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Quality journalism for the thinking mind


WHY ARE SUPPLY TRUMP LAUNCHING CHAINS BLOCKED? “TRUTH SOCIAL” When forecasts are not specific enough to be actionable, the supply response cannot adjust in a timely or efficient manner. And because there is relatively little slack built into global supply chains, large deviations from normal patterns produce delayed responses, shortages, backlogs, and bottlenecks, like those today. MILAN – Supply-chain disruptions are severely hampering the global economic recovery. It is a strange situation in many ways. The types of products and services affected by delays and shortages – including a wide range of intermediate goods, from commodities to semiconductors, and the final products that depend on them – resemble what one would see in a wartime economy. And the disruptions took us largely by surprise. In fact, in the first quarter of this year, growth was overwhelmingly projected to accelerate, and experts were not exactly sounding the alarm that supply would fail to keep up. Yes, in-


fluential macroeconomists did warn that the combination of highly accommodative monetary policy, elevated household-savings balances, pent-up demand, and massive fiscal spending significantly increased the risk of inflation. And, yes, those forecasts – which appear increasingly prescient – implied that a surge in aggregate demand, fueled by a wall of liquidity and frothy asset prices, could outpace supply. But the likely duration of the imbalance remained unknown, and many argued that inflation – and, by extension, supply disruptions – would be “transitory.” Many observers remain convinced that this is the case. But participants in global supply chains increasingly predict that the shortages, backlogs, and imbalances between supply and demand will persist well into 2022, and perhaps longer. It seems clear that, for some significant period, global economic growth will be constrained by supply – a sharp contrast from the years after the 2008 global financial crisis. Although the surge in demand may be larger than mid-pandemic forecasts indicated, it was the basis for the high growth projections in the pandemic recovery period. That makes it all the more important


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Trump Media & Technology Group (TMTG) Will Create A Twitter And Netflix Competitor; News Programming Seems Possible. The Company Is Publically Traded Under The Symbol “DWAC” And Has Risen By Over 400%

PALM BEACH, FL -- Trump Media & Technology Group and Digital World Acquisition Corp. (NASDAQ: DWAC) have entered into a definitive merger agreement, providing for a business combination that will result in Trump Media & Technology Group becoming a publicly listed company, subject to regulatory and stockholder approval. The transaction values Trump Media & Technology Group at an initial enterprise value of $875 Million, with a potential additional earnout of $825 Million in additional shares (at the valuation they are granted) for

a cumulative valuation of up to $1.7 Billion depending on the performance of the stock price post-business combination. Trump Media & Technology Group’s growth plans initially will be funded by DWAC’s cash in trust of $293 Million (assuming no redemptions). Trump Media & Technology Group’s mission is to create a rival to the liberal media consortium and fight back against the “Big Tech” companies of Silicon Valley, which

The Pandora

There is nothing new about the practices the ICIJ’s investigation uncovered. True, the sheer scale, sophistication, and legal fire power deployed to allow today’s ultra-rich and powerful to game the law may be newsworthy. But the only truly shocking revelation is that it took more than 600 journalists from around the world to expose these practices, often risking their own safety and professional futures. The difficulty of that task attests to how well lawyers, legislatures, and courts have tilted the law in favor of elites. To hide their wealth, today’s rich and powerful have availed themselves of centuries-old legal coding strategies. In 1535, King Henry VIII of England cracked down on a legal device known as “the use,” because it threatened to undermine existing (feudal) property relations and served as a tax-avoidance vehicle. But thanks to clever legal arbitrage, it was soon replaced by an even more powerful device: “the trust.” Legally encoded by solicitors and recognized by courts of equity, the trust re-

Papers and the Threat to

Democracy In demonstrating how some of the world’s most powerful people hide their wealth, the Pandora Papers have exposed the details of a global system whose basic contours were already well known. Property laws have long been written by and for the wealthy, giving the public ample reason to suspect that the system is rigged. NEW YORK – The “Pandora Papers,” an investigation led by the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists, has fueled outrage around the world. Politicians, businesspeople, sports stars, and cultural icons have been caught in the act of hiding their wealth and lying about it. But how likely is a reckoning for the lawyers and accountants who helped them?



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> > NAT POST NEWS > > Issue#2 2021


Nat Post

Jena Griswold Highlights Election Results Reporting Process Denver--Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold is highlighting the process of counting ballots and reporting results, including how and when ballots are counted. Coloradans should refer to trusted sources of information like or their county clerk’s site for results reporting.

in-person and mail ballots received on Election Day. In past elections, Colorado has been able to provide over 75% of results on Election Night. The biggest variable impacting when results will be reported is the number of Coloradans who vote (either early in-person or return their mail ballot via mail, drop box or in person) in advance of Election Day relative to those who return their ballot or vote in-person on Election Day. Counties may post results to their websites, but are not required to do so. Note that if a court extends polling hours in any county, results will not be posted by the Secretary of State’s Office until polls are closed in every county. As counties continue to upload results periodically through the night, you can track progress by referencing the color-coded status that are used in the “counties reporting” map to indicate at what point they are in the process. Yellow indicates that a county has reported results at least once, and as they continue to tabulate ballots, they will update results periodically throughout the night. Lavender means that a county has stopped tabulating for election night, but does not indicate that all ballots have been tabulated, as they will continue to update results in the following days. Green indicates that all eligible ballots have been tabulated, and dark orange indicates results have been certified as official.

“In Colorado, county clerks process ballots prior to election day, which enables a high percentage of results to be reported on election night. But election night results are never final results,” said Secretary Griswold. “In the days after election day, military and oversees voters return their ballots, signature discrepancies can be fixed, and bipartisan audits are conducted to determine statistical confidence in the results. Like any election, there is quite a bit of activity after election day.” In Colorado, results are not reported based on how the manner in which ballots are cast. For example, ballots cast in-person are not reported separately or before ballots returned by mail or drop box. However, as counties can start reviewing signatures once ballots are received and begin processing ballots for scanning 15 days before Election Day, early in-person ballots and For more information on election damail ballots received before Election tes and deadlines, please visit www. Day will likely be scanned prior to

Guest Column written by Ret. Col. USAF Shawn Smith in response to Jimmy Sengenberger’s opinion piece. Intro by


immy Sengenberger’s opinion piece commenting on Mesa County Clerk Tina Peters’ story around her backing up election records which she is legally bound to do – is another sign that the Colorado County Clerk’s Association (CCCA) is in full-throttle damage control. The private association is funded by fees paid to the organization by Colorado County Clerks, using tax payer dollars. It’s run by Executive Director Matt Crane, President Carly Koppes CCR of Weld County Colorado, and Vice President Justin Grantham CCR of Fremont County. The CCCA has a lot to lose as the realities of election fraud having taken place in Colorado during the 2020 election come to light. Clerk Peters’ case is the center of the entire election fraud operation imploding – meaning accountability is on the hori-


zon for Sec State Griswold, her staffers, vendors, and as in our next investigative story will reveal, Matt Crane and the CCCA. As the election fraud raw-sewage is being dumped on all involved, it’s clear Tina Peters is avoiding any backsplash. She’s predicted to come out of Jimmy’s “hooplah” clean and fresh – a patriot hero who will go down in history as one of the good guys. The question becomes, how do we know the CCCA is involved in the information war in CO aimed to deflect responsibility from all involved in election fraud? Jimmy’s only source for his op ed is Chuck Broerman, the El Paso County Clerk and Recorder. Since last spring, Broerman has had several meetings with citizens, appeared alongside Matt Crane of the CCCA in meetings where military system security testing expert Shawn Smith has presented overwhelming analysis and evidence on election system vulnerabilities, and has gone on the record in several articles defending “Colorado is the gold standard” for elections. Crane himself has been the beneficiary of several hours long sessions with Smith; where face-to-face he was schooled on the vulnerability issues with electronic voting systems. Faced with all this information, delivered by a top military expert who, during his service briefed the highest

levels of the military on security issues associated with complex computerized defense systems including The Joint Chiefs of Staff, it’s hard to believe Crane didn’t take any of the truth about vulnerable election systems to heart. However, there is an explanation. Crane’s calcified position that electronic voting machines have no problems must track back – at least in part, to his wife. Lisa Flanagan-Crane has worked for Dominion for almost two decades. Crane’s wife worked alongside the notorious Eric Coomer who is on the record as saying he was going to ensure Trump was not going to win in 2020. It would be remiss if we didn’t mention that for months, Crane maintained publicly that Dominion machines did not come off the Chinese (CCP) factory lines standard with wireless

modems. At the Republican Study Club meeting in late spring, when confronted yet again by experts stating the objective truth Dominion machines were indeed equipped with wireless modems; in pure humiliation Crane had to publicly slug down a Big Gulp™ of election-fraud raw sewage. He admitted that yes, the Dominion machines did have wireless modems – BUT he claimed “they were turned off”. It’s surprising Crane didn’t try to sell the group on the idea that the drum of raw waste he just slugged down tasted like Tootsie Rolls. Back to Broerman. The question remains, why is Broerman carrying the sludge bucket, championing the falsehoods of the CCCA? Does Broerman have designs on running for Sec State? Rumor has it he’s going for Treasurer in El Paso County. Does he need to stay re-

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> > NAT POST NEWS > > Issue#2 2021

Jimmy Crack Corn, the Master ’s CCCA by Ret. Col. USAF Shawn Smith


Nat Post

County Clerk, Voting: Possible Shenanigans

In his defense, Jimmy Sengenberger has no earthly idea what the hell he’s talking about. That much is obvious a few lines into his recent cry for help, and it’s to be expected when you’re witnessing a puppet show. If you want to know why the puppet is dancing, you have to figure out whose hand is up the rear.

Highlighted by Expert Air Force Colonel

levant with the GOP elite donor class for his next run? Did the CCCA promise support if he used his position as a County Clerk and Recorder to carry the reeking sewage bucket with a smile? Or is this a continuation of the threat campaign that Broerman himself admitted this spring in a meeting with constituents? He claimed that the Attorney General Phil Weiser sent him a letter stating that if Broerman allowed citizens to fully audit El Paso County’s 2020 election records, paper ballots, and envelopes Broerman would be sued. In conclusion, let’s wrap with Shawn Smith’s response to Jimmy’s op ed:


While nobody has time to solve the mystery of why Jimmy, who wouldn’t know a “trusted build” from a trumpet bell, saw fit to enquote “Gerald Wood” or “non-employee consultant,” as if those are somehow questionable, novel terms, nor why he thought it important to mention that District Attorney Rubenstein and Chuck Broerman are Republicans (if you say so…), we can read. And that much sets us apart from poor Jimmy. For example, his definition of “trusted build” looks a lot like the children’s version that we’ve heard from the SecState and the Colorado County Clerk’s Association (CCCA). Unlike Clerk Peters, Jimmy (and, let’s face it, the SecState) hasn’t read the SecState’s Election Rules (8 CCR 1505-1), so he doesn’t know that the “trusted build” is both the process of modifying the voting system software and the write-once installation disk or disks that ensure chain-ofcustody from a tested version to a certified version to an installed version. More importantly, Jimmy doesn’t know that nothing in the trusted build rules requires the destruction of the operating system log files mandated by the 2002 Voting System Standards and, therefore, by Colorado law. In fact, quite the opposite: both Federal and Colorado law require the preservation of those operating system log files, especially on voting systems using “Commercial Off the Shelf” computers. Even if the vendor or the SecState wanted to unnecessarily install a completely clean build, they could simply use a brand new hard drive, rather than overwriting the old one with all the Federally- and State-mandated audit-critical system log files. Hundreds of millions of dollars for these voting systems, but we need to save

$50 by overwriting audit-critical files on the hard drives? Jimmy inexplicably fixates on the word “suspected,” in his article, theorizing (ok, “regurgitating”) that “Peters should already understand the process of trusted builds,” since they’ve happened “twice during her tenure” (2019 and 2021). But Jimmy’s puppet-speak conveniently ignores not only that 100% of the misleading guidance Peters and other clerks received from the SecState’s office would make Peters an unwitting accomplice to the SecState’s illegal destruction of election records, but that Peters listened to actual experts and did her duty while her peers apparently kept their heads in the sand. Of the 64 riders at her second rodeo, to use Jimmy’s malappropriated faux-folksyism, only Clerk Peters appears to have held on for 8 seconds. She deserves the buckle the CCCA has been awarding itself. Ruh-roh. That’s the real problem that brought the hand that feeds back behind Jimmy: 60+ other nervous clerks and their Bishop of Fraud at the CCCA just realized that, not only hasn’t the SecState ever asked them, or told them how, or provided resources, to image their systems to preserve all the required records, but they’ve never done it on their own. This paragon of integrity and election expertise at the CCCA claims “the deletion of material in the trusted build is by design…as with a personal computer.” Well, that about covers criminal intent. We can’t wait for the apologia that explains how a voting system subject to 280+ pages of Federal standards mandated by State law, for which the destruction of records is a Federal felony, and upon which the fate of our State and republic depend, is like “a personal computer.” Maybe the Bishop really thinks these are his personal computers? Worse yet, many of those clerks were forewarned by some of the same vigilant citizens that warned Clerk Peters. But wait! Jimmy said “this just isn’t so.” Well, I guess that settles it; the intellectual eunuch who called for Clerk Peters’ resignation back in August on the basis of unproven,

uninvestigated allegations, has now declared Peters “disingenuous” because….wait for it….El Paso County Clerk Chuck Broerman TOLD him so. “He told me!!” Why would Jimmy start reading original sources, now, I guess? Thirteen-rodeo Chuck, obediently following the SecState’s felonious guidance and destroying operating system log files for all 13, in violation of Federal and State law and the state-mandated 2002 Voting System Standards, is Jimmy’s source for expertise. Broerman, who doesn’t know the difference between a risk-limiting audit (a sobriquet which gives “trusted build” a run for its money) and a forensic audit. Broerman, who’s responsible for the integrity of El Paso County elections, but didn’t know his voting systems had wireless modems in them. What are the chances he made sure they were turned off? Jimmy Crack Corn! Jimmy’s opus sans compréhension on preservation of election records wraps up with a painfully ignorant dissertation on election project files. Jimmy, who hasn’t apparently read the U.S. Department of Justice’s Federal Law Constraints on Post-Election Audits and its broad definition of digital election records, along with everything else he hasn’t read, simply takes Broerman’s and the Bishop of Fraud’s nonsense as gospel. If you could get a puppet to read, he might notice that the definition of “Election Records” at CRS 1-1-104 says “…includes…” and never mentions “election project files.” Even better, Federal law in the matter trumps state law. But never mind: Broerman told him. And people say journalism is dead. Credit where it’s due, even if it’s just a stopped clock – Jimmy got one thing right: Colorado voters deserve the truth. They won’t be getting that from Jimmy or his sources, and We the People have figured that out.

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> > NAT POST NEWS > > Issue#2 2021


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A New Narrative: Black Parents, Educators Can Shatter Outmoded K-12 Framework When Zaila Avant-garde won the national spelling bee, I

knew it wouldn’t be long before school choice became a part of the discussion. A naturally bright kid, and some would say a prodigy, Zaila is also the product of parents who decided to homeschool her instead of putting her in a traditional school setting. This decision to mold learning around the specific needs of their child was a move that proved Zaila’s interests and aptitude could be molded, too. Homeschooling gave Zaila and her parents the opportunity to pursue her passions and strengths; far too often, though, empowering families to choose the right schooling environment becomes a political football instead of a glowing headline. It’s no secret that the school choice movement is viewed as heavily political, but it doesn’t have to be if we embrace the voices of those who most need and utilize educational options. As a former teacher and education advocate, I strongly feel all parents have the right to choose where their child goes to school — and that includes learning at home. After all, African American children have historically been most impacted by the segregationist tendencies of political leaders. White and wealthy communities have used school choice as a means to separate from other racial and class groups dating as far back as the landmark Brown v. Board of Education case. Because African American families experience a greater rate of poverty and a lower rate of high-quality education, many are left entirely out of the choice conversation and cast to the side where they inevitably can develop and harbor ill feelings about the movement altogether. Hot button topic or not, I firmly believe school choice is a viable road to creating real equity within communities of color. More than anything, I think Black families need more resources and examples of what having this type of choice can mean for their children. Recently, I attended the Reimagining Education Millennial Symposium in New Orleans, a conference grounded in the rich history of the African American educational experience. The symposium, which was sponsored by EdChoice, targeted Black millennial leaders, mostly from local and national Urban League Young Professional chapters, to examine the current state of education and explore how policies and school choice can impact communities of color. Facilitated by EdChoice Senior Outreach Director Emory Edwards, the goal of the conference was to arm participants with tools to engage community members on the policies, historical framework, and increasing the impact of Black representation in educational leadership. While I attended all of the sessions, one in particular stood out: “Reimagining Education: How do we build an education ecosystem to support our next generation?” A group of us gathered to do what they called an “ecosystem exercise.” We were given no other rules than to create an education ecosystem without limitations. This session was uniquely challenging. At first, we all struggled quite a bit to come up with an idea outside of what we were familiar with. I realized later, we had so much trouble with this exercise not because it was particularly hard, but because it was actually about unlearning. We’d all come to the group with certain notions about how school must be — not what it could be. When we started, we were operating within the framework that already exists, talking about issues such as after-school programming, smaller class sizes and better disciplinary procedures. Those topics are pre-determined, someone else’s ecosystem. We were pushed to break free from that model. Once we got going and it was time to share out, everyone contributed such wonderful ideas, all rooted in love and holistic practices, many of them leve-


raging community assets that already exist in any given community aren’t necessarily leveraged appropriately. We came back to the group with a vision to create holistic practices that address multi-generational opportunities to learn within the schools; design workforce opportunities by building partnerships within the school setting; intentionally utilize local vendors to support the school’s surrounding economy; and provide yoga and learning centers for parents within the school to access higher learning. It was hard to build a different vocabulary to describe what’s possible for us because we had to learn to unlearn and reimagine the endless possibilities we can create. After all, can’t we fight for students within traditional systems and expand opportunities for families that choose to do something different? Building a new vocabulary meant we had to move beyond the polarizing language that defines the debate as charter versus traditional schools. We realized that the schools we were creating were not available at scale, and some

school leaders who were present were already stepping outside of the box to meet their students’ needs. As we change up the vocabulary, we need to do a better job describing the different variations of school choice and describing how Black families have always sought different options for their children and need to continue to be resourced to create/decide the learning that’s best for their children. If that option doesn’t exist, it just means we need more leaders to create the space for what’s possible. As an educator and entrepreneur, my dream is to see Black business owners get more involved in education. I’d love for entrepreneurs to create incubator pipelines that expose Black kids to entrepreneurship while helping them to develop business skills like financial literacy, negotiation, cash flow, and the ins and outs of buying power. So many jobs today want candidates with an “entrepreneurial spirit,” but how many of our kids are we preparing for this type of workforce? How can we partner with business owners and skilled pro-


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> > NAT POST NEWS > > Issue#2 2021

Homeschooling gave Zaila and her parents the opportunity to pursue her passions and strengths; far too often, though, empowering families to choose the right schooling environment becomes a political football instead of a glowing headline. fessionals to strengthen our ecosystem within the community? Like Zaila and her parents, how can we engage with the choice movement to create more wins that truly center our children’s needs and help them to excel? When we begin to draw outside the lines and see choice as power, we can be liberated from the many barriers that hold us back from high-quality learning. Kristen Smith is a former educator, entrepreneur, and a 2021 National Voices Fellow at 50CAN.

DOES SCHOOL CHOICE MAKE SCHOOL SEGREGATION BETTER OR WORSE? According to nearly every empirical study on the topic, school vouchers lead to more ethnic and racial integration in schools, so there is virtually no evidence to support that vouchers, in practice, result in more racial or ethnic stratification.

Moreover, school choice breaks down the socioeconomic barriers to


entry that have historically prevented many American students from accessing schools that work best for them. A new international study found that Latin American countries with traditional district-based education systems have experienced increased social stratification; meanwhile, Chile’s free school choice system—a universal voucher system—has not significantly increased the degree of segregation in schools. In fact, Chile’s voucher system has mitigated the segregation trends seen in other countries with similar histories and cultures. To be frank, rich people have always been able to practice educational choice: They either pay out of pocket for private schools, or they pay a premium to buy houses in neighborhoods with “good public schools.” So, what happens to everyone else? We know for a fact that our current ZIP Code-based public education system has kept too many low-income students and students of color out of quality schools. And studies have shown today’s system also continues to contribute to the exacerbation of socioeconomic segregation in neighborhoods and, thus, public schools. Educational choice, on the other hand, is designed to help all children, regardless of their income or neighborhood. Even in states where school choice programs are open to families of all incomes, the programs primarily help low- and middle-income families. That said, we should never presume to know every family’s unique circumstances or hardships, and nei-


ther should our country’s education policies. In all its forms, school choice gives low-income families more opportunities to access schooling options they might never have been able to access before—options that were formerly only available to the wealthy.

Nat Post

Choice and access level the playing field for everyone. And after all, wasn’t our great nation founded on the principles of liberty and equality—not just opportunity for those who can afford it? S



be cool,

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> > NAT POST NEWS > > Issue#2 2021


INNOVATION: A robot that ccleans leans bathrooms.




offers an autonomous bathroom cleaning robot service. The robot uses a no-touch, 3-step system, to clean all bathroom surfaces with a high degree of efficiency. Operating as a monthly service, the robots autonomously clean without requiring direct supervision. The result is an increase in efficiency for the cleaning team as well as an overall reduced cost. The company offers a trial with your cleaning team with no commitment to see how you can reduce staff turnover, improve cleaning quality, and save 50% on the cost of bathroom cleaning. The property to be cleaned provides a recharging area (Ex. janitor closet), a water source and drain (Ex. slop sink), and an electrical outlet. There are no set-up fees or other maintaince costs. The SOMATIC three-step, touchless cleaning process begins with sanitizing. The robot sprays a chemical solution onto the area. Next a jet of fresh water is sprayed to remove any debris as well as the chemical solution. In the final step the robot vacuums the floor dry using it’s built-in wet vac. The process sanitizes and disinfects all surfaces and material types. It also is effective at eliminating odors as well as mold, mildew, and allergens. Because the entire process is done autonomously, it enables cleaning teams to greatly reduce the time it takes to effectively clean bathrooms. All while providing building occupants with a superior experience.


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> > NAT POST NEWS > > Issue#2 2021




and enter a low power sleep mode. Press the power button again to wake and pick up right where you left off.

Inventive Techies Launch Another Cutting-Edge, Fun Product A multi-video-game-system portable handheld. A digital audio workstation with a built-in synthesizer and sequencer. A tribute to portable gaming. Out of the box, Pocket is compatible with the 2,780+ Game Boy, Game Boy Color & Game Boy Advance game cartridge library. Pocket works with cartridge adapters for other handheld systems, too. Like Game Gear. Neo Geo Pocket Color. Atari Lynx & more. Completely engineered in two FPGAs. POCKET IS DESIGNED around a first-in-class 3.5”, 615 ppi, LCD. With a 1600x1440 resolution, Pocket has 10x the resolution of an original Game Boy. Pro level color accuracy, dynamic range, and brightness. The display is made from Gorilla® Glass. There has never been a display this advanced in a video game system. Pocket can sleep & wake at anytime during use. Press the power button and Pocket will suspend gameplay


PLAY POCKET ON THE BIG SCREEN Analogue Dock is a companion for Pocket. With Dock you can connect Pocket to your HDTV. Sync up any wireless 8BitDo Bluetooth or 2.4g controller directly to Dock for wireless play. Up to 4 player support. You can connect controllers directly via wired USB, too. It’s for making music, too. Pocket has a digital audio workstation built in called Nanoloop. It’s a synthesizer and a sequencer. Designed for music creation and live performance. Shape, stretch and morph sounds. Capture music or play and sculpt live. Pocket is designed for FPGA development. They added a second dedicated FPGA just for developers to develop & port their own cores. With access to Analogue’s proprietary hardware and scalers - the company thinks developers are going to do some amazing things.

* 3.5” LCD. 1600×1440 resolution. 615ppi. * 360° display rotation (tate mode) * Variable refresh display * Rechargeable lithium ion 4300mAh battery * 6-10 hour gameplay time & 10+ hour sleep time 9 * All buttons mappable * Stereo speakers * micro SD card slot * USB-C charging * Original-style link port * 3.5mm headphone output

DOCK * 1080p HDMI output * Bluetooth & 2.4g support for wireless controllers * 2 USB inputs for wired controllers * Up to 4 player support (4p Bluetooth, * 2p 2.4g, 2p wired USB) * DAC compatible * Power Dock on from controller ADAPTERS * AP_01 Game Gear adapter * AP_02 Neo Geo Pocket + Neo Geo Pocket Color adapter * AP_03 Atari Lynx adapter MORE INFO Visit:

Product Disclosures: 1Analogue Pocket does not play copyrighted rom files, it plays legacy game cartridges via the cartridge slot. 2Analogue Pocket is not designed using software emulation. It is designed using a specialty hardware chip called an FPGA, which operates on a transistor level implementation of its functionality. 3Analogue Pocket does not operate utilizing any bios files from any other entities. Analogue designs all hardware. 4Sega Game Gear, Neo Geo Pocket Color and Atari Lynx game cartridge compatibility requires cartridge adapters [ sold separately ]. 5Six hour battery life is a rough estimation with display at default brightness.

MAKE YOUR OWN GAMES FOR POCKET The Analogue company partnered with GB Studio so you can bring your game ideas to reality with zero programming knowledge needed, as well. This little gem is versatile. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS * Compatible with Game Boy, Game Boy Color and Game Boy Advance game cartridges.



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> > NAT POST NEWS > > Issue#2 2021




t’s a fun and regular joke for advisors and their clients: “Where’s your crystal ball?” I still get asked that. We have a fun time with it. Yet there’s a grain of truth to the joke, too. After enough experience, professional investors should have at least an educated guess on the future, right? Well, I’m dusting off that old oracle and chancing some guesses.


Stockholders and brokers watch tensely as the fluctuations of the stock market are registered on the big board in Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Beane’s office at 148

Just when it looks like the stock market shouldn’t go higher we reach new Pierrepont Street, 1956. records. It’s very exciting. Corporate earnings keep rolling in, higher. GDP keeps moving along, now a bit slower. But the party is still on. We’re making The list goes on for negative possibilities. The question is what changes will money in the U.S. markets. Good money. take place and how big will those changes be? Once we enter that new seThese highs have been going on for 8 ½ years. Really. We first broke old cular bear be ready for years of nothing (no new highs but plenty of volatility) records in the spring of 2013. At that point, the Dow Jones broke through the from the markets and, as usual, make sure your portfolio is ready. previous record and hit over 14,253. This is the official start of the current secular bull market. Secular just means long term.

LONG TERM CYCLES The market has a truly fascinating record and pattern of secular bull and bear markets. These long-term markets last historically around 15-21 years. It’s very clear when you look at a chart of the Dow Jones. I’m looking at one now that goes to the beginning of the year 1900. You can draw a horizontal line for those long, flat markets (no new highs). You can also draw a very clear line upward as the markets fluctuate but still keep breaking new highs. The pattern alternates between bear and bull market, of course. From 2007 to spring of 2013, we had a long flat market, lasting six years. The stock market could not hit a new record high. So it was stagnant for over half a decade. That was the most recent secular bear market. We’re living in the most-recent secular bull market, as noted above. From that fateful spring to today and beyond, apparently. “Beyond” for how long, though? There could be a change to this pattern, too. Back in 1900, 1950 or even 1980, things were slower and less global. Now we have instant communications and trading; international, 24-hour markets and economics; and constant, ceaseless consumption and commerce. This could be shortening those typically two-decade cycles. We seem to be squeezing in the same amount of economic activity into a shorter period. So we get shorter cycles. Just a theory. Yet it’s already happened once. From the Great Recession low to the start of today’s super bull was a mere six years. Could this be the beginning of shorter “super cycles”? I believe so. My belief is that we could see one to three more years of strong U.S. stock markets, producing new highs. Although there’s already GDP weakness and consumer sentiment weakness. One economist sees us currently in a recession due to consumer reactions. So the beginning of our next long term bear could be here much sooner.

CHINKS IN THE ARMOR So if we have shorter cycles we’re well into this one at almost nine years. The stop has to be around the corner, if history repeats. I see two large cracks that could cause this slowdown. The most obvious problem we have now is inflation. In short, our money supply has increased by 37 percent, or about $5 trillion newly printed dollars, in less than two years. You’re probably well aware of the inflation issue. Leave your house and it seems to cost more money everywhere for just about every thing, right? So I’m calling these good times for the markets “inflationary earnings” or “inflationary economy” or whatever other numbers you might be looking at. Or inflationary market highs. If we strip out the rate of this monetary inflation we’re not really growing that much in any respect. The growth appears to be mostly an illusion. Another dog could be negative policies. No matter our politics there are a few things that most experts agree on as bad for the economy and markets. For example, significantly higher taxes are pretty much universally seen as a brake to the economy. There’s been talk of raising taxes. And the politics are in place to possibly achieve that.



For those of you who don’t know their motto it’s to be prepared. Always good advice, right? A good way to prepare for a market downturn, while still being invested, is to own bonds. Particularly I’ve been telling clients to have up to twenty percent of their portfolios in short-term Treasury bonds. They really don’t give you much interest. It’s close to cash interest rates, a fraction of a percent income each year. But you might just hug me when a significant market drop happens. According to, at the market depth of the Great Recession (March 9, 2009) the SPDR S&P 500 ETF (symbol: SPY) was down 51 percent. While the iShare 1-3 Year Treasury Bond ETF (symbol: SHY) was actually up over five percent in March. This example starts January of 2008 for a baseline. In late 2008, the iShare 20+ Year Treasury ETF (symbol: TLT) was up significantly at over 34 percent. So that longer bond fund worked just about the opposite of the stock market. The chart pitting the two is eye opening. Besides buying risk-free T-bonds you can also use my tried-and-true high-income philosophy. This approach invests in broad categories of investments that produce larger income than basic index dividends like the S&P 500. It’s not hard to get higher net income than this index. For example, you could simply buy real estate investment trust (REIT) stocks or funds and get much better income than stocks. Another example, although only for sophisticated or professional investors, would be the use of options income.

This article is for illustrative purposes only. Ron is not recommending any investment security for you but just trying to educate the community. INVESTMENTS CAN AND DO DROP IN VALUE; THEY HAVE NO BANK OR OTHER GUARANTEE. Ron is licensed and regulated by the great State of Colorado.

Ronald S. Phillips is a Pueblo native and an independent financial advisor. Order a free copy of his book Investing To Win by leaving a message at (719) 220-3005. Visit or email

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> > NAT POST NEWS > > Issue#2 2021


Nat Post


CALENDAR OF EVENTS Tue Dec 7, 2021 12pm - 12:30pm PCP Check-in Calendar: 2pm - 3pm Ranked Choice Voting Policy Committee Where: ONLINE only 5:30pm - 6pm CD3 Reorg Calendar: joselyn@coloradodems. org Wed Dec 8, 2021 6pm - 8pm Caucus Data Entry Training

Tue Jan 18, 2022 12pm - 12:30pm PCP Check-in Calendar:

Wed Jan 19, 2022 4pm - 6pm Obama Dinner Planning Thu Jan 20, 2022 7pm - 8pm Outreach Team Meeting Tue Jan 25, 2022 12pm - 12:30pm PCP Check-in Calendar: Tue Feb 1, 2022 12pm - 12:30pm PCP Check-in Calendar: Wed Feb 2, 2022 4pm - 6pm Obama Dinner Planning

Thu Dec 9, 2021 2pm - 3pm RCV for Colorado Policy Committee

7pm - 8pm Outreach Team Meeting

Tue Dec 14, 2021 12pm - 12:30pm PCP Check-in Calendar:

Mon Feb 7, 2022 2pm - 3pm Ranked Choice Voting Policy Committee Where: ONLINE only

Wed Dec 15, 2021 4pm - 6pm Obama Dinner Planning Where: ZOOM Mon Dec 20, 2021 7pm - 8pm Outreach Team Meeting Where: ZOOM Tue Dec 21, 2021 12pm - 12:30pm PCP Check-in Calendar: Tue Dec 28, 2021 12pm - 12:30pm PCP Check-in Calendar: Tue Jan 4, 2022 12pm - 12:30pm PCP Check-in Calendar: Wed Jan 5, 2022 4pm - 6pm Obama Dinner Planning 7pm - 8pm Outreach Team Meeting Fri Jan 7, 2022 2pm - 3pm Ranked Choice Voting Policy Committee Where: ONLINE only Calendar: ltemplin@rcvforcolorado. org Tue Jan 11, 2022 12pm - 12:30pm PCP Check-in Calendar:


Tue Feb 8, 2022 12pm - 12:30pm PCP Check-in Calendar: info@coloradodems. org Tue Feb 15, 2022 12pm - 12:30pm PCP Check-in Calendar: info@coloradodems.

org Wed Feb 16, 2022 4pm - 6pm Obama Dinner Planning Sun Feb 20, 2022 7pm - 8pm Outreach Team Meeting Where: ZOOM

Contact Us!

Address: 789 Sherman Street, Suite 110 Denver, CO 80203

Sun Feb 20, 2022 7pm - 8pm Outreach Team Meeting Where: ZOOM

Phone Number: 303-623-4762

Tue Feb 22, 2022 12pm - 12:30pm PCP Check-in Calendar:


Tue Mar 1, 2022 12pm - 12:30pm PCP Check-in Calendar:

Calendar: Wed Mar 2, 2022 4pm - 6pm Obama Dinner Planning

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> > NAT POST NEWS > > Issue#2 2021

◀ FROM PANDORA PAGE 1 mains one of the most ingenious legal tools ever invented for the creation and preservation of private wealth. In the old days, it allowed the wealthy to circumvent inheritance rules. Today, it is the go-to vehicle for tax avoidance and for structuring financial assets, including asset-backed securities and their derivatives. Functionally, a trust alters the rights and obligations to an asset without observing the formal rules of property law; it thus creates a shadow property right. Establishing a trust requires an asset – such as land, shares, or bonds – and three personas: an owner (settlor), a manager (trustee), and a beneficiary. The owner transfers legal title (though not necessarily actual possession) over the asset to the trustee, who promises to manage it on behalf of the beneficiary in accordance with the owner’s instructions. Nobody else needs to know about this arrangement, because there is no requirement to register the title or disclose the identities of the parties. This lack of transparency makes the trust the perfect vehicle for playing hide and seek with creditors and tax authorities. And because legal title and economic benefits are split among the three personas, nobody willingly assumes the obligations that come with ownership. The trust became a favored legal device for global elites not through some invisible hand of the market, but rather by purposeful legal design. Attorneys pushed existing legal boundaries, courts recognized and enforced their innovations, and then lawmakers (many of them presumably beholden to wealthy donors) codified those practices into statutory legislation. As previous restrictions were stripped away, trust law expanded its remit. These legal changes ensured that an ever-greater array of assets could be held in trust, and that the role of the trustee could be delegated to legal persons rather than honorable individuals like judges. Moreover, fiduciary duties were curtailed,

the trustees’ liability was limited, and the lifespan of the trust became increasingly elastic. Together, these legal adaptations made the trust fit for global finance. Countries that lacked this device were encouraged to emulate it. An international treaty, the 1985 Hague Convention on Trusts, was adopted with this goal in mind. In countries where lawmakers have resisted the pressure to sanction trusts, attorneys have fashioned equivalent devices from the laws governing foundations, associations, or corporations – betting (often correctly) that courts


would vindicate their innovations. While some jurisdictions have gone out of their way to be legally hospitable to private wealth creation, others have tried to crack down on tax and legal arbitrage. But legal restrictions work only if the legislature controls which law is practiced within its jurisdiction. In the age of globalization, most legislatures have been effectively stripped of such control, because law has become portable. If one country does not have the “right” law, another one might. As long as the place of business recognizes and enforces foreign law, the legal and accounting paperwork can be channeled to the friendliest foreign jurisdiction, and the deed is done. National legal systems thus have become items on an international menu of options from which asset holders choose the laws by which they wish to be governed. They don’t need a passport or a visa; all they need is a legal shell. Assuming a new legal identity in this way, the privileged few can decide how much to pay in taxes, and which regulations to endure. The costs of these practices are borne by the least mobile and the insufficiently wealthy. But turning law into a gold mine for the rich and powerful causes harm well beyond the immediate inequities it generates. By potentially undermining the legitimacy of the law, it threatens the very foundation of democratic governance. The more that wealthy elites and their lawyers insist that everything they do is legal, the less the public will trust the law. Today’s global elites might be able to continue to conjure private wealth from law. But no resource can be mined forever. Once lost, trust in the law will be difficult to regain. The wealthy will have lost their most valuable asset of all. Katharina Pistor, Professor of Comparative Law at Columbia Law School, is the author of The Code of Capital: How the Law Creates Wealth and Inequality (Princeton University Press, 2019).


Nat Post

“Hell, no, you’re not.”

With Representative Lauren Boebert

Rep. Boebert Blasts Leftist Environmental Extremists for Killing the Jordan Cove Natural Gas Pipeline Rep. Lauren Boebert blasted leftist extremists for killing the Jordan Cove Pipeline, which would have provided thousands of good-paying energy jobs, secured American energy independence, and improved the environment. Rep. Lauren Boebert stated: “Under the Trump administration, America was a net energy exporter, but under the Biden regime, we have been begging OPEC for energy. American natural gas is some of the cleanest-burning fuel in the world, and to improve the environment, provide American jobs, secure American economic and national security, and project an image of strength to the world, America should pursue energy independence. The cancellation of the Jordan Cove Pipeline is a tragedy for Coloradans and for American energy independence. American energy policy should not hinge on a few radical, well-funded environmentalists on the West Coast.”

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> > NAT POST NEWS > > Issue#2 2021

Nat Post “This agreement to raise the state minimum wage to $15/hour will help Colorado attract talented individuals to get the work done. I’m thrilled about this historic agreement.” --Gov. Polis


Governor Polis Celebrates Plan To Raise Minimum Wage For Colorado’s Direct Care Workers To $15/Hour

DENVER - Governor Jared Polis, Colorado

med by countless people across the state. I am grateful to all state employees for everything they do for WINS, members of the legislature and members of our communities, and I am proud to celebrate this SEIU celebrated the signing of the first-ever partnergroundbreaking achievement with all our partners ship agreement between Colorado WINS and the who made this day possible.” state, as well as a recently-approved plan to raise the “The agreement signed today marks the culminaminimum wage for Colorado’s direct care workers to tion of many years of hard work by so many people $15 an hour. to get to this point,’ said State Rep. Daneya Esgar “This agreement to raise the state minimum wage (D-Pueblo), the House sponsor of the legislation that to $15/hour will help Colorado attract talented indikicked off negotiations between WINS and the State. viduals to get the work done. I’m thrilled about this “This agreement honors the work of the tens of thouhistoric agreement which will ensure that Colorado sands of hardworking women and men who make continues to be a workplace where employees can Colorado the great place that it is, and will help enhelp serve our state and thrive,” said Governor Polis. sure the people who work for Colorado can thrive. I “I want to thank everyone who participated in this thank Colorado WINS, Governor Polis, and the State process. Colorado is proud of our effortsSelection to ensure forof reaching this unprecedented agreement.” that workers are treated equitably and paid a fair “All workers deserve to earn a living wage – to care for Timepieces in wage.” themselves and their families – and to plan for their fuColorado Gov. Polis thanked President Leroy Garcia, Majoritures,” said Senator Brittany Pettersen (D-Lakewood), ty Leader Daneya Esgar, Senator Brittany Pettersen, the co-prime sponsor of the legislation. “Today, we ceand other legislators for championing this process lebrate a historic agreement that will not only ensure and spearheading the legislation that made it posthat our direct care workers are treated with the digsible. nity and respect they deserve, but attract and retain “State employees are public servants who provide the most talented folks to provide critical services for critical services to Coloradans every day,” said Senafellow Coloradans. I am grateful to all of our partners te President Leroy Garcia (D-Pueblo). “With the Gowho made this possible, and know that it will make a vernor’s signature, the historic agreement between huge impact on all of our communities.” the State of Colorado and Colorado WINS is a huge Gov. Polis also thanked Colorado state employees victory that ensures that tens of thousands of state who have worked day in and day out during the panemployees can continue their work and thrive in the demic. Members of SEIU and COWINS spoke at tocommunities they serve. This victory is the product day’s event including Colorado WINS President Skip of many years of hard work and collaboration perforMiller, COWINS member and CDLE employee Jessica Mathis, and Colorado home care providers Charmayne Phillips and Michael Bardo. “Members of Colorado state em-

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is a good step. It will mean a lot of underpaid workers will finally see a raise. Now, we must keep up the fight until every worker in our state has the respect, seat at the table, and fair pay we deserve.” Gov. Polis thanked members of the Joint Budget Committee for approving this raise, and the men and women of SEIU Local 105 for championing the cause of a liveable wage for this invaluable workforce for so long. A consensus agreement was signed today with COWINS that ensures employees receive fair compensation for the services they provide Coloradans, a quality work-life balance, and a voice in decisions that affect their workplaces and career paths. This agreement is designed to ensure that the State and employees, through chosen representatives,

“State employees are public servants who provide critical services to Coloradans every day,” said Senate President Leroy Garcia (D-Pueblo). “With the Governor’s signature...a huge victory that ensures that tens of thousands of state employees can continue their work and thrive in the communities they serve.”

ployees’ bargaining team are here to celebrate having a voice through our first-ever contract negotiation. This partnership shows respect for the talent and expertise we have in-state jobs that are so essential to our communities,” said Skip Miller, a state employee at the Colorado School of Mines and President of Co7 N. Circle Dr. lorado WINS. “We have long been underpaid, Colorado Springs, CO 80909 719.475.8585 undervalued, and overlooked,” said Charmayne Phillips, a Colorado home care provider for the last 25 years. “After years of organizing and making our voices heard, in the streets and at our jobs, and in the halls of government, Colorado has taken a step forward, to start to right that wrong. $15

jointly work to promote cooperative relationships with the shared goal of providing the best possible services to the Coloradans we serve. Covered employees generally include those that are in the State personnel system, also known as classified employees. Exceptions include confidential employees, managerial employees, executive employees, administrative law judges, hearing officers, state troopers, employees in the legislative branch, and temporary employees. Since January 2021, the State and Colorado WINS have been negotiating in good faith on a Partnership Agreement that outlines wages, hours, and terms and conditions of employment on behalf of all covered employees. For more information on the Colorado Partnership for Quality Jobs and Service Act, please visit the State’s FAQ site and the Colorado WINS website.

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> > NAT POST NEWS > > Issue#2 2021


Nat Post





DEC 15, 2021 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm Archuleta County Central Committee JAN 7, 2021 Meeting 8:00 AM - 9:30 AM DENVER GOP FIRST FRIDAY BREAKDEC 17, 2021 FAST 11:30 am - 1:00 pm Mesa County GOP | Monthly LunJAN 8, 2021 cheon 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM DOUGLAS EXECUTIVE MEETING DEC 21, 2021 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm 8:00 AM - 9:30 AM Weld Exec Committee Meeting WELD COUNTY BREAKFAST 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm Log Cabin Republicans Business JAN 10, 2021 Meeting 4:30 PM - 7:00 PM SUMMIT COUNTY REPUBLICAN WODEC 22, 2021 MEN’S MEETING 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM LINCOLN CLUB 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM W.I.N.TALKS DEC 23, 2021 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM BOULDER COUNTY EXECUTIVE COMCHAFFEE COUNTY GOP CENTRAL MITTEE MEETING COMMITTEE MEETING DEC 25, 2021 JAN 11, 2021 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM AURORA REPUBLICAN FORUM (ARF) HUERFANO COUNTY REPUBLICANS MEETING DEC 27, 2021 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM W.I.N.TALKS TELLER COUNTY REPUBLICAN MEETING DEC 28, 2021 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM JAN 12, 2021 FREMONT COUNTY GOP MEETING 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm Eagle County Republicans Central JAN 21, 2021 Committee Meeting 8:30 AM - 10:30 AM GUNNISON GOP MEETING 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm Park County Republicans Central JAN 3, 2021 Committee Meeting 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM SUMMIT COUNTY GOP CENTRAL JAN 13, 2021 COMMITTEE MEETING 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM MONTROSE COUNTY REPUBLICANS JAN 4, 2021 CENTRAL COMMITTEE MEETING 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM COLLEGIATE PEAKS REPUBLICAN JAN 18, 2021 WOMEN’S FORUM (CPRWF) 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM WELD EXEC COMMITTEE MEETING DELTA COUNTY MONTHLY MEETING 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM JAN 5, 2021 LOG CABIN REPUBLICANS BUSINESS 6:45 AM - 8:30 AM MEETING ARAPAHOE COUNTY REPUBLICAN BREAKFAST COMMITTEE (ACRBC) JAN 19, 2021 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM 7:00 AM - 8:00 AM ARCHULETA COUNTY CENTRAL COMBOULDER COUNTY GOP MONTHLY MITTEE MEETING MORNING MEETING



JAN 24, 2021 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM W.I.N.TALKS JAN 25, 2021 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM FREMONT COUNTY GOP MEETING JAN 26, 2021 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM LINCOLN CLUB JAN 27, 2021 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm Boulder County Executive Committee Meeting


Contact Us!

Address: Colorado Republican Party 5950 S. Willow Drive, Suite 210 Greenwood Village, CO 80111 Phone Number: 303.758.3333 Email:

JAN 29, 2021 9:00 am - 10:00 am Aurora Republican Forum (ARF)







>>>> continued at the site >>>>


>>>> continued at the site >>>>

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> > NAT POST NEWS > > Issue#2 2021


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Diana DeGette Democrat Since Jan 7, 1997

Michael Bennet Democrat Since Jan 22, 2009 Next Election in 2022

2ND DISTRICT: Joe Neguse Democrat Since Jan 3, 2019

JUNIOR SENATOR: John Hickenlooper Democrat Since Jan 3, 2021 Next Election in 2026

3RD DISTRICT: Lauren Boebert Republican Since Jan 3, 2021



Ken Buck Republican Since Jan 6, 2015

Ed Perlmutter Democrat Since Jan 4, 2007


All representatives serve until the end of the current Congress on January 3, 2023.

Doug Lamborn Republican Since Jan 4, 2007

Red box symbolizes the Republican Party

6TH DISTRICT: Jason Crow Democrat Since Jan 3, 2019

Blue box symbolizes the Democratic Party


GOVERNMENT hot sheet The Colorado General Assembly The Colorado General Assembly consists of 100 members - 35 Senators and 65 Representatives. Senators serve four-year terms, while Representatives serve two-year terms. All members are limited to serving for eight consecutive years in their chamber - four terms for Representatives and two terms for Senators. As of the 2010 census, State Senators serve an average of 143,691 residents and State Representatives serve an average of 77,372 residents. The President of the Senate, Speaker of the House of Representatives, and the Majority and Minority Leaders of each chamber serve as the primary leadership for the legislature. These six members are responsible for the day-to-day operations of the House and Senate as well as serving as the oversight authority for the legislative service agencies. Each house elects additional leadership positions as well.

Senate Executive Leadership

The Executive Leadership of the Senate includes the Senate President, Majority Leroy M. Garcia, Jr. Leader, and Minority Leader. They are also ex officio members of the Executive CAPITOL PHONE: Committee of the Legislative Council along with the Executive Leadership of the 303-866-4878 House of Representatives. The President is elected by a majority vote of the Senate, while the Majority Leader and Minority Leader are chosen by their respec- President of tive caucuses. the Senate


Stephen Fenberg Senate District 18 CAPITOL PHONE: 303-866-4878

Majority Leader John Suthers was re-elected to a second term as mayor by an overwhelming majority in April of 2019. The 41st mayor of Colorado Springs.

Colo. Springs Mayor John Suthers

>>>>> See Where You Are On The Map and Find Your U.S. Representative >>>>> Senators

Each state in the United States elects two senators, regardless of the state’s population. Senators serve six-year terms with staggered elections. Americans in the United States’s six territories do not have senators.


The United States is divided into 435 congressional districts, each with a population of about 710,000 individuals. Each district elects a representative to the House of Representatives for a two-year term. Representatives are also called congressmen/congresswomen. Americans in the United States’s six territories are represented in the House of Representatives by an additional six non-voting delegates. All of the representatives from the top of this page serve until the end of the current Congress on Jan 3, 2023.


Chris Holbert Senate District 30 CAPITOL PHONE: 303-866-4881

Minority Leader

COS Current Council Members

District 1: Dave Donelson (elected in 2021) District 2: Randy Helms (elected in 2021) District 3: Richard Skorman, President Pro-tem (re-elected 2021) District 4: Yolanda Avila (re-elected 2021) District 5: Nancy Henjum (elected in 2021) District 6: Mike O’Malley (elected 2021) At-large: Bill Murray (re-elected in 2019) At-large: Tom Strand, President (re-elected in 2019) At-large: Wayne Williams (elected in 2019)

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> > NAT POST NEWS > > Issue#2 2021


Nat Post

◀ FROM TRUMP MEDIA PG. 1 have used their unilateral power to silence opposing voices in America. Trump Media & Technology Group (“TMTG”) will soon be launching a social network, named “TRUTH Social.” TRUTH Social is now available for Pre-Order in the Apple App store. TRUTH Social plans to begin its Beta Launch for invited guests in November 2021. A nationwide rollout is expected in the first quarter of 2022. Those who are interested in joining TRUTH Social may now visit to sign up for the invite list. President Donald J. Trump, the Chairman of TMTG, stated, “I created TRUTH Social and TMTG to stand up to the tyranny of Big Tech. We live in a world where the Taliban has a huge presence on Twitter yet your favorite American President has been silenced This is unacceptable I am on Twitter, yet your favorite American President has been silenced. This is unacceptable. I am excited to send out my first TRUTH on TRUTH Social very soon. TMTG was founded with a mission to give a voice to all. I’m excited to soon begin sharing my thoughts on TRUTH Social and to fight back against Big Tech. Everyone asks me why doesn’t someone stand up to Big Tech? Well, we will be soon!” Patrick F. Orlando, Chairman/CEO of DWAC, stated, “Digital World was formed to create public shareholder value and we believe that TMTG is one of the most promising business combination partners to fulfill that purpose. DWAC currently has $293 Million in trust, assuming minimal redemptions, which can fuel TMTG’s scale up, including to provide world class leading technology services to build strong and secure social networks and diverse media offerings. Given the total addressable market and President Trump’s large following, we believe the TMTG opportunity has the potential to create significant shareholder value.” Additionally, TMTG intends to launch a subscription video on demand service (TMTG+). TMTG+ will feature ‘non-woke’ entertainment programming, news, podcasts, and more. TMTG has named Scott St. John as the leader of TMTG+ Corporate Operations. Scott St. John is the Executive Producer of “Deal or No Deal’ and “America’s Got Talent” and has produced over 1,000 hours of Network and Cable TV. Please visit TMTG’s corporate website at for a Company Overview, and a video tour of TRUTH Social.

CONGRESSMAN DEVIN G. NUNES, RANKING MEMBER OF THE HOUSE INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEE, TO JOIN TRUMP MEDIA & TECHNOLOGY GROUP AS CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER; WILL LEAVE CONGRESS TO JOIN PALM BEACH, Florida--Trump Media & Technology Group (‘TMTG’) announced that Congressman Devin G. Nunes has been selected to join the Company as Chief Executive Officer. Mr. Nunes is currently a sitting U.S. House Representative, representing California’s 22nd


congressional district, and formerly the Chair of the House Intelligence Committee. Mr. Nunes will be leaving the U.S. House of Representatives and will begin his new role as Chief Executive Officer of TMTG in January 2022. President Donald J. Trump, Chairman of TMTG, commented, “Congressman Devin Nunes is a fighter and a leader. He will make an excellent CEO of TMTG. Devin understands that we must stop the liberal media and Big Tech from destroying the freedoms that make America great. America is ready for TRUTH Social and the end to censorship and political discrimination.” Congressman Devin Nunes added, “The time has come to reopen the Internet and allow for the free flow of ideas and expression without censorship. The United States of America made the dream of the Internet a reality and it will be an American company that restores the dream. I’m humbled and honored President Trump has asked me to lead the mission and the world class team that will deliver on this promise.” Since 2003, Mr. Nunes has served in the U.S. House of Representatives, currently serving California’s 22nd district. As Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee (2015-2019), Mr. Nunes worked on important matters related to U.S. security including cybersecurity and information technology. Mr. Nunes is also a Presidential Medal of Freedom recipient. Trump Media & Technology Group (TMTG) is a social media and technology company. TruthSocial, TMTG’s upcoming social media platform, will provide an outlet that encourages open global conversation without discrimination against political ideology. TMTG+, the company’s subscription-based video streaming service, is expected to include access to non-woke entertainment, news, documentaries, podcasts and more.

Trump Media & Technology Group Corp. and Digital World Acquisition Corp. Announce $1 Billion “PIPE” Investment in Committed Capital to Fund Business

PALM BEACH, Florida--Trump Media and Digital World Acquisition Corp.

(Nasdaq: DWAC), announced that DWAC has entered into subscription agreements for $1 billion in committed capital to be received upon consummation of their business combination (the “PIPE”) from a diverse group of institutional investors. President Donald J. Trump, Chairman of TMTG, stated, “$1 billion sends an important message to Big Tech that censorship and political discrimination must end. America is ready for TRUTH Social, a platform that will not discriminate on the basis of political ideology. As our balance sheet expands, TMTG will be in a stronger position to fight back against the tyranny of Big Tech.” Patrick Orlando, Chairman and CEO of Digital World Acquisition Corp., commented, “Our focus on delivering public shareholder value drives our decision-making and by accepting these commitments for a strategic infusion of

growth capital, we believe the combined company can grow on an incredibly strong foundation. The liquidity that will be provided to the combined company balance sheet, in excess of the up to $293 million (less expenses) that DWAC may provide, should fortify the strategic positioning of TMTG. I am confident that TMTG can effectively deploy this capital to accelerate and strengthen the execution of its business, including by continuing to attract top talent, hire top technology providers, and roll out significant advertising and business development campaigns.” Together, the transaction will provide estimated proceeds of approximately $1.25 billion (after deducting estimated deal expenses), assuming full delivery of the amount of cash held in trust by DWAC, to be used to fund operations of the combined entity. The per-share conversion price of the fully committed convertible preferred stock PIPE transaction represents a 20% discount to DWAC’s volume-weighted average closing price (“VWAP”) for the five trading days prior to and including December 1, 2021, subject to downward adjustment. The PIPE financing is subject to customary closing conditions, including stockholder and regulatory approval, and is expected to close upon or shortly after the consummation of the business combination. EF Hutton, a division of Benchmark Investments, LLC, is serving as exclusive placement agent and capital markets advisor to DWAC.


First they came for the Communists And I did not speak out Because I was not a Communist Then they came for the Socialists And I did not speak out Because I was not a Socialist Then they came for the trade unionists And I did not speak out Because I was not a trade unionist Then they came for the Jews And I did not speak out Because I was not a Jew Then they came for me And there was no one left To speak out for me. Pastor Martin Niemöller, Regarding the Nazi regime


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> > NAT POST NEWS > > Issue#2 2021

◀ FROM SUPPLY PAGE 1 to address two fundamental supply-side questions. First, are there underlying supply constraints that will persist even after pandemic-related blockages are cleared? And, second, is there something about the configuration and functioning of global supply chains that affects the supply response? One can reasonably make the case that the pandemic produced semi-permanent changes in some supply factors. For starters, many workers have dropped out of the labor market or deferred reentering it, despite the rollback of pandemic-support mechanisms. This probably has much to do with the highly stressful or dangerous conditions under which some, such as health-care personnel, worked during the pandemic. Many cargo workers were stranded on ships for months. If workers are to accept such positions now, they will probably demand better compensation and changes in

working conditions. Likewise, many of those who shifted to working remotely during the pandemic are resisting a full-time return to the office. Such shifting demands and preferences imply supply-side changes in many segments of the labor market, with unknown long-run effects. But labor-supply effects are only part of the story. We knew that a surge in demand was coming. So, why were global supply chains caught flat-footed? One reason is that pent-up demand was unleashed before the pandemic was actually over. So, as demand increased, pandemic-related disruptions continued to affect major ports and manufacturing facilities, dampening the supply response. Another factor is that demand seems to have risen beyond the system’s peak load capacity. Expanding that capacity will require investment and, more important, time. But, while peak load capacity is crucial in services like electricity (which is difficult to store), it is

VISIT US ONLINE AT: less important for goods, demand for which must be managed with a well-functioning system that anticipates surges and spreads out the order flow. Therein lies the problem. Global supply networks, as they are currently constituted, are complex, decentralized, and wound tightly, in order to maximize efficiency and minimize waste. But, while this approach works in normal times, it cannot handle major shocks or perturbations. Decentralization, in particular, leads to underinvestment in resilience, because the private returns on such investments are much smaller than the system-wide returns or benefits. Another consequence of decentralization is subtler, and perhaps most easily explained with an analogy to weather forecasting. Although weather is the result of an incredibly complex and interconnected system, forecasting has become increasingly precise and accurate over time, thanks to highly sophisticated models that capture the way relevant factors – such as wind, atmospheric and ocean temperatures, and cloud formation – interact. Global supply networks are similarly complex. But, while we might be able to anticipate 8.75 broad trends inches – such as that

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demand will increase – there is no model or set of models that enable us to predict with any precision how such trends might affect specific elements in supply chains. We have no way of knowing, for example, where new bottlenecks will occur, let alone how market participants should adjust their behavior. When forecasts are not specific enough to be actionable, the system cannot adjust in a timely or efficient manner. The system is essentially myopic: it discovers the blockages when they occur. And because there is relatively little slack built into it, large deviations from normal patterns produce delayed responses, shortages, backlogs, and bottlenecks, like those we are seeing today. The conclusion is clear: We need better models for predicting how supply chains will evolve, including their likely responses to shocks. These forecasts need to be publicly available so that all participants can see them and adapt. Artificial intelligence would likely be the key to success; indeed, this is a natural application of the technology. But international cooperation, with countries sharing real-time data generated by supply-chain networks, would also be needed. The costs of a hurricane or tsunami are greatly reduced when accurate forecasts enable people to plan ahead. Supply-chain disruptions are no different. Michael Spence, a Nobel laureate in economics, is Professor of Economics Emeritus and a former dean of the Graduate School of Business at Stanford University.



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> > NAT POST NEWS > > Second Issue 2021


Closely Held Secrets & Strategies From an Industry Insider From the first chapter:

There is more information on accumulating wealth available today than at any other time in history. Again, the US Census sheds some light on wealth accumulation. They found out that the top twenty percent of income earners and the top 5% of wealth gatherers have many habits in common: • • • •

42.6% own stocks and mutual funds 17.5% own their own business or professional practice 48.3% invest into an IRA 90.2% have cash in the bank

Those are very simple things that almost any of us can do. It does not take much effort to open an IRA account with investment funds or stocks in it. It is easy to deposit money in a bank savings account or CD. Most of us can easily think of and start even a part-time business. All it takes is to do it now. We just need to start with some simple steps and definite plans.

(book excerpts) Could the Earnings Yield Be the Best Single Measure of Stock Value? I think it definitely could be! I consider it to be the true measure of how you, as a stockholder, are actually benefiting from the company you invested in. You may not actually receive all of the net earnings in cash, but the company can buy back shares with net income, pay you cash dividends, AND/OR reinvest into the growing enterprise. But, first of all, what is an “earnings yield”? It is the opposite of the P/E ratio. It is essentially the E/P ratio. You divide a companies’ total earnings by the total market price of the stock. For example, if the company you are looking at has annual earnings of $20 million and a market value of $200 million, then the earnings yield would be .10 (expressed as a percentage that would be 10%). So for every dollar you are investing into the company, it is earning for you ten cents, or ten percent of a dollar. If a wonderful and popular company that everyone adored was making $1 billion dollars every year in net income that looks very good. But if that same business was valued on the stock market for $100 billion would

the earnings yield be to low? The earnings yield would be a paltry one percent! So for every dollar YOU INVEST INTO THAT STOCK the company is actually only producing one penny in net income for you, the shareholder and part-owner.

The 3-Step, No-Brainer Mutual Fund Strategy This is a tactic that is very simple and can be used as a stand-alone approach. It is very simple and easy to manage. If this is your only investment it can pay off handsomely for you if allowed to work as described. STEP ONE: Invest in a Balanced Mutual Fund or Asset Allocation Fund STEP TWO: Dollar-Cost Average into the Fund & Invest More as it Drops in Value As you learned earlier, you will accumulate more shares or less-expensive shares with the DCA strategy as the price of the shares move in value. And when the price drops significantly, as in a “bear” market, you add EVEN MORE than the usual amount. By doing that, you are making market volatility work for you.


What is GARP Stock Investing? GARP is an acronym for Growth At a Reasonable Price. As you can guess this approach simply combines both growth and value investing. With this method, you are looking at growth companies selling in the market at value prices. A very famous and successful GARP investor was Peter Lynch, for example.

Why fifteen years? According to Morningstar Direct, from the years 1926-2014, you would have had a 99.8% chance of profit if you had invested in stocks and held for fifteen or more years. Yes, you read that correctly; you would have been virtually ASSURED a positive return.

What Is The Difference Between a Global and an International Mutual Fund? This is an important question. I talk to people a lot that think the two are the same. And by the name they do sound just alike. But there is a big difference, especially when you are trying to properly diversify your assets. In a nutshell, when you see the name global in the mutual fund name or description, those funds will invest in international AND American (domestic) stocks. The international funds should have NO domestic shares. So you might think The Global ABC Fund is investing all of your money out of the country. But they could have fifty percent of the assets in large-capitalization


US companies. So are you really as diversified as you thought by looking at the name? On the flip side, if you invested in The International ABC Fund, then 100% of your money should be in foreign shares. Then you can rest assured that you have fully diversified OUTSIDE of the US. Then you can also invest other moneys into domestic funds or shares.

STEP THREE: Invest for Fifteen or More Years


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