North Texas Kids - May 2009

Page 1

North Texas Your Family Guide to Raising Happy, Healthy Kids

London, 10 years old

In this issue: Everything Baby & Mommy / Infant Carriers: Best for Baby? / Mama Needs a Nite Out / The Art of Play / Summer Camps / Spotlight on Arlington / May Calendar of Events

May 2009 FREE 1 North Texas Kids  •  May 2009  •


North Texas Kids  •  May 2009  •

North Texas Kids  •  May 2009  •


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North Texas Kids  •  May 2009  •


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North Texas Kids  •  May 2009  •


Contents l


Volume 7 No. 5





Everything Baby & Mommy


Emma's Kid-Friendly Restaurant Review


Simplifying Parenting from the Start


Healthy KidCast


Knock Knock Jokes


Spotlight on Arlington


Craft: May Flowers


Focus on our Advertisers


Contest for Texas Ranger Tickets (Mom & Dad may need to help!)


Infant Carriers


Family Resource Guide

Be a Spy Word Search


What is VitalStim Therapy?



May Calendar of Events


Is My Child On Target For His Age?


Alexandria’s Book Review



Index of Advertisers


Spicar’s Taekwondo's Inspiration

Think Healthy, Get Fit



Sports & Fitness Programs

Protecting The Art of Play


Mama Needs a Night Out


Recession-Wise Parenting


The Science of Spying


Baby Shower Ideas That Will Knock Her Booties Off

11 Breastfeeding: Get Off to a Successful Start


North Texas Kids  •  May 2009  •


Baby Word Fun

Note from the Publisher

Minette Riordan, Ph.D.

Musings on Motherhood When I was a new teacher, right out of graduate school, I took a job at a small, private boarding school for troubled teens in Northern California. It was a great first job, a great community of teachers and counselors and my husband and I quickly made new friends. Lots of those friends were married and having babies. I went to a baby shower and was sort of stunned (and truthfully, annoyed) at the types of discussions going on and the minutia these women were totally focused on. What happened to intellectual stimulation, feminist literature, politics....We tasted baby food, yuck! We played silly games, one of which was a word scramble game that I lost because I had never heard of a onesie before. What a stupid word, I thought. As I sat there thinking that this conversation was completely over my head, one of my new friends, our wonderful librarian Lynn, leaned over and said, "Just wait, you'll see. Motherhood is a club and once you have kids you will get it." She was so right, there are so many levels of conversations, double entendres, and silly words related to baby gear that are meaningless if you are outside of the loop of motherhood. Now that my whole life is centered around parenting, both personally and professionally, I get it. We are like a big club bound together by the blood, sweat, and tears of our precious babes. We need other moms like the flowers need the rain. We cannot survive in a vaccum without advice, a listening ear and that

infamous, "Oh, yeah, my child does that, too," that can instantly calm your fears that you are the only one! I bring all of this up for several reasons. Our theme this month is Everything Baby and Everything Mommy! First off, let me welcome all of the new mommies who might be reading our magazine for the first time (you never needed us before, did you?). I encourage you to read through the great articles and spend some time finding a mom's group that suits your needs and personalities. We have lots listed at the end of the calendar section and you can find others on our partner website Second, let me say Happy Mother's Day to all of you hardworking moms. You know that all mothers are working mothers, right? Parenting is a job, a rewarding and challenging job, we just don't get paid for it! If you work outside of the home, I commend you for juggling and balancing all that you do. If you work from home, or stay home with your kids, I commend you, too, for having the patience and discipline to get it all done. We have to reach out and support each other! In order to help Mom's get some very deserved time off, Rebekah Cooksey, founder of MomsOutLoud. com and I are bringing a National Mom's Nite out event to the Dallas area. We will be gathering at Studio Movie Grill on Thursday, May 7 at 6pm for "Moms, Margaritas and a Movie." Check out our Facebook page to see all the details or please

RSVP online at www.northtexaskids. com. I hope you will take a break and join us that night. It really is all about YOU! It's also about all those wonderful Dads who take their turn staying home with the kids so we can go play, too. Thanks to all of you for your support and for taking such good care of all our Moms. We can't talk about Motherhood (yes, with a capital M) without remembering and honoring our mothers and grandmothers who have come before us. Life changes, we grow and move on, but we never lose our connection to our own Mommy or that special Granny who meant everything growing up. I want to say Hi to my mom, I love you and I miss you and I wish you lived closer. I think about you way more often than I reach out to tell you. I would not be who I am today without you and I thank you for endowing me with an entrepreneurial spirt. Lastly, I want to share some very exciting news with you. I am launching a brand-new talk show on KWRD 100.7 in May. Watch our website for all of the details. The North Texas Kids radio show will be one more way that I can bring you great local access to all the information and resources you need to raise happy, healthy kids.


Minette Riordan

Web/Media Designer

Brad Dobson


Cindy Watts

Editor of Sports Scoop Mike Kravik

Office/Sales Manager Heidi Schlabs

Account Executives

Cindy Johnson Nancy Luttinger Jana McClinton Lori O'Connell Kristene Richardson Cindy Watts

Creative Dir. /Designer Brittany Allen

2nd Story Design

Printed by

Midway Press, Dallas Tx

Mailing Address

Scissortail Publishing

700 E. Park Blvd. #110 Plano, Texas 75074





North Texas Kids is a Division of Scissortail Publishing LLC. North Texas Kids is published 12 times a year. Copyright 2009 by North Texas Kids©. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission prohibited. North Texas Kids encourages your submission of articles, children’s artwork, photographs and ideas. We reserve the right to edit all submitted material. All submissions will be considered for publication. Recommended article length is 500 to 800 words. Viewpoints of the articles are not necessarily the viewpoints of North Texas Kids. Materials will not be returned.

Happy Reading,

Advertising is accepted at the discretion of the Publisher. Advertisers assume all liability for the content of their printed advertisements and agree to indemnify North Texas Kids and its publisher for any and all claims and expenses arising therefrom.

Cover Artist... London London is in 4th grade at Tarver Rendon Elementary in Burleson, TX. Before moving to Texas, she lived in Massachusetts in an old fire station that her dad bought from the city. She loves reading, writing, drawing, painting - (anything involving artwork and crafts) and HORSES! She takes horseback riding lessons and loves to do anything that involves moving fast. When she grows up, London wants to own her own Equestrian Center, be a writer and a singer.

Your child will receive $50 when we use his/her artwork on the cover of NTK. North Texas Kids loves kids’ art. Feel free to send us your child’s Masterpiece. We are looking for covers that are unique, bright and colorful. Each child that appears on our cover receives $50.00 along with his/her picture and story in the paper. Submissions may be digital or print. Email pictures to or mail them to Scissortail Publishing, LLC. 700 E. Park Blvd., Suite 110, Plano, Texas 75074. North Texas Kids  •  May 2009  •


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Simplifying Parenting from the Start: M e + You = U s by Cynthia Frosch, PhD

In the current climate, many families are choosing to scale back, live more simply, and prioritize. Moving to a larger home or spending money on a nursery may be beyond the reach of many families expecting a new baby. What can new and expecting parents do to simplify the transition to parenthood? Let’s address three key – and free! – investments all parents can make from the start.


Simplifying parenting starts with “me” -- the parent. Reflect on your strengths to identify the many wonderful characteristics that you bring to parenting. If you are a creative, gentle person, then creativity and gentleness are two important traits you bring to parenting. Start by considering all of the gifts you bring with you to parenthood. Also consider how your own childhood has contributed to your adult personality as well as your beliefs about parenting. Knowing yourself will also help you to identify areas where you might need additional support and help you determine what you will need in order to thrive as a new parent. If you are someone who exercises daily for emotional and physical health, consider how you can meet that need as a new parent. Perhaps you can join an exercise group where you can exercise 8

North Texas Kids  •  May 2009  •

with your baby, OR walk outdoors each day with your baby in a sling or backpack. By knowing your own needs, you will be better able to meet your child’s needs.


Second, consider what your child brings to the relationship. Each child is born with unique needs and a unique temperament. Discovering who your child is at their core will be beneficial in developing a solid relationship between the two of you. Consider your child’s temperament. Is your child open to new tastes and experiences? Easily distracted? Persistent? Intense? Active? Also consider your child’s physical health, special needs, preferences, and interests. Can you allow your child to show you who they are and accept your child as a complete person?


Third, look at the fit between you and your child. If you are a night owl and your newborn baby does not fall asleep until late, then the nighttime fit between you will be quite good. Now imagine that you like to go to bed at 9:00pm and your baby doesn’t fall asleep until 11:00pm?

Not quite as good of a fit. The key is to acknowledge your child’s needs and identify ways to adjust your behavior to improve the fit. Can your partner stay up later and transition the baby to sleep? Perhaps you can gently and gradually move your child’s bedtime a bit earlier over time. Or take a nap when your baby naps so that you stay well-rested… even if housework goes by the wayside. Or perhaps your child tends to be fussier around dinnertime. Carry your baby in a sling while you make dinner. Take a walk outside. Give your child a bath. And keep evening meals simple and quick so that you can enjoy the time with your baby more. Use a slow cooker or make sandwiches for dinner. Thinking about the fit also means considering the question: What is my “edge” in parenting? What pushes me outside of my comfort zone? And how can you work with challenges in a way that supports and deepens your relationship with your child? My son really likes physical play and tickling games and I still remember the first time I heard him have a full belly laugh as a baby. I ran into the living room thinking something was wrong. But there he was laughing and laughing while my husband played on the floor with him. My edge? Being silly and physically playful. It is an area where I have really worked to stretch and share in my son’s interests and connect in a way that is meaningful to him. Naomi Aldort, author of Raising Our Children, Raising Ourselves, explains that our resistance to parenting challenges only amplifies them. However, when we are able to surrender our resistance and accept that the relationship with our children is paramount to our personal “edges,” we are able to move into a place of joy. Parenting – resistance + acceptance = joy. The bottom line: The best investment you can make for your child’s future is awareness and understanding. Know yourself. Know your child. And look at ways to improve the fit. You may not have the money to buy the stroller of your dreams or choose designer furniture for the nursery, and even if you do, you can invest in the relationship for free. The dividends? Priceless. Cynthia Frosch is a child and family development consultant, researcher, and visiting scholar at the University of Texas at Dallas. She is also mom to a 5-year-old son and creator of The READY

MethodTM, a visual guide to interacting with children from birth to three. Cynthia blogs at HYPERLINK ""

Baby word fun...

Fill in the missing letters!

__tt_e __ank_t

d___er t_y_

tin_ t__s __by

bottle, blanket, diaper, toys, tiny toes, baby

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North Texas Kids  •  May 2009  •


Baby Shower Ideas that Will Knock Her Booties Off Hosting a Baby Shower for a Friend? Here are some ideas for Charming Decorations, Touching Additions, and Fun Baby Shower Games My two older sisters recently threw a baby shower for me in honor of Baby Kate. Their attention to detail was incredible and made one guest exclaim: "I've never seen so many thoughtful touches in one shower! This was amazing!!" So, I've decided to capture some of the tips and tricks they used to host this tremendously touching event.

H ow to Decorate for Baby Shower? This is where my sisters really blew me, my husband, and our guests away. The attention to detail was incredible. There are a lot of options available at party stores as well as your typical general merchandise stores (Target, WalMart, etc.), but I'll highlight a couple of hand-made things my sisters did. Baby Clothes Clothesline - This is a relatively easy decoration to construct and makes a big impact. All you need is a couple of hooks, some clothesline, clothespins, and baby clothes/bibs/ socks. It was a quick decorative addition that got a lot of admiring glances and comments from everyone. Washcloth Rosebud Bouquet - This creative option was something I'd never seen before. When my sister walked in holding this vase of "flowers", I thought it was a real flower arrangement. Then, I looked a bit closer and was totally surprised to see all the little rolled up washcloths. Yes, she had painstakingly rolled several baby washcloths, secured them with straight pins to floral stems, and created an arrangement in a pretty planter. Baby Diaper Cake - I had never heard of such a thing until my second son was born in 2007 and I was the lucky recipient of one of these cakes handmade by a colleague at work. My sisters also handmade one - the biggest one I've ever seen actually. When I took it apart after the shower, and painstakingly unfolded each rolled up diaper to stack in the changing table (and closet, since there were so many!), I counted: 127 diapers, 149 rubber bands, 72 rosebuds, 6 roses, 12 yards of ribbon, 3 baby bottles, and 13 straight pins. For instructions that they used to assemble this (in 3 hours, with 2 sets of hands - so clearly not a job to take on lightly), go to one of these sites: Plan the Perfect Baby Shower ( or WikiHow - Diaper Cake ( Make-a-Diaper-Cake).

What are the Best Baby Shower Games?

Ideas for baby shower games are as plentiful as the diapers in the diaper cake shown above. Personally, I like the ones that can be saved for later, creating a lasting reminder for the Mom-to-be about the incredible, miraculous journey she's on. My personal top 3 favorites are:

* "The string" - have guests "guess" how big around the Mom-to-be's belly is and cut a piece of string they think will just fit around her middle. They 10

North Texas Kids  •  May 2009  •

can then either test by giving the Guest of Honor a hug, or if that's too up close and personal, you could measure their strings against one you know fits. The winner gets a small prize, and the Mommy gets the winning "string" to put in her baby book as a reminder of just how large she was when she was pregnant (don't we all want to know that later!?!).

* "The predictions" - create a multiple choice list of questions about how

the Mom-to-Be will be as a mother, and how the Baby will grow up. Questions might include things like: To learn how to address her baby's needs, Mommy will: a) relax, try a few different things that her friends recommend, b) read every Baby Book on the market on x topic, c) read every Baby Book on the market so thoroughly that she will decide to write her own Baby Book....... or, what Baby's future occupation will be, etc. The guest whose answers most closely match the Mom-to-Be's wins.

* "Baby names" - have each guest create as many names as possible using

the combination of letters from Mom's name and Dad's name. For more ideas, you can visit web-sites like: Baby Shower 101 (, or (

How to Create a Lasting Memory for the Mom-to- Be? There is actually no chance the Mom-to-Be will forget her baby shower, so this is actually a very easy goal to achieve. If you want to go an extra step, though, you can do a few different things that will allow her to have a tangible keepsake of the event.

* One idea is to have each guest write their best "parenting tip" on a card

or inside a journal. If you do it on cards, you can bind them together by holepunching the cards and tying a raffia string through the holes, or using a metal ring (found in craft stores) to hold them together. This can double as a guest book for the event.

Dress up the above idea by making sure to get a picture of the guest of honor with each guest, and including the pictures on the appropriate pages in your "book."


* The "over the top" solution that my sisters provided was a full-blown

scrapbooking station where each guest created a keepsake page for a baby shower book. We provided all the paper, tools, and embellishments (luckily, I was a scrap-aholic before starting up, so there was little investment in the essentials). Each guest chose a small slip of paper with a parenting question on it (e.g., what tips do you have to get the baby to sleep at night? what is the one baby product you couldn't live without?) and wrote the answer on the paper, pasting it on their page. Careful instructions posted in the room directed the guest to leave space for a picture with the guest of honor to be placed on the page after the shower when the book was placed into a scrapbook and finished. There are so many wonderful ideas out there on hosting a baby shower, if you are the lucky person who gets to gift a friend with this happy tradition, you're sure to make it touching, memorable, and fun. Happy Belly Rubbing!! Written by Rebekah Cooksey, Founder and Chief Executive Mom of She

is a married Mom of 2 boys in Plano, with a baby girl due any day now. You may reach her at Website is:

Breastfeeding: Helping Mothers and Babies Get Off to a Successful Start Test your knowledge of these important breastfeeding issues. 1. True / False: Nursing mothers must drink milk. 2. What percentage of American mothers breastfeed their infants? a) 10 percent b) 25 percent c) 50 percent d) 75 percent 3. A newborn will nurse _______ times in one day. a) Four b) Six c) Eight d) Twelve 4. At one nursing, a new baby will take in as much as: a) Once ounce b) Two ounces c) Three ounces d) Four ounces

6. True / False: You should awaken a sleeping newborn to nurse every three to four hours. 7. True / False: Babies will tell you they're hungry by crying. 8. True / False: A woman's nipples always hurt when she is starting to breastfeed. 9. Foods to avoid during nursing are: a) Chocolate b) Coffee c) Cabbage d) Beans 10. How long should breastfeeding continue? a) Three months b) Six months c) One year d) Two years

5. A breastfed newborn will have _______ wet or dirty diapers a day. a) Six b) Eight c) Ten d) I lost count Answers: 1. False. Nursing mothers need calcium, but there are ways to get calcium other than in milk. Yogurt and cheese may be less likely to cause allergies in a baby and can be eaten by a mother who is lactose intolerant. Other good sources of calcium are broccoli, sardines, salmon with bones, dark leafy greens, calcium-fortified cereals, breads and juices. 2. c: In 1998, the most recent year for which statistics are available, an average of 50 percent of new mothers nursed their infants during the first few months of life, and 29 percent were still nursing when the babies were six months old. There were great racial and ethnic disparities, however, with the African American mothers nursing their babies less than Hispanic and white mothers. The goal of the Healthy People 2010 initiative is to eliminate those disparities and have 75 percent of mothers nursing in the first months and 50 percent of mothers still nursing at six months. 3. d: A newborn may nurse up to 12 times a day, although eight feedings in one day is more common. 4. a: One ounce (two tablespoons) is probably more than most newborns can handle. The newborn stomach is about as big as the baby's fist. Most newborns who are breastfed lose weight during the first few days of life. But after the first five days and for the first three months, babies need about 2.5 ounces of breastmilk per pound of weight per day. So an eight-pound baby would need 20 ounces per day. Divide that into eight feedings and you'll see that a baby does not drink too much during one feeding. 5. d: Some babies have a bowel movement after each feeding. Others have only three to four stools a day. Six to eight wet diapers a day is a good sign a baby is getting enough milk.

6. True: For at least the first 10 to 12 weeks of life, babies need to nurse frequently. A sleeping baby should be awakened. A hungry baby may not have the energy to wake up and cry. 7. False: Of course hungry babies cry, but they shouldn't have to get to that point. Babies give signs of being hungry well before they cry. These signs include sucking on their hands, making sucking movements with their lips, squirming, rapid eye movement and coughing or sneezing. 8. False: Nipples don't have to hurt! Sore nipples are a sign the baby is incorrectly "latched on" to the breast. The nipple needs to be far enough back in the baby's mouth that his tongue is under the nipple, not rubbing against it. A mother should feel a tug on her nipple, but not pain, at least not after a couple of sucks. A lactation consultant can help new mothers avoid sore nipples. 9. It depends on your baby. Some babies will become irritable if their mothers eat chocolate or drink coffee. Some babies develop gas and cramps after their mothers eat gassy foods such as beans or cabbage. Babies whose mothers have a history of food allergies may develop an allergy to the milk or wheat products their mothers consume. Fortunately, however, breastfeeding helps protect babies against food allergies. If your baby develops symptoms after nursing, try cutting back on the offending food. And always check with your babies doctor if you suspect your baby has a food allergy. 10. c: The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends breastfeeding babies for the first year of life, with exclusive breastfeeding (no solid foods added) for the first six months.

Brought to you in conjunction with

Sources: American Academy of Pediatrics, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Department of Health and Human Services, La Leche League, National Institutes of Health, United States Breastfeeding Committee,

For more information on caring for your baby, visit: www.american or

North Texas Kids  •  May 2009  •


Infant Carriers

Convenient? Maybe. Best for our babies? Maybe not. by Rebecca Shmukler When soon-to-be new parents

venture into the baby store to buy furniture and register, one of the

items that is sure to be at the top of

the “must-have” list is a car seat that

Now Enrolling For Summer Camps

doubles as an infant carrier. They come in wide varieties of colors,

designs, and even sizes to choose

from. These seats, combined with

A Parent-Child Learning Experience 13617 Neutron Rd. Farmers Branch, TX 75244 972-239-8100 Venue for home treatment PT/OT programs• Preschool preparation classes for children with special needs • Staff-guided/parent-guided sensory circuit•Tutoring Licensed PlayWisely location• Small group classes

the handy base that they easily snap into and out of without disturbing

Baby, are indeed a must-have. We’ve all been in a waiting room or in a restaurant and seen a sweet little

one snoozing away happily in her

infant carrier, still buckled in from

went. The brain makes adjustments to the message sent back to the

muscles and the baby tries again.

This process of feedback and feedforward is vital to development.

This is in fact an example of proper sensory integration, a term many

are familiar with these days. The

nervous system takes in information from the environment, processes it,

and generates an adaptive response. This process when taken as a whole is sensory integration.

So what does all this have to

do with infant carriers? In a word,

surely a wonderful thing! Infant

sensory systems that are developing

disturbing a sleeping newborn is

way to get Baby from car to stroller, and from stroller to the sling at the

restaurant or the floor at Mom’s feet in a waiting room.

So what’s wrong with that? In

the beginning, probably not much. The main job of newborns is to get

used to being out of the womb and

into the world. They are busy taking in the sights, sounds, smells, and

textures of the world they’ve joined. Physically, newborns may feel

most comfortable swaddled tightly, which mimics the warm, tight

gravity. One of the most important during baby-hood is called the

Vestibular system. This is the system that gets thrown off by a nasty inner-

ear infection, when you find yourself walking into walls. It’s responsible for balance and equilibrium, and a successful vestibular system

depends heavily on a naturally

occurring phenomenon to develop properly: Gravity. The body’s

ability to move in relation to the force of gravity is a simple, yet

vitally important part of motor development.

Now think of that baby at the

quarters from which they’ve recently

mall in the infant carrier. Her name

weeks, movement begins to become

Her head control is excellent by

emerged. But after the first few

an increasingly important part of

infant development. Baby can now

hold up her own head and can even begin to look around the room. She starts to figure out that she actually

controls those long appendages that

have hands and feet on the ends. As the baby moves his arm toward that

toy he wants to grab and then misses North Texas Kids  •  May 2009  •

report back to the brain about how it

the car ride. The ability to avoid

carriers are used as a convenient


it, receptors in the nervous system

is Claire. She’s about 6 months old. this time and those arms and legs

are firmly under control. Mommy

had a bunch of errands to run today which Claire loves because she gets to see, smell, and hear so many

new things. First they went to the

grocery store. The grocery carts are

designed to accommodate an infant

carrier – how convenient! She didn’t

even have to be unbuckled. Back in the car, snap! Onto get a quick oil change. There’s a waiting room in the lobby and mommy puts the infant carrier down on the floor in front of her chair. Mommy makes lots of funny faces at Claire and helps her grab the toys hanging from the carrier’s handle. Its time for a bottle and Mommy knows Claire will probably fall asleep eating so after a quick diaper change in the backseat of the car (who hasn’t done that?!), its back into the car seat. Mommy sits next to her feeding her the bottle and sure enough, she falls asleep and does not need to be disturbed by being transferred into the car seat and buckled in. This gives Mom time to run through the drive-up dry cleaners and pick up some of Dad’s shirts. Next, Mommy is meeting a friend and her baby boy for lunch and a stroll around the mall. Claire sleeps in the car the whole way there and its ok with Mom because luckily her car seat snaps right into the frame of her stroller, which she parks right next to the table. She wakes up while Mom and her friend are eating lunch. Mommy hangs a new toy from the handle and Claire is fascinated by the black and white stripes and the jingling sound it makes when she bats it with her hand. They go for a walk around the mall and then head home. Claire had a good day full of interesting sites and sounds. Her mom feels great that she got so much accomplished, got to see her friend, and was out of the house for a big part of the day! And Claire was such a good girl. But the one thing Claire did not get to do much was move, independent from the envelope of her carrier. The infant carrier kept her comfortable and cocooned all day, but she missed the chance to interact with gravity, to bounce around on mom’s hip, sit upright in a stroller, practice sitting on the floor

Happy Fun Dough

or in a high chair. So what to do? Stop buying

Winner of Dr. Toy’s Best Classic Toys for 2009

infant carrier car seats? Or just feel guilty while you use them? Not at all. Infant carriers are safe and practical and sometimes the convenience they afford is all that gets us through a busy day! But they can also turn into too much of a good thing. As moms, we juggle so many things: we keep our households running and make sure everyone (including ourselves!) is

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in one piece at the end of the day. And meanwhile, we are trying to do everything we can to contribute to our babies’ development. So, good news! Instead of feeling like its either-or, like we are either out getting things done or at home practicing tummy-time, with a little tweak in our approach to infant carriers, we can do it all at once! Multi-tasking! Every mom’s favorite past time! So next time you face a day of errands, embrace the opportunity to use all that running around to benefit your baby along the way! Abandon that carrier when you can in favor of a high chair at a restaurant (if your babe is ready of course), a stroller in which she can sit more upright and is less cocooned, or best of all when possible, your hip! Just think – one more thing to cross off your to-do list for the week! Groceries, check. Pharmacy, check. Lunch with friend, check. Motor development while on the run, check! Rebecca Shmukler is the owner and

founder of Dynamic Therapy, a pediatric therapy company providing PT, OT, and Speech Therapy services to children and their families throughout the North

Dallas area. Rebecca is an OT herself, but most importantly, she is mommy to handsome, hilarious, one-year-old

Benjamin. Contact information: www., Rebecca@dynam-, 214.566.2687

North Texas Kids  •  May 2009  •



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OR s


What is VitalStim Therapy?

VitalStim therapy is an e-stim procedure that helps generate and regenerate motor control in throat and face muscles to help patients with their communication, feeding and swallowing needs. “We start with kiddos fresh out of the NICU and one of the ways we help them is through our Vital Stim therapy,� said Karen Gillum, CCC/SLP and VitalStim Program Manager at THERAPY 2000. “We now have 45 certified VitalStim therapists. We’re very excited about that.� VitalStim is neuromuscular electric stimulation that helps strengthen the muscles in the throat and in the face that help with tongue retraction and lip closure. The initial VitalStim study treated some 800 subjects, 90 percent of which showed positive results, Karen said. Most of the subjects in this original study were adults, although a new study, soon to be published by the Children’s Hospital of Orange County, California, yielded very positive results. “They’ve been able to avoid having pegs placed in the NICU,� Karen said. They don’t start with a child younger than 35 weeks, the point where muscle maturity is supposed to be there. They hook them up (to VitalStim) in the NICU and the prognosis is much better for those children. Slightly larger than a cellular phone, the Vital Stim unit is the only FDA approved e-stim for feeding and swallowing. It has two sets of lead wires attached to one or two sets of electrodes. It feeds a constant bipolar current for 57 seconds, then interrupts for three seconds, delivering a constant pull on the patient’s muscles. “We use it in conjunction with feeding and swallowing therapy, so it’s like being on a treadmill,� Karen said. “It’s a very controlled current. It’s not like e-stim your physical therapist or chiropractor might give you in the back, where you can crank it way up.� VitalStim enhances traditional therapy and makes the work quicker, she said. People with intact throat muscles would feel discomfort with the full charge the VitalStim delivers, but kids whose muscles are not intact like it, Karen said, because they can feel the muscles working. “I’ve had kids ask me to turn it up,� she said. “That’s pretty neat. Occasionally you get one that is so sensitive that you have to build up. Most of the kids tolerate it really well.� VitalStim trains the muscles for strength and endurance and coordination and starts an improvement cycle. The muscle is strengthened while the child is feeding so that he or she wants to eat more, which in turn strengthens their muscles. For more information on VitalStim, please contact THERAPY 2000 at or call 214-467-9787.

THERAPY 2000 is a pediatric home care agency providing physical, occupational and speech therapy to children ages birth to 21. With over 170 therapists, THERAPY 2000 serves over 1000 children across North Texas.


North Texas Kids  •  May 2009  •

Is My Child

On Target By: Jane Wagner, MSPT, PCS

For His Age?

Clinic Manager, Our Children’s House at Baylor in Grapevine My child walked at 6 months.” “My child didn’t talk until he was

4-years-old and then started talking in complete sentences.” “My child never crawled.” “My child is so cute, she walks on her toes like a ballerina all the

time, and has been doing this since she started walking at 15 months of age;

she is 3 years old now.” “My child didn’t roll over until she was 7 months old, but I think it was because she never liked being on her tummy.”

Parents hear other parents, family members, friends and teachers tell

them about children and how they are supposed to develop normally and when they should achieve normal milestones. There is an abundance of

information on the Internet and plenty of books to read, but your child will

probably have graduated from high school before you get through the myriad of sources available to parents.

Let’s look at some practical advice. Making sure your child has the

underlying skills to help him progress with gross motor, fine motor and speech

activities can be an important key in helping your child be “on target” for his age.

For the child to roll, push up on his arms, rock in hands and knees and get

into sitting, he needs to be able to work against gravity and develop good core muscles as well as good stability around the shoulders and hips. The child

learns these movements and develops the strength in these areas by spending time on his tummy during waking hours. Reaching while on his tummy and crawling activities help further develop the strength and stability around the shoulder girdle that will help the child have a good base for them to develop manipulative skills in their hands so that they can perform handwriting,

buttoning, tying shoes and a variety of ball skills. A good core as well as

strength in the upper trunk and neck muscles helps support good breathing, sucking, swallowing and feeding skills.

But it’s not just about a good “core” and being on the tummy every

waking hour. It’s also about spending time with your child playing “peek a boo”, clapping your hands, reading to him, singing songs and giving him a variety of play activities. These activities help your gurgling, cooing infant

learn to identify 1-2 body parts, follow simple one step directions and have an expressive vocabulary of 3 to 20 words by 12-18 months of age.

So, you say, “What if I’m doing all this and my child seems to really

struggle to perform similar skills to his peers?” Talk to your pediatrician.

Simple hearing and vision screens can help rule out some problems. Your

pediatrician can also lead you to good resources like pediatric occupational, physical and speech therapists.

Being a parent is one of the most important jobs you can have. Be your

child’s advocate. Your one-on-one time with your child will help him develop “on target” and help you know early if he is having problems.

For more information about Our Children’s House at Baylor or developmental milestones visit to request a free developmental growth chart to help track your child’s progress.

North Texas Kids  •  May 2009  •


Think Healthy Get Fit! by Kristi Dear

When I was trying to get back in my pre-baby clothes I had no patience. I wanted to walk out of the hospital room in my “skinny jeans” and throw out every pair of stretchy pants I owned. I became frustrated with myself when time had passed and I only saw small changes. The more time passed, the more frustrated I became, and I felt like I couldn’t achieve this goal. I came across a book, which talked about the power of positive thinking. Had I been sabotaging myself from becoming fit through my way of thinking? The more I read, the more I learned about the power of the mind, and how our thoughts reflect our actions. I realized that if I gave up on myself, and had self-doubt, then how could I achieve this goal or any


goal. Amazed at how exciting this information was, I began to apply the same principles to losing weight and getting back in shape. I declared myself healthy, strong, and fit through daily affirmations, and using positive self-talk. I went into my closet and pulled out my favorite pair of jeans and imagined myself wearing them again. Before I ate, I would encourage myself to eat until I was 80% full, and thought about how I felt bloatied and discouraged if I overate. Little by little my attitude toward myself started to change. I stopped concentrating on the negative aspects of my body and focused on the positive. I thought about all the wonderful things to be thankful for. I just had a healthy, beautiful baby! Once I stopped critizing myself, I

North Texas Kids  •  May 2009  •

noticed a change. I allowed my body time to get back in shape, and in turn this made me happier. Just like with any weight loss program it took some time, but the attitude I held toward myself reflected my activity level, and my way of eating. Instead of wishing for things to happen, I started to live like I had already achieved my goals. I realized that being a “Fit” person is much more than looking good in your clothes. It’s about being mentally and physically strong. I learned that our thoughts can make or break the goals that we set for ourselves, and how important it is to keep a healthy attitude. It is easy to be our own worst critic, to pick out more negative qualities about our self than positive, but the irony is, we are the only ones who can make ourselves succeed. Wanting to succeed at a task, but having self-doubt is like exercising everyday and eating unhealthy foods. You're working hard to get in shape but you can never truly succeed, because you’re depleting your body of vital nutrients. Positive thinking is giving your mind the nutrition it needs

to succeed, and make your goals become a reality. Try this exercise and experience the power of your thoughts. • Stand with your arms lifting up and out to your sides. • Twist your body as far as you can to the left, and look at where your left arm is pointing. Remember that spot. • Now put your arms down and twist back around so you are facing front again. • Close your eyes and take a deep breath. Now imagine that you are twisting around to the left again, but you are able to twist even farther. Imagine your previous mark and envision yourself going farther. • Open your eyes, and repeat the twist. You will see that you have gone even farther than you thought you could in the first twist, because you imagined yourself going farther. So whenever you feel like you can’t reach your goals, don’t give up on yourself. Just think about it! Kristi Dear is a Certified Personal Trainer, Fitness Coach, and Instructor of the Boot Camp Babes. Visit her website for more info at

Protecting the

Art of Play by Susan Fletcher, Ph.D

When I use to see my three boys playing together in the backyard, I

always knew they were in a learning mode when their hands were dirty, their shirts were wet, and their shoes were off. Now that they are just a little bit

older, I am glad that they had the opportunity to enjoy the kind of play that

used creativity and imagination. In my opinion, it is mandatory that kids be given the opportunity to be kids through play at school and at home.

That is why a study just released by the Alliance for Childhood caught my

attention. According to the study, time preserved for kindergarten children

to play in the classroom has decreased dramatically. According to the study, more time is being allocated for formal lessons and tests in the 268 full-day

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kindergarten classrooms that were researched.

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documented by researchers and observed by parents for many years.

Written by local author Glo Jenkins Brown

The many benefits of complex, social, dramatic play have been

They include: • higher levels of thinking • stronger language skills • better social skills

• more empathy, and

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• more imagination

• less aggressive acts • more self-control

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So instead of the kind of play that is important to child development, the

researchers found that:

“Standardized testing and preparation for tests are now a daily activity

in most of the kindergartens studied, despite the fact that the use of most

such tests with children under age eight is scientifically invalid and leads to harmful labeling.”

It’s no wonder that the same report found that there are significant

increases in behavioral problems and school failure among kindergartners. So

are the current standards of didactic curriculums unrealistic? Are they driven by the needs of adults or the needs of children? Is it fueled by the raising

of expectations that educators and society has for future valedictorians and scholars?

For parents who value play, it is important to follow and ask questions

about protected time for play in the classroom, especially for kindergarteners and other early childhood classes. Let it be known that you support the use

of simple building blocks, paint, recess games, bean trays, and Playdoh. Let it be a part of your time with your child. Finally, let it be a part of your plans to be a part of your child’s life education. Show how you value play with your behavior rather than just with your words.

Susan Fletcher, Ph.D. is a psychologist, speaker, and author in Plano. Learn more about her practice and her speaking at The findings of this study are documented in Crisis in the Kindergarten: Why Children Need to Play in School (at North Texas Kids  •  May 2009  •


Would you like a fresh perspective on your child’s Academic progress? Does your child need a boost with academic skills or social skills acquisition?

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New groups are forming every month Ages Pre-school through High School, Se Habla espaĂąol Individualized and comprehensive assessments: Reading Skills and Comprehension, Dyslexia, Language Processing, ADD/ADHD, Autism Spectrum Disorders and Sensory Integration. Visit our website for other services.

Rich Educational Consulting

Mama Needs A Nite Out

by Tessa Falk

Where the Only Limitation is the Imagination! Locations in Dallas, Collin and Denton Counties 972-447-8390 c

Fine Art Classes: t )PNF 4DIPPM t 1SF 4DIPPM t "ęFS 4DIPPM

Now Enrolling 972-423-4554 t Adult & Youth Pottery Classes t Private Birthday Parties t Group Events t Pizza Parties


I keep sippy cups in the community fridge at work. My sleeve is the latest in tissue innovation. And, at last count (yes, I counted), there were 137 cereal chunks strewn about my backseat. Yep, I’m a mama, a title I’ve proudly been touting for exactly two years this month (Happy Birthday, Cooper!). And you know what I just figured out? In the ever-widening gap between the last time I had a mom’s nite out and now, I could’ve fully baked another baby. Sadly, it’s been a whopping nine months (273 days to be exact) since my last nite out with gal pals. Yowzer! Don’t get me wrong, I’m head over heels in love with my blue-eyed boy. He’s completely rocked my world and I can’t remember any moment better than the one I’m sharing with him at any given time. But, I must confess, I crave “MEedom,� a nice chunk of down time, which doesn’t include using the restroom without an audience (an instance which, for the record, rarely occurs. Sigh.). And yes, I feel guilt-ridden and selfish about my admission, but I’ve decided these feelings are just part of the mommy package, like bigger hips post-birth. Apparently, I’m not alone in my longing. I recently heard about a nationwide happening that celebrates every mom’s need for a little break from the insanity ward — National Mom’s Nite Out. The brainchild of Maria Bailey, internationally known mom expert and author of “The Ultimate Mom,� this grassroots initiative is spreading through Facebook and Twitter like a child’s allergic reaction to amoxicillin. Held online and in person across the country on Thursday, May 7, I was beyond thrilled when I found a celebration happening in my own mamahood. North Texas Kids and are hosting a pizza-and-margarita movie-watching party at Studio Movie Grill in Addison (5405 Beltline). And while the thought of mixing it up with other moms is enough to send me into sugar shock, the part that totally sold me was the charity connection. During my little sister’s senior year in high school she became pregnant. She was terrified and uncertain, hiding her growing belly in ill-fitting shirts and baggy pants. It was six months before my parents and I found out. And we were devastated. Each of us agonized over what was best for the baby, best for my sister, and, ultimately, the decision fell to adoption. Saying good-by to that baby as I left the hospital was one of the most gut-wrenching moments of my life. But I know we are all better for it. It’s because of that life-changing experience that I’m drawn to Alley’s House, the nonprofit which North Texas Kids and have chosen to benefit. The local organization works to empower teen mothers through support services, education and mentoring and I, with a hopeful heart, will be donating jars of baby food and clothing in order to give another mama a break, while I happily enjoy one of my own. And there’s nothing to feel guilty about in that.

Tessa Falk is an award-winning writer who can’t wait to end her nine-month dry spell. She live in Little Elm with her husband, Chris, and two-year-old son, Cooper, both of whom will enjoy a night in, while mom enjoys a nite out on May 7. 18

North Texas Kids  •  May 2009  •

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North Texas Kids  •  May 2009  •

7164 Technology Dr. Frisco, TX

Join us for Summer Camps 972-867-JUMP (5867)

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Drama Kids Summer Camp has new and exciting drama activities each day for non-stop fun. Learn acting skills and star in a special end-of-camp performance. Join us for a dramatically fun summer!

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North Texas Kids  •  May 2009  •


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fun! This summer, make a SPLASH with the City of Allen! Learn to Swim at any age! Our learn-to-swim program is designed for all ages and skill levels, from pre-school to adults. (Ask about: Sharks, Minnows, Adults, Water Babies.)

Get Fit! We have plenty of options for water aerobics, including a baby & me class, swim team style practice class and more! (Ask about: Water Aerobics, H2O Works with Babies Too, Master Swim.)

Time for the ‘tweeners!

For more information on any program, call 214-509-4770 or visit!

We have programs for kids ages 11-14, including GuardStart, where they learn basic lifeguarding skills, the City of Allen Swim Team (C.O.A.S.T.), stroke clinic, and diving for beginners, too!

Mosaic Art Studio

Summer Camp for boys & girls

morning and afternoon camps available

healthy snack provided 308 Preston Royal Shopping Center Dallas, Texas 75230 Tel: 214-363-2088

6405 E. Eldorado Parkway McKinney, Texas 75070 Tel: 972-540-9767

$2 Off Any Project Minimum Purchase of $15

With this coupon. Not valid with other offers. Expires 7/31/09

Love Horses?

Saddle Up and Learn to Ride Summer Horse Camp for Ages 6 – 14 Weekly sessions June 8 - August 17 Horseback Riding • Games on Horseback Horse-related Games and Activities • Water Day • Horse Costume Contest • Horse Show Each Friday

Capricorn Equestrian Center 6101 Ben Rd Sachse, Tex 75048

972-530-1124 North Texas Kids  •  May 2009  •


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North Texas Kids  •  May 2009  •



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Do the Math. Have fun, too! Mathnasium Math Summer Camp: Kids have fun and get ahead for next year! t (SBEFT +VOF +VMZ . ' t (SBEFT +VMZ "VHVTU . ' t 3FHVMBS 4VNNFS 5VUPSJOH 4FTTJPOT +VOF "VHVTU . '


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Trot Your Youngsters Off to “Day Camp in the Countryâ€? at Prospering Farm • Ages 7-13 • Beginners through advanced • 20 minutes from Plano • Specializing in English style riding


SESSION Session I Session II Session III Session IV Session V Session VI

DATES June 8- June 12 June 15- June 19 June 22- 26 July 13- July 17 July 20 -July 24 July 27 – July 31

Campers will also enjoy crafts, swimming and a weekly horse show. •

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Miss Julie’s School of Manners and History for Young Ladies or Prairie Adventure Camp for Boys & Girls

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Bring this coupon and get $20 Off. 1 coupon per camper.

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2009 Summer and Baseball Camps Experience top-notch instruction, game situations and FUN this summer at FROZEN ROPES Summer Baseball and Softball Camps. Players will experience live games combined with exciting drills and innovative rap sessions conducted by the FROZEN ROPES professional instructors. Reserve Your Space Today! Call 972-548-8940 Visit for schedules and times.


North Texas Kids  •  May 2009  •

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Can Your Child Afford Three Months Off ? One-On-One, In-Home Tutoring

2009 Summer Camp for Girls! Fitness, Food, & FUN! 10-12 year old girls are paired up with college women mentors for 4 day sessions, 3 hours a day @ various locations to play active games, discuss nutrition, exercise, & positive body image, make fun crafts & learn to make healthy snacks!

To sign up, call Stacey Henderson at (214) 709-5159

Plano, North Dallas 972-424-6321

Make new friends this summer at

All Saints Catholic School

• We offer a variety of Summer Camps to nurture and guide each child in a spiritual environment. • Children can experience hands on fun with Eagles Soaring Camps. • Academic enrichment camps and recreational camps are also offered.

Visit to view camp list. 7777 Osage Plaza Parkway Dallas, TX 75252 214.217.3331

Escape the Heat, Hit the Ice The Ice at Stonebriar Centre

Now Enrolling for Summer Classes $5.00 off

1 Learn to Skate Session or a gold or silver birthday party. Exp. 9/1/09

Birthday Parties • Carousel Parties • Broomball Learn to Skate • Group Rates

Call 972-731-9600

at Stonebriar Centre in Frisco

. . . . . . . . . . . . .

McKinney 469-952-3663 Frisco 469-362-6693 Southlake, Grapevine 817-741-4475 Flower Mound

972-956-0963 Reserve your tutor today!

fun! PRESCHOOL SUMMER CAMP Oh, the Games we Play! (For ages 12 months through 5 years) 1. June 1-12 Balls, Balls and More Balls! 2. June 15-26 Do, re, mi-1,2,3! 3. June 29-July 10 Music Makers! 4. July 13-24 Outside Game Time! CONTACT Bonnie Rubinstein: 972- 661-5025

Catch the Camp Spirit June 15-August 14, 2009 3-, 6- and 9-week options Ages 2-14 Years

There’s something for everyone at the J!

Camp Simchah Camp Chai Gymnastics Camp Tennis Camp Sports Camp Swimming everyday. For more information, contact Laura Seymour at 214-239-7110 or

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00,00 Call u 0 moms s for d etails! ! 972-51 6-9070 www.N orthTe xasKid

. . . . . . . . . . . . . North Texas Kids  •  May 2009  •


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Where Frisco Comes to Dance! Join us for COOL summer dance classes, dance camps, cheer camps, and workshops! Ages 2 1/2—Adult Beginner thru Professional Levels Voted “Best Dance Studio” in Collin County 1997-2008.

Market your summer camps to

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100,000 moms!

Home of The Frisco Ballet

Call 972-516-9070 for details today!


Now Enrolling for Summer! Summer Tumbling Camps focusing on tumbling skills from beginner to advanced.

Knock Knock Jokes To COME

Youth Cheer Camp focusing on cheers, chants, dances, stunts, and jumps. Spirit of Texas Cheer & Gymnastics 921 W. Mayfield Road Suite 100 Arlington, TX 76015 For more information Call (817) 465-2988 or Visit

Visit for more super funny jokes!!

Fun for ALL Ages!

? y r d r e a m t o f b e i n g o n e o f t h e d a nc e v e a w u d a o o y r ers at Disne y World or on B Ha ve Summer Dance Camps Jazz • Tap • Ballet • Hip Hop

n Motio

n Kids i-10 & 13-17-8

6 &6 July s 3-5 -F e g a M For 0pm , 9-1:0 Snacks , ce Dan /Crafts Arts

June 8-12 & 15-19 All ages and levels welcome! 2 day or 4 day camps available. *Saturday classes available for 3&4 or 5&6 year olds through June.

Motion Center For Dance 6221 Chapel Hill Blvd. • Plano, TX. 75093



North Texas Kids  •  May 2009  •

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OFF ages


OFF ages 12 & hen you si gn up for weeks of 2 Summer C amp. With coupon. E xpires 6-15 -09 Under. W

~ ! This summer is go i n g t o b e F U N!! W O W Does your child... Love horses? Want to learn to ride?

School-Age Summer Camp 2009

Send them to an English Riding Camp at Colonial Equestrian Center


Camp is full of fun, friends, excitement and learning new things... sign up now!!

• 10 Miles East of McKinney • Ages 6 and up • Small Groups • Horse Care & Grooming • Swimming • Games, Crafts & More Riding lessons & horse boarding year round.

Cross Curricular Programs • Investigate pollution of our oceans • Float objects in the air • Discover the medieval times • Dance • Chinese • Spanish • Field Trips & more Extracurricular Activities Chess • Piano • Violin • Computer • Karate (972) 618-1688 6509 Independence Pkwy (N. of Spring Creek)

Cinco de mayo 2009

• Cinco de Mayo is the celebration of the courage of the Mexican people during the battle of La Batalla de Puebla on May 5th, 1862. • Means 5th of May in Spanish. • Started around 1967 by students from California State University that wanted a celebration to recapture their history and identity. • Everybody is there to have fun and make noise with whistles, rattles and horns. In most towns there are fairs set near the squares where people enjoy food, dancing, rides and games. • Cinco de Mayo ends with the traditional shouts of ¡Viva Mexico! and people looking forward to the next National Holiday: El 16 de Septiembre Día de la Independencia de Mexico”, where we’ll have the chance to celebrate once again! Cinco de Mayo 2009 Festival in Lewisville on Main Street • Saturday, May 2, 2009 • 9am to 5pm

North Texas Kids  •  May 2009  •


May Flowers

Supplies needed: Glass vase

Enamel paints

Construction paper Scissors

Family photos Glue Tape

Green pipe cleaners


Fingerprint Vase & Photo Flowers A fun spring craft perfect for Mother's Day, Grandparent's day or just to bring in some May Flowers!


Prepare the glass vase by making sure it is clean, dry and label-free.


To make the flowers, carefully dip fingertips into the paint. Dot on the glass to form flower shapes, using alternate colors for the petals.


Set the vase aside and let dry according to the directions on the paint bottle.


Meanwhile, cut simple flower shapes out of construction paper.


Cut photos into small circles. Glue each photo circle to the center of a flower.


Tape a green pipe cleaner to the back of each flower.


Trim the pipe cleaners as needed to fit the fingerprint vase.

Thank you to Kaboose Inc. Funschool for this great craft. Please visit their awesome website at for other super fun activities!


red by Sponso as Kids x North O & Mom's


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4550 N. Garland Ave., Garland, TX 75040

Visit for more details 30

North Texas Kids  •  May 2009  •

1/2 mile south of George Bush Tollway


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North Texas Kids  •  May 2009  •


Emma’s Kid Friendly Restaurant Review

The Franchise Grill

3000 Custer Road, Suite 345 • Plano, TX 75075 (At the Southeast corner of Custer and Parker) 972-599-7598

by Emma Bonin The Franchise Grill is a fun, sporty bar and restaurant in Plano. They have a lot of booths, tables, and bar stools set up so you can see the many TVs. We went here because my dad and brother wanted to watch the Final Four of the March Madness basketball tournament. This was the right place to go because I think I counted 25 TVs! The waitress brought us a sound box, a wireless speaker, so that we could hear the game at our table. You can also play trivia and virtual golf. It’s a nice neighborhood kind of place. On our way in, we bumped into Minette and Brad (of North Texas Kids) and we also saw our friend Ken and his son. They were having a “boys’ night out” and watching the Final Four. I ordered the chicken strips. My mom really liked the fact that the chicken was not processed parts but quality meat, lightly breaded. My brother, as usual, got a hamburger. I’m

pretty sure he liked it enough to eat the whole thing. My dad had the fish and chips which he said was cooked just right. My mom had the chicken quesadillas. She said they were really good, stuffed with avocado, pico, black beans, and chicken. The kids’ menu also offered grilled cheese sandwich, quesadillas, pizza, noodles and sauce, and cheese sticks. This is quite a variety to choose from. Dessert options included carrot cheesecake, classic cheesecake and molten lava cake, which sounds really good. We’ll have to try it on our next visit. Yes, I know I always say this, but it’s true, we will be back! Emma Bonin is a fourth-grader at Hughston Elementary. She lives in Plano with her mom, dad, and brother, Jack. She is an avid soccer player and enjoys swimming, computer games, baking, and getting together with friends.


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North Texas Kids  •  May 2009  •

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Printing and Mailing

With Nurse Christie “we talk about everything from croup to poop”

Dealing With Loss

I hope everyone is enjoying these first weeks of Spring! There is so much fun to be shared with children during this time. However, no season in particular is free from challenges and a child learning to live with the loss of a loved one or a pet can indeed be a struggle. I lost my father to leukemia in March. I needed to be sure that I dealt with this event in the most appropriate way possible with my children. In order to do this, I recalled some of these important facts: 1. Be honest and clear. As parents, we often want to shield our children from death and dying so we sometimes say, “Grandpa has gone to sleep for a long, long time,” or “Grandma has gone away,” but in our effort to protect our children, we can inadvertently cause confusion, anxiety and distrust. Children may also have many questions such as, “Where does Grandpa go? Will he ever come back? Is he in pain?” Be honest and give enough information so that your child understands but is not frightened by too many of the details.

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2. Allow your child (and yourself) to express their feelings. They may express sadness, anger, fear, denial and guilt when experiencing loss. Let them know that their feelings are normal and allow them to say “goodbye” when possible. Parents can be role models by talking about how they feel. Offer encouragement and comfort when they do come to you. Children may also begin to fear that their parent is at risk for dying too. Reassure them that you are healthy and will likely live for a very long time. 3. Consider your child’s level of emotional development. Younger preschool age children are egocentric and have “magical thinking” so they might believe they caused the death by having mad or bad thoughts towards that person. Preschoolers may become fearful that if they go to sleep, they won’t wake up. Some may not realize the permanence of death. School-aged kids (7 and older) typically understand that death is permanent. Empathy toward your child and encouraging them to talk about their feelings are two very important things you can do to help your child after experiencing a loss. For more information about child health and safety, join us at You can

listen to our show directly from the website (for free, of course) or download it to your iPod and take us

with you! Our topics include a wide range of information such as Breastfeeding, Boogers and Colds, Teens and Technology, Soothing a Cranky Baby….basically “everything from croup to poop!” Just

remember the information given here or via our podcast is not meant to replace medical attention so if you have specific concerns about your child’s health, please see your healthcare provider.

Happy Mother's Day !! North Texas Kids  •  May 2009  •


Spotlight on Arlington fun events... Event:

20th annual Cardboard Boat Regatta Just when you think you’ve seen it all! The 20th annual Cardboard Boat Regatta sets sail on May 2 and challenges amateur boat

builders to design, build and navigate boats made entirely of corrugated cardboard. Come and enjoy the fun as you watch the

masterful maneuvers of boats braving the waves at Six Flags Hurricane Harbor. May 2, 2009 • Six Flags Hurricane Harbor, Arlington •


Glow in the Park Parade at Six Flags

The park streets come to life like never before with state-of-the-art floats, incredible light design and Cirque-style music. Top it off with fluid choreographed numbers, and throw in a little Texas flavor for added fun! Coming Late May • June 20, 2009 • Six Flags Park, Arlington


Texas Scottish Festival & Highland Games

The skirl of the Pipes, the cheers of encouragement for the Athletic events, and the swirling of the Highland Dancers reminds all Scots of our rich and glorious heritage. We gladly share this heritage with our friends this weekend at our 23rd annual festival. June 5-6-7, 2009 • Visit for times, prices and details.


The Jonas Brothers World Tour

One thing is for sure, the Jonas Brothers are all ready to keep the momentum going strong. “We go crazy on stage!”, “It’s so much fun!” says Kevin about his experience on the Jonas Brothers tour. 7:00 pm • June 20, 2009 • Dallas Cowboys Stadium, One Legends Way • Arlington Event:

Music Beneath the Stars at Six Flags

Check out the hottest up-and-coming concert talent during the STARBURST® Summer Concert Seried, featuring Raven,

Miranda Cosgrove, Boys Like Girls, Mitchel Musso, Metro Station and more! Free with your Season Pass or park admission. 7:00 pm • Summer 2009 • Six Flags Park, Arlington

mommy’s picks on where to go and what to do in Arlington... do out and n. Step e to g in rl in A h g a liv heatre e. Watc T g e n v a h lo y c a s We t for a g is alw differen dancin g in d n th a e c itten si som been b the mu n have on with ti re c ild u h d c n pro lasses . My ow taking c erience are now an exp d n a g u a cting b n a u e a h th S by there. Al’s H ambu rger s his wif is a gre e alon at fam g with ily pla aweso all of ce. A me. P th eir em l and e rfect o The b p loyee ld-fash est pla s are io c e n just e to you d d burg go for on’t h ers an a warm ave to d fries weari fa . mily g worry ng, if reetin abou the kid g– t wha being s are a t with fa y o u li ttle no are mily! locate isy, etc Great d at th . It’s ju break e corn st like fa Green st, too er of N Oaks ! They orth C Blvd. in a re o ll ins (15 North 7) and Arling ton. - Susa n A.


North Texas Kids  •  May 2009  •

m& Tea Roo elsea’s h C to e one party. Th we’ve g birthday s r’ For years te h e g ffl s, dau olate tru e for my ith choc w , Boutiqu y rt a There ap gle tea. ave a te and gig s p girls all h to n eep muffi hildren k cookies, nd the c a teapot y n o ceives a rem lways re ning ce ay girl a d is a crow th ir b e ! ns and th ial place the crow - Gayle ery spec v A . ra tia d n o m dia

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around town...

quick facts... l Arlington is the 50th largest city in the United States, by population and rank. Estimated current population is 350,370. l Arlington was founded in 1875 along the Texas and Pacific Railroad. The city was named after General Robert E. Lee’s Arlington House. l Approximately 6.8 million people visit Arlington each year! l Arlington is the future home of the Dallas Cowboys. The Cowboys’ new stadium will host Super Bowl XLV in 2011.

Thank you to the City of Arlington Parks and Recreation Department.

Find Something for Everyone at coming next month... Spotlight on Allen!!

One of 3 Fabulous Locations! Fort Worth: Near the Ridgmar Mall 817-737-2242 Putt-Putt Golf, Batting Cages and a State-of-the-art Gameroom. South Arlington: Near the Parks Mall 817-467-6565 Mini Bowling Center, Golf, Batting and Games.

vity tive acti ue crea iq n u a hool is classes, rt Art Sc weekly Art Sma ey offer rn to Th . ily m can lea hole fa tc. You e s, p for the w m nd mer Ca acrylic a ps, Sum pencil, d re lo worksho o reat il and c y offer g ith penc and the s ic m draw w ra ting, ce -Alicia lor pain waterco s! partie birthday

Hurst: Near the Northeast Mall 817-589-0523 2 Go-kart Tracks, Carnival Rides, Bumper Boats, Putt-Putt Golf, Motion Seat Theater, Mini Bowling Center and Gameroom.

When it warm s up I Arling love ta ton. Y king m ou ha $5 or a y kaya v e to buy n ann k to La either u al perm ke exerc a dail it for $ ise, ch y perm 25, bu eape it for r t th I fi an the gure it ’s grea gym a t nd I c an rela The n ew an x. d la rge Pa on Pa rk Row r k Ro - April w Me is a w alway dical onderf s trea & u D l m t ental me lik edica they a e I’m l facilit llow w part o y. The alk-ins f the fa y ! mily a nd - Mari a

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Limit 1 per person May not be combined with other discounts or offers. Expires: 08-31-2009

Visit us online for all the North Texas Kids  •  May 2009  •

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North Texas Kids  •  May 2009  •

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Focus on our Advertisers... A Child Safe Home At A Child Safe Home, we offer a total home safety inspection. Our licensed Texas Real Estate Commission Professional Inspector, TREC # 10070, will do a room by room inspection of your home and deliver a printed report detailing the safety items that need to be addressed. Sometimes it is a product that does the trick, but most of the time it is awareness. Most-in home inspections take about one or two hours, depending on the size of the house and the time needed to discuss any questions after the inspection. In most cases product installations can be done that very same day. The products that we install are professional quality and cannot be found at most retailers. The products are constantly being reviewed and tested. We do not recommend or sell anything that we would not use in our own home. Child-proofing your home allows your new explorer to move through their environment with fewer restrictions. The proper placement of quality safety products allows you peace of mind and your child freedom to try out his new legs, not to mention his new independence. The reality is that parents can’t be by their child’s side every minute of the day, child-proofing your home, while not a substitute for adult supervision, adds an extra layer of protection. Please remember that as your child grows, your child-proofing needs will change. A Child Safe Home can also conduct car seat installation inspections. More than 80% of car seats are installed incorrectly or are using unapproved accessories. We have nationally trained and certified Child Passenger Safety Technicians on staff to conduct these checks. A Child Safe Home creates DIGIKIDS® Child ID cards onsite in area daycares, schools and business sponsored safety events. A Child Safe Home is a proud member of The International Association for Child Safety, Safe Kids Dallas and the Allen Chamber of Commerce. To learn more about child safety, call 972-838-3944 or send me an email,

It’s a Sensory World “It’s a Sensory World!” is a gym that caters to the recreational and social needs of children of all abilities, especially those with developmental delays and sensory dysfunction. We fill the gap between therapy and mainstream recreation. In our gym, children can participate in safe and fun-filled activities at their individual level. Our vision is to create a sense of community, where children of all abilities and their parents network and fulfill their extracurricular needs in a nurturing environment. During the peak of winter and in the dog days of summer, our children need a weather-independent place to jump, swing and move. Vigorous exercise has been shown to increase attention, body awareness and help regulate their “engines”, thus decreasing inappropriate behavior. We are the perfect place to supplement therapy or work on home treatment programs. Every new skill takes hours of practice to master. However, children who are in therapy for gross motor, fine motor or sensory issues have no place to practice and maintain newly acquired skills. We offer a facility where children can do their “therapy homework”. “It’s a Sensory World!” presents opportunities for parents to network.

We strongly believe that empowering parents to work with their own special children has the greatest impact on their rehabilitation. We also offer group classes that focus on social skills in the context of play. Our most successful group is the preschool preparation class in which we focus on early cognitive concepts, transitioning, classroom readiness and appropriate behavior. For more information please visit or call 972-239-8100.

Spicar’s Martial Arts - Southlake We are a professional martial arts center serving communities in and around Southlake. We are a certified member school of Taekwondo America, a national organization and a leader in martial arts education for kids, teens and adults. Our students develop self-discipline, patience, focus, respect as well as self-defense in a fun and safe environment. Mr. Spicar and Ms. Stolkova, owners of the center, are senior certified instructors with Taekwondo America and have years of teaching experience. “We are a positive school” says Mr. Spicar “and we always try to bring out the best in each of our students. Be it a child, a teenager or an adult”. We are a classical school. We have very high standards for our students. We have strict uniform requirements and code of conduct in class. We have a strict hierarchy and students must earn their way up the hierarchy. We teach the oldest style of Taekwondo, a Korean martial art and also the most practiced martial art in the world, and we teach a very self-defense oriented version of the art. But most of all we use martial arts training to help people be betterrounded individuals in their daily lives. So yes, we are a very classical school. However, we have Americanized our approach to students and how we relate to them. In other words, we do not adhere to all the customs and practices of eastern training. We hate being bowed to every ten seconds. We do not teach our classes in Korean language, teach Korean culture, or oriental philosophy. Not only have we forgone some cultural differences over the years, we have kept up to date with the science of exercise to find better ways to train safely and motivate our students. Old training drills deemed to be potentially harmful are done away with and better methods for achieving the same results are used. In those terms, we are more modern and American in our approach. For more information visit or call 817- 488-6009.

Collin Creek Mall hosts

Kiwanis Butterfly Festival

Tuesday, May 5 through Sunday, May 10

Visitors will be able to enjoy a walk through a conservatory lined with a kaleidoscope of colors from ƒlowering plants, water fountains and butterƒlies of every shape and size. The butterƒlies are imported from Florida and will be released into an 800-square-foot mesh tent that will be in the Center Court on the lower level. The delicate creatures live throughout the week, enjoying the nectar in the specially selected plants that are in the tent. Each visitor will be given a cotton swab soaked in Gatorade to entice the butterƒlies to alight on the swab for an up-close experience. Hours for the Butterƒly Festival are Tuesday through Saturday from 9:00a.m. to 6:00p.m. / Sunday from 12:00 noon to 6:00p.m. Tickets: $3.00 for children /$6.00 for adults. or 972.422.1070.

North Texas Kids  •  May 2009  •


Sports Scoop

Jackie Chan and Bruce Lee Inspired Southlake- based Spicar’s Taekwondo by Mike Kravik

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Visit for 50 Great JOIN HANDS DAY Project Ideas that Work!


North Texas Kids  •  May 2009  •

While many kids who play organized sports aspire to be the next LeBron James or Tiger Woods of their chosen sport, the great benefit most kids receive from sports center around all the various life lessons that are taught along the way. Taekwondo is another sport that teaches life lessons, perhaps some of the most important. Adam Spicar (pronounced “spycar”) grew up in the Czech Republic and arrived in United States as a foreign exchange student in 1996. After returning to the Czech Republic to fulfill his compulsory military service, Spicar came back to the United States (along with his girlfriend Lucie Stolkova) for good in 2001. Long fascinated by Jackie Chan and Bruce Lee movies in his youth, Spicar had some martial arts training in the military that struck a personal chord within and he suddenly knew what he wanted to do with his life. Upon landing in Lexington, Kentucky one of the first things Spicar did was to go about finding the best martial arts teacher available. In February 2003, Spicar met Sid Nelson who would eventually become his martial arts instructor, mentor and father figure. Spicar and Stolkova would both have their lives forever changed. Explains Spicar, “We both fell in love with the class right away because it was an individual sport where you could be as good as you wanted to be. We couldn’t learn enough new kicks, new techniques or new blocks and we kept asking Mr. Nelson ‘What’s next?’ “ Within two years, both Spicar and Stolkova had their black belts and were helping Nelson teach classes. As time progressed, the young couple grew hungry to run their own shop but did not want to stray too far from Nelson who was the closest thing to family in this country that they had. Spicar recollected, “We looked in Kentucky, Ohio and Tennessee, every place we

could that was somewhat close to Lexington and Mr. Nelson but the economy was not very good in those places.” In early 2008, Spicar was brought to Texas for a martial arts presentation and toured the area. He couldn’t believe what he saw. Spicar beams when he says, “I just loved it. It was one of those moments where I knew it was a matter of just finding the right city at the right place at the right time. I told Lucie when I got back, ‘Texas is where we’re going.’” Under the Taekwondo America umbrella, a martial arts national organization, Spicar’s Martial Arts opened in Southlake later that year and now has over 120 students of all ages enrolled. Part of the appeal with martial arts is that its teachings are steeped in history. As traditional as the sport has become it has also continued to evolve. As recently as the 1970’s and 80’s it wasn’t unheard of for instructors to teach Taekwondo without mats, body shields or sparring gear and also demand that their students do knuckle push-ups on hardwood floors. While instructors and students may have thought they were being tough their bodies inevitably began to breakdown. Taekwondo students

in their 40’s and 50’s saw their bodies wracked with arthritis and they had trouble walking. Spicar says “Back in the day instructors weren’t looking into the future and would end up abusing their body

Sports Scoop

over the long haul all because they thought what they were doing made them tough. The sport has changed. You can train tough but you must also respect your body.” Spicar believes in using padded mats, head gear, gloves, body shields and kicking targets for practice and plainly says, “It just makes sense. I want both me and my students to be able to physically do this when we’re all older.” What also helps set Spicar’s facility apart is that he doesn’t just bark orders to his students. Instead, both he and Lucie get in the trenches with their students and do the kicks, the blocks and the punches with them. Spicar remarks, “It’s easier to learn when you actually see what your instructor wants you to do as opposed to having him tell you. I also think it also gives the instructor more credibility and respect.” With so many different martial arts to choose from I asked Spicar why he wanted to teach Taekwondo. Without pause he said, “It comes to students more naturally and it allows them to become very proficient in a short period of time.” There is usually a three to four week transition period where students

learn what is expected of them and most see measurable results within three to six months. Students at Spicar’s are kids ages 4 and up, teens and adults. The classes tend to be evenly split between the sexes of all ages. There are several reasons that Spicar chose to run his facility in Southlake. The people were as friendly as the business climate. He loved the weather and he knew the demographics were ripe for success but he also knew Southlake provided him with the opportunity to not only run a successful business but also make a difference in the lives of potential students who grow up in affluent surroundings. Spicar says, “Southlake is a wonderful place to live and many of the adults and children here have no idea how truly blessed they are.” Taekwondo students of every age not only learn self-defense but they also learn discipline. More importantly, students become insatiable for discipline at a critical age in personal development because they realize how many ways it can help them in most aspects of their lives. While self-defense, discipline and the ability to focus are the primary lessons that are taught, students also enjoy the added benefits of losing weight and toning their bodies. Executives love the classes because it is a wonderful way to relieve stress in their lives. When pressed on whether or not he would have done anything differently since arriving in America, Spicar shakes his head and says “I miss Mr. Nelson dearly because he is like family to both of us but Texas is the place for both of us.”

Meet Max & Joey Buddy Detectives! Great new book for young readers who love a good mystery! Written by local author Glo Jenkins Brown This is a fantasy mystery novel about Joey Taylor and his lovable rescue dog Max, who witnesses a hit-and-run accident.

Schedule an author visit today!

Buy it today on! North Texas Kids  •  May 2009  •


Sports & Fitness Programs Ask us about Camp! What’s NEWSummer at the RISE!

Summer Camps starting in June 2009 Paramount Fitness Training for youth athletes Summer Youth Soccer register by 5.28.09 Ultimate Frisbee for Adults Register Now

Bring this ad to RISE to receive $10.00 off any of the above listed programs.

National Teachers Day = First Tuesday in May Teacher Appreciation Week = First Full week in May National Teacher Day is part of a week-long celebration honoring our teachers. On Teacher Day, be sure to honor the special teachers in your life for the hard work they do each day.

Showing Teacher Appreciation 1. Host a classroom party 2. Write a note or poem 3. Homemade Treat or Craft 4. Make a Craft 5. Send a Telegram 6. Make a donation in their name 7. Smile and tell your teacher “Thank you!”

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North Texas Kids  •  May 2009  •

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Recession-Wise Parenting: by Leslie Leyland Fields

4 Parenting Myths to Break in Hard Times

Parenting is no easy road. As a mother of six, with 21 years logged on my pedometer, I’m the first to admit it. During recession, families experience even more stress. But it’s possible to discover some upsides of this downturn, especially as a parent. There is no better time to look at our own values and the values we are passing on to our children. Here are four parenting myths many of us believe that lead to frustration, guilt and worse. Breaking free from these myths can set us and our children on a new path toward a better life, regardless of our family finances. Myth 1: It’s our job as parents to protect our children from economic need We often want to hide from our children our own financial struggles, wanting to preserve their security and happiness. We may make great sacrifices in our own lifestyle, but hesitate to alter our childrens’. But children are far more resilient than we realize. If we shelter them completely, they’ll miss the opportunity to learn crucial life skills they’ll need as adults.

Truth: It’s our job to prepare our children to become independent, resourceful adults. Our children can learn far more life skills through hardship than through comfort. Take this real-life opportunity to teach flexibility, budgeting, self-restraint, the pitfalls of buying on credit, and other lessons that will enable them as adults to live within their means and to minimize their own future debt. If you can impart these lessons, you’ll give your children benefits that can last a lifetime. Myth 2: Good parenting leads to happy kids We often think the best measurement of our parenting is how happy our children are. If we’re doing a good job, our children will be content. Toward this goal, we can engage in all kinds of questionable behavior. At least half of all American children have a television in their bedrooms, for example, despite the growing evidence that it erodes health, study and sleep habits. (New York Times, March 4, 2008) Many of us go into debt for our children, providing lavish birthday parties and exotic vacations. As obesity rates soar, we fix the foods our children clamor for instead of what they need.

Truth: Our job as parents is not to make our children happy, but to help them become “good:” compassionate, honest, responsible, hard-working. We need to do for our children what they cannot do for themselves: distinguish between their short-term

happiness and their long-term good. Myth 3: We can measure the success of our parenting by the achievements of our kids This is a good time to evaluate our definition of success. We all want to be successful parents with successful children. But this current obsession is leading to all kinds of well-reported excesses, including over-parenting and over-scheduling. Competition often begins even before preschool as parents jockey to increase their child’s competitive edge. Increasingly, parents seem to view child-rearing as a kind of race or test. Truth: Our kids’ worth is based simply on their presence, not their performance. We need to let go of our obsession with success, both for our sakes and our children’s. Our children need breathing room and unstructured play time. Most of all, we need to value and love our children not for their achievements and potential, but simply because they are ours, they have been entrusted to us, and we love them just as they are right now.

Myth 4: My value as a parent can be measured by the lifestyle I can provide for my family Many of us get caught in this myth, believing that our primary job as a parent is to provide not only the necessities but the niceties of life for our family as well. Our consumer culture encourages us to define our worth to our family in economic terms. But our primary worth to our children has little to do with our paycheck.

Truth: My highest value as a parent is the love and care I can give to my family. Americans are now working more hours than any other industrialized country. Some parents have little choice in their work hours; others do. It’s key to remember that what our children need most from us is not an extravagant house or a trendy car, but our time and a genuine, caring relationship. It is possible to parent well during these hard times. Replacing myths with these truths cannot alter the course of the recession, but it can surely recession-proof our families. Our personal accounts and family economies can begin recovery immediately! Leslie Leyland Fields’ most recent book is ‘Parenting is Your Highest Calling’ . . . and Eight Other Myths that Trap Us in Worry and Guilt. She lives in Kodiak, Alaska with her husband and six children. Visit her online at

North Texas Kids  •  May 2009  •


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North Texas Kids  •  May 2009  •

Happy Mother's Day

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in the

NTK Family Resourcs Guide and let us help your business

North Texas Mommies!


All Eyes are Spying on Dallas Memorial Day Weekend Go From ‘My’ Family to ‘Spy’ Family at the Museum of Nature & Science’s Newest Exhibition...

“The Science of Spying”

Do something different with the family this Memorial Day weekend with a visit to the world’s biggest interactive exhibition examining the secrets of modern espionage, The Science of Spying, which opens at the Museum of Nature & Science in Fair Park at noon May 23. The exhibition is one of the largest and most exciting family attractions of the year, offering curious young minds and intrigued adults a unique, entertaining and educational insight into the mysterious and daring world of spycraft. The Science of Spying tests each visitor’s ability to crack codes, gather information, and use the technologies of real life spies as they embark on an undercover mission. “From ‘Kim Possible’ to ‘007’ to ‘Harriet the Spy,’ the word ‘spying’ conjures up images of clever heroes and heroines, adventure and cool high-tech gadgets,” said Nicole Small, CEO of the Museum of Nature & Science. “Real spying also relies heavily on technology, math and science. The Science of Spying gives the whole family a taste of the equipment and techniques used in the world of modern espionage, and the chance find out what it’s like to become a real spy for the day.” On arrival each visitor is recruited for training. Trainee spies enter through a covert entrance, receive a personal spy ID card and embark on a secret mission. The Spymaker Training Base puts them through their paces and uses a series of interactive challenges including disguise, code-breaking and lie-detection to discover if they have what it takes to make it as a spy. In the Technology Center, visitors will get to check out real life spy gadgets, such as night vision goggles, spy planes, hidden cameras and will learn how these tools enhance traditional skills. They can even have a biometric face scan and use it on their first mission to infiltrate the shadowy organization, OSTEK. During their mission in Spy World, trainee spies must evade counter surveillance and escape without detection. Can they get through a body- or brain-scanner, sneak in undetected and discover the hidden clues in a series of interactive challenges? When spies reach their target, a secret stash of futuristic spy gadget prototypes will be waiting in the Future Lab, including the bizarre sounding “super-powered leg,” “stress-monitor watch” and “face-modification mask.” Can they discover the final piece of the puzzle and save the day? All that remains is to fool the intelligent TV cameras and escape. … The Science of Spying opens to the public at noon on May 23. It will be housed at MNS in the Science Building, 1318 S. 2nd Ave. from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. MondaySaturday and 12 p.m. – 5 p.m. on Sundays, through Jan. 4, 2010. Admission for MNS members is free; adults $13.75, children 3 to 11 $9.75, youth 12 to 18 $12, seniors 62 and over, and students 18 and over with an ID $12.50. Tickets to The Science of Spying also include admission to all three of the museum’s buildings

and its galleries. IMAX® and

Planetarium tickets are additional.

For information call 214-428-5555 or visit

About The Science of Spying The Science of Spying draws on the expertise of real-life spies to make

a fun and realistic experience. For example, Harry Ferguson, former

MI6 agent and presenter of the BBC2 TV program “SPY,” was an advisor on the exhibition. The Science of

Spying is the second exhibition from The Science of…‚ a company born from the partnership of Fleming Media and the world-renowned

Science Museum‚ London. Under

the name The Science of..., a series

of exhibitions has been designed to

showcase the latest learning from the world of science through immersive and interactive experiences, which

will tour the world. More information can be found at:

About the Museum of Nature & Science The Museum of Nature & Science, formerly the Dallas Museum of Natural History, The Science Place and the Dallas Children’s Museum, is a non-profit educational

organization located in Dallas’ Fair Park. In support of its mission to inspire minds through nature and science, MNS delivers exciting, engaging and innovative

visitor experiences through its education, exhibition and research and collections programming for students, teachers, families and life-long learners. The MNS campus includes the TI Founders IMAX® Theater and a cutting-edge digital

planetarium. The museum is supported in part by funds from the City of Dallas

Office of Cultural Affairs, the Texas Commission on the Arts and EDS. To learn more visit

North Texas Kids  •  May 2009  •


Calendar of Events

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1 Friday Farmers Branch Lonestar Ukulele Festival: The festival will take place at the Metropolitan Community Church, 2735 Villa Creek Drive #290, Farmers Branch. For more information check out Fort Worth Mayfest 2009: Mayfest - a four day family festival. There are a number of attractions, free activities and a delectable offering of food and beverage. From young to old, Mayfest includes something for everyone and strives to entertain the entire family. Plano Barefoot Bounce (4-6yrs) 10:00 AM: Liberty Recreation Center 2601 Glencliff. If the leotard, tights, and ballet shoes aren’t your child’s style, they can enjoy dancing to exciting music... BAREFOOT!! Fridays in May. Cost: $31/person; for 5 weeks. To signup visit www.planoparks. org and click “LEISURE ONLINE” Southlake First Friday Women’s Event 11:00 AM: First Friday of Every Month. Harkins Theatre, Southlake Town Center. Admission is free. Arrive early to ensure seating. Childcare is provided through Harkins Theatre for a fee by reservation only. Contact the Play Center at 817-310-0245 two days prior to the event to reserve your child’s place. Dallas Stop the Bullying Day 4:00 PM: Celebrate friendship with Chrissa, our 2009 Girl of the Year! Girls can create a homemade friendship bookmark, pledge to stop the bullying by signing a group banner, and take home a ‘stop the bullying’ wristband. Free and open to the public. For girls ages 8 and up. Stop the Bullying Day. Flower Mound & Highland Village Excite! Friday & Saturday Nights Out 6:00 PM: Open gym play, inflatables, trampoline, foam pit, games, and pizza dinner. Ages 3 - 11. Fridays at Excite! Flower Mound 972.874.9663 for reservations. Saturdays at Excite! Highland Village 972.874.8500 for reservations. $18 Excite! members / $20 nonmember. Rockwall Family Fun Fridays 7:30 PM: Activities include: hula hoop, jump rope, and sack race competitions, a disc golf shootout, wiffle ball games, face painting, fishing in the pond, a bounce house for the kids to play in, and prizes for all. The movie in the park will start at 9pm. For more information or to find out which movie is showing, please call 972-771-7740.Harry Myers Park, 815 East Washington, Rockwall

2 Saturday Arlington USTA Block Party at Arlington Tennis Center : Join the fun at Arlington Tennis Center on and off the tennis courts! Activities on court will include adult open drills, Cardio Tennis, serve/ target drills, a “beat the pro” contest, a special Fun off the court will feature a dunking booth, with proceeds benefiting Arlington Animal Services, refreshments and music. Come solo or bring the family to ATC for this FREE and FUN community event! McKinney Green Living Family Festival: Learn about local green vendors, enjoy live entertainment in the


new Heard outdoor amphitheater, and have the opportunity to participate in fun green presentations by local organizations. Kids will enjoy activities designed for them and the opportunity to visit all of the museum’s exhibits and trails included in general admission. Bring recyclable products to support the Heard’s electronics recycling program.

Lewisville Cinco de Mayo: Old Town Lewisville, along Main Street. Organized by Dallas Tortilla and Tamale Factory, the event will include music, food, arts and crafts, a car show and more. Scheduled entertainment features local singers and dance groups reflecting Mexican culture. Richardson Cottonwood Art Festival: Over 240 local, regional, and national artists, as well as local and regional bands performing the best in rock, country, jazz, blues, swing, and folk. Cottonwood Park. Dallas Auditions - Children’s Chorus and Youth Chorus: Auditions for the 2009-10 season will be held at First United Methodist Church, 1928 Ross Avenue, in downtown Dallas. Call 214-965-0491 or visit website for exact schedule. Grand Prairie Cinco de Mayo Parade and Festival: 10:30 a.m.-7 p.m., City Hall, 317 College St. Dallas Butterfly Gardening Workshop 9:00 AM: What: Learn how to make a butterfly garden. All 3 dates fill up fast; sign up early! Cost: Registration required. $60; $50 for garden members. Southlake 2nd annual Central Market-Southlake Health Fair, Fun Run 9:00 AM: 4th annual Digging for Dragons 5k and 1 Mile Fun Run. www.diggingfordragons. com 9:30am - 2pm Health Fair - vendors will be providing FREE services such as chiropractic, chair massage, blood pressure screenings, dental screenings, eye exams, just to name a few. Arts and Crafts for the kids provided by Michael’s Arts & Crafts, Learning Express and Lego Education Center. There will also be a DJ and face painting. Plano First Saturdays Application Assistance 10:00 AM: Free assistance in applying for Medicaid, CHIP, TANF, Food Stamps 10 - noon, Douglass Community Center, 1111 H Ave., Plano 75074 972-941-7174 (Catholic Charities, Lisa Roach) Garland Healthy Living Expo 10:00 AM: This event will feature a wide range of health screenings and information about fitness, environmental-friendly lifestyles, energy and water conservation and much more! Garland ISD Special Events Center, 4999 Namaan Forest Blvd. North Richland Hills Fido Fest 10:00 AM: Dogs and their owners are invited to Fido Fest at Tipps Canine Hollow Dog Park located at 7804 Davis Boulevard. There will be entertainment, pet contests, face painting, vendor booths and more. All dogs in attendance must be current on vaccinations. Limit of two dogs per person, please. For more details, log onto www. or call 817-514-0404.

North Texas Kids  •  May 2009  •

Lewisville Barnes & Noble story-time: Saturdays at 11am. Please join us for story-time each week with a new featured story. Call 972-315-7966 or visit the 2325 South Stemmons Frwy Lewisville 75067 location for weekly titles. Bring your family and friends each week. Plano ASIAFEST ‘09 Kicks Off Plano’s Asian American Heritage Week 11:00 AM: Join us for a fun filled afternoon in the Park. Activities will include face painting, origami, balloon animal clowns, live music and dance performances, and a variety of Asian food. New this year is a children’s art contest which will be held throughout the day. Free Admission, Free Parking Location: Haggard Park, 901 E 15th St, Downtown Plano. Stonebriar, Frisco Centennial Medical hosts First Saturday Q&A 12:00 PM: The first Saturday of every month, professionals from Centennial Medical Center will present a free question and answer session at Stonebriar Centre. All Q&As are at no charge and will be held on the lower level in the Dillard’s wing, near the Healthy Hometown Play Area, which is sponsored in the shopping center by Centennial Medical Center. Grapevine North Texas Kids Family Expo - Grapevine Mills Mall 12:00 PM: Join us for a FREE fun-filled day of entertainment, education and information for the entire family. Benefitting the programs of Communities in Schools North Texas. Activities are expected to include * Face painting * Games * Arts & Crafts * Door Prizes given away all day * Goodie Bags * Book signings * Photo contest * Ronald McDonald Dallas SPCA Grief Counseling Group 1:00 PM: The SPCA of Texas’ Pet Grief recovery program is designed to help those who are grieving the loss of a beloved companion animal. Free and open to the public. SPCA of Texas, 2400 Lone Star Drive, Dallas, conference room. (214) 742-SPCA Plano Wild Wonders at the Zoo (all ages) 1:00 PM: Davis Library, 7501-B Independence Parkway. Learn about conservation during an up-close animal experience with some of the Fort Worth Zoo’s wildest wonders! Animals brought on a prior visit included a penguin, an alligator, a kinkajou, and a very large cane toad, among others. Join us to see what animals visit this time! Dallas Dallas Public Library Children’s Activity Series 2:00 PM: This fun, hands-on activity program for elementary school age children takes place in NorthCourt between Nordstrom and Macy’s at 2:00 pm. Carrollton WeeBoogie Spring Sock Thing...a Sock Hop and Crazy Sock Contest 2:00 PM: The Little Gym in Carrollton (in the shopping ctr on the southwest corner of Hebron and Old Denton) WeeBoogie events will entertain the whole family as they get a chance to truly experience and appreciate music and dance. For more information, contact Kim at or 214-616-4459. Cost: $3.00 advance purchase/$5.00 at the door.

3 Sunday Dallas Liberman Broadcasting Cinco de Mayo 11:00 AM: Fair Park Coliseum. Free admission, gates open at 11:00 a.m., concert noon to 8:00 p.m. Parking - $10.00. Southlake Postcards from the Bump Book Signing and Baby Shower 2:00 PM: Benefitting Mercy House ( www. Join New York Times Bestselling author (and Southlake mom!) Ame Mahler Beanland and get a signed copy of her newest book for yourself or the expectant and new moms in your life. To be held in the Central Market-Southlake Cooking School. Light refreshments will be served. RSVP to

5 Tuesday Plano Kiwanis Butterfly Festival: Color and fancy take flight at Collin Creek Mall when the Kiwanis Club of Greater Plano brings its eighth annual Butterfly Festival to the shopping center. Visitors, young and old alike, will be able to enjoy a walk through a conservatory lined with a kaleidoscope of colors from flowering plants, water fountains and butterflies of every shape and size. Tickets are $3.00 for children and $6.00 for adults. Dallas Cinco de Mayo at the Museum of Nature and Science 10:00 AM: ‘Wonders of Mexico’ with a performance by the Anita Martinez Ballet Folklorico dancers! An interactive educational experience into the folklore of Mexico will be provided through traditional dance. Southlake Kids Night at Chick-fil-A Southlake 5:30 PM: Every Tuesday evening, Chick-fil-A Southlake offers free kids activities & loads of fun! 5:30-2301 E. Southlake Blvd., 817-481-7152 Dallas Organic in the City 6:00 PM: Organic in the City is an urban environmental education and entertainment series at Texas Discovery Gardens at Fair Park. To register, call (214) 428-7476 ext. 23 or visit First Tuesday of the month. Cost: $10 per person; $8 for members

Frisco Young Widows Support Group 7:00 PM: At the Frisco Library 4th Floor. (Vivian Stark McCallum Room) 6101 Frisco Square Blvd. Frisco, Texas 75034. The time will be 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. Please contact Michelle or Terri at

6 Wednesday Dallas Hand-in-Hand 10:00 AM: Wednesdays. Handin-Hand is a literacy based drop-in program for adults and their preschoolers to imagine, explore, and discover together. Each week hear a story, get your wiggles out to music, create theme-related crafts and enjoy fun activities! 10 - 10:30 - Gathering time, 10:30 Prompt - Opening music/motion, Finger play and story time, 10:45 - 11:30 - Crafts and activities. Dallas Dallas Public Library Children’s Activity Series 10:30 AM: This fun, hands-on activity program for pre-schoolers takes place in NorthCourt between Nordstrom and Macy’s at 10:30 am.

Bedford McGruff Night 5:00 PM: Help take a bite out of crime! Join McDonalds (the Harwood & 121 location) and McGruff the Crime Dog in supporting the Bedford Police Department. Kid’s can get a free Ice Cream Cone or Cookie during the event! McDonalds (Harwood & 121)

7 Thursday Lewisville Barnes & Noble story-time 10:00 AM: Thursdays at 10 am. Please join us for story-time each week with a new featured story. Call 972-315-7966 or visit the 2325 South Stemmons Frwy Lewisville 75067 location for weekly titles. Bring your family and friends each week. Dallas Get Together & Give Event 11:30 AM: You’re invited to help us assemble personal care kits for women’s organizations in our communities. Please RSVP to Andrea Taylor at 972-661-2939 or to attend this spring community outreach event that truly gives back. Dallas Cool Thursdays Concert 6:00 PM: Dallas’ only concert series overlooking scenic White Rock Lake, returns to the Dallas Arboretum for its 12th spring/summer season, April 30th - July 30th. This popular event provides the best concert ambiance in the Metroplex at the Arboretum’s Martin Rutchik Concert Stage. Performances begin each week at 7:30. Gates open at 6pm. Dallas National Mom’s Nite Out Dallas 6:00 PM: Say Hello to a Good Nite! No kiddos, no spouse, no stress. Studio Movie Grill, 5405 Beltline Rd. RSVP at Allen Big Screen on the Green 7:30 PM: FREE films for the entire family. Each Thursday starting April 16 - June 18, families are invited to bring a blanket and watch an entertaining film on a gigantic two-story inflatable movie screen. No lawn chairs, coolers or alcohol permitted. Watters Creek at Montgomery Farm 970 Garden Park Drive Allen, Texas

8 Friday Addison Taste Addison: A tasty weekend blend of food, music and family fun, Taste Addison is North Texas’ most eagerly anticipated annual festival, with some of the world’s best bands and international foods. Frisco Car Seat Fitting Station 12:30 PM: Centennial Medical Center Frisco, 1-877-228-3628. 2nd Friday of the month. Parents will be assisted with installation of the car seat and educated on proper securing of child. The Colony Movies in the Park 7:00 PM: The Colony Five Star Complex, 4100 Blair Oaks. FREE admission for everyone! Parental supervision required. Bring your lawn chairs or blankets! FREE popcorn! Other concessions available for purchase. March 27 - Kung Fu Panda, May 8 - Madagascar 2. North Richland Hills Sounds of Spring Concert 7:00 PM: Bring the whole family to relax and enjoy music and fun at the North Richland Hills’ annual Sounds of Spring Concert Series. Concerts will be held on the grounds of NRH2O Family Water Park, 9001 Boulevard 26. FREE (Don’t forget to bring a lawn chair.) Visit or call 817-427-6600. Plano American English Beatles Tribute 7:30 PM: At The Amphitheater at Oak Point Park. 2801 E. Spring Creek Pkwy. Plano. Adults $15, Seniors(60+) $10, Children(12-) $8. Coolers and Picnic Baskets Welcome. Alcohol Permitted.

9 Saturday Dallas Second Saturday Science - MNS Discovery Days: Come discover something new on the second Saturday every month with Discovery Days! Chockfull of hands-on activities, demonstrations, exhibits, and so much more, these daylong programs offer a new twist to learning about science. Discovery Days activities are free with your museum admission! Van Alstyne LITTLE BIG TOWN 5K Run & family fun run: Visit the beautiful country trails of Van Alstyne, just 15 minutes north of McKinney, TX for a 5K Run & 1 mile fun run & Benefit for Fellowship of Christian Athletes. USATF Certified. Visit historical downtown Van Alstyne Arlington Arbor Day at Richard Simpson Park: Come get your free tree! With our free tree giveaway, stay and compete in the Arbor Day Adventure Race, don’t forget to jump in the bounce houses, and test your skills in Kayaking. Many activities for children! The critter man is going to be here with live animals and his live animal show. A great way for children and even adults to learn about environmental activities! Flower Mound The Faith Run 8:30 AM: 5K/1K Parker Square, Flower Mound, TX 972-235-2513 Lewisville Special Needs Activities & Resources Fair 10:00 AM: Greater Lewisville Special Education PTSA. Killough High School North Cafeteria. 1301 Summit Avenue, Lewisville 75077 Flower Mound Otaku Kyokai No Flower Mound (Teen Anime Club) 1:00 PM: (Monthly at 1pm on the second Saturday). Flower Mound Public Library Frisco Frisco Women’s League 4th Annual Mother & Daughter Tea 2:00 PM: At the Westin Stonebriar Resort in Frisco from 2pm to 4pm. This year’s theme is “Memories with Mom” to celebrate the special relationship between mothers and daughters of all ages. All proceeds will benefit Heroes for Children, a non-profit agency providing financial and social assistance to Texas families with children battling cancer. To purchase tickets or to sponsor this event, please visit

10 Sunday Carrollton Mother’s Day Concert: Join us for this free annual Mother’s Day tradition! The concert offers a relaxing evening on the Museum grounds and Pearl Perry Grafley Park while listening to musicians play on the porch of the 1909 home. Refreshments provided. Enter the picnic contest! Call 972-466-6380 for more information. Grapevine Mother’s Day Train: Treat Mom on her special day with a trip on the train she will remember for a long time. Mothers ride free this day when accompanied by her family. She will also be registered for a special prize drawing on the Grapevine to Fort Worth and Trinity River Run.

11 Monday The Colony The Colony Early Childhood PTA 9:15 AM: For Parents of Children ages 0-5yrs. Meets the 2nd Monday of the month at 915am, September-May at the LDS Church at 6800 Anderson Dr The Colony Tx. Outings, playgroups and more! Childcare provided for a nominal fee $5 for 1 child and $8 for 2 or more of the same family. E-mail Richardson Allen High School presents Bands & Orchestras 7:00 PM: Hill Performance Hall, Tickets:

$10. Eisemann Center Ticket Office 972-744-4650

Plano Family Night Hike 7:00 PM: Arbor Hills Nature Preserve 7001 W. Parker Road. Spend an enjoyable evening walking through the woods with your family and friends. Cost: $1/person. To signup online go to and click “LEISURE ONLINE” 972-941-7250.

12 Tuesday Plano Newcomer Friends of Greater Plano 9:30 AM: Join us at one of our regular program meetings on the second Tuesday of each month. There’s always an interesting speaker, and you’ll meet a lot of fun women! Please join us at SMU-in-Legacy, 5228 Tennyson Parkway, Plano. Look for our signs! (West of Preston Road on the SE Corner of Tennyson & Democracy)

13 Wednesday North Richland Hills PRT:II. PRT is a naturalistic treatment approach developed by Robert L. Koegel & Laura Schreibman. These behaviors are central to a wide area of functioning, so positive changes in these behaviors should have widespread effects on other behaviors. In this one-day workshop, we will discuss the basic components of PRT. Plano Elementary Game Day (grades 1-5) 2:00 PM: Schimelpfenig Library, 5024 Custer Road. Enjoy PISD early release day and play video and board games at the library.

14 Thursday Carrollton Reading Roundup: Log Cabins: Kids ages 3 to 6, join us at the A.W. Perry Homestead Museum to hear stories about log cabins and how they were constructed! Make a craft to take home. Children must be accompanied by parent or guardian. $5 per child. Register by May 7. Call 972-466-6380 for more information.

15 Friday Grapevine 25th ANNUAL MAIN STREET DAYS: In Historic Downtown Grapevine, as the popular festival highlights the city as the ideal place to enjoy an active lifestyle and the great outdoors. Festival guests will have the great opportunity to watch and/or participate in scuba diving, BMX stunts, rock climbing, quad bungee jumping, kayaking, a fishing tank, 10K walk/run, and much more. Richardson Wildflower Arts and Music Festival: Wildflower! is an award-winning, multi-day eclectic arts and music festival that draws over 70,000 attendees. Galatyn Park Urban Center. $15 adult, $3 children 5-12. Dallas Dallas Children’s Theatre - 25th Birthday Party 10:00 AM: Raffles, free treats, arts and crafts, workshops. 214 740 0051 5938 Skillman, Dallas. Dallas Trout Fishing in America 7:30 PM: Family concert.

16 Saturday Carrollton Nature Tales: Eggs, Eggs, Eggs!: Kids ages 3 to 6, join us at Elm Fork Nature Preserve to learn all about eggs and how they hatch. Take home an egg craft! Children must be accompanied by parent or guardian. Register by May 9. $5 per child. Call 972-466-6380 for more information. Arlington Project Reach Health Fair and Neighborhood Event at Carl Knox Park 10:00 AM: Come meet

your neighbors and get some free food at our Naturally Fun Neighborhood event at Carl Knox Park. Enjoy many fun outdoor activities such as soccer and basketball. The Home Depot will be there with their kid’s workshop for arts and crafts. There will be balloon art for everyone, games for you and your family to play, and music to enjoy.

Garland Mt. Hebron Christian Academy annual luncheon 11:30 AM: Mt. Hebron Christian Academy’s gymnasium will be transformed into an art gallery, during the school’s annual luncheon. Artists from all over the city, will exhibit art work to be sold during the school’s first major fundraising luncheon. The Colony Mother & Son Luau 5:00 PM: Join us for this energy packed evening exclusively for Mommies and Sons. Music, Food, Fun, Games and much more! Purchase tickets at the recreation center. Call (972) 625-1106 for more information. The Colony Aquatic Park. Recommended for ages 3-12, $25 per couple, includes one 4x6 photo.

18 Monday Plano Junior Explorers 3:45 PM: Outdoor Learning Center Shiloh Road. Spring is a great time to explore the trails of the Outdoor Learning Center while learning about native grasses, flowers and animals. This outing is for youth aged 6 to 10 years. Cost: $10. To register online go to www. and click LEISURE ONLINE 972-941-7250. Plano Family Fun Night (ages 4 and up) 7:00 PM: Haggard Library, 2501 Coit Road. Stories, crafts, games and fun for families with children ages 4 and up. Space is limited and registration is required.

19 Tuesday Frisco Young Widows Support Group 7:00 PM: At the Frisco Library 4th Floor. (Vivian Stark McCallum Room) 6101 Frisco Square Blvd. Frisco, Texas 75034. 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. Please contact Michelle or Terri at

21 Thursday Carrollton Nature Tales: Eggs, Eggs, Eggs!: Kids ages 3 to 6, join us at Elm Fork Nature Preserve to learn all about eggs and how they hatch. Take home an egg craft! Children must be accompanied by parent or guardian. Register by May 9. $5 per child. Call 972-466-6380 for more information. Plano Book Launch (grades 1 - 3) 3:30 PM: Parr Library, 6200 Windhaven Parkway. Explore a new book each month by listening and talking together, then turning the topic into a fun activity or craft to take home.

23 Saturday Dallas Science of Spying Exhibit Opens : The interactive Science of Spying exhibit is part James Bond, part Jack Bauer and part ‘Lie to Me.’ Through Jan. 4, 2010. Museum of Nature & Science - Science Building 1318 S. 2nd Ave. (in Fair Park) Rowlett Memorial Day Celebration on Main featuring Touch-A-Truck 10:00 AM: Memorial Day ceremony in Veteran’s Park, adjacent to the Library at 3900 Main Street. Following the ceremony, the event will continue with ‘Touch-A-Truck’, a fun and educational opportunity for children of all ages to touch and explore construction vehicles, fire engines, police cars, ambulances, and more!

North Texas Kids  •  May 2009  •


24 Sunday McKinney Becoming Outdoor Family: $10 per family. Becoming an outdoor family series - intro. to climbing. Harness up, put on a helmet, and climb the tower at camp - fun for the whole family! For additional information call 469-952-5600 or visit website

29 Friday Fort Worth New Parents Tour 10:30 AM: Are you in need of mental stimulation and adult conversation? Pack up the baby stroller and join us for a tour designed to introduce new parents (with babies in tow) to a variety of artworks at the Carter. This free tour is most appropriate for parents with pretoddlers, and refreshments will be provided after the program. Amon Carter Museum, 3501 Camp Bowie Blvd., Fort Worth

30 Saturday Carrollton Youth Fishing Event 9:00 AM: Josey Ranch Park Pond - 1440 Keller Springs Road. Parks and Recreation and Texas Junior Anglers (TJA) program will host a free youth fishing event for children 16 and under. It is recommended that children bring their own equipment; however, TJA will provide loaner rods, reels, bait and tackle to those who need them. Plano Pearls and Ivy Debutante Ball 6:00 PM: The Chi Zeta Omega chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. of Plano presents its annual Pearls and Ivy Debutante Ball at the Renaissance Hotel, Richardson, Texas. For more information contact. Mrs. Chandra Melancon chandraisby@ or visit Southlake Southlake Saturday Nite 7:00 PM: Calling all 4th, 5th & 6th graders for a night of fun dancing to a live D.J., various inflatables & contests & 4 on 4 basketball. Concession items are available for purchase and everything is under $2. Prereg-

istration is required. Durham Elementary/Intermediate School.

Ongoing Fun Classes and Activities

Arlington Everyday. Stay at Home Moms in the South Arlington area!! Looking to get out with your kid or kids? Come hang out with us. We offer friendship, activities, and support! Our families would love to meet yours! Arlington Friday Night Open Skate-on going event, Every Friday. Come have fun hangin with your friends on Friday Nights. Games, music, friends, concessions and much more! Elzie Odom Recreation Center, 1601 NE Green Oaks Blvd. 76006. 7 pm - 10 pm $10 entree fee. For ages 13 and under, parents must sign child in at the door and verify their age. For more information call 817-459-6434. Carrollton AW Perry Homestead Museum 1509 N. Perry Rd 972-466-6380. Free Admission and Tours, Mon Sat 10 - 12 & 1 - 5 Carrollton Monday/Wednesday/Friday 10 am - 12: Preschool Playdates for 7 years and under. Tuesdays 6 p.m. - 8:30 p.m: Family Fun Nights. Tuesdays 3:30 - 4:45pm : Fitness and Fun. Saturdays 8 - 9:15am - Early Bounce for those early risers at Bounce U. The Ultimate party and play experience. Located at 3050 N. Josey Ln #110, Carrollton, 75007. Visit or call 972-939-5000. Dallas Lakeshore has FREE crafts for kids on Saturdays. Located just north of the Galleria on Dallas Pkwy (13846 Dallas Pkwy ) 972-934-8866 for more information. Dallas Dallas Arboretum. Mommy & Me Mondays 10am - 2pm. 10am - 2pm: Tiny Tots Tuesdays

North Texas Kids Family Expo Saturday, May 2nd • 12:00pm - 5:00pm • Grapevine Mills Mall • FREE! Bounce Houses, Face Painters, Goodie Bags, and winners of the MOL Moms Voice! Awards

Moms Nite Out Thursday, May 7th • 6:00pm • Studio Movie Grill, Addison location Sponsored by MomsOutLoud, North Texas Kids & Studio Movie Grill. Discounted Movie Tickets, Mom Margaritas, All You Can Eat Pizza, Special Celebrity Guest!

AquaFit Swim and Safety Fair Saturday, May 9th • 2:00pm AND 3:30pm • 1400 Summit Ave, Ste. D-2 - Plano FREE! But reservations are required - Sponsored by AquaFit, MomsOutLoud, North Texas Kids and Blue Horizon. Families will participate in an age appropriate water safety class (children ages 4-10 will take the American Red Cross Longfellow WhalesTales class while parents take a pool safety workshop) which will be followed by an open swim in Aqua Fit’s indoor, salt water pool. There will also

be bounce houses, goodie bags, door prizes and

snacks for the kiddos!

presented by Children’s Medical Center.

Dallas Outstanding family entertainment is abundant at Slappy’s Puppet Playhouse. Marionette Show Times: Fridays - 10:30 AM, Saturdays - 10:30 AM and 1:00 PM, Sundays - 2:00 PM. Variety Show Times: Saturdays - 4:00 PM Dallas Every Friday 6 - 10 Parents’ Night Out hosted by The Gymnastics Place. Kids will enjoy pizza, drinks, entertainment, and special kid fun. RSVP preferred, but walk-ins are welcome. Sibling discounts available. Check schedule for exact dates and times. 972-248-2805 Flower Mound Various Preschool Story-times at the Library 3 - 6 years, Monday & Tuesday, 10:00 am & 2:00 p.m. every week. Toddler Time at the Library 18 - 36 months, Wednesday & Thursday, 10:00 am & 11:00 am every week. Mother Goose Time at the Library Babies under 18 months, Monday & Tuesday, 11:15 am every week.Rockin’ Readers Returns at the Library Second Wednesday of every month from 4 p.m. - 4:45 p.m. Bring your children and friends to enjoy our weekly theme for Story-time. Located at 3030 Broadmoor Ln, Flower Mound 75022. Visit the Town of Flower Mound Web Site for more information. Registration not required. Flower Mound Anime Daze! Middle school anime and manga fans! Check out Anime Daze at the library the first Wednesday of each month from 4:30 - 5:30 p.m.. Join us to watch the latest movies, share your original artwork, eat snacks and win prizes! For more information, call 972-874-6167. Located at 3030 Broadmoor Ln, Flower Mound 75022. Visit the Town of Flower Mound Web Site for more information. Flower Mound/Highland Village Friday - Flower Mound 6 - 10 pm, Saturday - Highland Village 6 - 10 pm Excite! holds parents night out so that your children can enjoy their evening with friends and activities. Open Gym, foam pit, games, music and Pizza dinner. Visit or call 972-874-9663 Flower Mound 972-874-8500 Highland Village for more information and reservations (Ages 3 - 11) Frisco Tuesdays are Half Price Games - enjoy all midway games at half price! Wednesdays are Kids Eat Free (one free kid’s buffet* with the purchase of one adult buffet at regular price. *Kids 10 yrs. & under) Frisco Preschool programs available at First Choice Emergency Room. Attention Mom’s groups and Preschools....First Choice Emergency Room at 4851 Legacy Dr. #301 Frisco. Call 214-618-6800 to schedule your tour of the ER. It is a fun and educational experience. Tours available at 10am any weekday. Frisco Wiggly Play Center weekdays - Daily Activities are at 11:00 am. Mondays - Arts & Crafts, Tuesday - Hop with Henry, Wednesday - Story time, Thursday - Dancing with Dorothy, Friday - Wiggle with Wags. 4944 Preston Road, Suite 100 Frisco (469) 633-0676. Grapevine 1st Wednesday of each month 4:30 p.m. Rainforest Cafe is hosting the Grapevine Mills Mall Kids Club storytime. Bring your family and friends to enjoy some great stories and eat dinner at Rainforest Cafe for Family Night. Contact 972-539-5001 for more information. No reservation required. Highland Village Acting Classes for Kids. Studio B is offering a wide range of acting classes for ages 3 and up. 1 Nelson Parkway at 2400 FM 407 in Highland Village. 972-966-2787


North Texas Kids  •  May 2009  •

Highland Village Join us for Storytime for Children every Wednesday and Saturday at 10:00 AM, Spanish Storytime for children, every Wednesday at 10:30 AM. Barnes & Noble - 4100 Deer Creek, Highland Village 972-966-0099 Irving JumpSTART Stories and Art. The Irving Arts Center and Irving Public Library now offer FREE family storytimes at the Arts Center on the first Thursday of every month (through December) at 10 a.m. Stories are followed by a fun craft. ‘Seafaring Tales’ is the July theme. Call (972) 252-7558 x221 for more info. Little Elm Saturdays 11-12 Children’s Film Festival. Saturdays 1 - 3 pm Saturday Movie Matinee. Wednesdays 10:15 - 10:45 & 11 - 11:30 am Toddler time (ages 1 - 3) & Storytime (ages 4 - 6). Saturdays 10:30-11 am Family Story Time for all ages. 2nd & 4th Thursdays 5:30 - 7:30 pm Chess Club for ages 7 to adult. Join us at the Little Elm Library and bring your friends. Located in the Town Hall building at 100 W. Eldorado Pkwy 75068. Contact 214-975-0430 or visit to verify changes. McKinney Second Saturdays Downtown McKinney. ‘Second Saturdays’ is a celebration of the arts and the community with live entertainment, spirits, and food. From Hwy 75, exit 40A, head east on Louisiana Street for 1.5 miles. Galleria d’Arte is on the corner of Kentucky and Louisiana at 100 E Louisiana St. Art Institute of McKinney is at 113 S Kentucky Street. 972-548-7830 7 PM - 10 PM McKinney McKinney Farmers’ Market, Every Saturday 8AM - 1PM. Downtown McKinney at the southeast corner of Church Street & Louisiana Street. Locally grown produce, flowers, herbs, local honey, farm fresh eggs, chicken, turkey, beef and pork from grass-fed animals, a natural soap and lotion-maker and chair massages. Plano Story Times Plano Public Library System Schedules are available at any PPLS library or on our website Plano, Flower Mound, Hurst Boomerangs, First & Third Thursday of each month. We open one hour early to special needs families so parents can jump with their children. The cost will be half price for the children (parents are free) Please check website calendar or call for specific store hours. Plano: 214-473-9995, Flower Mound: 469-549-4400, Hurst 817-503-8100. Princeton Groove Kids, Every Sun & Wed. Absolutely free to kids newborn thru 6th grade - Groove Kids is the place to be to have fun, hang out with Christian friends, enjoy Bible stories, cool music, and more! Every Sunday 10:45-12:00 and Wednesday 7-8 at Family Worship Center in Princeton, TX on Highway 380 @ Tickety Drive. (Call for directions 469.450.7437) Richardson Peppermint Baby Boutique holds regular classes. Babywearing Class: Every Tuesday at 10 a.m. and Wednesday at 3 p.m. Elimination Communication/Infant Potty Training Workshop: Every first Thursday of the month at 5:30 p.m. Baby Sign Language 2-Hour Workshop: Every third Saturday of the month. 3 - 5 p.m. Cloth Diapering Workshop: Every 2nd Saturday of the month. 10 a.m. Prenatal Yoga Saturdays at 9 a.m. Postnatal Yoga Saturdays at 10:30 a.m. Peppermint Baby Boutique 1778 N. Plano Rd., Suite 100 in Richardson. Registration information can be found at or by calling 214-623-5080. Southlake Kids Night at Chick-fil-A Southlake. Every Tuesday evening, Chick-fil-A Southlake offers free kids

activities & loads of fun! 5:30-7:30 pm at Chick-filA Southlake, 2301 E. Southlake Blvd., 817-481-7152.

Various REGISTER TODAY for Kids First Ice Hockey Program. A totally FREE, get-acquainted program that offers boys and girls, ages 4-8, the opportunity to ‘try’ the game of hockey at NO CHARGE. (214) GO SKATE Various Meetup Group for the Entire FAMILY. This is a fun and exciting meetup group for couples and families to fulfill all of their social needs! groups. Various Baylor Medical Centers provide ongoing classes in Irving, Frisco, Dallas, and Fort Worth. Classes include Baby Care Basics/Infant Safety and CPR, Prepared Childbirth Class, Infant/ Child CPR, Car Seat Safety and SIDS Class, Breastfeeding Class, Sibling Class, Baby Care Basics, Cesarean Birth Class. 1-800-4-BAYLOR Various Drama Kids International is designed to develop students speaking skills, presentation abilities, acting skills and confidence. Visit our website or call 214.592.4066. Various Dallas / Fort Worth Cocker Spaniel Rescue Hosts special Meet & Greets scheduled in the area.

Support Groups Allen MOMS CLUB OF SE ALLEN - Are you a SAHM? Need some support, come join this welcoming group and get acquainted with great MOMS! We offer Playgroups, MNO’s, Monthly meetings and load of activities for you and your child. Allen MOMS club of Allen - West. Fun group of stay at home moms offering support to each other and fun activities with our children. Weekly playgroups and events. Contact Michelle Suastegui at 214-383-3517 or email Allen Allen Early Childhood PTA. Meet the second Friday of every month from 9:30am to 11am during the school year at Christ the Servant Lutheran Church, 821 S. Greenville Ave. Allen We are the MOMS Offering Moms Support Northeast Allen MOMS Club - Christy Youens at 469-675-6652 email Arlington MOMS Club of North Central Arlington Open House - Are you a SAHM living in Arlington between I-30 and Pioneer Pkwy? We offer activities for moms, kids, and families. E-mail: or call Emily at (817)276-2589. Carrollton The Carrollton Early Childhood PTA is an organization dedicated to providing activities, support, friendships and education for parents of children age newborn through preschool. Collin County The Collin County Moms Meetup group is a fun, down-to-earth group of moms dedicated to friendship and support. Collin County The Autism society of Collin County is an organization dedicated to providing support and resources to those families affected by Autism. Parent Support Group Meeting for Parents of Younger Children held the 2nd Tuesday of Each Month from 8:45 am - 9:45 am at Cafe’ de France (75 Central Expwy & Park in Plano)

Coppell/Valley Ranch The Coppell/Valley Ranch Early Childhood PTA (C/VR ECPTA) is a non-profit support organization for parents of infants and children age 5 and under. Contact Info: Deby 214-236-8290 Dallas Moms Club of Dallas: North Central Chapter boundaries are I-30 to the south, I-635 to the north (exception: Addison), Marsh Lane to the east, and Garland Road to the west. Dallas Dallas Dyslexia Information Group (DDIG) provides information on Dyslexia, Learning Differences, and related topics. This group meets at The Winston School, 5707 Royal Lane in Dallas, 75229 from 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. on the second Monday of the month except for December. For information regarding the monthly speaker, call Bob 214-351-1985 or visit . Dallas/Collin County Free Parent Helpline. Non-profit group Dallas Association for Parent Education runs a free telephone helpline for parents, grandparents, and caregivers called The Warmline. You’ll get a warm, caring listener trained in normal child development. We help with parenting issues, parenting resources, and referrals. The Warmline phone hours are Monday through Friday, 9am to 3pm. Warmline phone number is 972-699-7742. Dallas/Plano/Frisco Far North Dallas Early Childhood PTA (FNDECPTA) is dedicated to facilitating an educational and supportive network of parents of infants, toddlers and pre-school aged children. We meet in Room 133 at St. Andrew United Methodist Church, 1401 Mira Vista Blvd. at Plano Parkway, and offer free childcare. Denton The Denton Area Mothers of Multiples (DAMOM) is a support group located in North Texas for anyone who has, or is, expecting twins, triplets, quads or more! DAMOM meets on the 2nd Thursday of every month from 7pm - 9pm at First Baptist Church of Denton, located at 1100 Malone Street Room 216. damoms.clubspaces. com/Default_css.aspx Farmers Branch My Place - Tuesdays & Fridays. It’s an early intervention play & communication group. North Texas Therapy & Associates (972) 385-0006. 14580 E. Beltwood Parkway; Farmers Branch 75244 no website given Farmers Branch My Place - We have early intervention play & communication group classes on Mondays Thursdays (please contact us for times). North Texas Therapy & Associates (972) 385-0006. 14580 E. Beltwood Parkway; Farmers Branch 75244. Frisco Frisco Cares Children’s Clinic is a low-cost health clinic for uninsured children, 18 and younger, living in or attending school in Frisco, Celina or Prosper. The Clinic is held at Primera Bautista Iglesia each Wednesday (September - April) located at 8581 5th Street, in Frisco (corner of 5th and Ash). Appointment cards available at 5 PM. The doctor sees patients beginning at 6 PM. Cost per child is $5 to see the doctor. Medications are available at no cost. Proof of residency (utility bill) or proof of school enrollment (report card) is required. Frisco Frisco Early Childhood PTA. Meet at St Francis of Assisi Catholic Church, 8000 Eldorado Parkway, Frisco, 2nd friday of the month @ 10am.

Frisco The Early Childhood Intervention of LifePath Systems Inc. at 2611 Internet Pkwy, suite 107, Frisco. Texas Interagency Council on Early Childhood Intervention (ECI) is a statewide program for families with children, birth to 3, with disabilities and developmental delays. Call 972-377-7289. Garland Garland Area Early Childhood PTA. Meetings are held on the first Friday of each month, September through May, from 9:15 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. at NorthLake Baptist Church, 1501 N. Country Club, Garland. 972-412-8540. Lewisville The Greater Lewisville Special Education PTSA is an organization for parents, loved ones, and educators of children of all ages with special needs in the Greater Lewisville Area. Call (469) 293-6343 for more information. Lewisville, Flower Mound, Highland Village Greater Lewisville Mothers & More 3rd Tuesday of each month at 7 pm Z Grill 2321 Cross Timbers Rd # 413 Flower Mound

Little Elm The Little Elm Epilepsy Support Group meets on the 2nd Thursday of every month from 7:00-8:00pm at the Little Elm Public Library. Contact our facilitator, Tracy O’Mara at 972-987-4010. McKinney DivorceCare and DivorceCare 4 Kids are programs offered regularly at McKinney Fellowship Bible Church. DivorceCare helps people recover from the pain of separation and divorce. The group meets Tuesdays, 7-9 p.m., in room 107 of McKinney Fellowship Bible Church. McKinney La Leche League of McKinney. Meetings are held 3rd Thursdays at 5871 W Virginia Pkwy, 10:15am to 12pm. Dee Dee 972-838-9135, Holly 214-385-0063 or Ricki 214-684-3966. McKinney MOMS (Moms Offering Moms Support) Club of McKinney East. McKinney Grandparents Raising Grandkids Support Group. Meetings are held on the first Tuesday every month from 7-8 pm at Academics Plus, 1831 W. Louisiana, McKinney, Tx. Contact us at 972-548-8788 for more information. McKinney MOMS (Moms Offering Moms Support) Club of McKinney Central. mckinneymoms@yahoo. com Murphy/Sachse MOMS Club of Murphy/Sachse if a nonprofit support group for at home mothers living in the cities of Murphy/Sachse Texas. North Coppell MOMs Club of Coppell - NORTH (boundaries are north of Sandy Lake to 121). Join us at Going Bonkers in Lewisville for our monthly meetings. We meet on the first Wednesday of every month at 10AM. Please call us at 866.841.9139 ext. 3555 or send us an email at North Dallas Mocha Moms of North Dallas meets on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month at the Douglass Community Center on Ave. H in Plano. North Richland Hills Asperger’s Support Meeting. 1st Wednesday of each month from 7:00 - 8:30 pm. Please RSVP you and your child’s attendance by emailing Located FEAT-NT Resource Center and Library, 4239 Road to the Mall, North Richland Hills 76180 817-849-1122

North Richland Hills Autism Support Meeting. 3rd Wednesday of each month from 7:00 - 8:30 pm. RSVP you and your child’s attendance by emailing events@ Located FEAT-NT Resource Center and Library, 4239 Road to the Mall, North Richland Hills 76180 817-849-1122 Plano Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD) Parent Support Group. We welcome all parents coping with a child with SPD. We generally meet the first Monday of the month at various locations. Contact Christine Chavez at chavez.slp@gmail. com or Wendy Park at for more information. parentconnection/us.html Plano Mothers and Others. Meet the second Tuesday of the month at 9:30 in the room 230 of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church Activity Building. Call Trish Scogin 214-504-0640. Plano The Plano/Collin County branch of the AAUW. Monthly meetings at the Davis Library, 7501 Independence Parkway, Plano the 2nd Monday of each month. Contact Carol at 972 862 3460 for more info. Plano CHILD & FAMILY Guidance Center. Contact our Plano Office at 4030 West Plano Parkway, Suite 211. 972.612.5989 Plano Collin County Early Childhood PTA. Monthly meetings on the 2nd Monday of the month, 9:45 a.m., at Parkway Hills Baptist Church, located at 2700 Dallas Parkway, in Plano. Call Karen Maddox at 972-491-0260 Plano Plano Kiwanis Club meets each Wednesday for breakfast at 7:00 AM (always over by 8:00 AM) at La Madeleine Cafe, 5000 West Park Blvd at Preston Road. Plano La Leche League of Plano meets the 2nd Tuesday of the month from 10:30 to 11:45 am at Lord of Life Lutheran Church, 3601 West 15th Street, Room 105. Call Beth 972-747-1297, Cleo 972-208-0158, or Emilie 469-366-7205, Plano MOMS Club of Plano North Central chapter. Meeting the first Friday of every month, at 9:30 AM, at the Atonement Lutheran Church on Legacy just west of Coit. www.planomomsclub. com/ Plano MOMS Club of Plano-North. Monthly Social Meeting is the first Wednesday of every month, at 10:00am, at the Baha’i Faith Plano Center at 4200 Hedgcoxe (just West of Coit Rd). For more information contact membership@momsclubplanonorth or 972-464-1958 Plano MOMS (Moms Offering Moms Support) Club of Plano Central Are you a stay at home mom living south of Spring Creek? Please join us for weekly playdates and monthly Mom’s night out! We are small but growing and would love to have you. Plano Own my own mentoring program is a mentoring program for children with incarcerated parents sponsored by Dedicated Women of Christ. Contact Latahra Smith, 972-3778254 Plano Collin County Homeschool Playgroup.

North Texas Kids  •  May 2009  •


Plano The Scoliosis Center of Excellence at Medical Center of Plano is offering free diagnostic scoliosis screenings the first Wednesday of each month by appointment for children and adolescents up to 18 years of age. or 1-877-24-SCOLI. Plano S.A.F.E.(Support and Activities for Food allergy Education) classes provide children an opportunity to learn more about food allergies Classes are 15 dollars per child. For more information, please contact us at Classes will be held at The Medical Center of Plano. Medical Office Building III, 4001 West 15th Street, Plano, Texas 75075.

qualified participants. Contact Joel Hendrix at 469-762-5075

Wylie Moms & More: Be you a Mom, Dad, Aunt, Uncle, Grandparent or Nanny, we welcome all caregivers from Wylie and the surrounding communities. Our Monthly Convergence is held on the first Thursday of each month. Children are always welcome to all our activities. Drinks and snacks will be provided. For more information and directions, please contact

Submitting Events

Richardson Post Partum Depression Support Group. Nonprofit group Dallas Association for Parent Education will hold a free, monthly Post Partum Depression Support Group at their office in Richardson. To sign up or for more info call the DAPE office at 972-699-0420, Mon. - Fri., 9am - 3pm. www.

We welcome your submissions of family-oriented

Rockwall Are you a stay-at-home mom, or working mom, of an infant, toddler or preschooler in the Rockwall area? Rockwallsahm is a group of local moms dedicated to providing our kids a safe place for socialization, physical activity and FUN!

No more than two listings per organization will

Various RISE was organized “To help persons with physical challenges gain independence through a learning experience in adaptive outdoor adventures and sporting programs.” RISE membership and programs are FREE for

events. Events and support group listings should be submitted online at www.northtexaskids. com. Click on the submissions button on the left side bar. Please keep listings brief and in a similar format to what you see in our calendar. be accepted. Thank you for your participation in our community calendar. All events submitted online will appear on, and in print when received before the 15th of the month prior to our print date. For any questions, you may email our office at or give us a call at 972-516-9070.



















Alexandria’s Book Review to him to his daughter, emphasizing how important his mom’s nightly

Love You Forever

ritual really was to him.

A Review by Alexandria Battle

Robert Munsch did an excellent

By Robert Munsch 32 pages • Ages 4-8 • Firefly Books; 1 edition (September 1, 1995)

job in showing how important a

parent’s love is to both child and

parent, and how it shapes the lives of all those connected to them.

Some of Munsch’s other books are This is a great story for younger

children just getting their bearings in the world of reading; however, its message of unconditional love through all the stages of life can appeal to those of all ages and

stations. The lifelong moral of the book is perfect for the upcoming

Mother’s Day, because a mother’s

love for her son is the central point of the story.

Robert Munsch was born in

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and was no academic genius—however, he wrote poetry all through his 48

rough elementary school years.

into, his mother always had time

degree in History and a Master’s

check to make sure he was really

After getting an undergraduate in Anthropology, he worked at

a daycare telling the best stories to sleepy children—which soon

transformed into his writing stories that sold many, many copies.

Love You Forever, one of these

books, invites the reader on a

journey as a baby boy travels from

infancy to adulthood, watched over by his doting mom. No matter how big the boy grew or how much

trouble he inevitably got himself

North Texas Kids  •  May 2009  •

each night to sneak into his room, asleep, and then put him into her arms and rock him, promising

to “love him forever” and “like him for always”. The mother’s

own increasing age and her son’s

growing bigger over the years do

not stop her from taking him into

her arms and singing the same song each night. My favorite part of the

book is the ending, particularly the part where the now-grown man

sings the same song his mother sang

The Paper Bag Princess and Millicent and the Wind—but I believe that

everyone should read this book in particular!

Index of Advertisers A Child Safe Home


Family e-Guide


Planting Seeds Christian



For My Kids


Princess & Pirates Dressup


Adventure Day Camps


Frank Buck Zoo


Prospering Farms


Adventure Kids Playcare


Frisco Horse Park


Pump It Up Jr.


All Saints Catholic School


Frisco Youth Triathalon


Putt Putt Golf


Alley Cats


Frozen Ropes


Race for the Cure


Angels of Care Pediatric


Girls In Motion


Rainforest Cafe


9, 21

Gray School of Music


Red Nose Run


18, 21

Greenhill School


Revelation Dance


Baylor, Our Children’s House


Guardian Pet Sitters


Rich Educational Consulting


Blue Sky Landscaping


Guy Mezger’s Combat


Robots 4 U




Hawaiian Falls


Rockwall Indoor Sports Expo


Bounce U-Carrollton


Healthy Texan Pediatrics


Rover Dramawerks


Bright Women – Fort Worth


Heard Natural Science Museum


Sharkarosa Wildlife Ranch


C & R Medical


It’s A Sensory World

12, 20

Sheena’s Dance Academy


Camp Jam


Jewish Community Center

9, 27

Smashing Times


Camp Stewart


Jump Town

4, 20



Canyons Rock Climbing


Jump Zone




Capricorn Equestrian


Kid Shuttle A.S.A.P.


Speaker Coop


Celebrate Freedom


KidCore Toys


Speech TX


Center Stage Drama


Kids Care Therapy


Spicar’s Martial Arts


Chestnut Square


Learning RX

4, 20

Spirit of TX Cheer


Child Play Music


Lone Star Baby & Kids


Sports FUN-damentals Inc.


Children’s Medical Center


Lorie Burch


SS Noah


City of Allen Parks & Recs


Mad Science




22, 43

State Farm Insurance


A+ Prep School

Aqua Fit Swim & Wellness Art A Rama

City of Arlington Parks & Recs

26, 40

Made of Sugar & Spice

Club Z Tutoring


Main Event


Studio 3 Dance


Colonial Equestrian


Main St. School of Music


Studio Movie Grill


CSM Printing


Matco Services


Temple Shalom Preschool


Custom Sports Products




The Artist Within


Dallas Summer Musicals


McDonald’s – O’Reilly’s


The Child Care Source


Dr Pepper StarCenter


Moffat Enterprises


The Guildhall at SMU


Drama Kids International


Mom’s Night Out


The Ice at Stonebriar


Eagle Gymnastics


Monkey Grounds Indoor Play


The Ice at The Parks


Einstein Kidz


Motion Center for Dance


The Keller Pointe




Museum of Nature & Science


The Purple Cow


Emler Swim School




The Wiggly Play Center


Enrichment Chess


Nex Gym

20, 31

Therapy 2000


Epic MedStaff


Noah’s Ark


Under the Umbrella/Dynamic


ER Centers


Paige’s Swim School


US Toy Co


Evelyn’s Janitorial


Paint Yer Pottery


White Dove Montessori


Everybody Fits


Parish Episcopal School


Words R Me


Excite Gym & Cheer


Plano Sports Authority

23, 39

Work at Home United


Family Clay Prints


Plano Sports Authority – Lil Trax


YMCA Metro Dallas


Please tell our advertisers you saw them in North Texas Kids! Find links to all of these businesses on our website at North Texas Kids  •  May 2009  •


8_hj^ZWo FWhjo <kd M[ Ze _j Wbb \eh oek" ie h[bWn [d`eo

+ tax

for up to 10 children $6.10 for each additional child

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FWhjo _dYbkZ[i0 Happy Meal , Cake, Ice Cream, Decorations, ®

Party Favors, a Host or Hostess and a Gift for the Birthday Child.

Je cWa[ h[i[hlWj_edi0 Visit or call our birthday party hotline at 972.985.9285.

Dem 7lW_bWXb[ - ZWoi W m[[a De Z[fei_j h[gk_h[Z$ Locally owned and operated by Chuck and Julie O’Reilly


North Texas Kids  •  May 2009  •


North Texas Kids  •  May 2009  •

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