdisonBui,jr.,(2nd A-D);LB JoshMillar,sr.(2nd A-D);LBAlanMaldonado,sr.(HM A-D);LBIrvinJuarez, sr.(HM A-D);LB Chris Vazquez, sr.(HM A-D);GabrielSanders,soph.(HM A-D)
Keyloss —TENickGrimes(HM A-D)
All-time record (11-man) 235363-11
Aug.27 ValleyMills 0-41
Sept. 3 atAlphaOmega13-3
Sept. 10 Bremond 34-24
Sept. 17 Thorndale 0-49
year.SeniorfullbackEthanGordonisa returningall-districtperformerknown forhisblocking.
“Fullbackisprettyimportantin aslot team,” Morehead said.
Thequarterbackis5-10, 195-poundChris Vasquez, who alsoplays outsidelinebacker. He endedlast seasonatquarterback by necessityafterbeginningthe yearplayingjustdefense.When the team’sstartingsignal-caller sufferedaninjury, Vasquezmade themostoftheopportunity.
“I’m getting comfortableunder
“I’ve beentherenine years;I’ve knownthekidssincethey’ve been inelementary,” Morehead said. “We’re asmall campus. We get to knowthem early,so thatdefinitely helps. As farasathletics goes, I’ve hadthemsincesixthgrade.In fact, I was coachingjuniorhighatthe time.So I’ve coachedthese seniors fromthetimethey’ve beeninsixth grade.”
NOTES: Milano,which returns10 startersonoffenseandnineon defense,hasalarge sophomore class.“Nineteenofthem cameout asfreshmenlast year, and we’re expectinganother 15 or so [this year],” Morehead said. “Andas eighth-gradersonourjuniorhigh team,theyallowedone touchdown all yearlong, so theyareagifted groupas well.Ourjuniorclassisn’t asbig,but we’ve got somequality players inthereas well.”
Sept. 24 *Somerville 34-49
Oct. 1*Bartlett 33-16
Oct. 8*Granger 7-35
Oct. 22 *at Iola 35-22
Oct. 29*Burton 3-42
Nov. 5 *atSnook 16-34
*13-2A-II games
Aug. 26 at Waco Reicher7 p.m.
Sept. 1Huntsville AlphaOmega 7 p.m.
Oct. 9*Central Texas Christian7 p.m.
Oct. 16 Meridian 7 p.m.
Oct. 23 at Cypress Christian7 p.m.
Oct. 7 *at Bartlett 7 p.m.
Oct. 14 *%Iola 7 p.m.
Oct. 21 *atBremond7 p.m.
Oct. 28 *Granger 7 p.m.
Nov. 4at Chilton 7 p.m.
*13-2A-II games
Special to The Eagle Burtonentersthe2022 season with revengeonitsminds.
Despitehaving to forfeit seven gameslast season,the Panthers still were ableasDistrict 14-2A DivisionII’s No. 4 seed to advance to thestatequarterfinalsbefore falling to FallsCity. Itmarkedthe latestinastringofstrongBurton playoff runsthat were ended by the Beaversinthelast decade.
This season, Burton returns25 lettermen,andthe Panthersarethe pick to winDistrict 14-2ADivisionII by DaveCampbell’s Texas Football. Theirmain competition? FallsCity.
Theburgeoningpostseason rivals-turned-districtmateswill openleagueplayon Sept.23in Giddingswithlast year’splayoff gamefreshonthe Panthers’ minds.
“Wedidn’t go inwiththeright mindsetlast year,” Burtonlinebacker Colby Beck said.“They beatusoutlast year, andit wasa great game,butthis yearIthink we’llbe ready forthem.”
Beck,who earned first-teamalldistricthonorslast year, leadsa defensethat returnseightstarters fromaunitthatheldnineopponentsunder10pointslast season. He’llbehelped by a veteran core of two-wayplayers includingwide receiver/cornerback TannerGore, running back/defensive back PiersonSpiessandtightend/defensive endCarsonLauter.
“‘We’llhave more experience this yearthan we’vehadthe past twoorthree years,” head coach Jason Hodde said.“That’llhelp us goingintothis year. It’s a good blend.”
Gore,Spies, Lauteralongwith running backsChad Schubert
Sept.3 at Waco Reicher20-3
Sept. 10 atBrazos 42-0
Sept. 24 atShiner 0-43
Oct. 8*Somerville
Oct. 15
Oct. 22*Granger
Oct. 29
Nov. 5*Iola
Nov. 11vs. Christoval29-27
Nov. 19 vs.Bruni
*13-2A-II games
Note:Burtonhadto forfeitits firstseven victories for using anineligible player.
*14-2A-II games
%Homecoming atFlatonia
and TyroneGilmonanddo-it-all man DelvinGanttwilllook to carry the Panthers’offenseasthey face questionsatquarterbackbehind aninexperiencedoffensive line led by Raylan Parker.
“[I want] to lead my teamfurtherthan wewentlast year,”Gantt said.“I wasprettydisappointedin how we endedthe year.We haveto getphysicallyandmentally ready to face these schoolsthatthe youngerguys haven’t faced yet.”
Memoriesofhowlast year’s playoff runendedstillhauntthe Panthers. Thethoughtof revenge against FallsCitymaybedriving the team forward,but Hodde says they’re focusingon takingthe seasonone gameatatime.
“You’ve got to slowdownand
2WR/DBDelvinGantt, sr.;3WR/DB TannerGore, sr.;4RB/DBPierson Spies,sr.;5RB/DE ChadSchubert, jr.;6 WR/DB AustinGutierrez,jr.;
7WR/DB ColtonBroesche, soph.; 8 QB/DB Vicente Veliz,sr.;9 WR/ DBHunterDuffy, fr.;10 WR/DBJasonGonzalez, fr.;11TE/DE Carson Lauter,sr.;12QB/DBDrayton Oakes,soph.;13RB/LB TrentUnger, soph.; 14 TE/LB ColbyBeck,jr.;15RB/LB WestonEls,fr.; 17 WR/DBEli Simank,fr.;18 RB/DE TyroneGilmon,jr.;20WR/DBAndreOrtiz,jr.; 21 TE/LBBradyGriffin,soph.; 25TE/DE D’MitrySchulte,soph.;51OL/ DL Daniel Casas,soph.;52OL/DLHunter Fleck, fr.; 54 OL/DLRaylan Parker,sr.; 55 OL/DL JamesAlvarado,soph.;60OL/DE ZaneAshenbeck,jr.; 63 OL/LBMarkOdom,soph.;66OL/DLPeyton Franklin,sr.; 71OL/DL JermiahHudgen,jr.;72OL/DL Keagan Fenner,sr.; 76 OL/DL Matthew Roemer,fr.;77OL/DL Austen Bostain,fr.; 78OL/DL Trayvon Gilmon,jr.;80RB/DE Collin Torres, fr.
take things week toweek,” Hodde said. “AtBurton you’ve got to, becauseourdepthis going to be limited.Itis concerning,butthat’s beenthe case every year, so we’ve got to builditupandputourbest foot forward.”
Burtonhasabigger goalthan justbeatingthe Beavers. It’s one thatthe Panthershave dreamed about for years, andit resides
Head coach —JasonHodde(88-38 in 10seasonsat Burton)
Assistant coaches —offensive coordinator ClintonSmith,JaimeSmith, Carl Faigle,MattThaler,Alan Richard, Jonathan Weatherstone District 14-2ADivision II
2021 record 5-9(2-4, tied for 4thin 14-2ADivisionII).Burton was 12-2, 6-0onthe fieldbefore forfeiting sevenvictoriesbecauseofanineligibleplayer
2021playoffs —bi-district: Christoval,30-29;area:Bruni,48-6; regionals:Granger, 57-27; quarterfinals: FallsCity,20-34
Playoff appearances(15) 1992, 1995,2008,2010-21
Playoff record 24-15
Returninglettermen —25 (8offensive, 8defensivestarters)
Key returners RB PiersonSpies, sr.(A-D);ILB ColbyBeck,jr.(A-D);OLB TyroneGilmon,jr.;TE CarsonLauter, sr.(2nd A-D);S Vicente Veliz,sr.(2nd A-D);DLRaylan Parker,sr.(2nd A-D); RB ChadSchubert, jr.(HM A-D);CB TannerGore, sr.(HM A-D);DLJermiah Hudgen,jr.(HM A-D)
Keylosses —ILB WaylonHinze(132A-IIDef.MVP);QBRyan Roehling(AD); OLEricFlores(2nd A-D);OLJacksonDixon(HM A-D);TEJaydenBrown (HM A-D);CB C.J. Casas (HM A-D)
All-time record —305-357-15
withinan80,000-seatstadium inArlington each December.
“We want to winastatechampionship,” Hodde said.“Overthe years, we’ve gottenclose, andit’s something we’vebeenchasing for alongtime.Whenthese young men set footinthe fieldhouse, that’s our goal.”
NOTES: Burtonwillplayitshome
gamesonthe road whileanew stadiumisbeing constructed. HomecomingagainstLouisewill beinFlatoniaandit’llplayRunge inSnook.Thenewstadium,which willhave aneight-lanetrack,is partofa$43.8millionbondissued passedin November. Burton alsois gettinganew competition gym. ... FallsCity, whichlostin thestatetitle game to Stratford, returnsonly twostartersonoffenseand twomoreondefense. FallsCitylinebackerElishaErmis isthepreseason 14-2AIIdefensive MVP by Texas Football,while BurtonTELauteristheoffensive MVP....FallsCityholdsa5-4edge overBurtonintheplayoffswithsix oftheminthequarterfinals where they’ve split.Burtonhas reached the semifinalsthreetimes,thelast in2017 whenitlost to Tenaha.
College Station’s Kyle Walsh(17)intercepts a passintended forDentonRyan’s Michael Davis (11)during thestatequarterfinalslastseasonat McLane Stadiumin Waco.
Aftersportingthreehead coachesina four-yearperiod, the Snook Bluejays are hoping continuitywiththe coaching staffwilllead to renewedsuccess onthefield.
Dylan Conway took overthe reinsa yearago, andtheBluejays struggledlearningnewoffensive anddefensive systemsen route to a5-6 record and first-roundplayoffdefeat.
Conway said the teamstarted clickingafterits bye weekandenters this season moreknowledgeableabouttheXsand Os He also saidthe teamentered fallpracticewith10 setplays insteadof thethreeheused whenthe team beganlast season.
“We’re starting fartherahead than where we startedlast year,” Conway said. “We have quite a few goodkids whoplayedalot ofminuteslast yearinalotof big-time games, so thelearning experienceisthere.”
Includedamongthose key returnersis seniorlinemanLuke Jakubic,who remainedhealthy last yearonaninjury-depleted line.Thecurrentgroupofjuniorsand seniorsisfitheading intothis season.
“Ourlinewillbebetterthan last year when we hadalotof hurtkids,” Jakubic said.
Jakubicand companywillbe blocking foranewquarterback.
Junior J.BeauxHruska takes over forthree-year, dual-threat starterGarrettLeroandhad a year to learnthenew terminology, givinghim confidence that teamchemistryhas improved.
“A lotofthenewerplays that we learnedlast year we aren’t having to studythose. We al-
Aug.27 Kashmere 43-18
Sept.3 atThorndale 6-31
Sept. 10Thrall 27-49
Sept. 17 Hearne 0-33
Sept. 24 *atIola 6-7
Oct. 1*Burton 8-34%
Oct 15 *atSomerville30-22
Oct. 22*Bartlett 56-8
Oct. 29 *at Granger 7 p.m.
Nov. 5*Milano 34-16
Nov. 12vs. Rocksprings34-64
*13-2A-II games
%Burton forfeited
Aug. 26 atIola 7:30 p.m.
Sept.2Brazos Christian7 p.m.
Sept. 9 atAnderson-Shiro7 p.m.
Sept. 16 Weimar TBD
Sept. 30*%Runge TBD
Oct. 7 *atSomervilleTBD
Oct. 14 *Burton TBD
Oct. 21 at FallsCity TBD
Oct. 28 Yorktown TBD
Nov. 4 *at Louise TBD
*14-2A-II games
readyhave themmemorized,” saidHruska, whoalsowillplay someat safety.
Lero passed for 749 yardsand six touchdownsandadded 675 yardsrushingwith11moreTDs in2021.Also goneare receivers ChevyBarker(17 receptions, 288 yards) and Jose Garcia(13-249).
Theoffense returnsleading rusherLanceLara,a senior, as wellas seniorfullback Ryder Beckaand senior SamSmitherman, whoshiftsfromtightend to wideoutina schemethatis expected to usea goodmixtureof runningand passing Lararushed for 737 yardson95 carrieswith fourTDslast year.
“We’llbeable to do whatever we need to doonthissideofthe ball,” Smitherman said.
His teammatesechoedthat belief.
“Wehave a good teamthat can
SnookrunningbackLanceLara,left, carriestheballagainstHearneduring the gamelastseason.Laraisback forhis seniorseasonwiththeBluejays this year.
1SB/DBLiam Zequeria,soph.;2RB/DBLanceLara,sr.;3FB/LBJordan Price, soph.;4RB/LBGarrettHyvl,jr.;5RB/DB RobertCrawford,fr.; 6WR/DBBrett Withem,soph.;7QB/DB J. BeauxHruska, jr.; 8WR/DB SamSmitherman,sr.; 9 QB/DB CadenSchluens, soph.; 10 TE/LB Caleb See,sr.; 12 TE/LB KadeJunek,jr.; 14 WR/DB EdwinMoore, fr.;15SB/DB JoshGreen,jr.;16WR/DBSilas Hetland,soph.;22WR/DBGabeLaCaze, soph.; 23 TE/DB EthanJanac, fr.; 24 FB/LBMarkMoore, jr.;30FB/LB RyderBecka,sr.;40SB/DB Tristan Yen,soph.;42FB/LBShawnRamon,fr.;44TE/DLRichardSantillan,sr.; 46SB/DB Jimmy Kearney, fr.; 50OL/DLBrandonBaker,jr.;51OL/DL ChristopherQuevedo,soph.;54 OL/DLJacob Castaneda,soph.;56OL/DL JulianMartinez, jr.;60OL/ DL AlexRamone, fr.; 62OL/LB RonaldHuddleston,soph.;64 OL/DL AlexBond,soph.;66 OL/DLDylan Conrad,sr.; 68 OL/DL Robert Carter, soph.; 74 OL/DLGabriel Martinez, sr.;77OL/DLMoses Stickel,fr.; 78 OL?Dl Tray Jackson, fr.; 82 WR/DB Alexander Rodriguez, soph.
do waybetterthan we didlast year,” Lara said.
Otherplayers on theapproximately25-player roster expected to makeadifference includejuniorlinemenGabrielMartinez and JulianMartinez,juniorlinebackerGarrett Hyvl andjunior wide receiver/cornerback Josh Green.
“Wehave alotofskillguys coming back,” Becka said.“Last yearmostofourO-line washurt.
Head coach —Dylan Conway (5-6 in1seasonatSnook)
Assistant coaches —offensive coordinatorJohn Conway,defensive coordinatorEriqMitchell, ChrisHorn, Oscar KendallandJames David District 14-2ADivisionII
2021 record 5-6, 4-2tied for2nd in13-2ADivisionII
2021playoffs —bi-district: Rocksprings,34-64
Playoff appearances(5) —2016, 2018-21
Playoff record 4-5
Returninglettermen —18(7offensive, 6defensivestarters)
Key returners —RB/DBLance Lara,sr.(A-D/2nd A-D).;OLGabriel Martinez, sr.(A-D);DLRyderBecka,sr (A-D);OL Luke Jakubik,sr.(2nd A-D); DB J. BeauxHruska,jr.(2nd A-D);DB GarrettHyvl,jr.(2nd A-D);DLGabriel Martinez, sr.(2nd A-D);TE/DLSamuel Smitherman,sr.(HM A-D);TE-LB TavareanGrimes,sr.(HM A-D);LJared Bryan,jr.(HM A-D);LRichardSantillan, sr.(HM A-D)
Keylosses —QB/DBGarrett Lero (A-D);OL David Toler(A-D);DL Cody Noriega(A-D);DB/RBJoseGarcia(A-D, 2nD A-D);WR ChevyBarker(2nd A-D); OLJonathanQuevedo(HM A-D)
All-time record —51-99-2
wherehe wasoffensive coordinator.
I feelour youngerguys have reallysteppeditupthis year.”
Snookhopes to recapturethe success it realizedin recent seasons TheBluejays went9-3in 2018underthen-coachChad Lechler. Instepped Boone Patterson, whose two seasonsincludedthe school’sfirstdistrict titleandfirstappearanceinthe regionalquarterfinals.
Thenit was Conway’s turnafter coming overfromIngleside,
Onemajordifference forSnook isitmovesintoDistrict 14-2A DivisionII, whichincludes2021 staterunner-up FallsCityand a Burton team whose 5-9 record last seasonincluded seven forfeits.
Thedistrict, whichalso featuresLouise,Runge, Somerville and Yorktown,undoubtedlywill increase theBluejays’travel time. Whetherthey canincrease theirwin total remains to be seen.
“It’s going to beachallenge each week,” Conway said.
JAKEWEESE jacob.weese@theeagle.com
DameonBryantwill tell you right away thatit’s inthe workouts.
Somerville’s seniorwide receiverisenteringhis final season withanewhead coachandstaff, butBryantalready knows thebiggestdifferencehasbeenthenew offseason workouts.
“A lotmoreliftingthan we did last year,” Bryant said.“I’mglad we’redoingmorelifting.Itwill makeusstronger.”
Bryantisn’tthe onlyone whohas noticed as teammatesCadenEspinosa andIan Teagueagreethat the workoutshave beenthebiggest difference.
“Ithinktheyare moreharderand moredisciplined,” Espinosa said,“a lotmoredisciplined,andthat’s real good. We actuallyneedthat.I thinkthat’s what’s going to makeusbetterthis year.”
For first-yearhead coachPhilip Roberts, the workoutsareall part ofhisplan to helpthe Yeguas take thatnextstep. Last season, Somerville finishedthe season 5-6 overalland4-2inDistrict 132A-IIbeforebowingoutinthe first roundoftheplayoffs.
Theplayoff game was Somerville’s firstsince2017.This season, Somervillewillmoveto 14-2A-II.
Robertsspentthelast five seasonsatBrenhamand washiredin May to take overthe Yeguas.
“We’ve beenintheBrazos Valley communityinBrenham forthelast fiveyears, and Somervilleisright downthe road,”Roberts said.“We didn’thaveto move.My wife and family get to stay inBrenham.It’s beengreat forme.
“Andthekidsare fantastic. They’re tough;they’re scrappy. There’s someculturalthingsthat we’retrying to fix, toughness, but that’s withanywhere.I’m excited aboutthesekids. They’re alotlike
Sept. 3 atAnderson-Shiro20-26
Sept. 10 Leon 30-38
Sept. 17 AlphaOmega Academy 20-27
Sept. 24 *atMilano 49-34
Oct. 1*Iola 14-13
Oct. 8 *atBurton 6-34
Oct. 15*ESnook 22-30
Oct. 29 *at Bartlett 50-6
Nov. 5*Granger 20-25
Nov. 11vs. Eldorado 33-35
*13-2A-II games
%Homecoming %Burton forfeited
Aug. 26 atThrall 7:30
Sept.2Brentwood Christian7
Sept. 9 at Weimar
Sept. 16 Kenedy
Sept. 23 *Yorktown
Sept. 30 *at Louise
Oct. 7*Snook
Oct. 14 *atRunge
Oct. 28 *Burton
Nov. 4 *at FallsCity
*14-2A-II games
theBrenhamkidsthatI’ve been withthe past fiveyears.”
Lookingathis roster,Robertsis hoping forabout 35 players on varsitywithalotof returning talent.
Players suchasBryant, Teague, Espinosa,JesusEspinoza, Andrew Vasquez,GardnerShivers and DevenGreenarejust someofthe returningstandouts whom Roberts hasbeenimpressed by heading intothe season.
“There’s somegreat talentthat’s coming back,”Roberts said. “And alotofitis going to bemore confident. We had some very young players, lost some senior talent that was really good.
“Ithink someofour younger talent comingupis going to be able to stepup. Andif we putall thisstuff togetherwiththeleadership we have withour seniorsand the explosive athleticability we’ve gotwithour youngergroup,Ithink we’llbe good.”
1WR/CBHerschel Conway,jr.; 2 QB/SIan Teague, soph.; 4 OL/OLB Gavin Williams,soph.;5 WR/CB Dameon DJ Bryant,sr.;6FB/DL Caden Espinosa,sr.;7WR/SKasonRohrbach, soph.; 8WR/OLBDevenGreen, sr.; 9 WR/CBBarrettHowe,jr.; 10 WR/OLBAidenBryant,soph.;11TE/ OLB Kutter Rohrbach,soph.;12 WR/DB KyleBrooks,fr.;13RB/LB Keke Daniels, fr.; 14 TE/QB/LB CalebHanks,jr.;15WR/DBJayden Leang, jr.; 16WR/QB/SGardnerShivers,jr.; 17 DB/RBX’Zavion Vela,fr.;18WR/DB Gage Tuck,fr.; 21 WR/SDominic Tucker, sr.; 25FB/LBRai’JaunShivers, soph.;34FB/LBJosephMorales,soph.;50OL/DLNick Conally,fr.; 53 FB/LB Trevor Rosser,fr.; 55 OL/DL CanyonSurovik, soph.;56 FB/DL CadenEspinoza,sr.;65OL/DLJesus Espinoza,sr.; 70 OL/DLMJRubio, sr.;71OL/DLJamieNavarro, soph.;72 OL/DL RobertoGarcia-Vega, fr.; 76 OL/DLJashawnJones,jr.;77OL/DL Dada Daniels,soph.; 78 OL/DL Charlie Figeroua,soph.;79OL/DLAndrew Vasquez, jr.;88WR/CB VictorOrozco, jr.
Thisoffseason wasallabout bringingthe team togetherunderitsnewstaff, anditallstarts withthose workouts for Roberts asheknows thehard work during
Head coach —Phillips Roberts (1stseason)
Assistant coaches –Offensive coordinator Luke Klingler,defensive coordinatorRyan Warner,special teams coordinator Rene Cantu, Clint Bills,Josh Vela, LoganNaiserand Noah Leist.
District 14-2ADivisionII
2021 record 5-6(4-2,tied for 2nd)
2021playoffs bi-district:Eldorado, 33-35
Playoff appearances(10) 1939, 1960, 1965, 1976, 1982, 1983, 1990, 2006,2017, 2021
Playoff record 4-10
Returninglettermen —21 (7offensivestarters,5defensivestarters)
Key returners —OLAndrew Vasquez, jr. (A-D);DL CadenEspinosa,sr.(A-D);OLJesusEspinoza, sr.(2nd A-D);WR/DBDevenGreen, sr.(HM A-D);WR/DBGardnerShivers, jr.(HM A-D); WR/DB Kutter Rohrbach, soph. (HM A-D)
Keylosses —QB/DBJohnny Legg (A-D,2nd A-D);WR/DB Verkobe Woodberry(A-D);DBIsaacSanchez (A-D);OL CullenSablatura(2nd A-D); TEJulian Frayre (2nd A-D);LB Payton Sprouse(2nd A-D);DL CedricHudgen (2nd A-D);LAlejandroEspinoza(HM A-D); DL Dustin Vess(HM A-D)
All-time record —326-544-24
believerinlotsofadversityand physicaldiscomfortwillmakea brotherhood.Itwillbringthose kids together.So themoreI can pushthem,themoretheycometogether,whichmeansinthe fourth quarter when we’retrying to win a gameortrying to keep someone outoftheend zone,they canlook at eachotherand say‘Hey, we’ve beendoingthis together foralong time.Let’s go finishthisthingout.’
thesummerwill payoff on Friday nightsthis fall.
“The reason forthe tough workoutsis to bringthose guys together,” Roberts said“I’ma firm
“SoI’mOKwithbeingthe bad guyalotofthetimes early, butI think eventuallythere’s something thatclicks,andtheyjust realizehe wasdoingthis forusbecausehe lovesus Oncethose guys can see thatandthe toughnessisthereand thenthewinningstarts to happen andthenwinningbecomesahabit, that’s what we’retrying to get to.”
IfCalvert’sfootballseasontopsits off-the-fielddrama,theTrojansare in forathrilling seasonthat could turnintoamovie.
The Trojans were a top-10 program in dangerofstartingthe seasonwithout a head coachuntillandingEric Johnsonlessthan fourdays before thestartof fall drills. The former PattonSprings head coachacceptedthe jobon July 29.
“I cameinhereon Aug.1at 9 [a.m.],”Johnson said.“Isigned my contract,andat11I washaving practice.”
So far, it’s beenablast.
“I’msuper excitedaboutthis team,”Johnson said. “They’re quick.They’refast.Theyhavegood footballacumen forthemost part. They’regoing to bea goodstaple to startbuildingaprogramwith.”
Johnsoninheritedaneight-player roster, all veterans whohave impressedthenew coach.Juniorwide receiverKevondreCoronawasasecond-teamall-statepicklastyearby theTexas6-ManCoachesAssociation.Senior CohanThompsonis a spreadbackwhowasasecond-team all-regionpick.Thompsonwassecondinthe300-meterhurdlesatthe statemeetlastyear.Thompsonand seniorwide receiverGiovanniDiaz ranonthe4x100 relay teamthat placed fifthatstate.
Allbutoneoftheplayers competedontheboys basketball team that reachedthestate tournament inMarch,andseniorlinebackerAntonio Porteralso earnedhonorable mentionall-statehonors.
“Antonioisafreakinganimal,” Johnsonsaid.“Thatkidiswhat you callatrue footballplayer.”
“I’m everywhere,”Porter said. “Basically whereverthe ball’sat, there’s whereI’mat.”
The6-foot,205-pounderis a toughmatchup.
“I feellikeI’mmoreeffective on offense,becauseI canuse my size fordives to get firstdownsand touchdowns,” Porter said.“Whateverhappensinthe game, whatever’sthereI take it.IfIhaveto run it,I’llrunit.IfIhaveto pass it,I’ll pass it.”
Johnsonandtheplayers had a smoothtransitionin fall camp.
“We’re doinga real good jobof gelling. Everythingis going to be reallyfun,”Johnson said.“There shouldbealittlebuzz forour youngerkids to really want to step upand geta fewmorekidsinvolved inthisprogramandmakearealgood name forCalvert.”
Johnsonhasachance to bring stability to aprogramthathasbeen looking foritsincehead coach Ja’MarcusAshleyleftin June2021 to beanassistantatBryan.It was
July 27 despitenothavingahead coach.
“Whenthehead coach comes, we’re going to be ready,” Thompson said.
Added Porter:“He’s going to be reallucky.”
Johnsonsaidallcoachesarelucky becausethey work with youth,but onlya few coaches work withprogramsthathavetraditionandpedigree.
“WhenI walkedintoCalvertand walkedthroughthehallsand you seeallthose regional semifinals, state semifinals, state final wooden trophies, youknowthere’s some pedigreeinhere,” he said. “And to beable to comeinhereand seeif I can fitoneofthemolds to dothat ismore excitingthananything you cando. Thisisachancenotmany coaches get.”
Johnson coachedat Patton Springs for four years, going9-26.
Head coach —EricJohnson (9-26overallin4seasons,1st seasonat Calvert)
District —11-A DivisionII(6man)
2021 record 4-5 (2-1,2ndin 13-A Division)
2021playoffs —bi-district: Oglesby, 30-48
Playoff appearances(35) —11man: 1923, 1938, 1946-47, 1949, 1952, 1958, 1967-68, 1970, 198991, 1994; 6-man: 1998-99, 200111,2013-21
Playoff record 3-12-2 (11 man),34-21(6-man)
Returninglettermen 7 (4offensive, 5defensivestarters)
Key returners —QB/C/MLB AntonioPorter,sr.(13-A-IIMVP); RB/QB Kevondre Corona,jr (13-A-IIOff.MVP);QBJa’Carius Schells,jr.(A-D);RB Cohan Thompson, sr.(A-D);WR/DB Tavaras Lyles, Calvert, sr.(A-D); OL/DL DavionAllen,sr.(A-D);LB Davarian Hurst, jr.(A-D);RB/DB Kristoff Bailey,jr.(2nd A-D);WR GioDiaz,sr.(2nd A-D)
ofspeed tothe Trojanoffense.Asajunior lastseasonhe finishedsecondin the300hurdlesatthe ClassAstate meet,clockinginat39.70seconds Healso ran on Calvert’s 4x100 relay teamthatplaced fifth at state.
quiteablowbecauseAshley,aCalvertalumandformerstandout,had made DaveCampbell’s Texas Football magazine’sbest coachesunder age40in2019and’20,quiteacoup forAshleyandCalvertsincethelist includedcollegecoachesalongwith thestate’shighestclassifications.
Calverthired Jordan Weikertat theendoflastsummertobeitshead football coach, but heleftafterjust a few weeks. Headboys basketball coach MichaelThomas,whohad beenassisting Weikert, servedas theinterimhead coach forthe rest ofthe season.Thomas washiredas Denton’sheadboysbasketballcoach in April, takingalongwithhimhis sonMJ,who wasanall-statetight endandall-regionallinebacker.
Calverthired WacoParkview’s JoshHayesinlateMay,butheleftin earlyJuly to beanassistant football and baseball coachatAxtell.
CalvertsentitstopplayerstoThe Eagle’seighthannualMediaDayon
Hebroughtstabilitywithnoforfeits aftertheprogramhad25inthepreviousdecadewithatleastoneforfeit ineightdifferent seasons.
InlateMayhe washiredat Burkeville, whichisdropping to 6-manthis season. Johnson, who hadappliedatCalvertpreviously, re-appliedwhenthejobre-opened.
NOTES —Calvertlostinbidistrictlast year to Oglesby,48-30, its earliest exitsince2012 whenit didn’tmaketheplayoffs.“Alotofus onthe team, wetookitpersonally,” Thompson said.The Trojanshad won 14 straightinthe serieswith Oglesbyspanning23 years. Calvert was comingoff a48-26loss to Oakwood forthedistricttitle.“We cameoutwrong[againstOglesby],” Porter said.“We hadalotofmisbehaviorsinthegamebefore,soone ofourmainplayersgotejectedand wasout forthe firsthalf[against Oglesby].” ... Johnson saidspeed andintensityareamust.“Number two, we want to dictatethe terms,” Johnsonsaid.“Ilikeformykidstobe proactive. We don’t wantbe to reactive.My teamsare going to have endurance.That’s threethings for sure when youplayanEric Johnson team. We’re going to go, and we’re goingtogo,andwe’regoingtogo because you’ll seeitinme.”
Keylosses WR/DLMichael Thomas,sr.(A-State/13-A-IIDef. MVP)
All-time record 590-384-34
Sept.17 AllenAcademy55-32
Oct.1 St.Joseph 43-51
Sept.10BastropTribe 32-28
Sept.17 Buckholts forfeit Oct.15 ConroeCovenant12-48
Oct.22 *atChester 42-28
Oct.29 *atAppleSprings 46-0
Nov.5*Oakwood 26-48
Nov.12vs.Oglesby 30-48 *13-A-IIgames
Sept.9atMilford 7p.m.
Sept.16 Chester 7p.m.
Sept.23 Burkeville 7p.m.
Oct.21*Buckholts 7p.m.
Oct.28 *atOglesby 7p.m. #atAllenAcademy *11-ADivisionIIgames
Station’s Stoney Pryor, left, andBryan’s Ricky Tullos arein their first year in charge oftheir respective programs. It’s Pryor’s firstchance tobe a head varsity football coach,while Tullos is embarking onhis 15th seasonasthe leadingman withprevious stopsin Cleveland, George Ranchand Pearland.
It’sbeenabusy coupleofmonths for StoneyPryorandRicky Tullos.
Pryorand Tullosareboth first-year head coachesintheBrazos Valleywith Pryor taking overasthehead football coachat CollegeStationand Tullosin charge atBryan. ForPryor, themove isanaturalone.The
school’slongtimeheadgirls soccer coach alsohas servedasthe football team’soffensive coordinatorsince CollegeStation opened10 yearsago. He’s now gettingthe opportunity to take overtheentireprogram inplaceofSteveHuff, his former football boss wholeft for Decatur earlierthis year. Despitethe familiarity,Pryorwill tell you himselfthathe’sbeenasmuchstudentas teacherthelast fewmonths.
“There’salotofstuff to learn,”Pryor said. “There’salotofthingsthatIdidn’tknow that wentonorIkindofknewthat wenton butnowI’mobviouslyalotmoreinvolved init.Butit’s fantastic.
“Wehave great coaches We have agreat staff. We have greatstudentsand parents. And so it’s beena joy to go throughthis transitionand to learnthesethingsand to work withthepuzzlealittledifferentlythan
WhilePryor technicallyhasjustshifted offices,Tullos’transitionthisoffseasonbeganwithhim packingupthe family to move almost120milesnorthwest.
“Yeah,I’ll tell you,meand my family, we’veall got settledinandestablished our coachingstaff,” Tullossaid.“It’s been
Frompage 42
awesome to have everyone finally herejustbecauseofthemove and allthose things. Justthemoving piecesisnerve-wracking sometimes.”
Tullosspentthelast four seasonsat Pearland, whereashead coachheguidedtheOilers to a combined 33-11 record and took them to theplayoffsall four years.
Tullos wonastatechampionshipasthehead coachatGeorge Ranchin2015. He alsohas served asthehead coachathisalmamater Cleveland.
Pryormost certainly wants to puthisstamponthe CollegeStationprogram,buthe’salso taking overasuccessful teamthathe helpedturnintoastatechampionship contender The Cougars’ brandof footballis wellknown notjustintheBrazos Valleybut throughoutthestate,andmuch ofPryor’s jobismaintainingthat.
For Tullos, hearrivedasanoutsider to Bryan.He had to spendthe offseason workingonestablishing his team’snewcultureandidentity fromtheground floor.Hesays creatingthatchampionship-caliber demeanorin Year1isallabout gettingtheplayers onboardwiththe coachingstaff’s message.
“Thechallengeisjustthehowto,” Tullos said.“There’snoright orwrong.There’salotof ways to dothings, andjust[teaching]our wayandourprogram,that’s the biggestthing. How fast canthe kidsunderstandthose changes and what you want?Andthenthey justdoit overand over whereit’s secondnature to them.I’dlike to think you canplayatahighlevel atthatpoint, so that’s thebiggest thingisjustthechange and getting themaccustomed to how we want itdone.”
Nowwitha wholeoffseason to getthings rolling, Tullos saidhe feels goodabout wherehis team isatheadingintothe season.
“We’ve hadagreatsummer,” Tullos said.“I’m very proudof ourkids, allthehard work that they’ve putin.I’mjust ready to watchthem go outand compete and watchthemdo somegreat things forthemselves, their fami-
First-yearBryanhead football coachRicky Tullos watches the Vikings duringtheir firstfallpracticeon Aug.8at MerrillGreen Stadium. Tullossaysthere’sno rightor wrong waytorunaprogrambutthatthe key isgetting the coachingstaff andplayers onthesamepage,something he feelsthe Vikings have donethisspringandsummer ashe’s taken overthe program forthe retired Ross Rogers.
Tullos saidheis somewhat familiarwith someof12-6A’s schools by eitherplayingthemat otherstopslikeinthe case of the Temple Wildcatsorthroughjust hearingabout talentedprograms like Waco Midway,Harker Heights andPflugerville Weiss.
“It’s a very, very gooddistrict, and youmightnothave everbeen a partofitormaybe competed againstthose guys, butfromafar you’ve watchedand youknow good football,”Tullos said.“I’m here totell youourdistrict week inand weekout, we’ve got to be ready to go. There’salotofgreat coaches. There’salotofgreat football teamsthat we’re going to be facing weekinand weekout.”
Gettingpromoted to head coach meantalot forPryor.
HerearetheBrazos Valley’s newhead football coaches for 2022.Sixofthenineareintheir firstseasonasahead varsity football coach.
Bryan: Ricky Tullos(116-46 overallin 14 seasons)
College Station: Stoney Pryor*
Brenham: Danny Youngs (35-53overall in 8seasons)
Leon: DerekThomas*
Normangee: KeithMitchell*
Iola: BoBarrow*
Somerville: Phillips Roberts*
Calvert: EricJohnson(9-26 overallin4seasons)
Brazos Christian: Correy Washington*
*first season as varsityhead football coach
Pryor to run the footballprogram, that wasasign forhimthatthe team’scultureandidentityare solid. He alsoknows it servedas a vote of confidence forthe restof the coachingstaff
“For thattransition to occurthe wayitdid wasaffirming to me,but Ialsothinkthatit was validating to allofour coaches, becauseit was a statementof what we’vedoneand what we’vebuiltis what we want,” Pryor said.“It’s the way we want to dothings,andit’s theproductthat we want to have.Andobviously we want to winmorechampionships and to continue to putoutathletes of highcharacterandhigh-caliber people.But forthe schooladministrationandthe schoolboard to basicallygive astampofapproval on what we’vedone, to continue thatis fantastic forallofus.”
Withnewhead coachesnowin placeand teamidentitieseither establishedorheld firm,both teamsare ready foranother season to beginastheyembarkona newera.
liesandtheir community.”
Oncethe seasonbegins, itwill bealearning experience forboth coachandplayers asthe Vikings competeina revampedDistrict 12-6A.Bryanagainwill face league
mates Copperas Cove, Harker Heightsand TemplewithnewcomersHutto,Pflugerville Weiss and Waco Midway addedin.Gone are Belton, Killeen, KilleenEllison and KilleenShoemaker.
Notonlyhashebeenat CollegeStation High Schoolsince itopened,his whole careerhas beeninthe CollegeStationISD startingatA&M Consolidatedin the 1990s Withthe school keepingthingsinhouseandchoosing
Bryanand Tullosbeginthe regular seasonathomeagainstthe WallerBulldogs at 7:30 p.m. Friday. Fourth-ranked CollegeStationhas to waituntil7 p.m.Saturday whenthey’ll take onClass5A DivisionII’s No. 2LucasLovejoy as partofthe TomLandryClassic atAllen’sEagleStadium.
Nevermindthe factthatBrazos Christianlostanumberof key startersfrom2021’s 8-3 squad. TheEagles saytheyhave championshipaspirationsontheirminds.
“Ourthemeisbelieve, and we believe that we canwinthestate championship,” said RyanBurtin,a seniorwide receiverand safety. “We’ve gotalotof young guys coming back,butIbelieve we’re capableofwinningthestate championshipwiththose guys.”
TheEaglesare now coached by CorreyWashington,whowashired inMayfromBrentwoodChristian in Austin. He replaces Ben Hoffmeier,wholeft foranassistant job at Bastropafter four seasonswith theEagles Washingtonsaidhehad facedBrazos Christian before and knewabout the program.
“It’s beenablessing forusasa family, andI’ve enjoyedthekids, andI’ve enjoyedthe communityas well,” Washington said. “They’ve embracedus, andit really feelslikehome forus,so we’re excited.”
Withanew coach comes some new schemes—onoffensein particular. WhereastheEagles were a pass-heavy teamunder Hoffmeier, Washington saidhisoffenseismore balancedandleans alittlemorerunheavy.
“Defense we’llbe4-3multiple, so we’ll keepthe4-3look, but we’llalsodoalotofother thingsoutofit,”Washington said. “Offensively, we’relikeapower spread team. We willrunthe ball alittlebitmorethan what fansare probablyused to.”
BurtinleadstheEaglesasa two-waystandout.Asajuniorlast season,Burtinhad44 catches for 840 yardsand10 touchdownsand added 176rushing yardsandthree more scores.He earned first-team all-stateandall-districthonors.
“Ryan,he’s going to playmultiplepositionsonoffense,”sophomorequarterback JacksonCaffey said.“We canputhimanywhere. He’s athreat.”
AsidefromBurtin,Caffey said hehasmultiple targets to throw to onoffense. JuniorChanceLocker
Sept.3BayArea Christian 14-17
Sept.10 Corpus ChristiJohn PaulII7 p.m.
Sept. 17Central Texas Christian55-21
Sept. 24 LutheranHighNorth54-14
Oct. 1at TomballHomeschool 14-12
Oct. 15 *at Rosehill 48-0
Oct. 22*Cypress Chrisitan36-41
Oct. 29 *at Legacy Prep32-14
Nov. 5*Northland Christian41-0
Nov. 12vs. AlphaOmega49-0
Nov. 19 vs.Shiner St. Paul20-22
*TAPPS District 4 DivisionIV games
doublesasa receiver anddefensive back.
Locker wasa second teamall-statedefensive backin2021 afterhehad five interceptions, four pass breakupsand 35 tackles.
Up front,the Eagles returnGreg Youngand Parker Spears. Youngplays left tackleandlinebackerand saidSpearsisaplaymakeratdefensive end.Ben Tillerywillbe key atoffensive guard anddefensive
Head coach Correy Washington(1stseason)
Assistant coaches —Ryan Rey, ColtonManchu, Matt Alvarado,Eric Alvarez,AleksaDucic
District TAPPSDivisionIV District3
2021 record 8-3(3-1 in Division IVDistrict 4)
2021 playoffs —area: Huntville AlphaOmega, 49-0; regionals: Shiner,20-22
Playoff appearances(20) 6-man:2000-01;11-man:2002-03, 2005-06, 2008-21
Playoff record —15-17in 11-man, 1-2 in 6-man
Returninglettermen —16 (4offensive, 7defensivestarters)
Key returners —WR/DBRyan Burtin, sr. (A-D);DL ParkerSpears, jr.(2nd A-D);OL/DLGregory Young, sr.(A-D); WR/DB Chance Locker,jr (A-D);DB TylerPrince, sr.(A-D);DL Carson Browne (2nd A-D);DLBenjamin Tillery, soph.(2nd A-D)
Aug. 26 at Cypress Christian 7:30 p.m.
Sept.2atSnook 7 p.m.
Sept. 9 The Village6:30 p.m.
Sept.16at Central Texas Christian7 p.m.
Sept. 23 BayArea Christian7 p.m.
Sept.30*%5ELegacyPrep Christian 7 p.m.
Oct. 7 *at LutheranNorth7 p.m.
Oct. 14 *Rosehill Christian7 p.m.
Oct. 28 *atAlphaOmega 7 p.m.
Nov. 4*Northland Christian7 p.m.
*TAPPS District3 DivisionIV games
“We’ve got some more really good leadersonour team,” Young said. “Ithinktheclass above us taught ushow to be really goodleaders, andthey taught the youngerguys to grow up andgrow intotheirposition as well.”
Brazos Christianispicked to win TAPPSDistrict3-IV by Dave Campbell’s Texas Football. The
Eagles’ season openerisagainst CypressChristian,thedefending TAPPSDivisionIIIchampion. Washington saidhis goalis to playonThanksgivingandknows theEagleswilllikelyhaveto face ShinerSt. Paul to have along playoff run.ShinerSt. Paulbeat Brazos Christianinthe regional playoffslast seasonen route to winningtheDivisionIVtitle.
“That’s going to beabig test forus,” Washington saidof facing CypressChristian.“We’re looking forwardtoit.Ithinkthekidsareexcited, so that’llletusknow where we stand. We playother teams thatareinahigherdivisionthan usaswell,soIthinkournondistrict scheduleis going to prepare us for Shiner[St.Paul]....that’sourgoal. Weknowwearegoingtofacethem at somepoint,and we just want to be ready forthat.”
Washington saidthe team’s character can carrytheEagles far this fall.
“They’re humble, servant-like leaders,”Washington said.“That’s moreimportant to methanXsand Os. ThekidsIknowwill come togetherandbeable to overcomeany typeofadversitythat we face. It’s biggerthan ball.It’s biggerthanXsand Os. That’s the kids andour character,andIthink that’s going to go along way.”
Key losses OL Camp Wright (A-D);OLPreston Conley(A-D);QB LeviHancock(A-D);RB/P/LBHarris
Powers (A-D);WRHayden Tillery (A-D);UTBeckettGoodyk(A-D);TE/ DEJohnny Luevano(A-D);LB/RB StrykerGay(A-D);OL Christian Funderburk(A-D);LB Davis Carroll (A-D)
All-time record —167-96
1WR/LBHayden Lutz, 6-1, 165, sr.; 2WR/DB Chance Locker, 5-10,160, jr.;3 WR/DB TruettGoodyk, 5-10, 160, soph.;4WR/DB RyanBurtin, 5-9, 165,sr.; 8 WR/K Luke Oelze, 5-9, 150,sr.;9RB/DBIsaiahPerkins, 5-9, 150,soph.;10QB/LBHudson Jacobus, 5-10,150, fr.;11RB/LBJake Shaddox, 6-1, 165,soph.;12 QB/DB Jackson Caffey, 5-9, 155,soph.; 13 WR/DB MicahSaxe,5-10,150, fr.; 17 RB/LB ColeSkinner, 5-8, 150, soph.; 22TE/LBBrodyGarner, 6-2, 205, soph.;25RB/LBBentleyJackson, 5-9, 160,soph.; 28 RB/LB Luke Braswell, 5-9, 150, sr.; 33 RB/LB Tyler Prince, 6-1, 175, sr.; 50OL/DLBen Tillery, 5-10,270, soph.; 51 OL/DL BraydenMineo, 6-1, 205, soph.;52 OL/LBGreg Young, 5-10,200,sr.;55 OL/DLJakeHeifrin, 6-0, 190, fr.; 62 OL/DLGrantBoehm, 6-1, 230, fr.;65 OL/DLJackson Berndt, 5-8, 160,fr.; 71 OL/DL CarsonBrowne, 5-9, 200, jr.;77OL/DL Treston Bacak, 5-10, 270, soph.
Every gameisimportant,but two weeksin particularthis seasonlikelywill setthe tone forthe St. Joseph football team.
The Week3matchupagainst crosstownrivalAllen Academy andthe Week4showdownagainst district foeBaytownChristianare big games forthe Eaglesin2022. Andhead coachAlecCastilleja and hisplayers knowit.
“Our Week 3, 4 matchupsare definitely somebig games forus,” Castilleja said.
The seriesbetweenCastilleja’s EaglesandtheAllen Academy Ramshasbeen eventhelast four yearswith each teamwinning twice.Castilleja saidit’s always a good gameanda competitive one. This year,the gamewillbeatAllen Academy.
Andin Week 4, St. Josephis backonthe road to take onBaytownChristianin TAPPS6-man District5DivisionIIIplay. Castilleja says St. Joseph typically plays BaytownChristianinthe final gameofdistrictplay whenit hasbeen forthechampionshipthe last two years.
NowtheEagles getBaytown Christian to opentheirdistrict march.
“I feellikeit reallypushesus because we really got to get ready quick,” juniorquarterbackMarc Mishler saidabout Weeks3and 4. “Those are someofourbiggest gamesofthe season, so we really havetowork hardthroughthe summer to getprepared forthose games.”
Last season,St. Joseph finished 9-3 overallwitha3-0 record in district.The season came to anend inthe second roundoftheplayoffs asSt. Joseph was two games away fromastatetitleappearance.
ForCastilleja,oneofthe goals this seasonis to get pastthe second round,whichis wheretheEagles’last two seasonshave ended.
“Some expectations forusare to
Aug. 28 vs. Conroe Covenant12-66
Sept. 3 Waco Methodist51-6
Sept. 9Allen Academy 90-68
Sept. 17 at Westbury Christian65-14
Sept. 24 atSummit Christian48-0
Oct. 1 Calvert 51-43
Oct. 8 PasadenaBaptist 36-40
Oct. 15*Grace Christian65-19
Oct. 22 *atBrazosport Christian58-7
Oct. 29*Baytown Christian38-30
Nov. 12vs.San Marcos Hill County 46-0
Nov. 20Heritage Christian30-54
* TAPPS 6-manDivision IIIDistrict 5 games
compete to thebest ofourabilitiesbut to overcomethat regional final wall that we’ve beenhitting,”Castilleja said. “Getting pastthat and get to thestate championship.”
Lookingathis roster, theEagles have plentyof talent to doit.The team has 16 returning players and fourfreshmen comingin.
Offensively, St. Josephisled by itsbig-timeplaymakeratquar-
Aug.25#vs.Bastrop Tribe 7:30 p.m.
Sept.2 Katy Faith West 7 p.m.
Sept9atAllen Academy7 p.m.
Sept. 16 *at Baytown Christian7 p.m.
Sept. 23 *Brazosport Christian7 p.m.
Sept.30 *at Grace Christian7 p.m.
Oct. 7*%Galveston O’Connell7 p.m.
Oct. 14 *at Divine Savior Academy 6:30 p.m.
Oct. 21*SecondBaptistUM7 p.m.
Nov. 4 *at Alvin Living Stones7 p.m.
* TAPPS 6-manDivisionIIIDistrict5 games
%Homecoming #atAllen Academy
terbackin Mishler and talentedjunior running back JacksonCarey.
Castilleja said Carey isespecially important forthe Eagles.
“Heknows our systemandisprobablyoneofthebest leaders we everhad comethroughthe programanddefinitelyhasimproved year toyear,” Castilleja said.“Thisishis year to kindof take the reinsoftheoffense and do whatheneeds to do to help
Head coach Alec Castilleja (29-23 in5seasonsat St. Joseph)
Assistant coaches Marcjavion McGrew, Cameron Cooper, NathanJones, Luke Prichard, ChristianSerna
District TAPPS 6-manDivisionIIIDistrict5
2021 record —9-3 (3-0,1st)
2021 playoffs —area: San Marcos Christian,46-0; regionals: Fredericksburg Christian,30-54
Playoff appearances(15)
6-man: 1999-2001;2018-21;11man: 2006-11,2013-14
Playoff record 6-15(2-8 in 11-man; 4-7in 6-man)
Returninglettermen —13 (3 offensive, 3defensivestarters)
With experienceinthe backfield,theEagleswillbe youngerat wide receiver. Castilleja saidthat legacy sophomorewideout Peter Najvarisprimed to leadagroup fullof talent.
“Our receiver core is going to bestrongled by Peter Najvar,” Castilleja said.“He’sstepping intothe role. He’s had twobrothersthat were all-state forusthat have comethroughthisprogram, very successful,great,great young men,andhe’s followingintheir footstepsandkindof settinghis own path to success. He’llbea sophomorethis yearbutdefinitely leadthat receiver core.”
Alongwiththose threeonoffense,Carey and Mishlerthemselves feltthatthe team’sthree linemeninCameronPhillips,Luke Southand Walker Westareall key to St. Joseph’ssuccess. Ondefense,Carey points to linebacker BryantHutka, whoisalways there to fillthe gapand rackup tackles.
Evenwithachallenging scheduleahead,St. Joseph can’t wait to startthe season. Mishler says entering2022isthemost excited he’s everbeen to play football,and Carey saidhe’s ready to get back underthose Fridaynightlights.
“Oh,it’s great to be back,” Carey said.“It’sbeena long yearwithout it, andour teamlookspromising, soI’mreadytoseewhatwecando.”
Key returners QB/PMarc Mishler, jr.(A-D); RB/DBJackson Carey, jr.(A-D);LB/WRBryant Hutka,jr.(A-D/HM); C/DL Walker West,soph. (2nd A-D); PKPeter Najvar,soph.(2nd A-D);LB Lucas Ramirez,soph. (2nd A-D); DB VictorPerez, St Joseph,jr.(2nd A-D);DB NoahUmanzor,soph. (2nd A-D); DB Benjamin Curtis,jr. (HM A-D);DB Luke Johnson, sr (HM A-D); CameronPhillips,sr (HM A-D)
Key losses —OLGabriel Stratta(A-D);WR/DB Luke Schumann(A-D); FB Sebastian Bordae Wilson(A-D); TE/DB Levi Rice(A-D);UT/DL ReidMillhollon (A-D);DLGraysonGlass(HM A-D)
All-time record —127-130
3Marc Mishler,jr;4 Jackson Carey, jr.;5 Noah Umanzor,soph.; 7DerekMersmann,fr.;8Peter Najvar,soph.;10 Ben Curtis,jr.; 11Joseph Starnes,fr.;12 Colt Bundick,fr.;16 JoaquinOrtega, fr.;18Bryant Hutka, jr.; 20 Lucas Ramirez, soph.; 23 VictorPerez, jr.; 24 Luke South,jr.;25 Caden Bunch,soph.; 28 MasonMishler, fr.;32 Luke Johnson,sr.;34 Paul Johnson,soph.;35 Walker West, soph.; 45 CamPhillips, sr.
Howard Tipton says ifthere’sa high school football teamoutthere that’s notshooting forstate,it’s foolish That’s why he’sinstilled lofty goalsamongtheBrazos ValleyChristian Homeschool Educ at or s’ Association Mustangsdespitehaving to rebuild some partsofthe team.
“If youdon’t sethigh goals, you won’t evenhitthemiddle,” said Tipton, whoisinhis second seasonas BVCHEA’s head football coach.
Last season,BVCHEA overcame a 1-3start to finish 7-4. TheMustangs wontheir finalsix regular season gamesand reached the second roundofthe playoffs,falling to SanAntonioFEASTHome School.
Juniors Seth Jacksonand Jake Pote leada young BVCHEA squad featuringjustthree seniors, Tipton said. Pote isthe team’sleading returnerinall-purpose yards (510)and scored11 touchdownsin 2021,according to MaxPreps.Pote also wasthe team’sleading tackler(139)andhad11 tackles forloss. Jacksonhad317all-purpose yards and four touchdowns.
Otherplayers, including senior Caden Dooleyandjuniors Jericho Tiptonand Daniel Cochran,have provided solidanchors forthe Mustangs, Tiptonnoted. Senior ChanceChessonisastrong pass rusheratnose tackle, recording three sacksandeight tackles for loss in2021,and sophomoreCaleb Cochranhassteppedupduring theoffseasonwithachance to play key snaps.
“6-manisoftena foot race and justtrying to runupmorepoints thantheother teamandoutpace
them, so ouroffenselooks really, really good,and we’retrying some newstuff, butourdefenseissuper strong,” Tipton said.“Endurance andstrengthareprobablythemost importantthings you canhave in 6-man football.Iknowthat’s importantinotherones, butin11man you cankindofhideinside thelineattimesorinthebunch, and in6-man,thatspacebetween players, itshows when you’re not where youneed to be.”
Tipton, whoisthe youth pastor atLiving HopeChurchin College Station, saidhebelievestheMustangshave astrong coachingstaff thatmaintainsa goalofdeveloping
“Wehaveagroupofmenthatare really, really responsiveto that,” Tipton said.“They’re soakingup everythinglikeasponge,including what we’retrying toteachthem aboutbeing good, solidmenthat add to societyandnot takeaway fromit.”
DaveCampbell’s Texas Football picks BVCHEA to finish fifth inthe 12-team TAIAO6-manDivisionI. AustinSt.Stephen’sisprojected to defendits2021statechampionshipin TAIAODivisionI.
TheMustangsopenthe season FridayagainstAllen Academy— BVCHEAplays itshome games
Head coach Howard Tipton (7-4 in1seasonat BVCHEA)
Assistant coaches —Jay Dooley,MichaelJackson, Sherman Zimmerman,Josh Tipton, Jeff Pote
District TAIAO 6-man DivisionI
2021 record 7-4(3-1, 2nd)
Key returners —Seth Jackson, jr.;JakePote, jr.; CadenDooley, sr.; Jericho Tipton,jr.; Daniel Cochran,jr.; Chance Chesson,sr.; Caleb Cochran,soph.
All-time record 86-98
2 CharliePote,fr.;3 Caleb Kocmoud,sr.;5JakePote,jr.;6 Still Morgan,soph.;8 SethJackson, jr.;12 Daniel Cochran,jr.;18
CadenDooley, sr.; 20Jonas Bucknum,fr.; 22 Boone Tucker, fr.; 27Jericho Tipton,jr.;32 Caleb Cochran,soph.; 52 Nicholas Rockhill,soph.;55Grant Levy, soph.;62Henry Lockettsoph.; 80 Chance Chesson,sr.
Aug. 26 atAllen Academy34-50
Sept.3at Victoria Cobra 26-19
Sept.10Bastrop Tribe32-48
Sept. 17 ConroeNorthside46-54
Sept.25 atFt.Bend Chargers 42-34
Oct. 1 atBuckholts 49-0
Oct. 8 atBellville Faith55-50
Oct. 15*Stephenville FAITH 69-29
atAllen Academy’sBaker Field. District games featurematchups against Fort BendChristianand Williamson County Home School. Tipton saidtheMustangs want to makearunatstatethis seasonand be playing afterThanksgiving.
“Wehave a coupleoftraditionally very, very hard teams[scheduled],”Tipton said.“We have Calvertthe second week. We’ve got Emery-Weiner...they’re always a really solid team. There’snobody that we have thatisapushover.We try very, very hard to have ahard schedule.Ithinkif you want to be oneofthebest, youhaveto beat thebest.”
Oct. 22 *at Austin Royals44-25
Oct. 29 *at Williamson Co. 65-40
Nov. 13 SA FEAST36-38
*TAIAO 6-man DivisionI games
Aug. 26 atAllen Academy7 p.m.
Sept.10 atBeaumont Legacy 3 p.m.
Sept. 24 *Ft. Bend Chargers3 p.m.
Oct. 1Emery/Weiner6 p.m.
Oct. 14 at Stephenville FAITH7:30 p.m.
Oct. 21 at Austin Royals 7:30 p.m.
Oct. 28 *Williamson Co. 7:30 p.m.
*TAIAO 6-manDivisionI games
Aftera5-6 campaignin 2021, theAllen Academy Ramslook to take astep forwardin2022 by turningtheir youthinto experiencedplaymakers.
TheRams return fourstarterson eachside ofthe ballfrom a teamthatadvanced to the second round ofthe TAPPS 6-manDivisionIIplayoffs and fell to the eventual state runner-up, Marble Falls Faith Academy.
“Ithinktheylearnedabouthow to go throughups anddownsand adversity,” Allen Academy head coach Adrian Adams said.“That’s alwaysgoing to bein footballand inlife, so that’s what we try to teachinourprogram.Butthey alsolearnedhow to playthe game. Bestthing to do when youhave guys thatdon’thave experience isthrowthemoutthere andlet themlearnonthe flyalittlebit, and we did thatalotlast season.”
Leadingtheoffenseisjunior EthanLucas. As a sophomore, Lucas completed 161of262 passes for2,172 yardsand 35 touchdowns. He made the TAPPSallstate second team.
“Theguys callhim Mac Jones fora reason,because he canmake allthethrowsandmakeallthe plays,” Adams said.“He kind of leadsthe team. Not too flashy necessarily, buthe’s thekindof person you wantleadinganoffense.”
Whilerunning routesisfun forlinemenin6-man football, senior centeranddefensivelineman Jackson Petty saidtheRams’ rundefensewillbeastrength
1 FS/WR Luke Zumwalt, 5-10,115,soph.;3 QB/DB Ethan Lucas, 5-9, 165, jr.;6WR/HB/MLB KyleDuPont, 5-9, 165,sr.; 7 DL GunnarGessner, 6-2, 190, sr.;8RB/DBJackson Reece,6-0, 170,soph.;11DB/DL/WRSean Buzzard, 5-10,160, sr.;13 C/DLJacksonPetty, 5-11, 210,sr.; 14 RB/DB Aidan Field, 6-2, 180,sr.;15HB/MLB/DLBrock Field, 6-2, 168,fr.;20 DB/WR Will Rentfro,5-9, 134,fr.; 21 TE/DLEli Dawson, 6-4, 205, jr.; 22 DB/MLB/WRRusty Ly-McMurray, 5-10, 170,soph.; 23 DL/HB Logan Perez, 5-8, 160,fr.; 24 DL/C JaceJohnson, 5-10, 175, fr.
andaddedhe’s ready to block for running backAidan Field, who rushed for over1,000 yardsand scored 17 touchdownsin2021.
Lucas saidtheRams were strong inthe passing gamelast season butwillhave amore balancedattackin 2022.
“We trustour coaches, and we knowthat we cangrow and improve this year,” Lucas said. “We’ve gotalotmore experience, so Ithink in gameit’s going to comea lot easier tacklingand everything.”
Ramsdefensive backRusty LyMcMurray is apreseasonall-state selection.A two-waystarter, Ly-
McMurray willbemoreinvolved intheRams’offensethis fall, Adams said.
Ondefense, Petty saidtheRams hope to improveon tacklingand recognizing formations.
“Weused to struggle getting to where we’resupposed to be.If we can getthere quickand be ready beforetheoffenseis, then we’re set,”Petty said. “A lotofus were first-timestarterslast year, so we’vebeenable to learnfromour lossesandunderstandthe game better. I’mhoping we can come out firingbetter.”
Oneof theRams’main strengths, senior KyleDuPont
Head coach Adrian Adams (93-41 overall, 24-7 atAllen Academy)
Assistant coaches Marcus Hardison,Joshua Jetton,NokonaPowell,Alex Simpson District TAPPS District6DivisionI/II
2021 record 5-6 (1-2,third)
2021 playoffs —area: St.Gerard Catholic,108-87; regionals: Marble Falls Faith Academy, 6-55
Playoff appearances(25) —11man: 1974-75, 1979-80, 1998, 2004; 6-man: 1990-91, 1993-97, 2008-15, 2018-21
Returninglettermen —10(4 offensive, 4 defensivestarters)
Key returners —DB/WRRusty Ly-McMurray,soph.(A-D/HM A-D); QB Ethan Lucas,jr.(2nd A-D);RB Aiden Field,sr.(2nd A-D); FB/LB KyleDuPont, sr. (2nd A-D);C JacksonPetty,sr. (HM A-D)
Keylosses —WR/DB Ji Hu Lee (A-D,2nd A-D); DL/TE Luke Meadows(A-D,2nd A-D);DL Harrison Zgarba(HM A-D)
said,istheir athleticism and versatilityonbothsidesofthe ball.
“Athleticism canbealot for 6-manbecause youhave alot more space to coverand typically have asmaller team, so you’re playingbothsidesofthe ball for all four quarters,” DuPont said.
Allen Academyisprojected to finishthirdin TAPPS6-manDistrict5-II.TheRamshave astrong nondistrictslate,which features games against BVCHEA andrival St. Joseph.
“We’re picked to finishthird, andIlikeitlike that,” Adams said.“Makesusplay withachip onourshoulderalittlebitmore because Iknow we can bethe districtchampion. Conroe Covenant, they’re picked to beone ofthe topthree teamsinthestate by DaveCampbell’s. We played a tough game withthemlast year, andthat’s the gameofthe season, so hopefullythat’s foradistrict championship. Pasadena First BaptistismovingfromDivision I to Division II—they only lost one gamelast year to theDivision Ichampion,Emery, inthestate quarterfinals. It’s a toughslate, so Ithink we’llbe ready to go.”
Aug. 26BVCHEA 50-34
Sept.9 at St.Joseph 68-90
Sept. 17 Calvert 32-55
Sept. 24 Oakwood 58-87
Oct. 1*LogosPrep Academy66-49
Oct. 16 *Emery/Weiner 0-45
Oct. 22Brooks Collegiate48-0
Oct. 29Brooks Academy 67-18
Nov. 5 *at Conroe Covenant Christian 22-54
Nov. 12 vs. St.Gerard Catholic108-87
Nov. 19 vs.Marble Falls Faith 6-55
*TAPPSDistrict6DivisionI/II 6-man games
Aug. 26BVCHEA 7 p.m.
Sept. 2atBastrop Tribe7 p.m.
Sept.9 St.Joseph 7 p.m.
Sept. 16 FWBetheseda Christian7 p.m.
Sept. 23 *% St FrancisEpiscopal7 p.m.
Sept. 30 *at Katy Faith West7 p.m.
Oct. 14 *Beaumont Legacy Academy 7 p.m.
Oct. 21at Pasadena First Christian 7 p.m.
Oct. 28 *atHouston Westbury Christian 7 p.m.
Nov. 4*Conroe Covenant Christian 7 p.m.
*TAPPSDistrict5DivisionII 6-man games
leaders say team can improve in ’22MICHAEL MILLER, THE EAGLE Allen Academy’s Ethan Lucas isback forhisjuniorseasonatquarterback in2022. MICHAELMILLER, THE EAGLE Allen Academy’s Kyle DuPonthelps give the Rams versatility, something6-man footballteams need plenty of,he says. MICHAEL MILLER, THE EAGLE Allen Academysenior JacksonPetty leadstheRamsinthe trenchesat centerandon the defensiveline.