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Berwyn Community Resources
6700 W 26th St | Berwyn, IL 60402
Community Development Block Grant (CDBG)
CDBG funds are used to support the following:
• Housing Forward Emergency Shelter Services (708) 338-1724 | housingforward.org
Currently, shelters are closed due to COVID-19. Housing Forward has contracted with the Wright Inn in Oak Park to safely house Berwyn residents experiencing homelessness due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
• Mortgage/Rental and Utility Assistance (877) 426-6515 housingforward.org/emergency-housingassistance
For Berwyn residents needing Emergency assistance with up to 3 months of monetary support. Funds go directly to landlords, banks/mortgage companies and utility companies.
• Sarah’s Inn - Services for Victims of Domestic Violence (708) 386-3305 24-hour crisis line: (708) 386-4225 sarahsinn.org
Services include individual counseling and advocacy, emergency safety planning, crisis intervention services, legal advocacy, support and education group services to women and children experiencing domestic violence within Berwyn.
• Senior Bus Program | (708) 484-2510
Transportation for seniors to be able to go to doctor and dental appointments, cancer treatment and dialysis centers, grocery stores, prescription drop off and pick up, etc.
• Single Family Rehabilitation Program (708) 749-6557 | malvelo@ci.berwyn.il.us
Funding is provided for low to moderate income Berwyn homeowners to make necessary repairs to their homes. Funds are used to replace roofs, gutters, soffit-fascia, HVAC, windows, tuck-pointing, etc. Funds are also used for electrical and plumbing upgrades and ADA accommodations/modifications.
• The Children’s Clinic- Dental Clinic (708) 848-0528 | childrenscliniciws.org
Provides free and low-cost preventative and restorative dental care for low to moderate income children in Berwyn. Services include oral exams, cleanings, fluoride varnish treatments, dental sealants, extractions, cavity repairs, space maintainers and behavioral health screenings.
• West Suburban Special Recreation (847) 455-2100 ext 236 | wssra.net
Scholarships for Berwyn children with disabilities from low to moderate income families to attend year-round and summer day camp activities.
• Youth Crossroads, Inc. (708) 484-7400 | youthcrossroads.org
Provides trauma counseling services to at-risk Berwyn students to reduce or eliminate school truancy and suspensions, street gang association, fighting, bullying, illicit drug and alcohol use, as well as depression, self-harm tendencies and community related delinquency. Leadership development training that includes community organizing and volunteer service.
• Christian Life Center
Thursdays from 5pm-7pm | (708) 398-3234 ext 5
3409 S Grove Ave | Berwyn, IL 60402 • Ebenezer Christian Reformed Church
Fridays from 5pm-7pm | (708) 795-6480
1246 S Harvey Ave | Berwyn, IL 60402
• Pav YMCA Older Adult Community Market
Sponsored by the Greater Chicago Food Depository Thursdays from 12:30pm-2pm (708) 749-0606 | pavymca.org
2947 S Oak Park Ave | Berwyn, IL 60402
In partnership with community-based agencies serving older adults, the Greater Chicago Food Depository provides Community Markets for seniors. Community Markets provide free, nutritious food, including fresh produce, to older adults in the community. For more information about additional food resources in our community, contact the Greater Chicago Food Depository at (773) 247-FOOD (3663) or visit their website at chicagosfoodbank.org.
** Additional Food Pantries within a 10 mile radius serve the Berwyn Community. Find others at: communityresources.trinity-health.org.
• St. Leonard’s Food Pantry Tuesdays from 1pm-3pm | (708) 484-0015
3318 S Clarence Ave | Berwyn, IL 60402 (Back door of rectory, near alley)
Break the Silence Foundation
At the Break the Silence Foundation, helping victims of domestic violence through crisis response, counseling, education, and workforce development are among the resources they offer to support survivors in leading a safe and rewarding lifestyle.
Visit the CDC website for more information: cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines
Berwyn Township 708 Community Mental Health Board is a behavioral health authority in Illinois. Behavioral health authorities are enabled by statute, created by referendum and supported with local tax dollars. The agencies listed in this website will provide services available to Berwyn residents related to mental health, developmental disabilities, and substance abuse.
Community Resources Directory
City of Berwyn (Health & Leadership Programs) • Erie House
Find community resources quickly and easily by visiting: communityresources.trinity-health.org
With the Community Resources Directory you can: • Find local programs, resources and support • Search for FREE and privately • Connect with programs based on your needs and preferences
Erie Neighborhood House and the City of Berwyn announced a partnership by sponsoring a new location to service Berwyn residents and surrounding neighborhoods. At this location, Erie House will provide bilingual support, guidance, and connection to vital resources, especially for residents who do not have access to internet connectivity in Berwyn. Erie House is a social services nonprofit offering comprehensive services in West Town, Little Village, Humboldt Park, Back of the Yards, Berwyn, and the Near West Side, encompassing legal services, children & youth programs, adult education & training, mental health & community wellness, and community resources & empowerment. Through its work, Erie House empowers the people they work alongside to build powerful communities.
St. Mary of Celle Family Strengthening Center
1448 S Wesley Ave, Berwyn, IL 60402 (708) 303-3679 | catholiccharities.net
A multi-service center that is open to the public and provides programming and free classes to the Cicero/ Berwyn community designed to strengthen families, including health and wellness activities, computer training, English language proficiency classes, art, music and more.