Planning Tid Bits
01 What’s Up
Little bits that can make a big difference to your town planning outcomes.
Right: Vic. Multi-Residential up to $6M / Use of Recycled Materials / Documentation Winner: Peter Lombardozzi, Archsign, A Stitch in Time.
New and updated apartment standards
Recent State-wide Planning Scheme Amendment VC174 has introduced new provisions for apartment development applications, to implement the recently revised Better Apartment Design Standards. The changes were approved by the Planning Minister on 20 December 2021 and seek to improve external amenity and design outcomes for all apartment developments and update the existing Apartment Design Guidelines for Victoria (Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning). The changes relate to Clause 55 (Two or more dwellings on a lot) and Clause 58 (Apartment Developments of five storeys or more) and include: • Amending the Neighbourhood and Site Description and Design Response requirements to include If the application is for an apartment development, the design response must explain how the proposed design selects materials and finishes for the external walls. • Amending Standards at Clause 55.07-2 and Clause 58.03-2 Communal Open Space objective to: – Include an additional objective that communal open space meets the needs of residents and enhances residential amenity; – Previously the standard for a minimum area of communal open space for apartment developments was required for developments of 40 dwellings or more. This has been reduced to 10 dwellings or more. The minimum has been changed from 2.5m2 per dwelling or 250m2 (whichever is lesser) to a minimum 30m2, and that apartment developments of 13 dwellings or more should provide an additional communal open space area of 2.5m2 per dwelling or 220m2, whichever is lesser. This additional area may be indoors or outdoors and consist of multiple separate areas of communal open space; – Further subjective standards apply in relation to open space accessibility, utility, size and shape, passive surveillance and outlook and landscaping.