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Hunting & Shooting
a good attitude, with respect for the wildlife you hunt and for the forest and fields in which you walk. Immerse yourself in the outdoor experience. It will cleanse your soul.”
~ Fred Bear
Trap & Skeet • Hunting • Wildlife Photography Hunting & Shooting
Set your sights on Riversong
Whether you’re shooting with your trusty over-under, your grandad’s Remington rifle, a compound bow or a 35-mm camera, Riversong has plenty to shoot…and plenty of space to do it.
Backed by uninhabited mountainous terrain, the lower, flatter reaches of the property are well suited to a shooting range, archery range, and trap and skeet club.
Given the lay of the land, its sustaining vegetation and its proximity to three major regional rivers, it’s no surprise that Riversong and the surrounding area are well populated with trophy whitetails. In fact, in a nearby Yancey County forest in December 2017, a Burnsville hunter bagged a 10-point buck with an inside spread of over 20 inches. His taxidermist taped the antlers out to just shy of 179 inches!
For several decades now, a local hunting club has had a lease for access to Riversong’s abundant forests and fields—a relationship a new owner may seek to perpetuate.