August 2010 Issue of North Texas Kids

Page 1

North Texas Your Family Guide to Raising Happy, Healthy Kids FREE

Faces of Friendship

August 2010

In this issue:

Jayda Parrish, 5th Grade

Back to School: Organized / Easing Back to School Transitions / Why Vaccinate / Make Family Meal time a PRIORITY / Getting Fit for Fall Sports / August Calendar


North Texas Kids  •  August 2010  •







2010 H 2011 season miss nelson is missinG! sept. 17 – oct. 24, 2010

the CUrse of Castle monGreW O oct. 8 – oct. 31, 2010 SOUTHWEST PREMIERE

JUnie B. in JinGle Bells, Batman smells!  nov. 19 – Dec. 23, 2010 WORLD PREMIERE

Kathy Burks Theatre of Puppetry Arts

the snoW QUeen nov. 26 – Dec. 23, 2010 SOUTHWEST PREMIERE

the trUe story of the three little PiGs  Jan. 21 – feb. 27, 2011


hard 2 spel dad / dont u luv me? O feb. 4 - feb. 20, 2011

mature subject matter and language

Kathy Burks Theatre of Puppetry Arts

the froG PrinCe mar. 4 – apr. 3, 2011

tUCK eVerlastinG O mar. 25 – apr. 17, 2011


GiGGle, GiGGle, QUaCK may 6 – may 22, 2011 WORLD PREMIERE

the PieD PiPer’s maGiC  Jun. 17 - Jul. 17, 2011

Call the Box office at (214) 740-0051 or visit  = Musical O = Most enjoyed by Teens and Adults


Supported, in part, by the City of Dallas and the texas Commission on the arts

North Texas Kids  •  August 2010  •


Contents August l Volume 8 No. 8



Plan to Thrive! - Make Family Meal Time a PRIORITY!


Alexandria's Book Review


Easing the Back to School Transition


Enrichment Guide


How Vaccines Protect Your Youngster



Checking In or Checking Out? Brad & Minette’s Update


Back to School: Organized


August Calendar of Events


Start the School Year with a Gold Star


Family Resource Guide


“Heart Hero”– Colby Elliott’s Story


Flashlights Under the Covers



Kids in the Kitchen


Felt Monster Dangle Craft


Kids Art Contest


How Many Differences Game


Ticket Giveaway!


Getting Fit for Fall Sports

All new registrations in September will receive a free guide to Taking Advantage of Tax-Free Weekend. Go to today to sign up!


North Texas Kids  •  August 2010  •

Note from the Publisher

Minette Riordan, Ph.D.

Where Women Gather, Magic Happens “If you limit your choices only to

what seems possible or reasonable, you

disconnect yourself from what you truly

want, and all that is left is compromise.”

– Robert Fritz

I have been blessed recently to gather with different groups of women and to share, in heart-felt, open conversations, where we are with our lives and where we want to be. Whether meeting with one woman to discuss our businesses or a group of 10 to discuss our spiritual growth or raising kids, the energy has been amazing. People talk a lot about attracting what you want into your life and how simple it is, but there is a gap between simple and easy. Attracting what you want means being very clear, asking and taking action. I realized recently that in the past year, my own personal shift to a new place in my life, personally and spiritually, has attracted new people, and opened the doors to new conversations and amazing opportunities. By simply stepping into my own skin and living from my core values, not being afraid to stand out or stand up as who I am, everything I want is coming to me. What I am seeing happen all over the country, around my community and in online communities, is that where women gather in truth and trust, magic happens. People are hungry for deeper, more meaningful connections, in their romantic relationships, friendships, and

business relationships. I want to share a couple of examples with you and how these experiences continue to lift me up and keep me in the flow of spirit on a daily basis. I was recently invited to participate in an initial Board of Directors planning session for a new local non-profit organization called This Side Up! Family Fun Center http://thissideupfamily. com/ This organization and vision is the brain child of Sarah Morris. Her mission is to move families from striving to thriving. What fun it was to participate in an open discussion where people shared what their hopes and dreams are for this new vision and new opportunity to make a difference in the lives of families. I love being part of new things and helping to plan, so thanks, Sarah for including me in this amazing experience. Magic happened that day, guided by a deep faith in God’s plan for her mission and I honor her for that faith. My family and I recently started a virtual book club. We decided to create a reason to get together in conversation every month or so because we wanted to connect more deeply and more frequently and we all live in different parts of the country. We are all avid readers and average a minimum of 3 to 4 books a month. So once a month, usually on a Sunday evening, we call into my conference line, my mom and stepdad, my brother and his wife and me. The point is, as we continue to do this, our conversations grow

deeper, we share more and we hang up the phone feeling connected to each other again, across time and distance. I just spent an amazing 4 days at the 10th Annual EWomen Network International Conference, talk about energy, power and magic. I forget how important it is for me to get away at times, gather with friends for an hour or a weekend, and share the joy and wonder of time with old friends and the excitement of meeting new ones. This is our Back to School issue and you may wonder why I am writing about this topic. The magazine has some great articles on Back to School tips and ideas, so read on. When our kids go back to school, it is time for many moms to reconnect with each other, to get busy with PTA meetings, committees and volunteer activities. So this article is for all of you who will be gathering together this year. I encourage you to create a safe place where you can gather with like-minded women, one woman or two or twenty, and share your heart. We all need the opportunity to speak out loud our dreams, hopes and truth. Be kind, be generous and be honest with each other. Remember, you are modeling how to be a great friend for your own kids!


Minette Riordan

Web/Media Designer

Brad Dobson

Editor of Sports Scoop Mike Kravik

Office/Sales Manager Heidi Schlabs

Account Executives

Cindy Johnson Gail Kirkland Nancy Luttinger

Creative Dir. /Designer Brittany Allen 2nd Story Design

Printed by

Midway Press, Dallas Tx

Mailing Address

Scissortail Publishing

700 E. Park Blvd. #110 Plano, Texas 75074





North Texas Kids is a Division of Scissortail Publishing LLC. North Texas Kids is published 12 times a year. Copyright 2010 by North Texas Kids©. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission prohibited. North Texas Kids encourages your submission of articles, children’s artwork, photographs and ideas. We reserve the right to edit all submitted material. All submissions will be considered for publication. Recommended article length is 500 to 800 words. Viewpoints of the articles are not necessarily the viewpoints of North Texas Kids. Materials will not be returned. Advertising is accepted at the discretion of the

Happy Reading!

Publisher. Advertisers assume all liability for the content of their printed advertisements and agree to indemnify North Texas Kids and its publisher for any and all claims and expenses arising therefrom.

Cover Artist...


Jayda is an honor roll student at Arthur Kramer Elementary School in Dallas, where she will be in the 5th grade. She enjoys swimming, designing clothes, dancing, and especially playing the violin in her school orchestra. Her passion is drawing and painting. She was recently selected to be the illustrator for the children’s book, “The Last Time I Saw My Mommy” (a book for children who are dealing with death and dying). She lives with her father, mother, and her very unique little sister. She is honored to be able to share her art “Colors of Friendship” with others.

Your child will receive $50 when we use his/her artwork on the cover of NTK. North Texas Kids loves kids’ art. Feel free to send us your child’s Masterpiece. We are looking for covers that are unique, bright and colorful. Each child that appears on our cover receives $50.00 along with his/her picture and story in the paper. Submissions may be digital or print. Email pictures to or mail them to Scissortail Publishing, LLC. 700 E. Park Blvd., Suite 110, Plano, Texas 75074.

North Texas Kids  •  August 2010  •



Make Family Meal Time

a PRIORITY! by Sarah Morris

make the dinner table a place that your kids look forward to, a safe place in their often difficult world.

In the “busy-ness” of life it’s all we can do to keep up with work, school and extra-curricular activities! We commit to crazy schedules in the name of helping our kids achieve success! Our busy schedules make life crazy, so we stay in survival mode! If you feel “busy-ness” has you barely surviving, you are not alone! Countless other families feel like they are crazy with chaos, too! Good news! You have the power to break through the chaos and move your family from surviving to thriving. But you must PLAN TO THRIVE! Families can thrive by keeping a few priorities front and center in their homes. Don’t overlook the simple, proven fundamentals that bring families together. One of those is…

Thriving families make FAMILY MEAL TIME A PRIORITY! Research clearly shows WHY family meals should be a priority. Children and teens that have mealtimes with their families • do well in school • have healthier eating habits • have positive peer relationships • have less behavior problems and are more emotionally content • are less likely to be depressed, smoke or use drugs & alcohol. We all want these benefits for our kids! HOW CAN YOU MAKE Family Meal Times both a PRIORITY and a REALITY? Here are some ideas… • Be open to “different-looking” family dinners. You may not achieve the ideal of having everyone around the table over a home-cooked meal very often BUT you do all eat every night. Make it a point to talk and connect with each other even if it’s over fast-food or while driving through somewhere after a game. • Schedule a weekly at-home family night. This could be the same night each week, or you could compare schedules week to week – just be sure the date makes it onto the calendar! • Declare Dinnertime a NO electronics or phone time! That means Mom and Dad, too. No interruptions allowed, period! • Slow down. Even if you feel rushed, model slowing down for your kids by sitting down and enjoying WHO is AT the table not just WHAT is ON the table. • Chill. Don’t use dinnertime to bring up unpleasant topics or have negative conversations. By modeling open, accepting conversations, you will 6

North Texas Kids  •  August 2010  •

• Ask intentional questions. Let each person answer in their own time, using their own words, parents included. Below are some This Side Up! CONVERSATION STARTERS. You could use one question a night to help your family slow down at dinnertime. Before you know it, you’ll get more than one syllable answers from your kids!

IDEA: Cut these questions out individually and pick one from a cup at

dinner each night.

What is one of your favorite movies or books? What makes it your favorite? Tell me about a way you showed kindness to someone at school or at home today. What made you laugh today? What was the hardest part of your day? What would you do if you were King or Queen? What is your most valued possession? Why? Does your life feel too busy? Why? What would you like to change about the world? What is your favorite ice cream flavor? If you could create a new one, what would you create? If you could change something at school/work, what would it be? Why are some kids picked on at school? Are you picked on? What would you do or wish you could do when someone is being picked on? What makes someone a good leader? Tell me about a good leader in your life. What is your dream job/career? What is something you wish our family could do more of? So… PLAN TO THRIVE! It may seem impossible, but it’s not – and it’s SO worth it! Making family meal times a priority will be one of the best gifts you give your children and will take them further along the path to a successful future than all the lessons, games and tutoring combined!

Happy connecting and Bon appétit! Written by Sarah Morris, Founder/Executive Director of This Side Up! Family FUN Center, a

brand new non-profit providing a unique and fun environment for ALL families in our community. This Side Up! Family FUN Center provides entertainment and parenting education that moves families from surviving to thriving. They are raising $75K to open in Plano/Frisco in early

2011. If you (or a family you know) would benefit from an exciting new place that helps families connect and grow, then go online now to donate to this great cause!

Kids in the kitchen

The Real Moms Guide to...

Bring the family to

Back to School Lunches Can you believe it's already time to start thinking

about back to school? It seems like summer just

whizzed by in the blink of an eye. Pretty soon, we

will be getting up earlier, packing those lunches, and heading out the door before the bell rings.

School lunches don't have to be boring. I love getting creative with my

kid's lunches so they will actually eat them. I got tired of getting the squished peanut butter and jelly sandwich back every day, so I decided to think

outside the lunch box! There are some great food storage containers that make lunch easy. I found a bowl thermos that has a spoon in the lid, so a hot lunch

is easy. I also got a great container that holds salad or raw veggies, with a built in spot for dressing.

Here are some hot ideas for those cool new containers: Kabobs: Use a stirrer stick to make fruit, veggie, and meat and cheese kabobs Sub sandwich: Hot dog bun filled with 2 kinds of meat, cheese, tomato, and lettuce

Every Saturday & Sunday Kids under 12 receive FREE admission

Have a new art experience every weekend! Visit the Tower Gallery on Level 4 and see The Living Room, an installation by artist Jill Foley. Families of all ages will enjoy decorating the space with their own creations. Check our program calendar for upcoming workshops and events.

Closing August 22: Coastlines: Images of Land and Sea Family initiatives are funded by Catherine and Will Rose and the Pollock Foundation Education Endowment Fund. New family learning experiences are supported by a grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services. The Museum’s Gateway Gallery Endowment Fund, the Mr. and Mrs. H. Lee Hobson Endowment Fund, the Betty Moroney Norsworthy Education Endowment Fund, and the Karen and Richard Pollock Education Endowment Fund provide a permanent source of support for family and community programs. Annual support for family and community programs is provided by The M. R. & Evelyn Hudson Foundation, the Junior League of Dallas, and the Donor Circle membership program through leadership gifts by an anonymous donor and the Dedman Foundation. Promotional support provided by Radio Disney and North Texas Kids. The Dallas Museum of Art is supported in part by the generosity of Museum members and donors and by the citizens of Dallas through the City of Dallas/Office of Cultural Affairs and the Texas Commission on the Arts.

Sushi (California rolls), dumplings (hot in a thermos) and edamame Hot meals: spaghetti, raviolis, mac-n-cheese, soup, last night's dinner

THERAPY 2000: The North Texas leader in home-based therapy for children

Mini cracker sandwich: Cut ham and cheese chunks into circles and pack with round crackers for a healthier version of a popular lunch. Build your own taco: Pack diced chicken, beans, grated cheese, diced tomatoes, and a tortilla and let them create their masterpiece. Mini pizzas: Use an English muffin half as the crust, add spaghetti sauce, cheese, and mushrooms or olives. Cook at home and send warm in the thermos or cold out of the fridge. To make a sandwich interesting, try using different kinds of bread, such as a bagel or slider bun. Cut sandwiches in fun shapes with cookie cutters. Or, make a sandwich and wrap in a tortilla instead of using bread. You can even cook some veggies and put them in the thermos for a healthy side. Throw in some apple slices or celery and peanut butter, a hard boiled egg, and some crackers, and you have a healthy, fun lunch your kids won't trade. You'll find more great ideas for snacks and lunches the kids will love, dozens of recipes, and other great information about healthy eating in my book, Processed Kids: The Real Mom's Guide to Raising Natural Kids in a Processed World. For more information, go to To your health, Lisa Greene

We treat children for. . . Feeding & Swallowing Disorders (including the need for Vital Stim Therapy) Cerebral Palsy • Neurological Disorders • Down Syndrome Developmental Delay • Sensory Processing Disorders and many others A comprehensive hearing screening is administered to all children admitted for speech therapy services. To obtain physical, occupational or speech therapy services for your child, call THERAPY 2000...

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Welcome to our Family North Texas Kids  •  August 2010  •


Easing Back to School Transition

by Adina Rich

It seems like summer is flying by, and my daughter has already started pestering me about new school clothes. This summer is especially bittersweet for me as my youngest are going off to the dreaded yet exciting world of kindergarten. From pre-school to college, school is the inevitable milestone of childhood. At every stage of the process, there are challenges for both parents and children. Some things for parents to remember include: Accent the positive. Although you may be sad about separating from your child or wishing that you had more time with your toddler, acknowledge that this is a milestone, and stress to your child what a big kid they are and the new adventures they will be sharing. Talk openly about the changes. Sometimes parents are scared to talk about the changes that a new school or situation may bring, sometimes mistakenly assuming that this will increase a child’s anxiety. However, research has shown this to be the opposite. Children respond better when they know what to expect. If possible, make a site visit to the school prior to attending. Show your child where his classroom is, and the easiest way to get there or time how long it takes to get from classroom to classroom, or for older students, building to building. Don’t forget things like music, art, and p.e. as well. Reassure your child. Assure them that is normal to have some anxiety. Try not to minimize feelings or concerns they may have by simply dismissing them as nonsense. Talk to them about different friends they might meet or challenges that they will face. Prepare them by picking out a lunchbox, napmat, backpack, and talk about how they will be getting to and from school. Begin routines early, and have plenty of dry morning runs so that you all are prepared and know exactly how many minutes you need for getting everyone dressed, down to the breakfast table, and then to the bus stop, for example. Establish a consistent bedtime routine and bedtime itself. Help children be prepared. Get school supplies early, and label everything. Have a designated place for children to keep everything. Read letters from teachers to build anticipation and even try to find other neighborhood or school children for a before school playdate so they are not overwhelmed by lots of new faces. Scrapbooking, taking pictures, eating off special plates, or special certificates are other ways to mark these momentous occasions. Acknowledge your own feelings. Many times, whether your child is going to kindergarten or college, the house feels different. Sometimes the silence can be deafening. It is that double edged sword of being careful for what you wish for…. Parents need to realize that they will not be privy to the littlest details in their child’s life anymore. But this ever growing independence is necessary for children to grow into unique and productive members of society. We cannot always be their ultimate protectors as they learn to try on new identities and refine their values and personalities. However, this is a time that you as a parent can recharge your batteries. Spend some time developing an interest, taking a French class, growing herbs in your garden, or taking a walk. Savor the times that you have, both with and without your child. You will both be the better for it. Looking for a great speaker for your parents or pre-school? Check out our new Nuggets of Knowledge

program featuring Adina Rich, the Director of Rich Educational Consulting, LLC, and a National Educational Consultant with Practical Parent Education. For more information, visit our new and improved website,, or call 972-816-3100.


North Texas Kids  •  August 2010  •

How Vaccines foundation for a Lifetime of learning

Building the

Protect Your Youngster by Russell McDonald, M.D.

Parents want to keep their children out of harm’s way. One of the best ways to do this is by getting kids the shots they need. Vaccines are like clean water – something kids shouldn’t live without. Vaccines are one of the main reasons we live longer and better than ever before.

Countering Controversy Some parents have voiced concerns that vaccines could weaken their children’s immune system or cause side effects. Today, the big issue on parents’ minds is autism, a set of developmental disorders. Some parents mistakenly think there is a link between autism and vaccinations, but studies show the two are not related. Any increase in autism is artificial. We’ve just gotten better at diagnosing autism in recent years. Controversy regarding vaccines has been around for decades. The difference today is that we have more long-term studies that prove that vaccines are not only effective – they are safe.

What Parents Need to Know The most important message parents need to know is that vaccines – given during childhood when kids are most vulnerable to disease – save lives. Vaccination provides the best defense against many deadly diseases. Getting vaccines at the recommended schedule provides the best protection for children now and in the future. About Dr. Russell McDonald Dr. McDonald is a board certified pediatrician and fellow of the American Academy of Pediatrics practicing at The Medical Center of Plano.

“Some schools are expensive and outwardly beautiful, but when you scratch the surface, they’re nothing but day care. Carpe Diem couldn’t be more different. Here, my children (ages one and four) not only have fun, they really learn from professional educators.“ – Gayle Boone

“Being able to communicate with our baby through Baby Sign language has such a calming effect. No more frustrating “I don’t know what you want!” moments! I only wish I knew about Baby Sign when my first child was this age.” – Laura J. Ballard, PMP

“The experience my son, my husband and I have had at Carpe Diem is about as perfect as it gets. I never have an uneasy feeling or doubt that my child will be treated well, educated, and most of all loved. This truly is a wonderful school and what I consider a gift from God.” – Judy McCall

Carpe Diem - Allen 873 Junction Drive, Allen, Texas 75013, 972.396.0909 Carpe Diem - Frisco 5570 Warren Parkway, Frisco, Texas 75034, 214.619.0699 Carpe Diem - Richardson 271 Renner Parkway, Richardson, Texas 75080, 972.664.0203 Carpe Diem - Southlake 300 Randol Mill Road, Southlake, Texas 76092, 817.431.2549

get 1 free Month of tuition* *Offer expires August 31, 2010. This offer is not for currently enrolled children. Tuition discount is only for the Allen location. One discount per family. Coupon is good for one time use only and must be submitted at time of enrollment. Child must be enrolled for six consecutive months. The free tuition will be deducted on the seventh month. If multiple children are enrolled, the oldest child’s tuition will be deducted. No adjustments to prior enrollments. Not valid for cash.

North Texas Kids  •  August 2010  •


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North Texas Kids  •  August 2010  •

It seems like it was just a few short weeks ago when I was looking forward to the last day of school. Even as a parent, I enjoy the down days and relaxed schedules of summer. However, as I write this article, I am reminded that school will be starting again soon and I best get prepared. As a Professional Organizer, our industry gets busier when school starts again. Families are interested in beginning the school year with new plans and structures in place, always seeking to improve from the prior year. Many organizational ideas for back to school are not just for the kids; they are for moms and dads as well. These ideas range from having regular dinners together as a family to establishing good communication with your child’s teacher(s). I want to share some of my tried and true ideas that have been very successful for me, allowing me to stay ahead of the game. The first thing that I do prior to the school year starting, is to go to the school’s website and get the calendar for the upcoming school year. Then, I highlight anything that applies to my kids, such as the end of each grading period, report cards, In-Service, holidays, open house, etc. I also pull up any sports or extracurricular calendars that my kids will be involved in and then place all games and activities on the calendar. This will, of course, take time to input but the rewards are well worth it. By doing this, you minimize double booking overlooked and unplanned activities that throw the calendar and your family into chaos. Another area that needs to be well organized is the contact information for both your child’s school and his or her teacher(s). By having their contact information and the school’s phone number already entered into your phone, you will be able to recognize when the school is calling and quickly make a call yourself when you need to check in. Next, discuss with each of your children that when they call home, especially from the school’s phone, that they need to leave a message. As a parent, you know how worrisome it can be when the school has called but no message was left. Typically, the fun part of heading back to school is the shopping, maybe not so much for the parents but the kids sure like it. Having an organized plan for shopping and storing school supplies will save you both money and time. Be sure to stock up on supplies during back to school when they are at their rock bottom prices. Oh, and don’t forget to buy poster board to avoid those last minutes runs to the store when your child comes home and says… “Mom I need a poster board for tomorrow.” After getting the supplies home, create a supply zone that will store extra supplies for homework, projects or just when supplies run low at school. If you use a closet consider using a clear shoe organizer on the door giving you additional pockets for storing items. To save even more money, plan to shop during Texas’ No Sales Tax Weekend on August 20-22, 2010. This applies to all clothing and shoes up to $100 on each transaction. To avoid the crowds and the lack of sizes on hand, I take my kids a week or so before and have them try on jeans and shirts to find their correct sizes. Then, on No Sales Tax Weekend, I go online and order all the items they need. Most stores have on-line coupon codes and offer free shipping; used in conjunction with no sales tax, you should walk away paying much less than you anticipated. As I always tell our clients at “Get Organized!” there is a difference between planning to do something and scheduling it. Don’t let good intentions go by just planning to do it… schedule it. Whether it’s organizing back to school shopping or inputting teachers’ contact information in your phone, scheduling a time on your calendar will help guarantee that you’ll miss less, and be prepared more. Lorraine Brock is Founder and President of “Get Organized!” a Dallas-based Professional Home Organizing company specializing in de-cluttering your home and life. A popular media guest, Lorraine has been on various radio outlets, Good Morning Texas, Good Day Fox and has been hallmarked on countless local, regional, and national print and on-line magazines. For more information about Lorraine go to or call 972-841-0738.

Start the School Year with a Gold Star This August, Sprinkles Cupcakes is partnering

with Hunger Busters to help end childhood hunger in Dallas. From August 23 to 28, you can feel good

about indulging in a delicious Vanilla Milk Chocolate cupcake from The Original Cupcake Bakery because

during the promotion 100% of proceeds from the popular

flavor will be donated to Hunger Busters “Feed the Need - After School Program.”

Local restaurateur Philip Romano and his wife, Lillie, founded Hunger Busters in

2000 with the goal of feeding hungry people in Dallas. The Hunger Busters delivery


truck provided unparalleled mobility to transport food to the streets and offer healthy sustenance to those in need. Beginning as a mobile, street-level feeding operation for

those without homes, Hunger Busters has since refocused its efforts into the “Feed the Need - After School Program.”

As word spread about Hunger Busters, local schools brought a staggering fact to

the leadership’s attention: A subsidized school lunch or after-school snack is the last

meal many Dallas elementary school children eat until their subsidized school breakfast the next day. Because of circumstances at home, many of these children are not served dinner. In response, Hunger Busters established the "Feed the Need – After School

Program" in 2007 to provide these children with a nutritious and sustaining third meal of the day. The after school programs where Hunger Busters serves offer structured,


make noise, use





f key.

Curious? Get your kids and come on in. Our exciting family classes are filled with infants, toddlers, preschoolers, and the grownups who love them. All free to move, sing, play instruments, and have fun. Best of all there’s no musical experience or aptitude required. (But we might ask you to get down and hop like a bunny.)

educational activities between 3 pm and 6 pm during the academic school year.

“Nearly 87% of Dallas school children participate in city-subsidized meal plans

and many of those kids would go hungry at dinner without the boxed meals that

we provide,” said Brandon Barganski, Executive Director of Hunger Busters. “The

partnership is an awesome opportunity for people to treat themselves to something

sweet, all while helping us raise the money needed to provide over 130,000 meals a year to Dallas’ underprivileged and deserving kids. With Sprinkles (and its customers’) aid,

(972) 267-4452


we’re making sure local kids not only stay in school, but do well in school and go on to be successful adults.”

Since its opening in March of 2007, the third location of Sprinkles continues to

please devoted Dallas fans at The Plaza at Preston Center store. Sprinkles Founders

Candace and Charles Nelson are constantly inventing new ways to give back to the people who’ve made their Texas adventure an enormous achievement. Of the over

$200,000 Sprinkles donated to non-profits in 2009, more than $40,000 went to Dallas

charities. Some of Sprinkles recent Dallas non-profit partnerships include American

Heart Association, Dallas Contemporary, Texas Trees Foundation, The Salvation Army and many more. In addition to community partnerships, Sprinkles also uses recycled materials in their bakery and each night, leftover cupcakes are delivered to Dallas

MetroCare Services - a community mental health center. As a company, Sprinkles has donated over $1.5 million to date in cash and cupcakes to charities around the world.

“Sprinkles is committed to helping out the communities where we have locations

because without our fans, we wouldn’t be where we are today,” said Candace Nelson,

Founder and Pastry Chef of Sprinkles Cupcakes. “Hunger Busters is an incredible local charity dedicated to solving a hunger problem that went relatively unnoticed until

they started the ‘Feed the Need - After School Program.’ Vanilla Milk Chocolate is the

ultimate favorite with our younger fans and we’re confident that this promotion will be a huge success for the charity.”

Both Sprinkles and Hunger Busters have an exciting remainder of 2010. The

Original Cupcake Bakery has plans for three more new locations in Chicago,

Washington DC and San Diego to add to its recently opened Houston location. Hunger Busters is adding four new schools to their “Feed the Need - After School Program,”

bringing the total number of schools it serves to 11 and will also kick-off its first-ever Hunger Busters run on October 23.

The Hunger Busters Cupcake will be available for a limited time during Back

to School week at the Dallas bakery. Vanilla Milk Chocolate consists of Madagascar bourbon vanilla cake with fudgy milk chocolate cream cheese icing, adorned with a gold star sugar decoration. To order online or to find out more about Sprinkles

Cupcakes visit Additional information about Hunger Busters and the “Feed the Need - After School Program” can be found on

North Texas Kids  •  August 2010  •


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THANK YOU to all the moms who have come up to us at various events this summer to tell us how much they love our magazine. We appreciate your feedback and readership! Here's to a successful School Year for all of us!

“Heart Hero” Colby Elliott’s Story

For any child, going to the hospital can be a terrifying experience. But for 7-year-old Frisco resident Colby Elliott, it means room service. Colby, who has a rare congenital heart defect, loves visiting the doctors in The Heart Center at Children’s Medical Center Dallas and the luxury of ordering food at any hour. In June, Colby and his family traveled to Washington, D.C., for the National Association of Children’s Hospital’s (N.A.C.H.) Family Advocacy Day on behalf of Children’s Medical Center. They joined 28 other families from across the nation to make their personal health-care stories known to members of Congress, who will play a key role in funding training for pediatric specialists like those who treat Colby. Colby and his family met with Representatives Mike Conaway, Mike Burgess, Sam Johnson, Ralph Hall and Chet Edwards, and health-care staffers for Representatives Joe Barton, Kay Granger and Eddie Bernice Johnson and Senators Kay Bailey Hutchison and John Cornyn. Colby was the only delegate from Texas to attend. “We think Colby put a ‘face’ on the importance of health care for these lawmakers, and that's great,” said Sheila Elliott, Colby’s mother. “Behind all of these bills and decisions are kids like Colby, who are alive because of well-trained pediatric specialists.” Before Colby was born, his parents, Jason and Sheila Elliott, knew they had a rough road ahead. During Sheila’s 17th week of pregnancy, doctors diagnosed Colby with hypoplastic left heart syndrome, a rare congenital defect in which the left side of the heart is severely underdeveloped. Faced with the possibility of numerous surgeries before an eventual heart transplant for her son, Sheila chose to continue the pregnancy and made a “deal” with God. “If you’re going to take our baby, take him before we get to know him,” Sheila prayed. When he was only six days old, doctors at Children’s Medical Center performed Colby’s first heart surgery. Since then he has undergone four additional operations. Despite his life-threatening heart condition, Colby still acts like a typical 7-year-old. With his spunky attitude and his energetic spirit, Colby shows no signs of battling a heart condition. I credit Children’s Medical Center with giving my son life,” Sheila said. “He’s thriving and a ball of energy. You’d never know what he’s been through. We have put our faith and trust in God, and we enjoy every moment we have with Colby.” Both Sheila and Colby are accustomed to telling his story. As national spokespeople for the American Heart Association, they visit schools and speak about Colby’s heart condition to promote awareness about heart defects. One school called Colby the “heart hero,” a nickname he now wears proudly. Colby will eventually need a heart transplant, but until then he is far too busy to worry about the future. When asked about his heart condition, he proudly shows off the scar on his chest, which he refers to as his “zipper,” and runs on to play with his brothers. “We are so blessed to have such a tremendous outpouring of support from family, friends and all of the caring doctors and staff at Children’s Medical Center,” Sheila said. “My husband and I are so thankful that we made the decision to put him in the hands of the specialists at Children's. They gave our child life, and it felt good to stand on Capitol Hill, speaking with members of Congress, representing all of the children and their families.” To follow Colby’s fight against hypoplastic left heart syndrome, visit or


North Texas Kids  •  August 2010  •

Flashlights Under the Covers Reading Your Children Will Not Put Down I don’t know about you, but it’s easier to get my son to the dentist than it is to get him to sit down and read a book. I don’t care what he reads and I try to help find books I know he would be interested in. Thankfully, there are some great choices out there. I just got a great new sci-fi series called The Prometheus Project by Douglas E. Richards. I read it first, of course, thinking it might motivate him if he knows I read and liked it… it’s worth a shot anyway! I know I am looking forward to reading books two and three in this fun series! The cool technology in the book will appeal to any reader, boy or girl, who is a fan of sci-fi and I love the two heroes, a brother and sister team named Reagan and Ryan. The publisher sent the following great information about the book: In all of science, there is probably nothing more mysterious than the mind of a middle grade reader. Okay, that’s probably a stretch but bypassing the firewalls that protect a 12-year olds’ gray matter from books with boring plotlines would challenge the likes of Euclid, Newton and Einstein. Enter Douglas E. Richards, molecular biologist and author of The Prometheus Project, a new science fiction series that has cracked the middle

grade reader’s super secret ‘it-better-not-be-boring’ code. According to Richards, the formula was pretty simple. “Action, adventure, danger, creepy creatures and crushes hide the fact that all the science in the series is real,” Richards says. “As a young reader I loved the awesome plots found in science fiction books, as well as the mindexpanding science contained in them…as long as the science didn’t get in the way of action and adventure!” The Prometheus Project series chronicles the adventures of Regan and Ryan Resnick, who are forced to move from San Diego to the backwoods of Pennsylvania, ‘the most boring place in the world’. Boredom is soon replaced however by unmitigated amazement when the siblings discover an abandoned alien city underground –and that’s just the beginning. “I couldn’t be happier with the way young readers are embracing the series,” says Richards, “and thanks to the science, the books are also being endorsed by educators across the country – which is a fantastic bonus…just don’t tell the kids!” Douglas E. Richards, a frequent contributor to National Geographic KIDS magazine, received his Master’s in Molecular Biology from the University of Wisconsin and his MBA from the University of Chicago. The Prometheus Project series has been listed as “recommended literature” by the California Department of Education, and endorsed by the American Association for the Advancement of Science and science teacher associations around the country. Richards will be a ‘special guest’ at Comic-Con in San Diego this year. To learn more visit Copies of Trapped, Captured and Stranded are available at all major booksellers.

North Texas Kids  •  August 2010  •


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Felt Monster Dangle Craft

Just a reminder to Follow us on

On Facebook, search for North Texas Kids magazine.

9330 LBJ Freeway, Suite 790 Dallas, TX 75243


Monsters can be any size, shape or colour, so your imagination is your only limit! We made this cute felt monster "dangle" to hang from a hook, but you could use it as a keychain, attach it to a backpack, or leave the "dangle" off completely and stitch a safety pan to the back to make a monster brooch or pin.

Supplies: Scraps of felt Chenille stems / pipe cleaners Pompoms Embroidery thread and needle Toy stuffing or wadding Googly eyes (and /or other craft bits and pieces to decorate your monster)

Instructions: 1.

Cut out a long rectangle of felt, to be folded in half for your monster's body. If you prefer, you could make your monster a different shape by cutting out two matching pieces of felt. (You could make a set of monsters to learn the different shapes - square, circle, triangle, rectangle etc)!


Fold the rectangle in half and place a tiny amount of stuffing inside. Starting near the folded edge, sew up the side and half way across the top edge using a simple running stitch. Leave a few inches of thread clear, and remove the needle. Thread the needle again and, starting at the other corner, sew up the other side and across the top to the middle. Pull out the needle and knot the two loose ends together. Twist them together and then connect them to a keychain or book ring.


Use chenille stems to form arms, legs and antennae. Glue or sew to the back of your monster.


Wrap your chenille stems around a pencil to make them spiral, and for feet, you can attach pompoms to the end of the legs with glue or bend end of stems.


Finally, decorate your monsters face. Our monster has 4 eyes!

Thank you to for this great craft, visit them for more fun ideas!


North Texas Kids  •  August 2010  •

Alexandria’s Book Review Freckle Juice

want them. The only thing she wants in exchange is five weeks’ worth of

When all through the town,

Wow! How can anyone, even a

The parents were cheering.

A Review by Alexandria Battle

Andrew’s allowance.

By Judy Blume 40 pages • Ages 6-9 Simon & Schuster (October 1984)

boy desperate for freckles, give up

Judy Blume, the author of Freckle

Juice, is a very well-known children’s book writer, though she writes for

could it? I had to know for sure, and

with Andrew Marcus I could find out. It all starts with Nicky, a boy in

young adults and adults as well. She

Andrew’s class. Nicky Lane has tons

graduated with a B.S. in Education

up to eighty-six with envy. What

grew up in Elizabeth, New Jersey and from New York University. Even now she is writing down the ideas she has on paper, soon to become books that

will hopefully thrill another generation of kids like me.

Freckle Juice was a book I well

remember reading as a kid, because in

my mind it was impossible to just give

and tons of freckles—Andrew counts Andrew wouldn’t give to have as

many freckles as Nicky does! If he had an innumerable amount of freckles, his mother wouldn’t be able to tell

if his neck was dirty or clean, which

would save him a lot of uncomfortable washes.

In comes Sharon, a girl from

Twas the night before school started,

that much money? But Andrew is

determined to do it—and after a long

night, he gives up the cash. A deal is a

deal, and Sharon hands over the freckle juice.

What happens next? Does Andrew

get freckles like Nicky Lane’s, or

doesn’t he? I won’t spoil, so if you want to know what happens, I recommend finding the nearest bookstore, library or (shhh!) school. I also heartily

recommend The Fudge Books series, and Are You There God? It’s Me, Margaret.

It was a riotous sound! By eight, kids were washed And tucked into bed... When memories of homework... filled them with dread! New pencils, new folders, new notebooks, too! New teachers, new friends... their anxiety grew! The parents just giggled when they learned of this fright And shouted upstairs...


yourself freckles. You had to be born

another class. Seeing Andrew’s


something that gave you freckles after

“freckle juice”, which can apparently

author unknown

with them. Young as I was, I knew that you were born simply couldn’t exist…

dilemma, she is quick to offer him give anyone freckles should they

North Texas Kids  •  August 2010  •


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Checking In or Checking Out? Brad & Minette’s Update... by Dr. Minette Riordan There is something scary and powerful about writing this column every month. It keeps Brad and I honest and committed to our goals, knowing we will be sharing our progress with each of you this month! The last month has been a stressful one for both of us at our mutual offices. There has been too much work to get done and not enough hours in the day. Our kids were gone for much of June, but have been living in my office most of July, not a ton of fun for them but we are managing and they are being great and make me smile every day.

Here’s what’s new with Brad: He has decided to train for an Olympic Distance Triathlon in October. He has been doing a fantastic job of getting his exercise in, but surprisingly the increase in exercise did not have a big impact on weight loss. So he went back to Betty Murray at Living Well Dallas and asked, “What can I do differently?” So now, Betty not only has him on a very low calorie, no carbohydrate diet, and he is doing tons of exercise. I was sure he would be grumpy, hungry and unbearable. The opposite has been true. For Brad, giving up the carbs has made a huge difference in his energy and stopped the afternoon crashes. He dropped close to 10 pounds in just over a week. He added some additional motivation by entering into a bet with 5 other guys at work to see who could have the greatest percentage loss of body fat by August 31. Everyone ante’d up $100 so the winner takes home $500. You can bet I am rooting for Brad! He will be the Biggest Loser! The biggest challenge is staying on the program when the rest of his life gets in the way. Last week, his job was stressful, mine was stressful, we had a big event he had to help with and I was out of town for 4 days. What we have both learned is to call Jenny Bair, our life coach, when the going gets tough. She is our breath of fresh air and our centering point to bring us back to reality and keep us on track with the WHY of the program we are following. One of the most important things we have learned in the past 6 months is how valuable it is to have a coach, or in this case, two coaches, that keep us on track, motivated and focused. On our own, we tend to take two steps backwards and forget about all the steps forward we have made. Neither of us


North Texas Kids  •  August 2010  •

are very good at asking for help, so this is a big step for both of us. It has had a positive impact on our personal development but has also helped us work on and improve our relationship with each other.

Here’s what’s new with Minette: To date, I have lost 16 pounds, only another 30 to go (Yikes!) but I am on my way. The last few weeks have been crazy, I have not been as rigid and focused as I was before but am happy to say that I am maintaining. I want to share with you a few things that I have learned. And I want to remind you to watch the interviews I did with Betty and Jenny on our YouTube channel, Giving up carbohydrates has changed my life, just like Brad's. I feel better, no crashes and no puffiness the next day. Getting all gluten out of my diet has completely eradicated joint pain, energy loss and poor digestion. While I was on the HCG program (500 calories a day of very limited food choices) I had a huge realization that while I had been making healthy choices for the most part, I was eating way too much food every day. My appetite feels normal, I eat when I am hungry and when I do eat something greasy or fatty, it doesn't event taste good. Please note, none of this happened over night. This all took time and practice to figure out, and a ton of patience. You can ask anyone who knows me well, patience is not high on my virtues list. This program has forced me to slow down, pay attention and be grateful for the people and progress. Now we are off to Nova Scotia for our annual trek to visit Brad’s family for some well deserved R&R. We feel like we have a plan in place for staying on track this summer and avoiding the normal weight gain! Of course, we could not have done it alone. If you are serious about making a new start, getting healthy both physically and emotionally or finally reaching an important goal, getting ready for a wedding or high school reunion, I encourage you to start today. If you are ready for help, call Living Well Dallas and make an appointment right now. Your life is precious, take care of it. I would love to hear your stories of progress or struggle this year and share your successes with our readers. Dr. Minette Riordan is the publisher of North Texas Kids magazine, she can be reached at You can reach Betty Murray and Jenny Bair through the Living Well Dallas office at (972) 930-0260 or find details about their amazing programs at


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Sports Scoop

Getting Fit for Fall Sports by Mike Kravik

Back in the day, (“the day” being the 1970s) summer vacation meant kicking back and truly taking it easy. Looking back, we weren’t cavemen who scrawled on walls to communicate but we weren’t that far removed compared to today’s teenagers. We didn’t have cell phones, the internet or cable television. When I was 13-14 years old, I felt like I was stuck in limbo. I was no longer a little kid but I couldn’t work or drive. It was a terrible age. I can remember staying up late to watch Johnny Carson and then sleeping in the next day until at least 10:00am. I might catch Hollywood Squares in the morning, yawn, eat some lunch and then watch Match Game in the afternoon. If I was feeling especially spry I might saunter down to the pool for the afternoon. Back then, our baseball seasons wouldn’t last much longer than July 4. That’s when the dog days of summer truly began and the real laziness set in. I can only imagine just how truly out of shape those of us who played sports were when school started up in August. Getting sick during conditioning drills in football became an annual ritual for most. Fast forward 35 years and things have changed for teenagers – for the better. The North Texas area is one of the most fertile areas in 22

the country for young athletes. Football, basketball, baseball, hockey, softball, volleyball …it doesn’t matter. This area is filthy with young athletes and as a result the opportunity to become a better athlete exists as well. Many parents in North Texas will also spare no expense because they’re fearful their kids will fall behind the competition or they are simply looking to give their kid an edge. I know of a 10 year old female golfer who not only received thrice weekly golf lessons but also regularly met with a sports psychologist. Most of the elite baseball players in the area now play 9-10 months per year. Select soccer players get one month off per year. High school football 7-on-7 championships this year were decided in early July, which is a month before two-a-day practices (and six weeks before the real season begins. Times have definitely changed and progress has been made for young athletes in North Texas. Crull Fitness is a North Texas company that offers personalized training for young athletes aged 5-18. Al Coseglia is a co-owner of Crull Fitness and a former scholarship athlete who not only played soccer at Quinnipac University but also graduated Phi Beta Kappa. High school football players in North Texas have required workouts almost year-round

North Texas Kids  •  August 2010  •

but what can the 13 year old that can help every athlete. The football player in middle school way explosiveness is improved do to make sure he has a good is by emphasizing unilateral and off-season and is in shape when bilateral exercises that simply practice begins? Says Cosgelia, make both sides of the body equal “Strength training is appropriate in strength. for athletes aged 12 to 14. At that Some aspects of physical age, learning proper technique training are easier to improve and strength appropriate than others. Football players are progressions are very important.” Proper training is also about One of the working out the entire body. most important elements Summer workouts should focus of strength on flexibility, upper and lower conditioning that athletes can body strength, speed, agility, learn is balance. conditioning and the core. Coseglia says, “Proper training is also about working out the quite often told in the spring entire body. Summer workouts by their coaches to not only get should focus on flexibility, upper stronger but also gain 20-30 lbs. and lower body strength, speed, over the summer. Kids who have agility, conditioning and the just become teenagers are capable core.” of tremendous growth spurts but The individual skills easiest that’s a lot of weight to gain in a for young athletes to significantly short period of time. improve in the summer are Coseglia explains, “Gaining strength, speed, vertical jump, that much weight over the conditioning and core strength. summer can be done but it A skill that embodies all of requires a combination of strength the above and helps almost all training, proper nutrition and athletes improve is the ability to proper supplementation.” “explode.” The opportunities for young Whether it’s a defensive back athletes who want to become covering a receiver, a point guard better compared to 35-40 years ago driving to the hoop or a shortstop are endless and that’s a good thing. going to the hole to field a It’s progress. grounder, the ability to get from Point A to Point B in the shortest time possible is a universal skill

Sports Scoop

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is back and we are with a


Kids’ Art Contest

Win $150 in Gifts & Prizes!

North Texas Kids is excited that Swoozie’s is re-opening, and is inviting you to help celebrate by sharing what you are most thankful for. To enter the November Cover Art Contest, contestants should draw an 8.5”x11’’ picture of whatever they are most grateful for. Artwork must be dropped off or mailed to Swoozie’s (8417 Preston Center Plaza Dr., Dallas, TX 75225-5307) between August 15 and September 15. Email submissions also are accepted at Please include the child’s name and age, parents name and contact information with each entry. One grand prize winner will receive $50 cash from North Texas Kids, $100 total in gift cards and merchandise from Swoozie’s and his/her winning picture will be featured on the cover of the November issue of North Texas Kids. Two runners up will receive $25 gift cards from Swoozie’s. Enter and show Swoozie’s what you are thankful for! Swoozie’s at The Plaza at Preston Center is back! Swoozie’s is a gift and invitation specialty neighborhood shop with a strong commitment to customer care. We offer affordable brilliant gifts, invitations and accessories for all of life’s celebrations and special moments in an upbeat atmosphere. We are gift and invitation experts offering knowledgeable advice on gift-giving and invitation style and etiquette. We specialize is birthdays, weddings, showers, anniversaries, teachers gifts, graduation gifts and recognizing all of life’s special moments from the wee small ones to the grand events. We believe in sitting down to family dinners and sending children to school with a ‘lunch box note’. Swoozie’s was built on a commitment to, and a focus on, what is important in a woman’s life.

Discover the wonder of mathematics Sci-Tech Discovery Center Math Path Take a family-oriented walking tour of Frisco Square! August 2, August 21 and September 18 10:00 am – 11:00 am • $15 per family Register in advance at or join us on-site. Call 972.546.3050 or email for more information. Participants demonstrate the Pythagorean Theorem, use angles to calculate the height of tall buildings, calculate annual circulation at the Frisco Public Library and uncover many other mathematical treasures in Frisco Square. Wear comfortable shoes and meet us at the fountain in front of City Hall. Calculators and snacks provided.

Sci-Tech Discovery Center will be reopening on October 2 with the exciting exhibit Math Midway! North Texas Kids  •  August 2010  •


NTK Calendar of Events

Looking for Something to Do in Your Own Backyard or Around the Metroplex? You Will Find it Here! Find these events and more online at

August 1 Sunday YMCA Fall Sports Registration: The Plano Family YMCAs are offering flag and tackle football, cheerleading and soccer this fall. Ages and costs vary by sport. Contact Tim Andrade,, for more information. - Plano - Sun Jun 6 to Fri Aug 6 Summer Safety Programs: Classes are open to the public and FREE of charge for those who have completed Kinder through 5th grades. Please visit our website for safety topics, schedule of classes and more details. Call 972292-6350 or visit - Frisco Fire Safety Town - Mon Jun 14 to Fri Aug 13 Mommy and Me: Monday through Friday from 11-2 we will have cartoon viewing and live entertainment such as face painting or balloon art. All free with the purchase of lunch! Please call 972-312-1369 for more information. sarah. - Fox Sports Grill, 5741 Legacy Drive - Mon Jul 19 to Mon Aug 23 Dreams of Flight: A Journey through Air and Space. This exhibition highlights the women, from the earliest pioneers of flight including Amelia Earhart, Bessie Coleman and Jaqueline Cochran to science and space innovators such as Barbara Askins, Patricia Cowings and Jerrie Cobb. - The Women’s Museum, Dallas - Fri Jul 23 to Sun Oct 31 Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Presents ZING ZANG ZOOM: Through the mystery of magic and the mastery of skill, audiences will be spellbound by a thrill-filled, mind-blowing circus spectacular where family fun is no illusion offering hours of exciting family entertainment for about the price of a movie ticket. - American Airlines Center, Dallas - Wed Jul 28 to Sat Aug 7 Family Past Times at Dallas Heritage Village: The 1st Sunday of the month is free admission day at the Village. Pack a lunch and bring the whole family for historic fun. Participate in themed activities for everyone to enjoy. - Dallas Heritage Village, Dallas - Sun Aug 1 Aquapalooza: Hidden Cove Park Marina. Free event and is open to all boaters and beach goers. Food and fun will be abundant so bring the entire family for a great day on the water. Please register for this event at - Lewisville Lake - Sun Aug 1 12pm to 4pm Shop Til You Rock: Demi Appearance @ 1pm. Live Concert by The Ready Set @ 4pm. Disney star Demi Lovato invites teens to look and feel like rock stars. There will be games, prizes, and teens have the chance to rock the runway with Fusion Model Management’s search to reward guys and girls ages 13-19 with modeling contracts totaling nearly $400,000. - Stonebriar Mall - Sun Aug 1 1pm to 6pm


2 Monday Beach Blanket Babies: Sing dance to some of the classic summer tunes from Broadway and Hollywood. Concluding with a showcase performance in our new theatre. Ages 4-10, M-F 9:30-12:30 or 9:30-4. Visit for more information. Plano-Mon Aug 2 to Fri Aug 6

3 Tuesday Back to School Ice Cream Event: Mobile Dairy Classroom is a traveling milking parlor, featuring a live cow. A trained instructor will demonstrate how to milk a cow, describe how milk goes from the farm to the consumer, and then answer questions from the audience. Free Ice Cream Sandwiches. Rowlett Library Lawn - Tue Aug 3 10am to 11am

5 Thursday Just Between Friends Sale of Dallas: Find everything you need for your babies & kids at fabulous prices. Unsold items and a portion of the profits benefit New Beginnings Center of Garland. - Mesquite Rodeo Exhibit Hall - Thu Aug 5 to Sun Aug 8 Seussical The Musical: Centered around Horton the Elephant. Performances are August 5 and 6 at 1pm; August 7 at 7:30 pm; and August 8 at 2pm. Tickets are available online at or call 972-977-7710. Tickets will also be sold at the door. - Plaza Theatre, Garland - Thu Aug 5 to Sat Aug 7 Mayor’s Back To School Fair: a one-stop shop providing free school supplies to students who meet eligibility requirements plus other free services and info. Take advantage of free vision, health and dental screenings, immunizations, haircuts, community resource booths and more. - Fair Park (Automobile and Centennial Buildings), Dallas - Thu Aug 5 8am to 3pm Moms & More Monthly Meeting: Moms & More offers support and activities for parents and kids in Wylie and the surrounding communities. Please call for more info: 469-361-6468. URL: - Wylie Thu Aug 5 10am to 11am

6 Friday CASA Parade of Playhouses: During the twoweek Parade of Playhouses, visitors to NorthPark purchase raffle tickets for chances to win one of many extraordinary, custom-built playhouses. - NorthPark Mall, Dallas - Fri Aug 6 to Sun Aug 22 The Wiggles Wiggly Circus: The Wiggling commences at Verizon Theatre on Friday, August 6th for shows at 2:30 PM and 6:30 PM. Verizon Theatre at Grand Prairie - Fri Aug 6 Rapunzel! presented by the Dallas Puppet Theater: The farmer’s infant daughter is stolen by a daffy witch who locks her away in a tower far from anyone’s eyes. See website for further dates & times. Price: $6 children 2 -18/ $ 7 adults. 214-515-0004 The Women’s Museum, Fair Park - Fri Aug 6 11am to 12pm

North Texas Kids  •  August 2010  •

TX Scottish Rite Hospital for Children Night at the Mesquite Championship Rodeo: Tickets for the rodeo are available for $13 through TSRHC’s Volunteer Services department. To purchase a ticket, please call (214) 559-7825 or (800) 421-1121, ext. 7825. The gates open at 6:30 p.m. and the rodeo performance begins at 7 p.m. - Resistol Arena, 1818 Rodeo Drive, Mesquite 75149 - Fri Aug 6 6:30pm to Fri Aug 6 9pm

7 Saturday Artisan Sale at Stonebriar Centre: The shopping center’s first annual event will feature the works of local artisans, artists and craftspeople. Held in the Sears Court near the play area. - Stonebriar Mall, Frisco - Sat Aug 7 to Sun Aug 8 Video Game Character Comes to Dallas to Teach Workshops: Capoeira, a 500-year old Brazilian martial art, traveled through history and over great distances to arrive in Dallas four years ago. Professor Furacao will be teaching a free community workshop for Dallas Capoeira at the Oasis Studio. - Dallas - Sat Aug 7 Historical Run 5K/1 Mile: The McKinney Historical Run will benefit the Samaritan Inn for the second year in a row. 5k and a 1 mile fun/ run walk. There will be prizes for top finishers in the race! - 101 E. Hunt Street, McKinney - Sat Aug 7 8am to 9am Family Health Fair 2010: Back-to-school physicals; sports physicals; well child checkups for infant and pre-school age children; $10 immunizations, blood drive; vision, dental, hearing screens, nutrition counseling; health education workshops on nutrition, asthma, obesity, and the flu vaccine. FREE food, drinks, and other giveaways. Information: 972-206-2715 or - 2715 Osler Drive, Grand Prairie - Sat Aug 7 9am to 2pm Rec Expo & Open House: Join us to celebrate the end of a fun summer and preview the exciting Fall 2010 programs offered at the NRH Recreation Center! Kids activities will be available during the event. For more information call 817-427-6600 or email North Richland Hills - Sat Aug 7 9am to 1pm Escape to Fun with Carrolton Early Childhood PTA: Meet with existing members, and receive free giveaways. Children will be entertained by Xtreme Kidz Ntertainment, coloring, and crafts. See for details. - Escape Coffee and Donut Lounge, NE corner of Old Denton and Hebron in Carrollton - Sat Aug 7 10am to 12pm Centennial Medical hosts First Saturday Q&A: The first Saturday of every month, professionals from Centennial Medical Center will present a free question and answer session at Stonebriar Centre. Sessions are held from 12:00 noon to 2:00 p.m. on the first Saturday of every month. Stonebriar, Frisco - Sat Aug 7 12pm to 2pm

movies to the small screen in television to sitcom, commercial, and even daily soap shoots. Ages 12-18 and college. M-F 9:30-4. Please visit for more information. Plano - Mon Aug 9 to Fri Aug 13 Second Monday Family Fun Nights at Josey Ranch Lake: Come to the library for a night of games and crafts. Meet up with other families and enjoy the free fun! For all ages. www. - Carrollton Public Library, 1700 Keller Springs Road, Carrollton, Texas 75006 - Mon Aug 9 7pm to 8:30pm

10 Tuesday Newcomer Friends of Greater Plano: Join us at one of our regular program meetings on the second Tuesday of each month. There’s always an interesting speaker, and you’ll meet a lot of fun women! Please join us at SMU-in-Legacy, 5228 Tennyson Parkway, Plano. Plano - Tue Aug 10 9:30am to 11:30am

11 Wednesday Be The Next Dorothy: Audition for the role of a lifetime to be Dorothy in the new musical WiZaRD opening December 2010 in New York City. Open Auditions. Sears/Play Area - visit website for times. Age restrictions apply & parental consent forms may be required, visit for contest rules and registration materials. - Stonebriar Mall, Frisco - Wed Aug 11 to Thu Aug 12

13 Friday 15th Annual Summer Homeschool Conference: Designed for families at every ‘level’ of homeschooling: new, mid-level and “seasoned” home educators. Attend seminars, shop at more than 125 exhibitor booths, and explore the latest educational tools,products and services., 972-7727798. - Plano Centre, 2000 East Spring Creek Parkway - Fri Aug 13 to Sat Aug 14 Ann of Green Gables: Presented by Children’s Christian Theater at the Plaza Theatre. Advanced tickets: 1pm Matinee - tickets $6; 7pm - Ages 12 and over $8, Seniors & Ages 11 & under $6, Ages two & under are free. (add a $1 more at the door). For advanced tickets, email or call 972-658-3915. Plaza Theatre, Garland - Fri Aug 13 Kiddie Kloset Fall 2010 Consignment Sales Event: Public Sale: Friday, August 13th: 8:00am - 5:00pm 1/2 Price Public Sale: Saturday, August 14th: 8:00am - 12:00pm Shop, Sell & Save $$ on everything for babies and children including gently-used & new fall/winter clothing, toys, baby gear, furniture, maternity items and much more! - MCM Grande Hotel Ballroom, 1515 N. I-35E, Desoto TX 75115 - Fri Aug 13 to Sat Aug 14

9 Monday

Rhea Lana’s Children’s Consignment Back-toSchool Sale: - Frisco - Fri Aug 13 to Sun Aug 15

On Camera! TV/Film: Study the finer points to on camera techniques from the big screen in the

Car Seat Fitting Station: Centennial Medical Center Frisco, 1-877-228-3628. 2nd Friday of the

month. Parents will be assisted with installation of the car seat and educated on proper securing of child. - Frisco - Fri Aug 13 12:30pm to 3:30pm

for more event information. All proceeds benefit The Frisco Ballet. - Frisco - Sat Aug 14 1pm to 2pm

14 Saturday

16 Monday

Cardboard Boat Regatta: Come and enjoy the fun as you watch the masterful maneuvers of boats braving the waves at Thomas Pool. Scouts, clubs, organizations and families will be encouraged to participate. Prizes will be awarded by categories of ages and creativity. - 1955 N. Perry Road, Carrollton - Sat Aug 14

Jungle Jim’s Bugs of the World: Jungle JimBugs, bugs and more buys visit your library! Jungle Jim entertains and educates with his amazing arthropods, reptiles, and amphibians. For all ages. Free. - Carrollton Public Library at Hebron & Josey - Mon Aug 16 2pm to 3pm

Hubba bubba bubble train: Join us for a great time on the train today. Each child will receive a free bubble-maker kit. Bubbles will flow as the train heads down the track! Bubbles available while supplies last. It’s good, clean, fun for the whole family. Grapevine - Sat Aug 14

Younger Generation Chorus Auditions: August 17,19,24 &26. Auditions for Collin County area students in 4th through 8th and 9th through 12th grades are being held by appointment. Come and see if you have what it takes to join the premiere chorus of Plano! Call: 972-439-9037 or visit us online to learn more! - Plano - Tue Aug 17 to Thu Aug 26

Inaugural Arlington Reads; Book it Now for Literacy 5K/1M Run/Walk: 817-275-3321 - Legacy Pavilion, River Legacy Parks, 701 NW Green Oaks Blvd, Arlington - Sat Aug 14 8am to 9am Walk, Roll Benefitting United Cerebral Palsy: 5K/1M, - Reverchon Park, 3505 Maple Ave, Dallas - Sat Aug 14 8am to 9am MISD Wellness/Back to School Rally: 5th annual wellness rally for school district families and staff. Community festival focusing on preparation for back to school,health,wellness,and risk prevention. Contact Julie Blankenship, 469-742-4151 Old Settler`s Park, McKinney - Sat Aug 14 9am to 12pm Celebration Party: Join us on 8/14 from 10am to noon. @ the Deerfield Clubhouse (Old Pond/ Archgate). We’ll be closing out our 75k no run FUNd Run with a FREE party for the WHOLE family! Bounce houses, food and lots of fun! Families raising $250 to support This Side Up will be entered to win a Summer Staycation (w/ Embassy Suites stay, Hawaiian Falls Tickets and more). PLUS lots of exciting prize giveaways for everyone! Come on out!!! - Plano Sat Aug 14 10am to 12pm Doggie Splash Day: Who let the dogs out? We will host a swim suit contest, a dog paddle race and a retrieving contest all for your best friend! The event will be $5 per dog and swimming dog owners are free! You must bring proof of rabies vaccinations to be allowed entry into the pool. - Harry Myers Park Pool, 815 E. Washington, Rockwall, Texas 75087 - Sat Aug 14 10am to 2pm Sixth Annual No Limit Women’s Expo: The events includes seminars, health screenings, mammograms, vision screenings, free massages, shopping, live entertainment, door prize drawings and kid-friendly activities. Price: $5, Phone: (972) 898-5882. Richardson Civic Center, Richardson - Sat Aug 14 10am to 4pm Garden Walk -- Caterpillar Crawl: Free with garden admission. Search for caterpillars as we show you creepy crawly wonders! This is a great introduction to the world of butterflies. Free with paid Garden admission. Age 2+. - Texas Discovery Gardens, Dallas - Sat Aug 14 11am to 12pm The Frisco Ballet Annual Golf Tournament: Frisco Lakes Golf Club. Contact Jana Yarbrough at or 972-731-0361

17 Tuesday

20 Friday 23rd Annual Highland Village Lions Club Balloon Festival & Fair: Free Admission - Parking $5 donation per car. For Children & Adult of all ages. - Copperas Branch Park - Lake Lewisville - Fri Aug 20 to Sun Aug 22

21 Saturday Hatch Chile Festival: The world famous crop, the Hatch chile, makes its way to Grand Prairie! Come to Main Street in downtown for a day full of Hatch Chile Festival fun featuring: Cooking demonstrations, Roasted chiles for sale, Live bands including Veronica y Avance and Art Fernandez, Activities for kids, Food, beer and wine, Farmers Market, Arts and crafts. - 120 West Main Street, Grand Prairie - Sat Aug 21 Kayak Power River Trip: Time: 9 a.m. Phone: 972.669.1663. Each month Kayak Power provides equipment and instruction followed by a six-mile trip down the Elm Fork to a shuttle vehicle. Paddlers of all skill levels are welcome. Contact Kayak Power at 214-6691663 for schedule and fee information. www. - Lewisville Lake Environmental Learning Area, Lewisville - Sat Aug 21 Music Institute Grand Opening Open House Event!: Come celebrate our grand opening with free Kindermusik & Harmony Road Sessions for infants and up. Instrument petting zoo and faculty music recital for all ages! Activities for everyone in your family! Come check out a list of grand opening activities and mini class schedule on our website. - Frisco - Sat Aug 21 Family Morning Hike: Spend a morning walking the woods of Oak Point Park & Nature Preserve with your family and friends (for everyone 3 years & older). Parks and Rec staff or another trained naturalist will guide you through local flora and fauna. Cost: $2/ person. For more info - Oak Point Park & Nature Preserve, Plano Sat Aug 21 9am to 10am Life Without Fear: A Life Skills Group For Teens: 10 consecutive Saturdays starting Aug. 21, 11am-12:30pm at I Choose Change in Allen. Improve self-esteem and self-confidence, stop negative thinking, and stop the need to be perfect. $25 per session. Call Audrey at 214-5471318 ext. 3. - Allen - Sat Aug 21 11am to 12:30pm

Family Twilight Safari: Family Twilight Safaris will include an after-hours tour of ZooNorth and an opportunity to see some of our Education animals up-close. Numerous families may register for each scheduled date; however, before a program date can be confirmed, it must have a combined registration of at least 10 participants. - Dallas Zoo, Dallas - Sat Aug 21 6:30pm to Sat Aug 21 7:30pm

26 Thursday

When children come home at the end of the day, The question they’re asked as they scurry to play is,

FIG Finale: Dallas’s favorite semi-annual sale, FIG Finale returns with women’s, men’s and children’s spring and summer clothing and accessories from the area’s top stores marked down as much as 75 percent. Visit website for ticket prices. Fashion Industry Gallery, 1807 Ross Ave, Dallas - Thu Aug 26 to Sat Aug 28

27 Friday Nickelodeon presents STORYTIME LIVE!: Come play along with your favorite preschool pals live on stage as Nickelodeon presents our newest, biggest, most exciting live show ever. $15-$43 - Verizon Theatre, Grand Prairie - Fri Aug 27 to Sun Aug 29 Tulisoma South Dallas Book Fair: Tulisoma, Swahili for “we read”, is a community-based literary festival promoting literacy and the arts in the South Dallas/Fair Park area. The goal of Tulisoma is to create a dynamic event tailored to engage local families, avid readers, aspiring writers and visitors to the city. African American Museum of Dallas - Fri Aug 27 to Sun Aug 29

29 Sunday Divine Consign Sale: Divine Consign Children’s and Maternity Sale is the metroplex’s favorite twice-yearly sale specializing in the highest quality gently worn children’s and maternity clothing, toys, books, games, DVDs, baby equipment and furniture. For more details contact Tina Teutsch at 214-513-2838 or visit www. - Plano Centre, 2000 E. Spring Creek Parkway - Sun Aug 29 to Tue Aug 31

Please visit our online

“Tell me what you did today?” And the answer they give makes you sigh with dismay: “Nothing, I did nothing today!” Perhaps nothing means that I played with blocks, or counted to ten, or sorted some rocks. Maybe I painted a picture of red and blue or heard a story of a mouse that flew. Maybe I watched the gerbils eat today, or went outside on the swings to play. Maybe today was the very first time

calendar for complete

that my scissors followed

descriptions and

a very straight line.

up-to-date listings, along

Maybe I lead a song from

with our Support Groups.

beginning to end,

We add new events on

or played with a special

an ongoing basis.

Submitting Events

brand new friend. When you’re in pre-school And your heart has wings,

Our calendar of events is free to the community. All events must be submitted online and will appear in print and on our website. Go to and click on the submissions button to add your event to our calendar. We reserve the right to edit submissions and give priority to family-focused

“Nothing” can mean so many things!! -author unknown

events. North Texas Kids  •  August 2010  •


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North Texas Kids  •  August 2010  •

Find the list of answers on our NTK Blog.

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Do the words “math homework” strike fear in your child…or you? What if we told you that we can change that fear into better grades and higher self-confidence, and eliminate the frustration, tears, and fights over math homework? Imagine how much better homework time would be. Discover how a better understanding of math can change your child’s attitude. Before you know it, your child could be crazy about math.

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