“Recommendations for a strong health industry in Europe”
programmes for promoting start-ups and partnerships in conjunction with the role of coordination and support played by the European Union. One challenge is posed by the fact that many regulatory areas relating to health and business have up to now been situated on different levels, both nationally (health) and also in the EU (business). Here a coordinated strategy is called for. Europe has a central function as a reference market and a leading market. More and more decisions are being taken in Brussels, Strasbourg and Luxemburg, decisions which also have a direct impact on the health industry in the EU member states. In the new EU legislative period 2019 – 2024 the health industry should therefore be explicitly recognized and supported as a key industry. For this purpose the BDI has developed concrete recommendations for initiatives and measures designed to strengthen the innovative capacity and strategic independence of the EU in the health sector. Central recommendations for a strong health industry in Europe 1. Promoting innovation and improving the transfer of knowledge: ▪
Europe requires a coordinated strategy and coherent legislation in the strictly regulated health sector in order to create structures which support the business environment in developing sustainable innovations and in dealing with the process of digital change in the health industry.
We recommend the inclusion of a regular analysis of the effects of European regulations on innovative capacity in the revised impact assessment procedure of the EU Commission.
The European research area, the EU framework programmes and the transfer of knowledge between academic and industrial health research should be reinforced in order to facilitate breakthrough innovations in the health industry.
At least 120 billion euros should be provided for the EU research promotion programme “Horizon Europe” (2021 – 2027) in order to make the European ecosystem centred on research and innovation globally competitive.
Based on the model of the IMI structure, a PPP Health and Joint Undertakings within the framework of Horizon Europe should increasingly integrate partners from the whole of the health industry in addition to the pharmaceutical industry.
We recommend a close involvement by industry in the planned “Digital Europe Programme” in order to create risk-based measures adjusted to the technology in place of uniform blanket solutions in the health industry.
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