owner, and a nonprofit founder. I am a triple-strength candidate with proven leadership in the private, public, and nonprofit sectors, and I am the only mayoral candidate with experience working in city government. I have launched and operated three businesses, co-founded the nonprofit COSILoveYou, and was the Vice President of Business
COLO SPGS, Colorado--Over the past three years we’ve seen many of our basic Constitutional rights trampled on under the guise of an emergency and empowered by fear. Our elected officials across the country have weaponized our police against their own communities over the enforcement of unconstitutional man-
NPN POST NEWS Quality journalism for the thinking mind ISSUE #6 *FREE NATIONAL ▶ SEE TIG, PAGE 10 EXPERIENCE THAT MATTERS Paid for by Friends of Yemi A CHAMPION FOR OUR NEIGHBORHOODS VoteYemi.com Get in touch YemiForMayor com @yemiformayor ▶ SEE YEMI PAGE 10 JOHN “TIG” TIEGEN: A FIGHTER FOR COLO. SPGS. YEMI: A LEADER TO MOVE FORWARD COLORADO—Colorado Springs, this election you have a choicecontinue the status quo or chart a bold new future that invites people INSIDE: Pages 2-3 SAY “HELLO” TO THE INNOVATIVE PRECINCT STRATEGY COLORADO’S VOICE like us to the decision-making table. I am father and husband to three young children, a small business
THE POWER OF THREE-TENTHS OF The Neighborhood Precinct Committeeman Strategy To Take Back The Republican Party And Then America At The Ballot Box
Not enough conservative Americans followed the advice here to organize and unite politically inside the Republican Party and, thus, we allowed Barack Hussein Obama to be re-elected. And we failed to re-elect Donald J. Trump.
In a nutshell, this is what every conservative — including you, dear reader — needs to do ASAP:
1.Contact your county Republican Party Committee, find out when and where it or your local district Party Committee meets (terminology varies from state to state), and attend the meeting. If your county committee is not listed at State Information, do this internet search: [your county name] county Republican committee. In CT and MA, search on the name of your city or town instead of your county name.)
2. Introduce yourself. Be friendly, polite, and low key. The current officers may be wary of outsiders. Ask if a vacant precinct committeeman position exists for your precinct and volunteer to be appointed to fill it. If no vacancy currently exists (extremely unlikely), volunteer to be a “helper” for the existing precinct committeemen.
3. Ask for a copy of the precinct committeeman handbook of your state party committee and study it and learn how to run for precinct committeeman in the next election for these positions.
What is a Precinct Committeeman?
Precinct committeemen are today’s political Minutemen. Can you at least give this a try? I guarantee you’ll find the experience very interesting and rewarding and you’ll meet a lot of interesting Republicans. And take along with you every conservative you know. Precinct committeemen are the “elite” of the political
parties – parties do not exist without them and fewer than one in one hundred political party members can be a voting member of the party.
A little bit of background. Richard Viguerie wrote a book, TAKEOVER: The 100-Year War For the Soul of the GOP and How Conservatives can Finally Win It, that embraced The Neighborhood Precinct Committeeman Strategy as the key blueprint for having conservatives “take back” our Republican Party. In 2013, Mr. Viguerie asked for ideas on how best conservatives could takeover the Republican Party. He would award a $10,000 prize for the best ideas and plans for
a conservative takeover of the Republican Party. I was a co-winner of the prize, and incorporated into my first e-book, Taking Back Your Government: The Neighborhood Precinct Committeeman Strategy. Unfortunately, over President Trump’s four years in office, the percentage of filled precinct committeeman slots of the Republican Party remained stagnant. Are YOU ready, now, finally, to get into the real ball game of politics and unite and organize politically where you live for real political action?
The Neighborhood Precinct Committeeman Strategy, outlined below, entails a tried-and-true, peaceful, Constitutional, ballot box solution to our present political predicament. The procedures and system for this solution have been in existence for decades. Obama used them.
Do Not Waste Your Time
This Strategy will require you to attend a Republican Party monthly meeting where you live and spend a few hours before the primary and general election either walking your precinct or making Get Out The Vote (“GOTV”) phone calls on behalf of a candidate. If you can’t commit to a few hours a year to save your liberties, don’t read on, as this Strategy is not for you. If the future of your country is worth a few hours a month outside your comfort zone, then please read on.
The Neighborhood Precinct Committeeman Strategy provides a template for good, decent, conservative Americans to unite and organize politically to help Get Out The Vote (“GOTV”) for the best conser-
vative candidates in the all-important, traditionally-very-low turn out primary elections and to change the Republican Party from a half-strength, ideologically-split, ineffective political party into a full-strength, solidly conservative GOTV colossus. This Strategy works. Since 2009, through aggressive recruiting of conservatives at tea party and other grass roots conservative groups, in person and at their web sites, the Maricopa County Republican Committee has grown from 1,989 precinct committeemen members to over 3,550 in March, 2012. In November 2012, over 52% of our allotted PC slots were filled, up from 31.8% in 2008. But, thereafter, in 2020, we dipped back down to just over 2,900 slots being filled–only about 36% of the total available slots were filled.
Again, this Strategy works. If we work it.
Obama Used The Neighborhood Precinct Committeeman Strategy To Defeat “Billary”
Need evidence that the Neighborhood Precinct Committeeman Strategy can work? Obama and his minions used this Neighborhood Precinct Committeeman Strategy to defeat Hillary and Bill Clinton and the Democrat Party establishment in the Democrat Party presidential primaries. Obama and his backers came out of nowhere to defeat the complacent “powers that be” of the Democrat Party. You don’t have to believe me – see the evidence with your own eyes. Search YouTube using the search words “obama precinct captain”. That search will bring back many videos of brand new Democrat Party precinct committeemen (also
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Questions about Let me show you how you could benefit from the Medicare-related plans out there. John B. Reed III Independent licensed and certified broker 719-225-8313 Serving Southern Colorado and New Mexico Medicare Plans??
referred to in some states as precinct captains) explaining how they were recruited into the Democrat Party’s precinct committeeman ranks and how important their efforts will be for Obama to win the nomination. This strategy has already worked in 2009 in Nevada and Minnesota. And Utah grass roots conservatives united there to invade the Republican Party to vote in the 2009 Party primary elections at the GOP state convention.
We needed more than feel-good Tea Parties. Do not get me wrong; the Tea Parties were great for networking and for physically demonstrating our numbers and wrath to the existing officeholders. The April 15, 2009 Tea Parties affected Obama and his minions. They first tried to ignore them. After the Tea Parties received media coverage, Obama and those who write his teleprompter scripts started to bad-mouth them. Obama’s friends in the mainstream media ridiculed the Tea Partiers. But, we needed more than rallies and choir-preaching on internet blogs and web sites. Let’s face it – no Tea Party on April 15, 2009, had the numbers that Obama had at many of his rallies. Not one of those Tea Parties would have even filled up half of a Major League ball park. Those are the facts. With Twitter and Facebook, etc., those numbers increased, as we saw on 9.12.2009 in Washington, DC and around the country.
But, here’s the bottom line: those tea parties and the rallies did not stop the Congress from passing, and Obama signing into law, Obamacare and all the other horrible socialistic,
wasteful, crony-helping laws and regulations. The key is to organize and unite politically, locally, to elect better people, and that starts with becoming precinct committeemen where we live.
Why did Mitt Romney lose? His campaign failed to develop a GOTV “ground game” at the precinct level. The Strategy does this.
A Few Hours A Month Is All It Takes — And It’s Easy
Can you carve into your schedule a couple of hours a month to spend on a weeknight and, perhaps, on a Saturday, to take our country back?
Is your liberty, and your children’s, not worth at least that?
Don’t Have A Few Hours A Month? Stop Reading.
Where do the candidates on our primary ballots come from? An estimated 95 per cent of the candidates of the Republican and Democrat parties who win the primary election are those who are endorsed by the leadership of those parties.
Do You Know Who Elects The Party Leaders? Did You Elect Them?
Who elects the leadership of the parties? Do you know? Are you a registered Republican? Guess what? As a “mere” registered Republican voter, without more, you did not have a vote in the election of the present leadership of the Republican Party. Sorry, but those are the facts.
Only elected precinct committeemen get to vote for the leadership of the Party. Do I yet have your attention? Ponder the fact that only elected precinct committeemen get to elect the Party leadership. Don’t you
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want to have a vote in those elections? Getting into position to have that right is easy.
About 3,141 counties exist in the United States. Almost all have a county
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Dan Schultz and the Precinct Strategy
You’re not in the Republican party unless you’re a Precinct Committeeman. Precinct Committeemen are the Party.
In 2017, I published this paperback book on Amazon.com and sent it to President Donald Trump, hoping he’d embrace the Precinct Committeeman Strategy to help him get reelected AND transform our Party by “Trumplifying” it with Trump supporters in the precinct committeeman ranks.
Now, perhaps if this inexpensive,
very brief book becomes a best-seller among conservatives, and enough of the conservatives who read it carry out the simple actions required to become “voting members” of the Republican Party — precinct committeemen — the probability of President’s Trump’s re-election — now in 2024 — will go up significantly, as precinct committeemen are instrumental in getting to the polls the 35% or so of Trump supporters who need a gentle reminder, from a fellow Trump supporter, to go vote. (The book is also available as an e-book.)
Visit: PrecinctStrategy.com
party organization. And, those county organizations almost always endorse candidates in the party primaries. And, usually, those party-endorsed candidates win. Tired of the kind of Republican In Name Only Republicans who are winning the primaries?
Then do something real and become a Republican Party precinct committeeman! Guess what? About half of the Republican Party precinct committeeman slots, nationwide, are unfilled! There’s about 400,000 slots nationwide and about 200,000 of those slots are vacant. (The preceding sentence was written in about 2011, and those numbers really haven’t change, it now being February 2019.) If
conservatives filled up all the empty slots they would OWN the Party. Precinct Committeemen are the Party. Do I yet have your attention? Has the light bulb above your head clicked on yet? In some counties, like the one where I reside, Maricopa County, Arizona, within which Phoenix sits, TWO-THIRDS of the precinct committeeman slots in the Republican Party sat unfilled on Election Day, 2008. While we went up to 52 per cent strength in 2012, we were back down to about 33 per cent in February 2019. Spend a few moments and picture this in your mind’s eye: thousands of
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Steve Bannon interviewing Dan Schultz on Real America’s Voice War Room
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Unwinnable War On Guns
DENVER—On Wednesday, March 8, 2023, Senator Julie Gonzales (@SenadoraJulie) tweeted:
“Current POV: I am in the Senate State Affairs committee today, where we will be hearing three bills designed to prevent gun violence from harming our communities. It’ll be a long day, but I couldn’t be prouder.”
What a hero! Preventing gun violence in our communities is important.
We must fight to increase firearm education and access, reducing irrational fear and ensuring our armed society can function safely. We must eliminate the “gun-free” zones that make unprotected targets of our most vulnerable populations. We must prosecute criminals that commit gun violence to the fullest extent of the law.
Because the Second Amendment protects our right to self defense, let’s make our American armed society safe, Senator!
Now, let’s look at those bills.
This bill expands red flag laws.
“The bill expands the list of who can petition for an extreme risk protection order to include licensed medical care providers, licensed mental health-care providers, licensed educators, and district attorneys.”
If SB23-170 passes, the government can declare you at extreme risk via the district attorney and separate you from your firearms. But wait, there’s more!
We’re paying for “a public education campaign regarding the availability of, and the process for requesting, an extreme risk protection order.” But we won’t educate people about firearms.
This bill expands people’s ability to sue “firearm industry members” if their loved ones are killed by firearms. That worked so well with tobacco companies.
“Current law limits product liability actions against manufacturers of firearms and ammunition to situations in which there was a defect in the design or manufacture of a firearm or ammunition. The bill repeals that limitation.”
They declare that “firearm industry members” are those “engaged in the manufacture, distribution, importation, marketing, or wholesale or retail sale” of firearms.
The final bill on the agenda for Gonzales’ hearing raises the age to purchase, possess, sell, or transfer a firearm from 18 to 21. Think about that. My 18-year-old son can die for Ukraine, gun in hand, but he would be prohibited from defending himself or his family at home.
Inexplicably, they also reduce the penalties for selling firearms to minors, from a class 4 Felony to a class 2 Misdemeanor. This is like the formula for the war on drugs.
From my view, these bills are a distraction from the one that makes it a crime to own a firearm.
No big deal. It’s for your safety. Also, the bill does not apply to the military, government, and peace officers because they need to — and totally will — protect you once they take your firearms away. Just look at history. That’s always what happens.
“The bill defines the term “assault weapon” and prohibits a person from manufacturing, importing, purchasing, selling, offering to sell, or transferring ownership of an assault weapon.”
The definition focuses on firearm features of both long guns and handguns.
“Assault weapons are uniquely lethal due to tactical features that are designed for the battlefield in order to injure or kill large numbers of people quickly and efficiently. These tactical features differentiate assault weapons from other
firearms. These features include detachable magazines, barrel shrouds, pistol grips, forward grips, and telescoping stocks, which allow a shooter to either conceal the weapon or make it easier to fire a high volume of ammunition in a short period of time while maintaining accuracy.”
Why do we allow Gonzales and the Colorado Communists to openly infringe upon our inalienable rights?
Why do we tolerate the proud and public collapse of the oath in another unwinnable war?
These bills will likely pass through committee and may even become law. Obviously, then legal challenges will commence all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court, and ultimately, they will be ruled unconstitutional.
If that doesn’t happen, then the Constitution of the United States is no longer active. May the odds be ever in your favor.
Either way, the lawyers will make a fortune. They always do.
Ashe Epp is a writer and election integrity activist. Read her work at AsheInAmerica.com and follow her on Telegram and other socials @AsheInAmerica
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Trump Hotels Properties Earn Prestigious 2023 Forbes Travel Guide Star Rating
Trump Hotels stated “We are beyond thrilled to announce that seven Trump Hotels destinations and spas were recognized in Forbes Travel Guide’s 2023 Star Awards, including:
* Trump International Hotel & Tower Chicago (5 Star)
* Trump International Hotel & Tower New York (5 Star)
* Trump International Hotel Waikiki (5 Star)
* Trump National Doral Miami (4 Star)
* Trump Turnberry (4 Star)
* The Spa at Trump at Trump International Hotel & Tower Chicago (4 Star)
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Congratulations to all our incredible teams–your hard work and impeccable hospitality are what make our Trump Hotels properties must-visit destinations. Spanning tropical paradises, sought-after city escapes, and the most legendary golf resorts, our hotels and resorts deliver epic getaways like no other. We invite you to stay with us for
an unforgettable experience.
Trump Golf to Host Three LIV Golf Events in 2023
– The first official season of the groundbreaking LIV Golf League will feature 14 events in seven different countries showcasing some of the top championship courses in the world, including a return to five venues that hosted tournaments as part of the 2022 LIV Golf Invitational Series.
Centurion Club outside London, England (July 7-9), Trump National Golf Club Bedminster in Bedminster, New Jersey (August 11-13), Rich Harvest Farms outside Chicago, Illinois (September 22-24), Trump National Doral Golf Club in Miami, Florida (October 20-22) and Royal Greens Golf & Country Club near Jeddah, Saudi Arabia (November 3-5) will welcome back many of the sport’s biggest stars for the landmark season in the league’s official launch. In addition, fans in the U.S. will see LIV Golf’s innovative league at Orange County National in Orlando, Florida (March 31-April 2) and at Trump National Golf Club, Washington
D.C. (May 26-28).
These seven venues, alongside the seven previously announced dates and locations, complete the 2023 LIV Golf League schedule: Mayakoba’s El Camaleón Golf Course on Mexico’s Riviera Maya (February 24-26), The Gallery Golf Club in Tucson, Arizona (March 17-19), The Grange Golf Club in Adelaide, Australia (April 21-23), The Serapong at Sentosa Golf Club in Singapore (April 28-30), Cedar Ridge Country Club in Tulsa, Oklahoma (May 12-14), Real Club Valderrama in Andalucía, Spain (June 30-July 2) and The Greenbrier in the Allegheny Mountains of West Virginia (August 4-6).
LIV Golf’s star-studded, international field will feature many of the sport’s biggest names including major winners Cameron Smith, Dustin Johnson, Phil Mickelson, Brooks Koepka, Bryson DeChambeau, Sergio Garcia, Patrick Reed, Henrik Stenson, Bubba Watson, Louis Oosthuizen, Graeme McDowell, Martin Kaymer and Charl Schwartzel. Final rosters for the LIV Golf League will be announced prior to the league launch, when 12 established team franchises will compete in the global 14-event schedule for an unprecedented $405 million in prize purses.
Consistent with the 2022 LIV Golf Invitational Series, the LIV Golf League will showcase its innovative new golf format featuring simultaneous team and individual play, with each season culminating in a Team Championship finale. The LIV Golf League will not compete with the Majors or international team events.
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air taxis: United Airlines and Archer Announce First Commercial Electric Air Taxi Route in Chicago
CHICAGO & SANTA CLARA, Calif.--Archer Aviation Inc. (NYSE: ACHR) and United Airlines (NASDAQ: UAL) announced plans to launch the first air taxi route in Chicago, between O’Hare International Airport (ORD) and Vertiport Chicago. Vertiport Chicago, North America’s largest vertical aircraft takeoff and landing facility, is located in the Illinois Medical District near the Chicago Loop. This site was selected as the takeoff and landing site for this airport to city center route because of its unparalleled convenience, access and service. From there, passengers will be able to travel to and from ORD via Archer’s Midnight aircraft in approximately 10 minutes. A similar trip by car can take upwards of an hour or more during rush hour traffic.
United Airlines and Archer have selected O’Hare International Airport (ORD) to Vertiport Chicago as the next point to point route in which the two companies will utilize Archer’s electric vertical takeoff and landing (eVTOL) aircraft.
United Airlines and Archer have selected O’Hare International Airport (ORD) to Vertiport Chicago as the next point to point route in which the two companies will utilize Archer’s electric vertical takeoff and landing (eVTOL) aircraft. (Photo: Business Wire)
United and Archer’s goal for its UAM network is to provide residents and visitors in the Chicago Metropolitan Area with a safe, sustainable, low noise, and cost-competitive alternative to ground transportation beginning in 2025. Chicago is the third most populous city in the United States, a center for business, innovation and investment, and home to United’s headquarters. This makes it a unique city for Archer and United to build out. The early launch routes will focus in on airport to city center transportation service, which are referred to as “trunk” routes. Once the trunk routes have been established, the next step will be to build out “branch” routes to connect to surrounding communities.
“Both Archer and United are committed to decarbonizing air travel and leveraging innovative
technologies to deliver on the promise of the electrification of the aviation industry,” said Michael Leskinen, President of United Airlines Ventures. “Once operational, we’re excited to offer our customers a more sustainable, convenient and cost-effective mode of transportation during their commutes to the airport.”
“Technological innovation thrives here in Chicago, and this venture between Archer and United is yet another example of this strength,” said Chicago Mayor Lori E. Lightfoot. “This exciting new technology will further decarbonize our means of transportation, taking us another step forward in our fight against climate change. I’m pleased that Chicago residents will be among the first in the nation to experience this innovative, convenient form of travel.”
“Here in Illinois, we are taking bold steps to lead the clean revolution— paving the way for a more sustainable future for our state, our nation, and our world,” said Governor JB Pritzker. “I can’t think of
a better team than Archer and United to partner with as we work to ensure our existing aviation infrastructure can support this new and exciting form of transportation. This partnership is just another way that we will achieve our goal of transitioning to 100% clean energy by 2050—all while saving Illinoisans money and creating thousands of good paying jobs in the process.”
“We’re thrilled to add Chicago to our growing list of initial launch cities as we continue to solidify our UAM network plans,” said Adam Goldstein, Archer’s Founder and CEO. “We’re looking forward to working
with state and city leaders to bring an innovative transportation solution to the City of Chicago and its surrounding communities.”
“Vertiport Chicago is delighted to participate alongside United Airlines and Archer in revolutionizing intra-city travel in Chicago,” said Daniel Mojica, the Executive Director of Vertiport Chicago. “This partnership will inspire other cities to plan for cutting-edge transportation solutions.”
ComEd, the Midwest’s largest utility company, will work with United and Archer to establish the power infrastructure necessary to support eVTOL aircraft operations in and around the Chicago Metropolitan Area.
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Archer is designing and developing electric vertical takeoff and landing aircraft for use in urban air mobility networks.
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Digitization for Improved Service Realization and Error
Prevention Fuels the Market
DUBLIN -- The “Blockchain Technology Market by Use Case, Business Model, Solutions, Services and Applications in Industry Verticals 2023 - 2028” report has been added to ResearchAndMarkets.com’s offering.
This report examines the technology, leading companies, and solutions in the evolving blockchain ecosystem. The report evaluates current and anticipated use cases for blockchain and assesses the market potential globally, regionally, and segmented by deployment type and industry vertical.
The report also evaluates key players, solutions, and use cases. The report also assesses the prospect of integrating blockchain with other technologies including IoT and artificial intelligence. The report includes forecasts by use case, application, and industry verticals from 2023 to 2028.
Select Report Findings:
* Distributed ledgers and other blockchain capabilities are rapidly expanding outside finance
* The blockchain technology market will grow at 67.4% CAGR through 2028 reaching $71 billion
* Substantial blockchain opportunities include data decentralization, data usage control, and encryption
* Consortium/hybrid blockchain will be the largest North America blockchain tech area at $8.1 billion by 2028
* The preponderance of blockchain revenue will be derived from three types of services: Blockchain-as-a-Service (BaaS), Cloud Computing (hosting and data as a service), and Systems Integration
* Companies like Accenture will lead the charge for systems integration and companies like Amazon, Dell, HPE, and IBM will lead for BaaS and Cloud Computing. Other companies will fill impor-
tant niche roles.
Block technology provides a certain means of authentication, authorization, and accounting. Blockchain and related distributed authentication and accounting technologies are poised to transform ICT, and is so doing, causing substantial disintermediation across a wide variety of industry verticals.
Lessons learned in FinTech and traditional banking from the deployment and operation of decentralized authentication, clearing, and settlement will be applied towards many telecom and computing problems for the benefit of many industry verticals. The impact will be wide-ranging, including everything from investing/trading to the legal cannabis industry, and very deep in terms of changes to supply chains and relationships between vendors, customers, and peers.
Integration and operation of Blockchain technology will redefine how various industries operate, dramatically impro ving efficiencies, and reducing the cost of doing business. For example, start-up companies have been launched to pro vide software and microchip hardware that facilitates connected devices to operate on blockchain. Products have been designed to encrypt data, distri bute information to blockchain-con nected machines, and monetize these machines.
One important technology integra tion area is the Internet of Things (IoT), which is a very promising area as we anticipate that the use of Blockchain in IoT networks/systems will be one of the most important means for authen ticating and authorizing transactions. For example, HYPR provides solutions to reduce cybersecurity risks in IoT de vices through its decentralized creden tial approach. Their products reduce the need for passwords in a centralized server, replacing them with biometric and other password-free solutions. This provides for IoT devices that are virtually unhackable from a social engineering perspective.
Another important area for blockchain in telecommunications is resource identity including tracking ownership and care of custody of assets such as telephone numbers. Developments in this area may be leveraged to dramatically improve enterprise identity verification for voice and non-voice communications to consumers.
We also see Blockchain as a Service (BaaS) representing a key service offering for many market segments as a means of solution introduction and scalability via a cloud services model. For example, AI in supply chain management solutions combined with blockchain technology market solutions to dramatically improve SCM.
Blockchain formation. The main chain (black) consists of the longest series of blocks from the genesis block (green) to the current block. Orphan blocks (purple) exist outside of the main chain.
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Economic Gravity Ready to Strike? The Best Food Budget Hacks
There are a few big things that can really whipsaw and influence U.S. markets. From GDP (gross domestic product) to money printing to interest rates. All of these can have huge impacts on our markets (which usually spills over into global markets).
We’ve already had a lot of money printing—about $6 trillion in the last few years. Result? Runaway inflation.
Next are Federal Reserve interest rates, or Fed rates, for short. The Fed has raised rates many times recently to try to tame that inflation. It does seem to be working but it’s had bad side effects—like any strong “cure.”
Rising rates clobbered long-term bond values (bad), raised short-term savings rates (good), dropped mortgage and refinance activity (bad), and inverted the yield curve (bad—we’ll get to that in a bit) among other things. What hasn’t fully taken hold yet is lower real estate volume and a related drop in GDP and corporate earnings. Economic gravity.
The markets and the economy are stubbornly holding high. I believe there’s just so much inflated “funny money” running around that it’s hiding the grim reality. So economic gravity, if you believe in gravity, could set in eventually. It’ll hopefully be a “soft landing,” tough.
But, according to the Department of Housing, home sales from a year ago are down 37%! That’s a big number. Housing and related industries are about one-fifth of our economy so a bad drop there pretty much means a drop in our GDP. If the economy falters then corporate earnings can tumble then the market can follow. The classic domino effect.
For the record, I’m a huge fan of our American economy and our innovative, hardworking citizens. I do *not* want any slow-down in GDP—ever. But recessions, slowdowns, market corrections, and bears—these are all realities we have to face.
Isn’t it better to be prepared for a shrinking economy that to be caught by surprise?
So consider this a heads-up that we might be in for a drop. I want to be wrong. * * *
At the beginning on this millennium the huge Tech Bubble caused a down stock market for three years in a row! Last year was a brutal year for stocks and, if my dire prediction comes true, could result in another down year for U.S. stocks. Again, I don’t want this but it’s happened before…and worse.
What’s a yield curve? Simple. Long-term bonds pay better than shortterm bonds in normal times. When short-term pays more than long-term then we have an “inverted” yield curve. That’s bad and usually signals a recession. See? There’s a lot of key things pointing to this negative outlook.
Let’s be optimistic and call dropping home values our first silver lining. Price drops would make runaway housing prices more affordable. Yes, that sounds great but the Department of Housing data does *not* bear that out. First-time homebuyers have almost dropped in half from one year ago. This might be from rising rates and prices not dropping fast enough.
There really is a silver lining in this mess, though: Higher savings yields. For almost the past decade a saver was stuck with long-term (let’s say 5 year) CDs paying barely anything, maybe 2-3 percent a year. Now we have some options!
The best one, in my opinion, is short-term Treasury bills. These are U.S. government bonds with maturities under a year. T-bonds are the only investment that can be called risk-free. Yes, because of the extreme safety of principal and interest provided by the taxing power of our government, these bonds are considered risk-free. Safer even than CDs.
As of this writing, I’m looking at a T-bill in my “inventory” that matures on 8-31-23 and is paying 4.928%. Risk-free. This bond availability and yield will surely change by the time you read this but feel free to call my answering service at 719545-6442 and I can get you updated info on T-bills.
As usual, it can be wise to have a diverse, high-income portfolio to weather these markets. Also, look to make other adjustments to your investments as market and economic cycles move about.
This article is for illustrative purposes only. Ron is not recommending any investment security for you but just trying to educate the community. INVESTMENTS CAN AND DO DROP IN VALUE; THEY HAVE NO BANK OR OTHER GUARANTEE. Ron is licensed and regulated by the great State of Colorado.
Ron Phillips is The Investment INCOME Advisor, a Pueblo, CO native, and an inde - pendent business owner. Order a free copy of his book Inves - ting To Win by leaving a message at (719) 220-3005 Visit RetireIQ.com or email RonPhillipsAdvisor@gmail.com
When it comes to food, it can be easy to make decisions in the moment based on convenience. Don’t get me wrong, I’m all about ordering pizza or grabbing takeout. But when mindless convenience becomes too consistent, it adds up fast.
This is why I see so much value in having a plan. Structure gives us what we really want: freedom. And the first step toward creating a life you love (where you actually have the freedom to spend your money how you want) is making a monthly budget. Two tools that help me with the food section of my family’s budget are buying guides and meal plans. Here’s a breakdown of what they are, how I use them, and how you can work them into your weekly routine.
What Is a Buying Guide?
A buying guide is a chart that lets you compare multiple versions of the same product. For example, let’s say you’re weighing the pros and cons of purchasing a food processor. You’ll probably start by researching different brands that sell the appliance, and then you might compare things like price, size and function. A buying guide organizes all those details into columns and rows with photos and a breakdown of the specifics.
Or if you’re all set with kitchen gadgets, there are also buying guides that compare the prices of everyday items, like cereal or paper products, at your favorite stores. With a quick Google search, you can find tons of templates that are free to download and keep on hand for your next grocery run.
How Do I Use a Buying Guide?
Think of buying guides as another form of couponing—it’s going the extra mile now, so it pays off later (literally). The key here is to think ahead. Before you get in the car and head to the grocery store, think through what you need to purchase—then use a buying guide to compare your options. You might see that you can buy one item for much cheaper by purchasing it at a different store. Or you might realize that swapping to generic instead of name brand for a few items will save you a ton. I know when my family and I take the time to be thoughtful about our spending habits, our dollar goes further.
What Is Meal Planning?
First things first: There’s a difference between following a meal plan and making a meal plan. Lots of people find it helpful to follow meal plans to accomplish health and weight loss goals. But what I’m talking about here is the action of planning out your meals each week so you decide where your money goes.
Setting aside time to plan on purpose
makes you less likely to rely on last-minute convenience culture. And smart money habits like this are the key to winning with your budgeting goals.
How Do I Make a Meal Plan?
Making a plan for weekly meals looks different for everyone. Just like with using buying guides, the key here is to do this before you’re strolling the aisles of the grocery store. Set aside time on your calendar before the week starts to create a meal plan. See what food you already have on hand, look up recipes, and decide what you’ll eat each day of the week. Write down the meals you’ve picked, then create a grocery list based off your plan.
It’s also helpful to look at your calendar and see what upcoming plans you have. For example, if you know you’ll be eating out Wednesday night before church and going out for a date night on Friday, that leaves three weeknights that you should prep for. If you want, you can also include lunches and weekend dinners in your meal planning.
Now that you have an overview of how to use buying guides and meal planning, here are 10 easy steps you can follow to work these things into your life:
1. Set aside time to plan your meals before the week begins.
2. Check your calendar for upcoming plans.
3. Look inside your pantry and fridge to see which ingredients you already have.
4. Look up easy and affordable recipes to add into your routine.
5. Write down your meals for each night of the week.
6. Search for coupons and buying guides online.
7. Make a grocery list based on your choices.
8. Go shopping and only buy what you need.
9. Add cooking time to your weekly todo list.
10. Enjoy your preplanned, budget-friendly meals.
Rachel Cruze is a two-time #1 national best-selling author, financial expert and host of The Rachel Cruze Show. She has appeared on Good Morning America, TODAY Show and Live! With Kelly & Ryan, among others. Since 2010, Rachel has served at Ramsey Solutions, where she teaches people to avoid debt, save money, budget and how to win with money at any stage in life. Follow Rachel on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and YouTube or online at RachelCruze.com
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Friday, March 31 12:00pm CDP Officers Meeting 1:00pm VAN Office Hours Wednesday, April 5 7:00pm Outreach Team Meeting Thursday, April 6 6:30pm Energy & Environment Initiative Reorg Friday, April 7 1:00pm VAN Office Hours Friday, April 14 1:00pm VAN Office Hours Tuesday, April 18 5:30pm All Initiatives Meeting Wednesday, April 19 6:00pm Labor Initiative Monthly Meeting Friday, April 21 1:00pm VAN Office Hours Wednesday, April 26 4:00pm South Asian Initiative Friday, April 28 1:00pm VAN Office Hours Wednesday, May 3 7:00pm Outreach Team Meeting Friday, May 5 1:00pm VAN Office Hours Friday, May 12 1:00pm VAN Office Hours Tuesday, May 16 5:30pm All Initiatives Meeting Wednesday, May 17 6:00pm Labor Initiative Monthly Meeting Friday, May 19 1:00pm VAN Office Hours Wednesday, May 24 4:00pm South Asian Initiative Friday, May 26 1:00pm VAN Office Hours Friday, June 2, 2023 1:00pm VAN Office Hours Friday, June 9, 2023 1:00pm VAN Office Hours Saturday, June 10 5:00pm 2023 DCDP gala Friday, June 16, 2023 1:00pm VAN Office Hours Saturday, June 17 Juneteenth Sunday, June 18 Juneteenth Tuesday, June 20 5:30pm All Initiatives Meeting Friday, June 23 1:00pm VAN Office Hours Wednesday, June 28 4:00pm South Asian Initiative Friday, June 30 1:00pm VAN Office Hours Friday, July 7, 2023 1:00pm VAN Office Hours Friday, July 14, 2023 1:00pm VAN Office Hours Tuesday, July 18, 2023 5:30pm All Initiatives Meeting Friday, July 21, 2023 1:00pm VAN Office Hours Wednesday, July 26, 2023 4:00pm South Asian Initiative Friday, July 28, 2023 1:00pm VAN Office Hours Friday, August 4, 2023 1:00pm VAN Office Hours Friday, August 11, 2023 1:00pm VAN Office Hours Tuesday, August 15, 2023 5:30pm All Initiatives Meeting Wednesday, August 16, 2023 6:00pm Labor Initiative Monthly Meeting Friday, August 18, 2023 1:00pm VAN Office Hours Wednesday, August 23, 2023 4:00pm Contact Us! Address: 789 Sherman Street, Suite 110 Denver, CO 80203 Phone Number: 303-623-4762 Email: info@coloradodems.org website: ColoradoDems.org South Asian Initiative Friday, August 25, 2023 Colorado State Fair - Pueblo 1:00pm VAN Office Hours
August 26, 2023 Colorado State Fair - Pueblo
dates. When a decision is made that a big box store is safe while a generational mom and pop business is deemed a threat, it is time to evaluate those who make such decisions. It’s time to take away the “power” and start working together for one common goal-making Colorado Springs the greatest place to live, work and visit.
The City of Colorado Springs has been my home for 38 years and commitment to contribute to the well-being of the community began when I was a student at Horace Mann Middle School. Throughout middle school and high school I volunteered for the Ronald McDonald House to support their mission to assist the families in the midst of a medical crisis. I contributed to my community by maintaining facilities and assisting with manual labor projects as needed until I was able to broaden my service to my community and nation in a greater way by enlisting in the United State Marine Corps at 17 years old.
My commitment to serving my fellow Americans guided me on a military career dedicated to protecting the most vulnerable and defenseless among us and overseas. This led me to Benghazi, where on September 11, 2012, destructive politics resulted in the loss of faithful American lives.
I have witnessed firsthand how corruption, failed communication, and lack of accountability of our elected officials can be devastating and I will not allow this to continue in our incredible City. As a father of twins and active participant within our city, it is undeniable that deficient resources within our community due to lack of oversight, accountability, transparency and appropriately prioritized and allocated funding is spurring further degradation of our city. Though several foundations and humanitarian organizations have been established to provide necessities for our community, it will be my responsibility as your Mayor to ensure that tax-funded city programs and private foundations are meeting the needs of our citizens, not politicians.
Public safety, financial security, and structural soundness of our community are the most paramount, urgent issues facing the City of Colorado Springs. As your Mayor, I will address and remedy these problems by prioritizing:
1. Emergency Management and Fire Evacuation
2. More support for our local first responders
3. Affordable housing with less regulations
4. Transparency in accountable growth and infrastructure
5. Sustainable utilities though power, clean water and gas
6. Lower taxes
7. Public safety
Visit JBS.org
Retention/Expansion at the Chamber & EDC during a period of record job growth for Colorado Springs.
During my time as a small business development administrator for the city, I led a regional effort to streamline the permitting process across several local government agencies, which improved the overall citizen experience and cut red tape for our local businesses. I co-founded the nonprofit COS I Love You, which brings together more than 100 churches from diverse faith traditions to serve our city. I have repeatedly unified our residents around a common purpose, and successfully elevated residents, small businesses, and entrepreneurs to economic security.
As I have been running my campaign, I have attended more than 75 meet and greets and my campaign has knocked on over 15,000 doors and the consistent questions that I am hearing include:
1. Are my family and my nei-
ghborhood safe?
2. Do we have the infrastructure to keep up with our rapid growth?
3. Can I afford to live in this city?
Therefore, my top three priorities as mayor are:
1. Safety – Protect our families and keep our neighborhoods safe, as well as prevent and end homelessness.
2. Infrastructure – Bring housing within reach for all Colorado Springs residents and ensure Colorado Springs has the water resources for today and tomorrow.
3. Economic Vitality – Build a business-friendly city and create a future-ready workforce.
We need a leader who will listen to
our neighborhoods and our businesses. Times are hard right now. Colorado Springs is experiencing significant growth pains and our families are paying the price. Crime, rising cost of living, homelessness, and poor infrastructure are hurting us, and we need a leader who can bring together our entire community to solve these problems. I am not running to be mayor because I am a career politician who is term-limited or looking for my next stop in my political career. I am running because I love this city, and I believe it needs my leadership to solve our toughest challenges. As you do your own research for this election, I am humbly asking you to consider voting for me as your next mayor.
You can learn more about my specific plans to address our safety, infrastructure, and economic vitality issues by visiting my website at YemiForMayor.com. Let’s build a world-class American city together.
Yemi Mobolade is a candidate for Mayor of Colorado Springs
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in touch
com @yemiformayor
Under Polis Administration, Colorado Strategically Positioned to Excel as Regional Technology and Innovation Hub
DENVER - Under the Polis administration, Colorado is globally competitive across a wide range of Advanced Industry sectors and is strategically positioned to excel as a Regional Technology and Innovation Hub (Tech Hub) under the CHIPS and Science Act. The U.S. Economic Development Administration (EDA) will be launching a competitive process to designate 20 federally-designated Tech Hubs across the country, with $500 million in appropriated funding available in 2023 to help these hubs drive technology- and innovation-centric growth. Partners across the state are collaborating to highlight Colorado’s strengths and champion this opportunity to grow the nation’s advanced and emerging technology industries.
“In Colorado, we are proud of our nation-leading, innovative work to boost advanced industries and make sure technology and business can thrive. Colorado is more than ready for this exciting opportunity to leverage our hardworking workforce and robust research and development ecosystem,” said Gov. Polis.
and strong public private partnerships to drive technology- and innovation-centric growth and create good-paying jobs for American workers at all skill levels:
* Colorado is home to a diverse portfolio of advanced and growing industries. The average annual growth rate of jobs in each of Colorado’s strategic industries grew faster than the national average over the past five years.
The L a r g e s t Selection of Timepieces in Colorado
* CNBC rated Colorado the top state in the nation for workforce. Colorado has the third highest share of adults with an advanced degree in the U.S. (44%), the fourth highest labor force participation rate (68%), and the fourth highest share of STEM workers (9%).
The Tech Hub program seeks to equitably and inclusively strengthen U.S. economic and national security through investments in regions with the assets, resources, capacity, and potential to become globally competitive in advanced and emerging technology industries. Colorado is strategically positioned to leverage strengths in research and development (R&D), a diverse portfolio of advanced and growing industries, one of the best workforces in the nation
* Colorado invests in talent and skill development. Opportunity Now Colorado is already fostering innovative, regional partnerships between educational institutions and employers to support career pathways. These initiatives will match the skills that industry partners require while fostering more equitable access to new job opportunities.
Tick Tock Shop
The L a r g e s t Selection of Timepieces in Colorado !!
* A collaborative ecosystem fosters innovation. The state’s world-renowned university system and an array of military installations, including four national commands and over 30 federally-funded research labs, frequently collaborate with industry partners and each other for R&D and commercialization projects.
* Colorado is building an economy that works for everyone. Through important programs like the Colorado Startup Loan Fund and new Venture Capital Authority partnerships, Colorado is providing more equitable access to business development resources. The Rural Opportunity Office and Minority Business Office divisions of OEDIT also work to connect business owners from diverse communities across the state to these programs. Economic growth must benefit all Coloradans, whether they live in rural or urban areas or come from communities that have historically encountered barriers to business development resources and access to capital.
To ensure that Colorado is ready to act on a Tech Hub designation, the Colorado Office of Economic
Development and International Trade (OEDIT) is fostering statewide collaboration through a series of convenings. OEDIT’s Business Funding & Incentives division and Rural Opportunity Office are bringing together private, public, rural and urban partners that are working together to mobilize resources and amplify this opportunity to diverse communities across the state.
About Colorado Office of Economic Development and International Trade
The Colorado Office of Economic Development and International Trade (OEDIT) works with partners to create a positive business climate that encourages dynamic economic development and sustainable job growth. Under the leadership of Governor Jared Polis, we strive to advance the State’s economy through financial and technical assistance that fosters local and regional economic development activities throughout Colorado. OEDIT offers a host of programs and services tailored to support business development at every level including business retention services, business relocation services, and business funding and incentives. Our office includes the Global Business Development division; Colorado Tourism Office; Colorado Outdoor Recreation Industry Office; Colorado Creative Industries; Business Financing & Incentives division; the Colorado Small Business Development Network; Cannabis Business Office; Colorado Office of Film, TV & Media; the Minority Business Office; Employee Ownership Office; and Rural Opportunity Office.
Learn more at Oedit.Colorado.gov
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“In Colorado, we are proud of our nation-leading, innovative work to boost advanced industries and make sure technology and business can thrive. Colorado is more than ready for this exciting opportunity to leverage our hardworking workforce and robust research and development ecosystem,” said Gov. Polis.
7 N Circle Dr Colorad o Spri ngs, CO 80909 719 475 8585 Ti ckTockS hopOnline co m Celebrate our 45th Anniversary with Sale Prices up to 45%off
March 28
@ 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm
Fremont County GOP Meeting
603 Main Street, Canon City 603 Main Street, Canon City
March 30
@ 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
CU Republicans
Contact: coloradocr@gmail.com
March 31
@ 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
Republicans @ Denver Athletic Club
The Denver Athletic Club, 1325 Glenarm Pl, Denver, CO 80204, USA
April 1
@ 8:30 am - 10:30 am
Gunnison GOP meeting
Gunnison GOP Meeting
When: 1st Saturday of each month Time: 8:30 am
Location: Almont Resort 10209 Hwy 135, Almont, CO 81210
April 3
@ 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm
Summit County GOP Central Committee Meeting
Hobby Room, Community & Senior Center, 151 Peak One Boulevard, Frisco.
April 3
@ 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm
Boulder County Republicans office, 619 Ken Pratt Blvd
April 4
@ 11:30 am - 12:30 pm
Collegiate Peaks Republican Women’s Forum
Contact Millie Meardon: 719-395-3228
@ 11:30 am - 1:00 pm
Collegiate Peaks Republican Women’s Forum (CPRWF)
Congregational Church, 217 Crossman Ave, Buena Vista
@ 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Delta County Monthly Meeting
Surface Creek Community Church, 21987 Austin Rd, Austin, CO
Delta County Republicans Monthly Meeting The first Tuesday of each month.
Contact: Angie Many, Secretary, 970210-0948
April 5
@ 6:45 am - 8:30 am
Arapahoe County Republican Breakfast Committee (ACRBC)
@ 7:00 am - 8:00 am
Boulder County GOP Monthly Morning Meeting
Monthly Morning Meeting- 1st Wednesday of each month 7AM contact Bradley Beck bbeck@bocogop.org
@ 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm
Log Cabin Republicans Happy Hour 629 E Colfax Ave, Denver, CO 80203, USA
April 5
@ 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Park County Republican Meeting Fairplay Fair Barn - 880 Bogue Street Fairplay, Colorado
April 6 @ 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Clear Creek County GOP Meeting 1630 Miner St, Idaho Springs, CO 80452, USA
@ 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
CU Republicans Contact: coloradocr@gmail.com
@ 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Gilpin County GOP Meetings (first Thursday of each Month)
Email Marie Mornis for more information: mariea.fish@gmail.com
April 7
@ 8:00 am - 9:30 am
Denver GOP First Friday Breakfast 560 S Holly St, Denver, CO 80246, USA
Date: First Friday of every month
Time: 8:00 am – 9:30 am
Location: Morning Story RestaurantPlease order off the menu/pay ala carteContact: celesterg@hotmail.com
@ 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
Republicans @ Denver Athletic Club
The Denver Athletic Club, 1325 Glenarm Pl, Denver, CO 80204, USA
April 8
@ 8:00 am - 9:00 am
Douglas Executive Meeting Christensen Justice Center in Castle Rock
Monthly Executive Committee meeting of the DCR (Douglas County Republicans) All Republicans are welcome to attend.
@ 8:00 am - 9:30 am
Weld County Breakfast
Double Tree Restaurant in Platteville
RSVP Marge Klein 303-246-2716
@ 9:00 am - 10:30 am
North Suburban Republican Forum 541 E. 99th Pl. Thornton - Amazing
Grace Church
Contact: info@NorthSuburbanRepublicanForum.com
April 8
@ 9:00 am - 11:00 am
Denver Republican Women’s Club 597 S Clinton St, Denver, CO 80247, USA https://www.facebook.com/denvergopwomen/
April 10
@ 4:30 pm - 7:00 pm
Summit County Republican Women’s Meeting
Due to restrictions, the location tends to change. Please email info@summitgopwomen.org for more information the location of the meeting.
April 10
@ 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm
Chaffee County GOP Central Committee Meeting
Our meeting is second Monday every month starts 6:30. We alternate cities. Please reach out to Rebecca Seaman at rsrph@yahoo.com for more information.
April 11
@ 11:30 am - 12:30 pm
Cherry Creek Republican Women
DoubleTree by Hilton Denver Tech Center located at 7801 E. Orchard Road, Greenwood Village, CO 80111
@ 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm
Huerfano County Republicans Mee-
website: ColoGOP.org
Contact Us!
Colorado Republican Party 5950 S. Willow Drive, Suite 210 Greenwood Village, CO 80111
Phone Number: 303.758.3333
Email: info@cologop.org
La Plaza Inn, 118 W 6th St, Walsenburg, CO 81089, USA
Huerfano County Republican Committee 5:30 Meet and Greet 6 pm meeting No Host Dinner Afterwards La Plaza Inn 118 W. 6th Walsenburg, CO 81089
@ 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm
Teller County Republican Meeting Pikes Peak Community Club (PPCC), 11122 US-24, Divide, CO 80814, USA
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Email: Dave@TnCLending.com • web: www.TnCLending.com 1050 Tamarac Parkway • West Wing Suite Woodland Park, CO A Conser va tive Approach to Mortgages ( 719 ) 205-0776 Company NMLS# 1929983 • Dave Paul NMLS# 194398 Regulated by Colorado Division of Real Estate Equal Housing Lender A REVERSE MORTGAGE LOAN is a great way to improve your retirement cash flow without having to sell! You took care of your home, now your home can take care of you! Give us a call and we can provide all the details.
licensing information, go to: www.nmlsconsumeraccess.org
continued at
or ColoGOP.org site >>>>
Michael Bennet Democrat
Since Jan 22, 2009
Next Election in 2022
John Hickenlooper Democrat
Since Jan 3, 2021
Next Election in 2026
Diana DeGette Democrat
Since Jan 7, 1997
Joe Neguse Democrat
Since Jan 3, 2019
Lauren Boebert Republican
Since Jan 3, 2021
Ken Buck Republican
Since Jan 6, 2015
Doug Lamborn Republican
Since Jan 4, 2007
Jason Crow Democrat
Since Jan 3, 2019
Ed Perlmutter
Since Jan 4, 2007
All representatives serve until the end of the current Congress on January 3, 2023.
Red box symbolizes the Republican Party
Blue box symbolizes the Democratic Party
The Colorado General Assembly
The Colorado General Assembly consists of 100 members - 35 Senators and 65 Representatives. Senators serve four-year terms, while Representatives serve two-year terms. All members are limited to serving for eight consecutive years in their chamber - four terms for Representatives and two terms for Senators. As of the 2010 census, State Senators serve an average of 143,691 residents and State Representatives serve an average of 77,372 residents.
The President of the Senate, Speaker of the House of Representatives, and the Majority and Minority Leaders of each chamber serve as the primary leadership for the legislature. These six members are responsible for the day-to-day operations of the House and Senate as well as serving as the oversight authority for the legislative service agencies. Each house elects additional leadership positions as well.
Senate Executive Leadership
Colo. state politicians
The Executive Leadership of the Senate includes the Senate President, Majority Leader, and Minority Leader. They are also ex officio members of the Executive Committee of the Legislative Council along with the Executive Leadership of the House of Representatives. The President is elected by a majority vote of the Senate, while the Majority Leader and Minority Leader are chosen by their respective caucuses. >>>>>
Each state in the United States elects two senators, regardless of the state’s population. Senators serve six-year terms with staggered elections. Americans in the United States’s six territories do not have senators.
The United States is divided into 435 congressional districts, each with a population of about 710,000 individuals. Each district elects a representative to the House of Representatives for a two-year term. Representatives are also called congressmen/congresswomen. Americans in the United States’s six territories are represented in the House of Representatives by an additional six non-voting delegates.
All of the representatives from the top of this page serve until the end of the current Congress on Jan 3, 2023.
Stephen Fenberg CAPITOL PHONE: 303-866-4872
President of the Senate
Dominick Moreno Senate District 21 CAPITOL PHONE: 303-866-4857
John Cooke Senate District 13 CAPITOL PHONE: 303-866-4451
Minority Leader Majority Leader
John Suthers was re-elected to a second term as mayor by an overwhelming majority in April of 2019. The 41st mayor of Colorado Springs.
Colo. Springs Mayor John Suthers
COS Current Council Members
District 1: Dave Donelson (elected in 2021)
District 2: Randy Helms (elected in 2021)
District 3: Stephannie Fortune(appointed 2022)
District 4: Yolanda Avila (re-elected 2021)
District 5: Nancy Henjum (elected in 2021)
District 6: Mike O’Malley (elected 2021)
At-large: Bill Murray (re-elected in 2019)
At-large: Tom Strand, President (re-elected in 2019)
At-large: Wayne Williams (elected in 2019)
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See Where You Are On The Map and Find Your U.S. Representative >>>>>
>> SCAN and
>> SCAN and GO >> FIND U.S. Reps in All 50 States!
Hell, no, you’re not.”
With Representative Lauren Boebert
Everyone knows Congress is broken. For decades, the Swamp in Washington D.C. has embraced corrupt and incestuous policyma-
king at the expense of hard-working Americans. From passing $1.8 trillion, 4,155-page long spending bills just before Christmas to secret backroom deals negotiated by lobbyists and special interests to passing $500 billion suspension bills without a single Member even having to cast a vote these broken processes are not what our Founding Fathers envisioned when they established our Constitutional Republic.
This sentiment is broadly held across America, where Congress’ approval rating plummeted to just 15% under Nancy Pelosi. To be clear, it’s not just one party that is responsible for the lack of trust in the institution. For decades, both Republican and Democrat leadership have worked to consolidate power at the top, leaving little ability for individual Members to enact change on behalf of the people they represent.
It was far past time to fundamentally change the way business is done in Congress.
conservatives flock into the Republican Party and join it as precinct committeemen. And, in the next internal party elections, these conservatives (you, me and others) elect new, conservative leadership. (Or, instead, these same conservatives (me, excepted) sit behind their computer screens and put first on their priority list, instead of second, writing that next, great blog post that is going to, somehow, save the republic.)
Exit your mind’s eye. Back to reality. The Neighborhood Precinct Committeeman Strategy works! I have seen it work first hand in Nevada and Utah. I was, just by chance, part of achieving this kind of outcome in my legislative district in the 2008 internal party elections. Somewhat by design, somewhat by chance (I was one of those “newbies” who just, by chance, came into the Party PC ranks), conservatives, in my legislative district, defeated the old-guard, moderate Republican candidates by electing conservatives to the leadership positions. This happened again in 2010 when we had even more
I’m proud to report back to you and the people of Colorado’s Third District that I helped lead the negotiations to end business as usual in Washington D.C. Nineteen of my colleagues and I spearheaded rigorous debate about the broken rules and processes in Congress and the importance of taking action to tackle these issues head on as opposed to continuing to kick
conservatives in the PC ranks. Same thing happened at the county and state levels. (Don’t know what a legislative district is? Hang in there – an explanation follows.) But the margins were razor-thin. And since then, we just elected 5 conservatives to the county Executive Guidance Council’s five “at large” positions. With all the new conservative precinct committeemen we recruited, those 5 won over 80 per cent of the vote on the first ballot. One long-time John McCain moderate got less than six per cent of the vote. The conservatives won because about a thousand conservatives left their keyboards for a couple of hours each month and got into the REAL political ball game. So, I and others continue to try to recruit more conservatives into the precinct committeeman ranks. We try to get people off the sidelines and into the actual, real ball game. Into the rough-and-tumble hard work of actually showing up – God forbid – at a Republican Party legislative district meeting once a month. Instead of typing away to the conservative choir on the internet. Egads! Oh, the misery!
Every state is divided up into legislative districts from which your state assembly and senate candidates are elected. Each legislative district is divided up into precincts. Precincts generally, in a city, are about the size
the proverbial can down the road. We were successful and made historic, once in a generation, improvements to this body. Here are just a few: In the 118th Congress, bills must be single subject. Last session, House Democrats passed a so-called $1.2 trillion dollar “infrastructure bill.” Shamefully, less than 10% of the actual funds in the bill went to roads and bridges, with hundreds of billions of dollars going to Solyndra-style slush funds and Green New Deal policies, a $400 billion kickback to big labor, and even $10,000,000 going to a program to save butterflies and bees. These unrelated topics should have never been lumped together in the same vote. Forty-seven state legislatures have single subject rules, and I’m proud that Congress will follow suit.
Members will have time to read the bills before voting on them. Remember the infamous line by Speaker Pelosi, “We have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it.”
Well, that’s a thing of the past as all Members will have a minimum of 72 hours to read legislation before voting on it.
House Republicans will do the hard work and fund the government as Congress intended. That means scrapping the horrific omnibus bills and continuing resolutions, and passing 12 individual appropriations bills through regular order. This allows for input, debate, and amendments that will reduce federal spending and eliminate waste, fraud, and abuse of taxpayer dollars.
The Motion to Vacate the Chair, an accountability mechanism that was written by Thomas Jefferson and implemented in 1837 has been restored. Bottom line: Republican leadership must follow through on these promi-
of five or ten city blocks, depending upon the population density of the city. (My precinct, in suburban Tempe, Arizona, is about a half mile on each side.) Each precinct is allowed a number of precinct committeemen.
For example, in Arizona, each party
ses and we have the accountability in place to ensure that occurs.
I am proud that we took a little extra time and got this right. The changes we achieved decentralize power from leadership, empower individual Members of both parties, vastly improve how Congress functions, and deliver a historic win for the American people.
House conservatives also received commitments to vote on widely popular initiatives like term limits for Members of Congress, the Fair Tax, and ending the outdated COVID national emergency and its expanded abuses.
A lot of folks didn’t think we had a plan, but of course we did. It’s just that in the middle of a poker hand, you don’t show your cards. But we knew what we wanted to accomplish for the American people, and we certainly got there.
We had all 434 Members of the House sitting on the House Floor, debating with each other live on CSPAN with Americans around the country able to see exactly what was happening. This was honest, open, and transparent governance at its finest.
Not many in power want to give up control, but Speaker McCarthy saw that these changes were about fixing a broken Congress and returning power to the American people. Credit him for working with us on these generational improvements. Now that we have our rules and leadership, I’m looking forward to getting to work with Speaker McCarthy and all my colleagues to deliver for the American people.
Congresswoman Boebert’s op-ed was originally published in local papers in Colorado’s Third District.
is allowed one precinct committeeman, plus an additional one for each 125 registered voters of that party as of March 1 of the general election year. (Currently, my precinct is allowed to have 11 precinct committeemen, and currently we have 8 conservatives in
First they came for the Communists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Communist
Then they came for the Socialists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Socialist
Then they came for the trade unionists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a trade unionist
Then they came for the Jews
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Jew
Then they came for me
And there was no one left
To speak out for me.
Pastor Martin Niemöller, Regarding the Nazi regime
SOURCE: amnesty.org.uk/
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those slots and are reaching out to find three more.) Arizona has about 1,300 precincts, with 724 in Maricopa County. We now have about about 2,700 precinct committeeman with only about a third of the total slots filled.
So, What Does One Have To Do To Become A Precinct Committeeman? The requirements vary from state to state, but Arizona is typical. One has to get no more than 10 registered Republican or independent voters from their precinct to sign a nomination form requesting that their name be placed on the primary ballot. (In Ohio, for example, one needs only 5 signatures.) Most precinct committeemen run unopposed. I was able to get my ten signatures in fewer than 45 minutes on a Saturday. As suggested by the existing PCs, I got five extra signatures just to be safe (people move!). Before gathering your signatures, the Party will give you a computer print out “walking sheet” showing where all the voters in your
precinct live. And how often they voted in the last four elections. You go to the homes of those voters who ALWAYS vote. They will be happy to sign your nomination papers. It’s fun. In 2008, I took my impressionable then-eight year-old boys along. A great, real-life civics lesson. Now, years later, both of them are precinct committeemen.
Because most precinct committeemen run unopposed, most counties, to save money, get the parties to agree that all non-contested precinct committeeman candidates be omitted from the ballot to save printing costs. That’s one reason why most voters don’t know about the office of precinct committeeman. Another reason: public schools no longer teach Civics.
So, what to do? About 200,000 precinct committeemen slots nationwide in the Republican Party are vacant. Hmmm. The NRA has about 4 million members. Think we could get some of them to become Republi-
can Party precinct committeemen? Or Federalist Society members? Tea Partiers? SmartGirlPolitics-ers? 9.12ers? SarahPAC members? MAGA Conservatives or other Constitution-loving folks?
If our existing elected Republican Party leaders will not respect our Constitution, then we must kick them out of office and replace them.
It’s a pure numbers game. The more Constitution-respecting conservatives that join the precinct committeeman ranks, the more Constitution-respecting, and conservative, the leadership will be. And then, that conservative, Constitution-respecting leadership will endorse the candidate in the primary who is most faithful to the Constitution.
Is this all new to you? Why? Think about it. I was taught all of this in Civics in seventh grade in my public school in 1968. (I grew up in a rural county in the Midwest in the Sixties and early Seventies – we learned this stuff and saw its implementation first-hand.) Plus, I had the benefit of having a great dad (an Army veteran of Korean War vintage), who was a city councilman, county
board member and county board chairman (among other public offices), and he taught me all of this early in life. And I had a couple of uncles who were involved in party politics. One was a mayor of a small town (he drove a truck from Normandy Beach to Berlin and fought in the Battle of the Bulge), the other a dairy farmer and rural town clerk. Their highest academic degree was a high school diploma. Back when that meant something. They are at the top of my list of heroes.
What Will You DO?
But what about you? Is this new to you? If not, why are you not a precinct committeeman? And if it is new to you, don’t you think you should become one? I do.
Thank you.
I am only one. But I am a conservative Republican precinct committeeman. And trying to recruit more.
As an elected Arizona Republican Party Precinct Committeeman and state committeeman, a veteran, an attorney, and an author, Dan Schultz, Esq. has over ten years of “in the trenches” experience. He is the author of “How To Get In The Real Ball Game of Politics.”
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Amendment and your right to freedom of religion and speech. As a legislator and concealed-carry permittee Gordon has also defended your Second Amendment rights. As a conservative he repeatedly voted “no” on over-taxation and resisted growth of government, preferring growth of liberty for all.
higher than Denver, Pueblo, and Castle Rock? With inflation doubling gas and grocery prices, citizens cannot afford “caviar and champagne” government. Let’s stop overspending and make Colorado Springs and affordable place for families to live. Has the exodus from California taught us nothing else, but that we cannot tax and regulate our way into prosperity and freedom? City Council should ease burdens, not create them.
COLORADO SPRINGS--Gordon Klingenschmitt is a candidate for city council (at-large) in Colorado Springs for the April 4th 2023 election. He is running as a compassionate conservative, and believes experienced leadership matters. As a formerly elected State Representative, Gordon was twice rated the most conser-
vative legislator from El Paso County by the non-partisan Liberty Scorecard, and named Taxpayer Champion or Guardian. As a former Navy Chaplain he took a stand for religious freedom by daring to pray publicly “in Jesus’ name” when the government punished chaplains who did that. He was later vindicated by Congress, and has sent 5 million petitions to Congress for pro-life, pro-family, pro-liberty issues.
No other candidate for city council but Gordon Klingenschmitt has a proven fiscal conservative voting record. He’s also a business leader, earned his M.B.A. founded two successful business, and met payroll for employees. He’s also a man of compassion, having led a charity since 1999 that now feeds nearly 1,000 orphans and children overseas, cares for widows, and broadcasts the gospel. He’s a 20-year veteran, honorably discharged from the Air Force (USSPACECOM) and Navy (Chaplain), an Academy graduate in Political Science. He earned his PhD and taught college, support teachers, and is building a trade-vocational school for poor children to learn independence. His charity donates free coats to homeless veterans in Colorado Springs.
Not only has Gordon defended the Constitution for 20 years in uniform (16 as an officer, 4 as a cadet at the Air Force Academy), his pro-liberty organization has helped change bad laws in 13 states and 4 times in federal law, defending the First
Gordon is the only candidate openly campaigning to lower our city sales tax and stop overspending. Why must Colorado Springs taxpayers pay 8.2% which is
Finally, Gordon is running for city council at-large on a “Love Your Neighbor” campaign, which means he pledges to vote the same way he believe you would, if you were in his shoes, and he were in yours. As a charity leader he has already led a charity since 1999 that now feeds nearly 1,000 orphans and children overseas, cares for widows, and broadcasts the gospel. After service as a Navy Chaplain he cared for the elderly in 3 nursing homes in Colorado Springs.
Gordon Klingenschmitt wants to earn your vote.
To learn more, visit GordonForColorado.com
Closely Held Secrets & Strategies From an Industry Insider
From the first chapter:
There is more information on accumulating wealth available today than at any other time in history. Again, the US Census sheds some light on wealth accumulation. They found out that the top twenty percent of income earners and the top 5% of wealth gatherers have many habits in common:
• 42.6% own stocks and mutual funds
• 17.5% own their own business or professional practice
• 48.3% invest into an IRA
• 90.2% have cash in the bank
Gordon’s #1 priority if elected is to support our first responders for enhanced public safety including police, fire, medical and community caregivers. As a veteran he’s worn a uniform and have advocated for better pay for new recruits. As a certified strategic planner to 3-star and 4-star generals, Gordon also re-worked organization charts to increase “tooth-to-tail” ratios by planning flatter organization charts with less overhead and more combat readiness. The county sheriff recently reorganized to create 8 new patrol positions simply by eliminating 2 top brass (at the same cost), so Gordon will be asking if 911 response times would be reduced by following suit within the Colorado Springs city police structure.
Those are very simple things that almost any of us can do. It does not take much effort to open an IRA account with investment funds or stocks in it. It is easy to deposit money in a bank savings account or CD. Most of us can easily think of and start even a part-time business. All it takes is to do it now. We just need to start with some simple steps and definite plans.
Could the Earnings Yield Be the Best Single Measure of Stock Value?
I think it definitely could be! I consider it to be the true measure of how you, as a stockholder, are actually benefiting from the company you invested in. You may not actually receive all of the net earnings in cash, but the company can buy back shares with net income, pay you cash dividends, AND/OR reinvest into the growing enterprise. But, first of all, what is an “earnings yield”?
It is the opposite of the P/E ratio. It is essentially the E/P ratio. You divide a companies’ total earnings by the total market price of the stock.
For example, if the company you are looking at has annual earnings of $20 million and a market value of $200 million, then the earnings yield would be .10 (expressed as a percentage that would be 10%). So for every dollar you are investing into the company, it is earning for you ten cents, or ten percent of a dollar.
If a wonderful and popular company that everyone adored was making $1 billion dollars every year in net income that looks very good. But if that same business was valued on the stock market for $100 billion would
US companies. So are you really as diversified as you thought by looking at the name?
On the flip side, if you invested in The International ABC Fund, then 100% of your money should be in foreign shares. Then you can rest assured that you have fully diversified OUTSIDE of the US. Then you can also invest other moneys into domestic funds or shares.
What is GARP Stock Investing?
GARP is an acronym for Growth At a Reasonable Price. As you can guess this approach simply combines both growth and value investing. With this method, you are looking at growth companies selling in the market at value prices. A very famous and successful GARP investor was Peter Lynch, for example.
What Is a REIT?
A REIT is a real estate investment trust. It is a company that buys, manages and sometimes sells individual pieces of real estate. Usually, they are buying the properties, holding for possible appreciation and collecting a cash flow from the underlying real estate. By law...
(book excerpts)
the earnings yield be to low? The earnings yield would be a paltry one percent! So for every dollar YOU INVEST INTO THAT STOCK the company is actually only producing one penny in net income for you, the shareholder and part-owner.
The 3-Step, No-Brainer Mutual Fund Strategy
This is a tactic that is very simple and can be used as a stand-alone approach. It is very simple and easy to manage. If this is your only investment it can pay off handsomely for you if allowed to work as described.
STEP ONE: Invest in a Balanced Mutual Fund or Asset Allocation Fund
STEP TWO: Dollar-Cost Average into the Fund & Invest More as it Drops in Value
As you learned earlier, you will accumulate more shares or less-expensive shares with the DCA strategy as the price of the shares move in value. And when the price drops significantly, as in a “bear” market, you add EVEN MORE than the usual amount. By doing that, you are making market volatility work for you.
STEP THREE: Invest for Fifteen or More Years
Why fifteen years? According to Morningstar Direct, from the years 1926-2014, you would have had a 99.8% chance of profit if you had invested in stocks and held for fifteen or more years. Yes, you read that correctly; you would have been virtually ASSURED a positive return.
What Is The Difference Between a Global and an International Mutual Fund?
This is an important question. I talk to people a lot that think the two are the same. And by the name they do sound just alike. But there is a big difference, especially when you are trying to properly diversify your assets. In a nutshell, when you see the name global in the mutual fund name or description, those funds will invest in international AND American (domestic) stocks. The international funds should have NO domestic shares.
So you might think The Global ABC Fund is investing all of your money out of the country. But they could have fifty percent of the assets in large-capitalization
“Great information and very well taught--took time to answer all our questions.”
“Very informative about mutual funds and bonds. The interaction of the group was very skillfully managed as all the many, many questions were answered in a very tactful and professional manner.”
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Yes! I want insider investment knowledge. I want to:
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CO Gia K., Nurse Practitioner Pueblo West, CO Jackie F., Homemaker Pueblo, CO
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Gordon Klingenschmitt is a candidate for city council (at-large) in Colorado Springs for the April 4th 2023 election. He is running as a compassionate conservative, and believes experienced leadership matters.