Aspects of life in Germany

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Aspects of Life in

Picture description: Bremen-Germany, Down town, Datum : 28. März 2006 ,Quelle: Eigenes Werk , Urheber : Rami Tarawneh

The document is a photo of Bremen. It was taken by a photographer. His name is Rami Tarawneh and he took it on 28/03/2006. You find it on the website Wikipedia. Here is the link: The photo is a long shot. The scene takes place in the street. The setting is a shopping street in Bremen on a normal week day. The general atmosphere is strange. The people aren’t happy but they aren’t sad either. It’s difficult to decide. It looks like a normal day to me. Most people are in their own thoughts, there is not much communication, everybody seems to be busy with finding the right shop. There are many people in the town, adults, young people, old people, female and male. On the left and right side of the street are shops. There are Karstadt, a big department store, Liberty for clothes, Tchibo for coffee and some non-food articles, O2 as a mobile phone provider, and runners point and Salamander as shoe shops. I think, the season in this picture is autumn, because the people wear jackets and the sun isn‘t shining. All people go either up or down the street and a man, who is homeless sits on the cold, paved street. Some people look at the shop windows and go shopping, but no one looks at or to the man, who sits with his dog on the ground. He hasn’t got enough money to buy food. When I go into the city, then I see some people who are homeless. They look at me with so sad eyes and I would give money to everybody who is homeless, but then I would be a poor girl. It makes me sad to see in which living conditions some people have to live or maybe even survive. In my opinion, we should all help each other and give a man or woman who are homeless a little bit money. If everybody gave a small sum, they would not have to live on the street. We could change a lot with small gestures. I chose this photo, because many people speak a lot about their problems and don’t appreciate their property. But we should be happy, that we have food, that we have money and that we have a home! We shouldn’t look at the things, which we don’t have! We should look at the things, which we have! And we should be happy, because we have all the things you need for a quite comfortable life – at least the material ones. Carolin;art928,1967125

This document is a photograph. This picture was taken by Mr or Ms Linnhoff, a reporter from the newspaper Ruhrnachrichten.. This picture is in colour In this picture I can see many young and old people in a supermarket. The general atmosphere is quite common, the picture shows a moment of everyday life, even if there is something special about it. In a way it is a special event, the photo was taken at the opening of a new supermarket. In the middle of the supermarket is a big table with vegetables and fruit. The people stand around, look at the goods and choose something there. The people put vegetables or fruit in their shopping trolleys. The one old man with the brown jacket has put tomatoes into a plastic bag. He looks how much the cucumbers cost. The other man with the grey hat and the beard looks at the price list. Beside this man stands a woman in a brown coat. She wears a white headscarf and she carries a black handbag. She looks to the entrance. Behind the man in the foreground there is a woman in a black jacket. She has got a brown handbag. She talks with another woman. This other woman has brown hair and wears a grey jacket. More customers can be seen on the left side of the picture. There is one woman who wears a purple jacket and a white cap. She looks at the fruit. I suppose she is rather young because of her clothes. In the background stands a woman with brown hair and a light-brown jacket. She stands close to the scales. Behind her is a trolley with a green bag. The man who pushes this trolley has black hair and a beard. One small and corpulent woman stands beside him. She wears a white headscarf and a brown jacket. The most people wear a black jacket. I think that the message of this picture is: Many people go to a supermarket for their daily shopping, but if a new supermarket opens, there are more customers than usual, because they are all curious and want to look around. Maybe there are some special offers. What I find good is that there are many different people to describe. And this picture is very colourful. Henrike

This document is a colour photo. I found this photo on the website hilfreich-infos. I did not find out who took the photo. I don´t know the name of the photographer, so maybe he or she is not famous. Maybe it was a family member because this kind of scene is familiar to everybody who has to get up and does not want to. The photo is a medium shot. The setting is somebody´s bedroom. The scene takes place in the morning at 7 o´clock. The bedroom wall in the background is white. The furniture is made from massive wood. We can see that there is someone in the bed. The person looks like an adult, but the gender is unknown. He or she is still lying in the bed. Next to the bed there is a night-table, and on this night-table there is a rather big, silver, old-fashioned alarm-clock. We can only see a small part of an arm and one hand. This hand is holding a hammer and wants to destroy the clock with a hammer. I suppose the person in the picture is tired and is not happy, even a bit aggressive, because he or she has to get up and did not sleep enough and does not like the sound of the alarm clock. I chose this picture because this is a daily problem for most people. I myself know this kind of situation, too, it reminds me of Monday mornings when you celebrated over the weekend or when holidays have just ended, but have to go to school on Monday morning Justin


Adresse : Typ : JPEG-Grafik, Größe : 64,97 KB (66.530 Byte), Maße : 606px × 404px, Zugeordneter Text : Ochtum Park Outlet Center, © Ochtum Park Outlet-Center

This document is a photograph and it is in color. I can say it was taken for a website to do some advertising for a shopping center in Bremen. It was made last summer, maybe it was taken in June. I suppose it appeared on the website in the summer. This photo, taken by a photographer for the shopping center, is a long shot. The scene takes place in the Ochtum Park. The Ochtum Park is in Brinkum. It takes place during the day, maybe in the early afternoon and in the summer. I can guess so because we see the shadows of the people walking around and it must be summer, because of the green leaves of the trees and the flowers. People also wear summer clothes, the sky is blue with some clouds. The general atmosphere is friendly and relaxed. There are many people. There are twelve women and nine men. On the picture are people in each age group. In the middle of the picture stands a middle-aged woman, she wears a purple top over a white shirt and white trousers. Next to the woman sits another woman, she wears blue jeans and a black t-shirt, she has long brown hair. In front of the picture there is a couple, the woman wears a loose, white dress with orange-purple patterns. She has a black handbag and blond hair which she tied together into a ponytail. In the background there is a man, he is wearing a pair of blue jeans and a black t-shirt. Another man in the background wears a red t-shirt and a pair of black jeans. One girl in the middle of the photo wears dark blue pants, a black long-sleeved shirt and a black handbag. She has brown hair which she tied together in a bun. All the people are smiling and leave the impression that they are quite relaxed. Some are sitting and some are standing, some talk to each other, or they look as if they are waiting. They look happy and laid back. In the background of the picture I can see a street sign and some cars. In the middle there is another woman, it seems that like the others, she also enjoys the green bushes and trees. On the right side people are sitting and some cars park there. On the left side there are big shop windows and people are going there to have a look. I find this photo very interesting and effective. It makes people think that they should go and visit the Ochtum Park and should enjoy a shopping tour there. My feelings are delighted and happy. What I like about this document is that the atmosphere looks merry. It makes me think of shopping which should be fun in such a nice atmosphere, especially in the summer. Katharina,18865980,highRes,maxh,480,maxw,480,RON01V_stadtbild_wipperfuerth_gies_00_7152604765.jpg

This is a photograph and it is in colour.I can say it was posted in a blog on a website. The blog is about the city Wipperfuert and the winter time in the different cities. It dates from last year in the autumn. It was taken by a team member from the website. The photographer in unknown. He is not famous. It is a close up. The setting is a city. The scene takes place in a shopping street of Wipperfuerht. It is composed of one part. The general atmosphere is very quiet, the street is empty but something romantic about the couple. I think the couple is in love because they are holding hands. They walk in the middle of the shopping street. I can see the people from behind. The woman is wearing a brown winter jacket with a fluffy black collar and a light long brown skirt that goes up to the knees. She is wearing a grey tight and high black winter boots. Also she wears black gloves and a big black handbag over the right arm. The right arm is bent for the bag. Her hair is also brown and it looks as if she has pinned it up. The man is wearing a blue winter jacket and a light blue pants. His hair is black and short. He is wearing black gloves, too. I can´t see his shoes. I think they are relaxed, peaceful and happy. The couple walks on the pavement. On the left side I see a house with many different white window frames. The walls are covered with slate, like most of the other houses in this street. I think in this house is a shop because over the door is a red shield with a white letter and a little picture. In the front of the street stand green lanterns. On the right side is a restaurant with a white shield with a black middle for some writing in front of the door and big flowers next to the door. On the shield an offer is shown. It is a menu with the price. There is a restaurant with a grill and dishes from the grill. The food from the shield looks delicious. Next to the restaurant is a high red house with big windows and a small door between the windows. In the background is a group of people, they go along the shopping street. In the middle of the background is a white church with a blue roof. On the left and the right side are high brown trees. I think the couple wants to go shopping, maybe some presents for the family for Christmas. And maybe, when they come back, they will eat in some of the grill restaurant. Shopping days can be very exhausting. Many people go shopping weeks before Christmas because they want to avoid the stress and the crowds in the cities. Caecilia

What we have here is a photograph in colour. The picture was uploaded on the 2nd October 2012 and I found it on the 18th January 2014 on a website. This photo was taken by a photographer, but I don’t know his name because he’s not famous. It is a medium shot. The scene takes place in a car and the setting is a street or a road. In the background are trees. They are not shown clearly, because the car is moving. I think the photo was taken during a day in the summer, the weather looks fine. In the picture I can see a woman while she is driving a red car. She is inside the car behind the stirring wheel and is just looking into the rear mirror. It must be a nice and warm day, as she is only wearing a sleeveless top. She is wearing a grey t-shirt and a blue jeans, she has brown, middle long hair. She is sitting and driving the car. She is smiling and looks happy. The general atmosphere is ordinary and relaxed. Inside the car I mainly see the colours are black and silver. In the foreground there is a woman and on her right there is the stirring wheel and a display. I think the photo can help and motivate teenagers to pass the driving licence and thus to become more independent. I have the feeling that the woman has fun when she is driving. I find this document nice and effective. I think it looks like a scene from a film, I would say we can often see this kind of scenes in films, also in advertisements. In my opinion the colours are chosen well. At the moment I do not really feel concerned, because you can only pass your driving licence at the age of 18, then you can drive a car on your own I find the picture can motivate young people to pass the driving licence and go on nice trips in the surrounding areas or even on a holiday in place which is far away.



What we have here is a colour photo. We see a small group of six persons are in a cinema and we can suppose that they watch a funny 3D film. It appeared on a website, on 8th March 2012. The document was made by a woman Sabine ThĂśne but the name of the photographer isn't mentioned because it seems that the photographer isn’t famous. It is a close-up picture. The scene takes place in March in a city cinema which is named,, Steyr`` and the setting is typical for a cinema. I think the general atmosphere is funny and happy. I wonder whether these persons watch a sneak preview, as the audience in a cinema is usually a bit bigger. The characters: There are six middle-aged persons in the picture, four men and two women. I can see that they sitting, eating popcorn and watching a film. I can see there are four persons in the foreground and two in the background. The five people in front are all wearing blue jeans and 3D glasses, the first person is female, she is blond and wearing a grey/pink sweater, the second person is a man he wearing a blue shirt, the third person is a woman. She has black hair, the fourth person is a man who is wearing a grey sweater, the fifth person is another man and he is wearing a blue sweater. ON the original website here is a title over the picture,, cinema-specials for teenagers`` and an explanatory text beside the picture. The topic is “cinema-specials for teenagers`` it is a media-project and the title represents this project. The aim of the author is that she wants to animate teenagers to join the cinema project and she surprises teenagers with the document. I have the feeling that the document is interesting and helpful for teenagers. My first reaction to the picture was surprise and I feel concerned. What I find good is that the picture reflects a moment of joy, even happiness. Well I like the media-project and the picture of these persons in the cinema. If I lived in Steyr I would go to the cinema and would take part in the media-project.,-Fendt-Traktoren-ziehen-in-Bundestag-ein-_arid,141339.html



The picture which I have chosen is a photo that I took from the website of the “Business4Business“ magazine. The image has been uploaded with the corresponding report on 4th November 2014. Someone from the ACGO must have taken this picture. ACGO (Agriculture Company) is a company that works together with Fendt and other factories which are engaged in this business. The picture is a long shot and the scene takes place in a performance hall or showroom of the Fendt factory in Marktoberdorf in South Germany. This picture expresses a mixture of a generally relaxed and casual atmosphere. In the picture are six men and one woman. Most men are dressed formally and wear suits, one other man and and the woman are dressed more casually. From left to right: The first man wears a dark blue suit with a light blue shirt. The next one wears a suit, too, but he doesn’t wear a tie. The third man looks like the first, but without a tie. The man in the middle wears a suit like all the others, and he has not got a tie. Next to him stands the only woman in this group, she wears a pair of jeans, a dark-blue blouse, a vest and a pink scarf. The fifth man wears jeans, too, and a black jacket. The last one wears a dark grey suit and he, and the first, wear glasses. I suppose the picture shows some company managers and maybe some farmers who have just visited the showroom and they might have bought a tractor or any other agricultural machine. The photo was taken as a souvenir of a successful visit and a successful business transaction. In the background there are two tractors from the type Fendt Favorit 936 Vario. On both tractor in the foreground front-end loaders are mounted. The tractor on the right side is painted in the typical Fendt-green. The other is painted in black. And behind the black one, there is another green one. I took this picture because Fendt is my favorite tractor brand and I like the colours, the green goes well together with the red of the rims. If you want look at the site “BUSINESS4BUSINESS”, use this link:,-Fendt-Traktoren-ziehen-in-Bundestag-ein-_arid,141339.html And if you want look at the Fendt website, take this link: Mathias Typ : JPG-Datei, Größen : 870 x 565 Pixel, Größe : 321297 Bytes

This document is a photograph. It originates from the internet, and I suppose that the picture was photographed by a creative photographer who does not only see the people and their clothing but moreover, he also sees how they feel. This photo was taken by a man. The name of the photographer is Jake. He is not famous but this is unimportant for me. This picture is a close up and maybe a low angle shot. The scene takes place during the day and in the summer. In the background I can see a house with latticed windows. The young people who we can see in the picture are all standing behind with a silver railing. For me the picture tells a story of six teenagers meeting in the street. This photo was maybe taken after school time. The general atmosphere is bad, because the mood seems to be a bit sad, because the young people shown in the photo look different from others, at least from mainstream, and they might be excluded from others. I can conclude this because the site on which I found the photo deals with bullying in everyday life. The teenagers in this picture all represent different, but typical teen styles. There are six persons in the picture, four girls and two boys, and except one girl they all look at something or someone in front of them. The teenagers in the picture are dressed in very different clothes. The girl in the background in the picture has red shoulder length hair and is slightly thicker than the other girls. She is wearing a checkered blouse and she has a bracelet on the right hand hinge. She is also wearing a purple cap. Next to her is a young black man, maybe of African or Afro-American origin. He is wearing a purple jacket and his breast is naked, because the zipper of his jacket is open. He has a silver ring on his right hand. The teenager next to the black teenager is a girl. She looks as if she is watching someone. She is wearing a blue - white top which leaves her left shoulder uncovered. She has long dark blond hair with bright strands. The girl in the middle of the group looks at you directly. She has long blond hair with black tips and blue eyes, her lips are painted in bright red and she is wearing piercings. She is dressed in a blue/tabby top. The last girl I describe has short brown hair and brown eyes, and her lips are reddened by a dark red lipstick. She is wearing black clothes and in her hand she is holding a black floral bouquet. The young man in the foreground has black hair, done in Punk style, he is wearing a purple jacket and we see a black glove. I like their clothes and what they want to express. All these young people have different characteristics and different mimics and they belong to different peer group. The only sign of distinction are their clothes and hairstyle. They seem to me like a gang and their faces all suggest something else, they look concentrated, relaxed, curious and different. The picture suggests that clothing says nothing about the character of a person. The image suggests you should start thinking about how people are judged only by their outer appearance. My first reaction was: frightened. But the longer I looked at the picture, the more my attitude changed. I find this document really good and interesting. The picture has inspired me to think about its deeper meaning and not to put all people into one category only by looking at the way they dress or style themselves. Even if people may look different that does not mean that they have a bad character. Everybody can have a good character, and this is not shown by clothes or style. What I like about this document is: for me it symbolizes friendship and the togetherness of people who are all quite different. The scene stands for tolerance and respect. Melissa

This document is a photograph in color. We can say it was made in Hannover on a happy day. This photo was taken by a professional photographer. The name of the photographer is Richard. He is not famous, but the picture is really good. It is a medium shot. The photo shows a group of middle-aged adults. There are four persons, two men and two women. The two men are wearing a jacket and one woman wears a jacket, too. But the other woman has put on a coat. All four are wearing jeans. They are walking around in a shopping center and buy new clothes. I can see four happy buyers, nobody looks sad or ill, even if the man on the right is wearing a scarf. I guess the scene takes place in winter, maybe during a sale, because on the right we can see some warm jackets in front of a shop. I think the man on the right is a very crazy guy because his style looks a bit crazy, but also very fashionable. The other persons look nice. The man on the left looks intelligent maybe he is a professor. The two women are also quite good-looking and are nicely dressed. Maybe they are primary school teachers. Everybody is laughing, perhaps one of them has told a nice story or a joke. OK, maybe they are all models and the photo was made for an advertisement. In any case I see four people who were shopping happily and successfully, they all wear one or two paper bags. Now they are probably on their way back home. The picture tells me that it makes people happy when they get new things and it also means a way of spending time together with your friends and to do something with your friends. When I saw the picture my first reaction was that all people are happy and have fun. My feeling tells me that the people there have spent a good day with friends. They can relax and forget the routine and even stress of everyday life and work. .On the whole it was a relaxed, successful day for those four, and maybe they will end this day not at home, but in a nice restaurant, before they take their cars to go home. Nils K

Beschreibung : Hurricane 2013, Urheber : Paul Ripke, Quelle : Eigenes Werk, Datum: 24. Juni 2013

In this picture I can see a lot of people at the Hurricane Festival. The people stand in front of the stage and listen to the music by Marsimoto or Marteria. He is a popular German rapper, known by both names. The link to this picture is It is a snapshot by Paul Ripke, this photo is in colour. I found the picture is on Paul Ripke´s website. He took this photo at the Hurricane Festival. It is a medium shot, I can see the stage. Once a year the festival takes place on the motorbike-sand speed way Eichenring in Scheeßel, always on a weekend in June. It is all about music, people come to this festival to enjoy the music, to party and to drink and to have fun with old and new friends at the Hurricane. The photo shows that the audience stands in front of the stage and listens to the music by Marsimoto. The general atmosphere is funny, tense, crazy and it must be really loud. In this picture I can see a lot of people. Many are teenagers, others are in their twenties or older, but the most people are young. There are both men but also women. The most people take videos or photos. All people are wearing casual clothes, for example a t-shirt and shorts. Sometimes the people don´t wear t-shirts, some wear costumes. They look like a frog or a monkey, because they think it is funny. My first reaction was that it's a great picture because I first noticed that everywhere there is green smoke and fog. You can see in this photo that some people have a dye bomb, the colour of these bombs is green. In the foreground on the right I see a young man who is holding up one of these bombs. He is carrying a blue shoulder bag with a brown band. This man is sitting on the shoulder of another man. Everywhere there is green smoke and everybody celebrates and enjoys the music. I took this picture because I wanted to go to the Hurricane Festival this year. But unfortunately I cannot because the week before we are on a school trip and come back not until that Friday when the festival starts. And after the weekend the exams start. I really would like to go to this festival to see the bands live and I wish I could have fun with my friends there. And I also think that it can be a beautiful experience for your life if you can go to this festival.


What we have here is a cartoon about everyday life. It comes from the online Blog `DAF Ideen`. It was made by someone called Gaitanaki Esther. I don`t know the painter of the cartoon. In the picture are shown various scenes of everyday life. The general atmosphere is crazy and the pictures were drawn in a very funny and amusing way by the author. There are different persons and they have both genders, there are male and female characters. I think the cartoonist used different genders and persons to show that the everyday life does not differ between the genders. Whether child or adult. And I also think that the author wants to show that a merry start into the day is important to have a good day. Also they are wearing different clothes depending on the time of day. When getting up at morning time they wear pyjamas and then a business outfit like for work. After work they wear jeans and t-shirt. The cartoonist makes fun of the everyday life by funny pictures. In the first and second line you can see the normal morning activities like, for example, to get up, to brush one´s teeth, to shower and to have breakfast. In the last line you see the activities before and after work. Before you go to work or school you get dressed, do your hair and go to work. After work you meet friends. The cartoon hasn`t got a headline. I think it tells a story about the author´s everyday life. The author tries to amuse the viewer about everyday life with the help of pictures which are reflecting a crazy and funny mood. The document raises the question whether the author doesn’t like the everyday life or whether he wants to make the everyday life more interesting by presenting it as a cartoon.

I can suggest a caption like: Everyday life, different gender, but same routines, the same experiences. This title refers to the everyday life of an adult or a teenager and also different genders, but the experience is the same. I find this document amusing because the pictures of the cartoon are funny and they show everyday life with the use of an amused atmosphere. I can identify with the daily routine of the artist of the cartoon. What strikes me the most is the part of the picture which shows a character who eats his breakfast, because it looks very funny how he open the mouth and his eyes. My personal opinion about the cartoon is that the cartoon is very funny and the pictures are amusing. It shows the original and crazy aspects of the daily routine. I have chosen this picture because I can identify with the picture and the everyday life which is shown in the cartoon. I prefer the daytime presented in the first and second line of the cartoon and the daytime after work or school. What I do not like about my regular daily routine is to get up early in the morning and have boring lessons in school. At the weekend I like every second of my daily experience because I can get up when I want to and I can do what I like. My daily routine is not governed by school. Also in my holidays and at the weekend I can do exciting things, for example go to the cinema, visit other cities or other countries and I am allowed to stay outside longer and go to a party, because the next day there is no school. But sometimes school is interesting and funny, too.


Artur Darga offered “hot tea and warm words” In Germany, ten people were frozen to death in winter 2009 and the man in this photo could be the next, if nobody prevents this. That sounds dramatic. It´s very could outside and that can severely hurt and endanger the homeless. The picture shows the everyday life of a homeless man, who is reliant on other people. This is a picture from DPA, a news agency of the German media. There are two persons, they both wear jackets and the man on the left wears jeans and boots. Both are male. The man on the left side is standing and the man on the right side is sitting on the ground, covered by a blanket or a shabby sleeping-bag, and in front of him are something to drink, some leftovers to eat and a box of cigarettes. He looks quite frozen. Artur Darga´s aim is to help the homeless man. The message of the picture is that nobody is perfect and in many places there is someone who needs help. I find this picture very interesting and beautiful because it touched me that people overcome their pride and help people in a bad life situation. Everybody has the right to live a life in dignity. Not many people act like Artur Darga and help someone in penury. I chose this picture, because I find it is a good example. In reality there are not many people who help some other people in peculiar situations and offer help or donate something or support organizations actively. Many people are afraid or disgusted by homeless but Artur Darga is someone special, even a model. He helps the homeless in penury and makes their everyday life a little bit better. I think homeless are very happy about the fact that there are people in the world who are interested in helping homeless in penury and do not react with prejudice. I think the everyday live from this person on the picture is: He wakes up and smokes a cigarette, later he asks people whether they can give him money for food or something to drink. Artur Darga comes a few times in a week and offers “hot tea and warm words”. My everyday live is different. I go to school and get food and drink from my parents. I am going to pass my graduation and don´t worry too much about my professional life and my future. I would say that there should be more people who help homeless people in a bad time of life. Well, in the picture you can see that someone in poverty is not all alone, but he is reliant on other people and not everyone is willing to help him! People who have made similar experiences and have lived in poverty know what it means, to have nothing, and that's why these people often give money, food or drink. Tom

The picture is taken from the site, the homepage of the town Roedermark. This picture is a colour photo and it appeared in the 43rd week of the year 2003. The scene takes place in the street. The setting is maybe in a village or in the city. It takes place during in the late summer or early autumn because the boy had taken out his jacket, which means it was a bit colder in the morning, but now it has become warmer. So some children are wearing a jacket, some others don´t. The general atmosphere in this picture is relaxed, happy and funny, because the children are painting on the pavement and they are laughing. There are eight children, some are boys, some are girls, some children are so busy and look at what they are doing, so you cannot see whether they are boys or girls. The children are young, maybe 8-11 years old, they are wearing jackets, sweaters and schoolbags. It looks as if school has just ended and they are on their way back home. But they do not return straight, they are playing on the pavement and they are painting with some chalk. Because of this activity they are having fun and they are looking happy and relaxed. In the background, on the right side, there is a house, in the middle of the background is another house. In front of this house are some plants. The children in the foreground are playing in front of a house which has is a little wall with a steel fence. I can see some cars, it must be a neighbourhood where the children live. Of course this picture shows part of the children´s way to and from school. Maybe the teacher left the chalk in the classroom, the children took it, then they have started drawing and do not return home. They prefer playing on the pedestrians´ walk. I have the feeling that the children are enjoying playing there. They forget about time, from all the cars around I guess that some parents might be at home waiting for their children to return for lunch. My first reaction was: surprise. I find this document is funny because it reminds me of primary school times. Nils S

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