North Texas Kids July 2010 Issue

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North Texas Your Family Guide to Raising Happy, Healthy Kids

July 2010


In this issue:

Jackson, Age 8

Maintaining Balance: Children & Technology / City House Makes a difference/ Saving for College / Sudoku Chess Puzzles /June Calendar of Events


North Texas Kids  •  July 2010  •

Every child deserves great theater! D A L L A S C H I L D R E N ’ S T H E AT E R AND T H E R O S E W O O D F O U N D AT I O N PRESENT


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MNS is an AAM accredited institution that is the result of a merger of the Dallas Museum of Natural History, The Science Place and the Dallas Children’s Museum. Supported in part by the city of Dallas Office of Cultural Affairs, the Texas Commission on the Arts and HP.

North Texas Kids  •  July 2010  •


Contents July l Volume 8 No. 6



City House Makes a Difference in the Lives of Our Youth


Maintaining Balance: Children and Technology


Family Summertime Crafting


How Much TV Does Your Tot Watch in Day Care?


Saving for College


Sudoku Chess Puzzles


Redefining Progress




Emma's Restaurant Review


Ticket Giveaway!


Book Review


Craft: Summer Pail


Summer Camp 2010


July Word Search


July Calendar of Events


Silly Riddles


Family Resource Guide

All new registrations in July will receive a free guide to Where Kids Eat Free or Cheap in DFW. Go to today to sign up!


North Texas Kids  •  July 2010  •

Note from the Publisher

Minette Riordan, Ph.D.

The Meaning of Independence On July 4, we celebrate our independence as a country but how often do we stop to think, to be grateful and to remember what it was that our founding fathers fought for? When was the last time you read the Declaration of Independence? It's a pretty amazing document. My son was in the PACE program in Plano this year and he talked very animatedly about this document and what it had to say. Here is one of the more famous lines: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. " I realized that talking about Independence and Freedom and the Pursuit of Happiness was not something that we had ever discussed as a family. We have talked about our values, our spiritual beliefs and the importance of honesty and responsibility. In thinking about the upcoming Holiday, I realized that we rarely discuss what it means to be an American, what it means to be independent as a nation and as an individual. I want to raise children who are creative thinkers, who ask questions, who are not afraid to stand up for what they believe in and do something about it. I want them to care about their community

and about the world at large as we become more and more of a global community. I want them to be independent and self-reliant and excited about what the future will hold. I wondered if I model that? Am I an example of what I want my children to be? Because in the end, that is the absolute "golden rule" of parenting. Our children do what we do, think like we do (at least in the beginning) and tend to act like we do. It makes me stop and reflect before I speak or share an opinion with them. I will often phrase things as, "This is my opinion ... and here is what other's think." I don't want to create mini-mes. I realized again what a challenge it is to raise children and how blessed I feel to have two healthy, happy and intelligent young people in my care that challenge me in ways I never expected, help me to grow and be a better person. They are such great teachers and I appreciate their boundless energy and enthusiasm for all things new. I appreciate when they bring home information from school like the Declaration of Independence that I haven't thought about in years and help me to see it through fresh eyes! I hope that you and your children have a fun and educational summer and a spectacular 4th of July. Take a minute to talk to your kids about why and what we are celebrating on this historic day.

In the July issue, our theme was Education and Technology. We've got some great articles on using Chess and Sudoku to help kids get better at math. We have an awesome craft and some serious articles on Children and Technology. We also still have lots of great summer camps for kids to keep them busy, learning and exploring this summer. Finally, if anyone was offended by the article on texting in our June issue, as one mom wrote that she was, I want to apologize. My honest intention was to educate parents and kids to be prepared for what they might see coming across their phones. We cannot protect our children and keep them safe if we don't know what is happening out there. I understand that some of you would not want your children to see that information until a certain age. We will not post anything that graphic in the future. You have my personal guarantee. I hope that you will use that information to talk with your kids so that they can protect themselves and not become involved in some of the texting behavior out there. Be safe and happy reading,


Minette Riordan

Web/Media Designer

Brad Dobson

Editor of Sports Scoop Mike Kravik

Office/Sales Manager Heidi Schlabs

Account Executives

Cindy Johnson Michelle Kalman Nancy Luttinger

Creative Dir. /Designer Brittany Allen 2nd Story Design

Printed by

Midway Press, Dallas Tx

Mailing Address

Scissortail Publishing

700 E. Park Blvd. #110 Plano, Texas 75074





North Texas Kids is a Division of Scissortail Publishing LLC. North Texas Kids is published 12 times a year. Copyright 2010 by North Texas Kids©. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission prohibited. North Texas Kids encourages your submission of articles, children’s artwork, photographs and ideas. We reserve the right to edit all submitted material. All submissions will be considered for publication. Recommended article length is 500 to 800 words. Viewpoints of the articles are not necessarily the viewpoints of North Texas Kids. Materials will not be returned. Advertising is accepted at the discretion of the Publisher. Advertisers assume all liability for the content of their printed advertisements and agree to indemnify North Texas Kids and its publisher for any and all claims and expenses arising therefrom.

Cover Artist...

Your child will receive $50 when we use his/her artwork


on the cover of NTK. North Texas Kids loves kids’ art. Feel free to send us your child’s Masterpiece.

Jackson is 8 years old and will be in the 3rd grade this fall at Thomas O. Hicks Elementary in Frisco. In his spare time, Jackson enjoys drawing and painting, as well as swimming and martial arts. Jackson lives with his mom, dad, little sister, 1 dog and 4 frogs.

We are looking for covers that are unique, bright and colorful. Each child that appears on our cover receives $50.00 along with his/her picture and story in the paper. Submissions may be digital or print. Email pictures to or mail them to Scissortail Publishing, LLC. 700 E. Park Blvd., Suite 110, Plano, Texas 75074.

North Texas Kids  •  July 2010  •


City House Makes a Difference in the Lives of Our Youth by Shannon Halla What does it take to change a life? How do you make a difference … really make a difference? Well, they have figured that out at City House! Imagine stepping into the life of a child during the most tumultuous time in their life and providing them with food, clothing, shelter and security. Imagine having that child compare a shelter to Heaven because they “feel safe.” Imagine taking a young adult who is drowning in a world of homelessness and throwing him/her a life raft in the form of a home and a loving case manager. Imagine watching as that young adult transforms from defeated and scared to confident and strong as they go from complete homelessness to independence in their own apartment! These are the moments and transformations that happen every day at City House. City House is a local nonprofit agency whose mission is to provide emergency shelter and transitional residential services to children and young adults who are in need due to abuse, neglect or homelessness. With four locations in Plano, City House has been serving youth of Collin and surrounding counties for more than 20 years. Through it’s two premier programs, TRIPS and My Friend’s House, City House serves children of all ages (0 – 17) and young adults aged 18-23.

My Friend’s House (MFH) takes in children aged 0-17 who have been removed from their homes by CPS due to abuse, neglect or abandonment; or, who are placed there by local law enforcement to assist families in crisis. These kids go to City House during a time of distress and turmoil. They need a safe and friendly environment, that is precisely what they get. During their stay, the City House case managers ensure they are handling the transition okay and their volunteers (over 800 loving and wonderful people in our community volunteer at My Friend’s House) make sure they receive all the attention they need and deserve. From rocking babies to laundry to play dates with toddlers, their volunteers are the backbone of My Friend’s House! They could not operate without them. Children who come to MFH can stay up to 90 days to give their CPS case managers time to find a more permanent solution that enables the children to move into a home. At MFH, because they have a dual license to enable them to take all ages and to take children with special needs, they serve a huge gap in the system: large sibling groups. When siblings are removed from the home, 85% of the time they are separated from one another. Only 25% of those times are they ever reunited. At City House, they wanted to prevent these most-deserving children from losing their siblings; hence, they have undergone the added time and expense to carry all the licenses to enable CPS to have a place to keep sibling groups together. TRIPS (Transitional Resources In Preparation for Success) takes teens and young adults off the streets and provides them with a safe place to live and learn life skills. TRIPS assists homeless youth aged 16-23; however, only 18-23 year olds can live in one of the transitional living homes. TRIPS is so much more than a place for homeless youth to stay. At TRIPS, City House has developed a program to teach them all the skills necessary to live a productive life on their own. The TRIPS residents come in completely homeless. They usually have no form of identification, no means of transportation, no job and no family who will help. In TRIPS, they help these youth get their driver’s 6

North Texas Kids  •  July 2010  •

license and birth certificate (without which one cannot become employed), help them get a job, provide them with bus passes so they can get to work/ school, assist them with the completion of their G.E.D. and work with them if they wish to go to college.

The program is 18 months long and does more than apply a bandage to a gaping wound. The length of the program enables them to really dig deep and effectuate life-long change in these lives. They are able to teach them the life skills necessary to go out and live independently as confident, contributing members of society. The participants (residents or 16-17 year olds who are receiving other assistance) in this program are required to work and must complete high school or get their G.E.D. They are required to “pay rent” which goes into an account for them so that when they leave the program they have some money saved to start their independent lives. One of the recent graduates from the TRIPS program went from homeless to living in a dorm at the University of Kentucky! He maintains contact with the TRIPS case manager that helped to change his life, Steve Caver. “It is a humbling experience to see a life changed forever,” says Steve, “so much of what we try to do in our society is about a short-term fix, but our program is all about investing in the lives of these kids to provide long-term solutions that will lead to lifelong change.” Sadly, the need for both of these programs is overwhelming. My Friend’s House is one of only a handful of emergency shelters in the entire State of Texas. TRIPS turns away 50 to 75 youth every month. They need to hire more staff at My Friend’s House so they can accept more kids. TRIPS needs to grow and expand. We need your help to do that. Do you ever wonder what you can do to make a difference? There is no greater way to make a difference than to change the life of a child. To change these lives alters our future and ensures a better tomorrow for all of us. You can do this by simply going to the City House website and donating: Other ways for you to get involved and make a difference: 1. Join the City House Coalition by logging onto the website and clicking on “City House Coalition” on the toolbar on the left. 2. Join PACA, Pedaling Against Child Abuse, and come out and help raise funds and awareness by riding your bike!! To join, go to the website and click “Get Involved.” 3. Sponsor our Gala, “An Evening at the Derby,” by contacting Shannon Halla or Karen Voelker at 972-424-4626. Together, we can make a difference…but we have to all help City House to continue the great work they do for our youth and our community. Won’t you help?

North Texas Kids  •  July 2010  •


THERAPY 2000: The North Texas leader in home-based therapy for children

Maintaining Balance:

Children and Technology by Annie Burnside, M.Ed.

We treat children for. . . Feeding & Swallowing Disorders (including the need for Vital Stim Therapy) Cerebral Palsy • Neurological Disorders • Down Syndrome Developmental Delay • Sensory Processing Disorders and many others A comprehensive hearing screening is administered to all children admitted for speech therapy services. To obtain physical, occupational or speech therapy services for your child, call THERAPY 2000...

214-467-9787 or 877-626-7003 •

Welcome to our Family


North Texas Kids  •  July 2010  •

In the modern age of texts, tweets, and status updates, it is of utmost importance that parents maintain open lines of face-to-face, soul-to-soul communication with their children. This does not mean resisting a highly technological world that is not going away, but rather continually exploring new ways to connect with one another both on and beyond the keyboard. The new technology in and of itself is not detrimental to children and can be quite useful to them in many ways, but it must be coupled with daily opportunities for personal reflection, creative inspiration, and heart connection with others. It becomes the parents’ role to both monitor technological use as their children’s sole means of communication and to provide the space and encouragement for life-affirming communication and choices. Today’s children often become immersed in a world of technology and friendships that may seem quite foreign to parents. The more attuned parents are to their children’s interests other than technology, the better able they are to utilize those interests as opportunities for expanded connection. Parents can view all interests as possible pathways to enhance real life interactions. Parents must observe closely what truly brings their children joy, where they are most authentic, and what makes their eyes sparkle. To light the path of infusing deeper meaning into everyday life, parents must continually assess whether they are offering a true understanding of core concepts like authenticity, selflove, connectedness, gratitude and presence in tandem with their children’s inevitable foray into a fast-paced and ever-changing technological world. Parents must not only teach these concepts but also model ways for their children to integrate them into life experiences and relationships. The invitation for all parents is to actively participate in as many areas of their children’s lives as possible without decreasing their natural move towards independence. Children’s passions when viewed from an expanded perspective offer rich material and opportunity to connect with them in deep and joyous ways. Songs, movies, and all veins of creative expression (even technology) provide optimal entry points into daily conversation and in-depth discussion. Parents can utilize everyday life to dissect and review the core concepts mentioned above to expand perspective and enhance the parent/child bond. The space and opportunity to discuss the touchstones of the day can be created through a weekly family discussion, a nightly chat at bedtime, the family dinner, or time spent together in the car with technology off. Parents must be continually on the lookout for a bridge into their children’s world, while at the same time enforce time-outs from computerized communication. Due to the fact that the new technology is here to stay, to resist it outright will create a backlash for parents and children alike. Instead, the best strategy is to discuss often and enforce expectations regarding appropriate use. Parents must explain to their children why balance in this area is vital to their

overall well-being. The capacity to be inspired to create in any venue requires downtime, reflection, openness, and connection to the deeper space within. It is important for children to understand that there is a place for multi-tasking and technological communication, but it is the relationship with their own interior and life itself that ignites their highest potential. As parents give their children permission to be authentic in their choices, they must also offer them the parental insight that there are multiple angles to every choice. Parents can encourage transparency and honesty by creating a family structure that helps children monitor their choices—such as computer use on the first floor only and no hand-held devices allowed during meal times, family outings, or after 8pm. Parents should not be afraid to expect and enforce accountability, while at the same time remain open to the child’s new world. It is imperative that parents take the time to teach children that current choices affect future reality. In other words, parents should assist them in coming to understand that they are the source, not the effect—joy begets more joy, inspiration begets more inspiration, and also the opposite. Conscious parenting requires active participation in all aspects of family life including the explosive use of technology. Parents must remain extremely aware of their own technological use and their presence within the family. As parents feel their way in regards to their own relationship to technology, they can begin to intuitively reach for the openings to interact richly with their children that occur naturally rather than push too hard at the wrong time. The teenage years are fast and fleeting. There is much sharing, laughter, togetherness, and JOY to be had. As parents model balance, authentic living and deep connection, their beloved children will follow suit in their own way, through not only their face-to-face, soul-to-soul interactions, but through their inevitable online interactions as well. Annie Burnside, M.Ed., is the author of Soul to Soul Parenting: A Guide to Raising a Spiritually Conscious Family.

Emma’s Kid Friendly Restaurant Review

Big Easy

foundation for a Lifetime of learning

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“Some schools are expensive and outwardly beautiful, but when you scratch the surface, they’re nothing but day care. Carpe Diem couldn’t be more different. Here, my children (ages one and four) not only have fun, they really learn from professional educators.“ – Gayle Boone

“Being able to communicate with our baby through Baby Sign language has such a calming effect. No more frustrating “I don’t know what you want!” moments! I only wish I knew about Baby Sign when my first child was this age.” – Laura J. Ballard, PMP

“The experience my son, my husband and I have had at Carpe Diem is about as perfect as it gets. I never have an uneasy feeling or doubt that my child will be treated well, educated, and most of all loved. This truly is a wonderful school and what I consider a gift from God.” – Judy McCall

1915 N. Central Expy #200 • Plano, TX 75075 972- 424-5261 • Carpe Diem - Allen 873 Junction Drive, Allen, Texas 75013, 972.396.0909

by Emma Bonin We went to the Big Easy in Plano for the first time, and it was delish. Lucky for us, a jazz band was playing on this Saturday night. The band was really good and nice to listen to during dinner. My dad said it was just like being in New Orleans. They have French style doors around the entire restaurant, which also gives it the Big Easy feeling. You order at the counter and selfserve your drinks. My friend, Emma, came with us. Even though it is a seafood restaurant, we both ordered corndogs! They were very good and came with a side of seasoned fries. The kids’ menu also includes popcorn shrimp, chicken strips, catfish, all served with fries and a drink. My mom had the Basin Street Chicken. She said it was as big as a hubcap, and she would split with my dad next time, but she liked it a lot. My dad had a cup of red beans and rice

and shrimp etouffee and ate it all, plus some of my mom’s meal. Both of their entrees came with a salad and yummy French bread. For dessert, Emma and I tried a praline. We had never had this before. It is kind of cross between a cookie and a candy. We thought it was OK, but my mom thought it was great! We heard from other guests that the peanut butter pie was also very good. We will definitely be happy to return to the Big Easy located at Park and 75 in Plano. And we hope the band will be playing! They have a big celebration for Mardi Gras, which would be a lot of fun, too. Visit their website at for more details. Emma Bonin will be a sixth-grader at Haggard Middle School. She lives in Plano with her mom, dad, and brother, Jack. She is an avid soccer player and enjoys swimming, computer games, baking, and getting together with friends.

Carpe Diem - Frisco 5570 Warren Parkway, Frisco, Texas 75034, 214.619.0699 Carpe Diem - Richardson 271 Renner Parkway, Richardson, Texas 75080, 972.664.0203 Carpe Diem - Southlake 300 Randol Mill Road, Southlake, Texas 76092, 817.431.2549

get 1 free Month of tuition* *Offer expires August 31, 2010. This offer is not for currently enrolled children. Tuition discount is only for the Allen location. One discount per family. Coupon is good for one time use only and must be submitted at time of enrollment. Child must be enrolled for six consecutive months. The free tuition will be deducted on the seventh month. If multiple children are enrolled, the oldest child’s tuition will be deducted. No adjustments to prior enrollments. Not valid for cash.

North Texas Kids  •  July 2010  •


Family Summertime Crafting: Endless Benefits, Amazing Fun!!

by Sandy Sandler

It’s summer and the kids are excited, no school… you’re a bit overwhelmed thinking how am I ever going to keep them busy and out of trouble? Of course there are sports, video games, hikes, but the weather isn’t always cooperative and there are 24 hours in each of those three months of summer. A great activity for summertime is crafts. Crafts are great, not only because they are fun and can be very inexpensive, but craft projects have been proven time and again to be one of the best activities for quality interaction between parents and children. Crafting is a great way to stimulate your children’s imagination while spending some great family time. If you have never tried crafting with your family, then you will be proud by how readily your children take to these creative projects. Many of the major craft stores have great summer craft classes and most of them are free. Check with local stores, community recreation centers and other parenting resources to discover what is available.

Here are just a few of the numerous benefits that your children will take away from your crafting time together:

1. Increased Self-Esteem: Children develop self-esteem and pride from working on projects with their “adult” helpers. 2. A Boost in Creativity: Craft projects develop creativity, along with the ability to think and problem solve. Kids will dream up new thoughts, ideas and even methods of creating original projects. 3. Develop Patience and Perseverance: Craft projects teach persistence and the ability to systematically and logically work a project through to completion. These are all skills that will prove invaluable later in life! 4. Making Memories: Most importantly, family crafting is amazing fun. Your time spent crafting with your children will create priceless family time and memories. On the topic of making memories, there are many great summertime family craft projects you can do with your children to preserve summer memories.

A few great ideas for preserving your summer memories include:

1. Collecting: Save everything, ticket stubs, cards from restaurants you visit, the brochure from a museum, and of course, some pictures from your trip. A favorite project for me is to take these collected items, decopage them onto a board and then make a picture frame using anything from wine corks, to sea shells, or even decopaged mat board. This has an eco-element to crafting, teaching kids to creatively reuse and repurpose seemingly throw away items. 2. Journal Activities: Have your children journal about their summer days. If they are too young to journal themselves, you can have them tell you about their day and you can write it for them. They can also add photos or drawings to illustrate their day.

3. Go on a Nature Walk: You can take photos or draw pictures of the beauty you see. Then you can do everything from making scrapbook pictures to making birthday and thank you cards to keep on hand. 4. Make a Family summer Vacation Scrapbook: Give each child a page in the scrapbook with their designs that depict their summer vacation….think Picasso.. it doesn’t have to look like what is depicts!

5. Make a Family Time Capsule: This is a tried and true memory preservation idea. You can use most anything as the “capsule.” Even an old shoe box can work. Have each member of the family choose something to put in the capsule. It can be a journal, a DVD, photos, a toy, or other items. Also, have everyone write a note or draw a picture and put it in the capsule. Then let your children tape and decorate the box and so it will be until the determined opening date! Finally put it away in the back of a closet, the attic or even bury it in the back yard.

As you begin to craft and create regularly you will see that your children will grow more confident with their own creativity. They will look forward to spending this special time with the family. The best benefit is that you will be making new memories as you are preserving old ones! For more creative ideas, visit to download free projects at Crafters 4 Kids. Instructions for making the summer pail are on page 19. Sandy Sandler is founder of non-profit Crafters 4 Kids and creator of the QVC best-seller, the Bowdabra. Her frugal craft projects and activity ideas are designed to transform the creatively-

challenged into creative pros. Sandy’s focus is on creative and easy projects that parents can do with their kids and that kids can even do on their own that are both frugal and green in nature. Crafters 4 Kids focuses on projects that can be done in under 5 minutes and under $5. Visit Contact Sandy at


North Texas Kids  •  July 2010  •



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North Texas Kids  •  July 2010  •


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North Texas Kids  •  July 2010  •

by Sara Gondol, M.D.

In a study published in the journal Pediatrics, researchers found that about 70% of at-home day care programs and 36% of center-based programs use television daily for preschool-age children. On an average day, preschool-age children watched almost two-and-a-half hours in home care settings and less than a half hour in day care centers. Overall, when television was used, kids in home day care watched twice as much TV as those in center-based programs, though infants watched very little in either day care setting. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends that young children watch no more than one to two hours of quality programming each day. The AAP favors programs with educational content and positive values and discourages any TV viewing before age 2.

Hazards of Too Much TV It’s important to keep tabs on your child’s viewing habits. Studies have shown that too much television may put children younger than age 3 at higher

risk for attention and sleep problems and cognitive delays. It can rob preschool-age kids of physical activity as well as social and learning opportunities.

Promoting Good Screen Habits If you child is in day care, ask the care provider or center director how much the television is on throughout the day. Ask that viewing be limited as much as possible. Also, foster good habits at home. Learn positive ways your family can reduce screen time and help guide your kids to quality programs. Dr. Gondol is affiliated with The Medical Center of Plano and located at Starwood Pediatrics, Starwood Medical Offices, 2595 Dallas Parkway, Suite 403, Frisco. To make an appointment for your child, call 972-519-1139.

North Texas Kids  •  July 2010  •


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by Ann Dunham and Tamara Murphy

Since State Farm has entered the field of financial services, I’m talking with more families about planning for the future. While families almost always want to talk about retirement, their most immediate concern is saving for their children’s college education. This is wise as a college education will, in most cases, be a family’s second largest expense after home ownership, so it deserves careful planning. Rising college costs make saving even more important. According to The College Board, Trends in College Pricing 2008, the average published total charges, including tuition, fees and room and board for in-state students at public four-year colleges and

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universities in 2008-09 are $14, 333, 5.7 percent higher than 2007-08. For


private four-year colleges and universities, the same total charges are

$34,132, 5.6 percent higher than a year earlier. If those numbers don’t make you want to start putting money

When busy lives meet big responsibilities…

aside, I don’t know what will. The good news is that with sound planning and a long-term outlook you have the potential, over the course of 18 years, to build up a nice college nest egg. State Farm offers very affordable, simple options you can begin taking advantage of today, including tax-advantaged savings vehicles, to help you reach

With so many demands on your time, some things just have to wait. But don’t put off talking to a State Farm Life Insurance Company agent about life insurance – it may be the most important thing you ever do.

your college savings goal. You’d be surprised how even small amounts on a regular basis can make a big difference. For example, an account in which you save $150 per month could create a nest egg of $47,337 after 18 years. This calculation assumes a monthly investment in an account earning 4 percent annually for 18 years and does not take in to account any taxes or fees. It is also assumed that no withdrawals are made from the account. As with any investment, saving for college takes preparation, some guidance and, in many cases, sacrifice. Americans have traditionally

Ann Dunham Ins Agcy Inc Ann Dunham CLU CPCU LTCP, Agent 2301 W Parker Road, Suite 1 Bus: 972-596-4809 Fax: 972-867-3183

Tamara Murphy, Agent 4504 Legacy Drive, Suite 200 Plano, TX 75024 Bus: 972-943-9555 Fax: 972-943-9562

been more than willing to make that sacrifice to secure a better future for their children. By setting up a plan with earning potential, we can help our children fulfill their learning potential. There is no assurance that any investment will achieve its investment objectives. The information presented in this document does not constitute tax advice. Please consult your tax advisor for



State Farm Life Insurance Company (Not licensed in MA, NY or WI) • Bloomington , IL

North Texas Kids  •  July 2010  •

specific information about your tax situation, including any state tax consequences of an investment.

Stephanie’s Book Review The Calico Pony A Review by: Stephanie Arbetter By Cheryl Price 48 pages • Ages 9-12 AuthorHouse (April 7, 2010) When I was growing up, the childhood books I loved to read consisted of dolls and tea parties and best friends that never fought. While I appreciated that idealized view of the world, I wonder why more authors of children's tales hesitated to educate and inform in the context of their stories. For the elementary child whose curiosity is just beginning, books that bridge fantasy with reality are essential to the inquisitive mind. The first installment of The Calico Pony series has me eager to see what its author, Cheryl Price has in store for the future. The Calico Pony is about a young girl named Carol who wakes in the middle of the night to have a dreamlike adventure with her pony, Algonquin. Safe on his back, the two fly to faraway locations throughout the globe and alternate between time periods. Carol and her pony experience events from green flashes of light on a West Indies island, to France during the rule of Louis XIV, to the Northern Lights of Alaska. Through

every experience, Algonquin reminds Carol that she must never lose the ability to dream and believe in yourself. As Carol visited strange lands and even odder sights, such as a midnight sun, she continually asked questions and remained enthusiastic to learn. Algonquin answered many of her questions and taught her so much history and culture about our world. This book was part children's tale/ part history lesson. Price successfully proved that a book could be both entertaining and educational. As Carol and Algonquin arrived at each destination, I could not wait to see what I would learn about a place I previously knew so little about. For example, did you know that Louis XIV was known as the sun god because he personally selected the sun as a representative symbol of his rule? Carol believed in the power to dream and continued to keep her mind wide-open to knowledge. By the end of The Calico Pony, I think children will find themselves more curious about their world.

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North Texas Kids  •  July 2010  •


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North Texas Kids  •  July 2010  •

Make the Most of Summer! Get Ahead of Next Year’s Math Class! CAUTION: YOUR CHILD MAY BECOME CRAZY ABOUT MATH!

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North Texas Kids  •  July 2010  •


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Summer Pail

Already thinking about Back 2 School


We are 2! This adorable and useful summer pail will be fun for your family to create!

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Supplies: • • • • •

Mini Bowdabra® (optional - available at Michael's and other craft stores) Bowdabra® Bow Wire (optional) Plastic Pail Ribbon Acrylic Paints


1.Begin by purchasing an inexpensive plastic pail.


Note: If you do not have a Bowdabra®, you can skip steps 3-11 and make your own bow.

July 12th, 2010 – August 13th, 2010 (Mondays to Fridays) Ages: 3 to 8

3. To make the bow for the pail: Cut a 24” piece of BowdabraBow® Wire and

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and two loose pieces at the opposite end. folding them in a half and cutting at an angle.


Alternative Academic & Therapeutic Methods

fold it in half. Lay it into the Mini Bowdabra. You’ll have a loop at one end 4. Cut a length of ribbon for the bows tails. Dovetail the ends of the ribbon by


5439 Glen Lakes Drive Dallas, Texas 75231

2.Glue dot ribbon around the perimeter of the pail.

ADD, Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Aspergers Disorder, Down Syndrome, Developmental Delays (PDD-NOS), Learning Disabilities (LD), Speech Delays/Disorder, Neurotypical Peers

Looking for creative ideas to teach your kids to cook or sew this summer? Find great ideas and simple instructions on these two fun websites.

5. Lay your ribbon into the Mini Bowdabra. Decide how big you want your loops. To make your first loop, fold the ribbon and press into the Mini Bowdabra. 6. Continue folding the ribbon back and forth until you have created as many loops as you desire. 7. Scrunch ribbon down with the Mini BowdabraWand. 8. While the bow is still in the Mini Bowdabra, thread the two loose ends of the BowdabraBow Wire through the loop at the other end. 9. Pull the BowdabraBow Wire tightly while the bow is still in the Mini Bowdabra. 10. Gently pull the bow out of the Mini Bowdabra. Separate the two loose ends of the BowdabraBow Wire and bring them around to the back of the bow. To tie off the bow, pinch the BowdabraBow Wire securely against the bow. Twist the bow 4 to 6 times in a clockwise direction.

11. Fluff the bow and tie it to the ribbon around the pail using the BowdabraBow Wire. Spiral the remaining ribbon with a pencil for fun ringlets. 12. Begin to paint the plastic bucket using acrylic paints. For older children they can paint the first layer and wait and let it dry. 13. Then paint the second layer, adding detail onto their painted creations.

This great craft is by: Sandy Sandler, founder of the non-profit North Texas Kids  •  July 2010  •


Sudoku Chess Puzzles Spark Children’s Math Interest by Diana Zetune Is your child struggling with math? A program developed by Canadian math teacher and tutor Frank Ho uses the game of chess to help students checkmate problems with math. This innovative Ho Math and Chess™ course is now available in North Texas. “One of the main reasons children struggle with math is that they have not mastered the foundation,” says Ho. “Many parents may be surprised to learn that the root of their child’s problems with math can be traced to the basics they learned in elementary school such as addition, subtraction, multiplication or division.” “I was amazed with the impact of this program on children’s education and had to bring it to the Dallas area”, says Diana Zetune who teaches chess to Plano students and is now certified to apply the Ho Math and Chess™ program in North Texas. “The program certainly fills a gap, turning mathematical problems into fun, competition, games and puzzles. Math becomes a lot less abstract, creating a path for children to excel” The program also includes specially designed worksheets to motivate students to work on math basics. This program is the best of The worksheets combine Sudoku, both worlds: helping students math and chess all in one. Children learn math and having fun explore puzzles using chess with chess at the same time moves while solving arithmetic problems including addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. “Our research has found that the marriage of math, chess and IQ puzzles can significantly improve a child’s math ability,” Ho explains. “"The goal is to checkmate your opponent, but to do that you need to work out patterns, visualize a chess diagram and come to a numerical conclusion," says Ho. Children tend to get involved more in their thinking process with integrated materials like this, which in turn truly improves their math ability.” These findings are supported by John P. Buky, a Chicago teacher and co-chair of the U.S. Chess Federation Chess in Education Committee. Mr. Buky was awarded a Fund For Teachers® grant for the project “Integrating Chess into the Elementary Mathematics School Curriculum,” which paves the way towards bringing chess into every Chicago public elementary school classroom. In addition, the Ho Math and Chess™ program is approved by the Illinois State Department of Education as a Supplemental Education Program. “When I teach chess to children, I can see how it boosts their motivation to learn. This program offers the best of both worlds, helping students learn math while having fun with chess at the same time” says Mrs. Zetune. “Hopefully, over time, we will follow the path of Mr. Buky, bringing Ho Math and Chess™ to the Texas school curriculum.” Diana Zetune of Plano offers the Ho Math and Chess™ program, along with her successful chess classes in North Texas. For more information, please contact Diana at or 972-591-3001. 20

North Texas Kids  •  July 2010  •

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by Dr. Minette Riordan

This month’s issue of North Texas Kids has many articles centered around Education & Technology. As I continue on my personal journey of recovering my self and my health, I realize that education and technology have been a central theme in my life for the past 6 months. Since January, I have been actively trying to get healthier, to figure out why I can’t lose weight and what needed to shift both emotionally and physically for me to find success and see progress (defined by numbers on a scale getting smaller.) I have, in turn, been elated, frustrated, and down right mad at my own inability to figure this out. I am a smart person. I have a Ph.D. (yes, it is in literature, not in science but still!) I had a million stories I kept telling myself about why I wasn’t being successful. I am so grateful to Jenny Bair, my life coach and Inner Organizer for keeping me sane and focused on the positive. She has helped me to find balance and meaning in my relationship with my husband and to remember what really matters has nothing to do with numbers on a scale. I am also grateful to Betty Murray, CN, HHC, RYT for her patience and willingness to keep trying new things until we got it figured out. So, I have gotten a whole new education in nutrition and what I actually need to eat and not eat. Thanks to modern technology, I know what foods I am allergic to and stand on a scale that gives me way more information than I need about body fat, water content and muscle weight. Thanks also to modern technology, blogs, Twitter and Facebook, I have been able to share this information with my readers 22

and I want you to know I appreciate how many of my friends and readers have reached out in support and commiseration of my struggles and journey. Today, I need to focus on redefining success and progress. What I have learned since my last article is that I have to release two addictions, both equally serious: coffee and the scale. The latter has long term damaging effects on my psyche and the former, coffee, well it just makes me feel crappy but I am finding it very difficult to give up that immediate adrenaline rush. I have noticed that when I let the coffee creep back in, the weight loss stops or slows down completely. A couple of months ago, I saw a woman named Caroline Sutherland speak about her new book, The Body Knows, How to Stay Young. She was an outstanding speaker and shared so much great information about how women need to treat their bodies better and what we need to pay attention to as we age. She corroborated much of what I am learning from Betty about hormones, aging and nutrition. But my biggest take away from her talk was about the evils of coffee (which, of course, Betty has been preaching about for six months now.) She said that coffee affects our energy field and makes us feel angry and mad. The minute she said that, I realized how I feel so different when I am drinking coffee and how desperately I needed it. Now that I can get up in the morning and not feel that insanely crazy need to have a cup of coffee, I am relieved. I actually have more energy and sleep better. Every once in a while, like today when my allergies are bad and my head feels fuzzy, I might have one cup. It was an

North Texas Kids  •  July 2010  •

eye-opener for me to acknowledge how seriously addicted to coffee I was and how hard it is to break an addiction of any kind. I know that food has often been addictive for me, too, for emotional reasons. I have worked hard over the years to not eat when I was stressed. To not stuff my feelings with food, which is what I did growing up. I was a hoarder. I would sneak food. I could polish off entire bags of chips, packages of Oreos, pints of BlueBell ice cream, huge quantities of food. It is scary to look back now at how I used to eat. So imagine my frustration at becoming a healthy eater who was still fat and could not lose weight. So under Betty’s guidance, I did a special diet called the HCG diet. This involves taking a special hormone (HCG) and a few other supplements, no big deal. The BIG DEAL is that the diet only allows you to eat 500 calories a day. Talk about a wake up call! I had no idea how much I was eating before. Even though I was making healthy choices, along with the weekly french fry run to McDonald’s, I was eating way more than I needed, especially protein. I can tell you that the first few days were intense, I was very hungry, tired and downright grumpy. But like any new change, it did not last. I realized how little I needed to eat to be satisfied and to still have energy throughout the day. And I finally did see progress on the scale. To date, I have lost 11 pounds. I am thrilled but still have 40 more to go. I can see now more clearly, how that needs to happen and how even 11 pounds has made a difference in how I feel. I am walking faster, have more energy and my clothes are

more comfortable. The HCG program is a great one to try if you want to lose weight quickly, are willing to be hungry for a few days and are serious about making a shift in your eating. The long term benefit is that it is supposed to reset your metabolism and help your body remember how LITTLE it really needs to eat and be satisfied. I have messed up my set point with all the years of yo-yo dieting. I will let you know next month if I am still seeing progress. Most people that go on this program drop 20 pounds in 20 days. It needs to be done under supervision and is definitely not for everyone. So, this month I am redefining progress by focusing on gratitude, small successes and happiness with where I am at the moment. Right now, in this, moment, I am grateful to be alive, healthy and have a wonderful marriage and two beautiful, healthy children who are excited to have that mommy back who loves to roll around in the grass, play chase in the pool and generally romp around with them!

Jenny Blair and Betty Murray of Living Well Dallas.

Dr. Minette Riordan is the founder of North Texas Kids magazine, a certified coach, motivational speaker and trainer. She can be reached at or 972-516-9070. For more information about Living Well Dallas and the HCG diet, Betty Murray and Jenny Bair, visit them online at or call 972-930-0260.

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Discover the wonder of mathematics Sci-Tech Discovery Center Math Path Take a family-oriented walking tour of Frisco Square! August 2, August 21 and September 18 10:00 am – 11:00 am • $15 per family Register in advance at or join us on-site. Call 972.546.3050 or email for more information. Participants demonstrate the Pythagorean Theorem, use angles to calculate the height of tall buildings, calculate annual circulation at the Frisco Public Library and uncover many other mathematical treasures in Frisco Square. Wear comfortable shoes and meet us at the fountain in front of City Hall. Calculators and snacks provided.

Sci-Tech Discovery Center will be reopening on October 2 with the exciting exhibit Math Midway! North Texas Kids  •  July 2010  •


NTK Calendar of Events

Looking for Something to Do in Your Own Backyard or Around the Metroplex? You Will Find it Here! Find these events and more online at

July 1 Thursday JumpstART - Stories & ART: 3333 North MacArthur Blvd, Irving. FREE family story time with a hands-on art activity to follow. Open to children of all ages Irving - Thu Jul 1 10am to 11am Moms & More Monthly Meeting: Moms & More offers support and activities for parents and kids in Wylie and the surrounding communities. Please call for more info: 469-361-6468. - Wylie - Thu Jul 1 10am to 11am Summer FUN Thursdays at The Shops at Willow Bend - David Chicken, Eddie Coker and more: The fantastically fun, free show is just the beginning, with Summer FUN Thursdays continuing on July 8 with Make Your Own Pizza; on July 15 with Vocal Trash Stomping Sensation; on July 22 with Twisting Pretzels at Auntie Anne’s Pretzels; and on July 29 with Eddie Coker Live on Stage. In the Grand Court near Neiman Marcus. Reservations are not required. - Plano Thu Jul 1 2pm to 3pm

2 Friday Dallas Cityscape: It’s Dallas...kid-sized! Dallas Cityscape is an exciting new exhibit coming to NorthPark Center, featuring several recreations from the Dallas skyline -- all made exclusively from toy bricks! Tickets to the exhibit are $5 each for adults and $3 each for children. - NorthPark Center, Dallas - Fri Jul 2 to Sun Aug 1 First Friday Women’s Event: Harkins Theatre, Southlake Town Center. Admission is free. Arrive early to ensure seating. Childcare is provided through Harkins Theatre for a fee by reservation only. Contact the Play Center at 817-310-0245 two days prior to the event to reserve your child’s place. - Southlake - Fri Jul 2 11am to 12pm

3 Saturday 9th Annual Frisco Freedom Fest: Party in the Plaza will include all the traditional makings of Frisco Freedom Fest beginning at 4 p.m. Thousands of families will enjoy our largest ever to date Children’s Expo, featuring two Euro bungees, a rock climbing wall and a mini train ride! Our plaza party also includes a Community Stage, featuring local entertainers, and Hometown Hero Exhibit, showcasing our Police and Fire Departments. Frisco Square, Frisco - Sat Jul 3 Liberty By The Lake: We have an entire day of fun family friendly activities to help celebrate the Independence Day holiday. There really is something for everyone! Spend the day on the shores of beautiful Lake Lewisville in The Colony at Liberty By The Lake! - Lake Lewisville - Sat Jul 3 Liberty 5K & 10K: 5K/10K/ 1M - - Stewart Creek


Park, 3700 Sparks Rd, The Colony - Sat Jul 3 7:30am to 8:30am 30th Independence Day Parade in Plano. If you are planning to watch, come early for the best locations. The parade will start at Plano Senior High School parking lot and head north along Independence Parkway to Spring Creek Parkway. - Sat Jul 3 9am to 10am Light Up Arlington: Come join us for fireworks, live music, food and entertainment in downtown Arlington. Levitt Pavilion - 505 E. Border Street, Arlington 76013 - Sat Jul 3 6pm to Sat Jul 3 10:30pm Rowlett Fireworks on Main: Rowlett’s largest Fireworks show takes place on Main St in Downtown Rowlett. Plan now to celebrate freedom with friends and family as you enjoy live music, food, children’s activities and more! - Main St, Rowlett - Sat Jul 3 6pm to Sat Jul 3 10pm Southlake Stars & Stripes: Join the City of Southlake and Southlake Town Square for a night of fireworks, music and fun to celebrate Independence Day. Southlake Town Square Sat Jul 3 6pm to Sat Jul 3 11pm

4 Sunday Family Past Times at Dallas Heritage Village: The 1st Sunday of the month is free admission day at the Village. Pack a lunch and bring the whole family for historic fun. Participate in themed activities for everyone to enjoy. - Dallas Heritage Village, Dallas - Sun Jul 4 Plano Symphony Orchestra Patriotic Pops: a rousing and inspiring tribute to our beautiful country. Call the Plano Symphony Orchestra Ticket Office at 972-473-7262, or visit www. to order tickets online. Reserved Seating tickets begin at $8; add $2 per ticket at the door. Group and student rates available. - 2351 Performance Drive, Richardson - Sun Jul 4 Old-Fashioned Fourth: - How did Dallas celebrate Independence Day from 1840 to 1910? Grab a picnic basket and bring the family to celebrate July 4th. Visit with characters in historic costumes, tour historic buildings, make ice cream and participate in hands-on activities. Stick pony rodeo and traditional carnival games for the kids. Dallas Heritage Village at Old City Park - 1515 S. Harwood St. Dallas - Sun Jul 4 11am to 4pm Independence Day Splashtacular: Join the CAC staff to celebrate Independence Day at the outdoor waterpark. Games will be played randomly throughout the day, and organized events will be scheduled at the following times: 2 p.m. Penny Dive 3 p.m. Red, White, and Blue Water Balloon Toss 4 p.m. Flag Relay 5 p.m. Independence Day Sidewalk Chalk Drawing Contest - Community Activity Center Outdoor - 1200 Gerault Road Sun Jul 4 2pm to 5pm

North Texas Kids  •  July 2010  •

1st Annual Anna Freedom Fest: 4th of July Celebration. Come join us for the best hometown celebration around! Including: Dunking Booth, Food, Arts/Crafts, Children’s Activities, Kid’s Parade, Family and Friends, Battle of the Bands, And we will finish off the night with a street dance!!! - 4th Street Anna - Sun Jul 4 4pm to Sun Jul 4 9:30pm 4th of July Celebration and Fireworks Show: Celebration Arlington Highlands Sunday July 4 Fireworks Extravaganza 7:00 p.m.-9:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. - Entertainment Begins 9:30 p.m.Fireworks Display Live Music, Free Snow Cones and a Fireworks Display Fun for the whole family! For more information please go to: - Arlington Highlands, Arlington - Sun Jul 4 7pm to 9:30pm Flower Mound Fireworks Show: Gates open at 7 p.m. with concessions and children’s activities including a bounce house, giant slide, obstacle course, and rock wall, and face painting. The Walton Stout Band will play from 8 - 9:30 p.m. and the fireworks show is scheduled to begin at 9:25 p.m. - Bakersfield Park - 1201 Duncan Lane - Sun Jul 4 7pm to 10pm Rockwall July 4th Fireworks Show: Enjoy an old fashioned Independence Day fireworks display from your own backyard. The fireworks will be synchronized to music and the best viewing areas are harry Myers Park, Dobbs Elementary School, Tuttle Athletic Complex and the RISD Education Center Gym. www. - Harry Myers Park, 815 E. Washington, Rockwall - Sun Jul 4 9pm to 10pm All-American Fourth: Celebrate Independence Day 2010 at Plano’s All-American Fourth FIREWORKS event! It’s one of the best light shows ever, so bring your family, friends, lawn chairs and blankets to enjoy it. For more information contact the Parks & Recreation Department at 972-941-7250. - Oak Point Park & Nature Preserve, 2601 Spring Creek Parkway, Plano - Sun Jul 4 9:30pm to 10:30pm Red, White & Lewisville: The city’s annual fireworks show, Red White & Lewisville, will return on Saturday, July 4. The same launch site will be used as in the past several years, and the best viewing areas are between State Highway 121 and the south side of Vista Ridge Mall. The show is scheduled to start after sunset, about 9:30 p.m. Lewisville - Sun Jul 4 9:30pm to 10:30pm

6 Tuesday La Leche League of Lewisville: Whether you breastfeed for a day or a year, or plan to breastfeed, come join us. Call Julie 214-929-8908, Bridget 972-317-1648, Laura 972-436-8383, or Fanny 972-535-5159 for more info. www.lllusa. org/web/LewisvilleTX.html - First Presbyterian Church, Lewisville - Tue Jul 6 7pm to 8pm

8 Thursday Make Your Own Pizza at California Pizza Kitchen at The Shops at Willow Bend: The

chefs at CPK are inviting kids to stop by and create their very own personal pizza pies with sauce, pepperoni and cheese. - Plano - Thu Jul 8 1pm to 2pm

9 Friday Taste of Dallas: Dozens of Dallas’ top restaurants will offer tastings for $1-$3. Live music each night. A themed sports zone and the Kids Taste Town with bounce houses, giant slides and more will entertain everyone in the family. - Fair Park, Dallas - Fri Jul 9 to Sun Jul 11 Car Seat Fitting Station: Centennial Medical Center Frisco, 1-877-228-3628. 2nd Friday of the month. Parents will be assisted with installation of the car seat and educated on proper securing of child. - Frisco - Fri Jul 9 12:30pm to 3:30pm Cowboy Night: North Texas History Center. Learn to lasso, create your own brand, and spend time being a cowpoke. Dinner included. Cost: $25.00. - Mckinney Fri Jul 9 6pm to Fri Jul 9 9pm

10 Saturday Children’s Medical Center Presents Summer Fun Day: Escape the heat and celebrate summer with fun activities presented from 12pm to 4pm on Level 1 near Macy’s. Day will include a teddy bear clinic, face painters, storytime for children and a performance by Mad Science. - NorthPark Center, Dallas - Sat Jul 10 12pm to 4pm Northwest Park Pottery Painting: - Take a break from the hustle of running errands and spend a relaxing afternoon painting pottery at Northwest Recreation Center. - Northwest Park Recreation Center - 2800 Cheyenne St. Irving Sat Jul 10 5pm to 5pm

12 Monday Visual Arts Creative Mini-Camp: Students ages 4-18: Come explore the beauty of art and artistic styles through drawing, painting, and more, all through the unique perspectives of the great artists of history ranging from Picasso to Monet! M-F 9:30-12:30 or 9:30-4. Visit for more information Plano - Mon Jul 12 to Sat Jul 17 Second Monday Family Fun Nights at Josey Ranch Lake: Come to the library for a night of games and crafts. Meet up with other families and enjoy the free fun! For all ages. - Carrollton Public Library, 1700 Keller Springs Road, Carrollton Mon Jul 12 7pm to 8:30pm

13 Tuesday Newcomer Friends of Greater Plano: Join us at one of our regular program meetings on the second Tuesday of each month. Please join us at SMU-in-Legacy, 5228 Tennyson Parkway, Plano. Look for our signs! (West of Preston Road on the SE Corner of Tennyson & Democracy) - Plano - Tue Jul 13 9:30am to 11:30am

Gardening/Farming: North Texas History Center. Come and learn about life as a farmer, plant you own seeds, make butter and read stories!! Cost $10.00. - McKinney Tue Jul 13 10am to 12pm

16 Friday Archaeology Night: North Texas History Center. Learn about what an archaeologist does, and then do some hunting for artifacts. Cost: $25. - McKinney - Fri Jul 16 6pm to Fri Jul 16 9pm

17 Saturday “Hans Christian Anderson” presented by The Actors Conservatory Theatre: All the music from the movie and more. Tickets go on sale at the box office 1/2 hour before the show. Adults - $10, Students and Seniors - $8, Kids under 10 $7 Groups of 15 - $7 each - Lewisville - Sat Jul 17 Ice Cream Social: July is National Ice Cream Month! Learn (in a cool, hands on way) what is in ice cream and how it’s made! Free to the public. - Nash Farm in Grapevine - Sat Jul 17 10am to 12pm Picnic in the Park: Join your family, friends and neighbors at this outdoor community picnic to enjoy good food and a variety of fun activities including tennis, hikes, water play, arts and crafts, games, sports and play on the playground. - Oak Creek Park, 2537 Oak Creek Drive, Carrollton - Sat Jul 17 10am to 1pm

18 Sunday Migraines & Moms: Are you the parent of a young child of teen diagnosed with migraines? What ever the cause, migraines in children are excruciating and debilitating! Would love to start growing a support and information sharing group in Plano. www.awomanofherwords.comPlano - Sun Jul 18

24 Saturday Parent Workshop at the DMA: Join museum educators in this hands-on workshop designed to give parents ideas and tools for how to visit an art museum with children. Games, activities and art projects provided for children while parents learn ways to help children slow down, take a closer look and have fun with art. - Dallas Museum of Art, Dallas - Sat Jul 24 11am to 12:30pm Night Hike at The Heard: Cost: $12 nonmembers / $10 members. Closed toed shoes, long pants, and bug spray are recommended. Bring a flashlight with a red lens on it to protect your night vision while looking for nocturnal animals! Participants will be outdoors for at least an hour. Pre-registration is required - call 972.562.5566 ext. 237, - The Heard Museum, McKinney - Sat Jul 24 7:30pm to 8:30pm

25 Sunday Day Hike to Dino Valley: Experience the hilly terrain of Dinosaur Valley State Park. Parents MUST register and accompany children (for 7 year olds and older). If child is 7 years or younger, you must provide a child safety seat as required by law. This trip has a two-week cancellation policy. Cost: $27 per person. - Liberty Recreation Center, 2601 Glencliff Drive, Plano TX - Sun Jul 25

26 Monday Showstoppers!: Music theatre camp of some of the best Broadway showstoppers of all time. Concluding with a showcase performance in our theatre. Ages 4-9, M-F 9:30-12:30 or 9:30-4. Please visit for more information. - Plano - Mon Jul 26 to Fri Jul 30 Vacation Bible School at The Corners Church! The age range is from 4 years old through the completion of 6th grade. A special preteen VBS is planned for our 5th & 6th graders! For program details and registration information, please go to - The Corners Church, 2400 S.H. 121, Plano - Mon Jul 26 to Fri Jul 30

28 Wednesday Ringling Bros. and Barnum &Bailey Presents ZING ZANG ZOOM: Through the mystery of magic and the mastery of skill, audiences will be spellbound bya thrill-filled, mind-blowing circus spectacular where family fun is no illusion offering hours of exciting family entertainment for about the price of a movie ticket. - American Airlines Center, Dallas - Wed Jul 28 to Sat Aug 7 Leatherworking: North Texas History Center. Learn about the various uses for leather and try your own project. Cost: $25.00. www. - McKinney - Wed Jul 28 9am to 12pm

31 Saturday Healthy Images Healthy Kids Run: 5K/1K. 214-912-2475 www.healthyimageshealthykids. org - McKinnish Park, 2340 Sandy Lake Rd, Carrollton - Sat Jul 31 7:30am to 8:30am Plano Pacers Children’s Charities Run 5K: 972-976-7223 - Bob Woodruff Park, 2510 San Gabriel Dr, Plano - Sat Jul 31 8am to 9am Fascinating World of Butterflies: $30; $25 members. Immerse yourself in the world of butterflies with Dale Clark, founder of the Dallas County Lepidopterist Society. To register, contact or (214) 428-7476 x 343. texasdiscoverygardens. org - Texas Discovery Gardens, Dallas - Sat Jul 31 10am to 1:30pm

Ongoing Fun Classes and Activities Arlington Everyday. Stay at Home Moms in the South Arlington area!! Looking to get out with your kid or kids? Come hang out with us. We offer friendship, activities, and support! Our families would love to meet yours! Friday Night Open Skate. Games, music, friends, concessions and much more! Elzie Odom Recreation Center, 1601 NE Green Oaks Blvd. 76006. 7 pm - 10 pm $10 entree fee. For ages 13 and under, parents must sign child in at the door and verify their age. For more information call 817-459-6434.

Carrollton AW Perry Homestead Museum 1509 N. Perry Rd 972-466-6380. Free Admission & Tours, MonSat 10 - 12 & 1 - 5 Dallas Lakeshore has FREE crafts for kids on Saturdays. Located just north of the Galleria on Dallas Pkwy (13846 Dallas Pkwy ) 972-934-8866 for more information.

Dallas Arboretum. Mommy & Me Mondays 10am - 2pm. 10am - 2pm: Tiny Tots Tuesdays presented by Children’s Medical Center. www.

Dallas/Casa Linda Glaze Days! Saturday and Sundays. Pottery Painting for all ages. Drop in Saturdays 10:00 am to 2:00 pm and Sundays 1:00 pm to 4 Cost is price of items chosen plus tax! DFW Playin’ Around Town hosts events throughout the Dallas metroplex during the mid-day hours Monday through Friday. All events are open for parents and their immediate family to attend, at NO CHARGE. Flower Mound Story-times for all ages. 3030 Broadmoor Ln, Flower Mound 75022. Visit the Town of Flower Mound Web Site for more information. Registration not required. Color Me Mine is a paint it yourself ceramic studio. Kids Pizza Night is held every Friday night from 6:30-9 for kids ages 6 . Drop off your kids for a night of pizza, painting, movies, and more!

Frisco Tuesdays are Half Price Games - enjoy all midway games at half price! Wednesdays are Kids Eat Free (one free kid’s buffet* with the purchase of one adult buffet at regular price. *Kids 10 yrs. & under) Frisco Public Library Youth Services Programming. For more information on all programs call 972-292-KNOW or visit Fridays at 1pm - Preschool storytime is hosted by Adventure Kids Playcare. Each week we will read stories from your childhood. Friday Nights - Parents’ Night Out & Kids Fun Night Out! Call 972.668.5990 to reserve your child’s spot or call with questions. Frisco location: 2831 Eldorado Parkway, Suite 110 (corner of FM 423 and Eldorado Parkway)

be to have fun, hang out with Christian friends, enjoy Bible stories, cool music, and more! Every Sunday 10:45-12:00 and Wednesday 7-8 at Family Worship Center in Princeton, TX on Highway 380 @ Tickety Drive. (Call for directions 469.450.7437)

University Park Storytime for 4-5 year olds, Wednesdays at 3:45 pm, Story Time for Preschoolers, Thursdays @ 10:45 am - University Park Public Library - 6517 Hillcrest Avenue, Suite 110. Various REGISTER TODAY for Kids First Ice Hockey Program. A totally FREE, get-acquainted program that offers boys and girls, ages 4-8, the opportunity to ‘try’ the game of hockey at NO CHARGE. Kids will skate (4) 45 minute on ice sessions designed to introduce kids to the excitement of the sport. (214) GO SKATE Baylor Medical Centers provide ongoing classes in Irving, Frisco, Dallas, and Fort Worth. Classes include Baby Care Basics/Infant Safety and CPR, Prepared Childbirth Class, Infant/ Child CPR, Car Seat Safety and SIDS Class, Breastfeeding Class, Sibling Class, Baby Care Basics, Cesarean Birth Class. 1-800-4-BAYLOR

Wylie Visit Rescued Exotic Cats. In-Sync Exotics is home to 43 exotic cats, including 3 rare white lions! We invite you to visit our sanctuary on Saturdays and Sundays from 11am-6pm. www.

Please visit our online calendar for complete descriptions and

Grapevine 1st Wednesday of each month 4:30 p.m. Rainforest Cafe is hosting the Grapevine Mills Mall Kids Club storytime. Contact 972-539-5001 for more information. No reservation required.

up-to-date listings, along

Highland Village Join us for Storytime for Children every Wednesday and Saturday at 10:00 AM, Spanish Storytime for children, every Wednesday at 10:30 AM. Barnes & Noble - 4100 Deer Creek, Highland Village 972-966-0099

an ongoing basis.

Little Elm Story-times for all ages. Located in the Town Hall building at 100 W. Eldorado Pkwy 75068. Contact 214-975-0430 or visit www.littleelm. com to verify changes. Mansfield Mansfield Public Library has weekly storytimes for babies, toddlers, and pre-schoolers. McKinney Second Saturdays - a celebration of the arts and the community with live entertainment, spirits, and food. 7 PM - 10 PM Plano Story Times Plano Public Library System Schedules are available at any PPLS library or on our website Storytimes: Every Tuesday Toddlers at 9:30am Preschoolers 10:30am Contact Cody McMahan at 972-612-0999. At Barnes & Noble, Preston & Park 2201 Preston RD, Plano, TX 75093 All events are free and open to everyone

Princeton Groove Kids, Every Sun & Wed. is the place to

with our Support Groups. We add new events on

Submitting Events Our calendar of events is free to the community. All events must be submitted online and will appear in print and on our website. Go to and click on the submissions button to add your event to our calendar. We reserve the right to edit submissions and give priority to family-focused events.

Have a super Happy & Safe 4th of July to all of our NTK familes !

North Texas Kids  •  July 2010  •


NTK Family Resource Guide North Texas Kids is committed to bringing you the resources you need to simplify your life and raise happy, healthy kids!

Seeking Counseling? FREE 30 minute consultation Serving Children, Adults, Couples, and Families Insurance Accepted

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GROW! R I D D L E S 26

We keep kids entertained.

Black & white...

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Scraptions by Christy

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What is the best time to have a parade? March

What is Uncle Sam’s favorite snack? Fire crackers!

What did one flag say to the other flag? Nothing. It just waved!

What’s red, white, blue, and green? A patriotic pickle!

Why is the Liberty Bell like a dropped Easter egg? Because they’re both cracked!

Where was the Declaration of Independence signed? At the bottom

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North Texas Kids  •  July 2010  •

Birthday Party Fun! We do it all for you, so relax & enjoy


+ tax

for up to 10 children $6.10 for each additional child

• • • •

Allen McKinney Plano Richardson

Party includes: Happy Meal , Cake, Ice Cream, Decorations, ®

Party Favors, a Host or Hostess and a Gift for the Birthday Child.

To make reservations: Visit or call our birthday party hotline at 972.985.9285.

Now Available 7 days a week! No deposit required. Locally owned and operated by Chuck and Julie O’Reilly

North Texas Kids  •  July 2010  •


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