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Organic Farming
Working Farm • Organic Products
Organic farming
Farming as it was…and is once again becoming
As the global movement toward local and sustainable continues to gain momentum, farming at its best is returning to its roots.
With two large barns on site and the groundwork laid for agriculture, Riversong is ready-made to get a working farm quickly up and running.
The property’s lower third—an expanse of relatively flat riverside grassland backed by rolling woodlands—is ideal for a vast variety of small-scale agricultural endeavors. The long list of potential crops and products includes vegetables, fruits and berries; traditional crops and nursery products; specialty products like sourwood honey and morel mushrooms; slope-side vineyards; and the commercial hemp and botanical crops and products now burgeoning in western North Carolina as global demand continues to soar.
The rich and pristine growing conditions of the property’s higher elevations are ideal for nut, mushroom and other woodland crops.
With two large barns and all essential services, Riversong is practically turn-key for a working farm.